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Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1892, p. 3

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THE WEEK'S NEWS- < AVIDIA*. Oain shovellers at Kingnt.m art making fr , -1C to &XJ per week. A. Campoell was elected mayor o! Rat Portage on Monday. The total aoarfsmcnt in Kingston thi year it $7,931, 54.1, an increase of fjO.i"/- over laat year. The Canadian Pacitic railway reports a steady exodus from the Lower Provinces to Manitoba. It ID expe'-Ud ID the North-West that there will be ui early and large* ticn to Uie Territories from Austria. Aloul 73 families hare ken rendered hr.meleas by a tire In a salmrb of St. John, N B, Duoald Cameron, a celebrated football player ami champion athlete of Quiwn's I'm vertity, KingMon, died on Monday of typhoid fever. The Semiuary of St. Sulpi.-e haasubacrib- ad -f.'.EOO towards the erection of the monument to Maiscnneuve, the founder of M 01. treat. Kli Kede, aged .1, living n*ar Learning- t< 11. was killed by a Urge stone rolling upon him. Cable advices were received in Montreal on Monday sitting that all restrictions upon Canadiau cattle in Kuglind and Scotland have now been removed. The Royal Commission on Prohibition will resume its work in Montreal on the 25th inst. Constable Hans Prahl of the Northwest Mounted Police Force was killed last week at L*thbridg by slipping from his hore. Rev. Dr. Hand has been appointed chan- cellor of McMaster University at a meeting of the senate. A V'.iebec despatch says Hon. Charles Lan^f -tier's tine house on the Louis road at Quebec is to be sold by sheriff's sale on June a. Edmond Belangwr has been fontd gnilty o* wilful murder by the coroner's jury at Quebec for stabbing Cleouha* Beardoin to death at Moclmorenci rails a few days sgo. Nothing r'as yet been beard of the where- abouts of Mr. Duncan M Cnrmick, the well known Queen ' counsel, who disappear- ed from Montreal a couple of weeks ago. The three-year-old son of William ilar nees was run over and instantly killed l.y an electric car on the Metropolitan Street Railway on Yocg* street, corner of Kglin- ton avenue, Toronto, on Monday evening. A Winnipeg despatch lays that Nathan While, formerly of Porlage\ille, Out. . was accidentally sho: and killid near Icdian 11, i.l. A delegation of New Kng'and fanners who have been lookmj over Mamtol*, have re- tuineil east fur their families, bciug delight ed with the western country. Mary l>rago, a 14-year old girl living at Prairie Siding. Dover Township, was killed 1'V the accidectal discharge of a revolver m tlie hands of another girl. The wtter in the St. Lawrence is exceed in^ly low for this time of the year, and lake vessel-owners and forwarder* are uneasy. Kuty workmen employed in one of the lumber ynrtls on the Chaudicre at Ottawa have struck work, because they were re- quired to work eleven hours perday, instead of ten hours, without additional p*y. The Krench Canadian *xodn* to the I'niled States is seriously alanniug the priests, ho are using every means in their power to check the drain. The shipment of live stock from Montreal commenced tlui week. and by Saturday prob- ably -,000 Canadian cattle will have gone forward to the Old Country markets, The F.xeculive Comnuttre has adopted a mt'tion to exempt from taxation the pUnt machinery and tools used in all manufactur- ing industries within Toronto for ten years The losees of cattle on the ranches of the Canadiau North wwt last winter amounted to only 4 per ient.. and that small i*r.rut age was due to the late l-iu/jird. The steamer Caspian, which arrived last week at Halifax from Liverpool, brought K> sailors and ten officers of the British na\ y who are on their way to join the I. limese squadron. At a meeting of the Kxecutive Commit- tee of the Tor Mit" City C..uu.-il the rate of taxation was fixed at I4J nulls on the dol- ar, which is two mills less than the rate |ast year. The committee of the Imperial Federation League in charge of the placing in St. Paul's Cathedral, Lviulcu. of monument to Sir Johu Alexander Macdonald, r^e commis- sioned tic.>re Wade to execute a ir.arble buit of the late Canadian Preniur. I he bust will be placed in the crypt beside lx>rd Mayo's. In the l>min>on House of Commons on Tuesday. Mr. Haggnit explained at great length his plan for preventing deficits on the Intttcolomal railway. He intends ills- ntisninf a number of employes, and reducing the train service. Queen's College students have U-en ap pointed to tin- followm; minion fields in the writ: Salt Coats Crofter settlement, A. D. M Kinnon, who will minister to 'he crof ten in (jaelic; Prince Allurt, John Muir head: Itelmont, Hugh K. tirant: Kegina district, Chas. Daly; Crystal City, L. Me Leml The Chamber of Commerce of Montreal has written to all lioaids of Trade sending delegates to the Congress to bo held in Lou- don in Jane, asktcg what instructions are to le given to the representatives, with a view of securing uniformity of action: and also urging the adoption of the metric system o( weights and measures and the dec- imal monetary > stem for the whole !'-: ih Kmpire. OHIAT mtlT.lfv. Baron Rrnmwell. the cvlebratrd Knglish judge, tUcd on Monday. He was 84 years of age. IV Yaughan, the Dew archbishop of Westminster, was enthroned on Satnrday. in the pro-cathedral in the presence of a Ur^v crowd. 1 !wvd O'linen, tlie invincible, whowas recently released from Mountjoy prison, lie!. nid, is dead. - .'it's hotel, in Coventry street, I.on.lon wat l'urnt on Sunday night, and four i i v. ho were sleeping in an upper room ! . ' -lj'i- this. The Chamber of Commerce of Manchester i'.-.g , has by a vote of 164 to \M declared itiel' nt fuvoor of bimetallism. ' ratifications of the Behring SeA arbi- tration agreement and modus viv.-tidl i ' )li i;tion wereexclisuged ue.wnenlireat Brit- i.o and the United States ou Saturday. Mr. Schnadhorst, thi Liberal election calculates that the next general mm will give the Gladstonimis .1 majority A 77 ia the next Houte of Commons. An international horticultural exhibition. which promises to be very successful, wan opened on Saturday in London by the Duke M nauqht. The loot and mouth d. >aee ha* been oom pletely stamped out in <.rat Britain, ami tin- restrictions en ea'.tle shipments froni ene part of the country to anothei have been ree.-mded. 'if McDonnell. Lord vUinbury's private x try, ha-< written to an Oxford clergy- that " his Lordsliip is glad to *ee you imprews upon the eta-tors the probability that Hume Rule would produce tlie greatest of all curses a religious civil war." Amy Faulkner, the young woman who was picked up ou the railway trs/ok near Leeds, and who claimed to have been as- saulted and thrown out 01 toe compartment has contested to the police that her sturyis all a fiction, arising probabl) from her hysterical condition. Nine hundred and ninety nine non-Con- formist Ministers of Ireland have addressed to Mr. Gladstone an appeal againot an Irish Parliament or the subjection of treat Pro- testant cnnim iQiucs to Kumin Catholic rule. Mr. Gladstone's answer was that he derived no new information from this docu- uient. The fact that Mr. Gladstone refused to receive the deputation from the labor unions with regard to the eight hours' movement is causing uneasiness in the Lib- eral ranks, which is intensified by Lord Salisbury and Mr. Balfour consenting to Jisten to th deputation's statements. John Niuholl, who wrote an article in the Commonweal, the English Anarchists' organ, im-iting parties unknown to murder Home Secretary Matthews, Judge Hawkins, and police inspector Melville, was tried at the Old Bailey, London, and sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment. A special cablegram referring to a meet- ing of the Pnuir- no League in London, says the audience grew madly enthvKiastic when Lord Salisbury indulged in veiled threats that the House of Lords would come to the rescue of the Conservative element of the Kmpire by rejecting Hone Rale for Ireland as often as the House vi Commons should pass such * measure. At tlie annual meeting in Liverpool the other day of the London and Lancashire In- surance Company, the chairman declared ; that the business with the I'nited States , was worse than that with the rest of the world put together. A special cat>iegrani says that steps are being takeu to raise; the ; premiums to :t scale sufficient to offset the ! losses which experience had proved lobe | inevitable. Mr. Woods!! ef Liverpool, reviewing the I Canadian apple trade for the season just j closing, ssys the shipments were the largest ! on record, the receipts at Liverpool alone ' reaching nearly l.OOO.OUU barrels, including American. 1 Hi ring almost theeuurepenoj price* were much ugher than in previous year*. 1 MTFD STATM. Fifteen hundred stonecutters in New York i are on strike. Keveut snowstorms in Wyoming have caused disastrous injury to live stock ou tl < ranches. The M ; sfinippi river is higher than ever before recorder, and still rising. Much pro perty has t'eeu destroyed and many lives lost. Senator John C.. Carlisle, ot Kentucky, is said lo lie in the field for the presid'nov. President Harrison has approved the Chinese K \clusiou bilL A '.' year old infant, the son of John B. I'. itch. Uviug at New Rose, Ind., was liter- 1 ally devoured by a large house-dog. Two hundred striking ironworkers from the World's Fair grounds had a lively en- counter with Chicago police. Many of the ' snen were seriously nurt. Abel Smith, 23 years eld, of Carnarsie, N V., killed his wife and then threw him- self under a railway train, being ground to piece*. diaries Taiietin, a stevedore, committed suicide at San Fraucuco by jumping into the furnace of a steamboat. He was druuk and despondent. John Anderson, a Dane, who is alleged to Lit- married twenty women, is on trial in Cleveland, Ohio. Floods have devastated large tracts of land in Indiana. A number of lives have been lost. Patrick O'Sulliva*. oce of the Cn-nin as saKins, died at Joliet 111., prison. He made no coniesain. The Republicans were victorious in the municipal elections in St. I'. iul. Minn. , on Tuesday. Col. Wright a* elected imyi. A number of people were killed and many srnously injured by a cyclone m IV Kalb County, Montana. Fifteen thousand people attended the ac tors' fund fair in Now York the>>thci in.-ht The receipts for the day were $lii,74'J. (.to the whole entertainment the promts were icrship is now t.^J.tiOt. an increase of 4fJ,ijKj during '.he past four yean. The Robinson \V.j illen Company, of Kan- si* Ci'.y, dealers in cloth iriminings. LU- , with branch stores at .St. IX>UM, Topeka in.l Wichita, has a--u(ii--l. Assets esti- mated st $l,COO,<Jl>; liabilities unknown. Hishop (iabriels was consecrate*) t the > Igdensburg diocese the othrr day at Albany m the presence of 30 bishops, and arch- inshopt and 50U clergy, including a uumber trnni Canada. Almy, w : to was '.'oav ictKtl of tlie murder nssie Warden some time ago, hi been i-n.r.l a new trial, and wu sentenced on Wednesday to be banged ou the secosjd Tuesday in May, lS9.'i. They take a long time about these things in the v utes. Peter Schultz, age i seventeen, and Adam Haas twenty-two yean of age. for b.rymg alive a three-mcntus old child, and Mrs. Wcrtbeimer, the mother of the child, who intigate<l the murder, ore all under arrest iu New York. The expedition to leave ICnglind on the 1st of June lo explore a hitherto unknown portion of the dark Continent will be led and et|uippd by Dr. Win. Astor Chamber. a young American, known as an enthusias- tic Ar'ncau traveller. James <ioudie, sr.. ha* just died in Chi- cago. He is .ai'l to have built tlie tirst ves- sel that ever crossed the Atlantic by steam power alone, namely. The Royal William, which made trV trip fn n. I'ict</n, N. S . to liimvissod in KU. He was SI yean old, and was married to his wi:'e. wh'> survives htin, nearly tfu years ago. YOUNG FOLKS. hlrr Tea 1 vek To fli! uii i:t<: with fun. I '1 rv.ner be. 700 HnaBfhai Th.i; rules the chi-ksn run. lie s:and ben<>tth the hower In all 'he p*-;..n_ ....'. ; And mu <-onpietely covered t a-1 lo fool with mu 1. He has no tin r-e to irrab h.iu Am! tk'- him in her wraih. And live him : ir.irfori'-. And plunge him iu a bath. Anil put clean clothe* upon bim And make him indoon tay. Tn plar wiiti wooden xi.d.^r ; I nril the close of il.iy Ah. wouldn t I be ruippy. And wouldn't it be sweet. To be thai oM pet Shanghai TnCjrH n'.-v.:r kill toes'. -[Independent. 1 1 uar ten, nor nine tenths of tin tune, but all the time. If u bciig* pun- ishment upon yon while the liar* escape ; if it triugi you istto preaent die- grace while th smooth tongued liars are exalted ; if it lose* yo a good position : if it degrade* you in the class ; if it stop* a week pay no matter what piuuahsvn;. it may bring you tell tlie truth. All these things will aooa be righted. The worst whipping tht can be laid on a boy s back won't kwyj him out of the water In swimming time longer than a week ; but a lie will born in tie memory fifty year*. Tell the truth for the sake of Unj trutfc, and all the 'jest people in the world will love and inspect you, and all the liar* respect and bate you. <p Farssi Talk PrlaUr . Ink. One would ihiuk to himr some farmer* talk that printers' ink had the strange power of knocking all the sense oat of farm talk. A farmer feeds a car-load of steer* and makes moat exosUesU gain*. It is the . talk of the neighborhood and all th neigh- bors are anxious, as they ought to be, to Dickens was never more successful IB know how he did it and dolikewise. One of pamtiug a child than in David Copperfjeld : them, however, writes out an accurate re- but David is not a specimen of commonplace | port of the transaction to an agricultural childnood. It is needful to remember this , paper. The editor look* it over, note* the if we are to appreciate bun properly. From ag and breeding of cattle, lit* kind and the very tirst he has about him the air of quantity of feed used, and goes on to show genius. All children, unless they be abswi - that the secret ot ike success lay in tne fact Twenty -one supposed dynamiters are now in custody at Liege. Tiie lierUu TagebUit publishes a report from Arab sources that Emm Pasha is dead. The condition of affairs in parts of Mexico on account of the drought is deplorable. -M. Gnirand, composer, and one of the grwsUest authorities on music ia France, is It is rumored in Britain that Prince Bi marck will shortly be appointed to an im- portant urticial position. Heavy snow storms dnnng the past few days have caused great damage m H unwary and the Tyrol. Henry M. Stanley will be a guest of Rmq Leopold of Belgium next month by royal ui- vitation. The Czar and C/arina will leave St. Petersburg for Berlin on May '.'1 to pay a viait to Kinpercr William. The preparations ftr war iu Russia are said to have never been more active thu.n they sre now. Tbs Spanish Cabinet has decided in favour of the introduction of a law deprhmg dynamitera of trial by jury. The execution of Frederick Bailey Deem ing for the murder of his wife at Windsor, A'.tstnlia. ban be-'n fixed for Ma> I M I'tresuer, prefect of St. Petersburg, is dying frcm the effects of poison administer- ed by unknown person*. A sensation hxs been caused iu Russia by the appointaieut of a military olhVer as usepector of the whole system of railways. The military students at Shun King, (, have taken forcible measure* to ex- pel the British niiMtonai les from that city One of the leaders of th recent Choyaug rebellion in China was captured and brought to Tien Tain, where he was slowly sliced to death. mally dull and stupid, an- full of fancies. They breathe the atmosphere of poetry. They see wonders in the heavens above and the earth beneath. Tragedy and comedy are ever chasing each oiiicr over the stage of their existence. Now they are in the depths of despair : now it would seem as if they and joy were inseparable companions. Yet, I venture to think that luch a child as David Copperfield is rare. The majority are made of more common- place material. They would know better how to get on with Mr. and Miss Mttrd- tune. Yery few boy* nowadays at any rate -would, even at eight or nine y-ars of age, be quite so easily imposed on by a waiter as to allow him to eat their din- ner without uttering a word of protest. I that the cattle were well bred and of the right age, and were fed a well balanced ration, or the amount of carbohydrates and albuminoid* that were demanded under the circumstances and advices farmer* all over the country w here similar conditions prevail to do likewise. Why should this) a -orate statement of farm practice be regarded ae | book learning and therefore not be relied upon, while the fact* on whicii it is basd are iartn talk and therefore reliable * la other words, how M it possible for a fact stated orally to be wisdom and the sain* fact in printer* ink to be regarded as im- practical folly ? Farming us not an exact *cin<-e like mathematics. Everything about it fr*-m tint to last has been learned by experience ail i very doubtful, too, whether many ' and the end of an agricultural newspaper is boys would bavs been .jite so lover like , to make the experience of one farmer avail- to Little Emily, and have found such in- I able for all farmers who bars the wisdom to tens* delight in Mr. Pegotty'* wonderful subscribe. It makes the eipertence of OSM boose by the sea at Yarmouth. Still, one reader available to all readers. It note* feels that Duvid is real and from first to last consistent with himself, which, by the way, is more than can be *aid for all Dickens s characters Ham Pegotty to wit. what experiments have been tried so full* that there are demonstrated results. If failure, then it it folly lo repeat them ; if successful, then so much has been added to the star* "f useful knowledge. ering The province of an agricultural paper : to f the ascertain what is known concerning the who, when we are tirst introduced to him. is little more than a half wilted, blundering lout, but become* before the eud o" story a really magnificent fellow. Kvery : science and art of farming tad :ech that M one will call to mind many other chila { interpret the result* of experiments aod characters in the writings of Dickens. No show what is know* and what i* unknown, other male writer has given us so many, j what is certain and what is doubi:ul, w.iat In my judgment, none of his children can i is expedient in this Lautudf and inexpedient compare with thoee of certain female ' IB that, and in this way interpret to the writers. I have, however, drawn attention fanner the experience of all farmers. Print- to the prominence of children in Dickens, 1 ers' inking cannot convert wtsdoni into folly, not so much in order lo *"" his succe or failure in this department a* lo empha- size the tact that he was one of the fir*t of the great writers of net ion who recognized the charm and interest which children give to a book. A wise ttiug said loses nothing by being stated in cold print. {Prairie Farmer. Knru- ii' . . My hoy, the tin' thing you want to learn if you haven t learnt it already -is to , tell the truth. The pure, tweet, refreshing. whMesome truth. The plain unvarnished, simple, everyday, aiaiily, truth with a little ' t. For one thing, it will save you to much Irtirrtl. IB- John Wanamaker, who can claim to sp*ak from experience says : " I never in my life used such a thing as a poster or dodger, or handbill. My plan for tutreo ye*rs has been to buy so much space in ihs newspaper and till it up with woat I wanted. I would not give an advertisement in a newspaper of .XiO circulation for i, 000 dodge* or posters. If 1 wanted to sell cheap jewelry or run a gambling scheme I might use powters, but I onld not insult a decent reading public A Kom despatch says : of Archbishop Ireland the , u'.le', At the request Kev. Father laistrator of St. Paul, Minn., ha* been nominated domestic prelate at the Vatican. For one thing, it will save you to much wltn handbill*. The class ot people' who trouble-oh, heaps of trouble aud so end rtak j , ut h t huig* are pwor material to look terrible strain upon to for tu ppo rt , n mercantile affairs. of hard work, aud a I leal N i withstanding the repeated and punitive direction uf tbc 1'ope. the higher clergy of France continue to manifest a most earnest opposition to the Republ.c. Monday was the tenth birthday of Crown Prince Frederick W illiam of Uermauy , and the occasion was marked by the young Prince receiving his commission as a lieu tenant in the army. The public censor in St. Petersburg has forbidden theatre-goers to express disappro bation of tiie play or players by hissing *r other hostile demons! ration*. Isabella Marino, of Lo. Ojo*. X. M., who was jilted bv Joe Pedro, took a desperate revenge. She entered the bedroom of Pedro and his newly married wife, and cut out their tongues while they were asleep. SK Jew* and Jewesses were . oavicted in St. Petersburg of murdering babies entrust- ed to their care. The prisoners had gained the name of " angel makers. " News from the faraiue districts of Russia i* very gloomy. A specical cablegram says scurvy hae followed the epidemics of typhus and smallpox which hate swept over the alilicted provinces. Thousands of the sick go without food or nursing uutil death ends their misery. your memory. N.metiDies *nd when I d irect iy wltn th publisher. I *a to him say sometime* I mean a grent mauy . How | ODg wlU you i et . ], O f times -it u hard to tell the truth ', through your paper for $10O or the first time. But when you have told u ,-, , k , tb , c- , m . y , j let hlln do ^ there is an end of it. \ou have won the tiguring, and if 1 tktn'k he is not living to victory : the tight is over. Next lime you ^ e more than his share 1 give hiai the tell that truth yon can tell it without ti . 1 Uy ade the profits on a particular ">* ! '.me of goods for advertising purpose*. The Your memory may be faulty, but you I fi rlt ywir I i,a aside $.'),'A> ; last year I tellyourstory without a single lash from Uid aside and spent I*'."" 1 . I have done the stinging whip of lhat stern old task- - master conscience. You don't have to stop to remember hoWyou told it yesterday you , to ln< newspaper*. ' don't get half through with it and then sti-p with the awful sense upon you that you are not telling it as you told it the other time, aud canuot remember just i hew yon told it then : yon won't have to lo >k around to tee who is there be- fore you begin telling it : and you won t have to invent a lot of new lie* to reinforce spanned the old one. After Ananias told a he his , thought better ibis year and shall mcreaae that turn as the profits warrant it. I owe my succes* reals Mesl Three Irishmen on tramp, very tired and hungry, were making their way along a country road ou? bright moonlight night, when, coming to abroad stream which was by a Dridge, they perceived, as they , s cheese in the water close by the 1 he neighborhood of Ottawa. II!.. i flood- ed. and a large section of coun.i \ is cut off from outside communication. It isstattd that John Sherman will accent the Republican nomination for President if it is tendered to him. The World's Columbian Commission, has run out of funds, and will have to pass round the bat to meet current expenses. A report from western Kentucky is that r.urlalo gnats are causing great losses. It ia est 'mated that l.oOO horses havs been kill- ed by them. Frank H. Hutchins. ot t'tica. N. Y.,was instantly killed by being whirled around a haft revolving 140 time* a minute. 11 < |egs were torn from his K>dy. About one-thud of IVpcka, Kansas, is under water and the inilroads of t>e state arc badly crippled by washouts aud land slides. At the Methodist Kpiscopal Conference for the t'nued StaUe in Omaha, Neb., the other day, it was rrpcr'.ed that the mem bridge. It was the reflection of the moon. Being hungry, and thinking it w i make a supper for them, they consulted to- gether how to gel it. i Dsnnii it. -i .,:,. r i . Trie shepherd dog is the best moi iier in the animal kingdom. A neighbor of mine HAS a shepherd who hat pup* "Z or 3 mouths old, and not long ago a couple of- the pups had a difference on some subject of canine interest and got to lighting. The mother heard them, and appearing to understand that the case was M nous, ran out aud at- tempted to separate them, holding one with her paws white she pushed the ether away with her noec. She was unsuccessful, foi the pups kept on fighting, and leaving them she ran into the house, and by barking and whining attracted the attention of her mas- ter, who rosj snd followed her into the yard. He luted one of the pups by the tail and the other by ths hind legs and soon shook the belligerency out of them, and though the poor little mother looked on with manifest distress at the roughness) of the mean* employed, the was evidently satisfied with the reeult, for a* soon as the pups were released -ind sneaked off, she capvred stout her master, fawning on him and in *very way showing her gratitude. St. Louis Ulob* Democrat. I wife had to tell one just like it. You see. ! if vou tell lie* you are apt to get your whole family into trouble. Lies always travel in ' gangs with their coequal*. And then it i* so foolish for you to lie. S*y No. 1 (Dennis) : " I'll han,s on You cannot pass a lie off for the trnth any . '" bridge by my hand*, and then. Pat, you more than you can get a counterfeit monev j can climb over me, and hang on to try legs, into circulation : the leaden dollar isalway* ! d Mike on to your* ; we (hall then be detected before u <oen very far. When you *>' to "*ch it. " ttll a lie it is known. " Yes," you say, ^* sooner suggested than acted npon. " Jod knows it." 1'hati right : hut He is _ l>*nnis huiigo* to the bridge, fat on to not the only one. So far as Mod's knowledge is concerned, the liar doesn't care very much. He doesn't worry about what Hod knows -if he did he wouldn't be a liar, but it doee worry a man or boy wiio tells lies to think that everybody els* knows. The largest tree in diameter of which correct measurement;* have been taken is the one known as the "Old Man" tree, near <iardiner's selection, Beech Forests, on the main S*b:n, range, between the Am "' he livllihrand. Near the ground the cir cui"Vreni-e is 90ft.; jit. from the gp nn.l. hem the around, tiWt. : and Mt above the tint branch, 4ftt. The other boys know it ; your t-acher kuous it ; people who hear you tell " whop- pers know it : >onr mother knows it, but she won't say so. Attd all the people who ' know it. aud don t say anythug about it to each other and dear ' dear ' the thisigs IVnnis, and Mike on to Pat, when Dennis shouted out : " How are you g<>ingon down there ? ' " Nearly reaching it," was the answer. Then ting* out l>ennis " Hold on below tkerea minute while I rest my hands.'' They were risked out wiser and wetter men. Tnckett held the (calling championship "' the world from June 27, 1-7*. to No vember IS, 18sO. Hanlan was champion o - thevsav about a bov who i* given tote' *"* J<"be.- lj, iguO, to August 19, big stories -If he couldhear them it would 1SS4 1 : |{ ch from August hi, IVM, to No make him stick U> the truth like flour to a S**"* ' ' Ket "P- from ** ''J I w^ *. i\.. _L ._ .' __ J - ___ miller. And finally, if >ou tell the truth always, 1 don't see how you are going to get very arout of the right way. And how people do trust a truthful boy ! We never worry- about him when he is out of sight. We to October -'7, ISSS, and from December. 18S9, to December 1\ Searlewas champion from (Vtuhtr -J7, 1 s.v*. u*til his death December 10. 1SS9; John McLean from December 1\ IS90, to April '->. I il, and James Stanbury from April >. !>!>! up to the preeent. It is stated by the Berlin correspondent Nothing of the of the London lime* that Austria will join Italy in a request for a simultaneous re- duction in the war forces of the Triple Alliance. It is devoutly to be hoped t ui* end will be attained. D'uitng recent year* the military spirit ha* held sway. Constant increase in armies and navies ho* IWM made never says, " I wonder where he is : 1 wish 1 knew who he is with T I wonder whv he does not come home ?" tort : we know he is all right, and that when he gets home w* will know all about it and h ive it all straight. We don't have to ask him where he u go iug and how long he will be gone every lime he leaves the house. We don't havt to call him back and make him "solemnly by all t he powers of Jj"T*- When France ptomiao" the same thing over two or three ' Us b4iJ i l>ncIaJ, King Huinbett times. Wheu he says "Yes, Ijg - " ''< h must build two. haa No SCIIIV9* ss-^as as*. "".J ! . . j . . . "No I won't" iust once, the* '* x c I * 'nt Italians emigrate to the Argen don't have to croas -<" hlm hw> IK lm * -'onfe.lcratton, gloomy a* the prospects comes home > ""' where he has been that country have recently appeared. U. IIM once, ad that is enough. W I'h.- general disarmament of continental don't have to say "sure"" "Are you ' nations is a blessing too great to be hoped sure, now V when h tells sBTtBing. | for. A* long as a false spirit of patriotism V>ut, my bi-y, vou can't build up that ex.<t., so lojg will rulers and governments reputation by merely telling the truth about tak advantage of the pe-> t J *r fmrVkw half the time, nor two third*, n.r thrv ? I their private ajma. - * -

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