r h u. FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCK. ! published J'vcrv r rimrMliiy, FBOM TUB orrii-B Sydfp^im Strret, Fleil>i>rt<'ii, ""' TK11M.S OK SUHRCRII'TION: f pr annum when paid strictly iu advance 1 - |.(" annum wlieu not o pai'l ADVKKTIBINO 11.VI <> < column. 1 year, 990; baK col., do, (27 t ' S1V Tran-H-nt lYnrtlmnnentu chart;'-.! at tlie rate i - - |.t line (orflrtt inwrtlou a.i.l :k.-u. |>cr luu * ti fuliftftquent iiihiTtion. W. U. THURSTON, Kditor and Proprietor The date for the Liberal Coiiser- ittixc r i,iv< ntion to be held in I'lrs i i-t'in I, -is not yet been let, but will intii. I . iKixiid upon the duration of ;' i nt session of parliament. It \\ ill 1' 'l.alj'.y be early iu Jnl. bir .1 jlni Thompson and Hon. Mr. Tup- liavr ]iU-d{;cd their word to bo j-rTsnit. TLU annouiict'im -lit of its- .vill be sufficient to draw an cnoi- jmotiH crowd of visitirs to our town. J.ot us tec to it that sufficu nt accoiu 3.. i.-.':. is socur. 1 and tin- village .laadr as attractive as pos-ililr for the occasion. Committees sli'j'ild be up 1 ointrd to get thingi) in shape, so soon u.- the date is announced, winch will 1 c v ry shuitly. and boat the drum anil bad a testi- mony meeting cvci- tho grave, followed liv si VIM ill solcw HIM! e'lunisrs The wl olu ceremonial wan unique and i UN a departure from the common and orthodox method of burying the dead. 1 need hardly siy that several jf those present winhl prefer a quiet- er way of l>> in" put iu the narrow bed. r'l'illl IHir liU'll < \n It i/*.;../. III Tin tiuu rains of last week fresh- ened tin' crops wonderfully iu thia Koiaewhat hilly district. A train belong i i ijj to Mr. Xohli- \\ il on df EiMTtnoiit, ran away In.-U Saturday, and made a CJinpli tc cir- cuit of half of the village. No dam- ayt was done. Mr. A. J. llii.-lnvn I ti'fik honors in Kn^li'Oi, and first class honor-! in IV. i. ch, (it rnuu uinl Italian at the !< ill i \aniinatioii8 htld in Toronto I iii'.i isily. Wi. Husband has juat BOSjntsjtM hi-- first year in the forego- in-.; iusiiiuli.Hi. ( On^iatiihitious Al. Mr. Alexander, or^ini/fr of the Patrons of Industry, intiliuiU'd a 1 in I'nci villr,.)nii{> 2nd. with 14 mem- bers. Mr. 1>. Mr('urni:ick w.is elected Mll) Peoi'ln Will III. "Myti>rr." by IKIIII tin- p.-li of Will I.OW. ii-a I Kitli uit.-rt-t itNo the IMWII Kuicll.1 KIVOT Alliolllt artist* rni|,|. ,o,l to illimt'-iitf tins ..... niiiT an- K.'iif.ni Cot. II. Si'ld'iin M,,wl.rm. \\ill II 1,-i.v \\il- ..... l< MI-/K \\ ]i. ? fiH'ii-. Hownnl Fylo ami K v,' ii Murat HnliitrK'l. llrn'i 1,-r M.ittlirwi HIM! 1 .iiwmil Kvi-ivtt Hle r iinnig tliu othar ciiiitrilnitori. Mraford Boa<I / in our mm Corrn|M>ti //.( Mi. \V. J. Holley and family have returned back licre a^uin. They liave been living in WiarVui for the l.tM three or four years, but tliink that tUj can do better here. Mr llollty is working at Lin tr:i<l< an a ctoiu mason. He has s.omv<l tever- nl K..C>'| jobs since hit return litre. I.a.-t wtjtk tli school rhildun l.;i 1 n t-.vn days' holiday, the t.-:icl.i r, Mr. ViA'iiim, being in attend u v at tU> I. sr!.<i *' convention in M.n l.-l iV. >ii Jas Itrodia.tlie Uiiua-r Comity klastei of South Grey, w:is down to >i> al last wek attending tin* an- i 1:1! mi'Hing of the Bu|>nini' (irand Crnn/t Loift flf BlitUi Aiui'rica. 'l'h- outlook here at pit * nt for lots ( f fi nil is I ... n . i /'M.IH olir I/II-H I'ufTf ,. . ' I'll'. II. r sad and sudden death of Mrs ohrrhollz of the Kugem.i h",i \ , 'nsliiy last, cant a ['lo mi o.t r i inniiinity. Intlai.iiiialion of (In lung's carried her off in I iiir rfn\ -. r.t the early age of Iwi-iiiy s. \. u. ! ! il was of a kind d i -d enih-mel hrrsslf to ail. II i \viii husband ti.d l.er pin nt- 1 .ITI tl.i pympatliy of a'l in then xnd I . ii nvMiii nl. A laigc inimhir fo!- I .v, ,1 In r n mains to the Fli -l.erlnn iiinetciy. The funeral t. iini.n was I ',. d by the HeV. Mr. \\ills. at n . Chant;* Hall, to a laij., 1 c> n^rc "ii. on Sabbath aftenp i.n Mr Jake Williams, of J.. ...ii-.i. \ viiiting his friends Inn- . ,, ^ah I tL list. Mr. <ii oijje Mtldrinn Im-i 1.1:1 on i >-:i-k list (or the pant t.- v. Mi 1 . Leonard Latnu r has lii"-;'li I,.. n. i- a wife, fimliii!' out r \\IIM nut good for man l> 1" aluiu. >\ i t< i iltr cur congiBtuUn !.>. Mi. Thomas La Inner hu ; j ..in I ini,^ior the ttunnavr. I .. I > It .i n U Tin Haw lofjs arc getting scarce in the mill yard. l-'i.-.h stories a iv hrlow par at pres- ent. The "speckled beaiitiea" arc either getting K-H.IV. or else they h.ive funned a "c lull, u, ' to defeat the efforts <,f th, wily angler. MAIIKIUU. Al tin- ivbiiirucc of tho bride's faiher. June 1-a, Katie, secoml diiii^'liter of Mr. M. Mcl>ou^ul to .Ino. M. Arthur, all of I'l icevill*-. MesMH. \Viilln, of Oichanlvillu, ami Lyons, of Swiuton I'aik, vrero lh guests of principal llluki'stou part of hi -t week. Master Jii<*>>b I'arsluw, of Swinton I '.u!. .is visilni.,' d it-mi.-. iu this village. M.r-'.is. 1'. Mel ii>mi!d, Neil XlcKm- ii-in, Mr. and Mid. \V .1 lilukcstono, Muses (iussie lliislund, Fanny .l-im. - and A'.ice Hoss aumdi d the teachers' conveiitinn in &lurkdalc Inst week. I'ln y s|>eitk highly of thu tnteitain- lin lit furnished l>y tin- iniinil:il>!i 111 n^ou^h on Thin -day afirii<><>:i anil evenini(. l-'l :,.H I. Ill .III II < 'ill I II. ,1,1, Hi. Summer is h. n , and i\, .\li'dy is ;-!.i'l to >>it it. Il w.' do not have n i' "it thi iu will In. a:i ahundaiirn of f: nil this -, i . The trees v i. MTI i a 'i li.'.iv,,v I nuid. Mi. James knoll imstd a frame Ii r ii w i k In 1'1,-e l.i t. Mr. (i. y. . -.11 ha 1 ill.' mirf foi tun.' ; I . 'n of Ins hoi.-u last u . , k . On Sunday. 6th inst., tho wife of Mr !>. Wilson, nf .1 s iu I'loiu wlier,' 1 HIII littinj I can hear the Mouii I of "thu nlnriiiiiif ilium" us the ! . i in f >i 'oriniis iw< '." : i .'. MS to to tin ir . il. \\ j. huvc a .uis time FLE3HERTOH GREENHOUSE A 11 II II Ik i> 111 .Ml TomatO, C.mli nit t'n'ii, inn mrn <'i>rm/ .,,,!./. ..I. ^ mi may not know that \M 1 .iMny splrndid Weather, wi'h I i r : in II.IIIH of good ha} and Ii... - I'n Tliniiday a young la 1. M .. d l<\, i n.iiloyd by Jno.l'ool.naiin : \S illiam ( in i n. met with an accident tlntt re suited in his death the mxt .lay. No biiw the niasmer in whu-h he was i jiiied, but Mr. Truadgnlil, 1. ;ir!n-r, I . ml him calling for In !|>. It IK mjM'Oiid ho had been half an hour i tllinf before he was hi aid l>r. 1 WSR sent for, but IM dical lielp v is unavailint;. His injuries " .. internal. On Sunday be was bin ltd I il.i S. A. iu tho 1'rovideiicn ln..nl giuiind. '1'he lad had n i n laiiu I d I, mi in hisjast in ' DU, but va. well cared fur, and was I lli.wnl to the grave by a lur^i 1 oon- ,n. hd by Salvation Army p.'ll liirers. llu had joitibd I 1 . S A. i I A dayn ago, and had . , i . M i \ .i;ce of a reformed, if not a con- \. iied life He sang be.f.v i. .U. d yafe ill the a: ins of Jtosus." At the burial thw S A had their ll.ig furled and drum murtled, and as they ap p: ouched the church they dii mounted and rang, and played thu acooidion, . in fill.' i . I'. | )'i r, uinl all l.ii.'U i'f (il.uils fill l l'!..ll'ii:g III tilt: l-'l. sin i Ion (irt'ciilnnntc. \\ i liaVf 111 Mtlirk II llll;'r i|lllltltlt) of IIHM'il llilllllil mi' I.- wll'l'.ll VNllI lio ,li;|i.iMil of ul low I .I'i'-i. V\ ii IIIIYU a liiif Viiru-iy uf all kinds of plants to clii'>'^ fii.in. All orilcrs proiujill) utti'ii 1 I INKS JVS liKIX ROIT. , .t, HI A|iill'i- The June s:in>pi*Ilta:i. In vuili-l> olil>j. .-I nti I )...) ulm tun .i.'iii-. l il.. Jui.. UoiltiupaUtau furuUb ii ' ' '' i-iii it fi n .-r iii i> ..:,ni in i. i MM '. H' 1-^1 aiitln'iiii "ii tin mit.j. . , .me.' SI (IH..IU MIVI.. 'I. lull t - CUM Vkllll I'M. I i' -i I'l |I*I.I.IH .1.11... I ..-i . ..ii in v.1.1. !i I 9. -I t. "I " \ ..f natural .-' .11. . t ll.MIIKlit "I I ! >'' " ana will. ri.ilH I. i-i i.. -.-. i . j,,,u Lli.li iiluMi.iu.'ii* li.'ii. i UH I' . -I i" ' nil. I ' ' . . ... null...: ity . ; . ". ). *. I | t I I I , II, i |t.-i.nc. of ( t ,i|t.-.i . In l.-a "I v. I'll I I' !> amitl. .1 ami peiillr utory bjl ll..u. l IM. , ti.n K .i.-i.i.i.ii tliii.ii.it i. > . .n..;' Hii'il l' two tl'.. i ! tin-fa ol hU. *'i.l "Mnvr." a rmli"i .tnkini, cl.n.ai t.-r ill lla*<- lid. (>Ul.M|llnl- It ml ill.-l.'i 111 this nun... i . I lie Workiiif of tL l.nl.nr .U.|iaitiii<.nt, i.\tli< CounnlsilOnsr ,f I.KI ". i in i"ll I) \\ . it;lil H I Kur Sclt in ilaik. . An..tli*r '.iiuet of Jani Utiin'l 1 ,,.,.! I II {.lilillnlli'll III til i*. llllllll.ul AH.) |'..ll. ly lui| l)aa>a* wiUi a full |>a illuilratiuu Ayer's Hair Vigor 13 the "Ideal' Hair-dressing. It TO- stores the color to gray hair ; promotes fresh and vigorous growth ; prevents the formation of dandruff; makes the hair soft and silken; and imparts a deli- cate but lasting per- fn in.-. "Several months 'ago mv hair oom- DII in i-il falling out, and in a f'-w wi rks my head was almost bald. I tried many mil. ilii-s, but they did no good. I fln.il- l\ li ..null! a bottls of Ayer'a Hlr Vigor, an I. iift.-r iiKiiiK only a part of the con- teats, my head was covrrcd with a heavy iifowtli "' bair. I recommend your preparation as tho belt in the world/' T. MunJsy. Sharon Grove. Ky. " I havo used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a n-.imli'-r of years, and it lias always given mi- saiif i' -ion. It is an excflk-ut dress tug, |>n-vi.iits the hair Iroin turning Kay. liiAiiros Its vigorous growth, anl i in tin- sralp whit* ami clean."-. Jl.iry A. Jacknon, Salem. M.HS. "I hare lined Ajvr's Hiiir Viiror for promoting the growth of th hair, and think it uiii-i|ii.tld. For restoring the hair to its original color, find fnr ailress- IniZ. It rann.it txi surpassed." Mrs. Qeo. l.i Fi'v, r, K it. .a Kai'ids, Mich. "Ayer's Hair Vigor Is a most excel- lent preparation fur tin- Irtlr. I speak of It from my own exp-ri.'nre. Its use promotes the growth of n<-w hair an. I make* it glossy and soft. Tli Vi^or is altoa. un- for dandruff." J. W. Bowen, B-liuir " Emiuirer," MrArtlmr, Ohio. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past two years, and fi.imJ It all It is r -iiri-i.'iit.-il to IM-. It r.--'i- r .-s 'hi- tmtn- ral color to gray hair, causes the hair to grow frei-ly, and ki-t-i It soft and pliant. "-Mrs. M. V. Day. IVhoi-s. N Y. " My father, at abnut thu age of flfty, lost all tin- hair from tin- tup of his head. After one month's trial of Ayer'a Hulr Vigor tin- liair began ruining, and. In tlirmi months, be had a linn growth of hair of the natural i-olnr." P. J. CulleB, 8arau>ga Springs, N. Y. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Nlt.lR F The Sho.v rooms of II. E. McNea's Furniture Estab- lishment on Durham St. are completely filled with all kinds and styles of the most HANDSOME FUENITURB That has ever entered Flesherton. They contain the CHOICEST FURNITURE In the furnishing; market of to-day, such as Bedroom Sets Parlor Suites Dining- Room Furniture Kitchen Furniture Baby Carriages Hall Mirrors Sideboards Bureaus Etc. It is useless for us to enumerate all of our stock, but we woultl just say, and you will too, when you see it, that the show it makes is simply immense. BT Dr. J. C. Ayr & Co., Lowrtl, Mass. Sold bj Droffbu >i. I rr*umr. Notice. I wi-h kin lly to <!! tin '! it , 'M of pure iU Irrn hv* IHH--HIHI riitiliiml i ni IK AH. #. in that tin". p|'t m f*.. ju.Mitlv durtug tht day |>lTin^ un l)i 1 nnk* "f HIT I"'!, i lIMk' 'I til fill) Vll'W of II! \ 111 'HUM. ft II 'I I'-'.^-t io and fro ibroufh my ftald mi ' K^I i u *.; u an- iiM.|t*r .-r -p iloini; tht-'ii ^TI.IM- tUin.i I iia\.- * . i frum ill ' * ' t.' k M., I- iii ur put- lln^ "'i plunk >-i OK v. / tit i >t Illl-. -ill *'> I I <> 1 W"M|,| |t| -, . 1 i VI V itf (lit- Ml' will i tT r tlt< |u<nlty of tin \\ It HAVE YOU BACK- ACHE DODOS KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU " Bnc kac h mr ins tilt kid- ' are in t v. Doddi Kidnry Pillt aivt piO'iijit relief." ' ' 75 per cent. tf diieate fs fnt ttused hi icd kiJ- i " M!<iht at ive.'f 1' ; 1 1 hitca a hi ii It h y city u 'hunt ti'ivit- a ;, at good h i/th u hen thi kidneys are alogijcJ, they 010 the tc of the itttttm. "Delay It dangtnjui. Neg- lected lu'dnr-t trouble* retult in Had Blood, Dyspepsia, Lui.r < Cunt plaint, and tha meat dan- gorout of all. \ trightt Dmmat, Didbcttt and " 7 he about cannot c\iit ivhcrt DodJ's Kidney Pi/It art used. '. SY Ml ' i\ r or *. it hy in .il.-n rev ript ol j.i \-u si crntv p. r *' * .'f i* f<T S'.j.s IV. L. A. Sn.,-1. A I . loccolu. Wiiw for bvok colloii K :a. y '1 *lk. ARTISTS. When you are in need of any ruppliesin your line, such as Paints, Brushes, Canvas, etc., don't send a'.vny tor them but come to me. I keep everything of that style expressly for your own use, enabling you to get your supplies at home. II. E. McNEA. V Jit D.iii i:r; The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he has opened up a full stock 1 1 Mea's a^d Ladies' Boots and Shoes. Co. ;is f ing of both fine ami coarse, suitable lor wear indoors and oat. Our Dennis will L>e Sold at a Low Figure, And \vc are determined to satisfy our customers. A splendid assortment to choose from just to hand from best manufacturers. 1 1 >ping to receive a i'.iir share of the publi: patronage. JOS. SMIIH, Fl.'sherloa. < iisioni Mrk :iti< n.li-il In n> ol ull M OOKK \ WILSO ' I v.ilors In all N knuls df ^T I .;;/< and Ji'cssri! lumber a i.'.n v ( n hi'.iut ; also all kituis of Moulding, Scroll '>.))&, Btlusi Hand railing, I'cnce /: '.[ 5, /';/ A; / i';'i \\h\! in bhiuiin < . ' -a". ' I O \ \ 1 l^ i ' . i 'l.ll Hi 1.1 [ill I.. I ,1 llll I jl.'H l.t piu'es. ElesliBrton Sssh & Door Factory, MOORE & WILSON. Carriage Making* Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest st\lc of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Tiimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESHEKTON, ONT. TO TIIH PUBLIC. i I T I \. Havin,: i. 'Ii li..|' f r a !' ' - to all wai.tH iu iny llun. Horsoslioeiug a spej IM.K; OF r.:i; s. in- lac tin ii JHKRTLE NAVY 1 . Mi' Kdli ANYT'ilINcS IN THK II \ K SMITIIINi: LINK rvi.L i'\ F. A. BUM T.i OypoalU Hieliai.lauB'a Rardwava Btoi*. INOHtQJHERQENUlM