THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BANKENO ornea of GEO. MITCHELL, A C>**rai banking btuinit tram Drift i uul an'l n*uue* ch-'l at u-ulrte atonov a'iay* available for lKiUiuatr euaiaeM atrritnM. Orri- 1 1* > I'oiro north of RKliardixjn A Oi'm. Vicinity Chips. h\ r .,, i . , i *i i. Of I lit Past H r . I. .in lullv 444ll,-,l for III'- nt tkr rf' "f /'* prr lit* for r4<m. A r#inrti"n ' The new Public , IH...I History Mftt U> Baud al W. Richardson'* Mr Nich"!'.>i handed us a few i tli otbtr day. They 'f tire Ali-iviurs variety. The tint killniK fr-.t of the season oc- -um*l on Muiwlty m*ht, whs> we eighth uf an iticJi thick wms farmed. Tile Advance i< glad t-> laru that Mr. nJ Mrs. Cieo. Stewart are recfvunnjt iiicely from the effects of thetr shaking HORSE L< >ST- Strayed from uremiaea <t J* McMulJeu, .. Tusaday. Spt. 13, one bay hors with white spot on fore- licad. Infoi uaiiun of his whereabouts to be iit to J. E. Moore, Klesihertuti. Our thank* Are hereby tendered for ticke'i of admiasion to South ^irey ex- liibitiou to \ hM io Durham on the VTtli ai.d *th inat., aivd <.Jlene!g, to be held in Mark dale on the 22nd and 23rd Whir* m Markdale on Tueaday we visitfl tlw i>j< making establishment .f Mr. Artley and found that a.intVMwaii buny i iei'riiitf fall orders. Mr. Artlry a good pump and hut busiueas is The annual meeting t>f LVntr* Grey Karmeti' Institute will Uj lielU at Flesh- erttHi m tlif vSOih day of September, at the hour of eleven o'clock, tvc th elec- tion ( ofticera^aiid cbouaing plaoea fur the wiuter mevtincs. The regular annieniary aervices uf Fklertoii Methodist church will b held n week froru Sanday licit, when Dr. I'-HC^. of Toronto, will ]ireach morning and cvi'i.injs. A full announcement will ( nia/Je next week. An A general rule, it i beat not to cr rect c.-suvsneaa by the use of saline or cirsstk.- uwUicinca. When a purv;auv<- u needed, '.lie moot \iroa|it. effective, and beneficial is Ayer's Pilla. Their tendency n Io rvstiire, and not t > weaken, the nor- mal action <>f tb bowela. Miss Fannie Prinj-W, s*>uisli vncalut. f Toronto, ha been rntfajted for the con- ceit i tlir eYMiiug f the second day of Bant <!rvy fall fair, Friday of ot-xt wk. Miss I'l-ii^le ami Fax will make a strong twain, and the conceit ia expected to b >ne of uM%r tUan ordinary enjoyment. Ayer'.i Sarsapanlla di*>s what no other blood niuOiciiie in existence can do. It earcl.e* out nil the ini{>uritiea in the M'lU-m nnd -X{*!s them harmlessly tliroii^h Uu> [u.'^er diamivls. This is wliy Ayor's Aursajwnlla i pre-einiii rntly elTcctive an a reuiudy for rheuiua ti*n a u open tug uji her fall stuck, and will have si>ute |4ataiit surprwes) in stoi-e fur hr lady |>atix>iis, having just returned frum a \isittoKng1andaiul France, where h j.uix-!:>v\ Vl"vr, FiMthers. Silks, Vi-1- vets at source* ! productKin. She will have exceptionally tine raluos to offer. ... have been iisuoJ nniiouiiciiig the nniiivoraary services of the Mefrd Idi Metlioilisti-hurcli, !iii:h will l held on Sunday m-U at 2 :iO and 7 , when I!..*. \\. J. Wiuiiirll, of Kiutberley, will I i... -!i tin- mui-oriy s-ruii'iis. t>u the following Monday e\eninv, Sept. 'Jlith, a ie will be eivBii with addresses by Ri-vs K. .'. tlushai.d, Priceville, Wadacll and !'>,.. .w i-t Kiinln-rli'V circuit. A good inie i< looked forward to. I'sual ad- III -S1OII. Tlie public are often very unjust but ne\r consciously so. What they see clearly to be justice they will approve. It often takes a lii|< time to Inn,- them to see things aa they really are, but in the f il their verdict is alwaya right. It waa faith in this idi' which induced th^ iiiai>ufacurs of t!i* " Myrtle Navy '' t . \-'< to stand by their au|*rior brand rery dlaoxlrafisiut at the out-- aet. The public *tdict baa been rend- ered st last, and it ia emphatically in tln-ir fator. Xew laiprtatl*sw Htrwt from En^UnU - '?i<ls purchased at fountain head, |>eranajly avfocteU by M. Kichard- S<KI Butdiah Dreaa floods and Wi rsteda, : French Caabnirres and Silks, German Mantles ami C^jakuigs newest style* and line value. IK. I M , . r IM.T. Hark.l.i I.- . haa flO.ljOO private hiird* to lend on farm Tt^n^va within the typxt few ai->nths at lowest ctrmit ratca. >'> c"tiiniis- i"im, > ik-lays. cxpviises low. Apply at i-.-v 111 Markdaiu durini; the wek vr at Dundalk office on Saturdays. Correction. la Mr. Thompson e letter last week be says : "The public may jud^e of the ' accuracy of Vlr. Stewart s statements by { ticiii^ that in <KI place in I. is letter b 1 ays that n thj ISth the milk tnetexi llj ' and in another tbat it tasted 12} on the ! same date." In ivuking over Mr. Stewart's manuscript we 6od that the Latter wsW a typiiograpliical error, tbe copy reading llj iu both instaucea. Millinery, Millinery. Mrs. Trimble and Miss McKee ha T re- turned from the millinery npeuintc* ><> the city, and have with them a large st>ck of beautiful good* for the fall season, and will be prepared to meet all friends on Thursday, Spt. ?>th, tirst day >f show. Orders taken any tiuie before that day. The Canadian Horticulturist, Is growing in interest and value to Cana lian fruit growers and gardeners. October usisober is enlarged to forty pAgea. It contains a fine colored plate of the Crosby peach, and description ; a photogravure of T. H. Race, Mitchell, with aketch of his life , a tine plan for layinx out a two acre ceaaetery ; Btobbs and las garden . articles on the orchard, fruit garden, nVrtrer garden and lawn, I*. - keeping strawberry growinj, judging fruit, etc. Eiicloa* 10 cents to L. W<x>l- rerton, Orimsby, (>nt., fr sample copy. The directors >f the N-Tthiru exhibi- tkxi.tobe held at Walkertou on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of nett week, have secured a wonderfully attrac- ti-x- Kst of specialties, such as the sword trapeze, fun on skate*, highland pipers, Thomas Step4icnsui:,^l-be artist and culb swinger ; Little Yin, the fanmua sword walker ; The CarUna, trapeze artists : Dosbro Br >s acrobats , Ge. Michall, Irish comedian ; two clowns ; Corbet and Sullivan, a burlesque on the recent prize tight ; a d.-g show, excellent horse , etc., going to make up one of tin- programmes of fun ever given in these parts. All the above in addition t a grand display of farm produce and manufactures Mr. T. Hill has now gut his ste% in C""l sha[>e, although he is still tilling at J extending certain lines. Mr. Hill was a mi-reliant in Markdale for eighteen or tveuty years, and is well known by tr.. >-t people in this sectien as a man who con- ducts business upon business principles, adable and pleasant m his dealings with the public. He is a good citizen, and shuuld be warmly welcomed am^ni; us. Hi* stock in large and wH a rte<l. he having purchased a very tari;e quantity uf new goods since opening up. His an- nouncement appeared in last week's Ad- vance, and he will continue to let the people know through these columns, from time to time, what to expect and wherein they can get bargains. UeaJ hU adver- tisement elsewhere. Personals. Mrs C. (intiith, of Tars, ia viaiting relative* and friends in Flcshertcn. Misa Chislett and her little brother. , f li.iveuna, visited F. G. Karstedt in town Ust week. Misa Ctertie Keefer returned home last aevk after hvinx spent the summer with h'.-r brother in Stouffville. >fr. AVill Stewart, of Powassen. late i f Kunberley, wn8 a callvr at this office on Saturday. Misa Maud Uichardscn returned la>t wevk from her tour Otruiigh Kn^land and Kurojn-. l>r. Will Wright, U\> i practising in Mn hi^an. is hoiun on a visit. He H getting stout and- good K>oking. Mr. Newt. HcnJorsoii returned to his Juiics this **i-k aft.-r s(>endmi{ three weeks holidays at his home in Toronto and e'aewhcro. Hi.rrlod KI A- tl<s rIJ*ncs of the liri Iv. Itch cou ArUuiM .oo th ITtb init , !> Hit- Kev..'obu Vii-!!,, M A !<v>ar I'vriiv "f nilnp ul saaotossU keeve of Wiarton has instituted t libel suit againut the Echo, and thai paper gets in a little sidu wipe aa follows : 'It is reported that Wiartn's RoeTe baa issued a prrlamatrin that henceforward the pankinx of chiWren is f<*bdden tn our village, r>;r fear the little ones) will see Dtars and receive stripes, hence be disloyal. For fear this aii<h dignitary iiny to morrow make a sneak to Walker- ton to inst.t'jtv another libel we will say we do not vouch for Ue correctness of the above, but it la quite as sensiblu u to order lire stira taken off a barber's pol, which he di<l a few weeks ago on account uf what he termed dul'-yally Mr. Chas. Gordon met with a sertoul accident out at Inglis' mill on Tuesday morning. lie was preparing to do some repairs at the mill buildiug,aod waa mak- ing an inspection vf the flume from one '>f tli beams oar by when he loat bm fooling uo the slippery log and fell, strik- ing a seexud umber about ten feet below, from which k fell 1'i lent. Both, lega were badly cut and bruised, and a very bad scalp woud inflicted across the eotim back of the head. He ia progressing favorably, but will be ia twe houao : T a week or so. [O. S. Advertiser. A^iil Ith, itML Da L. A SMITH A Co.: DBAJI Sias. Antl Dandruff U vtdaatly cinog ttifctiua I have sold sbowt half uf M gross I bought from you oa th tlr<i at Jwiuary l*t. I OM it ia TOT owa facaily MI<! lik it wi-ll. Cn rCDoiaira<i it to all who an IruuOlwi with Tourv truly, Taos. STV K. Ia LtlB( K. inb.-rmi.-r of a dear fatber and kind bu*b*o>l. died P*f ruary Jib. UUi. b- rn June iin. UvM. m Box- Dear father ,bou art >**> n:acb lorwi oat. ThT face we will MM nu aurs. Till w join ibat blood-wabfd Ihswaj Whre parti UK i ao uioru. W mix tbee from oar boni*. 4ar. U - iuit tbee from thy {'!*< . A !IA i*>w oer our lif- IM . We uiutbe woUiine ( thy (ace. We unw thy kicd anJ willing *<!, Tin fou-1 anil vaj-neet cerv . Oar huiue i 'Isrk witbout thec, We UUM tbe* overt whert Farms for Sale BELLAMY & HENDERSON UA *1 Itt Coo X. D R.. Arteimtii Bait ball M, JCoo . Arttiuma. U. 1. 2nd S. D liol, Otprey. 71 T. 2 X. D K . Artemeaia. Eatray. Two ealvea cime into the |>rmiM* jf Mr. ! n.ui<jr. lot V, fm It. Aruuieaia. aa or about th.. 1 '<h t Jlv Owner u reqated to |Tuv property, rat costs and take th.-rn LKOSAKL) LATlMKK. N YSPEPTOS CURES YS PERSIA THIS I-UEI-VKVT: Acts directly on tbe stomach And ii'nti. >.!> the healthy scliun of tbe I MT \\ITHUlT i-l'HUIKU. For Sale by all Druggists AID Waslsalsby LOHDOS OBUO Co . London. Ost NOTICE TO_CREDITOR8 III lln- main r <>l Mi lift I ,l. ,ir.| *!.>,. i. ol ill.- \ ill. i^.- uf llr-ln r- Inn. in I In- 4'onilly ul . n-v r u nil I in .- l)r .il. r .tut! I inli rl .tki r -. . tlje aho A* Dam^J H^nrv K Iwarii McNwa has ma le an aMicnuu-nt lc< lnu Iu i"ir':.'ic.- -. *|' 1-1. an>t amvD'tiUK- ct-. f ajl Uii t> tnmt r>r Uif berjofit uf bit cre.nt"i. f tl,.: aid Heor* Bdward McM will b hUI i * office <>f Wniilit A Liu i-*v iu t tillage uf Flf*bwrt*in da>. tij, ! , Jeptel il...-r. '-"J. at 1 p.ui . fur the i' T\ ..... u( r.cemii! a utitte- uieot of tde arTairfl v>/ th c^t.iu-. tlm .t; : uieut ^f lijR|<ctoni. an I a- M t.-.i- <l:|*.-*al of tbe a.J estat" are hereby required to f>!e -. .' raftsM fey aBaaTit.aa required i . Btatasa\ltn tbrf uuderkiguexl. ou or bvfvi'v thu ilav uf uch WBIOHT * A. S. AiMgnire. Flesucrtuu. Out. for . Dated at Kleebertou. Sept. 17. ^e v of v Business, flotice to the Public ! I Have Something to Tell You : * Having opened a general store in Mr. R. J. Sproule's block, Flesherton, consisting of Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Hardware, Wall Papers. Also a fine stock 01 Teas and Family Groceries. My aim will be to offer you good Goods at reason- able prices. Come in and see me. I want to make your acquaintance, the result of which will be our mutual benefit Remember the place : SPROULE'S OLD STAND. BUTTER EGGS A CASH WANTED T. HILL FlesLerton, Spt. 12, 'J2. BOOTS & SHOES J FORTHEFALL To the people who want s^ood Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try O L A Y T N ' S Because Lis goods art- cbcao iod ;ood. and Lai revived a large tot fur fill wear of Boots, Shoe. Slipper* and Rubbeis. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boot! on baud. Custom woik and repair- ing promptly attcuded to. KL.KSIIK1*T<J>*. nndi mi^ned bg< Wave to s*. qnaiot tbe inbabiisulsnf Flesherton aul surrounding country thai a*- lias purch.ut.'<l the Fet>l ,Mi.l liri.**ry Ku-l.tfl lVJlr. 1 vie lie wfM (.'ontinnc U> keep un baud s K .1 upplr <( Choice Floor, Vm\ !:! im^eiies,*! Lona Prices. l\.iirtt-.% xnd Squire IVaKug *UI. K- tlie onl.-r of tbe Jar at ll<'ll<lrr>tn Store \V- li.i( that the .'M I'v.-t. !!. will ciiitiuue to }atrouii ui uuU a jrui' ling ol new cms. Eggs Taken in Trade. Plewes' and Fords Flour Always on Hand. Wm. Henderson. THE REASON WHY WE ADVERTISE IS TUAT WE WISH TO LET T1TE PEOPLE know where they can get the best valiw for their money. Our itock is can. - fullv and well selected, for we BUY only wLat gives tbe bt wear. A large stock of Rubber* and long BOOTS will IK on hand for fallatid winter use. We have a well assorted stock to pick FROM. Repairs and ctHtotu work attend*! to as promptly as ever. If you wan: an) tLiug iu the fjol line call oa JOS. SMITH. Carriage Making Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Tiimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTOS. OXT.