Tkc *KI win i m*s*fl w> trial, but in January we wn told that our paiaajre wa paid on a ship bound for Core*, We jumped at the chance to get lOtwsr *fae*Hn j away. At Cores* we were transferred to a u~rtosiesr. j Russian vessel, which took us to Nagasaki. Aften iiiawul ssabic -MS. [our mouthi of it > Tn American Consul there sent us to Yoko- spentim" Sib-.wsurtarai.ihe crew of the n m . where another Consul arranged for I ling icHTkoooi! JJm . Hamilton Lewis, our p*<*ag back to this country." _..1 -_ . Tl . IB TIKKIBLK T0 THE BUsta havere'.nrn-itl uilnwiriculivelsknd. One of the untortuuaiUirrvi,!-]. CD. Sttplieus, u uow iu Seattle, \V*Vu.. . Ii li'.O he went oa > successfil 1 HtCiij (ipotli tion . tad because the work i i umawt swcLiling thsan that on ai ordmaryv vvjsjel l li._JesciJeJ *o ship again, and on Hsslrrn;, ml-, he ia*led from San I'ranc'ici, , , iirtkif -twcnothers.on the James Haiinlm lisswuCTtytX. McLean. Tlie >:koiaerivinD,' folio w I the coast rait tlitSwWmi ui! tea 1 s*uca, pat the (landilV/Via^oBvewi.sjBkirte,! the shore* of AlasktoiDsllo -' tjfy-$ijt Pass. I'roasing through H Ito r( Si-, h called to the Russian SB lilt - , iBK S . ibtr it, to avoid the America nemol" mr . On July-, 1SIH, he wit a* ibi -i! l-wtn -tf t ive mi lei east of Copper UiMitU. f *bii=raiae riad been fairly uccesshl, ,., !aoill~ i kinss ha t be*n taken. L*ral 44 vert 1*1 us I* < uuslri I never pick up a country weekly with- out thinking of the possibilities some editor of such a medium has V> win a reputation for himself by reforming hi* local advertis- ing. I do not pieteid in thisirtiole to do more than point out the idea. I can do thu liest, perhaps, by giving a little per sonal experience. About ten year* ago, an. 1 before I had any practical knowledge of advertising. I was asked to edit a country weekly during a | warm political campaign. I had never had I anything to Jo with a newspaper, and did Tke ki:ir wbnlr eftke *era .. ti... * laru fr* i [>. ir.i ebscrrtr To|a >n .karU. (rail/ arr Terrible. The shark of the lower latitudes is still often honored with such n-iines .u the "sea tiger.' or tlie "terror of the ocean." Th tsTalrs t Last *usk attention was again directed to Kgypt by tha reading of the Sultan s fir- man it Cairo and the formal invwititure of tbe new ruler with the Khsdiral title and authority. It is understood tost in defer- ence to the protest s>f KngUnJ. backed by ... ... the three central power*, Uie >oltan has -spitzuergen fishermen would Mid a more ap- 1 itilaigtd hu a ^ Orpo4e oi t ^ Mimg propnate as* or the latter epithet, .-eals. , the ^, i( . ySi^aJhSm^*! Urritoc? porpoise., and even white whale, have been I ^ JEsSS. to his vassal. Tew- known to spring out of the w lt *r and run &k ? Kn , ^ ert i on , Vi" ru , e OTer . of ^ ashore u> .void the attack, of a creature. ^^ po^.,^ in<i wlU , uoixe j ^ which, in proportion to iu *, Z e, ,. certainly (he Utu!Tpret e n.,on. to vast tract, ,n the Soadan, including the equatorial the most voracious of all marine beasts of prey. It U the ore* or killer-whale 'orca gladutor), i close reUtion of the Jelphimda , but u superior in strength to the Southern porpoise as a wairtu u to a seal The orca reaches a length of twenty five feet, and ils jaws are bristling with lee-li from four to six inches long and as sharp as a dirk kniie. Single specimens li province to which Krnm Pasba has returned. Re- ports of an attempt to reoccupy the Soudaa nave been current since the accession of tbe new sovereign at Cairo, and tbe execu- tion of such a project is pronounced indis- pensable by Mr. Henry Norman, who kas made a careful study of the Nile coun'ry and has published the results) of his obser lave been *ecn of thirty noi feel Inclined to do more t'hi contribute I (Cap'- I-oss lays thirty-Ovei feet, and fully vatlon , the A , numb(r , lne Q,^^ a couple of columns of editorials each week. ">' o devour a sea lion with a few ^uick ' n _. # .,.,.,.. i/nlike most of hu One dsy. Man leaving the office, the fore np. Its digestive power is proportioned man said tome that Mr. lonst who had a I * tr > tremendous efficacy of its jaws. Prof, store up street ) wanted a local notice wr.t- ' Eschnc_m eiimined a specimen that had trymen. this writer, while bearing wit to the economical and social benefits ferred upon Kgvp: by the Kugluh occupa- l>urini!tli.rtiils_tr-rdtvsjof June and the ten up and asked me if I would not do if been kille.1 m shallow water, and found in , lon , 1st of Julwlviswa ksmd'prersailed. but the . for him. I called on Jonw. and introduced ts stomach thirieen porpoise* and fourteen , , , h , esMslol Ut. and that evacuation morning nlollhn.iiM *wke clear *wd calm. I my*elf. and said if I could help him in any ; *!. nd "the atrocious glutton, be dds. I ^^1*^ po...,.,.^! m . jme nt after it is The wiut *n_iiKwtlsn taough to allow the way I woulddo so, though I wuthinkin,jall "s-emed to have got choked in the attempt . m [n4t ^ J^rganue.1 Egyptian taking olfts h*s,inv-l|>r cparttioni were under i the while that he ought to be able to .x- way fotittxliiugraatr Ml) tbe boaU toward Copper IiUiluiM. J wt before the surt, the man on ikentlooki at Is USB most ancient and most general of al! dbea-te). Scarcely a family I* entirely (n>e from it, while tboojs.Hi i everywhere are its suffering slaves. Hood's Sanaparilla ha* remarkable soeestc in '-not every form of scrofula. The most sever* aod painful run- ning sor4. swelling In the neck, or (oissV. humor In the eyes, causing partial or total "iiMlnsii. and every otter form ot sesjM have >!:;! u U e powerful t thu medicine. Tr> it Hood's Sarsapanlla fsM by all kf I I HI " : IOO , f , r Apu(l>-: . - > Ui Toses One Dollar The Wroiu OiM. N Hl 1 IItJjrTHI II01CUOS- al the loitJilissmJtf T tkeuhmii'i ataint stnoke. like thtterma isltt=a vessel. The boats i a ,4 not , u j t me , and yet I could s*e noth were lonnmJ. . ta bifcow they had gone very ; ing wro n about it. 1 handed it to the fore I man and went home. Somehow, I could not to swallow a fifteenth, 'since its gullet pru press himself about hit goods better than I ed to be obstructed by au intertwisted ma conld. Thu he either could not do, or f of cal bones. C ipt. Wickes describes thought h* could not. 1 wrote for him a battle between a Baleen whale and a swarm reading matter notice cf perhaps 3GO or As) of orca* that jerked the big monster about -_ lit !__ a_ _* 1 t J _ *_ word*. It wonl<l. I presume, ccmpare fav- orably with the average of such notices. It army :rr banish the matter from in/ mind. The paper did not go to preas for a couple of day*, and before mom far Cap!, y Sltl *- irith hit glass that the cloud* nssslmsssui Russian man-of-war, and he Itwai ass njsroil for tnem to return. Tbe Rumssjui,"ikl hpi telto be the Alaute. *n o(rrrH-hU(U -hi ion Toner Her com mander onmler fl tki Levit to hear* to. bnt C'apt llcl leu s'il> loot* <ra>a up, and he bellowdhdWkztltrjtke would do nothing of the kin 1, lir ktsrwu sit neutral water, and neitherlks*iRpujiim<ir sanjroot else had a right toiooot.'hsi iai'Ti. '1 hat 110*01 olr--it Unoe wras useless for the sailon sskkJxl .ytlwat.r sealiDK rides and a few ii ditty- im, I~bo Rustian turned, steanu'iliwnr~li*sBihcDrt clutsanee, and tired seveial iknoli, .11* tJisni< evidently to scare the sealensn Ilin ot sail imsvll shells were thrown. dies kr 11 jjjuit u it passed from the canon';'. 'in .oilh .irasidfell o>n the deck of the Lfii-as. S'jp .bn.4U*M<l on* of them overbold..!, iin-lil in trint nste the other. Aftertbil ilnsmirjtni;iin. the Alaute steam- ed sroonj BltesklianoMM, suid, running close j \ IK ^\ advertisers have attractive nwwiy hr fore-rigging. Then tisement*. or wll written: it would worry a fat sow. They flew at its f.aok*, snapped big pieces out of it* lips, and finally hauled it under, while a (urge of Mood stained foam bespoke the consummation of the sab-marine butch- These demons will attack their largest relatives), and pursue them like raging or acwipie oi u> , .n.i uri. Jumi the ablest and bravest of ti ing I had nude up my mind that it was all , hounds says I)r. James Mune. who founds ; J who Q4ve f ht for , h , Kn4Uf "">"g- ^ ltuj > <^* wh * le ' B> ' l y on y~* " f lift. Those two engagement, pro I said to mvself : Here is a man tht personal observation. " In one instance , I said to myself : Here u a man that has a general store ; h* ha* received a few hundred dollars' worth of new goods : he ' want* to sell them ; to *ell them he must | attract people to hi* store : after getting them there, he and his clerks , must sell the goods. He is will- ing to pay for t lie spve in thu paper ; if it i attracts new customers he will nay for more space : others will see what he t dong and will <lo the same. To !> him good, any statements he n-.aket m the paper grampus, and a good deal of controversy must be truthful. I want the paper to ] bou: its murderous pr>pen*ities lias increase its circulation, but just as impor- | caused by the f*ct that some writers tant i* it that its advertisers should besat- istied with results from it. Very few sdrer- I can is qualified to maintain internal and to defend the country against foreign enemies. The only foreign enemy which ha* cans* to dread is the Khalifa remnant of tbe power acquired bv the Mah.h Mohair med Ahmed. It should be reroemi<ered that tbe naliv* troop* under their Knghsh othcer* have already beaten the Mahouts twic*. namely, at Tokar, where most of Osraan Digma's fierce laelhn levies were killed, and at To*ki. where Xe- the ablest and bravest of the emirs hi* engagements personal observation- "In one ia,tanc* , ,, natlve , rm . at prel<n - t o.g^ed they assaulted a al,forn,air.y whale and . I1(l ^^^j, ^ ^J o/ her young. The orct killed the Utter and sprang on the mother, tearing away pieces, which they gre lily devoured. large Or cas have been known to attack a white- painted herring boat, mistaken itforabeluga, and they will not hesitat* to lay bold of harpooned whales and drag them under water. The , i depends on the Knglish officer* re* is also known as the tx , nwrl< . a lnto , r u, tworth> soldiers just the KIII. Ji SB. |iHongi,ie. aud a buard- < help them in this respect they will be pltas- iug piny wwieJcKfr the deck ot the I .j, anj .p,^ more n,,,,,^ w ' lt h the paper. tok pouession of were put un the Lewis, eitJ at lh tip*** ssmtd everythn^s|j. Ttt KtHtr man of luui - ifc -b t orexl the schooner to the portotoiP-maillovski, the capital cf The i.k iiWao BWU StteJ o xit again with Hails anJr iripiii pl< o>( traose whicli had been iliisjme- il .=Jci < of nine Kusaians andtiul Tt iker TO - ws'ere> m*t on her, and she starlfi j-,lln -rfla_iili^-oU-H-k. Russia's chief naval lUUatlto tin Pacific-. The Alaute aocomptntiaift! kit, uul delivered th* rest of the ci-etnthntti lkoawitieMthir<. Iu a day or two ll|.rt AsV4>-le -It, anil the prisoner* were inlon m>*l:*tuit would return soon. Their cw e*iv- dill li ttiel, ami the matter settled. T Iks iliuult, bw-ver, met with an a.-c.deiil, nil ii> -t corns back for tour montht Utsauirsnilt tlie tailors were con- fined in i" Vis .litnsstK kpriion. Steplm nvil i W lhe building they oc- cupied ust loisanioon Uo{ IDUSM, covering a space tmn -ult kiityw lr*t by forty. It was well liJIitoJtdl, itli oi ) j : h tru 1 windows were heavily bssswie -I. ETjnt of the* ll'.<r was of w.xxl and I tarittf " rlh triH.l,len hvd by bunlrwio olljt He l wr f urnuhe>l by a primitivt iiok j (k*ilicclbriok . and while UK. Atl: V>-k. VIKE fuel waipiqiwriU. .%k lung, wide bench, or B table, limii(osii(n>ll*( w*ll* wai the bed . t nat adl-ertiser* will want it, and want for all. r*ITtt ssiibsr n hssid th apartment for tlienisflttssei, i-jJisTt * su c-leaii a* they chone ton nmiiiCZ. sslouiJeriiig the fact that thn wiesnii^ud It roughing it, they had no w J tltr ttiBBjiliisnli taisiake of the ac t , .iu"nxliiitii,ili i,'k <re be tier than those ' on the k'lvbuiM Boat thf food, Stephens decUrel w nt Jilfa_slihol. Twsrice u day they , had thif|imsmiir--iilre serve I to them I soup uuail b! IM lre-al. The liread waa. accordini' H tli - iK<-aunt, " a heavy harvl loaf niue ocol mi- okfl I'lm'k. Hour, and al most ;>ln-i*s)Ulia anil full of worms. " l> tin Jiv thf uilors had their lib- erty .Miil ifBJM iLI!o*r~nl to astrol! through the partolollh- Ottswoc lot*- to the prison and along HIP 'rt !,'>_ . ' 'Try '* " ""* 1 unhurt thf next day, and gavehira my views, looked over bis stock aod help- e.1 him to formulate a campaign which proved to be highly siiccesstul. This man was paying tM a ytar for a display adver- tisement tint waschtnged every month or so, and was spendiag $- or *.1 occsiniull\f foi reading notices. After ttie rir->t week'* advertising andor my managenieut he was looking us up, and cheerfully spending jl*< and f-_M each w eek. at least . for a t line. I went toother advertisers and gave them my views, and offered to help suid give their the foreman's assistance. My views at that tune were somewhat crude, but 1 still believe I ha,l the right idea. It seems to me. then, that the editor of a country weekly should be an ^ expert : he usually is something of .1 tican, and why not add the former calling to his other accomplishments, l-oosvl adver- tisers are uot, a* a rule, educated up to the proper ataihlard in the science and art of ad- vertising. The editor should W the expert, to advise and counsel them. Ifihii is pro- perly done, they will solicit him for space : no need to solicit them and use tlie argument that they must " help along their local pap- er." Two-thirds of local advertising im< given gruvl^in^i v. VVhv uot make it it bad. Let the editor not only write their advertisement* for them, but study care- fully the probahle result*. The writing of an advertisement belong* to the science and art of ivert ismg. There U also an edit- ing and result*. Study the Utter with even more care than the former have confoanded it with its small relatives, known a* Kmo's grampus (Phocena gri*ea . a comparatively harmless creature. : all along the east shores of the Atlantic tnmi.M. Helena to Scotland, while th* orca is seldom Men south of the fortieth parallel, and is found in shoals onK near SpiuWrgeu and the east coast of Greenland. pared with that marine werewolf even the shirk is a rather sluggish brute, though lie u apt to offset his lack of speed by cun- ning autl patien.-e. Th white shark of the tropics will IUUIK about wharves for days and hsunt batbinK places, rarely betr his presence by premature gambols. Sear Singapore, boats manned with lancer* in<l kettledrums cruise about before the balhen venture to enter the water, and in the har- bor of Havana a in in was nipped up . ago under circumstances which seem to protecting Kgypt against tbe Mahdist*. and it is prob- *bly a recognition ot the fac: that has caus- ed the Khalif* to announce, as we learn from the Austrian priest Ohrwalder, that . be w.'.l not attack in* Khed ive so lorg t the British remain ar. Cairo. It U 'oecaD* * * . the efficiency of the Kgvptian army wholly who have into such seemingly wortnless levies a* Hicks' Pasha led to the shamble, that the gradual recovery of the Sondau is prouonnced by Mr. Normau a condition precedent to the evacualion of K#ypt by Cireat Britain. The secret of the influence and authority exercised i>y the Knglisu officers over tUe native recruit* is the know ledge that behind them stands the British army of occupation in Cairo. If that army were withdrawn, the plans and orders of the Knglishmen commanding the native troops would no longer be sure of t<eing sus tained by the Khedive : and the orfi.-ers, in- stead of being ail English, w juld soon be of various Kuropetu nationalities as WAS tbe case m the Kgvptian army of which Arabi I'asha gained control, and which wassubce juentlv dissolved by l\wnk. A division of authority in the army would no doubt result a*it did formerly, m intr:g i--. lealouay. aud corruption , and the soldiers, who at present are regularly p.:.l. well clothed The fi..Au: captain was going out in his carriage to make jotne a. 1 wuh hj wife, when, discovering that he had left his vi*it- ing card* at home, he ordered hi* footman, recently come into the feme*, to return horn* sad go to the mantlepiece in the sit- ting room, and bring card* that he should see there. lhe s-rrant did as he wa< directed, and off started th* gallant captain, sending in his footman whenever the " not at home" occurred. As these were numerous he turned to the servant with, lne question Huw many cards have you left " " Well, sir," said the fjotmao. very in- Ih *j ' noceutly. ' there's the king of spades, th six of heart*, and the ace ofc'.ub*. " " The deuce ' exclsuoied his master. " That s gone,' said Jcha. " I left it at he Bihop's. *i^* kv^ui(l> | - t . . v.-'ml.., ill I i. '.-.. prove that ordinary precautions do pot ,,. w * uK1 be left without pay an i . .- i _i_t. without ('. 1 or clothing rl!en into it* fcrnu-r unorgaui/ed condiiiou. the native Kopnan army would be entirr'.y mcompe lent to deli-lid Kgypt against tiio Khalifa. an. I 14 why Ylr. Xorinan woull have .vptians in their hour of strength '.uig*r and disable tue Malidists for future aggression by au immediate advance into the Soudan always avail gainst the cunning of a veteran maneater." A stout mestizo, em* ployed in a down town livery stable, came to the Ueach with a couple of horses, and after letting them spiish about the shallow v> attr for a niinute or two, rode in deeper to them a chance to cool off. A number of promenadera on the beach were watcning the homes, wl.en sud lenly. to their horror, tiiev s,iw a big shark rise out of the water, seize the rider's leg, and drag him down be fore he had time to utter more than a single shriek. Th* water near the scene of the tragedy w*j uot more than waist deep, but the whole thing was done so ..uiekly that out of trie-way works m natural history of attempts at rescue were unavailing, though animals And bird* which live wholly or the witnesses instantly rushent in the water. parti>ily on stones and earth of various swinging their sticks and yelling *ay with kinds, but to t:ie writac s knowledge, there might and main. ; h * k**" t" 11 two human beings that ate Like most sluggish creatvires, sharks are j "ones with a relish and digeste.! them with extremely tenacious of life. Tortoises of '** l'" " ' n **. l *>* famous "S several sjwcies will live for hours after being Hating Wild NUn. was first taMUkM at beheavled. but show the effects of the Optra i Avignon. France, in r- >. tion by sitting almost perfectly still or! This real wild masticator of stones was a lowly" moving their foreleg* as if" trying to native of a small island h 111,5 between Ice- ward oft an unseen foe. IVcapitated shark* land and Sweden. U* not only swallowed whole rlmts an inch or more in length, but He ! i..y. . There arc several accounts on rvord in let Ulieve it will I* more imporUn: to n eelmg the service* of an advertising on the other hand, will continue to use their tale muscle* with destructive force, and m the water have been known to swim Stephen! I that t . lid !,' 'nn.lya>ft!r they reali/ed U<lii< >te 'ajw from Vladivo wwBvu'fed ID. Al tirst our j*ckkiiiiTSs!iesntsvalfBi wiy . and we had notliniii sjnrilia ihsaioh ti> nit our tobacco. We wenbl to ODiliiBntlies? morning at S o'clock, after aneenk nlwmt .i|g;ood behavior had eonvinnJ I lhe Ml icnitir* that we were not desp-rU>oort IIWMIS .It -vru that we must he l'*ctiOt< iilh rv mi m : ,vn.l u a man stayed lit ) t<r ct, ' h out, went l>ev,Mi,l boandiJp->.isjaipwtiii tilungoon for punish meut. sfti(rrlbieae4i, v tonsi our chances, and iluiw^tirtiikAVissai most that wa* to beseenin * Is^im ;hbo-rln>otl At all times the prim ii 'aojiiir- <l(d liy Cossacks, of whom Ikeneiisjw/m . Miswrtl thousand at tbe girrivn, Hi- i--nls*lit vas that we had no nioBiy,." ni J:w w. giieiitly we were able to get III J till km-.Jii tie prison food to ear. ' VUdivoso)laek,iHllio* ujK visited rarely by tounsti, i=i !) int tureauting p>lacc of aKoiit HXHO IssMsstatVi , II^' J :K liiif; a I urge nuir- her of v'ntsmii'ssViiiutil sssiilon in IheKnssisn navy. Tli. a'lissijli to I ll> tonmnus of the military mmlr--l tk" t tbe I Government n Inuldinij > UIMMS -ili u. In the tuinnicn the popiUwi slioswj n'rarnnoil ly I ho advent of hnivl[flelioilliH} mara - *ho cultivate tbe garden). 1'h - \ites iote rs drive them away iiiiHJtf'4 A iiilUlu," Sii(Jieiii suid. "could ap- preciate " Ylk<*lmsswliicst, for it het at the headofil Ufc(ly-,iS4 Ivjuitif ula harlwr as I havetvea own Fonnuilw ami miles on erery Jllit! liootts rhc-avilv fortified with li| jonmMnsiatls, l*hun{ which are ; hundrli* tls w > i bo to-i stands on a lien !ililwl emoun tiini* audthe sea. ' \\eie ii i miArni>-o.-iswi sliould say it wa* a prett) tnuoifli plion; for the thousand* of Cnrsn'kisa Uil ikvi lw*v*> bini(ht in n n .nu of g>mlili-wnailw-iiiiissilo*per*li' AS my you , r li ftiti I inlh-.r~')[U. Vs spsnt four monthi Ihrl kro,m us out, i nii)na ,5 e r m the future, that such a on* , .._!.._! . . P An. I this suorestt speaking of editing advertisements. Advertisen.ent writeis are now common. All of them, no doubt, can write good axiverlisements, but few oi them rvalue the actual needs al t heir cus till tluir vitality bevomes exhausted by loss of hl.HHi. Sir kmersou Tenneut describes a .ith?r inhuman experiment of that sort in the ortinu of Ti inocmale, Ceylon, whre a craw of enrage.1 sailors lash*<l a white shark to the gunwales, amputated !iead and flung U overl>oard. The water was per- f*ctlv clear and not very deep, and th* hea.lle* sinser was seen toawimslowlvabout tor nearly t*.> hours, when its siovemoi i* 0,1 .-r>. m ^..,. .UK .^..v, .^,- . gra.iually became imperceptible, and it inents ean write them, but th- s-'nt i ng 4 'jal- j *ettle.l on the gravelly bottom, it* tail limp j brandy. liy is more important than the writing. j or stirred only by the rolling of the break It is not difficult lo prepare an .nlvertiss I rs. A Urge shark can snap off th* leg of a hors. a* easily as .1 carrot, it* biting appar- shall \>e coni|>eteuttn edit rather than write their a.h ertisements. The latUT rs) impor- tant, of course, but oltcn the manager "an secure excellent advertisements from !lie nuny writen and advertisement designer!, if h* i* left fiee to edit rath.T thsvn write them. A man .-Musblr ot editing mont that ill l>e seen, nor difficult to writ* one that will bo reatl : but to know the drawing power " of the advertisement is much more .litlu-ult To take .\ gotxt advertisement one that will give g wd results add a worl which may, pcrnsps, deteriorate it in a literary or grammatical sense, ar an illuitntu>ii which . may lessen its artistic merit, but will in iti entirety improve its drawing quality and give better results thi* i* an inherent fac- ulty that makes the editor of an advertite. ment invaluable. Ikere> Hntlr in u. What must W the satisfaction and grati- ti.-ation, at so small a cost, of one who wr: r .e< like this* Mr. \V. Mason, editor of theKet- ford and ('.ainsborongh News, Ketfor.l, j Kng., says: " 1 had suffered (loin sprain- ed knee for twelve month*, without Wing ! al'U to ot'Uin icliet from the |m, when I rubltl tli>' kueo thoroughly forlwe*alfsl- ' utes with y.. .' '> Oil. That night 1 traveled -Mhnile* by r.iilav. the next ilay I wnlketl '.'.'> miles, aod the pain l.a-l entire ly di*appe*reil. 1 liavo never li > I tke it return of it since atus being entirely different from that of a wolf or a crocodile. The white shark of the Indian Ocean, for iLstan.e, has six row* of teeth in the upper jaw and live in the lower, o.wh tooth al-oiit two inches wide at the base ami jajged along the enlgee like A tri- angular aaw Resides betn^; as flexible as the best *Uel, these teeth are always ahary reduced marbles, small pebbles, and other rocks to a powder with his powerful teeth. Royal Society physicians of l*>th France ami Kngtand ex.iimue.l this strange being, an. I found that his gullet was abnormally Urge and Ins saliva thick, strong, and cor- rosive. He would occtoonally rat raw rlesh with his regular luncheon of stones, but could n <t h prevailed upon to swallow nrea.l or other viof.iaU. U had a natural aversion to drinking waist, an I w >uld r.ever t.ute it as lopgas his supt !y i>t bran ly and ram hell out. V.'heii not given the usual allowance o' le*s than one half the ordinary of (tones vere iMnsumr-l In the strange creature, \-lnnie VII. I'a,;^ iT.'t, of Kaglish ttiilosophical Traasactiosi* wind* up an account of the " Wonderful \V iM "August Flower" How does he feel ? He leeli blue, a detrp. dark, unlading, dyed- in-the-wool, eternal blue, aud h* nukes even-body fixl the same \va> August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel? He feels t headache, generally dull and con- but sometimes excruciating August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel? He feels a violent hiccoughing or jumping ol the .--toniach after a meal, raising bitter-tasting matter or what he has eatin or drunk August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He feels the gradual decay of vital power ; he feels miserable, melancholy, hopeless, and longs for death and peace August Flower the Rem- edy. How does he feel ? He ttcl* so full after eating a nit a! tha: he .an hardly walk August Flower the Remedy. G. G. GREEN. Sole Manufacturer. Uoodbury New Jcrt. t. S. A. The suggestion of a IVpartment of Rail- ways for UK- British Columbia government shows that the railway interest of the r'ro vine* is growing in importance. The Jtftatf thinks, however, that this interest is not likt'.y to e. That so soon as th* local companies make >uie of provincial subsidies they nay ik t.i be declared for th general advantage of i'anada. in or lor that they it- > . > concessions from th* ' tor tlie same reason that a sharper than those ot a cit's claws are Kdilor -I think I Tite Wtler than 1 menl to. K.ilitor's wifo You write less. that'* heller. want* Wit little her, Mow," and uli.-u lie rulroiii/.es a ehurch lair lie 4 *s.i *s"lK>*rwe ! "> ct> "' -ould. OO.'ii' >~M"ll"lid.>. lUlH w*. The majentv -f fellows who ,,ttro*t t,> 1 be^i -* .L-- -~ i-_ ...^p-i .,. ,. I ia m aiaKi t titsv u~ i J t hen kc-riM> l>iit at \V best I Piake had" fun ol a another in- law wr nrrri one. Dr. tJoodwin, professor of ehetmstry in ^ueen ' I'mvirtily. Kingston, speaking to worlnngmtn in that city recently, drew at- tention to the M.-t lliat of all |>eopl* t 'ana ilianscan least afford to tamper with mtox. uatini; beverage*. "There isijuite erou^li chani|^ne in onr elimat--. 1 lie e'iniAte, said he. " has a great to do wuli the essrwitli whu-h the tip('h"k; h iliit ed There is no queuion in im n mind of the truth of that at a general attt'ement. \\liat is v-omparatively safe iu one oiimat* i< |> i-iti\ ely d. ulcerous in another ; nnd 1 believe that o'ir climate n parti cularlv i"Mii"U< in t hn rei|> -^t. 1 live cnie> totheconoliition tliatwhile mo leratedriuk- ing ni:iy N 1 iii'lnli;e<l in to ,i eertain extent in Kuropean v-ouutrix without a d< in t'.kiiail.i at any rate, moderate - t, the IKUII Canadian, at a rule, .. it li'nt i, , Hi tdis* 8t-<n Rater ' with the following concerning his habits " When not stinger sleeping he smokej continually, sitlinx with one leg over the other, giving no he*<l to those passing around him. * * The Mints he swal- lowed were, when voided, corroded and much diminished iu wei^lit, the icin.timler of the excrement icemliltng mortar of .ind .iml lime in the usual way. He lived lee* tha-i two ver in capilivity, Deemed to have nolanguige of his own. and learned to prvnounee Imt few words, cither in Vrench or Knghsh." g of the coal business, let us keep .ool. It i* <|uite e ij and much cheaper. iry, Mmis'.ei ot Mines, and Minister of K.liication. might in his spare moments take charge of th- new department. An extra portfolio or two would be of little .->n- se-iuence to him. It must not be forgotten when we talk of a vigorous immigration policy that the Canadian I'acitic riiw.i\ Authorities, on their own accvunt, are pruseculutc a lively campaign. Mi ' IV Haslett has oeen giv- . Herald soin* interesting particulars of his work in Knglaiul. Mi. Haslett has had th* superintendence of the C.l'R.'* exhibition van* with samples of products and literature, and these arc mov ed from >illafe to village in rural K.ngland. He has just oire <ut with 1 .mil immigrants all ol whom, with the exception of about ?*'. are settling in Manitol and the Terri tone*. They are all of an excellent class, with money A number of delegate* also came out and, having left their families in \ViiiniiH-g, nre tiavelling through tiiecoun try v itli .1 \ lew to settling \nd reporting I* their friends in' in.l. 'l>e ."Ui|>aiiv have at least fifty agents out in Kngland, .M.I .in 1 Ireland > :kui.( vigorously, Thi-v have, all told, a' ...i- ''\VO steam- ship agents in all the lowi i and purts of Kurope. They are sen.Lng out au enonnoa* 1 quantity i-f lit ci.i'.ui i- 1:1 *'.! the principal lan>:uge. TnlRTY YEARS