THE FLESHERTOK ADVANCE KA\Kl\(t OFPH'.K \QM GEO. MITCHELL, J-LESHERTON. X ft* n oral banking tmaiims t t >r*ft n<4u*il Hii'l cheuutfs mttliHtl At usual rates fclonu* always avttilabl* for legitimate buftino^H tnterprUa. OrPi< K two door* north of Klchardson Jfc CoX Vicinity Chips. I'harartrrlstlrs of thr Past Week Carefully < uil.-.l fr th Canons. among tixidi will bt ut tkt uf lOc ftr line /or task uutrtwn. A rtJm-lttn vnll bt made <m eu*trncti for I'i't lintt or otrr. DunditlK will celebrate Dominion Day. County Council is in session at Owen ,iid this Week. Oanlen prrty at E'ltfonia see adver- tisement wUowlisre ill thi* iuue. Sugar, sugar, sugar ! 3u li. for 91. 00 at M. Richardson * ('.,. Promotion examinations *re being in th public *cliul tit in week. Division Court will b; hold in Flesh- CTton cu Friday traxt (to mrrwi. Tlie annual Irish Lake picnic will be held thi* year on Tm-sday, June 28. Mr. Jas. Mitchell brought in a hen's e^^ the other day wliicli weighed * quar- ter uf a pound. A ;>; u.tiry uf oats chopped for sale at *!)_. pur 100 ll)i. fur the next two week* At the Little Mill. P. LOUCKS. Better uruwiu^ weather waa never be- fore seen, ;iys the "oldest inhabitant" after profound aud mature consider- ation. The members of Prince Arthur LoJ^e, A.F. &A.M , will attend divine service in the IVesbyterisn church ou Sabbath morning uxt. White Muslin olv!triaKO.t at Sc. per yd. at M. Kic'mrdson A Go's. Gem 1 dniiocrat wagon fur sale, nearly new, will sell cheap for cash or will take lumber or wond in exchange. Apply to Jos. Smith, Klesherton. Mr. Jnhii Suns in. of this township, lias sold durii>K thx past spring eight liuudred and forty dollars worth of hay, the iircm^e pries being eight dollars per tun. Farmer* near Markdale aie banding t>gethw fi>r tho |iur|H>se of |;n>*ervin<{ trout in the stream which runs through their prupjrty, and have fordiJden fishing. Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian church one week from Sabbath next. Rev. Mr. Wilson. <>f (.'uldii. former pastor of this church, will be i M soiit. Tn.tra,f ea ! Ibs.of fine Nagosaika Tea fur $1.00 at M. Richardson & Co'. Fol'SB On Friday, 10th iiist, ou 8th liiif,Oi;irey,ciue basket oontainiug floods. Owner cati have same by proving pro- perty and imyinx expenses. II. Heit- nian, The Fleshcrton Station hotel has once more changed hands, Mr. McLean Laving sol I his lease to Mr. Louis Yirrst, Ut f Allan Park, who will take poasesion in about three weeks. Mr. J!ai McKe, west back line, had a rui:a-u ou Saturday evening last, by which both Mr. and Mrs^McKee were (juitu seriously injured. A little Ctrl who was also in the bu;,'i;y, escaped liar >fsl. O.irden and otLcr tools. A larsje and variod stock, by tha be, I. makers. 51. Richardson A Cu. A i;rm,d entertainment will be furn- ished at Inistiogo on Domini >n Day, July lit. under the auspice* of the Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, full particulars of which appear in our advertisinx columns. I.B. Luraa.tMrrlMtrr. Miirkdalr. has 10,000 private funds to lend on farm nuuteitves within the next few month* at 1'iw-Mt current rates. No cnmiiiiw- ious, it" 'It-lays, expenses low. Apply t ottico in Markdale during tlw week or at l>uii'lalk office on Saturdays. Mr. Baker, ta.lor is now ensconsed in his new quarters, directly opposite Mr. Rarnhouse's residence, wher he has built for himself a new, neat and commodious shop, where he will be pleased to widuoiu* all old and many new customers. the line No smoker wbo has ever used the Myrtle Navy tobacco for, lay a month, ever relinquishes it for any other brand. Its flavor is rich aud full, and it never burns the tonuue or parches the palate. It is, in (act, the uo plus ultra of sinok- jug tobacco. "Fishing anil shooting of the C.P.R.," is the title of a profusely illustrated and neatly bound pocket volumn, overflowing with information for sportsmen. (Jet one if y con- template having any fun this summer. Bargain* in Priuts,Satns,Flanneletts, Teazel Cloths, Muslins, etc., at M. Rkli- ardson & Co's. Bnx Fawcett, of tho Streiuville Re- viw, ha* purchased a bicycle. He is just now going through the incubation process, and in a week or so will be a full fledged cyclist. Ulad to welaoiaa you to the ranks, brother. Tha' re not so "pesky after all, are they ' The annual picuic of Flwherton pub- lic school is to take place in th school ground*, on Friday (to-mono*) after- -.11 Vandeleur junior tool-bail team is invited ' play a friendly name with tho beys of the school. The presence of parents is respectfully solicited. Preparations are bemn made for a grand concert to Us ((ivn iu the Town Hall on the evening of Friday, July 1st. Look out for bills and programs. In the meantime we wilt just say that the entertainment will be- a novel one, em- bracing the sunflower chorus, fandiill, tableaux, solos, quartettes, readings, etc. Wiarton will not allow animals which run tho streets to wear bells. Oh that we could institute soims such ordinance in Flesherton '. The nocturnal diu kept up iu thi town by one or two cows wear- ing healthy cowbells is soiuetlung appal- ing. We fear they will meet thu fate uf Mr. Drimmie's bell if something is not done to cease the rattle. Another couMgnmi-nt of the wonderful 25c. setts, new patterns at M. Richardson & Cu'i. The annual entrance- and public school and leaving examination will \> : held oil Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Mr. McKay, principal uf Dundalk public school, will bo presiding examiner here and Mr. W. Irwin, prin- cipal of Flesherton public school, will "operate" at Markdale, and Mr. Qlon- dinning, of Markdale, will be in Dun- dalk. Flesherton football tuani went down to Du mlalk on Friday last to play a return match, but found upon arriving there that Dundalk had mi|irted two crack players from other places one from Durham aud oue from Shelburne consequently Plesherton team wouhl not play, but paid for their owu supper aud rrturued home. If Dundalk can do no better than this they should drop football for "ahinney,' for something they are familiar with. Building Material Parties about to build will find our stock contains every requisite, and our prices as low as it is possible to make them. The Markdale Standard says : "Old Mrs. Caswell, formerly of this place, one of the frugal, industrious pioneeri, and at one time very comfortable an 1 well to do, died in Owun Sound jail la<t Mon- day. Tho old lady had been reduced to want by no fault of hers. This, with other trouble, had the effect of uubalanc ing her mind, and two yaars a^o she wai sent to jail under tho Vagiant Act, where she remained until her death. She was at least 70 years old" The above is another sad commentary upon the miserable, penny wise and pound foolish system of utilizing the jail as a house of refuge. We wuh once more to request that our correspondents will only send in genuine items uf news from their several uci^ borhouds. Avoid personal inuendo or anything which would give uffenco. Set a standard by yourselves, and ask "How would I like to see this in print if it wore about myself ?" r, "How will the world at lar<,'e, outside of my|territory,look up ou an item liko this which it cannot inidrst;ui'l '" K. -member that a news- paper circulates all over the continent, and its readurs are not interested in Paul and Sophrona's lova affairs, or anything of a similar trivial nature. Send us news, pure and simple. We have now a splendid staff of correspondents, antl theau remarks are intended lu ne s peclally for those who have lately tukei Up lllu I" li. A correspondent of the PiUburgh (Pa.) Despatch makes this on no us statement 'In Uruguay some of the rivers ara so mpregnated with the roots of Sarsap- anlla aa to poassss sanitary qualities fur milling purposes, and the people who drink their waters are said to be exempt : rom skin diieaaes arming from impuri- iies of the blood." Tho l*ru"uay sai- sapartlla is probably the same variety of plant as that of the neighboring it&te of Honduras, of which Ayer'i Extract of Sanwparilla is made, and which is rich est in medical qualities of any sarsap- arilla root known to science ; hence, of course, the extraordinary curative pro :wru* of Ayer's famous blood medicine. We wish ') make it understood tint hereafter society and church entertain- ments will not be reported in these columns when the usual press courtesies are not extended. Some people appear to have the impression that a publisher should do printing for such at half rates, attend them all and pay his way, and thsu writ.; up a glowing account of the affair into the bargain. If this is nt done he receives black looks and cool- nrss, which of course, do not effect him very materially, because ho recognizes the injustice. What we give to the church we give in cash. The days for payment of ministers salaries in kind are past, aud those who expecv th-9 printer to help support tha church both in kiud and cash are ankiin; just what they would not give themselves, and which is, in fact, a little toj much. Uric acid In the blood n th* ctum o( ntwrlr all 'lie, It viHitn pTory parr uf the iKxijr ami it liablit Co huUtu diiwaiMi on any orffnu ; the duty of thu ki.lllays in to extract wanton from tli blood , t aold will Mop ll.i action, a i-mii in th*. back folloWH, anil unlrs-i relief ! ob- tained, pxriuaileat liialMlity of tile Kl.invyK to l>rf >rin tliuir fuiictionn fujJuwM, which may tunuinatu in livr vuuiplaint. <l> -|"T "'. blood iliw*aAe. (tnipn*. <ti%litH ur Hrii{ht'n <liM*ae. I ).I.I,CH Kiiluvv Hllii a*lt th ki<luyi> to natur al work, au-l cure all <wui|l4unu aad arising frjia muiu. Funeral of Mr. Daniel Taylor. The funeral of Mr. Daniel Taylor took place from ln.i late lesidence, 14.'i Water street, to Greenwood cemetery last Sunday and wsa very largely at- tended, about 40 ri/s bing in line, while a large number showed their respect to the deceased by following the cortege on f Nit. Amotiji relatives and friend* present from .1 dittance on the occa'.iou wore : Mr. and Mrs. D. C'reighton, Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. Winters, and Miss Winter*, Chrnley ; Mr. Henry Winters, Massie ; Messrs. Alex. Club ai.d Harry Taylor, of De- troit ; Mrs. D. C. Taylor and Mrs. D. Tayl,.r, Mawie ; Mr. and BIrs. John Taylor and Mr. Alei . Taylor, Holland ; Mr. Roderick McK< nzic, Fli>ahertou ;, Mr. and Mrs. Littlejohn, Markdale. [O. S. Times. A B&d Fire. The barn and outbuildings belon^iir; 10 Mr. W. J. McNes, Hack Line wcitt.were burned to the ground early on Tueeday morning last. The lurn, which was a good frame, contained a reaper, mower, sulky rake, one horse, two setts harness, a calf, a quantity of hay and about thirty hens. Thu fire was first noticed by Airs. McNea about.2 a. in., who awoke her hunbaiid, but tho flames bad advanced IIMI far to nave anything except a buggy. Mrs. MuNca was quite proitratjd in tho efforts to gave tho dwelling, which was in close proximity. The insurance ii scarcely worth iiKMtioning, b:ing lens than two hundred dollars, and his loss will bo fully $1,000. It is particularly upon Mr. McNVi, .is be only latulr on ti-reil upon married life, the weddine an n iiincenieiit having appeared in those columns three or four weeks ago. Cause of tire unknown, but is supposed to liavu been incendiary. fE HAVE NOW THE BEST, CHEAP- est and Largest stock that ever we have had in Men'a,Ladies',and Children' Boots and Shoes for summer wear. Custom work promptly attended to. been spending some time with her sis- ter, Mrs. Will Moore. Mr. Elgin Myen, Q. C., and H. T. Wells, banker, Orangevllle, were guests of Munahaw's hotel for a couple of days this week, and enjoyed the trout 'ishing in this vicinity. A party consisting of Messrs. W. K. Callaway, district passenger agent C. P. Railway, Toronto, Wm. Stone, Toronto, Alfred Jephcott, Chicago, and J. J. Tilley, director Teacher*' Institutes, Toronto, spent a day or so here last week trout tisliing, and left fur home on Sat- urday morninx, having thoroughly en- joyed theuiiM.'lvee. DOMINION DAY. Cards. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FLEBHEIITON, Co. GUEV. nrVISION COl'BT CI.EKK.rOMMIKHIONFK a*ta U 11.. Coovayancor. 4o. AKnt tor purcl . MsttoOf laii.ln. Appiaiser for C I. C < . ui *il I- .P.O. * H Society. Money to Loan on U,. HO, FOR 1XISTIOVE! Tbu Fpworth I.ei^iie of Cbriittian Kndeftvor of IniHtioRti church, u-ivo a Kraml Strawi>rr fustlTftl 'in tho aftortioou of July Ut. Abuud* anee of ^HUH-H ti<l auiuHtii*iits ou Bar. Ann- Htroiiit'it {{rouiKlH from U p.m. Tableti *rr<l fntiu *> o'clock, followed by mimic by choir, and Al<lrusr.4rN by Ki'VN. Sam)i-rion, Rllitton and Thotuptton. A very atijovablu titim is promiMd tu voiuiic aii'l "Id. Cuiiitj* TickwU 25 and 15 ! orvaui proTidud. GARDEN PARTY. i i,Tri!.iii partv under tlm atiupKu* ot the Christian Kinleavur S<H-ialr of tn MfttnxliM church will Iw ivu on Friday evontnu. June '2-lth ID HIM <irovi at Kiiwrina Full*. A i-orilmi lUVItallnn iH VXtKlldOll to all. T Will 1)0 rtttrvuit l>y tin- la<lim fmu 1 o'clock p in. A font- ball nmti h will UM playnl, romuluiicilij; % ' p in . butwwn <))>roy anil Kni{i<iiia txiin on -'MM Lii"<i!iiU. A lively time in utpvctttl. Af*L-r thu KamaH baTo m<lw4 and t*ta beQ wrvi-il. w will priH'ne.1 to tbo Oraiiiif Hall fur tbu uTHUinj; AilinlHiiiii il cuiita a couple. HAVE YOU BACK 00005 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills giue prompt relief." "75 per cent, of disease it ftrst caused by disordered kid- neys. "Might as well try to have a healthy city without teufor- aije, at good health when tha kidneys are slogged, they are Sold by all dralcr* or of price 50 ccnl*. pv-r Dr. L. A. Smith it Co. the scavengers of the system. "Delay It dangerous. Neg- leoted kidney troubles remit in Bad Blood, Dyspe/taia, LJver Complaint, and the most dan- gerout of all, Briqhttt Disease, Diabetet and Dropsy. " "The about diseases cannot exist where Dodd't Kidney Pillt are used. f ent by mail on receipt bui or aix for t. v. lorvnto. Writ* far MONEY TO LOAN, The undursignrd has a large amount <J money to loan st fo/e on town or faini property. S. DAiifDE, Klrshertoii. W. J. BELLAMY. Tp. Clerk. Artpmraia. Cuuvp Innrauce agent, etc. U^edn. m Ietwe. etc., pri-psrcd and properly i-xeenu. InHurance affi-eted in fimt clats ounit>aini Mouoy to Inud at lowt rates. DR. BUTTON M. D CM., M. C. P. A S, Out., l',iee '.-lie. RfKiilfiir,> ntid Odlci- one door wrt of tJie .\l,.tljo,lj*t Cbnrcli, Kinro.s St. Ofliua Jays, Tumdiij-s aud Saturdays. DR. CARTER. M. C P. 4 8 , Ont. Pbj-ieian. tc., H.-KliFrtnu. office Strain', KewJenqe Muuhaw s hotel. , block DRS. SPROULE & EGO, MarkdaU-, Ont. Office Manly'n ding Jori'. T. ."S. Sproule, M. D., Etc. Au^us ^-' M. D.. Etc., latu of. Tottenham, tLt. Dr. Ego will be found ut tin Murkuak- Uoun at uigbt. J. P. OTTEWELL, BICYCLES THE .1*4 COMET" Bicycle LKiDS THE TAN. Personals. Dr. and Mrs. Christne are this week visiting friends uf yore at i >i.,n... Mr. Jas. Craig, insurance agent nf Owen Sound, was in town last week and gave The Advance a call. Mr. J. Wright, of St. L >uij,is spend- ing a couple of wt<uki with his father, Mr. Thorp Wright. Mr. W. J. Boll, f Boll's lake, spent) Sunday last with .Mr. Wm. Strain, and loft this station fur Calgary, N. W. T., where he inUnds to reside. Father Malon.-y, of Markd.tle, was a caller at Thu Advance office on Tuesday. Heisjustiiuw busily engaged working up his annual picnic. Col. Pope, American consul, Toronto, spent a couplu of days here this week, oc- cupying his tune with the tinny denizen* uf oar streams. Miss Aggie L -itch arrived home from Owen Sound last week, where she ba<l All the best riders iu the country ride the "COMET" IT IS THE STRONGEST. IT IS THE EASIEST WNNING. IT IS THE LIGHTEST FULL ROADSTKH. FITTED WITH SOLID CUSHION OU PNEUMATIC TIUK. Send for Catalogue. Cornet Cycle Co. 24 Adelaide St , Tonmto. W. H. THI KSTON, Agent. Flesherton. For Sale or to Let. 1.TO "- land within two nill> of Pli.h<irton. an excellunt water power mill nito at Kittle Kalln upon tho place ; :*, ft. huiul uf water on th wheel nt uremint hoiuhl of tho dam. Will b nold in I mock or the mill *iti> by ttoulf. ami tho lainl in i>aroi'U from IH> aero Upwar. IH t<> nit poransasm. The Vallev K.ia.l ruim tbrouyh the wholf lerRth of the place. Thin in a Rood opi'ortunitv for familifx to nuouro Kliinll houi* sfi'B^wi'h nhitfiilaiit Hiipply of ffoiNl wator. Term lllxral. *|)|'lv tn Wll lltxid. ftoshsMosj ntativu F. a . (.rudiiin, ,.f . VwUriaaryCoUkfe. Residence- -First d, Ju r itouth of Letcii tailor shop. Ifrntistrt). J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. J... M ]. s.. U.-ntisi. VisiuMuik- lil E thu lt uiiil .Ird \\cdui-bdav .if t -nch mouth. t'lfsLi-ituu Each trip on ilio Uy olluwiug. J. W. FROST, Hun-inter, Solicitor. Cuiivi'vaneer, Etc. FtahsrlM oilier x,. x i ti, e p,,, t ofljce. Sproulu's boildiog, on '1'liurbdsjs. 0en Suuu-l office- IMOBI'S buildiux. P. McCULLOUGH, Boninter, Solicitor, Etc. Offio* over Mc- 's store, Markdule. Mouey to WRIGHT & LINDS.\Y, . soli,:it,,r, etc.. Owen So ...... . out Klusllcuo.i olll,,. at .Macli,-lli,l>alik. \V. U,,...,HI of enclj wcuk. .ou> to luaii at lu it i i . s. W. II WHIUHT, 8. K. I.IM,,*V. R. J. Sproule, pOSTM ASTER, Kl.ia.rt,,i,,C>.ii ) ii 1 ,i,.n. ei in B. R., Liounstd Auolionen, Con veyancer, ApiinusiT and Money I. ( >mlci Rra.1 Etate and luHiiraure Ajjt-nt. Derux, MorttrsgcR, Leases aud WiJJs drawi. up uJ Valuatinnx uuidu on shortest notice. AHC- tiou Sains attended to iu any pury of tie Conuty. VIoucy to loan at lowcgt rnteR of iutert'st. ColtdatiipiiH attended to willi promptness and deHputeh. Charges low. Agent (or tlie I'onnniou Stcari.xlii]i4'iiiiipaiiy. Cheap ticket* from Klvlitrl<>ii to Li\i<r|>i I. Ulaagow, Londvu or aiiv of th l;nt. ii orts . Parties inteiidinR to vinit Kni;lnii.i. Scotland or I .-eland, will please atik rntri, lie- fore pcrcsasiDg their tioki-ti elsewhere. m mm uni 4 Illiri'h. I It^lMTI ON Drew nH nmntli. ina>inRiu all Kn *<'ai-.obf. Uoyxainl girlx nit atteodr1 to prompt^ n4 atlHractlnn 'miiuit,-i;il. Ufi'tlt m> -' ' ma<lu ii]i in R..O.I HI ,ie. when oltJu I- bronfhfc rex) y cut. I Imrc lo nvnn-n fiinn M>' ina, ' ..... "i"ll the igiirv for a >uurl'>r UM >f coneta. "