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Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1892, p. 4

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H b FLESH ERTON A D V A N C k 2 hiir sdajy JWolf i MI. .i n Milt n limn St.. Flrahrrton, Out. Tornia of Subscription : VI 00 1*1 .11111111:1 *lieu |'i i strictly In Advance 1 30 pur annum wuon not to paid Advertising Rates : One Column, 1 year. 50 ; half col., 1 your, $27 M i nt. -i c"l . out) yuar, i!3. Trans. .-nt alvnrtiauiiivut cliargcil at the rate of N ci:n' i' i line fur flrst iiiiturtluu and '.\ cent* per line i acb ubae<i<iciit iunurtlon. station which a gentliiian butter jpi.rinn. I in that Una thau ultliur uuor I aftkm! }-'! fur. Tlinrr.lln w.ii h -)i l.'iu DM. Jill taUiiiiii|it "Mr II In autlinrlri-il to sell |iruce<l of the mill without an order," i iirroneoun, b cau*c 1 buliiK a Ju net. >r know such IK m ,1 tho caio. Mr. I'narsoll wan um r instructs) by the bonrri of lUrvctora or even tliu majority of them o to do. How foollBh for in. to liaTi l>. ell replying to Mr Hriicc'n t|iiuiloF, as lie liai apparently not in-.-n wiitinufor information I., ii. I., ml to binisttlf, lie bcliiK il]i.'i nit, mlaiit of thu Htlllilay xchool, local preacher, ami an oipt-rt at tliiiiKH ni i.. er.nlltable. iln cliararti-r cannot ho uxpoxv! to rUk, a h can ull'lo throtiiili a net of fallacy liku a ttt'al in mi Ai.'ti. MII and li-l .it truth with an much celurlty an I'a.Lly ran a hay ropt>, as il veriflixl In ln Htatmiii-iit in lii lat i'|>" when bo ta)H "1 mail" tliu first char^i* a^aiiit-t him" HIM -an i ho smuaru'l limiiijlf OUT in lli own taiiiinry bv tiivd tu drug mo through tut flour mill. Thanking you (or space in your paper 1 rcuialu, yours truly. Hi .1.1 Hi:n MAN. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or oallousud Lumps and W ' r ri I I ! l>C r IV\\T Bli'<in'slie from horses, Mood Snavin, Pi' 1 , ,, { U ' Cllrl ' l' 1 ". R "'B '". Sweeney, Editor and Proprietor I | btilles.bpnuns, ION and Swollen Ihnat, Coughs, etc. Save #"><) liy use of ..ll, hai thu far jiurchaattd 12/100 Imrrulii of npplft tli it HfafM'ii fur i-xixiri, tin; priceii ranginx fi-.iii $1.50 In |2 |HT Imnel. Thu In flymen of Cliiniijii have formed a truRt and put thx pn.-i- of cania^ts during tliu World'* Fair dedication parade, on Octolwr 11, at $22 JUT day. Mrs Linxenfuldvr and Mm. Winnie of TVeiitt tiler, Out., sliuck by liKlilniiiK during a 8tnn Kunday afteruixm and tunned. Mrs. Lin^cnfelder u in a criti- cal condition, but tliu otliur lady ii not 10 badly injured. TEOBNBURY lie Award has been made in tbe 11:7 bridge mutter, but will not ( be uiaiK- public until the arbitrators 'liavc It in paid, wliicli will probably y -t b for a week or so. K.G A. S. PUOSPECTS. tie .woatiier bo fine on an. I" Friday of this week Seen 1 .u v Uunitulo vxpccta to sco the linctt a^'riculturfcl exhibition ever held here the finest in respect to lity and attsndancc. On Save f fH) \>y use of ona bottle. Warranted tho most wonderful IMemish Cure ccr known. Warrantod I iv Kichardson & Co. rorxxY AxiTiusTKirr Monday of this wvli UOO entries hud already been made and each mail brotiflit more. Carpenters liare been busy this week fixing up extra accuiuodatioii for the township ex- hibit?, for which the townuhips of ('"llingwood, Kuphrasia, Arte- intsi . and Osprcy have entered. This ( ::hibit is expected to be sume- thin" niii<]no and llie competition will no doubt be keen. It has the ad- vmitaye of mvtlty, and will attract mucli . : U-ntiuii. In Uwny other \vaya the r\l ibit is expect' d to BJirpatM tboEc if other years. A largo lirt of ^ocll are Riven lor eventa in the ling ; there will bo bicycle race", etc., and everyone should come, pre- |>artd to to spend an enjoyable day on Fridny. President Stewart and Ikcn tary Daiuurlc nifiko an cxcelleiu team, nud their energelio hustliiig, together with a healthy s-ipport frm ' the di.-eclon, is expected to bo pro - .duytive of much success this year. Let the i>Gople cnmo out and prove our htattmrnt that this will he the finest ntrriciiktiral fxliibilion ever held in Kast drey. Th* first load of exhibits in tho township contest ar- rived in town on Monday. 4 ^ 4 Cholera appears tj have received r 'heel: mi tin: threshold, no new Cit < < having de\flnjitd at New York since Tuesday of lust Robert .1 .K Gore, who furnished certain Htatenifiiti attacking the reputation of Mr. M. C. Cameron which led ti> the re- cent libel suit against tho (iudcrich Star, has beoti nrreatcd charged with poijiuv and ui in j ul at Ooderich awaiting trial. A KIPK Oi.n Ar:E. Last Ftidiy ni><lit Mr. Samuel Ilurton, sr., diod nt tliu resi- dence of his son-in-law, Mr. Win. Me Cracken, Kcropo St., at the ripu nl<l s/i of K2 years. Tho dece/i jd born in tlie town of Hrockvillt- in 1810, and was a resident of Eastern Ontario for many years. II. i-.ur.t- tu Oweu Sound 'M years ago, and from that time until his death w:i* an esteemed citizen of tlie town. Hi- wa* an extensive contractor, and com- pleted many large contracts in different (lartnof Ciui.-ida, anrmx winch nu'.-lit K ini-iitiiiiii'il the Imil lin^ of thu (!. T. U.-ulrii.-ul from Toronto to Montreal and the l."i,il"ii and Oodarioh gravel roads. Mr. Iliirtnn has been for many yotirs a ntauncli member of thu Methodist cliuri-h. He celebrated the (iOth anniversary (if lits wedding last year. Ills wife still sur- vives him. Tlie other survivm;,' ri l.itiv. - are hia brother, Mr. T. Ii. linn, of i it-n .Snund, and his children ; Mr. Samuel llnrton, of Derby ; Capt. Aim- ham H .;.",, .-!' Idaho ; Mr. N. 1'. II. toll, I I In-i'ii Si.iim! ; Mis. KII .-lit- of Ibllt'ville : Mrs. .Ins. Hruwn, of I >.iti\, nnd Mm. Mcl'moken, of l^weii Sound. Tl.e funeral tot>k pisco to (ireeuwood ('emeteiy Snnihiy afternoon, and was wt-l .ittt-iiil I il.-s|.ite tho wet weather. - [0. 8. Advortisor. Kliruinalisici CuriMl in n day. Smiili American Itlietiniatic Cure for Ithfiimatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to (\ days. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and iiiyateriout. It removes at once tho cause and tlie disease immediately isMppWI*. The first dnso greatly benelits. 7-" cents. W" r :intod by Riehardmiii A Co. It it R rt*ln n I tp^dy CM* r .r OaUlatk* HMdwilCataiihLi ll In lal. tlOOTHINO. CLEANSlNd, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, failure Impassible. Many o ]lcd JtiMin tvr f.i-nplv . -IIIJ-M.'* ..I Ckiatih, lu. >i -' .'I a - ' i'itil iluiMi. .-,]. ; ' ' ainflll. fi-ul Lriaih. liAwki'-x UllK. l.tux-a, gmri^l ( .. .; 1 .1 Mliir, tta, il y.u tic 11 .'.in. -. any of tiirn <" 1.1.1 irv.l y.'iu liaio CalaflfaflH khoui . MM lu i r j ui .1.4 a Li. 1 1 ID . [ > . IAI. ]Ul.H. I.. M al :. il 111 t.lll ' I c. LI 1A h*a4 l^ii!U Ul C*'n ' I 1 .W. ,| '., BOINUflll .1 '! HI *'. '. tttttt. l:r.M tl "!'! by ai: or Willie tent. ?' |*l.l. i- . i f FULFORD ft CO, Biock.lllo, LONG, LEVEL and CLEM / Are the hciilt nf the projile icho iiibtcrtlii' for and raid Tht Flitherton You May Hava it l''or the nmuimk'r of 1H',)2 for only '25 cents. Urir n ill In tli l.l.i I in th cause of ut-arlv , ;,..,-. n M-H~ .-, n |.*rt nf tlir l>ily ami . t.if-l..n iliM-a- "'i any in Kan . tht- . i- t.v extract -a-t." f.i-t.i tin'1,1 . i 'I'i II -t"|i till- m'l"'ll. a l-.illi 1 t!ii-l>ark l UII|M- . < i.litalin-.l i>ormiu*nt Inability of tho kldnays t" |.iifmi t lifii (.11,1-1 inn- full.ivv .. wlin-li ui iv li-rininat" l llvn ri.nil'Uiiil. .li-|.f|ilii. M, mil .1 I, ..]'-> ilialn'ti-H "I- II,, flit's ill i-ii-ii-. DnddS Knlii.v I iii-.*-iht tl,oki.lno)S tn natural wnrk. 11. i I run- ail BOnplalDti and rawdtsaiislaflMSl Fall i . i -. Kant Grey Flelieftoo Scj* .'' l iiml Soi Ilium Ciilliiinwood " Viu-iin-sla rrii-ovillo Ot. 11 1 Ku|ili,ania HiK-kl>u " fii||i,i k wini<l tlaikbrg " 4-3 Protoa Uundalk " 6-7 Notice. I liuruby Rive notice that I will not be n albls for any debts contracted berwtftM in my nan.r. inilritit upin my written onlor. JObUM I1AMKY Uasi<ll. St-|.t J-, 1H02. Maiwt-ll I*. TLcre M at leant olio prufession in tlmt enjoys a monopoly which the govoi nun-ill nl!o\vH it to regulate at its nwii .sue i-t will, and that is tliu medicul. ISectutly a notnl (Sreek < wlio had graduated at Athens, pans* d ftinr exaininntions in Paris, i;raihi:i'.in:: \\itli (lie highest )K)BHihlc c.inie t , Montreal to pi'actico In , profession. Tho anodical faculty, however, won'd not allow him to practice and tho luw upholds tl.. n <loii:alii' action. This in a case '.fl;t-i.- law is not juslice, as it is sin pOSCll to III'. Mr. i.i i.- . i .ills inii. nu Tann- ery Vat. To tlie Kililnr of The Attnturt. Ha A u Sin It in nmiillcss to replr to Mr llruci i l.ti.i . ..inmilnu the Mill ('., as It in utrldcnt Int. M I.- l,. |,i, ii Jualoimy Imcauaa lift Is 11111 t ' i.iinajinr ami rm-vptor of all bcm-flU General News. During last wvi-k 'JO, 47!) barrels of :i|,;.|.-n wi-re tfliippfd from Montrcul to Kun>|>, Up to Siiturtlay Ihero bail been 17,1.''" r-iKri ui uholuru and 7,.'(<<0 duatha in Hamburg. Postmaster Rnnatiti(;er, of St. Thomas, IIM diud from tliu paralytic stroke which ho receivi-d S.iturday week. Kir \Villi.-iin.I. Hiti-hie, Chief Born. In Toronto, on Monday. OfUh Inst in., nidi nt .ii.- T. Clark, editor of Saturday l. i'f .1 MHI .|.rl\. I IM u. r,... i ., lln l ro . < . mi. tn jiir-ti/v him | U patronul tho qvitlnii<< wil'i ituiinl to liiiin.|iurly, which in only an |0.l l>iit|tliu (act of lh matter Ii Mr Kim ii mi i in my In diasuli^Ho our Co., an-l liu I. In,, Hi fought aiiiuuif li'ii. un financial IQU.ll -I- IU.II.I Illn lltllMHt tU | lutlll tin nitabliitliiiitiiii ul Ui ctJiupany bucaiw lie wai olliim lluur uiauutaolurud In ailjiilulng nnlln. anil ii allrui* a |>n>ni of M it* j>nr bbl and i.|... . I I..I . mi .. III. teur trtilo Ii aniltUUl*.) ami u.. In. i. lanitiriug for a cniniiilMlnii of .rt i"', 1.1,1 lor ill>|xiiiliig of our Hiiur lili-li 1 llti-mll. i.i.|| fur nutliluK Tbtui 1 am cum uiaiuliiiniri'at aalarjr for luy trouble banr 1 !, i> l ,'MW fur dialling tin ri>l|| tv tU nf tin- Siiprainn Cunt of C.tnada, tlu-.l uftrr a short illness on Sniulny ni.n nm A Itiitish ninn-iif war hus lieeti ouli-ivil I., \ l.nlu . ..i|. i. k . Siberia, to look int., i!n ri-,-"iit niitriiL-i'H by KuHaians mi Canadian sealers. ev. J.J. Dobbin, who -..! into trouble it i '.it , a yi-ar or so ni;i>, lias I'l-'ii pruii iiuioud intano hy Michigan physicians. Siiniliy night's storm caused much inurli datnaL'o in many parts of Ontario Many buildings wore struck l>jr light- ning and dustmycd. Hubttcra Wilkinson, of Krowsvalley, Inil . sayx : "I had l>een in a distressed condition for three years from Nervnii*- IIUSH, \\eaknessuftlieStoinach, Dyspep- sia nnd Indi^fstion until health was "in- I ln.i: t ;!,i one In .till- nf s. nth American Nervine, vfhicli done me more L'-.l than auy $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I woultl adust- very weakly pursoii to uae thin valuable and lovely rflmedy. I consider it tha Krandest niudicine in the world." A trial will convince you. Warranted A Testimonial. \V, Um iiniliirklt/iimlliave '."en tin- sold to yr. BamoM Osbori., by Ali'ian u-r l>ii'k tlm fiinu- ul Mi Willmit Smith anil Mi Miiiiinern. ttii'l ,11111111- I it v.n ninifiillv \Vi'lln I tlini il 'I "'" i'- ' 1< t'> nil h.itihfai-tion.tliat it i-uv<. tlm Kisin well, an. il.u-iiit wa-ti- "> W' 1 liavu llii-i-i<liil mi- Wi-t i^rain, ai.'l it ^ ',-in- ti> '.- im tumble fi.r 111 , to llu it-i win k i- 1 1 i-i'i in all n-i>, -,[*. siyin-. i, ,IWVM II I vi n SIMON Mi ci i. CM. .I'.IIS Itl.lllNAN I'ltllt IMI-CKII. J..IIN Ml 1,1 v. r>*MI Kl l.ll <IKI>T \\ll.l IIM SMI 111 jAUIlBl UUK.US. Aii. 111, 'Kia. Suiit vli-l. ItM. TEST it.' y^'*" HAVE YOU BACK- AC HE DODOS KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd't Kidney Plllt glut prompt relit/." "75 per cent, of dittatt il frit caused i./ d.turdered kid- ney*. " Might at well try to nan a healthy city without ttwer- aiji, at good health uihtn the kidney* art clu'jged, they are the tcavengtrt of the tyttem. "Delay It dangtrout. Htg- I acted kidney trouble! retu/t in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the mo it dan- gerout of all, Brightl Distast, Diabetet and Dropsy." "The about diteasit cannot exist where Dodd't Kidney Pillt ara used. '' Sold by all Jealen or sent by mail . m receipt of price 50 crnta. per b> or six fur $*. 0. IV. L. A. Smith ft Co. Tureoto. Write for book called KiJiu-y Talk, The Markets. ('archill) Corrected Earh Wee Klonr Kail Wheat. Spring Wlie 1U li-y lats U tor :^i, frosh '..talons l.a Hay per ton 00 to I Hides 300 to Gocse Turkeys.. i in. A. im per pair. Ducks per pair Wool M Ii-atlu Tbii. |iri.|'nrall<ni fill., a tiirat an t ult want aim. ni: tli"-.- u i > ::'.-! fnnu pib I s it ri 'in.-.!* nl thu lnuliust uierit. t0a*thra ana . liulile. a in I hi more thau met tliu ut: ] inns of tli |'ii\-i. ian< wlio have u holrpra.-ii.i I'll.KKuSH IS A l-iisITIVK TKK when otln-r tratmnts fail tn l\ii.tiim>nisls fiirniKlioil. 1'rieu tl Kor Bale by Irnii^iKts i.r by mail IM, n-oi'il't nf pi ic' W T sTKllNli. Manufacturing Cueuiibt, 18 Jiimlai Ktrwt, Londou, Out. 1 EUGENIA PLANING MILL! I dcir to ii'fi mi tit- i.iil'li that I iii'iiin':icturf mi. I ket-p in tuck th following' : i..i.i . llressrd Flooring. . i ni_ Ni M t II l*us|>>. ^l,-r llanil Kilililli;. rut i Klorks. i In in ~i of S|.rn . I.Htll. Not aV -' MM':-!I .. SUM k >lnui:l< ~. i iT;inil:i I'osN. Voranda I iinni: a:nl W OORE & W1JJ80 Mitnutacturers anc 1 Dealers in a3i kinJa of Building Maturiala. Rough and dressed lumber dt- on hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Scroll work, Balusters Newell posts, Hand railing, Pence pickets, in fact everything needed in building or repairing. Always consult us bi>f<>n> vmi start t work. A Uri't' unauily f scasoued notsb Bhorf pine ; nl> pine lalli ami slilngles at 1'iwt'st prices, HtSiirinJiskJijMi FaGtorj. ~MOORE~&"wiL80S. SHILOH'S"f CONSUMPTION CURE. ' Tliis C.HK \ I i .n (,ll i 'Kll.tliissacccfs- htl CONSUMPTION CI'IIE. is without a I- u.illi I in tlu- bistory of lut-tlicine. ilruggi^ta ur- authorized to sell u on a ] i tritntuc. it t.-<t that DO other cur* Milccessfully tau.l. If you lnv? H CuU( Sure I'liri'itl. IT llri'iii-liitiH, ust- it. for it M cure you. II your child La the Croup, Whoopmg C'ou^li, use il pruuiptly.aod is sure. If >nu .irt-Hil tlmt in-nii. us ili. COSSI'MFTIOX. DON'T rut tu us< wtX iin- vou ur i-i.ii utiluinK. Auk your l>ruB^ sMfc* SIIILOll 'S ClliU, I'ncu 10 cj. Tumings of all kinds done to older. All kinds of Mi uUinKs kvpt oo Mniilded caviiiKs (ur iuaitlc tinuli a specialty. 1 lime the latest dt-hi^nes in tiiur-h- inus. C. II iiml >t-f us before placiiiK >-ui iii.lir. HopiiiK ty utiiiiK'btfiirwaril. lii'iit-'t dealing to receive a tih.ire of the public l ul- roiia^e', l.tiu vt.ui-H tiuly, .1. IK. KI^O^X A I .irui Jii;nilin <>l >o. I S|irnc Lalli on li.uitl. .tltikr your IK now. Fbll.lH!W,lvr i ii.- ii.-id Hnrgn Of thl>q>ion Mvdioal CofnpaAf UDOW at Tor- onto, ' 'ana.!*, and raay i> consulted vlthsr la l.-.i. oi by Icttnr on all chronic dJMm |- ouliar to man. MOD, \outig. old.or tnlddltf-agtid, mnn nnd tlKtmutvn uiirviua,*as and exhauit- sxl, who aru brukati dowo from axoas or over- work, ii-^uH-i ^ 1,1 uiai -. of thu following I.TTU pionis . Mental dt'prmitioii, proniaiurc old i*t, loa*i of vitality, IOSH of aiuuiory, bad druam s <Ui:iiui,iuf ai^lit, i*li>lli.Wun of th* heart, mu aaioQS, lack of ouorgy, pain In tht ki<lna)i, lu*a>la<:)io, ^liuilu ou tbo fact* or body. Itching or iv.'ullar nvaMtU^n tix<ut tbu scrotum, waits Inc of tin- iiruan*. dlxzinwis, ix-rki beforu the yea, twitching t>f tlm uiuacloa, eye lldi. sad elitiwbor, liahhfnliuiK*. dnpo9its lu the urlL-e, a*f of win IHIWCI. of tbe svalp snj i|ilu L wuk an.l flabby mimclea, dolre to *l"p, fallurn tot* : Twatodby kU*p t AoDNtlratlon, dtm- Oi.r of hA, ln^ loArt of volo,desii foi iKilltuda, <-ltMblli;v ft ttiuipor, Auuktiii ayes BUI i-t.tiinled wttli I.I*.>I.N i nn i. K. nil)- losing tkln, ((.., ara all symptoms of sr*eM debility that Ii a.1 to lnt.titv anil I'.ralli unltww i-uio.1 Tlm ipriiig Of vital loroe haTiim lout it touitlon pvnrv tuuo tlou waurtt 10 cofitvijuenco. Tlum who thioutfb abuno coiinnittod iii iffiioranco majr bo purinaa- di'iMiacs |ijrtiliai Ui ruin Ikxiks lent frne n'lvl ad. Hourt diMa6, tiio syiuptouit of which ara faJot spells, purpln Htm, uuinl>iie, palpitallon, Skip bnalit, hot llunliiia. rush of Mood to th hnaiVtlull p.iln In tli.ihoart with boaU Utonil. Ha i iinJtl.ri,. If your I.ungs art sore (* ' Suiloh's 1'oroUii 1'liuter 5J9C. Valuable Farm For Sale. Tlie iiinl, mien--.! wih* tn ilipo< of hta valuable fai in. "n I.'t :W.i-on 1.1. Artoiiiia.c<tfi ,.f Wiiu-rwi of wliivh in vlvai,^ ii. II ,:.i i I! 'i i . h.ii.ln I anil 4 ncrA -Wiiniii. Tin- plavf lia* nn it a frame bank bart IT, ml with n-.-k ami |iuiu|> and wU \\i; in i,l l > h. up ih iliu pi ..)irii-fcjr i Icavini; tlin. part of tht- country. Fur furth parlloolsn apply to L. J. WfLUAMMMC "' ' ' 1. Ml> Hunk !'(.>.. < QAUTIONI I II II PI M. OF IMF Myrtle Navy IS MARKED IN KUO>/K LETTCRf. NONEOJHEti GENUINE UE40 Till'. ABOVE ACHOST10 I i"]n i Iv ami Die initials will inform you M to the kind if job work which The Ail* .tiioa turns out. Oet yoar v.l. It, IN Hill II. .i.K Heads, I .<(. i II. a,l>. Lie* \i>'< , Or anything in the I'riiiting lino and Cu. *At The Advance Office itit b.o hrvt cn tN>uitlv.y in- cute Ko euro, tin Bon>1 f .1 book. ,\ Mr*** M V. LU13ON. M ' Scientific American Agency for R- CAVEATS, TRAD! MAHKS, DBSIQN PATENTS COPVMIOHTS, etc. for Information and fro* ItandNxik wrlt to MUSN A CO MI HUIIAI.WAV, Naw YORK. ery patulit taknn out Lf u U l.r.i.inht iiubllo by a ii. .lux- Klveo f:ev of obarif* it Uia- Larffat rtronlatlnn nf anr arlontlfla vaper In Id* vurlil. HDltwiJIdlT Illustratwl No liiteiliireiit ban Bhi.ulj bo wkboat it. WokU. .l.ii a . kU. .l ar; II JU Mi uiinithi.. A>Wru. Mt'NN nsjHMNi * 1 iln-aawa... . . Vvwa, . IXX, Sheep Strayed. Thre sbeep strayed f^otu this \ iliac* ahot Sn-t 1st 0110 eWK amllwo lambs. Fwe hi>, hole In luft ar ; two rato lamb*, whiia, with k>ng taila. Inforiiiatlon to tlislr whereabouts will be thaukfully rvcvlvoH hy tho iimlnreicnod. >\ W. TRIHBLJE

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