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Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1892, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE AT HUM AGAIN, N. B^-We $iaantoe eatislaction. DON'T READ THIS. THK Of.OKKJABLE SyJtnt'iam Mutual /'ire Insurance Co., M "r iH'furt lh |>e<i|>li>. ! SO |-r cent cheap r than lb* asxt etMtpsst, and ' ai W* . Tb only purrly Kti-iiiern' (urn M.I ii Uii< i-" '' ' :T* i-riii- i. th.' ni(or J > ears to h lulii"t >t Pdlcj uldara haa OTnr pasM T>K- Sv.l.-nliaui nnur*. .. Hi i r.l. i hi- actual lur.natnreii<lu , Ill* full "(the I lk WB 4 H \VM V.V Au-fiil. Waller's Klli Sclintiflc Amerlcti Agency for CAVIATsV I M * > PATINTC COSYIIOMT For tnfnmtMa and frM Handbook writ* to MfN.H a CO.. W Bw.iKW.4T. Nw Vo. Old*** bun** far MCWID*- ptonu in America. ?WT patul lmko Kit by <u n bioucbt txfnn Ut i>ubUo br nutio* iiteo f re of ctiarit* u UK * cicntif ie Urint rt rmlalloo of MT KlMHIIIe paper IB th* rid. *i.laB4idlT llltnwd. Mo lntUl.nt u .h.iul.l b* witb .ul It. WHT M.SMla tar MI m..nllii. Addrtai MUIOT* OOs f. >'cw lark. (iood .News TO MANY I il. .-in- to call tin- attention of the public i ili'- fact tliati have opened A General Repair Shop In i with tin- Fli rilii-rtdti >ili ii Mill, and am pit to du til kiudi of Ironaiid Wood Tiu-uiug I'sUt-i in iiuiil.-, uiul castings |{ot on liort nutice I have not upacc to im iitii'ii 111 il< tail tin- variety uf work I can do, but anything you liavo in iron ur wood that rr><|iiirtt brinn it lo tin- l-'l.-nlu-rtoii |f|Rtii sln)|>, wl.t M- in may ilr|M-nd on yi itinj; ronr wotk tlune in .it ly aiul HtiliHlnn lially. li>vviii<; vmrrjr win-vis uitublc for t?A\V <VlT>iM I will nuki- tliat it s|n i nil v for .1 few wcok*. Cliiir^i-s low, but lerniii uictly caalt. Yours truly, W.H.FLESHER The eoiifnleiicc of tlie pnhlic i aoitii-lliiiii-' -very man must K*'' ' ' " lie can snccesufiilly vcrvu the majority Tear It wa my one great objoH to pu inch wm kiimiisliiji on every (,-: iin-n jiiiidi) tumuli the favor and cunlidcnc n f i very weai-cr. lYEy Ambition Tin... year is to turn out two stiila fu t M iv "in last year. lYIy System Of cutting; ia auch that it ^nuiKntue a tit every time. No need fur altei alums ; No need to replace by an 1. 1 1 ici Hiiit for 1 have faith iu mysl to Im aide to (,'ive satiifactiou cac. ,i!i.l every tune. I'.iiii^' your cloth. merchant, and ei liiMi -K A cloiliiii),' tiiulu for yoursel ii-\(i- U-forti known in Fleilicrton hiinu' your cloth f.uiiitrs, try we an > .a will 1 1- tin n Hutiatied. F, A. Bakor, TALLOR S( OK TFMI'KKANCR. This noaUt ill 1)1 ll.n.1 .. IUII rv. iy \\" ilav ..'.M. i im *t H [. in V j nit ing l.rt-iiM i ii lnvli*< In IIKII.I- In r.M.i,,. II..M RIIHAI. I i:MI'l Alls of TKMI'KUANCR ll.|(iilr Covnull uiw.tH i very Tnn<lav *vi |T)( III H|iniill<i 'l.l.ii-k t H |.lu. Hvlrol ('imiirali' ">! niKlitlilt. th* mouth ltBIN<:K ARTMi'H Mil UK NO. m. A r. I AM iilAxt In Hit- Mannle Hall, tilraln Frl.ia* on ..rbf..rih jaan.W 11 . Il i li'.a I In Position p no mm ING -AXD- Posit/on is Everything. Is fully equipped with re- juisites for turning out 9 per- "ect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished n a style equal to any city work, while the prices are ower. Picture Framing donb iu all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to ^ct taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be ^iven to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Ovtrn Sound, Ontario. Tlte Very l] I IN CANADA TOIiET A Thai" >i ijh /.'ii,j f.'iinc<ltion. -- Take a Huuud Trip :"* ,'"" Cidlt KI-H and i . la! hi p.ti ti ..... 'l- in <'ana<la, thru tin- N... th. m lirr-i ' , thintt tliorouuh^ If *' fil I" proiiue* th iii<i-t tliortMi^h ( ..Miph-Ui, prnrliral anil iln- - n. . iMjruc 1 ctu'l\ tln*l,'-l ci<l h-|;*< pirDil-tta and tht< ht<t ftti'l mo--t i ninpli t- and m-<t -uit ahlKfiu nitwrv an I , |'|-li*""-. * will i'i\- \ ou a full couiw 1 Ul.l. For Annual Antivuuco tin m. ui viutf full particular*. frt*u. <hli fn c. A. FLKMIM;, I'l in, COUNTY AND UISTKIC T Owen K-iiinil, wliich IIM hitherto had twelru In ri.'.-d hutulu, will hen-kfter be all.iMi-il twvuty. lluiylara atteinptrd lo blow open the tafu in llu- Meaford |xitttiice one night I.L-I .-.!>, but wer* frustrated in their ttoinpt. OWKM S<| D, April 29. James P. Farrow who ras arresttd in St. Thoinu teli days aj:o apjwared fur trial at Sound Friday afternoon before Price, J. P The |>rionvr waa ent down for trial at the Fall Aaizi with. .Ut bail. II.. th f his rHe^ed wives, I.i/./.i,- i'.iriiij.-lK-l,uf New York State, .mil M.viili.i Holmes, of Toberinorey, were present, and they chatted together in an niiinncf rued manner. It is probable Farrow will apjily to the county judge tu be ikduiitted on bail. Kr a MiMsionnry. How oftn in c-hiiri Ii . 1. . tor. .-room or theatru on.* will n. HIT. tho Klioulder* of a ^.M..! locikinu anil wfl ttinu narnifiit (ilclitifull v bnliprlliklc.! wilh Dan.ii ull If.. % iiiii-KiixiHi > am) toll peo- ple that Anti-Dandruff it Kuarautevd U> reuioiw l)n Inill with Un*f n|>iillc*tu>u*. Kraideuta on the seomd cnnc8ioB of Van-Inn Township, close tu C<H>k's mill, are telling of a remarkable incident that occurred then- a lny ii two yi'. A W.-IL; _'.ni loaded with Iny was Jtandini{ on the road ii>-.ii the mill, having coinu to a halt tli.-t. . There wax not a shadow uf breeze t the time. Suddenly without the leant warnini; the waggon and load s|>uu half round and was thrown ovur un t!ic r>axl, the hone and driver i(oiiii( with it. Thu atfuir st-i-nied mint incomprehensible to the driver, whu was considerably briiiccil. Tin- onlookers held an investigation into the incident itnd decided th.^t the mis- hap was caused by a whirlwind. Kr |>-1 year I liatc i IMI Iroublwl to a very grwat rxt.'iit with 1 ufT. aU> a dulllivas uf c">lor iu my hair. Hti.l tliriHiKh th.- .. Ivi. .- <-1 a liuMi.l iwliu MKikii fniiii ..X|HTI..II. <' I lrii-l your Anti Dan.lrun. wliu-li. ii|n'ii aii|ilifatii>n of ! ttiati a l>tlli- "( v. ur ll.|.il 1 1 nml iiir n..i tli.tiuoi/iily clvanit.t t>ut a vaat iuii>roviuwnt iu th<. aiul (n.wib I bkv*- an.t .to r .-uunm-nd it a* tlitftlly bvnv- flcinl t.i tlif |in'frHK|i>n an.) pulilu t. n. rally an an HV:I< <!! aiul wplt-.iint- Inliov uli.tu 111 lh ri'iii. U. - put f..ith for iiul'Uc fat ..i . c , Win I 1 WiU.FF, AtltfltlMIIK Ant . Kll:k l>l.l. I- < ,. ' Hvaiou IHJUt Frulay inoriiini( last, about !l o'cli^k, burtilars entered the stores uf E. Her wick & Co. and Trewin Itrn*., of Shel- burne. Tliry Uirel Tti-win ltr<. safe and succeeded in knockiiiK off the the combination. There was a consider- able auiii of money intlieafr,but n nuniUr of i!"H made a tioiae and tins woke auveral yonii'. 1 men who nx>ni oter thu store. Mr. Th>.ma< Duukiu went down sUirs to sec wb;\t WM tin- tlut in itt.T,:m<l it is thoiik'ht tlu liur^larn heard him <-otn- ing down and l.-ft the store. They iii. I not take time to senruh the af after lire.ikinu' th" coiiibiiiittioii. An soon si Mr. Uiinkin appvarrd on the street sev- eral shots were tired at him one takinit i-'l. . l in his \uit, but fortunately th* A..III.J is not surious. Havini; n..tlm ) to pioiei-t himself with, Mr. Uunkin aoui<hl refnje in hm Mom and tlio bur- glar' I--, i ..-.I and are itill nt Isrve. HEALTH FOR ALL. Uolloway's Pills and Ointment T HE PILLS Purlfv tb Itl nuil. correct vll Diborderv of , Stomach, Thr St.rgron Of thr l.uln'ii Company in now At T-i onto, CausvU, an.! inuf If rontulttMl cither in ).-- .n or l> Uttt r (>ii nil *'>!' ni- ih*< ]> riiliui to tiinii. Mi*n. v-uiij; old .or niiitillr a|txl, H|, who *i i< l>ruk*'ii <liiM n fioiu ex<i or ovr work, retailing In umnv <-f the following n\ in l>t<>uM Mrrifis.1 iU-|>ri-i-*>iun, premature old ,*, li anf Tit.iliti. li".-. ttt imiiiiory. btvl iln-ani*. <liiniu MMtif M^til, i(tl|>itti 'ii "t thi< In ii t, t nt ftniunx. lack uf nu f i (jr. I'siiu to the kt<lnn*. lu'avlaa* ho, |>iiiipl<-rf on th frr or IK!V. it Imn; or piTiihnr Mm-ation urmiit th ncroliim, wain! ing of tin* ort(s*nst, ili*/lni'm, |n>rkii before tin- you, twit- lilni; of tlin imnuU-n, v h-N, anil ul*wtM*rr. bA)ifiiliit'MM, <ti'iN*ltn In ihr mini ostnf will |Mt WIT, ti'li'lt'i lie* of tin* M'tlp nn<t frtilni*- (.. I-.- t. i.-.t l.\ :.-. ) ''"IH||| ni im i l .11 in - .if liffti (UK, IOM of iftt <II*MH * (01 Mulitiiilf, c iritalnht > of trui|**i , Munkfii fvm nurroniiilml ll<i I.RAHKN i 'lUri r.oily I.M.Kna; skin . t,- . t t. II p-1 ni|'l"lii" M! iii r\. 'ii-. sifdiltu thut In*. I to lllHailiy ftH't ('.rath nnlr-* mii-il 'Mm S>|>IIHK or llnl |.ui-t liaviiix l-t i'- t. IIM..H , \, i> futu- tlon wan*-* in ooiiHrMiuinrn. Tlnnr who (In OUMU alnin- 1( mil.- I m i^not anro may tw iwrnian ciitl* ' i- I Si'inl )our fttldrcnH for \"><\ mi all dirotiacii piTiiHar to Ititok* unit fn*e *al nl Hi-nit iiHi-iiH.., tin HMiiploiuit of which are fatal |>ell, I'tirple HrM. i.umbncM. palpitation. kl|< l.i.i! tlOt MllHllH*. MlHll of Miio.l tO th(9 ha<l. iltil) pain iii tli< ti'*art with ItoatH diimi^. i and irrt^nlfii llic i>n<l liwarttMMil >|uli kr than tin* Urst, pnin alHuil th- on nM lionc. t- . can fonitivvly IN> ciirti No >m>. no pay. sen. I for lM.k. A-M...-M \ I.I IH.N .'i Mac donvll Av Toronto. Canada. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This (JflKAT ('()!(. II l )!<.., this snocoss lul CONM MI'TION CI'HK, N witlioiit a pat_tt-i , u fi,,, |n,i,iry of ini-iliviiiu. All ilriiKK*"'" * ~~>Mirioil to si-ll it on a posl- lit* gnai.intri*, a trtirtw* Ul , , i| u .| cur* can suooositiilly stand. H jou M* (\uu{h, H..r Tli 1 1. at, or lirnuoltitla, uss it, for i 4II | car* '" If jour cbilil has the I', ..r Wh<Mi>.im Cuiiuli us* il pruiupllv.auil n-licf is mil" If i 'Irrsd thut JnaidlotM disenso OONHOMPT1UN. D.. M T rtit. to us* "ill r* 7*n or st iiollilni. Ask ynnr Drug list for IIII.OU'H i I UK I-rie* 10 !., 60 ata If ?,, U r LUDBS arssor* or PMI lstf*,a** BuiHi'i - "Like Magic," THE effect prodncpd bjr Aye^s Cherry I'eotorsvl. Culits, Coughs, Croup, and Sore Throat are, ID moat caaea, nn- inriliatrl)- relieved by tits) ase of tin wonilrrfnl remeilT. It streogtheiu the T.M al or|ans, sUlajs Irritation, and pre- I venta the InrosMla ol Consumption; ID every stage ol that dread disease, Avi-r'K Cherry IVc- toral relieves cough- .Ing and Inducsi Irefrealilng rent. M I bare used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my family for thirty yar* and havs alwayn found it the best remedy fur croup, to wlili-h enmi>llnt my cliililren have been snhloct." Capt U. Carley, Brooklyn, N. Y. "From an experience of over thirty years In thn safe o( proprietary i num, I (eel juititir.l In rei-omuiending Ayer's Cherry Pwtoral. One of the best recommendations of tha Pectoral Is the en.liu (UK quality of its popularity, It being more salable now than It was twenty-flve years ago, when Ita great success was considered msrvelous." R. 8. Drake, M. !>., Beliot, Kans. 'My little sister, four years of age. was s<i III from bronchitis that we had almost (riven up hope of her recovery. Our family physician, a skilful man and of lar|(e experience, pronounced It me- lees to live her any more medicine ; sayinic that he had done all it was pos- sible to do, nml we must pre|re for the wont. As a last resort, we determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, anil I can truly say, with the moat happy results. After facing a few dosea she seemed to breathe easier, and, within a week, was out of danger. We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied she, was entirely well. This has given me unbounded faith In the preparation, and 1 recommend It confidently to my cuatouiers." C. 0. l^Plr. Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind. For Colds and Concha, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral raar *aa T Or. J. O. A,er * Osk, Lowe*, Mass. ssi kesuas, , .Ws*tk|* a MMV A-ivei', wtoinneii, AVHUI'^M, and iso^-el^. Thy Inrlnorateanl rentoro to hoalth Debilitated CoiiBtltutloDS, and are ItiTalrnbte In , . m plaiotsiuotdeulsl tu Kuiualc nl all mtt. For Cliililren tn.l the w;.-.l tbejr am pricclva* THE 1 OINTMEM T so i nfalhWt rmiiv for H.i.| I..-IIK. lla.1 Hiet< Old \V..-m l Korea and I Ic.-n It U fanioat for UoutauaHlicHiuatiam. For dliordera ol lh Cbm,\ it bai DO equal ForSORK THROAT, BROJVCII1TIS. COUGHS, COLDS OlandolarSwullinga, and all Skin l)iiaii< It han no rival; and for contract*! and stif jotnti i t actii like a cliarui- M*nufactar*d only al Protair HI>I.I.OWAT F.tal>liiihnient. 78, N Oxford M r .-. i ( l.-n < 533. Oxford Mtrrrt >, Lond*n. sod arssold a* la. Ifl ,-is vJ.. 4 ! . in. .< . ana x> rvcti lloi or Poi, and mty bad of all llsii kin* Vfndon tlirougbotit tb World. PttrcJuueri WicuM lunk (L th' Isibrl <m thr Pot* nml Hoar*. If tht -lilrtu it >4 5*1, (trjurd Streri, Lnuitm. U,e\i art HI; u: irs CIKRIACE laDDfactorers of & [arriajes, N..W on hand a number of Waggons, Bucxies, Carts and Denux;raU. We are alau inaiiufacturinK a creat in.iny more of the latest the latent pattenm and beat, wi.icli we ro offering fur sale at the lowest price couaUt. ut with due rrparJ to workmau>hip and <|inil It Posseming sanerior facilities for masnfaeturiug Carris^rt. we iutcml to sell very cheap for cssh orspproved credit, and by so doing we hope t greatly increase nnr number of sales. All kinds of vehicles r. piir-.l al the nhurtrnt notice, pointed and triiuinwsl if dnhed. Hr*e shoeing a ppeciallv. A brut i-U.-s wood worker in now iu oar emplov. We wsut a two or s four bone power in cxcbsng* on a rig. J II H K 4 R D. '^t. ..M'.. o", vM'- ~ * T& D HALT Iiofol ' e n 01 "!? further n<l pxamiiio the lar^e stock of horse- in.-n'b MtjMsMM kept in atock by Uie undcrsigiu. tlie b 9S Han > l ** roasonablc figure, tlood woi-kiuanhii>. "1 '> allownl to t\[H riia. nt on work we put out. There cuu be no That our stock of tuiulries ii complete, con- _ a sting of l-ili bells, whips, irnnks. valise?. xlo greaso, curry combs, and everything conceivable which horsemen rtM|iiiu'. Call and rxatuinc and be convinced D. CLAYTON, FLESHERTON NEW DISCOVERY >y ACCIDENT In comiHiunding a ioiu ii.-n part * at acc'-'f tulr nutiled OD Ihf haof And tin oaiililnf Hi-rwartJ U * diaroTrre*! Iliat tn- hatr wa* nD>- p|pt4>ly r-ut vt>U U i- *i unrv pui Ibia wonderful prepuration. ontik* iuark**i ami * cr^at haM hrm il>r dcaiand Vtiai r ar* now i ntriMlnrtnit U I brinish oul ihr wriU utttlrr ibe uaui*> ul U*it>*M't A utl II airlur . IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILDCAN USEIT. ! T the hair ovvr and apf'j it miititT* fur a few ralnou*. and th<* hair Vl1*apitrart aa if t7 mM 1 * iismui ihr li(bl**frfpaia or injury ai'i'Xft or fver tifirrward It isutihk^anjruttivr prrparaiuia vvvr IMMJ tura Ilk* porrM*t. Thm>aiidii of I. A H I > H bu have trenarnujaJ with hntr on ib.-tr FA 1'sV. >K< K antl A i: M N aurnt Ita mrruv i;f>TI KMKN Uo df-ni'tarpm-iairabrard ur bairon ihrtr nerk n".ipti.rt M boon In 4Jtuei** Antl-Haii In* wlnrh dtira away fninr* grtmilt an uu*r m>puatb.Iit> J pti.rt M boo hhavlng, %T r allurt* ur nlla-ht.t Injury to a*r parrhaaer. Kverj boltlr s***atraitte4- ToUdla* whotnirad<i> aix< !! ouc tbnr tn>nda SS stoitlw <K Q <> 4inl-Bin. w< will prMnl with SI I K PRSM. IfrmrAi b^t >llk nr Lrg Bolll* i4 al of !! to *l*vi '-om nl wllh order. Ooo*l Slarr or OommiMion to Ajt*iit*. Away fi-oiu bad company, r?. v V ur country, ami l>o'vn at a truth what R. A. PEATTIE, the D. C. Painter says about work. House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter, Frisco, Can- vas, and Glays Painting. All work GUARANTEED. Kext Door to Baptist Church Farm for Sale At rgl Ixitl, coii. 4. Kn|'lirala. r.'ntalning 148 act*ii, l.-n'K .-li.air.1. S|>lri ili.l frain haru 3i), with itahlu iiii.l.i iin-tiar.l. t<M>d watMr. l<ig li.inur fiaini) kit. hrn IAl90. Iboul DO ten* '. iiitai.i,. fur n |...i Will I., sold ImniMllaUIr at a iartft<i Any pr>OD il<wlrln< a S>XK| iilao* . sswuld luTMllaU. WHM to JOHN MARTIN ufiila F. (j J DRESS MARINO. MKH D.IKKDKl'M to aunovac* .. list psoplfl of nesharf .* anil vicinity that tlit- i^ |.i..)>iti ...I to ito drt*>auiakili|{ to tue alira ti. iii ol tliono who may Kiilrual her with thrti'rN. I tit. latent faahiun platea alwayi, ban.) Batis'aetloo guaranteed. Very reaiou' |.i t. .- si..i|. aii.l renllnce over iiitcl.rll Hauk. KlcUardmu blook. FleahertoD. Initru* tioniKlveu lu nttlug and catting hy Heale." D. lie I avish, HOR8K8HOER AND GENERAL BUCKSMITR. Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, ONT. MannfarturlnRof WaKRon*. Ulvjghn. HiiM>aa IVniixrt. It.- Home h.lii promrtly a, ten.ld to. H|xf lal attrntipa (iveu to eonut e*1 or tender feet. nd Pl*w

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