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Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1892, p. 4

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this. FLESHfeRTON ADVANCE ', THE ADVANCE. U published livery r riitir*da.y, KaoM THX Orncm On( TKKUH OK HU list 111 l-TIOS: I )>r auaam when paid strictly ID advance I W per annum when uot o pail. All\ KHT1SIMJ HATKS. On* col u in u. 1 JTMT, WO , bait col., do , I'i! q&rtoT<i>l do., $15. Traiimriit advrtlaemnU charged at thn rat* ( ct>. iwr line for flnt inaortluu and 3ct. \r i acu lubMquent luwrtion W.U. THURSTON. and Proprietor A POOR HOUSE. Mr. McFarland letter, dealing milli a couulj poor Louse, whisli was l>ubliiLcd in many of the county I & | *TI two wtks ago, hai Ld tin- ffiVcl of showing that tlie press of lLi count; is unanimous in the opiniou that a poor bouse iliould be built. Editors, as a geuora! rule, are Ltiuiaiiiiai ians, and U ii is a cum in winch such views should bu exercised Corporations and tlio body politic embrace tliti oilier extreme and look at matters fn.iii tin- cold dollar and ccut standpoint. 1'oBnibly Ibe knowl- edge tbat we are assisting to main- tain other poorlioiiBts throughout the province, through the goviTtiuienl grunl, wiU go a tcreut way in the ar- gumoiil al the June Mission of out t/uuuty Council. \Vr trust it will, with others, to sufficient to outweigh the negative. There is stliom an Assize Court held in <)wt n Sound at which the presiding judge docs uot occat>iou to ceiiBiire this comity for nut pioridiug accomiuudation for it* poor. It is a hopeful ign to bear one who has bi n opposed to tin- .scl.i ute beietoforc say, as w di<l the other day, that lie was now "open t coiiviction," although it in t-omewhat burprining to learu that any of our uieuiburs have bec-n steeling thtir Ltarib u^umsl aiguuieul. Mr. Me- I-'IH luud'a letter was a powerful wooden pails for milking or holding milk is strictly forbiden. 8th In preparing milk for the Flt'Hlierlon elites* factory, it should immediately after straining bo thoroughly aired by pouring, dip- i.ig or Stirling, or by the use of an aerator This la as beneficial for the morning's milk as for the evening's, and is as neceunary when the weather is cool as when it is warm. 9th When both messes of milksre conveyed to the factory in one can the mixing of the morning's with the eveuing's milk should be delayed till the milk-waggon is in sight of the stand. 10 The milk must be kept in a place where the atmosphere is pure aud free from foul and injurious f>ruells 11 ih Each and every milk-can should be washed with cold or tepid water first, then scalded with boiling wat.r, once a day loiUude as wll as in). They should . allcrwaids be 12 The MiiTomidiiifc's of the milk- ftand shall be ktpt clean and frue from bad smells, and the feeding of swine within one hundred feet of the mi Ik-stand is strictly forbidden. 19 The milk shall be delivered on the milk-stand nt a time to suit convenience of the milk diawor. 14th The clii-tse maker shall re- jcl any milk which he considers to he unlit fur use in the manufacture of ihf tiucst quality of ohcesc. Without your earnest attention to tkcse suggestion* my efforts for the finest quality of good cheese are in vain. CHAS. STEWAKT. linn. Oliver Mtiwai uml Hon. John /.bbot have been kinghiril. Kir Akiuiiclu Campbell, Lieut. - (juunur of Ontario, died on Tuesday &fu i i,',..ii ul Toronto. on I In ar. of Milk Ti. tltf /,'.',(.//- i,( The '1 hi. hininess of dairying when Tu.-tly and carefully follownl insures to tlit Uiiiiki a safe aud steady iii- luiin . \V are faTured with all the natural ailvAiila^i:* uenlnl in UK- production of chtesu of tin li.n si ipidliiy. The permanent Hiicceiis of u.i dairy induslry depend* upon the ijuahiy of the product. Every pat- ron i.-, in should be, interested and lake a |HT8oiml mttiesl in the r in of ili ii milk ; IMIIIX! 1 throw out these sii^gi'siiuns to uvtoiil the patrons in producing and hiipplying U) Flesh- < i tin clmst fju'oiy milk of uuil'orm- Jy good cpmlily. li Milk should be supplied from only healthy cows which art f :<1 ni>on food wiili access to plenty yards and Lecture on thr X. W T. To tilt Kilitar nf The AJmnee. I)KAR SIR, On Thursday evening, May l!Hh, the Vandeleiir neighbor- hood wae fttvoifi' with a leeture given by John Hclntri.uli, K<tq., delegate from Assiniboia district, his object !>! ing lo exjilain 1'illie fanners ot On tiirio the tine country there is in the Northwist for their surplus popula- tion. Moi'- > |" i illy dul he uphold the Moose Jaw district an being one i.f the best wheat-growing districts of the tc-mtorit-s, while at the same Unit- il was one of the mosl beautiful. II. hud with him a rample of the Old (llasgow spring wheat of a very su- jKiior Kind, \\liich he stated was pail of u crop of thirty-five bushels to tin acre, this hi -ing the fifth crop without pliiiiglinig or other cultivation, exivpi rukin^ i iff the slnbble and harrowing 111 till' -i r'l. llrilNo ^|ll'ku ()f till' people nf tli' 1'invincf of Manitoba IH speaking with prrjudkv tu \v;inln tin iii nnl'i to draw than I ho writer, and who mar i/ct tirml of wadini; through m nuich ele- mentary detail, can skip tht pertioii of it, but it must ap|>er for the benefit of thnte of our reader* who are mere tyros, .in i. dm to begin anything that may prove of benefit tu them If any time the writer ad rootle* any method or makes any statement that dove not coin- cide with the reader* ' viewi, plcaia re- member that you are not Uiund tu accept it u authority, and it ii given here ini(.ly a our opinion, which wo niuit tick to until convinced that we are wrong. MIKIMO A RTAtT. \V hare frequently been aiked which is the best general purpose breed. Now if we monliuii any particular breed as being tha be*t,some of our brother breed- er* might take exception to the state- ment, ai there are svral tireerii that lay claim to this honwr. A doctor who takei the aanie medicine himself that he prescribe* for his (mtieuti would at least be comidered a consiitniit pliyiician. Himilarly we may y that after ycari of u\|'i.riiiieuting with the varioui pure ln'tifiU in our March for the most practi- cally useful fowl, we long ago decided that for our purpose the Plymouth It >ck* were superior to all others. The louger w breed them the better we like thess, and we conGilently recuinniii<i then to sll who want a poneral purpose breed. 1'Iy- mouth Kocke are good lay*re,particularly in cold weather when exg< bring the belt prices. They are good lahle fowli, buing large anil producing a fine quality of niHat ; are very harily at all a^es, indeed w find them without exception tha hardiont of any brved we haw uvsr ex- perimcntod with ; the chicks gn>w fast and fuather early and are lit to kill at any age from ei|(ht weeks old ; they mske the most attractive table poultry of any hrt-ed with which we are nc.juaiut- eil. and finally when well bred they are a handiouie variety. This combination of good qualities will account for our preference of the I'ly- mouth Kocke, but it is for you to srl.-ct the breed that you think would suit ynu the hoit. A few suggestions nisy |>er- ha| auist you in making your sli-ctit-ii. Tlie income from your fowls it to be li-rifi-il from egtfi ami marke*. poultry, therefore it is importaiil that you select a breed that piMiluce* sn abundance of ct;t<4 early in the season when thr wenth or is cold HIM) ni"t of tin) bens in the country are duiin; imthing. You will ob- tain the lust prices of the year for sucii an you wiah to sell, and you will be nl j'liiu water and Dull. lind The pastincs, cans should be kept free from cur- i inn and all decaying matter which may cuus noxious smells. ;inl Kac.h pillion shall furnish pine dwrcl milk uj which iiulhhij,' has In in added and fmui which no purl 1m- i.i-'-n ii'imived or kept back, and if any be reserved, it shall be of the average qualilv of milk given by the l.i-i il of cowh. Milk shall nolhf ulluiud lo tin.- Flcsliei ton clioesu factory from u iv ?OWH until after the fourth day after calving. 4th He only that hath clean hands shall be allowed to milk a cow. ."nit -Milk should be drawn from tin- cow in a cleanly umunnr. Tlic ml- iii i- should be bnntkeil or wuNhtil.nml milking with dry bandit i* piefentble to lh practice of dipping lliu lingers lion more tttpecully lo tlieir own priivincii. llnw.v.r, this is only inUMB n.iuui', uml tiiicli things must be eijii't'li il. He stiiti'd lliat the Moose Juw district WHS not so Biilijtfl lo finals as 1 1 ii' prorince of Manitoba, nnd on ihu wli.iir n (iiiiiueiuled it us being a more 'K sit able pail nf niiiit: v fur agricultural |>:'i |>oseH, uinl uve many iiutlftiiccs win re iutolli- (Bt svod energetic faini'in had bo- foiui' vt i v pi ci*i>eitnis in the lust few vvars. The H|i< alter liinnelf has In .11 a ivoidctil in ai MII.". -lu\v for sunn- M ;u s .iii.l tiioivl u i- knows whereof he H(n:aka II<- . I'm.- t" In- very intelli- ,;riil uii.l IH reeiiiiiijem!'d and vouched for as roomily liis vnufity, by a very l.i -illy n s|>. . .1 gentleman who is now n, MMiileni in llns part of tl'o country. Mr. Mcliilouli has lectured m ihll'i ii-iil I'.un of tins province, anil held a muclinx in the Orange Valley ilnt iit-t on I hr luili met. At Ihu meeting at ViiiitlcUnr the information he bestowed was well received, and afle.1- many queslions being satis fictjrily answered, a harly vote of llianlu was teiuloreil tlm Kpealier,\vlien thu ineeting \vu- drawn tu a close by the chairman, who wan, yours re- enabled to hatch your chickens eirly.thu pullets beiiiR uvcd fur the next winter's laying Rtiuk, and the cockxrrli briny pb.-eil on the market early before the general mipplici of *|>riiig chick* appear, will briny u ", >iid piicv.and oftn pay thu of their on raising and the growing of thu pullets tu maturity, anil peihapa lvu a little ppilit l>eidi. In ordtr to ebtain the best pnco for your spring chick it is of the greatest imuurUiK-e that you telect a lirued that rmlnutie* tlie popular idal of what * tirst-clau table f iwl *houlil I... (Tu In fniitiinii'l). spec tfully, THUS. KKLI.S. Writtrufor Tlit Ailnaer. n. ..I Poultry i;. i is. .it Notice to Creditors. Iu lln inaltor u( tin' uUlu of Jolin U ilur lll'ltm , fill II.. I .II . A--.- I i- 1 1. i. Li ui \ I'M 111 inirmiiinrniif Us I) Ii*.,'. lii' llo. Sis- m tlial all an ntlian liavltiK ant olftinoi " r 'li'inan l ifitlui the Mtatuol loliii K..l..-rt lii-att*. Ut* cf tli> l..wii^ln|. ol iNi'ii' tin' f'oiintv >f druv. farm sr, deseftsed, woo awH on or about UK. i^t ii* i.i .NI vi loin i , A n UM, an raaulred to aeod b] ).<.-t l'H'1'tii'l. en iir l..'f. .. tin* l.t h iUv i if .Iu MM 1~'J. t.ithi- iiiiili.(li;liuil n HtatKliiiMil.iii willing ol tlii'ir i.|u'ii.tmii aii'l *i.i II>IIII.-H an I nil lifHKf n.l tin. full particular- ..( llunr i-lnu .11.. I <l luitllilH. nn. I I lui imliii.i of tl'i-n HI-. -in Hi. s, if ti . lit-l.l I., thi-ui And iiotn-i. i -. furthvr itiveii that ft. ! tliu Mil. I last in. ntii.ii.- I .IKI.' tint a.l iiiiiiiNtrnti i* will pri>.-. -I t'i -li-t . tlio a lt> "f tli ilwnaxi'l (inobK l>' IWIHOIIH nu tiilxil tbarato, having regard ooljr in tlie <iln of wlnrli II. .tin. Imn lirll Klvrn abol riHiniioit. aii.l tkiu n imiiiMi ut 1 1 x will not I llalilu for tin' "nl RBiit lit any part tlioroo lo any penon of whoe* olalio n.iu.. liull ImvH lii'uli rtii'uwn-.l at tli tinn. ..f .li tiil.nti DatiHl at Owen Soiin.l 1711. <luv f M>v. A. D iw& j. w tuosr. Bulicltur (ur tlio mi. I a.liiiinintrati is. in th<' pail in order to moihten Ulh Imuiedialely uftcr Ihe milk is tli awn from Ihu cow il should be slraiMd through a wire 01 cloth 7th All pails and other ntrnsils with which ihu milk is broughl into puuUict ujusi bt of tin. the use of BY T. A. WILLITTM, WE.STON, OUT. It is an anloiiialiiiig tiling tint tlio farmers of Canada will oeiitinue to stand in tha wuy of tlittir own intrirui by keupiiiK such n uiiiicrable claaa of poultry as IN foinid on tlie avtrs^e farm. I'lmau wlio Imvu ailtlotl thorou^'librcd fowls to tlieir lie stock, rrudily see tint adTantagn of them, tint the Ixtit stu.'k mi earth will nut b* profitable unless managed with tint same buiiiiMS iliaursiioii which should charni'terit* all farming upei 1 - ations HaTing given au inkling of the [H.aailiiltMS of (loultry raiting we will now enti-r i.|..ih lh practiual detail* of the subjeot, anil in order that all our roatlon may thurnughly nmlurtud us, we shall have to starl at tha "bexiimiiiK" snd lake noil. uijj fur uranlwl. These ulJ bruviUn wliu prubably know inure of this TO THE PU1ILIC. UavillK rimtc I \V I: itlcli tilarkKinilli Rlinp f. Atuiiu of yt'arit, 1 am now in a poHitimi tu rut. to all wanti In my Imr. HorsesboeiDg a epojialty Saliofacliitu el FOR ANYTUINC IN TIIK 11LACK SMITUINO LINE CALL (N F. A. B IT D T. utiar .lauu'i Hardware Store, The ShoAr rooms of H. E. McNea's -Furniture 1 stab- lishment on Durham St. are completely filled with all kinds and styles of the most HANDSOME FUENITURB That has ever entered Flesherton. They contain the CHOICEST FURNITUBE In the furnishing market of to-day, such as Bedroom Sets Parlor Suites Dining- Room Furniture Kitchen Furniture Baby Carriages Hall Mirrors Sideboards Bureaus Etc. It is useless for us to enumerate all of our stock, but we would just say, and you will too, when you see it, that the show it makes is simply immense. ARTISTS. \Vhcn you are in need of any supplies in your line, such as Paints, Brushes, Canvas, etc., don't send away lo - them hut come to me. I keep everything of that style txpressly for your own use, enabling you to get your supplies at home. II. E. M c N E A. The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he has opened up a full stock of Men's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes. Consisting of both fine and coarse, suitable for wear indoors and oat. Our goods will be Sold at a Low Figaro, Anu we are determined to satisfy our customers. A S| >lendid assortment to choose from just to hand from best ni.imiiacturcrs. Hoping to icceive a f.iit share of the publi: patronage. JOS SMITH, . Flesherton. Repairing and 4'iitotn Wvrk a-(. n.l. .1 (o a.n ol old New Carriajre &'. Blacksmith Shop. The uinlrsi^ bog leara to nc,|imiut tb.. public with tlio fact tb.U ther bare opoufel n[ a nrw iMrnane aud bliu^kmnitli sbop in FleHhertun, where eTerytbiiiit iu out line will !> niton Je, | t,, ,,, a prompt maiinor n<l K<"'J workiuausbip u:u >ini.'i J. \\ > make a specialty t>( u 8 E s n p E i ^ 7 a. Aud Drofenn to lme a uu-clmiiio who K'i*e eutir ati*(aeti.m fvi-iy time. Sprcial ItUu- lion t ' ti mli T i.r contrncttMl (fiit. IiiterfurinK |i. \..|it, 1. WOOD^WORKINQ In all It* brnnrbi's. Wni;onk, tnii{i;iii, democrat^ mil., to order. We bailor* we can work U|> >'ii'l business in Kli'^licrton by fair ami HI|UHIU ili'.iliuK aiiil curt Iftl workiuailKbip, iui.| mlicit tbu public to t >st our incritH in our VHrit'iin 1m. >. SIKH' (H'l'OSlTE FlKMTl ItK WAKEKOOMS. in'lttl AM XT K. T. WHITTEN. oiJ a -5 <J g *^^ '; -*J 9'*.^ *^i2 3<S '"e ~ => ^: w a i 9-S3 <S*.-*i t J a.c--S.-S. K 2 "5. ^ S 5 2 .* & > ? S-s E a * 2>* S * C a a o. 3- < - g^^ 1 C3>0-C 'C~ S" .* * 5 '

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