Jtftirattce. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." 70L. XL, NO 568. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1892. W. H. THURSTON, WATCHES AWAY Will A 3 Ol XCE ' OPEN FACEf SILVERORE, SNAP BEZEL, WITH HEAVY, FRENCH- CUT CRYSTAL, WATCH, FILLED WITH A SPLENDID, 11 JEWELED AMERICAN MOVEMENT, KEY WIND, FOR $4.75 WE WILL FORWARD THIS SPLENDID WATCH TO ANY ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF THAT AM<>( NT. ARMSTRONG BROS. FLESHERTOy WATCHMAKERS Jb JEWELERS. D o W N Goods must be sold ! ZVOTI-: Tf 1 !: fOI^I.OW IX. I'KIOES : GROCERIES. No. I Cooking Raisins, twenty-ei^ht Ibs. in box for $1.00. '1 he best Rice, 24 Ibs. foe ^i.oo. 4 Ibs. of the finest Japan Tea for $1.00. If this tea docs not suit, your ^moncy ref uii(U -1. PROVISIONS. No. i Long Clear Bacon, only nine cents per pound. Spiced Rolls, eleven cents. Smoked H.ims twelve cents. ~BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies' Bull Shoes, li.uul made ;it one dollar a pair. Gent's Buft Shoes, hand m;ulr, at one dollar. MILLINERY. No time to say anything. Every person busy getting orders Maxwell. From onrtiuni Curretpundrnt. The long-looked for and glorious _'4t li M paat and gone, and we are all hoping I that she whose birth-day we oomineinor ; ate may be spared to see many more uf such aiinirersariei. Alth iu^h a high wind, and some rain, yet the Mclntyre boys came and played our juniors a friendly game of foot-ball . Both sides miiiie good play, ami the gatiiu resulted in '.' in 1 goals in favor of Mcltnyro. i 'in boys treated '.he visiting teuiu to supper which was served up in good shape at the Madill House. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Will Hum roue gave us a call lately. On Tuesday, tho -'4th, Mr. .Juine* Sii.ich.ii,. of Toronto, son of our mer- chant here, gave us a call, then vim tod friends in Diinedm and on last Saturday returned to Max will. James is a Jolly fellow and if liiisi'iess would permit, we would Ilk* if he oould reiiiam with us. Mr. Aim. Clark did some barbering her* last Saturday evening, and he gets there eery time. Mr Sahars.of the Providence neighbor- hod, had tho nuptial knot tied by the Rev. U. A. Hrown. on th.- -Mill. The Her. 11 A. lirown attended the district nineiiiig t Meaford the week be- fur* laat. A number of the children hare ha>l measles lately, but are gutting along 1 nicely. On Thursday of last week a number of our young pooplu took a drive to Mark- dalf, and the foumlo part had tlieir phuUi taken. Tin- day was line and all > enjoyed [the drive vury much. School will bo closed on Thursday and Friday, as our teacher. .J. L. Wood, at- tends the convention at Murkdale. Mr. n.mott t team ram away Inst week and olio of them was very badly injured. Mis Louisa Sterling returnod from Toronto hint Saturdiiy. Ospn-y council met hore on Monday. uiul >u Editor kno A MM it njn wnll be- cause he was pnmciit. II.. niMtrd thu DODBOsUon one. anil .ill! t.i taku a tulo on hit two wlu'dud stood, but thur declined, as the township ropured their neivi,-,-, for a few months longer. Wo would have enjoyed Me ing Councillor S|u-i<ra doing thu "ivdiil aet. AT- the sly. We believe the old adage might be applicable here, viz. "Either be a tnau or a rat." R. & A. Wilson have fur some time been engaged in cutting spiles for the C. P. R, There has been some talk of having Mr. Williams.. n. i'. I'. R. agent here, re moved. \Ve feel confident that the public would not approve of this. Mr. Williamson is a man that is held in high esteem by citizens here. By honest and of all the latest WOollenS, and sipiare dealings he has w m tlie respect oi all. A petition has lieeii forwarded to the authorities, praying that lie may be vantage tO purchase yOtJT reinstate.!. C. J. LEITCH'S You will find a. tull lint ^ fi j . J I ,l_ M'.l ordered clothing at the Mer- chant Tailor's. I Living taken :vdv.iMt.i'.;i> of the holiday clu'.ip rates to Toronto, I picked up several seasonal de lines of Goods, .mil to-day have put them in stock : 50 pieces of New Prints, elegant patterns and good values. 25 dozen Ladies' Gloves and Mitts in silk, silk- plated, and lisle thread. 15 dozen Ladies' Parasols from .'5 cts. up. t's Cashmere Hose, Wool Hose & Cotton Hose. Ties, Underwear, etc. Call and see these goods before purchasing. Proton Si ;ii ion. Mi li. lloyd, !io lion been relatives in this vicinity took in the ex- cursion to Shclhurno "ii tho -Mill. Mi. Brown h;u coiiiinencud opcnitioii* for rt'inovin^ IIIH .Mi'iia^n shop to tho lot ad ...inn , lii.- houso. Ml. Ciai'4 '..is rcliiriieil from a pro longed usil to tho city. Wo iiotico lli.tl M.Mii*. Wright ii.ivr ih..ir lirickyard gn- iii,; in full blast, .uul :uu turning utit a class of brick, winch t'or .(Uality and durn- bi'ily cannot by e\c.-llud. Ciaig s null him shut down lul ii> lioots and Shoes. The largest and best assortment we ever offered. Chc-.ip line oi Trundla Gaiters for ok! ladies. Groceries Everybody is praising our Teas. Come and get a s ijnple pbuiul and join the happy throng, who know what they are talking about when they say we keep the best 25 ct. and 30 et. Tea on the market. Sugars as cheap as ever. Soaps iu abundance. Dinijhams Electric for 5C. a bar. No stale Groceries on ur shelves everything fresh. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. B. G. EVANS, THE STORE ON THE HILL. boileiA are undergoing repairs. K McLean, of Toronto, had been engaged to lio thu H.I >v A goodly number of our citi.-.rna ol>- >cneil the Queen 's birthday, and Sjicnt the day rialiing, him ling, etc , wlnlv others to.>k in tho racus at Shulburnu. N 'twithstauding the inclement weather all report having a good time. The Salvation Army have agiiin com uie.iit.vd liui.hng meetings hure. We trust the buys mill nut bring into tuu the uggs and pepper business indulged in last summer. Tlio tirm of CraiK \ Co. are at present in a financial dith'culty, but we beliure that .vrratiijiiiiioiits are being made with the creditors t'.ir a satisfactory settlement. Mi. N. Mr Lean spent a day laat week visit, ii.: relatives in I'ncevilie. Wo do not disapprove of Tumpurancf societies, in fact we bulievu them to be benuliciiil, pi-o\i.lnn; that the meinbeis steadily adhere to the agreements tif such, but we opviily repudiate and de- nounce the autiuns of a certain uue wf our young townsmen, who, while posing ta an apustle of purity, Uos not slirink from indulging m his HUMS uf lager uu From our .urn The Rev Mr. Alison, of Corbetton, pitMchvd m the ihange Hall on Sabbath last, Mr. Wells living absent. He is a yming man of great promise. Evrry one was highly pleased with him. Mrs. John Sherwood, of West Toronto Junction, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Armstrong, thu past week. Mr. Aleiauder I'Vrguson.of Shllmnie. rent the -'Ith with friends at Eugenia. Mrs. Sheirlioitz.oi the Eugenia Hour-.-, is very sick at present with inflammation of the lurgv Mrs. Middaugh, of Tormt>, is visiting II. %:,,,!, . ? mills for a firm her daUKhter, Mrs. Sheirlioit/.. " H Bd '" '" "'<rm tm> nit,!,. Another big tire at Eugenia, but no damage done. It was only one of Mr. Uuukutt's tirts, preparing lime for the. whole community There have been several gentlemen from Toronto stopping at thu hotel, who i. ue up 'u enjoy the lisllllig, in.l me de- EUGENIA PLAMITG MILL! <M m,;i.i;i,.c:uie and keep in stock tin- fn Mowing : |,,,,,. s< |> r ,.^,. lirt-ung \.-m-ll . ll.ii, .1 ICailinu. li.rn.-i s. i lie |M-S| of Spru< e l.aih. >n I A. : lighted with this part of thu country. Tim '.Mill passed "If very pleasantly. There were several part let of picnickers I: .in other phi. ma mill sooms to retain its old charm for pleasure Vrranilii >'cK.viki'> .iiHl II! . to order. All k ; ti.U of \| ( i krpt mi i,..i i Moulded tarings for insidi , ,-mii- Mr. \\enley l.atinier, oi loronto, bM -, v ,, |KIT| . , , ii-L btjun spending l.is holidays with Ins mgi>. (Ml mi . .,, |i| :i( -n,. paieniM at Eugen.a for the ,,at two'" ""'""^ ''' P****?* 1 *** ' the public pal- 11 ' | roiiii, ....us 1 1 nly, 11 tiorley is visiting her sister. Mi- \\ .lik.'r Sloan. Tho rations oi Industry held a niri ; i Laray i|liaillil v of_\o. I Spril- ing in tho school houso on Wcdtn - ivenin'4 last. There wti" icry present. Mr. Thomas SutLitl bus erectud a neat picket fence in front of his place on Inkennan Micel, which improves it very much. I. .nil mi haiiil. Hake tniir i'lirrhiiM-s ul us no. .. n f .. .01 Pnrrtillc. A'IOUI in-r " i N.- is in .u .1 .lisi unit this week. _'Jlh ..t May was a dull day m thin village: Mo t of t'.m inhabitants HE 'K lent' i|.iamt thi inbsbitsotBof Flesherta , Hinl -Mini mi. l:n k i-i.nntry ihal i.u n.i- puii'ii m .1 tin- i-'ioiu r. . i nn.; 1.1, HI, in, d, m I5ni.li, i I'l.ihn. wiitii. I,, ."lilllilie to ki'ip ..|| han. I ,i good mi|.p,\ i 'home Ptoar, Feed and OfoMrsM.il Lor lin-niM-iM's 111 pUntlllg pota- |, PHeM. Courtesy and ^.|inu> I'mi.i.g \>. Ibe the orilir of tin .luv ut I|I-IH|< rvnli s Mi Ar.li,,, M.1,,,1, raised a tmu com- j Slor ,.. \ v ,, i,.,,, ,|,aith f Old CmtanM i lodioiw Iwrii lost Saturday. A number ,, u ,..( , ,,^,,,,,1..,. ,, nml a , ,,| , ,,,,,,. of our tuwnsmuii t-\i reined thuir tnusclos in lifting tho |.ii-. > t' pii- of timber in- to pOSItKUI. The Ke. Mr. llu.sbaitil is in liurlph this week attending conference. Mr. piewes' and Fords' Flour Always Eggs Taken iii Trade. .Ins. HirhanUoo, Proton, is lay delegate for this .11. int. Mrs. Tin*. h'i<rgu>on and family loft .m Friday lu.tt to join her husband, who is working in Cliohoygan, Mich. Say, Mr. Kditor, if you run over to I'nct'Viile many moru tunes on thafcon- smu" of yoiii-'n," you'll put some of us fellows iii ttie notion of gutting one of "them things,'' J. H. especially. No, not W. J. H. he's too scared. How- ever, cniu again. Mr. Col,., our Hnterpri*ing butcher, has ou Hand. Wm. Henderson. 's List of Lands for Sale, Why rent a Farm H!IMI .TUIK-UH buy al hall" >alnc unl it-i i.-n. . Of IlilMll. ill |o suit Mill f l'nr,-l N,.. ' l."i M. on. li. Uulanellitm, N. H a initgnilicunt refrigerator in his shop.whereby he will be able to preterve meat fresh and good for sixty days dur- Hollmul, nvncres,; ing the heat of suiiiinur. Oh, What a Cough I Wilr you heed the warning. The sig- nm i.'i s. i: \, ,-,,,111,^1 \ . run-Hi So. 4 lit JM I on j. North T ,t S. '. . Ut.ianrtlmii. .1* an*!-, in IM-KIS rlimiv.l. i:ln> loamdog bouse and -.mill, a I fur sjuu. 'An-1.1 No .f IxitH 5M mill 59.8. \V, \ - olparml, dm I UK H log ht>UM>,fnuu bsrn .1 run. fnriii. sri'-i I,..-IVH I .Knsi hnlf ol Ni.. IH. ,, I, i ^, arantli, 100 aorw.:Maere cleared, TO ion< WOOdlMld, lluulH' an. I IIM. *lll<l ParaelNo.i- Lot Otooil. 1, HoMaad, .'O C>.M Hoed i iiiil>. i . ^hiNi l'r. ol N.,. f. 1.,; 'i ,,i, 7 ntf lot J4. con . . aUnolg.iKOaoree.s innut>r , sheap, I'Mvi,1 So 7 -Houtli half of lots N<. I KII,| con. in . O|iiu>. Mi'il Umbersd Wltta Intnl - 100 acres. uuu nal peiliHps of tho sure approach f that looi.! ten i Me diHoaso Connuiiiplion. Ask yoursvlve* if you can sttord for the Suko of s.uini; 5Qc. t to run the risk and do noihing for it. We know from eipori. niii-i -h.it Miiloh N Cure will cure Tour' fr Information wmarUiuf * of ti>i^.,, cMih. It never fails. iun.114 trfwaj|yg u. DA HUIIB. 3. roi, 11, Sinou.