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Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1892, p. 5

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TM1 FLESMERTON ADVANCE B.4 \Kl\Cf OF t ICE ,Oi GEO. MITCHELL, PLESHBRTON. a general bunking l>umumi Dr(t iMaad and rbrnnoii canhed it OKU] ratn l wy avaiUblii for legitimate biiiiinMs Mrprme. Orru ic (wo door* north at Htcfearditoa Co'*. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the ^^ 4'uriuuH. i* nnti<-' itmtmg loralt >riU be >/.> ry>( nt thr rut* af I0f prr line for fti-ti utarrfiim. A redvttio* will be \ruide DM emJracli far 100 litut or u<xr. The treca have UuniMd their mantle of cook stove in good condition, fur sale cheap. Apply at this office. To any one wanting Rape Seed, I have it on hand. Wm. RichanUoii. Owen Sounds new bylaw enforcing the !> !! of cliililrt n from the (tracts afirr ! * m. in said to work well. I hare .11 hand a quantity of ground lid wh"!e Oilcake. Wm. Richardson. Boots, shoes, liuierj,ootto.iu;i<,liirt- inft and prints, away down at Ut People's own store, Wodenouse. W.ll.Carruthers. It i a hopeful siktu to ice reaidental property at a discount in Kleshertuu There arc no vacant houses aud uthera are l"-ui_' erected Hr member the ueeting of Young Lib- eral Conservatives tn night (Thursdsy). All those desirous of joining should make it a [>int tn attend. Tin.- Alt. K-r.'it Itepresvntative has been on larked to double its former size. Th llo[ ii a good local paper and we are j;'*il to note its prosperity. Our articles on "Practical Poultiy HaJMii"," am becoming interesting, now lha*. the writer is getting down to practi- cal matters, discarding figures aud bypthois. Fisliuriuvii hare been, during the past week, AS frequent as dies in June, and though the wu.ithcr has uot bean favor- able, null a large number of truut have been caught. Mr. It. I'u k, i'f the Station, left ou MomUy for a trip to the Old Country. lie will have charge of a shipment of cattle for Rogers, of Toronto. We wish Mr. < "... L bon voyag*. Mr. \V. Irwiu has purchased the house aud property on hpnns: street lively )><*- longi'r^ to (ho Thus. Osboi-ne estate and will remove to it shortly. Tim pro- perty adjoins of Mr. Ueo. Keefer. Mr. Crosoley now drives a lino covered 'bus from this tillage to tin* station. The travelling public will thoroughly ap- prtxiatc tins more ou the (tart of the nusLmg 1. .:. I. lira s. barrister, Murkdale. has jJli', in 'i (.mate funds to Lu/uluu farm uioitcx^'-'H within the ust few months atl>-i.t current rates. No roiiinnsx ions, no delays, expenses low. Apply at I'lluv in Marfcdate during (ho week or at Dumlalk office 011 Satunlliys, An^lvts uwl with poor success on Tutfluy. The wary fish must have had an ii.Lliug that the large amount of bait dangling before their uosee was a de- Imion and a snare, loaded with de- fctiuction. Mr. Rnbt. frlow, of Proton, sold lluci- liead <>f fat cat tin hut week for fJ15. Two of the cattle were the four year-olds uieiitinued in these columns two weeLtt a^o. The N. P. is evidently not mining the cattle trade. Cold weather has seriously retarded growth during the past wtek. We can put on with tins just now, however, if (lie frut will only pass us by. The prospect for fruit is good, but a heavy frost would blast it. Dyspepsia h.n driven to an early tnd even suicidal <;rave Many a man who, if he had tried tho virtue* of Ayer'a Sar- sapanlla, would be alive to-day and in the enjoyment of health and competence. Sufferer, be warned in season, and don't ullow the system to run down. \Vu hare received fro 11 the office of tli Toronto Saturday Ledger a ropy of their piMiiiuin picture, "Ontario's First legislature.'' A key accompanies it so tht one may pick out all the faces, from John SanKeM Macdouald down. The entering wed<e of a complaint that may prove fa'.al is often a slight cold, which a d<e or two of Ayr'/. Cher- ry Factorial Might have cured at the commencement. It would be well, there- fore, to keep the remedy within roach at all times. A livery horse ran away from two fish- ermen out at Kugema on Fmtay last and did not stop until it arrived at Munshsw's shed. The animal waa in a foam of nveat, but strange to say no damage of any account waa dona to buggy or harness. The young men who congregate <>n Rich- ardson's corner Sunday nights, after church should petition Mr. Richardson to place upholstered seats in front of his store for their special benefit ; also for an awning to protect theii bodiwa from inclement weather. It would be a pity were their corporal welfare te suffer from this neglect. The little peop4 am having great sport these days catching tuckers iu Cleaner's will pond. Josia Richardson, 10 yrs., caught one eighteen iuche* long, but could not Uii'i it herself. Eddie Elder and Lome Munshaw, 8 and 5 yrs. respectively, alsu caught one over 18 inches lung, weighing 2 Ibs. 2 OE. These tish were extra large for creek suckers. One of the sights of the city of Hamil- ton is the factory in which the clobrsted "Myrtle) Navy tobacco is made. Some people may suppose that putting up plugs of tobacco must be a very simple matter, but a walk amidst ti.<; ponderous aud complicated machinery of '!. establish- ment would speedly undeceive them. Here are hydraulic presses, screw presses, iron frames, all of enorotous strength, besides a steam engine and many other pieces of machinery. As usual, year after year, b'lesherton provided no attractions for her people ou the 24th, and consequently those who desired amusement had to go on the search for it. Evidently a great many did desire it, fur the village was shnost deserted. Owou ' Sound, Kimberley, Shelburse and other places were visited by our townsmen, wiio all report having had a good time. The In/li win. I snd rain in the afternoon tended to apuil the day's pleasure to some extent. The synopsM of the judgment in Hmuio v. Wsuchob, appvunn^ in last week's issue requires some in ilitication to correctly state the effect of the judg- ment. The Uarnd Chief Justice declares in his judgment that the currect starting point or division line but wen the plain- tiffs and defendant's lands is that lo- cated by Mr. Trayiior, P. L S., some 14 feet uuith of the present fence. The course of the division line is to be governed by thu sideline known ai Dur- ham road, and judgment for the plain- tiff accordingly, except as to that por- tion of tin' lands which the defendant has acquired title to by length of poa- sesnion uxti'n ling a point 2718 feet from the road. No costs to either party. The late John Bentham, whose funeral notice appeared in this paper two weeks :'. was born on Doc. 4th, 1*53, in the) townsiiif) ul Uurhaiu. Ha caiue to Artemesia with k. parent* at tl age of 9 year(29 years ago). He was married mi Due. 20th, is;il, to Miss Kllei) Stewart, who now, with nit small child- ren, 4 boys and '2 girls, truly mourn their loss, 1m: not as those without hope, for he was anxious to ba gone and with his Saviour. He was stricken with heart. disease over 3 years ago. and autfored a a great deal, but never was beard to murmur or complain, even to th* last. He gradually grew Wfnker. until half pant H on Monday erneing, when he calmly breathed his last. Ho was in- terred in Flesherton cemetery on the fol- lowing Wednesday. The funeral was a vsry large one. To Farmers. All my Turnip Seeda are fresh, not having had sny left over from last year. Wm. Richardson. Oh, What a Cough ! Will you hfud the warning. The sig- nal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yournelve* if you can atlord for tho Kake of saving 50c., to run tho rink and do nothing for it. We know from experi- ence that Shilnh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. juue24 The 24th at Kimberley. Kimberley had a big day on Tuesday me of the greatest days it hat seen for some time. The Patrons of Industry from Clarksburg. Heathcote,Epping,tc., met there for picnicking purposes and had, as we have said, a jumbo time. The sport consisted of a shooting and a football watch. Tin, shooting match waa Clarksburg against the world snd Clarksburg won. Thu football wm Ixt- twsen l)uncan and Heat'icote, the latter winning by one goal. Personals. Mi-* Francen Beecroft, milliner with J. A N. Andrews, Thornbury, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs Jas Beecroft. Messrs. J. Hansford, T. Henderson and J. W. Henderson, of Toronto, spent the 24th with relatives here. Mrs. I',. G. Evans has been visiting with her parents at St. Mary's for the past few weeks. Mr. Evans spent the 24th there. Mr. Victor Kester, of Toronto, visited friends and relatives in Fltwhertnn this week. Mrs. W. H. Thunton and children have been visiting with relatives at Kins berlry during the past week. Deeming, the wife murderer, was hanged at Melbourne Monday morning. People Wonder WHEN they find how rapidly hualth is restored by taking Ayer'i 9s* sapsvrillav Tba reason is that this preparation contains only the purest and most powerful alteratives and v-nicsv To thousands yesuly it proves a veritable elixir of life. Mrs. Joe. Lake, Brock-way Centre, Mich., writes : " Liver complaint and iitdigetion made my life a burden and ram near ending my exmteuco. For more than (our years I suffered un- told agony. I was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed me, and only the moot deli- cate could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving relief. Moth- Ing that I took seemed to do any per- manent good until I began the use o( Ayar's Sarsaparilla, which has pro- duced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to lake the SanupuiUla I could see an Improvement In my condition, my appetite tw-cnn to returu aod with It riuue the ability to digest all the food taken, my .suouirtu Improved each day, and alter a few mouths of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household dnties. The niedicino has given me a new lease of lUur and I cauuui thuik you too much." "We, tiie underaitmeil, citizens of Brock way Centre, Mich., hereby certify that the above statement, mutle by Mrs. Lake, la true in every particular and entitled to full vretleiice." O. P. Chamberlain, G. W. Wuring, C. A. Wells. DrtiKgiiit. " My brother. In England, was, for a long time, unable to attud to his occu- pation, by reason of sores on his foot. I sent him Aycr's Almanac and the tes- timonials it contained induced him to try Ayer's Simiaparilla. After iming it a little while, he waa cured, aud is now well man, working iu a sugar mill at Krisbane, (jnceiiHland, Australia." A. Vttuwell, Suarbut Lake, Uuuuiu. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Price I, Mi U.iU.?fc. Worth t . twuls, Executor's Notice. NOTICK i-< JsPii-liv (Tivi-ti. pur-.imiTt i chapter IU). * tt. U. S H . i,v*7. to thu fiM-litorti am) alt oill <'! huviri^; .''.nni - a ;<ti - ' I in- *1M' of Auilrow Wt!/' i tin M !iix-'.pf K!falir tuU. Ill t ll ClHIIlt \ 'ft' .11, Who <)|IM| -nor ifcl-oiit til.- tliii.l i*v of Kcb.imrv. l^.^.that t!i--\ MI - (! i,. 'i -i -1 'in ni ti< fr :i " 1 in- '..M! It flay i f Jlltli). IH'.iJ, t<. t .||,i ( )NK*!. |'ifj*i-l. or J-l,\ct to the uii'ltTvu-tM"!, itur. for Hiunm* Whit t"ll, i if Ul.' vi! iiUji' ..f Stir 1 1 U I lit', t IrciJl'ir <lf the i i>t a J ,uf,\ t-KtuitnMit <>t til* 1 HID. I iiri-faMil.thti OeWleil, Ml' . -, tl'l.l 'luHCt IJlLiohH, K Httf|IH.'llt of tlifir niM-e^ii. i -, \.-t itl. .1 1> , t't* itit-v ilti-Ura- tinii. no.) th iiAtiirt* t tli*-ir si-.-uriin - if ^u.' hold IM tilt-in Vtt>i nntrt i * l).-t^iv Rtrrn that the H.U'1 f\ffut -n iK, nt'tt-i t lie i>l Jiith (lay uf I t> 'l .f ih-- lid-J > rvH|K>n- Juu*'. !** .I'M ' Li !ll V tO tllli which mii'h i-\ Tul'ir sbull ihfii iii>tjt--./i M I ;l." u:<l i*\vt:iitor will not il'iu f*M tlui -.^.-t*>, ii. nny p.tit thereof. tt> any I'KiniMioi in-, -.MM**. ,.( who**- i-lnini norn-it vhall iiuL IILW UMMI ii-1-civo.l l>y MLiii A<* tft'T at the tini*j of Hiicti ilUlribt.:: n I H l.l'CVs. ,^..i f'., ..ti,! Kxiicntur. Disttfil tsii-iuth <!> of May. ItTJiE. Markdaio. Wmaytt M N >ORK & WILSU Maunfitct'irors anc 1 Dealers in all :<:M.IK : Building Materials. Rough and dressed lumber al- ways on hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Scroll work, Inilustt-rs Newell posts, Hand i\nliii^, i'cnce f>ickc s, in fact tvtryiktng in bui'.dnig or repairing. ronmilt n before you Rtart at work. A I>K <|""ii.v i'f seasoned north lion- piii' 1 ; iiNo pin liith HIII! nhin^lcit at KIWI-HI jiriws. Kitiinati-H divn. Fleshertoo Sasli & Doer Factory. w E HAVE NOW THE BEST, CHEAP- est and Largest stock that ever v?e have had in MeuXLadies'.and Child re as' Boots and Shoes for summer wear. Custom work promptly attended to. BICYCLES 1 *i., S Card, THE- Bicycle LEADS TUE VAN. All the best riders in the country ride the "COMET" IT IS THE STHUNT.EST. IT 18 THE EASIEST WNNING. IT IS THE LIGHTEST FULL KOADSTEH. FITTED WITH SOLID CUSHION UK PNEUMATIC TIRE. Send for Catalogue. Comet Cycle Co. 24 Adelaide St, Toronto. \V H. & WILSOJ. BUYERS Of Hour, groceries, feed, etc., should ex- amine Wyv ill's Stock Before purcliSAiin;. He keeps censtantly on hand, No I Flour #4 iO |i-r lilil Ti'us. as Ion as the lowrst. Sugars. lui<. Fruits in S-ase>n. Hour and fred n.>iirrv. *tr.. All the best goods at rinlit prices, wincli I am anxious tor all lo teat. T. WYVILL, STRAINS HLOCK, KI.KSH KKTOM. tukeu in axoliaiiua (or (nods. FLESHERTON GREENHOUSE Announcement Get your Cabbage, Toiuato, Cauli- flower, lV|-|irr, and alt kiuds of plants for spring planting at thu Hrsll.TUlll G fCOIlllUIUl'. We liavc in stock a large quantity uf mixed dahlia rooU wliich will be disposed of at low rated. We Iiave a fine variety of all kinds uf plants to choogf from. All orders promptly attended tu. MRS J IS id I < KOI I Munllul toil April JM. 'ri lino. CAUTION. E1CII I'M. OF TUE MIRTLE NAVY IS MAKKKII T.& LETTERS. NONEOTHEfiGENUINE Bull for Service, undersigned li a well-bred gllnw> ir urrlo* ou lul l.w. Hurt oast, T. * b. Ii. JACOB HOLLItl. The bull fa. Tai iu Ti couU. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. N, I'. i. (JI:KV. . -. J. R.. Convej incur. 4c. A|jout for uur. IIM sad sale of IBII.IK. AppiaiM-r fiirC L. C. ( c H. * S s<iru.iv Mi m. v to Ltisn <ili v'^'" hl " '"""" IssrisM ur LICENSES. NOTAMY PUHLIC. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned Us s larRp amount ^l money to loen m Co,e ou town nr (urm 8. DAMCDE, Flrshrrtm. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. Aiti-iuesia. Convex a i-.r or Iiiwiiniuce ati:t, dc IVt-ds. nn.ttnui-fH, MM, i ! . |trrjiaii-.| und prnprrly exucnud IiiHtiruuce ufficU',1 in tirst C!M ' Moury to lud at low<t rmles. DR. BUTTON .M.I'. C. M . H.O. I- ,t s. (,(.. l-nce Us. R. !,(, , , .mil Ortici- oiiu Jor w..i of tin M.-thiiiiini Cl.nrcli, Kuirobe St. Oflic days, Tuthduvi and .Saturdars. DR. CARTER. M. C. 1'. A S . Oni. I'ln ..i.-iuii. im;. ..M etc., Mfulii-riMii. nilici Mnini . llock 'e Mmuiiaw a Ii, d-l. DRS. SPROULE & EGO,,1.-. iii.i. 1 1||!,-,. _ Manlv ' drug '!' > Srronii.. i|. 1).. Kte. Anj.-u ko, M. O.. Its., lulu ..I Ti.ltfiilimii. out. I T. EKO UI br found at Hit Mark luje lloue st iiijjiit. J. P. OTTEWELL, Tetemar] Snr>;-i.n. i;i:i,luut,. ,.(O;,tario south of Lotch H uilor h,,|>. fle>hurlou. Jcutijitry. J. P. MARSHALL, L. !>.&., M |>. s.. II.,, IIHI . \ 1S ,,. dulc tlni Ut ami :!:-! \\ ,-,|i u ml.i\ ..1 .-neb month, b'lr.-lii-itou Kuch trip u'u lln. day olluwing. J. W. FROST, Bam'xU-r. S.,li. i(,,r. ('IHIVI-IHIICIT, Kle. Kli'i-liiTUiii ullS-e NfM khs> POSI . Dice, ^|M".ilo's binliliin,., ,, u Tbursdsys. Souul office- Front's P McCDLLODGH, BnniHtcr, Sclii-itor. Ktc. Ollicf over Ms- Kmlund's store, Aiarkilslu. M<mey to I , .m. WRIGHT & LINDS\Y, Barristers, soUelsors, i't<-.. dwcn s<i i om, ! ll -Itl I I nil ol i,| Mlll'llfll'N I'UMK. . .lll..,rtT of ucli work Monc.. to loan at luiiuhi latuk, \V H. \\HIOJ1T, S. K. I i^ll^i> R. J. Sproule, )08TMAMK!l, Kli-^^rUjii.ConiiuisBiun. -- er in U. R., I^fuuMjUAuolionwr, Con vc.vsucur, Apprmuer aud Mune^ Lendvi . Iteul IvNtate uiri IiiHiirountt A^unt. IV. UK. Morte|,'u8, LnaKcs nud Wille drswu u|> aud VnliiiitioiiH niudi) on Hlinr'.eRt notii:c>. .IMC- tiou 3uls attiuli>d Iu iu any pary ol tie County. Money to luan atloiil rnti-K < intur8t. C'i'lli etions nUeuded to mill promptness aud duspatcii. C'lnirut H !,,. i.'iitlor the Dominion Stuamhlii|i*'in|>any, Cheap tickets from ]''li-r)n i ton to l.ivi-rpoul, Glasgow, Lonjuu or auv of I!IH Bntihh orts , 1'artien inti-nil'h^ to vi>it Kn^ian.l, Beotlsnd or Irelund, will please ak rlr te, fore pi rchSHiug their tickets olswli<jr. Mrs. l"!iilii>iH-|po*tt Metho- dist 1 hurrb. Flrsberion. Dress a<1 loaatte making IB all lt liranoh nvtiKiiil irl "iiltn altiMuli'.l to proniptlf ami sasMaeMoa ui>nrM...,,l. liciitli'iiinn suit* ssede np ia annd style, wlmn i broneht ras'ly-rut. I IIKT* lio Mciired from Maiian* (iiniiill tb.t^.ut) foi . tiij'eiior line nf or- di*d terse U. A|.iiljli)J

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