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Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1892, p. 5

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TMt FLESHERTON ADVANCE B.i \KI.VG OFflCX \Ot GEO. MITCHELL, FLB3HERTON. A (eaaral banking batinu trtnact<l Draft* t*aue<l tad chmi ue cafbed at aual rate* Monet alwa> available (or legitimate buiaM trprtse. >rri: w > k.)ri aortu o/ Kicbar Jon t Co'*. Vicinity Chips. Charartr ristlcs r the Pant Wrrk ( ulli-il lor the 4 unou*. tiotifft anumj (Vats wiW be rh,ir'/t<i at the rait of l<lt per HIM for r,i,-k insertion. A reduction mil be made on eimtraftt far lOOlinei or over. Friday (to-awum*-) will be A rbor Day. Kzgs r bought in Ml. Forest by the tnii The cheese factory will begin oper- ation! ou Monday next. Good Ice Cream now at Miss Hindu I' irl. is i it over the I;. ;. : e Tlie steaeaship Manitoba tailed from I iwen Sound on Saturday fur Dulutli.she I i-iiiki the first C. I' K. boat to leave this Mason. 1: v Mr. L>.iTey, Markdale, chairman f the district, will preach in the Methodist church this (Thursday) evening We unlici' an occasional pig straviuK around tli,- Ntreett. Ai this i contrary t.. law (he ownf-rs may wake up seme morn- ing nd find thru iwine in pound. Sneak thieves entered tb itore of Mr. Craig, at 1'rutou Station, on Saturday night ' \-t. a<i carried away a couple of paili </ ugar and half a caddy at tokeeeo. Mr Charles F. Dean, of St. Vincent, liaa purchaaed what ia known aa the Hex- t ir B.'ltou farm, in tin* tuahi|>, and .owj'leled moving hia effect* lbr*lo bat week.. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Dean i Miai M. A. Daviel among ua. A young lady of Jefferson, We*t Vir- ginia, declare* that he was all run down lef.ire taking Aver'* SarsajiariUa ; but tiiat now ahe ia gaining strength every day. Ayer's Sanaparil'a ia certainly a wonder- fully effective tonic fur the feeble and delicate. I It. I n . ;i. h.t rriM r. W;tr k.l.ilr. liaa $10,000 private futida U> lend on farm mortgagee within the Dext few montha al loweat current ratea. No commiss- ions, no delaya, expenses low. Apply at office in Markdale durum the week or at Duudalk othce on Saturday a. A dry hacking cough keepa tli.- tirunchial tubea in a itate uf c matant ir illation, which, if not apeedly removed, may lead to bronchitis. No prompter remedy can be had than Ayir's Cherry Pectoral, which la both an anodyne and eipecturant. A grand provincial Farmer* picnic will be held uudvr the auaincra of the Central Faroiera' 1 intitule of Ontario at Cirimaby park ou the 7th and 8th of July next. A kjmiiJ band tournament will lie one </ the attraction!, at which four hundred dollar* will be given in prize*. It ia with the ulmoat confidence in tlie retult that the manufacturer* of that "Myrtle Navy" tobacco aak all who have not tried it to .'.> an. The thousanda who have already done o are living wit- neaaea of ita excellence, and are uiiain- iuoiia IB the teniici which they give ui iti favor. Farmers are Iilely to be freed from (lie binder twine nnpuaUion hereafter. The Ontario (tovernmrnt are erecting a building at the Central Priaon, into which to put all the required machinery, which they have purchcl, and will at mice b/in it* manufacture, an 1 expect tn supply it at nearly coat price to deal- ers through t the province. Laal \Vednsdar ai two young hvlies er,' coming up Cvlliogwood St., they were i vertakeu liv a gawky youth bailing from MVif.'i.l KoaJ, ho, to the IMU im-nt of tbe bvataiuleM and great auotlitu-ation of the lidien proceeded to |Mit hit arm iuvua.1 t'n'iii. I'arenls having aueh boys ho*.ld . ithrr keep them at home ir see that tliev thave iu a decent manner when at large. Con. Tne Canadian pnatal card ha* a very "gingerly" look when placed aide by title with the new and larve one aold in the State* for a cent. Couldn't the Ot- tawa folka take the hint and giv ua a I. 'tie more card for the aame nn'iiey without aenaibly reducing the visible supply of roanilla ' It might help ua to i loae our eyea t* the. priniitivrnsss of the jjii tlut ha* for *o long been mu- querading ia Italian aky blue ink on the addrva* aide. Oraugeville Advertiaer. The Advance ecHida tliia motion. A despatch from Owen Sound itatea that Mr. H.unea, of Balnea & Patter- aon, who arrived ladt wek from England with three th..r>-j '.bred atalliona ami a au[>rb backuey, aitid to b the fiue*t in Canada, haa been already disposed of, the latter to Dr. McLean, "f Meaford, for t2.0<iO Tt.e Advance, in conver- aati.ui with a t!entlman laat week, heard the conviction xpre**e<i that the hack- ney wan the. coining hone fur thie country. The license Board for Centre Grey met at Kiniberley acc> rding te adjournment in ado at laat u>i the 2nd day of May. The cane of Jam** Conroo, of Williamaford, nraa considered by the board, and hia license waa granted. Tli<! case of Elisha Hanbury waa con- aidered by th-i board and hi* license Hi-anted. The licenae of R*-d Lion hotel,, kept l>y Samuel Donner, wa* refused, but a resolution wa* pawed tending license 3 month*. The account* of the year were [*aaed and board ad- j.iurnetl. There were 2t> granted in all and one extension. No wine or beer licenaea. 'Pie Rev. (Jeo. Sextou, D. D., superin- teudaut o/ the American Cbnatain Ivi- denco Society, will preach iu the MettV'd- ist cliurcli next Sabbath, iiiorning and fit-ninj. The sul'jecta are : 10.30a.m., "Like I'nlo Leaven," and 7 p-m., "lirid^n:.: an InCnite Chasm." On Monday evenins following he will give 11 lecture on "The Folly f Atheiam and the Fallacy of Agnosticism.'' We I'j.'le the following press notice from am<'i<2 many which he has received : The late Earl of Shaftsbury, speaking at a public nieutintt in LAiiibeth,Eni<lanJ, in l>.-..-. l>t!. aaid :-'! have travelled 41) miles '<n thia cvld. bleak winter's day, althouifh I am over 90 year* of age, tn hear l>r. Sexton's lecture, and I consider ttivtrlf amply repaid. I look upon him a* one of the very ablest men living, in bis special lin of defending Chrittian truth from a scientific standpoint. Lambeth Observer. Flesherton Cemetery Trut. The annual meeting of the trua'eea and plot holder* of Fleaherton Cemetery Trust will be held in the Town Hall, on Wednesday. May llth, at 8 o'clock p. m. WM. CLATTUS, Sec. Flesherton P. O. Notice. On aecoont vt the recent change in tbe time of arrival of night train at Kletherlon t.iu iu beiuj) later, the Fleabertoo P. 0. will uut be opened on Saturday nigbt* after ar- rival o( ingtit mail. By order. R. J. Sprnule, p'i-lmaater. Notice of Meeting. A meeting of the Artumeaia Young Men'* LiUral Comtervati ve Association will be liclJ in the Town Hall, on Kriday evening of next week, 1 3th in at , for the purpose of ap- pointing delegates, ele. This i expected to be .01 int.T.wtiiiu meeting. All yoang men wbo would lik" to heooma member*, or are interested, art nsiueded to be be present on that ooeaaion. Personals. Mr. Alex. Tortoooa. of 8 Jiibary, is visit iag with hia brother, Mr. John 1'orteons. Mr.Kd. Richardson bas auccaaafully put- ed bU tirt year at the Toronto I mversity IL liu lawdical course. Mr. J. 11. Cameron, elocutioiii.t, of Tor- ontti, ii|.. m a oxupte of day* last week with Ins cousin. Mr. John Black, at the nation. Our ciitvM- maker. Mr. Charlie Stewart, l-'ft lt AVediieaday inoruiug to attend the dairy school at Taviateok, for a week or so, for tbe purpose o/ getting some new ideas iu the art of cbeeae ruak'n. Mia* Auuie Ki>ll left Kl uherton station on Monday hast for a visit to her relative* in Old Ireland. Before lea v tag her Sunday School made her an address and presentation, particu- lar* of which will he found elsuwbere. To Bird Destroyers. VY want to warn the young men who are iu the habit of shooting robins and other sn"n birds in and alound this \i - !','' (hat their *|>ortin){ ]<roclmtie* had better be curtailed in that line if they do not wiah to be brought up before Squire Ariiitlrong. It i* a r<-at pity that our beautiful songater* cannot remain with til. owing to the destructive and thought- lets action* of some of our young men who evidently need a little discipline fMin the Humane Society. Citizens of Flesherton are not going to stand by and aee these innocent wnig birds destroyed without protest, and we trust this warn- ing will be sufficient to put an end to the vandalism. An Unusual List of N.mea The Cosmopolitan begin* its thirteenth volume May iswue. under the joint editor- ship uf Mr. W. D. H.. wells and Mr Walker with a table of contefta which will attract attention. Jamea Russell Lowell, frank R. Stocktt.n, The<idre R<xj*evelt, Edmund Clarence Stednan Henry Jauies, Pn.f. H. H. B*>ye*eu, Hamlin Garland, Jehu Hiy. Sarah < >rne Jewett, Prof.Langley of the Sraithanoian, Thoiuaa Wetitwiirth Higgiuaon, and W. D. Howvlls himself are among th con- tributors. The illustration* in this issue are by such well knowu artists a* E. W. Kemble, Frederic Remington, F. S. Church, Walter Crane, William M Chase. C. S. Reiuhart, Dan Beard. Uorge Edwards, Wilson de Mesa, et<-. The Flshinf Law. A great deal of misconception haa been abroad in regard to the close season for speckled trout, and many of our ex- change* have printed contradictory statement* in regard to the tuat'er. At several points in this county jsherraen have not dsted to shoulder thuir rods until the first of May, not knowing whether they would be violating the law <>r not la this vicinity, however, sportsmen have been enjoying them- selves during April (whet) the wenth>r would permit) without let or hindrance, secure from molestation. The close sea- sou for speck, ed trout ended on March 31t, all statements to the contrary ni.i- withstanding, and those who allowed themselves t) be scared otf, lost so much valuable time. The fishing law< in this section of Ontapo are governed from Ottawa, n>>t from Toronto, and Hi* Excellency the Governor General in Council, on Saturday, Feb. 20th. 1892, made the following order, a* printed in the Canada Oacette of March Oth : -No one shall fi*h for. catch, kill, buy. sell or possess any speckled trout l&tlrtliittt FvHtmalti) betwen the 15th day of Sep- tember and the 31st day March, both days inclusive in each year." W A Fact TORTH kaowiaf is that blood dia. I which all other re uiedies fail to cur*, yield to Ay*r's 8*>r*aparUlav Fresh cuafirmay tion o( this staMe- m*nt corns* to hand daily. Evea such deep-seated and stublior u com- plain u a* Kheo- matiam, Rheumav f tic Gout, and the like, are thorough- ly radicated bj the use of this woav derful alleratire. Mr*. B. Inrlnf l>otlK. 110 West IJJih atreet. Now York, certifies : " About two ye*rs ago, after suffering (or nearly two years from rhousuatio out, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remc.lie*. including mineral water*, without relief, I saw by an advertiso- ment in a Chicago paper thai a mail bay! been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's SUrsaparillv I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly tor eight months. I am pli>aKl to sav tbat It effected a cvui- plete cure, and tbat I have since had uo return of the disease." Mr*. I- A. Stark. v U.. writes: "One year ago I wns taken ill with rbeumatinm, being confined to my boil** six inonihs. I came out of tha sickneas very much debilitated, with no appetite, ana my system disordered in ev.-rtwav. I commenced to use Ayer's Sarsipari'lla and began to Improve at once, gaining ia strength and soon r-- covering my uaual health. I cannot aaty too much in praies of this well-known meJuiue." " I hare taksn a grc&t deal of medl- rluf. l>ut nothing baa done me so much good as Ayer's SarwaparUU. I felt ita beneficial effect* before I ha<l quit* flnishad one bottle, and I can freely testify that it Is live best blood- medlcine 1 know of." -L.W. Ward, 8r., , Texas. BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, FLESHERTON. Boots, Rubbers, -A LAFUjE ASSORTMENT or --^ Shoes, Slippers, Overshoes, Trunks, Sekgoi^ble Reasonable Custom work and repairing promptly attended to BICYCLES THE " COMET" Bicycle LEADS THE Vt.V All the best riders in the country ride the "COMET" IT IS THE STRONGEST. IT IS THE EASIEST RUNNING. IT IS THE LIGHTEST FULL RUADSTKK. FITTED WITH SOLID CUSHION OR t-XKl'MATIC T1KK. Send for Catalogue. Comet Cycle Co. 24 Adelaide St, Toronto. W. H. THVRSTON, Agent.Kle.herton. BUYERS Of flour, groceries. fe*d, eU-., should si- amiue Wyvill's Stock Before pun-basilic. He keep* cwasiatuly on baud. > > 1 Hour I 39 p. r hi. I Trait, low > the lo*r>t, MU.ITN. dill*). .roi rn.-x. Flour and fml Fruits in Seaswii. rontY. ii.nicrv. etc.. All the best goods at right prices, which I am Aim o us for all to test. T. WYVILL. STRAINS BUK'K, FLKSHERTON. taken la acbaiif* for *..! SA Y! Farmers ! Business Men I Everybody \ The. nndnino<l bas started a new eauriace. ulan uf act ir\ au<l r|iriu nhop In Plvsbortou. where vou cau gat your repaira. doa OB abort notice, aod ou nca-->a*bte tru>a. Carrlagr TrinatlitK. Paiatinf. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and vveryttilnn in tbe carriAt)e uikm line. Oiveuiaacall gatufajlioii nuar^iitas* Shop over McTavish's Black south Shop. E. T. Hamilton Flvabrl tou Jail tl. KOI. TKCr ABK1> BT Or. J. C. Aysr rrta*ai; ata Co., Lowell. Mas*. W-n. Si WtUa. , C A U T I \. CiCH ri I . OF THE MYRTLE NAVY IX MaKKKV T,&B. IX ni:*>/r; i KI i v . NONEOWitiENUINE FLESHERTON GREENHOUSE A. n n o n c m r t . Get your Cabbage, Tomato. Cauli flower, 1 V[ per, and all kinds of planu for spring planting at tbe Flcshorton lirenhons. \Vfc liave m stock a Uiw -11""*',^ of tuixed dm.lilia.rao' *, of-- 1 * rate8 ' ,. nave a fiuf variety of til kiMs of plants to cboos* from. All orders prompt! v attended to. ' MRK JtS. HI MKorr>a April A W. Juio* JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FLKHEKT<>X. Co. OBIT. DIVISION COCBT CLKIIK COWatlbtilcM R I R-, t.onvaiicrr. Ac .UfMlt:- nri tale of Ian. I 10 K.P HAS . . .A|<|>nusr for ( L t 1 1 m to U a. MONEY TO LOAN, The audemgued LAS a large amount of monry to loan al t'o.e on towu ,, r ( lir m property. t>. I'Aia CDE. I>shert.u W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. Artemeaia, C Inurance agect, etc. IVedit. lease*, tic., prepared and properly . lusuraiice affected in first class "eomt>a... aWy to lud at lowest rates. DR. HOTTON * p - C M . M.C. P. Jt S.Ont.. 1-rice ''I.e. Residence aid OAee OB* door ..: of th^ >U-tb..di.t Church, Kinron St. Offlce days. Tuendays aud Saturdars. DR. CARTER. M. 0. P. & S . Out I'lpsictan. sur K <,n etc., fle*uerteu. Office Strain'* Link tWwdeuee Viuuuaw s hotel. DRS. SPROULE & EGO, JtwkdaJe. Out. Office Manly* drug re. T S. Sproul*. M. D., Etc. ALtua Lgo. M. IV. Etc.. late of Tottenham, Hut l>r Ego will be found at tb MukdaJc U..UM at uignt. J. P. OTTEWELL^ >eterina/v Surgeon liraduale . i Kularu a. eiene*--tr>i south of Letch's tailor shop. Fl**brwu. flruti&tnj. J. P. MARSHALL, L. P. b.. M. 1>. S.. U.-utist. Visit, Uaik- daJe tbe lt :m.| :Hr4 Wednesday of ...a mouth. t"leherU'n Each tri^ Jn the oaw J. W. FROST, ^ Barrister. Stilicitor. Coiivwauct r. Ktc. Klesherton offlce--Ne\t the ' poet eflite. Sproule's biul-liug. on Thursdsrs. (.'u Sound office Frost buildiug. P McCULLODGH, Barrister. Solicitor. Kte. Offic* uver Me- Farlaud ' store. Mark.lale. Money iu L^aai. WRIGHT & LINDSAY, HarritpiH. solicitors, etc.. Owen Sound. Out Klvaberton oOlce t aliu-hell a bank. WJ,,. W ,. of eavcb week Money to Ivau at lowi-.t tat.. W. H. WHIUIIT. 8. E. LI>PUT R. J. Sprtmle, T30STMASTKR, Fleiberlon.CVuimission- -* r iu B. i.. Licensed Auctioneer. Co veyaiKvr, Appraiser sud M ney Leude, . Keal Estate aud luxuraiMte. Agent. LVd>, Murtk'a^es. Leases and Wills drawn u^< and Valuatious made on shorum Uotioe. nne tiou Suing attended to iu auy pary of tLe County. VIouey to ln at lowest rati vf interest. C'ollecti.nis attended to iik pronptoess sud depstch. Charuf* low. Ageotfor the Poniiuiou iitoaaisLi^C'ouipaij} . Cheap tickets from Fleshertoti In Livrrpwl, Olaagow. London or atir vf tli* Bruuh >ru . Parties iuteud'ag to viit F.uuUkd. Scotland or If<Uud. will pleaae auk rtfa^-- . for*pcv<*a*U>g their tiakt* -' """^ T;.lTi. dlt < Mt>ilio IU->hrrion. Dra ami inautl niakint In nil it. Hovnd Kirls uit at touted to promptly ail MtiaUvth u Knaratitmxl. GvntUmeD * !< SJSalS !> In BOM style, wbn cloth ia brouibt ready-eel 1 havs also necared from Miriam* ll tlia agmicf for a ui>tiur hn* of .aw^PBVi.

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