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Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1892, p. 4

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fhn FLESHEkfON A U V A M C E Thursday I orrirl > ..i, ii i. a MI si .. . Flrshrrton, Ont. 'Torinfl of Subscription : -I 00 per minimi whan patil itrlrtly In Advance II 'i I't-r annum whim uut HO paid AdveitiBinK Rates: < me Column. 1 \ .-ar. .vi . half cul., I year, VK ' 1 .it. i col., ono \ fill I Tran.i.-nt ItertlMinerit rhari- 1 at the rate Ml. |ir Imefor Arit inaartlon an I :i ceutt l>*r line ' ach Mib-nMiuent in.ertlon. W H THURSTON, Rditor and Proprietor. that ita itatoinentM resin-cling the ap- peal wore correct ?" it appc*r thai ting lofty aspiration is alao doomed to diu. lletUir no. HIM. I'aUersou, belter HU t Wu dull' our Imi to tlie Mirror lu A LAST WOIU) TO THE MIUROR. The Moaford Minor last Tfeek d- tided tliat it was bettor nr.t to "deal further" with tlie Advance re the ap- peal matter. It ii well, because ths Mirror was making a complete exhi- bition of itself and continually con- tradicting and eating its own words. This paper waa the party attacked and it now claims tho privilege of making it short rrsnmo of this little war of word* which has taken place. Iu the very readable article upon " ho language of tlie world " the Montreal \Viim-, favors English HH the coming general language, und in Bup|ort of its position says : " No other lang- uage lias the facility thai Knghsh bus of possessing itself of thu wealth of other languages Without scruplu it adoptx any word it Ckeds wherover it can find it, and often those that it does not need. Among ourselves <vc see the French language giving way to the English in spite of some upus mi i. lie efforts to resent, if not to resist it. In puruly French parts of this country Knglish expressions form a very cousidcrable.and ever increasing, part of the means of mutual inter- course of the pea*anti y. One instance out of ten thousand in a purely French village what does the reader think of this sign bo<ird : " N. Chose, brickh'iir el plasteur." The very low condition of education characteristic of Roman Calholic couim unities, of course, groatly promotes this visible decay of language, while the vital vigor of English Protestantism contributes greatly to the vitality and spread of it thai exude. i fitrliliiy, for all pltnt food is carried to th roots by water, an opi-raiioii which cannot be per formed when the moisture is in a Hlaifimni "tiii The us ol Hits miller drainage in by no meaiix so much lo dry the soil as In opc-n all ils pores and allow tin- water free pass- age upwanls and downwards. There are alxi other imporlaut IHIM in UieSi! enterprising fintsts. They atTonl xlielter lo iii" whole farm from the fierce wimlft of winler, and are also of .i vi-ry great advantage 10 the callle in 'In sumnier time. I remember a farm on which ihcre weru half a il i.-i n excellent springs of water sheltered by forest. A new purchaser cleared oil' the woods which the old insl short article which rained such sin nproar we merely stated thai Moa- lord wan " ill advised." Tim the Mirror resented in vigorous, but 1111 convincing language, evidently under lauding tho word "ill-advised" to mean '-improper." We never inferred that Me.nford went beyond its rights in making the appeal.but that it was mi fortunate for the town that it had I'niie so, which posili iii w still adhere to and would were we publishing a )>MIKI in the town of Mi afoul itself. Our reasons were given, and given in a ti i'liiiily spirit. Ono of these reason) was that the county had dono much for tli town and givsu it a high h,, .I. To iln-i tin Mirror shouted, ..on i we pay fur it I thereby showing that the ignorance u charged others v uli possessing wa held in a large ilogree liy itself. The Mirror is a ianU-r of the first-water and occasion- iilly =': iiiu t >o loud. We Btated that iliC report of llie Finance Committee was not in iiiimotid, and got our in jitriLu'i >ii from one of the committee, 'j'hc M.I ...i claimed that it was iinani morn 1 1 cue it was Bignd by the rliairman ! We stated that the report \\i\g adopted in often council, vrlnrh the Mirror denied and even went so fur as to charge us with wil ful falsehood hern use wo staled what \vr behoved to be the truth. Aud if it wcro in. l tl.o truth w'.iy did th* Mirror last w. i.l. nay : " 'If the report was not adopted,' add? our contemporary. there would have been no appeal. 4irante<l." In its issue of Aug. 1C it Haid "Had thu n port of the com- mittee boon adopted by tht Cjtmty Council there would have been no ap peal ami the matter wouli 1 have ended there and then." Mark the discre pany li. -twain the two latter sentences- ('onsnUiioj is a jewel which the Mir i or does not wear in its tiara. Let the people decidn m to who know!) what they are i.ilking about. \V. insde no rash statement.*, getting our fHcti' from those v%lio \vi re cniignizuiit i f thum. and hnd t'ir Minor done PO iinl n it relied to vnrh mi extent npon Ins own imiginary knowledge of the n.atier In fl iiindrring would probably not luve been so apparent. This \\hole ._;!.' tio;i of ('oininittoo wns, Iiowcvei, wide of our original contcn linn, anil was simply hnnght in by the Mirnu to cover big own distress ut the wholesimie advice which we ton lUn-d. It galled the Minor to know lit' ! .rrn had hi i n I.. ;iti li ; We (aid lie fure. we are willing to make al lowatice. (X course it M very distress- ing to \>f railed a liar, but perhaps the provocation uns great nnd passion liigh. Hut what of the Mirror's under taking to prove from the lips of OlQK ca>fOit; tlie County Council the language of its promoters.' ' A Reply lo Mr llrllmau proprietoi hiiil retained, and in ipifiict! every spring dried up. lint 1 ilnl not intend to writo your readers a forestry letler at present. My object was to meiiliun that I am now distiibtiting this year's forestry 1 1 1. ii t and should be glad if any of your readers, who wisii il, would send for thrill free of all charges. It. W. I'HIPPS. Itichuiond M.. Toronto, Uut. T tkt KMur uf TV DBAH SIR. It poems slrango that Mr. I!, iiiuan is suddunly seized with remorse of conscience for taking up space in your valuable paper consid- ering thai ho made the first charge against me. In his last letter he charges mo with guessing at the short- age of toll as no stock w.n taken. In thu he is wrong, an the wheat in the null was weighed before. Mr. 1'earsol ground a liium I, the result showing a iiet profit lo the mill (in Alexanders limt'i of 875 Ibs. of tbnir. Ho next tries to make it appear that he make* no money nut of the order business. If such it* the case why should he so strongly opposo the nifasiiie brought up in a diieelor's mceiing to girt- the booaB into, thu miller's bauds ? No, Mr II. .! n. .in. it is money you aro aflur, and thu teaming of the rolls to tho station proves it. His noil charge is that 1 am chief in violating the by- law relating to the order business, through malice. Such is not the caso, and it is well for tho profit* of the null iluit it is not compulsory to secure an Hi. li i from him, as many who now |ialioni/u the mill would rather go wilhout as enter his store. This is why Mr. IVarsol is authorized to take m mrys at thu mill. The oatmeal null 1 will pass over, as no doubt Mr Hi it man can tell best who meil it as a \V. ('. 'I luti he finishes by claiming i I am no merchant. Well, if Mr. llcitnifui pit M nt H his placitof business iif the pink of perfection for cl.-Hiih ness, neatness and order, and lnnurll as n model merchant, why wo ha\e lo ailluil lhat v.i- i- mm. t get there, but must lemain doing the work must l\i -, l;'T|>iiij.: on.- bunks aiul doing our own wriliiii; wilhoul calling in other aid. If ho is lirod of tho wriling in the p.iper \\liy wu can reserve our other Hi ins Inr tliu annual meeting. Thanking you, Mr. F.ditor, for'spaco. to deli-inl my character I rc-m:iin ret-pecllillly F. ('. Hui fie. H. A. ThoiupxoN'* Milk Xul*asH>e. Drownini; men catch at ttrawi, it an old proverb, plainly illuatratcil in Mr. Toropaon's Uui effurt at a r |>ly. The |iiilini- n-i|iiirc more- than inapplicable i|uotntioiii. lie tneora at my Crammer, faint) auttrtioiii at to my rudeneai to nnd tliat my tetter it unreliable to ei.iiMiiee tliem that tlie watery atatv of tlie milk furniahvd l.y him wai the result of tlie watery graaa hit cowt fed upnu. I would not again have referred t.o this uhjuct through y-uur culuiiint had it not U-eii to rebut hit wilful |>vrvertiont of tliu truth. There it nothiiiK atated in hm lett.-i winch rimuiret notice, hit entire letter lieins; at ahauowy of fact a* hit at- aurtion and deiualt are of truth. 1'etty carping al<out ty|H>)(ra|ihical error* in ilaies it a weak defence in a criminal cliaruo. Hi* ruforrnce tu the Intpector ii a chililmli Httenipt to raise a tido ittuw miniUr to 'he olil-time trick amoiittiit liuntsineii of drawing a hermit; acroia llie track to divert the acent of tliu hnundt. Virtuout Sam wi.uld like to .ij.|,i ,ir Iwfore the public m n martyr in the cauae of ijueitioiiahlf ethica. Itrazen i-:li..i.t.-iT it an unfailing pr....f of a hard- ii..| cmnnial. The htei.iry (jlot* of educated advocacy in hit laiit l.-tti r d that he it t'liddavorin^ to piny the "liet i in.- trick," but it won't work in thii cnw, for Pa. U ar<> thloK* that wi'u.p diug, Nor ilaur na be di.putit." The s, lrg rH.n Of th l.tiboo Mwlloal Company U DOW a4 Tr- onto, t'anaila, anJ may i oon.ulto4 vlthx la |wraon of by lattar oil all ohrvcle cullu to man. Mn. )oung. olil.or li.. nnj tliiiMi>lvi BarToua,v*ak and uhaoat- d. who art. brokan UOWD io*aii or ovr- work. rMitiilDtf lu ii*n of the following tm pt>.mi Hcatal d, pnmaturit old HT. louuf rllkllty. luaa of uiiii,i.-v bad draiu t dlmui-Mof alglit. palpllatl'.n of th* heart. Mu aalona, lack u( onvrgy. pajn In th* kMu*)a, ia.ln In,, pluiploa nil ib,. fa.-.j or body. Itching or pvonllar avniallon aoout lb Mrotom. waiM U> nf Hi., ornant. itnilnM*. >pck bofor* tn* i twltehlag ul tii. IIIUM-IM. ,->,. lid., aud alfwb,-rr. bulifuluiN. ,l,.|n.ti In tli* urloa, o*> of will puw*r. tii,lurna* of Ibo tealp ar.J apin.i w*k an.1 Oabby mnaclof. .1<.*lr to -i-*p. faiuir., Vil>o riMUwl hy clevp, conktllialton, lull li.-- if hMrlni. UMiof volM.dMhc loi aulilud*. cit-Uaullity ol t*uipr..unku i->*. >unouuJ*d with l.mnRii <-iM-L.a.olly luoklni: kklii elr ar* all tinpioiiu .rf nrTou. J-l.iiu, ih.t |ad to ln-i i> ami lioatli unlr< euivd. The iprlng 1 Hid \ : * harlng i,..t lu to>lon rvory fnuo 1 liu>whii through may bo peroiao- .ldr*u for bM on all .11 In ii .1 u Tome and lu/< . ,N enm. a they Ripply In a oonri*nad mi th* *u l>tAiie* tnally n*fldd to*n- Ich the HI'- xl, curing rom I'lK.a and V.i iiv IiLoon, or from VrTUTiD HrtioBt in liLxKin, and alau nvlgorat* ami lluo o up tli* ! ....I. aud KTITKU. wlien broken down l.y urnrwnra, mental worry. diaeaae, i anil incli*cro- tlui.r 'I ii.-r liar* a pr. ino ATloi* Ou t.ju mil of inun tritl WDUiMi, reatorinft i."sr Tloou aud correcting all i I.AKnlKH auJ The Markets. iir.- 1 nil > 4 ..n rei.-il I ,n I. Me**. "f Klimr Fall Wlicat t TS to to Ha. ley 1'iilt. r KICK. (rtwb l-.itatoet bag Pork Hay uor ton 1 lilW.HK | Turkey* i i i.n II.-MII per pair. . liui-a. p. i pair Wool 91 H 11 II ) euo oo 8 11) 60 S S 40 90 to to to to to to to to to to to to IA to *> I 16 11 1 8 Ut 10 HP * tU 1 JU 111 91 ID Elf CUV U 111 Who flndi hit mental fae- tf CKT MAM ulti.- dull ..r fallinc. or hi. pli)i<-l iMwor flatidiiilfc ilionW tke UIBM yn.i.i. Tin-Twill rettui tut loit lavrKi**, U>M> l>li t xii-al hiautal. rUCBV UfnillM "houia take them. Cf CRT WUHH Tl.y cur ictiioni Kinl irri'Kulartiie*. wklcb m M N all VAIIMfi II Cy iliould uk tbea* Pnxa. I (JUNO tn Tlxy will eur tli* rt~ iuU> uf yuiitliful oau babibi, ami itrvutheu the yiteiii. *bould Uke them. it... i-uuj wui rufiular. K. r laU by all .lriik'lit. or will be Mnt upou r vcetjiv ut |.ru (> - per IH>I i. by ad^reaung . VAIIMA UfnUCM YOUNG WOlcR NERVE BEANS JIKB^Tt >fc<..Ti mi r- m -' ii" ! (M)TCTT tbsU ourv Oir T* *^ w>'*ii.i> of but)/ or rat i nl rii<1 I by ofcf-vurst, of dw (sTT' r ur r * y .iL. 1 tu IU i -xl) '- .* vbcn .: otbrr OOKE & WIU80 Manufaclurers anc 1 De, tiers m all kinds <>f Building Materials. Rough and dressed lumber at- ways on hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Scroll work, Balusters Neii'cll posts, Hand railing, bence pickets, in fact everything needed in building or repairing. Always cumuli u bfnr von ttart t work. A quanilj Ba.m(-.| bf*fi1emlo rebrvc. tiftfkMv, <>r wi ft '. or Mnt bj nail o l a3Eloi TIIK JAMEft MtfpinN IXt. Turuaw. Oat- Wnw lut |iaaiBM. bukl to- b'Uinr%im by Win Kirhardaon. 1'ine ; also pine lath anJ i.L mulct 1. we-t prictH. Extimatea FLUID lodigettion, Dyipfjuia t.nd Boor BtOBieb M.rA.I-, I bv tin. fi.'i'l (fl U.UOtlt R. 1 kf ri- suit i.f fiirnifntatloa on all t.ruaiitic maiti-r iniiHt In- act. I lioi, ilc<>inii..Hi-H th.- food iwlni-li .lioiiM l. iliifeiit.'.r anil from lint .li i-.itiitH>hltiou wrolvea Ka*o. that proiluct' pif nure ou the utirvea, tllaor|jauiciK the nvt*)iit, and priMtucing fartoua nvinptmiiii of iliM-aiu. I'hi- "Curatttr t luul' i-iii ITU tin-' ^t. Hi i ach. pro- mote. <li|(4MtU>ii afl-1 a.iinilation of foil.trU-re liy creatiiiK a t)faltli> i-uiri-nt of blood. For >al by all UruggUU, Me. & 1.W. Flisliertno Sash & Dm Fatttiy, ' WILSttll. i .' I'vrrxlry Kcport. Tu tlif f.'./if'.i- 1 if Tlit .li/i\if. I>KAII SIK: \Vith your permisssion I will say a few words on tho subject of forestry. Thno U no doubt ihut throughout Ontario the soil is no longer so easily worked or so produc- tive .n fiumerly, nllhongh il U brtt.r ai.,1 farmed than it was in other ihi)s. 'Jo me tin: lApliina of tiii- apptars very himpK'. Il is that wo have cut il.iwn too laany of tlr- small forests which formerly in:, i peiiiiil our land. Kvcii wln-ri' we have not cut them clown we h.ivu so thiniie.l uiul .liiiil them out that the grotiiul on which they ntand is now covered with short hard grins, thus renileiiux' them useless for ugricul lural pursosts, for llie bed of tlie forest should be iloep nnd soft so as to contain the rain an. I gradually dis- tribute It to the fields. Thi.) IS the line of forest. They draw water from the land they send it upwards to tho air, il f.ill.s n., r ani in rain nnd is n.jimi cvapoiatnl. Ii ii not the presenen of water in toil, but i:s pussage through tlan wam ID c.>u>.| iutfi at. .- ^ in iiltl^.1 lu t^ii. antl i out* I si> I y.Hir iii-. a> |*nulir to ruau. llookl >*nt fr*a w*J- i Haart liao, thci .>nipu.iui of which ara f.iui ipulli. purplo ll|ia, DuDii.iiMH. pah'lui'^n. ki;> i^t. lu>t flaitliM. tutii of bli.( tu ib* h- ' .iii pain in in. i.-ii wttli I t .11. nx, i j... I K'lilirrntuUr.tliXf^oiiilliMttlxintilulrlar tlian lh flr palji aliunt lio lu-l lion*, aM , ran i-rtil*||r l our* Ko onr*. n.> pay. Bn 1 I jr iHHik. A.tdraM M V. LUI1ON M Wk Jou.ll A Taroyto, CauaUa. ?'.. ,,u Sheep Strayed. Thr<M> ahocp >trav I from thin vIlluRK >.-p; Ut i. tit- ew Kinl two lamb*, l.wn \.ln'i, hole In |..ft ; two rain I in.,- wln'n. with :..'n- Imi at to ihrir wlu-i i '..iu wlllbo thankfully ruceny.l b> tin- uurlnraignod. \\ \\ ritlMlll.K Kle-li. I' 'II EUGENIA PLANI1TG MILL ! tliat tn infi'iiii tlie public I ruauufucture an 1 keep iu lock tliu following : li.i.r, ln ". .1 I loin in. hrrllim New. II I>HS|. li. illicit rs Hand KaihiiK, 01-11. r Ulwrks il" br*l of spin. . lath. Xo I A -.' ShiilKlrti, Sturk Mingle*, Ycrumln -!-. > . I Illini;-, SltlillUS. \ i i-k ni.i * anil n ii iMii i ii . ~ Turnings of all kinds doue to order. All km U i.f MonldinKi kpt on liitm). M .'iLleil ca>lng fur tinuli a spfcialty. I Imve tlie latent ile.i^nei iu boitae tioisb t'^ll nuil nee UK before pUein/ your H. |uii^ by sti .iijtlitfi.rMur.l. lionet! In recuve a nliarc ol tbe public pat l.uu >..ui -i truly, .il 11. in>;<. onier. 1 i aru. (|nnitlil> oi v.. I SIM IK, I .iili tin limit. Makr >ur of nn now. Fi'bll lt!.lvr v%.^^%% To The Futlic. : llavilli-M-tlte.l \Vliittenii hlm-ki linlli i'o fur a t.rni uf M am. I atii u* in a sitiou I.i i-atei to all Kauti m n , lino Horseshoeing a Specialty, S.I I l^f.u I H.ll .,l.ll .Mil. i ll I ' A'or tiH'itlnng in tit ' c<il! "ii SHILOH'S'^ CONSUMPTION CURE. 'i Tliia OUKAT Ci'l i.lli 'KK. ful (.'ONSVMITION CURE, i williool a parallel iu llie bwlory uf ii Jiiui-. Ait .lniLV'iti> arn aullu.rui^l ti> H il on fait- live ^iini iintrr, a U t tbat no ntlivr cur* 8ticcc-ftilly tanJ. H you havo a re Tim at. . r Itnmcuitin. use it, (or U cur* you. If >uur cbilil ban tbu Cieup, r \S hiMipiti); (.'OUK'I, UK it promptlv.auJ rul%t i- nine. K veil >lrea I iuMilioUY JiteaJM lOXSI'Ml'TIOS. D< N'T KAU. to IU w cure vi.ti ii runt nothing- A-'k year L'J'M^ Kistfa SIllLdirs Cl'UK. IVict lu c-r. ."n et-. .nul l I'd. Ifymir I.ung> art- tutaoc Back Uiiir.uiu Suiloli> 1'vruiu 1'latUr S. Valuable Farm For Sale. d witlivt to ili-poi* o> U valuable farm on Ixit .V.ron II. At trni.-nla cop .utii.K of luiatre-., HSai-rm of winch in cK-aioji. m; I balai-v 11 aer* hanlwood aud 4 herf* Hwainp. Tht. place has uit it a frame bank barr,. i. well wutvri'd with erci'k ami pump and D fenced. Will be nlil flit-ap, an the prt.-irlrtor i- '.-ttMiti; tins part of the c-ountrv r r furtaa* p.ltu-llUt. appl> tu t. .1 Wtl.l.IAMMOX augltat lilt Hank f o . CAUTION! 'wav* - - -v^ I vi il r i Ii. OF THE Myrtle Navy IS MARKED T&B IN KKU.XZC LETTERS. NONE OTHEH GENUINE F, A. BUNT, O|-peitu Itifliantnon'i Manlw ou ttore. TRAOC MARKS, ~DISICN PATCMTB COPYRIGHTS, etc. FIT Information ami fr.K-> Kik write tn Ml'NN * IXI. Ml IIKiitliWAT. N(W VllBK. Culcat t.urwau for m^'uruw it*liU tn Amcf.iw. Kvery |. uut takan u' l.< u* I. bn.uhl Ue public t; a u>.tn<e m ti. f i< vf tbart e u. Uia Scientific Lar>.flat rlrcnlnttnn of ai>7 .>! mil iflo pai^r in th* w.TlJ. hlilmJiillT ill.^irn'i- I. Nu Inu-llif 1 1 man ihould : a without it. Wakl, l.tiw a ; H.MI in u ..mi, ,. AJdraaaMtnOI 4i,ar. Niw Vera. iun,H - APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES GUARANTEED Stow taliine. *l kalr. Ktep* Uit Su> data. MlktS half ton ut Paabto PrwaotM firawtt.

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