h n FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE h pub'.mbed . FBOM THS Ornci Slrret, - - FUthertor*, 'Mt TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION: i per annum when paid strictly In adrance i jO per aanuui wbott not o paid. ADVEKTISISO KATES. One column. 1 year, 930 , ball col., do., 987 qrt. i col. ilo., (16. Trximient a-lvertinemonti charged at thr ra,te >f Scte per line fornrnt insertion anil Sell, per tat oavcu subsequent iiinertion W. H. TUURSTON, Kditor and P Mr. J. H. Alexander, of StratluoY t Mgauizer for the Patroug of ludt'Stry tit laboring in tliCHt parts for tlie oiuaucipfcuon of the farmer. He hai succeeded in forming a lodge in S, S No. 8,and another at Wright's schoo Louse, gravel road, vlni.li latter was organized on Saturday infill last.witli Mi. Thorpe Wright as president, fttic thirtoeu other members. The Ad- vance was present in ordci to receive information with regard to the kocitty. While we have no quairol with tlie farmers for organizing, the argument! used by the spf uki-r we consider to have been of au extreme character. Tho fanner is not the |Mcr down -trodden creature of fate which some people would make us lulievt', nor is he the object of con- tempt pictured ; neither 1.1 he the 1111- niUlli^ent.unthinkin},' machine which Buuii nil n have painted him. It is Mr. Alexander's business to show a very black piclur*, and ihttii pr.-'iii llje v.lntc. Strong party men liuvc joined the society, and it will now be in order for them to resign their I auiiigs and throw tlie weight of llnir influence into the new cbanucl. \Vi'.l tliey do it ? \Vu await an Hou. Cl. A. KiiUi'.itiick lias ! . i. at'j" -iii'.cd to tlie Liftit.-govcriioi'sliiu of Ontario. Mr. Kiiknuttiek h:is uteJ Fruntenac in railiiiliK-iit over twenty yearn. County r....i In. M -.. for T,! He Kilitur of Tl" I '' MM. I>IAI: SIH : Tia gratifying, iinlri-il to know that this ijiieslion, so nil f.il tulit to tilt Wtll-lieillg of S' II.IK ;it labt found it.n way into llie (ml. lie -pietta, with ttn uilvocato at tun k, so foicrfiil, Htiutly, faji-!.:i Hl.d liii]ilent 88 All. Mel.ti l.in.l, Ji. ea' .-.t- lliroii^li llie ['less alone, tlut e;n ;it and invaluuulc' tiliicutor of the imlilir muni, run the truth be most Tins is coin[>urulivbly a new ini H tiuii in tin-, pin t uf Ontario, iiml on.- to l.ieii the | ople h:t\ given little 01 no thought ; licnco it ici|iiins time l i i \iiinine the luct.s winch mi ovi i w!.t Inanely support tliu pniieiphi laid ilowu |)j Mi. Me J' <n land in fuvui t'ulilc county pOOrltOOM ucoiu- BlOdaUUHU. ISoniiotio under the NOW Jr of " A Kin-nil of tho 1'oor," in tin M.tikilalt: .Standard of the 1'Jth inat., wutcb in a Cleaning style ; but in a weak utU-In|>l to M-|'!\ In Ml Mi I ,u land's ub e 1 u. i . Tin I t'er of Una BO c.illed " I'lii'ii'l of the 1'oor" is in.i<l< II,. 111 tile IIIUIII of sll|il>ii-.|l,.IIIH UiCUUOXtfllM inut.'liilos, Minim.; Hojil istiys.^ru<u <iMerrriffiiia\aii(l;ilit wli>)lt a\oiiu.; cogently uf tli sycophant. It \m mi smdupatod fact that we al W.I)H have a class of poor wliourc.nn io .oi be uiaintaiiiud liy tin |.ii. i- 'j i.e public provutt .1 |.l .. fur llie in xui.ti, a suitable n'ace for thu |>IK> Hutxult. \Ve pay for ami iiminuui li.ese large iiislitutioiu with < two cltute ate iinfoilunulc-l; If i li of tlnir |-i'Bs:iiniijj faciiltii-n In i.i i e .eicty ill its thoughtful, for b>aiiiig and uimuHi.ih MI. id. mi ha ;. ... .1 for ilium ut l;n." costs j.l.if. apart from ('owning pn^onu. N. w klr. "Kriesiil of tlie Poor" wl n i , ii.sliatl of erecting thu i\|iinrr i.. ..uiniinMtf for tliu imbeciles uml in ant., "ki'i'ii them at I. HOC \MI!I ll.fi I . i. da ? ' Tlnir rrusitnino; pnwrci ait- ^tiiie ; they would not MiiVi \\.-i U,.'\ placed inbido the. pcrcant wall if u.t. common gaul. U'li^t, il i y.it oay that tlio cointuon gaol is nut u li putt fen liieimb. cilti 1.1 iiicum'.' Tlu-i in (ii)d'b name, in i;.i naino of al li.ui. |M:I linns to yii/al un.i l.uUiji..ij, iu the uame of that grca al of fjunlity aui' to all, ii tbe common gaol, habi- ' tation of petty thieves, robbers and uurderers, a fit place to keep and maintain our indigent poor, whose only crime ia extreme poverty ? "A friend of the Poor" suggests "keep ng them at home." This scheme never was nor never will be success Fully carried out. We only have to go back as far as 1887 8, in the his- tory of our own township of \rle- tuesia and we will find the tlieu Heere not only "preaching," but "practicing" as well. Acting as magistrals, he, on Nov. 19th, 1H87, sentenced Joseph Miller to six mouths iu gaol, for vagrancy ; Jan. 2nd, 1888, one Henry Origston, to three moiuhs in gitol, for vagrancy, and again on 22nd Nov., 1888, Joseph Miller received another sii months' sentence for vagrancy. Uf course he was perform- ing his duty under law, but why did he not "keep them at houi6 with their frieiido '.'" Then during tho regime of this eanii! prat-tifin r, preaching ollicial, still acting under the official cloak, the Itoylc family were dealt with, taken over as it w< n . ttitii their farm, as wards of tire towmhip. The propcity was rattm up quicker than the reptile boodle in he bauds of a local political), and lien they were, indeed, children of he township, and are fastened upon is to this day as llie legacy of quca- ionable methods of dealing with . Once establish a direct line f procedure with our paupers and will then know where they mv, hat they are d.uni; ui'd bow much t coats to keep ihein, which by tho ay, would be exceedingly low. The daily coat uf maintaining paup rs in our county jail lust year wis 9-10 Ctiit-. or g'.^-T.'.'it per > u here are at present 7 vagrants in county gaol. thre of which are mil incorporated towns, and four rural districts and unineorporat- d village*. This shows by positive proof that the rural munii-i- l iiavti moru than their t'ju.U uola of poor being maintained at tli; xpeiisc of the public, disproving the turn to the contrary of "a nieod f the poor," and virtually subslanti- utiiij' Mr. Mcl'ai land's i-ontt niion as co:'U of niaintaiiiance us at pit comliicted. The cost of < ami iir.imtaiiiiie,' a e uiity viiiild be. BO small, and (lnlnlini.il > i .-o larj;.' KII area as this large anu wt-aJtli;- Bounty thiu it w.jnlil ml Lu It by a .-inxlu I'l'iiperty owner. 1 \ i i deviru to know of the- peculiar advantages, utility, prolil and 1^ f il C.illllty poollioll:'!', gO Jll^t aciost llie line to Michigan, N. w York, or each und ill! of the States in the union, ami you will lind tin in in every county, whero tliey have, niiiny il tliulil, hi i n 1:1 fxislt-nce for in.ie than half u c. ntiiry. TI.H history of institutions in the states n i saliiifuctory, and they hvo secured their IK rinaiieiicy. \\'e, as t'liniidnuis, modestly boast of our chinch. > and school hou our universal Christianity und culture ; of these wo may justly b* proud ; yet there n at least one nauseating, louth- -not: blotch marring the I. in IM/.-S of our statute b'loks, uml wiitten over llie doors of our churches und school houses, and ovei tlir. ulilioieiit bl.ileh is painted in git lining colors tin se ins wolds (i'Hil /!" l"">r be- r<iu*r of ill, ii [".Kill/. So long IIS WO tako DIJ active steps toward exonng n.g th.,st! words, und plucing our -, l\. s upon an i'i[iial footing in tin. r. giird wilh our neighbors over the lino, and with tho butler civilir.ed world at largo, the world can point to iia uml cry shame, telling us t Vit we aro land gripping, unli< inliciunt, oppressive and cruel. In view of these indisputable facts, 1 contend that as an t ivmoniin measure, ami a-i a li uo principal underlying the great lie i,l 'society, and for its better protection, we ghould leave no slonu nni uriied until wn have placed our jioor in position t i reetme more humane treatment. TAXI'.'. VEU. (he sterling merits of the breed hare won fur them tlie good i>pini..ns uf Kn^list! breeders. This preference for white or yellow skin, is doubtless, all a matter of faney, the probability is that not one I eiH'.n in tifty could tell after a fowl is roasted whether it ori|/iiuilly possessed white skin or yellow, and an neither the shanks ur beak appear on thu table it wi.ulii seem a matter of indifference what color they were. Such, however, in m.t the casa, tlie public have their whiinx, and if you wish to sell your poultry to llio best advantage you must humor those whims. You will tiud it much easier to do this than to change public opinions to your own way uf linking. If your f*wla have white skin and white or black shanks, the best time, you ean tin is to get rid of them. You can never produce tint class table fo* l as long as you breud such stock. POM t persuade yourself that they will do well enough at the present time. It is easier to chango to tliu breed that (witnesses these ouali'ications now while your tlock is small, than it will !>. when yi.u possess three or four hundred fowls. Ont< of tha largest poulterers m the I'mted States says he eaiu.ot afford to breed anything but what ranks high- est in tho estimation of thu |iublic, l> cause s ilitlereiicii uf mie cent per Ib. inah.i a tlilli-reiicf uf ^'UM) t<> linn in one year. Don't furijet ilns gentle reatler, if TOU are cherishing visions uf a mam- moth I'oultry establiithment iu the near future, n mt'iiiber that your revenue will be very yreately effected l.y the class uf fowls that you breed. There aro over fifty different varieties and sub-varieties of thoreu^'hlirud fowls, and many of them would be about an useful to thu market p.. ult. tin as Illue Jays ur Iti.hius ; manv |.e..|.le keep sii.-li fowU for their orna- mental n|.|.f.-iiaiire, in the samv way that others keep whitu mico, uuinea pi^s, ring- tail monkeys, and other lovely and ehiiriiiiiit! creatures of that ilk. Hut t.-w uf the uriiatiifiital varieties possess any practical useful i|iiahtis,many of them are extremely ilelien'e. and for market purposes are utterly useless. Iliivm^ tltspoM'il of your coiiinioii scrub h.-ii- y ..MI- !-,( plan will be to pur- cbaae one or two bretrilin^ IK-US of fowls of thu \.nirty you have sulected as bent suite.) to your purpose. To select the n.'lit breed is of vital importance, but it it c<|udly as important to -. le.-t th nylit s'l.iin of (hat inee'l ; a sir. tin or family of funli that pR*eites in an eminent del! TIT the valunblu characteristics you are Heekinu. vi/.. : early maturity and prolificacy. (Tu U A Fact WORTH knowing ls that Mood uiv casoa which all other remuilles fail to cure, yield to Aycr's 8*\r&apavrlllav Frrsh ronflrnia- ti.ni of this slati* IllCUt eolllea tO hantl d.i:ly. Even euch deep- seated j'.ii'l stubburn com- plaluU M Kh'-ii- <R* inatiKin. Hheniiia- t tlo Gout, ami the ' y& i i. i,. .il ronllry n v T. A. wn.urrs, WRMTON, ONT. I >., ii I I..- carried away by your own prejudice* in the mat'er. |{e, -oil, -.t that you are i atcrmx to tin- public, uml if you wish to win a reputation for your dressed poultry you muat supply what the public want, ainl tint ninjoritv of llnm who re present the tint clatis buyers of any ci'y in ('anuU or tlie I mtuil States, purftir a fowl with yellow skin and yellow lieak, He! clean yellow Hlinnks, frou from h-.illo i.< Kuril fowls ill thu iMimtiy rank as first class table poultry ; wbiNt birds with white skin ami white, willow or lilack ah, ink* nre contiidcrril seeoml clasit (iod*. In Kii^Liml the reverHU is the case, while skin fowls ranking first, tho |)orkiii-- Inn L> held in gruat stem, but ill Annul. thlit fowl is not I leil to any eitnt. I in the other hainl I'ly mouth Itocks m coining rapidly intu favor in England, large numbers of them being exhibited at every poultry shoiv ly ei.-t In at. il by the use of this won- a.ilnl alterative. Mrs. R. IrvliiK Ilo.lt;.', Ill) \V,^t 125th street, Ne\r York, ccrtilles : " AlM)iit two years atfo, after snnYi inj for in .irly two yuars frmn rlimmatio c.'itt, lieinu ul.le to walk only with great f.tt. ini'l liaviiiR triwl various reni.t.li.'s, Ineludlnt mineral wutors, without relief, I na\v t.y an atlvurilte- ni. nt in a I'lncaijo pnper that a innii hail IM ell I.lie\.,l of llll.S llilt ruSSillU COIII- plaint, aller long tmnVrinK, by tMltiinj Av.-r'.t .Sarsaparilla. I then decided tti niiiUaaTrial of tint inntllclnn, anil took It U';', il.irly fur e ^ht. uinnths. I am pliKtM'.l to nav t!mt It effeetetl a rom- |.l.;t.! cum, itui\ that I I. in o aiuuo bail ut> rcluru of the disease." Mrs. L. A. Stark, Kaslma, N. H . writes: "Onn year i:o 1 wan t.ikrn. III with rhrumatisin, liein^ coiillni'd to mv bouse six months. 1 ratuu tint of dm alekness Very Inilell tli l.ltilated, tfllll UD pp. 'tite, iiinl my system snsaraan'ex] in every way. I eoiiiineiifeil to us<i Ayr'^ Baritiiparilla ainl he^nn to Improve at one.', (Milling III '!. ni'tli anil soon , - rnxfiiiiK my usual hculth. I ramiot say ton IMIK II In prai.su of thin wtill-k\uoH u lueili. inn." "I hare tnVsn a ({feat d*al of m. !; tin. . but n. tilling hu.t done mo so um. h eo.'.l as Ayer's HarHaiiarllla. 1 felt Us l 'in lldaf ettect.i ttfore I ha I nilite linr.li. il onn hottlo, anil I f'.'l In . K te.itify that It is tint ln't lilootl- iiiedfeinn I kiitnf uf."-L.W.\Vwtl, tit, Wuudluutl, Texas. Aycr's Sarsaparilla, Dr. KIl DY J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, liiboUlM,**. Mat*. i i) The ShoAr rooms of H. E. McNea's Furniture Estab- lishment on Durham St. are completely filled with all kinds and styles of the most HANDSOME FURNITURE That has ever entered Flesherton. They contain the CHOICEST FURNITUBE In the furnishing market of to-day, such as Bedroom Sets Parlor Suites Dining Room Furniture Kitchen Furniture Baby Carriages Hall Mirrors Sideboards Bureaus Etc. It is useless for us to enumerate all of our stock, hut we would just say, and you will too, when you see it, that the show it makes is simply immense. TO TIIK PUBLIC. Having n-n).- I \V Kit tni'n lilm ksnutli hli*>|* fm K I'M iu ,.f \i'M-. | mil MOW 111 at |>t>:>lll<MI l i'alt'l tu all want.. In in , h it- Horseshooiag a spojialty. s.i 1 1- 1. 1. Il .11 (.II:H-.I:I|I .-il Kill ANYTHING IN TIIK lll.AOK SMITII1NU MM'. t'Al.L ON ARTISTS. When you are in need of any supplies in your line, such as Paints, Brushes, Canvas, etc., don't send away tor them but come to me. I keep everything of that style expressly tor your own use, enabling you to get your supplies at home. II. E. M c N E A. The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he has opened up a full stock of Meu's ami Ladies' Boots and Shoes. Cootifting of both fine and coarse, suitable for wear indoors and oat. Our goods will be Sold at a Low Figure, And we arc determined to satisfy our customers. A splendid assortment, to choose from just to hand from best manufacturers. Hoping to icceive a fair share of the publi: patronage. JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. nn. I 4'iislotn Work atlontled to us ol old APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES GUARANTEED to Its tailing of hair. Keeps the Scalp clean. Makes hair soft and PHabit Promo't* Growth. F. A. B U 1 1'i.i-iVe Kk'liavilsvii'> T. M OOKK ^ W1LSO N M.inut.i, I iir r:i mi' Dorvlers in all kimla of HuiMuu' M.itfi-i.ila. Rough and Jnssfil lumber al- ways on hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Sci\>!l :,\>rk, A't 1 ;, i// /> is/.?, Hand railing, I'ence pickc.s, in fth t crcr\thinx needed in bui'd:ng or i-' Store. Ala.T otniMiill > < t.cforc M.II utirt ut work. A laiti" ijnuiiily if Mueh. ,1 u, r'.li sllnri' (line ; il ... IMM.. l..|t!i uii.l l.in.'!. .it IIIWL.I |nu-,. s !; inn .1 , t .\ MI Flishsrton Sa^. i Boor Factory, MOORE & WILSON. Notice to Creditors. Ill till' Mi lHn- of t ..... ,ti', ,if J,, i | Ko'lT llt-ltttN , ftil 111,') .lui Noticed li. rl.\ IJIM-II in IMII-HIIHIH. f K ^ (> I*KM ii.q. mi. S,H .m, ti, t all .'....LI,.,, .,, i otl.i'ii liavnuf any flaitiiN or .leni.ui.U llu . -t*t,. of I. in, K ...... ,| IVultv. I.Hu ..I tho lownsblpol O-I.M.V in tii<> t 'mi nt v of i.if.friu .fl'.l. Wlll> ,llu I oil ..I Ullollt til.' 1-t r|l\ i>l S.iU'iniwr. A. 1). IMII, .H' i.'.pii .. I t,. si-iiil liy poi 1. 1,. I.HI. I ...i ,.i I,, i,, i, ih,, lit,, ,i,u ,,r June, - ihiT UlldnlKIIU<l It ntlltvllielll.ili wlltillK. .'I 111. 11 .'III lhtl.lt, H nl Minmiil,'^ mi I ii.l.lionMS, Hint till' full Intltlflilals i.l Ih, 'ii I'Uihii n".l i!u uianda. and UM nsturu of lliuir vt>uiiritiu.if any. lurid by them An, I iL'tu-.' is fnillin yiveii. that nff'1 til* said last ui"im m-.i latd tlin *!- ninii-tiittrix Knl |'u >" I i.' .0-1.. i, i (i, Kv ' tlie '.,..>-, I .tiit.'li^ tilt* [.,.|s'i III It'll tllt'l'ete. liHVilli; i , u., ol'U t > Jiu rlnin H ot \v!n,'fl ri.'tirr litt^ I.,-. -11 ^iv. II 14 ltln.\B 1 jii'Ulii' a. i. 'in~l.trlx "ill not I." Habit for tha said HSH,IH in anv 1'H.t tii.'n-or to any parson el wbc>s*> olalm i...ti. .. ^h.ill uot ll.U .. ln't'll VI fl'iVI'.l Kt tllM tllllU of .ll'-l il'Utlll'l. I'.tt til ivt I wvii Hi>nn.l ITtli iln\ nf Ma) v IV ItVJ. .1 \\ ! I. or t'.io iai.1 uiiinii.ix: . ;ili U. For ISalo or to Lot. laOitc'ii land wiilnii l" uilUiK of Hi'^irrlcin, an |.\,..'. nt A, ii. i |K>WI.| mill -.' nl l.i'tlu Kullt* u|Kin tliu itln-.f , n't lip lu'K I ot witter >oi tin wheel at prMOt nclcht ol tin- .i.i.u will I In btoeka OB* tho wli) aita i . .- . f an 1 the land In |>A>.U fi....i mui *.iu uj.w.trds tu salt pUTOhSMiSTS. 1 lui \allt , U,<n.l IUUN tlirotiKh liiu wlnilr It-ruth uf tli.- plui'n. Tin- in a K-Hil o|>|H)rtiinity for fftiiiilu-N i,. . mi o nntlt houiw- Umil with abiiuiiaut n>i'i> uf e '<! i -i. Trin Illiortl A; i>lv u> \VM H.I,. . 1. .. J.t ^.'.^^ ..W..* 1 . J I .