th*. FLESHERTON ADVANCE, r* 'THE ADVANCE. U publUhed Orrtci Slreel, - - FUikrrton, Ont TEKMS OK SUBSCRIPTION: '1 pr annum when paid strictly ID advance i jo p r aunuiu when not AUVKKTISING RATES. On* column. I yew, MO ; half col., do., ttl 'juartrrcol do., S1&. Transient a*lvfirtiftementii charged at the rate if S..II. i>r line for Ant Iniwrtlou and 3ct. per li.o <MMJU lubaequeiit tuavrtioD. W. U. THURSTON, Kditor arwi Proprietor very acceptable to the people of that province. is scarcely probable that the Roman Catholics will tamely submit without at least one more ef- fort to receive what they deeui to be their lights, and that may be in the form of a demand upon tb Thompson- Abbot go\-erumeut lor remedial legis- lation which lies within their power, or an appeal to the federal authorities for an amendment of the British North American Ait. The Ottawa government, however, will scarcely dare to interfere in a matter which the Privy Council have just decided was entirely within tin jurisdiction of the Manitoba Legislature, and not an overriding of the II. N. A. Act. TAIL TWISTING. The American government is at ]i(s-nt busily engaged twisting tin- I'.ii'.irib lion's extensive tail. Unlike David of old. they always prefer to around behind and get as far awiy from the jaws as possible. The (agio hag been screaming and holler- ing for f.everal months as though eve ry ] in feather and all its nice soft down were being plucked from its delicate body. The presidential election is on, and those five words explain the ter- rible condition of affairs. President Harrison is, however, will known to entertain an innate hatred of British institutions, and it is possible that hi* fanatical hatred may lead him to put in force the power lately vested in him of enforcing \\1 at is called a "re- taliatory" measure against Canada. If he docs he will probably discover that the " tail " can take care of itself without the interposition of any other bodily member. And this poi lion, at lent of the " tail," will M-MT !> sev- < red fiom the body by I'ncle Hani's :od political jfrks. The threat- . " retaliation." however, has not as yet materialised, and it U possible that it never will. Tiic sama b: was indulged in at the last I'n -ni< nt id! campaign, but Mr. Cluvt land re ftainrd from exercising his powers. 1'oRsibly Mr. lUnison will bo as wine. Vfl, if he shonld do BO. in the words < f thn Toronto Saturday Night, " Let I. im ! Snrcly it i* innc that tin Can- adian people Id allow the experi- ment of rctaliati-m to be worked out, BO that we can see the size and ttreugth of the bug a boo which so frequently threatens to come out of lh< dark and devour us. If the exist- i nee of Canada on this continent is a rn-at geographical and historical im- I . , in. nci . at vi are told it it*, if we live on the breath that comes out of Ihe tvasU pipe* to the south of r, the i -IOU.T we discover our dependence the )<etUr." The I>eunocratic and ICepub- lican press are muled in their invec- tive against Canada. It is uow in order ,{ both parties in Canada t<. unite and strengthen the hands of thoae whose duly it is to ae that the- ridiculous " jiiu crow" antics of American cot-rcionuU should net pro- duce anything belter tlian dead sea fruit. Mr. E.E. Farrar has resigned from the editorial chair of the Globe. It is not stated what situation has been of- fered him, but is it not just possible that he may unco more take a chair on one of the New York dailies in order to concoct a few more recipes for picking "ripf .cherries ?" They stem to be favorite reading with the Americans at present. Jt is really too bad of monstrously big Canada t.) keep jumping on her little inoffensive neighbor, the United States of America, a<i t-he has been doing. We are now being told that Cairada is crushing tie commercial life out of her neighbor ; that Canadian railways arc taking all the carrying trade away from the groat Americans; and that Canada is generally injuring the unfortunate country to the south of r.s to an alarming extent. Iteally it i-> too had. Canada shouldn't !> my: I just because she happens to be- big. Spectator. with Sandy Hannah in the livery business. Still another change in the Rail- road Hotel. Ibis is the fourth change of landlords since Jan., 1892. Mr. Ludwig Yirrst took possession two weeks ago. and is going in to win. Mr. Dan McLean has moved into I'riceville and is going to live private for a while. Mr. Yirrst brought all his help with him, with the exception of Geo. Parka, who still holds forth as ginslinger. The lightning las been playing kind of fnniij pranks around here. Mr. George Patersons barn was struck and considerably damaged, splitting two rafters, a post and shattering the plate, while Mr. Fletcher's house got a clip on the window, smashing the frame into splinters and tearing out Ihe window sill without breaking either the sash orglas*. ing stones on these buildings and some turns through the windows has been going on for some time, grestly to the anoyancc of the occupants and seemingly much to the delight of the thoughtless youths who participate in it. It is to be hoped this will put an en 1 to the habit. Dan. McPhail has gone to Rat Portage to work at bridge building. Our popular blacksmith, Mr. Hugh Roberts, had the addition of a young son to his family a short time ago. The Markets. t'arefully Corrrrtrd Each Wrek. Flour 4 50 to 14 50 I ML: i m; i Slain by Hie Sun. MANITOBA SEPARATE bCHOOLS Ml'KT GO. Judgment was dolirarcd in Kng- Imd on Saturday last by the Imperial Privy Council in the case of the city e>f Winnipeg v. Barret, involving the hiatus of Human Catholic separate t>choul, tud the city of Winnipeg v. Logan, involving the right <>f the Church of Kngland to maintain separ- ate acliooii- Loth of these actions were doidt4 in favor of the city of \Viuuipeg. This decihion, which is a of Ihe Canadian Supreme i'l Veidict.cuine as a great surprise T>, (lit EJit,,r -,/ Tkf 1'rAii Sin. Perhaps sonic of your readers may be interested to know K.IIH -tiling of the masting heat that has hovued over this city of *'!.: since Sunday last. At .'! o'clock p.m. on Sunday thellicrnioini-ti r nyistt-red 94. Fnrn Sunduy tj Wednesday .ng it ran^'ud all the way from 75 to '.Mi. The heal was moil suffocating and many persons dropped on tin sidewalks and in the stree-ts never to rise again. The following is the "death and prostrate" list as given by the Chicago News Record . Sniuluy, prostrated, 9 ; fatal, 4 Monday, pinttrated, 26 ; fatal, IB. Tuesday, prostrated, G7 ; fatal, 17. Wednesday, prostrated, 61 ; fatal, HO. Total prostrated, 102 ; total fatal, 04. The mortality statiiticu for the week will not be made out until next Mon- day, and the health department has made no cstimale of the number of clcalliH in the last three days. It is announced, however, that the number will bo very large perhaps ap| roxi- 111:11.11. ; 1. <Min mill tlic grealcsl in- crease is shown in cases of cholera inftiiituni and typhoid fever, the foi im -r having taken a dangerous spread MIICI- last week, and tho taller keeping up its steady record. Every hospital m the city and iho morgue is packed wiili the de-ad anil dying. The mortality among horses on Wednesday to 8 o'clock p.m. had reached 1)7. To-day (Thursday ) a cool breeze is blowing from the north west and the thciinonii ter ivgisicrs Gl. M ' Kditor, your paper ia very in- teresting to me and I upend a most pleasant half-hour each week among your mm. and tho news columns. J. F. II. Chicago, III, July 28, 1832. Flohrrfoii Station. From <wr iwn Cvrrtifxntdtnt. Mrs Plantt was taken ill very sud- denly on Friday last with intlaniation of the lungs. It is ho)>cd she is now on a fair way to recovery. Mr. Smart came near having a foii- ous accident in his hay-field on Wed- nesday last. His team got frightened at the stcrm that was coining on and ran away upsetting tho load of hay on top of his son who was building the load ; fortunately he escaped with- out any serious injuiy, although the wagon was a complete wreck. Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis, of Tor- onto, were visiting at Mr. Wm. Puivis' during the past week. Mr. WenK-y Latimer, of Toronto, is visitmj; his parents here. Mrs. Slack, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Plantt. 'II,' weather has been very hot dur- ing the week, accninpumed by >ni:ie severe thunderstorms. Fortun-,. ad 1 v there has been no serious damage done in this neighborhood. When we read of the destruction of property and loss of life in other places by storms, we surely feel we have great reason lo !) thankful for In in,' so highly favored in this part of tho ]>oinini"ii. llnyiiii; is pretty well advanced but the crop being so heavy and Ihe iicr so showery, farmers have been delayed somewhat with their work. The beautiful jxiplar trees in iront of the residence of Mr. Wilson, neat Salem, were [completely slmtteied by lightning during one of the heavy thunder storms recently. Forr slia m. Kali Wheat ................... S|>rinn Wheat. ..................... Ha, ley .................................. Oat ..................................... Peat .................................. Huttor ................................ Es, fruh ........................... Hotaloen ba. ....................... pork .................................... Hav per toil ......................... Hide* ................................... Bheepvaina ........................... Turkey* .............................. Clilckeui per pair ................ Duck* per pair .................... Wool... H. M 40 87 tn u 9 30 00 00 1 DO M c * 40 Ml to to to to to to to to to to to to tn to tc, to Ili to 45 fl M 14 30 (00 loin :i ou l ui e 10 an 1C VOTERS' LIST 1892. Municipality of the Township cf Artemesia, County of Grey. NOTICF. i hori-l", Kiwn.tliat I have tram- lnittt*il or delivered to the |eroii* men tioiifxl in hci. 5 and A nf tlie OnUrio Voteri' Llt Act.lnMtl.lli,, i-n|.i.. n-i|iiir-<l by Mild to b traiiHiinttfl ! ilrhu'r.Ml 'l,. (lumuaiit to nai'l art. of all person* |Marini( by the laMt reviM><! A!.iu<-nt Kil the sal<l lndliici|tillitv t i ! , utiii,- 1 >. in tho nid miimi-ipalit) at elvctinni fur >., m lmr of lxci).lattvt* Atueiudl > aucl at VI ntn<-i| l Klvctlon*; and that nald li M first |Kted ul> at nit nflic-i- t Klfli.TTnn .on lliu Fourth day of Auguit. lfJ. and rniiiaine tiivru fur iii*iw- I'llttrtorn arr rtlliMJ u|K>u to etainliio tbe laid Hot ai:il if anv (Miui"ii or ai iiiare f.Min.i tli.-i. in. t,, takr iiiniu'.lii.' prcccedlna to Imvu tlio Raid error* correcttnl law. 4allk-it \V .1 |.TI.I.\MY l'l>rk of . r Dated at Tleiherton. f.'i Aumt, 1MB. ap|Ma of the Tbf ll ail Siir-eoii Of tbe Lubon Medical Company I* now at Tor- onto, Canada, and may !> eourulted eithvr la penon or by letter on all chronic diiwaaes pe- culiar to man. Men. young, old.or middl-agd. who flnd tlieniK'lve* iienroun.weak and exhauat- ed. who are broken down from ezoen or over- work, reiultluf In many of the following jm- ptomi : Mental depreealon, premature old *ge. louof vitality, loaa of memory, bad dream dimnmi of night, palpitation of the Mart, em- adoni, lack of energy, pain in tbe kidney*, headache, pimplea on tbe faco or body, itching or peculiar aeuwtlon aoout the ncrotum, walni ing of the organi, dlzriaeu, ipeckt before tbe eye*, twitchinij of tbe munclei, eye lidi. and oliwwbere, liaibfulneM, depositii In the urln#. OM of will power, tvndernei of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mnaclea. deeire to ilvep. failure to be retted by ileep, conitlpatlon. dull- DuM of liearluK, lom of Toice.detlre for aolitude. excitability of teui|><r, sunken eye* aurrounde.1 with I.KAHKN niu LK, oily looking ikln, etc., are all nymptouii nf nervoui debility that lead to inoauty and ilvatb tinleea cniod. The 0prin% or vital force having lent It* tenilon every funi tlou wane* In con>.|iif nee. Tboae who through abuw couimitte<l in ignorance may be perman- .nti) i".r.-.| Send your adilremi for book on all direaie* peculiar to man liooki unt free >eal- ed. Heart dinraie, the lymptoiui of which are faint ipolU, purple llpn, i.mnlniM- palpitation, aki|> bdata, hot fliinli.'n, ruth of blood to the li.-r. I .1,11 ptJnlB taMb*rt with beau itrong. ra|>i<i >nd irregnlnr.t lie fecond heart btuitqoicker tliauthe flrat, pain about h- lirea->t bone. etc.. can j-ottitivcly be cure No core, no pay. r hook. V. LfllO.V. 94 Mac douoll Avu. Turouto, Canada. M N ILEKONE . PILES. OORE & W1LSO Manufncturors anc 1 Dealers in ail kinds ot Hnildinu' Materials. Rough and dressed lumber al- ways on hand ; also all kinds <>/ Moulding, Scroll work, Balusters Neu'dl f>osts, Hand railing, Fence pickets, in fact everything in building or repairing. . < u* TOD -t:rt at Application |>aiiilaa* and vu mnu .ration nlU mat anil I. ..; fult want ani"tu' tli * lio it >c an work, A Ur;i> q "...niiv < I north UOi ni.'l -1 ir _!. it I UflUtWt ni\ n. 1 -. i f ' ' i . tti tlonn <if Ilio^. 1 pi. VMriM Mti" hVf u*. ! it in .- . I il.l.KiiNK IS \ I . i",!ll\K < I l.i u!,>. 'M,.-' ti t Mti..- nt ' fill t.> relieve. ..inial fiirnislifHl I'm.. Ji lor kale by ilrin;Kiit>. nr In ni>il on n-.-i-i|it "I price \\ I I K'iN<,. Mnuti'tuiiU(i e'heuilst. 184 Pundit* Ktreet, ljull.loil, Out. 1 nd Fill l*IAn ft i Hschfirtfln \jch n \\(\M Mrtnrv In riOJlllllUll JdMl U UUUI IttvllMli \K. I MOORE & WILSON. to many and is a decided victory for the ( w;iy government. Tiie II tniloba 1 gmhtture passed a hill a'ulishing separate bchool* in Ihat p uvinci , and u test case was made- by Mekxrs. Barret and Logan, which was camud to the highest tribunal of the realm and there decided as we have n.uil. The late elections in Manitoba were practically carried on this one ant' the result will therefore tc Hy Our llrpttrter. Your roadurs have not been afflict- ed with any news from hero for some time. Misa Monkhousc, of StoufTville, is \isiiingat Mr. Gto. Mr.Farlanc's. Miss 8nowdon,of (tiiclpli.U visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Alex, btcwari ..'ii-iii of the hills). Mrs. Alex. I>avidson and hei daughter, Jessie, and Irene, of Mam* ii in.-, Mich,, I S., spent a few duyt> visiting Jim. A. Black. Among th i~i who "look in ilia ex- cursion on Saturday lust to Kramp- ton were : Mr. bandy Stewart, Miss Belle, John Muir, Miss Surah Aim, Donald and Miss Mary Baxter. No doubt they had a pleasaiu trip. Mr, Jus. linn ,-i has purchased the hanidsi making business formerly earned on by Mr. Alex. McFadyen, Saii-ly Laving gouc into r>ailushii> i-iiiH cur ci'-ii Merrily rang the wedding bells yes terdny I Wednesday i morning when Mr. .1 i . ],ii h win was united in mar- rni^u to Mivs Li//ie M. Brown, both of Foversham. A large crowd answered to the call % nl' invitations and met at Ihe residence of the bride where the Hi v. Mr. Woodger at 10.30 am. re- peated tho words that made them one i but which one is yet to be decided). Many beautiful gifts were received by the couple which shows the high es- teem in which they aro held After partaking of a sumptuous feast the young couple on their wudding tour for Fergus by way of Toronto, accompanied by best wishes from a host of friends. Whilu Mr. John Paul and wife were about to make a call on Mr. Woldrick on Monday evening last they mistook the ditch for the raid, the result being that both were upset, the horse getting away and had not, at time of writing (Tuesday morning i, been seen or heard of. Ernie Buckingham, a lad of about 12 years, while loading hay loit con- trol of the horses which started lo run away, throwing him off the load and severely injuring him. borne of the Singl tampion genlt (the names of whom wo withhold* while passing through Feverahain from Kn^ciiia did their utmost to :hi\e over the Salvation Auny while tho Litter was having their evening march. When young men cannot keep sober they ought to have a caretaker. THE REASON WHY WE ADVERTISE IS THAT WE WISH TO LET TIIE PEOPLE know where they can get the best value for thoir money. Our stock is care- fully and wull selected, for wo BUY only what gives the best wear. A large stock of Rubbers and long BOOTS will be on hand for fall and winter use. We have- a well assorted stock to pick FROM. Repairs and custom work atlended to an promptly as ever. If you want anything in the foot line call on JOS. SMITH. Carriage Makinii ilrllil i rr From cm- c<iri (nrr<-ii><>nilrut. Haying is nearly tiiiighcd, and judging front the inuny lar^'o black* in the liuhls the crop has been an un- usually large one. The wealher his been very good and Ihe niosl of it has been saved in ,{0od condition. Thui r has been a lililu excitement here during the hist week owing to a n..inbcr of our young men being summoned before J. U. Sing, J. 1'., lo answer the charge of throwing stones at the hotel and store. Two of them wore linnl '2$ cents and c >st, the cost biting Jl 15 each. Thin bcin^ the Jiist conviction ar.d they U I m^ing lo respectable familui w will nu )mb- hsh thei. niuius The habit of throw r Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, O.NT. TO THE PUBLIC. :c A t T I \. Having rentv<l \Vliitten'*lilacktn>icb ahO]> f"i a torni of vi>r. I am no<v in a position to cater to all wauU in my line. Horseshoeing a specialty. Nati.sfnction Vunrnntecd F)R ANYTH1XO IN THE BLACK SMITUINI! LINE CALL t'N P. A. BUNT. Ol>ros.t III cliarukoi. > Uardvaie itci* I V1 II ILlti OF THE ffiTOLE NAVY 18 MAKKKU T, &B. IX BRONZE : I I II Its. NONE OTHEX GENUINE