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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1892, p. 4

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h ii FLESHERfON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. It |MiblUhoJ Faoit TU OFFICE tr'ft, Fluherto n, Ont TEHMH Ok SUBSCRIPTION: 1 par annum whan I ttrlctly io adraace l.SOp*' annum wheu not o |.ai I. ADVEKTISINU UATE8. > Ono column. 1 year, $30 , halt col., do., S27 ajuartarcol. dn,*li Trantlcot a<lvertiavmDt charged at tbo rate f Urta. per lioafor flnt inantlua and Jcla. ptrr IB each aubaaqnent luawtlon. W. U THUBSTON. Kdiior a*d Proprietor A PIOSEEK SOCIETY. We notice that pioneer societies 1 beeb formed in several town- aud counties in Ontario. Nut- Las a flourishing one which i:.ct at Collingwood last week. The president's address wan an interesting on*, dealing a* it did with the indi- >iuial wlio first brought the soil of larg aud wealthy township iuto tnbjectioa. These societies are of un- qucfltionable benefit iu collating aud |Tes*rving eaily history for the bene- fit of tliott- who may cotnc after, aud priicrviiig for time thu names of tl:osc men who underwent the hard chips of carl/ settlement. Why could not somtthiug of a like nature be set on foot for this township ? \Vhat a pleasur* it would be for the old folks to come together to disctus tlis early days and place on record tluir doughty deeds. If anything is to be don* it must be done quickly. Constant readers of The Advance during the past two year* will note UK. advisability of this in the many deaths which we have been called np- <-i. to chronicle of aged and long-time reel lints. We would like very much i i-i- the- suggestion acted upon, as i e art- still left a sufficient number to make a strung membership. The Outatio tflup railway is being etiongl) advocated at prunent, and tlie business men of Toronto and 1 -Lester arc interesting thumselvttf in the scheme. The railway would i uu fiotu some point on the (icorg.un 1'u). neat Stayner, to the mouth of th* 1 lumber at Toronto. Engimtin hn> kin ovtr the ground and appear tu think such a railway practicable. 11 ID. Edward lilake has received a call and has accc-p'.ed. He will lure uitei be a Itiitish M. 1" fr a "Bufe" limit coiiHtituem-y. No doubt his Kpliiux like eloquence, if we may use the expression, will hanteii the lime when Ireland's wrongs will be all i ighted and all will be brotherly love thioughout the length and breadth of J.iin Isle. When thut happy timu uiines may w be ready to Wvli'iniii* Kilwanl l>rk aijaiil 'Iu bis uwu ilwar native lan-i ' Tiiuce" Llichael, the long haired who has been posing an a tumt at Detroit, was tried at Ann Arlior last week on the charge of criminal assault against a young girl, found guilty and HO LI to need to five ycais iu peiiilentary. A conulo of his male followuii have been shorn of their flowing locks iu a moment of humor, and things appear lo lie going Kuncrall/ wrong with tho "llying roller*," as they stylo themselves. larger Pihllil, if (xwuble, than the pranJ diiplar of l-t year. A long lit of Kpccial prut-k arc offered, one or more in each de- partment. The Uirreton IIUTB decided to adupl the one jn.lp- M-nidii, and appoint good, reliable. rompeteut men, from names iuiUmUi'1 l.j the principal live slur* HMoCi- attoui. Tuii ii the plan adopted by all the IcaJlug Fairi in America, and the Executire of tbo VYi tirrn Fair are iletermioeil to keep pace with the beat. Khould any of our readers wish u prize lUt addrvu Mr. Thoi. A. Browne, Secretary, who aisurei ni lie will ! plcawd lo forward tho same. Mrlutyrc. From vur own Ci>rrt*fxmdent. Our energetic merchant, Mr. 1). A. McLean, has got out a pedlar's license foi the comity of Grey, and is now doing a rushing business with the ladies at the front door. I tell you what, thete fellows from Feversham had to skip when Dan came around. Mr. Dan McFhail and wife and family, from the Maniioulin Islands, are living at present with Mr. Archy Mclntyre. A fi \f ix thunderstorm swept over this i-i-o ti ii on the evening of the 13th iust., doing considerable damage. A number of buildings were unroofed and blown down, the fences were also tossed about conkii'crably. Mr. Duncan Mclnnes has received the appointment of conductor on a whey train between this point and the Singhaiiipton cheese factory, and plies daily between these points, Hun- days executed. The Mclntyre and Siughainptou foot hall clubs played a friendly gam* on Saturday evening on the gravel road. Neither club got a goal. Miss Annie Mclntyre returned home from Toronto on Saturday, where she 1 ;id beeu attending the Norrua' School. Mr. John McKinnon wont to To- ronto on Monday to attend the funeral of hi* sist. T, Mrs. Lester. i .1.1 > Hank From our uiru ( 'urrr<//)i</rNA I'lenty nf ruin and sunshine now. Theie tire piospcctH of a good fruit crop. Thu heart of the fanner re juice*. JIID. Colitis, from Ituriie island, was lieru on hii way from (inelph and Toronto, win ic lie bought a line spun of well bred hoists, a Durham bull and heifer. He SUCIIIL an hearty und h.'l p) as of yore. lie and liid wife are visiting friends in Artemesia and Osprey. Win. Kolmiriim and son arc here from Fall Uiver, taking iu Niagara and Toronto. lii.ii ban given UB roads not as good as Coming even to 1- leshertoii they are ou>. of repair. That man with the pick and above! raising atones and levelling up up thu road would be a good inbUlu linn, lie did well List yur. I'ity he was not at work this year. The roads of the lownalnp me ii'it krcpmg l>i.v in improvement with tho general advance in civilization, iu tho place an nitnv sulkies, buggieu and , not to mention bicycles, are iisini' them more than ever. report a rare occurrence iu this neighborhood. In Toronto, on Tues- day, June 7th, Mr. Charles Louk, of Wareham, to Miss Minnie ftlirridan. May their measure of joy be full, and their sorrows little ones. James Cornfield, jr., paid a visit to the old settlements lately. Miss I.ilhe ttoss paid a visit to her parents here recently. Hubert Cornfield has moved into I is new house. May health and pro* perity crown him. [Too late for last week. Eu. K vii I.K. April uii. 1WT : DKIII hniK. Mill llali'litiff il t-THlrlitlv KIUDK naMiifat-tloii. I have H..|.| ,il>.mt half of th Kroatt I liouKht from you im the Jiti -1 of January laat. I UMit in nit owu fainlly an<l like It wait! Can r.-< '.niim-ud It Iu all wbo aru troubled with dandruff. Your* truly, I'll---. BitvaMo. Tb Prise I.i-l of 1 1,. Weatrrii Fair.whicb u to U held iu Luudun Sept. 1.1th to Ullli, la a*;aiii tu hHuJ, and we aro pleaaed lo n<itic tliat tlie un|irrceiloute<l aufctmi wbich .,ttndel tbo tflorU of llie maim^mmt |HI < ear lian been ol lungiule l>ei)t>lit lo the l.pviton ol lirentook and ngricMiltaral ptu- Inceii, llie Diri.-ti.ra Laving added nuarly tW.WIO.OO to the 1'rite Lit of IH9I. liui.le bicrtiin the lri>'ly Urge prizn offfrud, third priiea hv Ix-en addud tu tbo cattle o'aia, whrre Ufuru oiiiituxl. and new io- V40ni to the ateop claii, and a full clam f .r the Tamworth f lg. Alao tuird piittt in the poultry aeetion, wbicb, witb llio com i.j.idiiiM biiil'liii| now at tlia dupoual of tbe I Hj-y hrw1*n, ihouM cull (..rlli their li- Bft* co oji.rali. n uii-1 (.'ivi' tn the palnm* ..J tin rT>oi.-ni Fair tb grandeit diiplay rr,-r fxliil'iti-d in Car.a<'a. Tbe dairy In UTtnts are reing pniporlT d afttr, and III* totnmitUe are Ti.lunlly catering for a A'nim nc on/i l''n r: ^finiilf \!n r ill rnli'illjr (Utnp <inyi ; can scarcolj get tiiuo between shower* to r 'til llie oniou bed. i i.i i u in. i . in this vicinity are prn8p-ring, I think. Kir. John Katun has disposed of his old bug^y, '"! now drives a handsome now on* ; and Measts. Win. ( iii\, Jo) n hi inkle and .lumen Knott have each made them- sulvoa a pri-nfiit of a new binder. Mr. Jos. Corntiuld ia putting up a new Iruiuo liouso. As Mr. Coruiitld is as yet a bachelor, one naturally wondcrv who is to be mistress of this house. A largo number from luic look in the ration picnic iu Mr. Perry's grove on Wednesday last. Thero was i-atiinutvd to be over ono thousand ptuple at it. It was a success in overy way, and everybody seemed to enjoy tin insilvts to thu full extent. The Eppiiig Babbnth school will hold their annual picnic in Mr. Win. McConnell'b grove- on the afternoon of Saturday this week. There will le IUUHIC and speeches, baseball and foot- bull games, swing* and oroquet. Now i'. goes without saying that this | c- nic will bo a success, as it is a well known fact that whatever the Kppin^ pooplu undertake to do they do thoroughly. Mount /mi. The Head Surgroa Of tli" I/iinna M. lira] c.'hi|>any ii now at Tor- onto, Canada, and may U> cunult*d ehlu-r iu pvraun or by letter on all chronic <hs>aia pe- culiar to man. lien, young, old, or tuiddle-ated. who And tliciiixt-lvi'% nervoui.wvak and ezhauat- d, who ar trrokeu down from exoeM or orer- work. r>ultlnnlo many of tha folluwuif lym- ptouia . Meutal .l-j>reUii. prrtimurc old KV, luaaof vitality, loaa of luvuiory, bail drt-anii, iliiniiM>uf niMlit,|'al|>ltatii>n of tb liwart, era- ailoiiK. lack of i-m-ruy. pain In tlm kidn>a, In-a |M-)I>-. piuiplo* on tbe face or body, Itching or pwuliar avnwtlou aoout tl-e acrotuui, waist ln (if Ilicoroani, diziineM, apecki before the eya, twitching of the uiuaclea, *> and olacwhurB. banhfulnoaa, d|>olt* In the urine. oiiif will |x>wr. teniliTtio of the acalp and pine, weak ami flalihy iiinnclea, deaire to <lei>. failurr t<>>> rnntxl l>y !;.. "ii-Il|.atinn. .lull- neaa of hearing. UMM of vuic..leiie for holitmli*. . \. ni.ilit\ nf t. iii|KJr, kuukfij vyert MiriouiiUcil with i unrv ;c im i.r.oih I.H.ku.K -kin. etc. .arc all i- v mpt' 'in* if ntTV.Mj - ilrl.ilttv Itmt I. a<l to ill-anlv au'l I'.ratll lllil.- i-inml The HptlllK or vital Inrir hating l>t It-, tt-utili>n .-vwrv fun. tloli aii.-M in IL^I-<JII->, -.h. i tlinMi;;li ahuaecoiniiiilt. I in ICII-TI'I' > inav ! pvrnian nil curwl. Keud your Mldrviia fur b<Hk (fn all flict-afttjtt |K-culiai to man llixjka ivlit fiee aeal- .-I Hnart iliat'aix, the )iii|>toiiiof which are faint aprlls. |mr|.|- li|>M. Lunil.lif*-.|-ilati..n kip l..-t-. lint ffnihi-H. tu-li of Mnod to lh heail.dull |*aiu in tb hart witb lM>at -tr.iiii: rapl.l an. I irirtfulur.thoriH.UHl lioattU >.t >|iiu ker than the fli-t |i>m alxiut Ii. l.r.--t bone, etc . can i-oMitlvely Im curt- No cure, no pay. S. n I for A.ldrrauM V. LflKIN. '.-I Mat .Ion. II Ave. Toronto, Canada. ; laiilj IK. A (Miwerful .-.-ar. Ii li.,-lit will be placet] mi the tup of Mount Washington. It will IN- t!i> highest and!< in the world and will be teen from portions of Maine, Maxaacliuwtti, New Hainpsliiri', Vermont, New York and Canada. At Niagara Fall*, N. V , on Friday i.i^lit. Jaiuvi W. Lee,. n>l iu){ro, ih ,t and killed William R. ^'.".Irer, an cnKineer fur a morry )(i' rouiiu. Tbe truuUe ori- L'UKiu .1 ovur Lev'* refuel t> pay lui fare for a n. In on the machine. Lee alio ahot at an uHicur and eauapcd aarent for n turn-, hut WM finally captured and te- cur-ly ironed. Oh, What a. Cough I Vt ill you ln'i-.l thu warniiiK. The ii,' iil |n-rliH|m of the sure a|.|>roa.-li of that itmru lerriolr ihsenae ('oiiHiiinptioii. Ak youm-lve-4 if you can ai|..rd for thu - IK.- ..( K.II my 50e., to run tin- riak and d iiothiut( for it \\ r know from expeii .n.. that Sbiluh'i t'ni,- will cure ymir eou-.'h. It iif\t-r fails. jiu. <.'! Township of Court of Revision. Nod. . i* li,.i,o. ,,,..., that the Arnt nittlni) of the Cutirt nf for thu twiii<la|i >< Vit. in. M.i for t'n- vi<ar l^.r' ill b ln-l I III thu Town Hull. H. -In . in u ..ii M .11 lay. Juiix -J.'tli, ll> ib toar of le o'olott .1 m Hato.l at ri.-.iu.r ton thin I uli .!. c.f I.., i,. ir.' w. J n::i I,\MY. Tw|i rl-il. The Sho.v rooms of II. E. McNea's Furniture Estab- lishment on Durham St. are completely filled with all kinds and styles of ihe most HANDSOME FURNITURE That has ever entered Flesherton. They contain the CHOICEST FURNITURE In the furnishing market of to-day, such as Bedroom Sets Parlor Suites Dining Room Furniture Kitchen Furniture Baby Carriages Hall Mirrors Sideboards Bureaus Etc. It is useless for us to enumerate all of our stock, but we would just say, and you will too, when you see it, that the show it makes is simply immense. FOU_S_ALE. A milistantiiil Imrk <lulliu^ hoilM nituatod III till- t,IUl' <I|H.-.I,. I I .11 ITI.I at |l||-M<lll U IK' cii|ii.l hy Mr I ...... iti-ul Th.T.. l an acre of ground . tin- houtu ! in a ^<HM| hituatiou at, I in kiii-lli-iit i, pair. |>..iii-tiniK evury coi. nn im-. hiiniiK a wi'll In tlio . ! ., ( iiilu-i parllculam |.|.U t.. W. .1 ni:il,,MY, -.'riMiii., Tuwnahlp Claik M N Kough and dressed lumber al- ARTISTS. When you arc in need of any supplies in your line, such as Paints, Brushes, Canvas, etc., don't send away tor them but come to me. I keep everything of that style expressly for your own use, enahlin^you to get your supplies at home. II. E. McNEA. Sfa. The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he has opened up a full stock of Men's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes. Consisting of both fine and coarse, suitable for wear indoors and ont. Our goods will be Sold at a Low Figure, ArH we arc determined to satisfy our custoiii.Ts. A splendid assortment to choos* from just to hand from best manufacturers. Hoping to receive a fair share of the publi: patronage. JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. i:<-|iairini; ami Sustain Work (o n* ol old Carriage Making OORR & WILSO Mitnnfactiirers am' Dcalera in all kinds of Building MateruUa. en hand ; also all kinds of Mon lil ing, Scroll u'ork, Balusters Neu'dl posts, Hand railing, i'ence pickets, in fact everything needed in building or repairing. Always commit ii before Von trt nt Tr 'in intr mat ('"r Miss Fuller, of King townshi;), is Tisitiug with her uuole> Mr. 'L'uyiu 8 Tavlnr. si. We havo tlaa week a wedding to w..rk. A Uiv i|ii,miiy i.f north ahorc pine ; alan pine Inlh anil nliinulcii prioeg. K-tiinnl.'H given. Sash & Door Factory, f Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. TO THE PUBLIC. HnviiiK ri.ntc.l \Vhlttcn'ali1ack*niith iihop for a tai in of yearn, 1 am now Iu a position to cater to all wants ill my lino. Horseshoeing a specialty. Siii i in n Guaranteed- MOORE & WILSON. FOR ANYTHING IN THE 11LACK SMITHING LINK CALL 0\ F. A. BUNT. Oppoalt* Ulthai Jaoii'l.Hardowar* 8 ton CAUTION. I U II PI t . OF I III fflHRTLE NAVY IS T.&B. IX ItKWV'J I I I I I Ks. NONEOTHEti.GENUINC

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