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Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1892, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE . : ie-i>-ion * Co'*. \icinity Chips. hanwlrrisjirs ofihe Past Wrok Carefully ( ullotl for the 4 ' -Ul bf /".- fxr (m<- /<w ! 'HIM trt// /w Cobbhrdick, ..f DunJilk. preached two exceptionally strung sermons, i the '.' for ili- lii-in-iii -.f educatioal Tha s.n-1 subscription ki'ii is in advai'CJ of lait year. In (In* reject tliere i* a tea<ly advance from to yurir. Fl'sherlon iriuU out .1 /!.,. I in my V'Ji,' m.msten and *e tl>- need of assistance beim; given in t!iat l.n , aii'l d * not hirk her duty. U*v. Mr. C ibSledick'i ^riu.l discourses .if Si . . ,t i U<t Jid iB'i.-U and will If IMIMatMM*] iii*re f.irtmue time. Dun- Jilk 11 fortunate in poisesin-i a mitiutar with (i mj.'.i eloquence and \ . i i' i:u.l will iu-'dt O M'HI- IV-.;*:.. n Court will If lield i:i Dan- dllr III! IVl'Uy 1 'I /. . your h.K.e bill* at 111- A Ivan.-e .,()) S ,.,,,.<'.ini.; su'.sUntia* ami r< i- iaUe in price. Mr. llirdy's new bill fir th pnt- ti-m .' _ itu pr n Je i a I, . i . . : -lUr .>it every f"X Ui'.le.l. Uoid of section 3 will I*!;.- note. T.-II years ao all .-ar line nvina'aeture.l tubncc-i I'lnn- fnen the United States. But in inth .-tft.-r in >n;!, ami year after year the lUj'.-ri -r i|iul.ty of tlie "Myrtle N iv\ ' bran I l;n li-en driving the Am cncau article "ir. 'f tlie Cmtdian. mir- ket. TI-- \lynU .N v y M n . to be found in every village in (.'. Dominion andua-i f.t , t.. lite. m..kc.- upon the Atlantic and rV'ilic coasts as to .>f tli- city in which it is maim- f.ictured Ar.itr .n ; ll.ii.. ..I K. -.'i -i i i. ar rjj;i-ni.. '! m -;i. .vi i '.i-!i they *.\y tlicv ' wil. -,i I v / . ; w ito'.i by mail for $4.73 lh?y will .1 i it, a:ij y .. cm deceit I u;>ou ^ - M U 'il th.-ir adrer- Mr. IS .ill vv * siwmill u (tandiii' idle Ibis w-vk, "-a in,' to i'i I..- -.I'kiii; uf a hoel. I' i.-u nn if lht w'.i^el H with- in a i"" 1:1 !i-.'< of Mr Cun;ii'Mi, win was aiu-n hn,' t'ie si*. Hi'. t'.t-'y *tni.-k liim tl>e refill! w.'iiM have Won serious. K T nearly half a century Ay -r l'lu- r r\ 1'. -' r-.l hts Wen tlie popular coii'.-li in the w >r!d. Tlie c->n lant'.y ipcn-.i-in-.' drmaiid fur this re:n cdy ; .,- t'i" v , . \- !,oit speciri-; for . ; lis, and all di^-ascs of the throat jiul 1-ju^i. VX\- Ii ivo il'jidud t.i jiiir.-tiav^ fr-ini Mi. 1' A \V'illitt, of \Vcttnn. a teriet uf article* on "l'racticl I'.-ultry 1: in ii.,', " !n !i we fully ex.K-ot will be <>f Krea' . . and other* as oil. Mr. Willitu ii a |ir.ictic-l poultry rait-'r of miuy re*ra' ei 4 i -rieii.'e, and a era-eful ntr. Til'. 1 lirit article ]>[<-ir* thi* we A. mid jh iuld lv read by all. Dic-l <> : : f tlm mi:,ih Mi*. Ma tild.i .Sini;.lo |e I tn II.T rest, u^ed !" year*. !'-. -xed w. .1 ni'.iij of T. county. Ireland. S'io i-v.ii.- t.> I' ni i 1 i. in 1>H. .1:1 I w4 :<m in.; t!i lirt i:i S-Tiuin'iy. s:ie ciin t> with lior h-.Mli.iiid in 1^7-'. Her lius bind survnji lii'i t i in.' i. i Ii -r 1 >\*, also n nuiiK i r."U f.nnily, w!i. lure tli- 1 syni- |>'itli\ kj. i!! in t u;r ^roit I 141 ./f A ! m 't!, x .-. .:ii.lmr n t\'-^..tten ; i.l !ii-r III.MII TV fil S tH will ever lnujjr r.u:i I ti..- idace whrro :lic ii laid.- O>M on Haws. O.vinit' t'l : c-i'.d 'u-kirird f.>.lder ; *".n-- M - * | \I'iir is t.oui^ t'r-i-n Toronto. Mr. D in MM i-i 1 W. Muir, came homo after a t y -ir i s ij >urn in M"Utana, i - M.- Artlmr \V',ntt iker is h.Kiie, after i:ii.: tlio winter ui ilia Michigan where they had en^a^ad themselves to a farmer, one for two dollars pr m-mth an 1 the other for his board. They were broujht home. The you:)^ ra-jaU had laid their plans well, and iospoked upun a sympathetic community t' the extent of a d.iy's suspoution of bu.sines. not t spak of the exposure. Tl.ey (aid they wanted to make their parent*, who had chastised them, beliere they were drowned, but did not think peoj>! would _ to the bother of ! n.k;n^ f'.r them. The scene ot the aboTe, though newr. we believe, proving fatal, was on one c cuM'.n many years H^O the seen* of a casu- alty which iieaHy caused th l.<*of a litV X yotin.j jirl whose name w liav- f..r- "tten, while crossing the river n a plank brul^.' f.-ll iut - the *w ft fl..w-.ti..- water, and *.u swept down icreim t . wards the brink of tlu fal'.i. A short liatan^-e ab ive tha pre i;' o- she su: cele 1 m ci':hi - i4 and ol ujiiu to a u!der until her scrtann attracted tlie itteution of DP. Alextii'ltT Purdy, w!i > uoceeded in rescuing her. After tuffi-riHi IviriMy Y.M:J fr.nn m-r-'lul i in it* w.Tut fi.'iii, y. 111114 "ii of Mr K 1, K, i, 7'ii Krthkl'u. St.. Ru-li in i! il. \ .i , v. t< rc ciitly curt 1 { I'V tlu 1 u.r : \i.-i i Sirs;ianl! . N> otber c -jiroa Ii tiis |> as a ,-li-ano.r >'f tl.e ' I'cr-i ir.iU. M,. ll.iii- I>,.n, di D.'iruit, i viait- ing r<'i.tivi Mr. .1 .'.^ town t!u Mi- It K <-f;r. "f IV-li TO, <|ie:it Siin d.iy \ii'i ir.' jmront-t in Kleshwrtuu. Mlis PMIIII.IH. of Pl'iton Station, H|I.-I I Suiulay with lie: sittrr, Mrs. Will Arm Mr. I.II.-A*. binker. of MtiVUlo, w.ts in last ek and gar Tlie Ad vance a call. Mr. and Mrs. W IV frotaloy attmdo.l the. wivKlin.! of a friend, Miss MTU. Mm. I. of Toronto, daughter of Mr. Sti-]ilirn lluid, last wrk. Mr. Allwrt Hoeoroft is vUu 1:14 frieudi t tli Mitteau. ('..Hiir^wood towiiHliip, tin* wck. and a tendiiii; tUu we.ldinx cf In* oouvn, Mr. Thoma* O$l>.<ini. M >< K i-e McKeuzie i Uome at pri;- enr, aa<istni; t cire for her parent* in tlu-.r tr > i\l ir .111 tl> -ir re- -11' tir!i.v,i. M > Hirrictt S-.uiri. of t'.u hilU, i livin; .it t'l i'.. .-i. and will bj an indefinite |ru)d. Always glad to re- p.Tt tlto arrival ..." Udu'i. \t.-i Al.-x. Stewirt and her s.m, Charley, so.vit a fo-.T ;ileivi*. Jivi visit- 1114 fr; -:i.l i i i > >,-:i S,,jnd. Mr. \'u-\ K inn ill Ii n a 1 1 - 1 tw > new bu:-,'ii?i t" IIM livery t iU-it, w'.ii.-!x will cut ijuite * ti.-ure. Alex, mean* to oven wiili tli i 1 1. n *. One of our y.:'i:i4 in.'ii 4 >' .111 cx;>res< . wat 1:1 it N > doubt will be Sinn* faucy inttin^ from this day on. Mr. Walter Oilhtnu*, tii^ht operator t the station. IIM Wen repU.vd by Mr. -:.rou;!i, Ute of P. tr k Ule. Mr. Oslinrne i; >ei to Ki<it T irmito. Wo in.tici.' t.'i it Mr. ti i I'll*. 'IM re turned to Ui* du'ies at the station KM ik-ntly the i-hr^ m wliieh he wt tak^ii to Onrrii S.mnd did not prov-j to bo so I! in as wo* sui.|.osfd. ilessrs. Irwin and Hein;>ln!l li.ive ip.t an idea. Hope tht-y may be aUe tu de- <-l..;i it uiit.' I'orfcclii'ii Our irenul Ii >*t ,,f tho Fleslierton ii ti-! wont out to K.u^eni.* to lish 011 N l - M w^i:. it is allejol. untied Ins h. irv. which came all t!i* way home of it-i i'a accord. ijot a chance t. rid* Ii -nii boliind some one elm h ! ..- !f^ iy* lie ci-i^ht three fish, bat cmU not |ii 'diu-e the evidence when asked In do so. Church Services. S.i. i.l iy lui w.ti an int,ire<tin.t day in chureli circle* in Kleshoriou. In tho uiori.iii^ Kev. Mr. \VelU preached an ap- propitau- and intereutm^ ention to tho o;dt.-llow, *lii were pirvnt at the ?ivsliyt*iian church in a body, from .luiK> 1 -ind '.'7 . ' I'urw roli.-ioii and umlelili'd licfore GtiJ. and tho K.ulier i tlii", t.i \-iit tlu fatherless and widows in ilieir ,.tM..-ti,ni, au I tu k>-e,i hinitelt u..i., ;i 1 from ilu world. ' T'i -r.i was .1 l.u^e tfoii^nxatioii prvseitt. ^ '1 , % K.l..t .hurjll Kj*k O. 11 A SeusAtion. Ku-^enu h.i.l a Km t^i'V. ..i l.vt week WrJ ai rived in Klesherton on Thursila\ evening that tw.i b. .y*. >ns of Mr. Kan- wick, the miller, a^ed i . 1* and lit, had liven swept TT the falls to their df.ith. Knd iy niTiiin^ the IIBWJ was still further c nitinii" I. when tho mill c irnor br-i'j'it in l'i fall jiarticu- lirt. I: s;i;:irs that t!i* U'y* had started t<. ^ttlur tt;i on the m .unt.nn. and mi tlu-ir way h \ 1 tj r a ma le i f pUuks and slabi, ivlnch tl.e liver between t'le k;ri*t ni.i! rtunn 1 and saw mill. K i -U b -y Ctrri.-d i piil. Abiut five ii'cio. 1 * 0:1 Thursdiy Mr b'enwiuk found '.h- t.i p.nU o.i this l>n,l,'e. .ui either nie of a yiin.i^ h de wh-re a pU-.ili hid b-jjn bro\e i and fal- l'n int i th.- rapid current b.'l.iw. The inferviici) W:M idaiii that the boyj hil lallen through, and hid (iro'iibly been famed ovt-i- the 8'J I. >ot fall below. An alarm wn 411-, i .1-1 I (hi wh.'ld in-tlo po|iiil.ition ..f Kn^eiiui turnvd out to search for the I'lli-M. 1' in* t ..iroli wnkvpl up until dirknet* vt in, n id retu.n >d a^aiu i.i tho early in Tiling and continued un til e!e>en o el ..'< a in. with. ml succes*. Me:i i M.i'd thi-ir lives in th) chilling wat.-i -i t o i-eUorj thv bklui to tlu bt- rearod pirint). In' th\v .-mid not IK' fmiii 1 A' II .' i D i Kit 1 iy word w rccmvii i lUir tin biyi htl l>--i se-n travelling towanU K t!n even m; before, and tli *ear^'i . .M abindnued CiiKnliy aftetn i ni some half .l.-en rwhioli'* went out from V'e. \ to viow tlu scona and renter aMt.inco if , hut th..ii- aurvi-iM were not To nun* Iru stoi i- ih .it, the b<iys wurx* foil. id by their t'ailu-r at l i i ii, ri *.' i:liu; i il t.-w-i-ln,>. CWTTH- BOOT .AND SHOE DEALER FLESHEKTON. Boots, Rubbers, A LARr.E ASSORTMENT OF --- Shoes, Slippers. Overshoes Trunks. Goods. f^easoriable "Priced. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to l.B. Laras.barrUtrr. las $10.000 private funds to lend on tVm | r(^xi{es within the next few Month* I at lowest cun-ent rates Xo c-'iniui**- ' O:M, no delays, expenses low. Apply at ottice in MaHtdale during the week or at ' Dundalk ufliee oil Saturday*. A;ent w.inte^l f'.r tl>e Elmira Tel.- n: Kleherton. ljre*tnt family |i|.er mi earth. Twen'y four pvcr*. Livrly lx<y can niA-ie moiiev Ad.lreu El inira Telegram. Kliniia, X. Y. Mr Pedwell has a yu\'t of moil dn\ in j. over 2000 harow.wd 1.^^ down the Beaver river from uear KimUeiley fur h.- Th Tilbury null - [Thornbury Stan dard Mr. S. J. Alexanders sin .ke 1. contain^ at .'Ut "X) hams and :.'."> ide; of |N,rk, wa* burned las' Friday evening. l*+t. ab-iut li.'O IT . .rniMiry Stand dard. It it fai j that C-mduc'. r S .i -r. the r*.l ty .-\.4i .^vliat, u about to nettle in Toronto. I Mr J.'lin Eakiii*. >if Stix-rtM'de, for M years clerk of Toronto tuwnalnp. U I dead. .-. . 7 > Alirxm E IH, a FVkerin.; farmer. *ui- I cided I'V ciutinK his tin "ii Friday. Temporary insanity brought on by bodily ailiuent*. MANY A LIFE HAS been saved by tb* prompt ns ol Ayer's Pill*. Traveler* by land or sea are liable to constipation or other derangement* of the stomach and boweU wlii'-b, if neglected. lo*d to s-f.ou* and ofwn fa*l conaniaences. Th< most sure BM>aiu of correcting these evils is the use of Ajvr's Cathartic Ptlls. The pru- dent saiiiDg-matfter would a* soon go to ea without his chjonotueier a* without a supply of these Pills. Though prompt and energetic in operation. Aver'* Pi. Is leave no ill effect* ; they are purt-ly vegetable and sui^r-coared : tbe safest ni'-dieiue for old aud young, at home or abroad. "For eight years I was afflicted with constipation, "wrr.e'u at last bwaiM bod thai tin 1 ilivtors could do no mor for me- Then I N--an to take ' Pills, and soon the Ixiwel* reoovere.1 their natural aud regular acuou. so thai now laiuin Excellent health." Mr. C. E. Clark, Tcwksburr, (tarils. JOHN W. ARMSTROm r\ i v isioi * nei.-r. Ac \. D'l A) 1 "i ' *' I < 1 I < 'I . - I : I ' I I - - MONEY TO LOAN. Theun.l. . a 'arpe amonnt if money to loan *'. v > ..r farm T. s. i>A.\ir; r. r' I retard Ayer's Pills as one of tha . .- T ! oi-.r time*. Tliev have been in use in my family for anVction* r..i\i-.:n; a tive, anil have civen unvarving c.-. tion. We have found them on ex ri-mtslv (or cold* and light fevers." W. R. "\Voodon, Fort W^rth. T*xa. " For < v.-ar< I have relied more upon Ayr's Pill than m-on anTtbing else in "the me,Meine ehest. tn T my bowcN and ih<> < the lrp ' er> w. These Hills are noi i-n- in their ae- tiou, but do their work Uiorouxlily. 1 liav* used them with goo.1 e^ee: (* the cure of rkeuraatism. kiduoy trou- bles, and ilvi*|ia." I'apt. Mueller, Steamship Nam, New Yerk City. "I have found Av, to be a Ix'tter family m*<1ii - !tn> mon use th.ui any oilier p'.'.t within uiy kii.';-. Thev :>ie !: ' . n'.y \.r. fleet: te. vif-- .1 :o takj ,|nalitifs wh:.-h ini:>: make them rained by the public." Jules llaue), Vertuincr, Philadelphia, Pa. W J BELLAMY. \ - i t'.Vf>rc^ Ini.iiri:ce aitt-Lt. nc. I'. lear. etc -. Im-urnLoe .r" .,.. N : tthlial DR. BUTTON M ' v ' ^1 M. C I' A - I'ut.. I-rip.-. : or < - hurch. Ku,... r . St. ." I > DR. CARTER. M. C. 1'. A 8 . Oct. I l,i .ein, in r?ror, etc., FUshvrUn. (.lAirr Stiain'i 1 f v DRS. SPROULE & EGO, M-ukdale, Unt. Office Manly. d lt I "tore. T. S. Spioiile. M. ! M. l>.. Ktc.. Uie ..( 1 i .. U- ioimd ui ilu MurkilaJv 11.. , at uiglit. C A I T I V Ayer's Pills, I M II IM I <. OF THE fflYRTLE NAVY rftKFABKD BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt, Sold by all l>Ucn 1m Medici I < J ,'.h > P T.&B. l\ ;:i::.\;; LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE FLESLI:RTON GREENHOUSE J. P. OTTEWELL, _ ^ etpnuurv SnruwD. Or ..f dr.tai : i ResiUuce- First d - r f Li tch'n tiiilor sh.ip. t'ielrlju. llrntistru. J. P- MARSHALL I.. P. b.. M. 1\ S . D i,t *-. Vi .e Nt *ud :<rd V m. nth. r'lttbrtlou ! i ng. V 11 ii <> 11 ii OtH in ii f . BUYERS Hi-shrl U).J <>t llmtr, ijr.cene*. feed, etc., should ex- amine Wyvill's Stock IWfore I'urchatin;. Me ket- i>s cnnslantly \o I Hour $ I -.. ;.. r I.I.I '..I-. !_.. T unato. I'auli- V[|ior, mul all kinds i.|" piino pUnUu^ at tlie . \Vi liw in dt^v'; .i lai^' quantity of tuixoil d!i! - . will bo <li-i|>o-tuki of M low fn \Vc linvi- :i t- vnrit'tj f all ki -.Is Ol" I'l.lllls ... II. All 0! ill IS 'l.lllls ... rjptly nu. ' J1S BEKtRUFT :ulo tiro* TI<-N. and Ol Frulls in Srassn. J. W. FROST. t'vi.vt \auerr. Etc. N. \; llic |-. ri . ' Canned 4.ootl. . rlr . All the boat gooels at right prices. I am ^uxiout for ,iU u> tout. T- WYVILL. STRAIN S HLtH'K. KLKSHKUTOM. KKR tki>u in i-\eliai;.. Cor The Markets. 4 :ir-lnlli 4 orn < in! Ka'h Work. i *> I v Kl.MI. * t Kll *ininij \\ .1 Hi I.-. Oat*. r. . HttMoi l',.r ^' ,, * i.i,- I'-K II i\ "cr ton II- I . i.i% ... . M to *' to n i > I s to M to Instant Relief, Permanent Curt, . .. WUK J.J VI "' l-> PUIFORO a CO. Ont ; Si-UM I off, b g. P McCULLOUGH, !u- i..r Kle. i >;t -f v \ t r Mc- Murkdale. Mouy tu ; n. WRIGHT & LIKDS\Y. touDd . :r- i ... . v, ,., I, I .f *.-h >.*li \,..|^> lo \^ L . . .^ \T II. \\-hluUT. Ji. K. H. J. Sproulc, 1>>S1M.\S1 IK. K.. ^!,. -,,.1,. iv,,,,,,,., * *t in U. R.. l.u-i-nMd \iieti..i, t , i. i\ ,, veyauc.r. Appraiser u.l M. lu . . l rll j rl . Keal KstttU an 1 luitra> A^pnt on- uiatlo on ti..r', ^t imtiiv. AHC- tiou 8alf* atti-ude-l to -11 uy par) of il t ,-iintT. Uouey. to l..iiii M lu i mter*t. Ci.)lecti,.ns .itU'iiJ,,! i,, ,,,, ai.U ifexpittcii. I liar^i !*. lV.miinon St*>aam1 : p l'l.eapticke<<(uira V'lrlnitru to , London or *i:v of Ui TI . Tarn*-* intend : nti tu 4it &*w**1 ?cotlbd or l.-eUn.l. will f\r** aV -j, for* pt Tckiisi| tKeir t Mr*. rhil <i.|W.silo a.^l hur. I,. BaV

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