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Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1892, p. 8

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THE FLES'HERTON ADVANCE .VI HUMP, ow ttol m T new prmnfMM (It tod op n<l % pitifi*>d to do all tmnlne-H In im Hue with BtutUfH.* u.l !< |<*t<'h i><) am in btittcir |>< in lhan er t'*tti*h I U> til a want* of mv < usl-Mii- ri A j{r owing btmineM fthoww a growing con* fl 1*nc *in v'Mir IxjoU aud tlioe* luadu at tbe fit uf . B. We guarantee satisfaction. DON'T READ THIS. THR OLDRKMAULB Syden'nam Mutual l ; ire Insurance Co., yara before th* people. I M W?' conl i li-|i r t nan thr u> n uhK|iet, au<l ai -at., it* Hi" ufeM. Ill" only purely r'arnitiV Coin I'snv ii> tlii |>art of i i.i :i7Ji-i-ui on the l)lUOfor .1 yearn i tilt, liiulnst Itn Volic . Holder* hw ever 'paid TbeBydenbsun Inaure- sl twu-tblrdi tin- aln.eml In casu of Ion- i.vs the full amount of thr rnk WH.A. UAYHAN.AKftit. Walt.'rV FallL Sclfntiflc American Agency for In Position FOR- r ii in ii i, i, i I'll IM, AND- is Everything OAVIATB, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. tot Information aril frw nndtvili writ* to Mi >N \ fo., XI IIHOAHWAT. N*w Vou. CMdeet 1'iin-a.u r<ir HN-urlnir itat.-uts in AuTlca. rry |,n-m takni nut by no Is brf>u(ht IM-I.II* the public by a uutice KIVCD free of charge U. tbe Scientific American Lancet cumulation of an? scientific paper In tbe .rlil M i.'l..| nlintrelfil N.I Ililplliynt man should t* wnlj..ut it. Weekly, 3.OH a -r. ll.ii ell ninntbt. AiMrras Ml'NN A CO, ruaiLUiiiks, Ml Bruadwar, Now Vora, Good TO MANY 1 dVtiire to cull llic attention of tin public to tin- fact lliul 1 in\i' M|n mil A General Repair Shop J . , 'iiim ctKin with tin Fli *li''i tiii \Vunllfii Mill, and am |>,i|.in.l tu do all kinds nt Iron & Wood Turning Pattern* m:nl". uinl C'n>tui;; gl m nil. II I lint I''. I I'.i lllt -|i li'i I mention in il. l.iil tlit vanity of wml- I can do. but anylhinu' \<>u Ii i\. n if MI ur w.Ki'l ili.a rei|iiiii'S un inline tiring il to tlie T'li'sln rl HI I c|iir nlni|, where you in i) ili [niiil on your win k limn in .illy and tiiilly. Having eini ry Biiitublu fur C> U>l .>! I rc- . \ .1 .1 , ic i Is fully equipped with |iiisitrs (or turning <,ut * per- fect class ol work. All kinds >' pictuics t.ikcn ;,nd finished in a style etjual to any cit) .vork, while the prices aie lower Owprry <'ouurlL Tin' Council of Otprey met in McLean'i ball, Mclntv.o, on Monday, March 21st. Mrinn-r all preicut riccptinK Mr. Hpeer*. wtio a* aboent on Mcouut of lickneu in lii (aiuil v. Minute* <>f lait meating rca-1 au4 nisnexJ. c'oramunioatioui were read frum tbe Mark- ilal' stnn lar.l and Flrihrrtun Adnnce offi- ce*, re priutin.' 3<H) eop*i of Auditorn' KI-- port am) miuiitrg of 1891. The Standard ii'l'n-t- was awarded tbe Contract for t'JI Fr in lli-iaM aflTice, Duudalk, bill of 14 25, P'lnlinn and xtalinner; ordrred to be paid. F.oin tbe Cli-rk, bill of MO cents, express and carriage on stationery -ordered to be paid. From N.F. D.iulFon rv ast>c8iueut cf lot 7. COD. 14. Circular fiorn Central Bridge Win k, Pft^rbormijfb. I)\law No. _".> i provide that tb- statute labor n( tin- lon>hip shall be performed in tin- M-vi-rnl divisii>ns in which the lots are sitiiat'd, r. ceived its n-veral readings and i.i < .nit- law. Tlis collector was iimtrncted to receive tb>- latex II-I.K $U..'i7 on tbe Furmers' Mill. hVri-rlmui. and lue following parties were ex iupli-d fr.'in tuxes for 1891 : Flora Mc- (^ii m 1 i in, 0,11. 7, and KJwitrd Rayner.lot \V .j. r,,n. 13. I'm Tf.;i-n'er wiis instructed to pay tbe mill rti TK' kiil.irirn for IS'.H : Jan. Klliott, J."..".. and liuncaii MctmiPi. 5.V>, and $."> each for (.oKln^f an I otln-r i XJH nss. f'.ini ril .< ijoniiifi) to meet us a Court of Ri 'iniiiii at Maxwell, on Mmidiiy, May 3oth in xt. I will make that a H|H>cialty for a few wii-k. Cliargrg low, but termt- bti ictll r:icli. VOMIII 1 1 Illy, W.H.FL.ESHER I rainini: dout in a.l its brauches. If you havi: shopping to do and pictures to ^et taken on tlu- same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be- yiviMi to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Owen Sound. Ontario. 1(4 'Hie Very 11 I'l.ACK IN CANADA TO (1KT A Thorough tliiiiutu fake a |{ouud Trip all anit vi-it .t IIIT IliiMiii M i and lailu.thell visit every- t 'I.IMIIH-'-' ml I >r(i.! tun ' i - 111 I clu* ^'M tin-in H(MlttMMCollM Ll.ui^ lh'H"ii,'h)\ If wti fail t<> |>i<i,lucc iii-.-t thoioiiKh. i'om|tlrM*. |rartirl mini r\t n -T\. . cm .,. ,i( -.tii'iv . tin- l ht t-olUni' |irnini-'H AM't f 1f iM-f-t Illl'l Illl'-t C4rtll|>l**tf Bllll IIIONt -till *!.. MiiniHiM- tin I Ki>|ilinnro. will ;i\ \<"i full rout**- ) It! I K"r Annual Announce mutit, giving full |>articiilarti, fri-e. aiMrt-HH C. A. FLKMlNd. I'riuripal. for Will Iff J TZ G ES ! To \.iuii:' linn ilfsiii p.' in learn the art ol Hcienl tic culli'ig 1 IIIIM* ducided to njitn a iii^lit school f.n- tliut pur I .in c'liiiiai ui'r on (lie tirsl day of JMMurjteMtini tlnon^li tin 1 winti'i inonllig. 1 will i:u,.iiinti . to Irani any Hinart yoiin^ man in from one to two ni'iiitliri tin- iirt .if culling, ho llial lie will I).; iililc to coininanJ trmn .'ill to |ililull,irn a \vi-iK Hillary in any nty in ('.innda or I'liitnl Stalrsi Now, t'.inni i - t- ml, c-M i \, don't li/i -. tins 8ij|i:ii(iul cliance. Von will juiy in tlio city $ll mill S.'ill liouill wlllli 1 1, .11 MM/ to Cllt. I Jinikt 1 the pncr in iiiicli of ymu^ man My nyntrui nf i-utlniif In tli ..... ily ri.iii|.l<-l.' Hyitlcin i >f MI-IMH! ni.-i-iiiriii, nt r\i r |II-.K|IICVI| wliere < \i'IV mrntlllr t.lki II run III! H]i|ih,,l Ui lln-iliiift. Ait to n. y iilnlny a an run i.i nt wiriitilii- cuitri I can yiv l.'sti iiiiiuiiiU fi'nn -".in t tin 1 lcHilini{ men in dtnail.i iinil I niti-il Si.itrx, II.H'IHL' served u I. ni/ IITIII nt tin 1 tailoring in Ilii'jUml, In nil tlnilriii \i.iis, liaviii.' t.ikin my .l|i|.iili:i ;i- .1 . ill- i in Ixilnli'll, I'.i, ;,l 7 \ n- _". I will ili-fy nny ruUer in '.tliailA to riiin] tn. S|'(;i:l:il tiTlllH Wltll Tailnra tlnit liavu nyiilvin* that timi'i I'l'n M. All inli'iiilin.' in tike itiit.iiii.i ; M| Kpli'hillil rliaiit-i' w.illlil ii .. Hi-ll t.i i ..inr .Mrly nr <:i>ircs| mid liy i . I'l.ii- I Hill only lukr n liuutfil ninnlicr i.l |>ll|illn. A.I. In i- all Ictti'lK tu I'" 1 . A. I tnlicr. Tailor, lUn aii!, Klri.|irrtnn. SOCIETIES. 6. ill 1 'I I Ml'l IlKNCi: Tlii Ilioiitii In Hi i 1. 1,'.,- Hull i-\fi > \Vi<illie- lUy o. 'iiini; *i |. m VMUag bratbcn latrltad, Ill-IIIAIIi r III < i ..... ' loll KM \l. II MI'I.AKK op .1 1 < I lot . i - . v . , v I to itp ' TK.MrKltANCK.- S even- l|ironle'i block at " p n, Silm 1 i monthly, I!.,- i ii^ thti itJml of tiarli muiitli. |)IIINI'K \Knil II I.OlKiK N(l ::. A K 4 I AM tin tho Masonlo Hall Htraln 1>I" I. I I ..,.', ton, every Friday on orliefnrethe full in. i.ii.. .\. S. Vaudusen, W. M . 11 J. lln 1 llrad Nurgron Of the lailion Mediral Company is now at Tor- onto. Canada, anil niny l<e t-oniMilteil eithor in piirsun m liy ImtiT on all r)ironic diseases pe- cullai to man. Mi-n. yc.niig. nilfldle-afed, who flnd t!nMii-*'Ui'< inn voux.wt-ak and elhanst el. who are hrokrn iliiwn fnuii rt.t-s^ or mi r woik. ri'-illtui in many of tliv following aym I ii. Mi'iitnl il, HI, -.ion pn-niainreold tge. I IAS of vitality, Ions of iiituiiory. bad dreams, dlmnt'siof alKht.palpitati >n of the hnart, i in Minus, lark of rni'iKy. pain In the kidneys, hoadurliiv |iinii>l.-i mi tliu fare or iti-timi; >i |.i il,. i p, ill, in aeiiul tin -i-ri.tuin. waist iii^' nf the orynn 1 *, ill//iiii'>-it, specks before the eu'i. twitrhliif.' of the 11:11 , V.. eve lids, and I.|H, wluMi- li.i'.lifutiM) -. ,1.].. it- III tli- nun.'. OJS of will p > w > , t l> i tu"* of the scalp sn.l Hpinii, \Vfuk itnl ||H|'),V mn^rli'-, ili-niii! t" faihlr,. i.i I.,- i . .ill, .n. .lull In ,*i mi 1 . In^* <f MM. , >l. -i it> fur snl it ii'li>. tcllabllity of tomiwr, tunken milnl with ii A!>KS i 111. i i . <nU loi.Kiii^ skiii. i ti\, are II ajmptonia of narvoai Ji-i.jiit^ tlMt l- IhsHiilv nii'l i!i-atli Miili- i mi. I The kpiinu "I Ml. I I li.l'i'.. Ill, Ull I, I -I It. I. II .1 VI I > til.' tl, III \\UII. I I ..''-. |l.,i'. Ill" Wtltl till olllill ahuni' I'oniliiitti 1 '! in I^II.H Kin i n.:iv I" p. i mull wlitlv I- iii<'l Ki'ii'l \.till K'lilli'-^ I.. r hook on all lll-l'aM'H |lCCItllM|- III II14II Hook -I SI'llt fl ,'.* M'Al eil Hi. ti' .1. , .. -i- t:n t-v iii)iti,ins of ttln,'li an. faint K|I, lii |. iipli .i|., i. Mini in- )>alpilatlon. nkl|> li.'liK hot l'lii-h... Mli-li of l.lniMl lo the lu-it.l. .lull IIHIII m lln-il-art with I. n. I n|.i'i uii'l n i I'^nl^r.tlinrei'i. tut hrm tin-lit i|tiii-ker than tin- Hint, pain aU.nt th In i-nit l>oi,> ran posit n .-ly l.f run- No .'in,- im jxiv. Sriid for iHH.k AddreiaM. V. I.l tins M doiiell Ave. Toronto, Canada. 7lani\ -' ~ SHILOH'S ~ CONSUMPTION CURE. T..I. i.i.i v i i Hi nil cci:i..ti,ih M.. hd CONhUMPTIOM 0111-:. IH a parallrl in thu Initory of mrilicino. All ilru^Kists ar- auihoii/.i'il tu still it on K po-i tu, ninirimtrf. ii tr-t Unit uo tilliei i'i,r,, run uccnitfiilly Hliuiil. If yon have a ('oii^li. Hore Throat, or llroncliitiR, u* it, for it will cure Ton. If tour ehiltl hat the Croup, or Whooping Cough, uae it proiiiplly.ainl relief il HUH'. If JHII ilri-ii'l that liiMilliiili'ase CON.Sl Ml'l ION. DON'T mi to line will cure you or rout imthiiiK Ask your Drug- Kill for Ml I I.i ill.-. < I Hi:, Trice 10 .(- . 60 oti. and II. (Ml. If your I<iiugs are S.TP or Ruck laiue.uie Suiloh'i 1'oroui I'lMter 20c. The < okinopiiliinn for April. M'ith the April ninnber. the Coeniopolilan roni|.letn it- twelfth volumv In a manner wi.i tliv tbe wlile ami growing |>'.|iularltr of thie magazine. The Cosmopolitan Ii the niont (up ill'Ht -tnl nf th inontlilia! and the pi.-toriiil i.inlwIliiti'.iioLt of tbe April Dumber ii i . i.itli.-i !>" die ararage. The lea/ling ar- tu'li- in on .'Grtnna -tho home of Coluuil>'.in i it tt-a liv Murat who recently viit- e<1 tliv clt> . Mnl illn-tret. .1 from photographs of a 1 ! tin- |iriiii*i|iKl r.-lii- 1 ! of tlie *{rtat naTi^ wlileh remains In (linos "A romance of ol<l hli'... >.. Mi KUie Audoraon lie Wolfe eihib- lu Die butt of the rnnrk*l.l,' historical cul- ll'l tl'ITI St <".M., V ' T.'r|H '!.>-! Ill raSt .tl'fl'lllW is the titlvnf aliinvly pa|M>r by I.iout A M. |. \i ii-ii. i.f tin. I' S Amu. with photoslrapbs an.) ilrswiiiCM l>y -t i> l>.i\ : t- on. Wallartt Wood fcrcate of 11 Hniiif > of the Reualssani-f," lu an il lii-tia'i-il I^IJIIT. an I W II Ki, in the itii'T .if .U-!n:'nfii!lv written an I profusely iliii.tmt. I urti' I. ..n "Tin' i ii-w of a Transat lenii.- I.IIIIT." "The Marriage of Atnoriean VVi'ini'ii tu (ii'iinHii NiiliUiini'ii." U (liHCUKd by Klizuhi'ili Von Wtf'Ii'l. an \n!"i i. un whn IH now Hit. wif.. of a ti'lf I iil.]vt of til.- KBIMT (It) |.i<i IK mi- ' I In' Theatre of today," liy Coia MsMiai.l . "Two I:IIK|II|I men of Ivttura." br Hi in, ili r Mbtthewi ; "All sorts mi I conditions of me... hy Ivlwirl Kverott Hale : A liunK itpal,' hy F.nifst IiiKrsnll. ami "Count I. eon l'..i-i.,i ' a ili-ti-i niii"ii of tlie family of the great novulitt nnJ rcf.nii- .liy a friend nf In- fmnily lifsi.lfn nil those sltraclions.tho \|.iil ( "Mn"]",litn Is rich lu Action and p,.. tu "The Kanchoof Heavenly nest," il t IB - k-'i Ii iif the southwest, full of action and local ,..l,,r Its writr is Korliee Heer- niaiiH. the author of "Thirteen" and more -I". >. The illiikt rations are hy ling U. Wiles. "Pi menus Kat^tanotf."liv ('-inni M l',"lorskl. l- a i-liarat-lnrl-iie tale of Hueslan Court life In tliu ilayn of tin. I'zar 1'aul I. ric lleminf, tun hit- ill'i-tiatf I .Ii 'njhtfnlly "Tbe Rustic l>nc." a poem by IviiiK liacht-ller, and other verees hve been writtun fur this number by llfiu KI Mai-ill. mil. I K illi.'i ini. tto> llalaa. Clir- ! .t If 1. !,, \ cr au.l ? arah M . II Putt . Tlie I'fi-l llniiiii-r ay . Tli nei){lxir- liiiiul of tlie 5(li lint) weat, C'hini;uaciiuiy, in tin- iiiinifilinte rioinity of lut 17, hw I., i-ii in an ii|,ri'Hr nf excitement over an i-venl Hint nccurtt'il l the resilience of Mr. Win >li n| un Siimi.iv iiiitlit. li \\ , li.i. i WMI uii the (cenu uaily and it waa iintieed lie Mure n very *rii>iie look. After the l'i hail lievn nt Mr. S's place a while he berk.nieil tin- i;eiit!eiil,in uf tin 1 liini-i,' tu hii hiily > chainlier and lln/n- ahoweJ (he l.i- iMiTeil nml (Uzeil fatlmr thiee Hnim all in row, ami an much Hlikr ns it i |i'ii,ilile t i hive hail them \t hat the. father .- lhi>t|..'hti wn> at the iii'Hiieiit wlien he uiu linuiKlit face tu fnce with the i i reuse ill hii family Would be (ilranant to kiii.wii. >f online, imw he ia a pniinl futlier. fur m he imt envied by every hiil.aiiil in Ilit 1 ilistri, t.d.r iinthini; like it e\er iKji'iu HM| nvnr theie 'I Ax m.e man win. ii n. tnwu thin ti-k naiil, "I run t think nf anvtlun; uUe ' ' .Mrs Sharpe. the nmther nf the triplt:ls, il a small fair woman al.out chilly live \,-u- nf ai;e, nml tint lather a nhmt, medium- HI/.I-I! iimn. Jual a yivtr a.-o Mr. Sh.iipe I '-t three nniHll rhihlreii hy I In 1 iliml Hfiunve ih|>theim, ami Imw tin ir pi i.i . have liren lilli'.l liy nne hiith. Tlir inothi'i nml th* littlo imrH He ilniin.' "ill ami in a'l likelihood the infinu will live It i* lepniteil thitt the l>r. VIIITS h will r> '.ire fur the hu|>|>y inulher the i,>uei-n i bt.unty The Sharpv hoinr-ti id i lieina viiiteti daily liy (cure* uf luihy worship- era. HEALTH FOR ALL. llolloiva) s Fills and Ointment T HE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct H Disorders of L^tver, Stomach, Ivi<lir\ *, and trowel*. They invigorate a>Qlritor<> to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable In conj->. it; to Kouialoe of all ae For Children and tbe aged I bj art |>riclee* THE OINTMEN T an Infallible remedy for Had Legs. Had rlreasta, Olil Wc-indi. Sore* and Ulcen. It in famoui for liout mil litiouiualisui. For disorders cl the Cbe.t it bat no of us) ForSORK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Olandular Swelltnfi, and all Skin Disawfei it hsu no rival ; and for contracted aud ttf j nuts it acts like a charm. M iiujavi-tiirelonly at Professor HOI.IXJWAY Establishment. : v > , , Oxford >tr. i i < lai.- 333. Oxford Strrrt ), London, and are >old at la. U.I., 4.ftl.. lit.. 92>.,and SO*. <-ach Box or Put, and luay be bad of all Ife4 lctn Vendors throughout the World. Furduueri |A,<W IwJc t< far Laid <m thr Pott atui Bore*. I) the addrru u 'iai 5.M, Orford Strtrt, Ltnuloit, they are *pi<riui. PAINTING, TRIMMING, HOHhKHHOF.ING, WOOD WOKK. Mr. \V. K. Hurnett, e.litur c.f the lin ton WorKI, ii seriously ill. Ror. CI.AKK In Kii|iliravla, on Friday, llth lust.. Ui wife of II. J. Claik.of -,,u FIRST PRIZE WHEKEVEK SHOWN, LUMBEB. LATH, '.KS Jon WORK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Cairhige Works. FLESHEKTON, ONT. nfCK'SLAND ROLI.EUS MOWKItS. 11IN1IKK9, PLOWS Our Waen<i thr K.-M. Our BiiB!;l>!i i h< HeKt Our ( IKI. r> Hi. Bent- Our luiprm*l Harrows the 8T11AW CfTTEKS. dC'l'KKl.Kl'S. Tl'HMI* KUILLB. OANd I'LOWS To cmuers of horses and The public fit general. Farm for Sale At a Bargain l.Qt 1. con 4. F.u|hraia, coittahiin|{ 148 srrfm, IM aeres aleored, Bplebdld frame haru i.nni. with Htalile niiili-r Oicliard. gootl wnti'r, IOK IIOIIM-. frame kitrln'ii ir.x-ji Aliout OO Mro* miiinlili' for reaper. Will be sold Immediately at a >acrinoe. Any imrnou dcnlrinij a tiood iilacu veitliiate. Write to JOHN MARTIN Kiimuna P.O. TT AT nn ''"'f'" t 1 ;,' >im; furtlior ami examine the larsje stock of horee- ekeLeiwiaisJ at i:i, i.'s uquisitts kept in stock by the undersigned. You anil mo, wo tnake the boss H;nies8 it a tery reasonable figure, (iood workmanship, and uo txperiuient on wark wo put out. Tbero cau be no That our stock of suudiies is complete, con- sidting of sleigh bells, whips, trunks", valises, axle grease, curry combs, and everything conceivable wliieli hoiseuieu Call uu-l i xainiiH 1 inl be cunvinetii D. CLAYTON, FLESHERTON. NEW DISCOVERY b/ ACCIDENT In <H:tt|>umllnf otulroa a p*rl WM >cc'^Dll7 Bi)tll**<l on tdf and OD wwiliiiiK tt*rwifttd iv * <ticovfr*<- thut ili- I MIT WM com- plrtfty r-ui-<vrl We at uiire pui ihto wt>Ddvr(ul i>ir)i* ration, cttib* > > - U ibningtioui iMi- \vuritl uudrr tba naaaa of Qumr* IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILDCAN USE IT. T A * the hair over aud app v the uiisture for a few mmntrH. and ibe) ir aisp|-ariBitiI by maun- itboul Ibr slnl.tMil |'a i niji.t) wlien j.i.iifii or evrr afterward. Ii iHunllRf sny oil ar prefNualloB ereff ajajal for a like purptn*. TbtmiMilida t.f LJI1) I r H >a hu ba> I tfii si-noynl ill, hiirr.nlliHr F tC:K. M: K aril A KM s altrsl ila mcrila. . I N I'l KMK. N bodo nulsrpn-i'latra l>tranl or liairi.o UMHMCV, . ,,^__^_ fn<l priceless boon In tju.ii 1 . Antl-llavli Ine hl<-U (!. sy ^am^*^^*^ 1 ^ , - ^> i, t , by r-n(!irlnt II" 'ulnre rolh an ullrr in:poibllll3r. PrlrotUun> Antl 1Ulrln.ll perbotlle. sent In asfelv maillni >K.IM poetarr falil by us llt-ciirly s" ti'-.l Irom niiwriraitiint. .-nd monor or slampe by Idler with full sdrtras wriilm rlmi ponuViKtJSlricllyomniU'atlsl. This a-lvfrllsunent Is bi.nii at.rt iirslh I.. nl in i-vt-ry rontams We Inviti- vn l-idi-al ilh il nrt n>u will flnrt f Trrlhlni[ se r"nr*tu-nld fut tbm.ul a s ndl,,.lay. .|.|i,-v< QUICN CHI MICAt CO.. 174 ln<-e Street, CINCINNATI, O. ^ '" rnt,T yi'iir lnur at any l''~i oSI.-e to lnure Us naff tltrlivry We will JM *. '> for aii caa of failure or sllftitrit Injury n. n pnrrltaxer. i ,-i j buttle ajtiavraiitt- e<l. (DC P 1 1 1 To ladlee wh in in !. anil n irons; thr fnende U Bottlea ^eeB' * B "- I *A. l i?i SrbbllL ...ill pr< ...,,twi!h.lMCDRP:(l*. 16 r .rd. bo.t ailk *ltr LarBottWaiiasaople oflllk to alot from sem with or<Jor. Ooo<l Salary or Csualaaiou lo Aj.nt* We iiave tried the above and find it all that is claimed for it ED ADVANCE. FOR_SALK. That dpsiralile farm ooinpoHi* I of ]ut 40, anil inirtlililf uf :r.i run. II. ArimiiiBl*. aii'l 1"' I r .11 I.', i '-IM \ . IN It, -i ...hv offeretl for ...ii tullli'lt JI'IJ HI. .---Ill >l.'or Ir^s St. Ull' lllMMe In n.t.tjis, Irani.' kit. li.'ii. linik li;ii n. Ii x '^.' 17 % '. s|''< > III ^-.iti;,' i' r ' t'k !'' In.. i.i' mi. I da.*, an. I (Ii. >! '! .il.' ai-ii.i!i>i>iu.l aii'lmi T'la nii.w.'i 1-111 IN- "in-rat- i- 1. I'a-v titini^ lo tin 1 rli(lit MIAM. A U,M.| will I.i' titrii. A|i|il) mi Hi" pri'iniMilor liatik I* U, mrl> ".' F. \viiK\vr.i.i. *CCt* Away from bad ^ > V" 1 ' country, aud l' vi, a a truth what R. A. Pi:.\TTlE, the D. C. Painter Htyt about work. HoQie,Sigo,Carria|8 and Orramcntal Painter, Frisco, Can- vas, and Gl;i) f s Painting. All work GUARANTEED. Next Door to Baptist Church DRESS MAKING. Mils. (i.lKKDKl'M ile-.rcn to annnune* to the people of rieahMf .1 and vtct alt] mat nbn M |.i.-|.nii'l tu ilo .Irfaxinitliini; to tlu< -aiifae- ti f lli'.-e wllii Him I'litni't IIIT null tbulr I i..i latint fasliii.n |i)atui> . iv uli llHU'l. > I' I -'.I' tl'it! KUl\rillltf. 1 I \^ l.~l.ll ill'li )>i ; , - Sli'ip Hid i i-^l 'I'liri' OVIM- VlrtrllvU'l Hank, 111. Imi 1-i.n i l.lork. r'ii -.!> -i t.." In^truo- tii.ii> civuu in Ailing ami cutting by " eat*. . !HcT;ivi*li, HdHSK.sHi'Kl; \M GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Cullingwood Stri-it, FLESHERTON, ONT. Manufactures of WaBironn, Sleiuln. HiiBRle*. , ,., i | Ili-ri.- -iHK'iiii! prompt)) l to. Hjii'iiai attfiitiou given to oouaract- t> I (ir tfll'tl'l tl'rt. s and Plow <'halun <-on- stuully w

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