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Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1892, p. 5

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i H t F L h H E K r O N ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL FLKSIIKRTOX. a. ..!. -il b%nl(ini{ biuinsM trinnacted Drtft-- " : \ t>. i ' in <ri'-H t:Mlitid at umial ratuw Hotwv alwayn available (or lKitiuiat tmniuein BMrurlM. OrrK K two doors north of Richar<Uon & CO'B. Vicinity Chips. rartrrisiirs oflhe Pant Work tan-fully fulled Tut the 4'uriouft. A , /. / .if (/i' r.ifc- >/ 7c />'-r d'/K iiurrtu/n. A r*l>"-tin fiW Thursiuy, N-v. 10, has been ai>|>uiutt;<l ThauUi;ivii.i! day. Bills have been issued for the Artemisia fall fair, which is to be held in Priceville on Oct. 11 and I'.'. Rv. A. Me ( C. R .lecturer f r the I. <>. F , >vi 1 deliver a lecture in the Town Hall un Friday evening, Oct. 7. fc-ea bill* fur particular!. Admission fr. Mr l'.irl->w, i>f thu Kimberlt-y circuit, fiileU ll.e Mi-l!n.tli*t pulpit very accept- ably on Sunday evebing, preaching from the text. "New ye are clean through the word* which I have spoken ui.'.o you." l.R.;>.barrltT. II .- . has 910,000 private funds to li-Mlim farm uiorti{H^cs within the next few monthi at lowest currtnt rates. >'> commiss- ions, n > 'k-layt. expenses low. Apply at office HI MarkiUle durum 'he week or nt Dundalk otfice on Saturdays. A I'nircnial IWautiHer.- Harmless, ef- fective, and agreeable, Ayert Hiiir \ | r has taken ii.jjli raiik auin.' toilet articles. This pi.-pH ation cause* thin, weak hair tu become ibutiilaut, strung, and healihy, nd rcst.irm gray hair to lU uriginal color. Thn ivaiuci-ling at Maf->r<l Road on Moii. I..} e\ uiiix waa a decided success, owe twenty-one dollars beinz wade. Hev. A. W TOIIK occupied thv chair. The speakers we felicitous, the eatables enjoj-.-iblo and evcrj thini; went iff most I'lrnaau'.ly. AiH-ihcr lot -f that tea that pleased everybody. C Ibs. for $1, at M. liwli- ;.td(.'ii A C'o's. l.i MI a.'- of fraut' and adulteration, it is corlainly gratifying to kuuw that such an extensively used preparation as Ayvr'a .SartapanlU may be implicitly re- h*d iij "ii. It never varies either in quality, appearance, or effect, but is al- ways UTI to the standard. Mr. J. I. <'-ri\!mm will exhibit at the East Grey fair nearly luO varieties of fruit, named. This will make an exhibit worth looking at and studying, ai Mr. (iraliam has jjuiie to much paiiis to have hit fr jit ;>ri-].erly cWusitk-.l. It will also give amateur fruit raisers a chance of studying and comparing the various vtnetio* grown. Bro. Fawuett vt the Stnctsville Review is gloating over a 9-fuot 10-iuch com .-talk which he has discovered Jwn there. I'khaw. A.K! | Didn't you notice our 11- footer of a few weeks a,;,-' Since then we have heard i>f another nifa.<uiin^ thirteen fut. Toronto township may 1 able to rai*; Credit -able suckers nn<l afford iron bridges, but it can't et there on the same day with Aricmesia corn I The I'n'aliyteriaQ Congregation at Ku- enia will hae a harvest home festival iu tho ttianji- Hall, on tha evening of Friday, the 7lh October. Tea will be MTM"1 fr<>in 7 to 8 u'clnili, to be followed by v-'inl and instruments! music, speech- el, re.-i'ln:,'* and recitati nu. The public are cordially invited and they may do" peod upon an excellent tea and a first C!MS entertainment. Admission 25 cts. each. Yh-! weekiy Kmpirc i* presenting its subscriber! for next year with a picture ot the Conservative members of the House of Common*, !>:'-'. The picture u a very larjje <>ne, unl each individual it as distinct and true to life aa the art of (holography can possibly make them. This picture U, without doubt, one uf the finest things ever given away as a premium by any newspaper. The Km- i ia generous to its patrons. A shipment of cheese waa mado from the Fleshwton factory last week, which brought Djcts. per lb., the highest price paid. The inspector visited our factory on Saturday week. He found every thing in ipplo-pic ord*r and advised Mr Stewart to exhibit a sample cf hia Cheese i.t the world's f*ir in Chicago. This Kives -AH idea -if hnw tliu inspector emimates Cliarli>y's itbilitv .w a cheese niaktr. There is n->i, and there cannot be any smoking tobacco superior to tli- "Myrtle, Navy brand " A wrapper of bn/l.u r p|>earaiice ami tii.'li'-r price u m posmble to get, but all wrapper* urn very poor smoking t, ,!-, , mid but a single leaf is wrai,|,ud round a plu. Thu nt'ick used iu the body of the ".Myrtle Navy" plujj is the very which money can | ur- chiUH. The powers uf the Virginia lull can produce nothing better, and no other soil in tho world can produce aa tine to- oecco aa that of Virginia. Miss Frnmle, >.f Toronto, and Ja.<. Fax, imnorist, have buen engaged fur tho con- .1 ilic e'.i'iiing of the second ilay >f mr fall fair. Mr Fax anil Mi*a Prmgla vre costly talent to en,'ui', but the di- rect "rs were bound '" furniah an extra .d program at the risk of losing money, rather than k;ive a poor pr-jgraia f r the sake of saving a few coppvrs. Anyun* who wishes to eujoy a pleasant evening, r ttin^ cares and worries, can do no Ixrtter than attend thin concert. TickeU have been placed at 25 cents to any part of the hall no lower figures. ( in Sunday evening, while rc'.urning from church, Mrs. W. Irwin re- i a serious fall from the sidewalk west of the Mvthodut church. Just at this point the sidewalk is raised ahout four feet from thu ground, aud in the intense d.trkneas Mrs. Irwin walked off the side, receiving injuries which may result seriously, and in any event will lay her up for several days. Such mau traps as those raised sidewalks should have railings affixed. If we cannot hare light iu thin village we should ai least have protection againat such accidents as these A Snap. New Flam-Musi 9 cents a yard at M. Richardson 1 Cu's. A iupl uf v-ui.^ men who live out beyond the station met with au experi- ence on Friday 013)11 hut which they will not a- ion forget. They were driving home from the Markdale fair, and when starting an ut.d the new deviation be- tween thin village and the station their horses bolted and threw them both out. The team then ran over the embink- TIH i, t. crashing into the lin;s and brush at the bottom, about twenty feet below. The demorat was, of course, badly broken aud the homes injured. This occurred about 12 o'clock at night, aud the horse* were not extracted from their unc >mi'rt able position until 7 o'clock a. m. , much cl:o| ping and work having to be put in before they could be released. The young men may thank their lucky itar* that they weie dumped before the final crash cainc. Millinery. Ladies ! Call and see the novelties in hats, flowers, feathtrs and ornaments ready for inspection iu my new shop, next ! to R. Trimble's. All are cor- dially invited to com*. No trouble to show gooda. Mrs. TrimbU. Glenelg Fair. Marltdale hid excellent weather for its fall fair on Friday last. The morning was threatening but the afternoon waa perfection. There waa a very g'tod hw of cattle and hordes, but the inside ex- hibit was poor.and especially so in roots. < 'oK-nd-wring the bad seaaon the exhibit of -r:iii! was very good, although it in naid that part of that shown germinated and matured under the sun of 14'Jl. D. Clayton, of this village, to >k tint prize for carriage hones. The bicycle rices did not come of. Altogether tho ex- hibition was juit as successful as last year's. 1'ilus of new drts* goods, Mantle clutha and millinery, and imports just opening at Richardsona. Church Anniversary. The anniversary of the Methodist church, Flesherton, will be celebrated on Sunday, October 2nd, 1802, when two sermona will be preached by Rov. Win. liriggs, D. D., of Toronto. Services to commence at 11 a. m. ind 7 p. in.. Special collections in aid of tho trust fund. The anniversary tea-meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 3rd. A choice repast will bo served from 5 to 7.30 p.m., after which a platform meeting will be held, and addresses delivered by Revs. (." H. Cobbledick, M. A .,! Dundalk . William J. Wad dell, of Kimberley, and Harvoy l>. Moyer, of Walters Falls. A musical treat will be furniihed by the choir during the course of the evening. Chair to be taken at 7.30 pin. by Rev. R. Ditvey, chairmsn of Owen Sound district. Admission to tea and platform meeting, 25 and 15 cents. Perso: alu. Mr. Dr. Reid, of Horninin Mills, visited her home in town this week. Mr. <;..,!_,. Holman left last week to accept a poniiion at Washington Ind. Miia Florrie Moore is viiitinif with her :i nit. Mr*. W. H. Moore, of Owen Sound. Miss Cleinina Armstrong roturned from a lenuthy visit to friends in the city hut week Mr.Alt-x. Dick, of Alt<in,was a callerat The Advance otfice on Wednesday of last week Miss Bertha Smith, who has been visit- ._: in Toronto this summer, returned home last wek Master Harry Davev, of Markdale, haa taken up hi* abode in FleshertoD and will learn the Art Preservative at Tha Advance office. Mrs. Jno. Guruw, of Broughaoi, and Mrs. Wm. H ,per. of Chicago, have havt been visiting with Mrs. \V.H. Elder and ol her friends. Mr. J. I. Graham, uf VandeUur, waa judife ou fruit at the Durham show on Tuesday. He says they had a good et- bibit ->f fruit thia year. Dr. (irittilhs, of the Barnardo home, Toronto, was in town last week looking into 'he welfare of some of hia boys. Ho states that about *>00 young- sters have been sent out this year by hit institution. Mrs. and Mr*. A. M. Gibson visitAd friends in Toronto last week, and while there attended the opening of the Pan Presbyterian council. Mr. Oibnon had the ^reat pleasure uf shaking hands with hiii ipjiiiidam paator of Auld .Scotia, who chanced to be a delegate. Mr i i.-o. Stewart, the genial president Put fiify Agricultural S-iciety, was down town on Saturday for the tint tine since his accident tw j weeks ago. He has recovered nicely and is quite prepared to hold up bis end uf the work in the exhibition to be held here un Thursday and Friday uf thia week. Pastor Johnson, of the Baptist church, leaves thu week for McMastur Hall, To ronto Baptist College, to take a lugher theological coune. At the urgent reqsMfe of the church last October hu remained with us for a yuar. having only c-uiie for the vacHtiou months. Again this year he received a unanimous call to remain with ua, but could not be prevailed upon to stay longer, lie leave* with the love and esteem uf all who knew both him aud his estimabe wife. Tea direct from Japan picked and packed specially for M. Richardson & Co. jut arrived. Dr. Hugh Watt, of Karkerville, B. C. has been elected to the Local House >f that province aa member for the District of I'.mboo iu the place of the late Hun. John Rubaon, Premier, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Iu ih- matter ril>iirv Kilward 1l<-\fU. oi' i h- Villas- ni' lif-hrr- tnii.iii the r<lllll> nl .n i. 1 iirin- inr.- Driller and I nUcrlukrr. X; t >Ti' '!; M )i,-i-l<> u" vt- j f,,at thu at<'Vo ill 'i.uii, ! Henry K.IU.I..I ,M, - BISM an aMtunment to me in pur*uucu of u. s ii MBf.Mjf. IU, aadsoi>ijdin|ao< llu !>,-! t of LIB l:l^,-f It,,- rrr.llt'.r^ ,jf tll ai,| Hnnry K,lwr'l M N. ',i-lil at tin; lnw-.ltlot. ,>f WriKiit ,v Un l-m iu t]:-j villiu:'- 'f . \n\ . t,:- tw >-..f . , i, ;!,:!: I.I . if ^^ |,t,Mi; I j, , isl poii., tor the purpOM ' ,...,. , .. IDMII Of tbe SCalTS Of til" unlntr. tliu r- uiaut s. and lb gi*lni( of dlnctioo* ti- tu tluj 'li-, i! L'f t. .- ***..! ,-KtHt- ' M-r' .!- MCh,T,l -, :l:i-il to f\lu ^.--11 . 'Hi-.ll-,. I In >m<lnTil.>.i ii-|-ilr<-il I-- - v he udsnlgMd, on or before WM <i> uf "--^ DMsUttC. A. >. VA.\UI SL>. Assist. !<, h lu-i'-'i tou. Out \VHIliHT A r.INDSAV Solicitors for -,Minne. Uatod at Flciburton, Sept. 17, KM. of ! Business. UDilt-rsi^no.1 Id'xx l-'iive ti fto- l : nut the inhabitant* of 1'lcftliertoM ami 8urroumling countrv thai bu bag parcha.icd tbn Flour. Feed auJ Cirooorr Sturp, from Riohard 1'etllar, wbero he wQI continue tu keep on haii-1 a goud mipplv ol Choice Fluiir. Feed and (Jmcrii'8,at Li'wcnt 1'rutH. (.'niirU'sy and St(uire IVxliug wMI he the urdrj[ the day nt HflHlvrsonS Storf- \\,' l..'| llie OJtl (.'ustiuix** will continue to patronize us and a s; njik ling ol new oucg. Eggs Taken in Trade. Plewes' and Fords' Floor ou Hand. W~m. Henderson. flotice to the Public ! I Have Something to Tell You ; "IV Having opened a general store in Mr. R. J. Sproule's block, Flesherton, consisting of Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings ( Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Hardware, Wall Papers. Also a fine stock 01 Teas and Family Groceries. My. aim will be to offer you good Goods at reason- able prices. Come in and see me. I want to make your acquaintance, the result of which will be our mutual benefit Remember the place : SPROULE'S OLD STAND. BUTTER EGGS A CASH WANTED T, HILL Fleshertou, Sopt. 12, ''J'2. ^ % * * v % * J BOOTS & SHOES! FOR THE FALL * To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try CljAYT O Because Lis goods are cbean ind good, and has reeuivod a largo lot for fill wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Kubbu s. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Loti^ Buoti ou hand. Custom work and rcpuir- ing promptly attended to. fUSHH KUTOIV. THE REASON WHY WE ADVEBTISE IS THAT WE \VlStI TO LET Tilt. PEOPLE kuow where tliey can get the best value for their money. Our atock ia orc- fully and well selected, for we BUY ouly what gives tht best wear. A large stock of Rubbers aud long BOOTS will be on Land for fall aud winter use. We have a well assorted stock to pick. FROM. 1!. pairs aud custom work attcudad to aa promptly as evor. U 704 waui. iu the foot Hue call ou JOS. SMITH. Carriage Making * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Gst esti- mates frcun me if you wish anything; iu these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R. T, WHITTEN, FLESH ERTOX, OUT;..

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