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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1892, p. 1

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Jtiiratux TRUTH BEFORE FAVOIi." P1UNC1PLE3, NOT MEN." . XL, NO 56!). FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1892. W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR * PROPRIETOR WATCHES AWAY A Fleshrrloii Boy Abroad. We will Sell A 3 OfNCE, OPEN - FACE, SlLNKHiK. SNA!' liKXEL, WITH HEAVY, FREN'll iTT CUYSTA1, WATCH, FILLED WITH A SPLENDID, 11 JEWELED AMERICAN MoVKMKNT, KEY WIND, FOR $4.75. WE WILL FORWARD THIS SPLENDID WATCH TO ANY ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF THAT AMOUNT. ARMSTRONG BROS. FLKSIIEKTO.V H. I It'll M l/v/./.'S .1 .IKtt'ELKR!-'. D O W N BY E. K. Hit IIAKMSOS- Tim passage through i!u. Straits uf Hello !!, between Labrador und Now fouiiilland.iiitr'.iluecH thu eastward bound voyager to tho free ;uid boundless ocean, so iiftfii thi inspii-iii-; tlifine of poU. The ilawn of July tht- iL'th found nx out of sight of land, with the tempera- ture very mark-illy lower. Tliure waa iiothui',' except tlio alin:in:u' to indi.-ute t!;:\t the dny was the .iiiniveriiy of nil f any ".rest importance Ki Goods must be sold ! IV OT M 'I'll 10 KOI !-,<> \VirXfjJ- I'l I C 1 12 SS : GROCERIES. No. I C Raisins, t\vent v-ci;_;ht Ibs. in box for $1.00. 1 he !>e?t K:< e, -'4 Ibs. for iyi.oo. 4 !!>s. ol' the finest Japan Tea ib r -ri.oo. If this te.i does not suit, your jnoney refunded. PROVISIONS" No. i Long Clear IJ.'icoii, only nine cents per pound. Spic eleven cents. Smoked 1 1. un.s twelve cents. "BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies' But! Slv tes, h md :n:i-.L- at liar .1 pair. Gent's 1'iiflf Shoos, li.ind mad' 1 , ;U 0:10 dollar. MILLINERY. No ti.v.e to say anything. K\cry person busy getting orders ready. AY. We list,MH-tl in vain I'm tho .li-t-p roll of tho ilruni ainl in.-rry trill of tin- anil no .irnn^n and hluu nor ;ay lilies and tlaiiH \v. n- to lu> M i-n ; Mil th,-r.' wt-ri- iiKlnvit'oiis 1'iat -oitiii-ilni, \|u-. -ti'tl. Kkt-ryhndy t'n.iu to dtt-rn si'i-iiii'il to havi- mailt- tlii'ir t.-ilol with a little more than! MI.-, iim caino on ilovk wcariin; an a:r '-i pro; urn! rrttfiiliH-sj, li.-tittin^ tho .i-cision It \vns Sun, lay, horn and tht-rn w.-n- littlo groups ..-hattinr; uul Mnokiii!;, .uni up ami tlown tin- u;.pr doi'k the n^i-rs iinliistrioiihly walki-il, twiiiu' to ti;_!it ,;T tht." kMMoklMM, wlnlo mi a ' kuiiillt* ..f litiy two ..lit -I'lillcnn-n sat. tlu- olio with il.i^iiutic frown n-ailini; ami cdiiinn ntini> -n thu Itil.h-, wlnlu tin- nthi-r with i'r:ii fi'il, 'jrntlo c'.;.rua*ion listciuil withoni disputing. Thus tin- inornini! woro away till rhtiirh tinio withcuit inti-iTtiptioii, i'x,-.'|it tin.' inn-.t.'i I tin- ship's crow, t-ai-li man ! l!i.- ht'i-hoat t... which ho hclon^t-il. \! i-'n-vi'ii in tht' in. rniu^ ilu! it-v-'ii in i '.in i-vt nin^ 1'iiMic worship was lu-ltl in the caliiil ilitniir;-. l""ii, with il In.ui n.- that lied kt-iit'tl tho r;. 11 nl fo.-lin^ that Having taken ;ulv:uU:i;;c of the holiday cheap ID Toronto, I picked up several seasonable lir.cs cl CJoocls, and to-day have put them in stock : 50 pieces oi New Prints, elegant patterns and good values. J5 dozen Ladies' Gloves and Mitts in silk, silk- plated, anJ lisle thread. 15 dozen Ladies' T.irasols from 25 cts. up. Gent's Cas-lnncrc Hose, Wool Hose & Cotton Hose. , I'ndeiwear, etc. Call and sec these goods before purchasing. Boots aud Shoes, Tlu- 1. litest ,i:i.l !>ost assoi't:iit-:;'i. WO line i't rniiicli.i Gaiters for ok! 1 oifered. Groceries i bgdy is j)iji,^;i , our 'l>.i*'.: t'"iue ; iiul- get a sauVjilc pouml ^tul ji'in tho hdp]>y' thtoftfi, who know \\liat tiny ai'C.t.ijkin ; aboul tTftj^lay we keep tlu- 1'i'st 43 ct. and -jo ct. r CM' on the iiia'rket. Suj;.us as chtap' as ever: Soups in abundance. IKIMIS Efcctiiv 101-31'-. a -bar. N t ..perries < n .o;ir slielvrs -cverythin; 'i. lliyhcflt j!iica||).-i:J t. ! and B. G-. THE STOR:-: ON TIIM HILL At iiinlit there wu change ; A iii.isc, :ind .iboiit llireu ill thu iii.-niiuv; n wavo -.t ruck the ship, wok UH all up, .tent tlie , -little up raw liui; nntl bellow- n- i hen irnltlcd over (hi! sides und down the leilpper* like sonic liii.-chi.'C'-us . iprite "lit on .1 laik. I need not tell hi many vacant seats them wme .iround the I table* dttriB| the thnii days "f iias-ty ; wuather thiit fallowed, nor ho* M-I-V liberal some wcrti in their offering! to the tUlies. " Tis better folt than!.' 1 Krnl.iy mornine, we caino in siylit of the riinguil coast and L;recii tieU* of ilu. Emerald !>li'.and ill da. hnii; tin- va was .aim a* a ai'iilm.tiii, an wu c.M.stetl pint Lull K..\li>, liiant'n t'uncrtay, Inlay t'ai.l " I'Vciim-; t.nind u* ill the Itiidi sen with n tjrrut Met t of hermin smacks all aUnit u.s, and livu torpedo boat* lUrtiii", about like faithful wntoli . .- yard. \t nii>ht a i-nn- vert was held in the dining .till .on for tho bent-tit of the Liverpool Bailor*' i >rp1:anai{i>. After tea all was . i III-.T.. i.i ; ivparu for the concrt. Hoot .M, i.i/.ori, ein'iii;' tone's .inn i,.ii. other toilut ailic'.-.-i that onj"\eil a Ion.; i.-.t wii.' ,-i'lid into scr- uul .|ii:te a rMpaotabli audicoct -^iilhcretl for a '- t\ . m,; Biileilain- nielit, ci.nsistili;; "I" v. -il and union! ill niiikic, recitation.t and >pcei lie.. This fi-ll..wei! !>y a u< upper for lilt 1 ; ilunn ; which many com pUincntarv MUkVk* WMt D .riling tho ran' tali nl .ibo.ird, and rc-i.-ts e\ pi, "..cil anolhei^ciri'iti! "f she dial would niiirk tho lima iA "uf'.>>.1'.-> in,;, appari" t'y ttif^ftfi 'IIS*'. v.<' v .i -nn- ui'iinuiVi on tho ;u>*f;Wuf fjiifai to'jijrt* jn :i:i ,i *j IMI*II ^ .'.ilje aiiiin-.uoo- Ijrul to tl:nperso on foot. 'I'henr \\iwi liltli' pio:n- uiutdni'.!. Kiich n^ in cn.-toiii.iry al'ifr a c. n.i-it .-a latnl, and tho .stewards v\oi.- spar. 1 1 tluir ii.iual duly of ordurini; the tin.' la.'.. it nino o'clock. There w:is yet another object of in .v of us who hud not re- tired too soon. .Mi, .lit midnight tho dim, dark outliuii of n lar^o vc.->, 1 HH .1: ,-ibl.- not far ; soon wu iiotienl seveial nioi'ii tiro balls up fl> i eiL-tl '.iy .1 s nular Eiiiiwuks di-pl,.y fio.n i>i,u i a few m.nuU.H llguaJMflg b..(li .11110 alniust to u Ucutl itlop, i|flil in u :!i.:i-i tiinu wo inxmd , ui pilot to take u> ovr tho, up the Mm M y to our 'amlint; pier in Liverpool. By six the next morning all wtre astir busily picpiinni; lu land. Duxet.bundles, lii(<jai;e of all Joscriptiuni wi-to lu-apcd "ii deck rt-:nly to In' transferred to the ferryboat with the passengers, and con- v.-y.-d I'roni .nir ship, our tuwn.uur home for tl.i- past ten Jars, to the landing station in-ai tho custom houso. Wl.ilo ri-itiii!r institution many warm hakin:."i In-tokctn-d tho warm liu-inlships tlmt wcra now to tinil. ;j!ii:..,l AO would lo scatt'-ri.-.! up uul d..wn i .' . hclaiid and < i-.'!. d. .sonic i. i. lining to r>i.. tlit-ir frittinU < acintjvcd in tin- iifvv lai r yi'tin-j fi'lh.w tn - .-'t to escape con- .inn;. - LI iti-t t trends they Inn! nrU'i i i'ii ihuiu tti viiit :. lli.-l. !V a tilt) -t. nt . that immortalize t'Tfii thu 'i '.inlets. Thus, at n\ h.irir -t iliit day. wt> uu>;ht si' .mo 'i v 'ir follow passengers ;ak- mi; f.ani ftom L.I...-S!. stall. 'H lor all [..ill. is ol ilut . ii. i .: ..iually tlu-it- sett Yd .1. -v.ii ivor me that 1 >nc "inciit'ss 'hat 'in- :ct-ls "lily in i /' C. J. LEITCH'S You will find a. lull line of all the latest woollens, ami you will find it to your ad- vantage to purchase your ordered clothing at the Mer- chant Tailor's. EUGE1TIA PLANING MILL! iti /*>.. i/l ,.iii- ni'-.i (',irr'/'/. Mis. KJwm Ci'la-- 1" vi-itin^ ':er .. in i -i-ter .ui Mantoiilin Ulainl. Mis. I, Clieiry n viMtiiiK fru-u-i- : unto. Mr. .In... l^^ri^. n( I'rauks Hay. lioiiie .,ii l''i.l iv .,,' ; .M we. k. r: I Will pi, '-"Illi- 1" \l tiei'k. 1 II V Will ui.^i likely leni un tlu.- M.le iii.'-fi in. Mr. I.uirsou'H barn wan ruueJ t>:i Wnl- l.i-;. I -ii- .niniiul Siiinl.iy Seliut.l p|. ul! on \\ ' i inst. Mr. .Inn. Hnirliiiinoii lost valuable . Tin. lienHt while rolling ' intii> I'.ihtiiif lulu 11>, out "I 1 ..lie lii'ell taken, i.i't llfll Inilll I ^^.l- OII..-1 .IfKll. Mr. lien. . !. .1 a i;ni'il mine. nn-li l it (,'rt'at illuM I'acli In nan at liils tune. One Mr. >',iy t-illis ..[ puttiiiK up blaek- -nnili i-liup here. We are nil b.-iiinlv . .1 uitli tli Tins is i i.i'ii.n f"i bl... ', in. ih Mi Win Muii h.iiMin, the gsniitl |iu>t Mllli-ler Ullll Uellelal Illiiehant, -'',! Us It .Iy mil on Mi'lliuiy if ihn- w Marrlrd. I.VTIMKIl .TnllNMilN At Hit. r. -i.l. ... -.- ..( the IM rtrs fntlittt '" !!. \ U Strai'li 111. "ii MH> h I:'.'..* I Uatlmwr, of BlMNiiA. to Miss .[.Klitur uf Ml. Tliuuia* .llle Kiii-U-Aclii'. 1 Ki-lli. ii en .. kiillli'VI. I lit Ih.O I'.l-llllai' llrll.lll "II till' kl.ltleV!-. III.',' IlllpUlt 141 I I \ lit Illltl p rll) "I;. 1 1., nt lln\r pill.. III. .oil mill illM.iilfl'iiil klllll, ::.-.- ,ll-|'t'll.ll' l|" "I Ul .1 lilt. :-. v 1 :. "ill riuHl .iiM.riltir rtulttf in kiiiuwy . -iso. Tiio CaUdoiiiaa Vitertisor writes up glowing obitii.ii-y "ii a resident of ilu t "W u .mil clo-ii n tin- ai'ticlo by nayiiiij " Tlio duce.ised linn nlao owed us .n subscription I .|- about niiif ycam :tl,,.vc null* f.,r a t, mi 1.1 to inform Hi.- ;cil'.ic .M in.iimfndnr* und . - i. ;u '.111' [i' . . ItnliiMrrs. Hand Kailiim. < timer Murk* tlir iN'M i>r Spriin- l.a;:i. \ I * : sim M:>Hv *hiiiulrs.Vrr:n:<ia si .. Veranda I'll lines, .\vk; .;k< . and W tiiHIrir: . -. Turniu^s of all kinds done to order. All kin. la of Mouldings kpt uii . Muuldi for nuiJr liniMi aptciititv N tin iluwKiuis 1U h'.iui- iiuikU- I'-ll .iiiJ M- ut bvfoir pluoiiiK v." 11 lli'l'inn by truightroinunl. . drilling i.. ii c, iv.' a btn< uf tliu public p..!- i't'U;" urs trnly, . . < Lafh <ni hand. HaU< your I'liivhu.M-s of UA mm. Petal of* ' Notice to Creditors. In ..( .l.i ia , ni\. lai nuir, tl Ni.tu i- i> n, ii In i;n,'ii in !Miisiihii- ,.( I; ^ .' I .-.. MI. .i^ .111.1 .ilu.. i nm ui i, itirti. 1-- . i li [lit! i . .ni\ uf <>' . fu-'l on ..r '- I ,|HV k. .|iiirt!.l In t ill v. . '- -,.| .It. I Ml\ , fin ^I'lm .# i. f * .1 ^. ' I ^^ . '.I- : nixilluilli .1 ...!> i > i . . in in. in-., -linn in. t ! 1. 1, 11. III. I >.. luy of Mm, A. |l. .I.'VV l-llil^l ..i .iilniiiiMtiitlris. 1IK mull i -.-i^nitl IwgB Ifnvii In r.c. (iimnt tliv inbabiUiiKul ant! surroiiDiling oountrr ti.ut bo has |iinolliwili th* Flour, l-'rt.l u. i ' :. . -T Sti n, from Ru-liuril 1'fJlar, wlint. In. .il coniniue to kt i p on Imud a got>tl tuipply i>! I'liotro l-'K.iir, I'c-J aud tiroct-in <,ut I, I'rit-ih. C, , ui tcsy anil Hquiru l',n will l.c llie . i.Ur of thv Jar ut Hrlulrrxtll's Klori*. \Vt -hope tUtthe Ol.l C-a.-toniiis will i-i'iitinno to ]itrnuiz uf un.l a -prink- liug ol HIM on,*. Eggs Taken in Trade. rio\v<is' ami Fords' Flour AJv.-uja on For Sale or to Let. 1 Jl r." Inn I tin '.Hi' l.i i.uli "I IUI OXI '!" lU lM Mill It" j, ft. hvit'l ..i 1 . n Will Ilu -*,, I I -I I I' - t . I..' mill Iff Ir, U . If, nu 1 til., hii..; ii. . ... Ki'iul nnik t.ln Illfl M . I'llUW. TllIK i, '". >unill in .,> ... \\ I Hi.,. I.. ni.i, . . i.litatnu!.la;ii.ii I 1 . O Wm. Henderson. S, ianuio's List if Laeis for Sals, MIi.v mil a Farm h'ii VOII-:KI i li.iif >alur an<l -it Ol' |KI>llll'lll III Slllt XIII '.' I -i -i, "ii li, M-l;uilii'!i, N. S. .!!> I III lip. ( ... 1. Ni.i'li T. A S |{ Mi'.nll. ll'o'i. -Si liCil'H, 111 iu-1..- , , , .>!l0 Itllll Ktlllllf - K I I. 1'u. ..IN.' l."ti- .' mill ~.H.S \\ , A ., i,iJ, Ho11S.ltl, 100 acra, 7D SATM ,'lrmrl. . . ii ii it Dili' fni i.i : V i I-'IIKI luilf u>t Ht>. iti. , "ii ; aritiiili. tin m-i.'H. :kl noret clisril. Tii .uu WIHI A:I.| ham. * : l'iu-1-, i N" . !...t iWcou. 1, Mi.lliin.:. - >. r.lo-.-l Ntl .. l.ut -il. .-nil. 7. Hill lot '.!4. I..II. I. ..i :,.'..J tiinbt.1 ht. ui. >.,, tlilinlf uf lotn v.,. I - eon. 10 . . II iih i,.,. ., .. .1 liiiiti.i. I'Mi'ifN - - l.nt C3. i-on. 11, Arti-UH'Ulu ' M-a. iuuu. ftir inlorination raguMog MM <>f tin- alwv f.ruii ui'i'ij vo u. HAUfiiK 1 lcl.; Uu, 4^. ' It)

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