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Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1892, p. 4

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i'hti ?LBSHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. Ii published KaoM Orrica On(. Xtreit, - - TEUUri "r SUBSCRIPTION: 1 par auDuw when paM ttrlctly iu advance l.VJ par a>uauui when DO! o pall. ADVERTISING RATES. On* eolutuu. 1 year, MO ; half col., do., S!7 quarter col du.SlS. Tranalent dTertiaemeDti charged at tlie, rate ( Hcti tier Una for nrst Imorttoo and Sen. per ine eecn ftubMMjuent inwrtnui W. H. THURSTON, Editor and Proprietor PATRONS OF INDUSTRY. An t'glccuad correspondent wrote Us a few weeks a^o n-<iiu-sting an cpinion upon the Patrons of Industry aud their platform. Our space liere- toluro prevcuted u reference thereto, but we will now uuleavor to state our mind with regard to the questiuu in a I'litiii manner, and trust our rtinai Its may be fruitful of good. At the aatue time we desire it to be distinctly understood that the opinions ani\<-il at are not tut out come of any personal prejudice on our part, for we would fce the first to welcome a society into Our uiidn which would ameliorate the condition of the fanner. The far- mere' interests are our iuUrests, and that which would tend to work a ainst their welfare will never find voice through these columns. \Ve do not approve of the Patrons of Indiiblry, aud believe them to bo but another evanescent society such as the Orange, and for the following reasons : The society is an alieu one. It is an American institution imported not Ion;,' atfo.aud a couatitution adopted in Canada to fit the peiiod at which it sprang into existence. We have nothing against its platform mere than that it is a pnltt'tcal platform, and in oar <! i ij:i 'H ndi it own deutli kutll by adopting such. A society to be of tnj great beuetit to the farm- ing community, must be far-reaching. It must commend itself to tho inttlli- gi lice of all. It cannot exist upon a c mtracttd basis or platform obvi- ously diridable into political sections. The I'atrous to enjoy success must eschew politics entirely, aud they will jiever arrive at success until they do. Their platform must be such that Grit trul Tory alike can clasp hands over the i . -in of political difference and fight under the same banner for finan- cial improvement. The Patrons' ostensible object is, wo believe, to secure goods at an ad- vance of 10 per cent, upon invoice price, although the platform ns j>l u <i in our hands does not mention that fact. Tho primary object, as set foilh in the platform, appears to be puivly political. This of itself would make it ap|>ear that the society is woikin;/ under false colors, that, while 111:1 1. mx candidates believe that they will re- ceive cheaper goods a platform 11 placed befoie them which all men cati not conscientiously subscribe to, but wallow on account of its financial coat of grease. Let 11.1 Hay light In M , too, that this lubricant is a hollow sham, for some of the ablest financiers have pronoiino il t inphati- cally that no merchant can do busi- ness upon the narrow margin of 10 j> r n nt. An article lately published in tlu> Montreal Shareholder gives siiie startling points upon this rjues li >n, assorting that false invoices are rvHor.C'l to iii order to pull tho wool over the Patrons' eyes, and as inuoh as 30 per cent, charged in some cases, while the purchaser is harboring the pleasant delusion that ho is only pay- ing Id per cent. At the late convention held iu Tor- onto a report showed that tho society, which waa quite strong in aouthorn Outurio, in dwindling in numbers, aud dwindling fast. This will not be a mi piisc to those who look at the nut ifst iu a [roper light. We believe i. will ouly be a matter of a short time until the society will ceaso to exist iu its present form. It il an alien that, we trnst, will never become acclima- tized. While we agree with most of the Patrons' platform, ami acknowl- edge their perfect right to organize for their general good, we do not be- lieve that the result will be satisfac- tory, and matters will never be made to barmonizo under their present form. VTe would say, divide politics from finances. If it is desired to make it a political party, eschew finances ; and if a financial society, eschew politics Then it can be dif- Cussed upon its merits, and will not be open to insinuations that it belongs either to Grit or Tory. Chancery Case. At the Chancery Spring Sitting* in Owen Sound hut week the case of (Ira ham vt. Webr was the only inie on the docket. Following ii a report taken from the Time* : The |rties reside in the township of Artemesia and the de- fendant, Isabella C'. Weber, U a iiit*r of the I'laintiir. The action wai brought uiuli-r a mortgavo a^ainat John Weaver am) Ins wife Isabella to aecure payment of $.'>:?. ' Jit and interest aud aim He cure payment of any MUM- plaintiff nn^ht ad- vance on account of a prior mortgaue to The Farmers' Loan and Savings Con- pany. Tlio plaintiff prayed that he might be paid $!<>;; and interest from Feb. 7th, Irtl'l, and that in default the defendant deliver to tha plaintiff possession of the lands in question, or in the alternative that the conveyance to the defendant, Isabella C. W*bcr, be declared fraudu- lent and void. The defendant, .lolm \Volur, claimed that it waa agreed be- tween plaintiff and himself if he would iml the plainlitf claim of $52<> that the plaintiff, who held the deed of pro- perty in trust for Mis. \Vel>r, would conrey tho lands in question by a proper deed to Mrs. \Veber and that that was the only reason hu had the pi NI'I ty con- veyed to his wifo. Tliu defence Bet up that tlu- niurtxage ^ivi-n by himself and his wifu wasn't a proper mortgage and that he did nut owe the (mount that the I .inn ! claiini'd. The court held that n.ortk.'n,'e was a lien upon the Unds, Imt would nut allow the plaintiff costs na ho had not shown that anything waa due under tho mortxai;*. The court alao dis- solved the injunction restraining defen- lant from <-uttin^ timber on the lands. Elj;in Myers, Q. C., Oranitevilla, for plaintiff; .lames Maason, Q. C., for tlefen- I. ml, Isalwlla Weber ; Ktwart Msss u for defendant, Jno. Weber. The li eslop murder Uial has ben in |>r<ii;ress at Hmnilton during the past week . It was thout/ht tho end would not be arrived at until to-day. Ayer's Hair Vigor IS the "Meal" Halr-clreMlnR. It re- stores the color to gray bklr ; promote* a frt-th and viguroun growth ; provents the formation tf iliinilruiT; makoatlie linn soli and silken; ami licpttita a delt i ate but lasting per> funn-. 'Several months it niv hair i "in- Hit lit i ii fnllillH Ollt, ami In a fpw wi c-k in> lirml n an almmit bald. I tried nianT *. tint itn v ilitl nn gnrn\. I final- ly lit.iiKht a iHiitlo nf Ayor s Hair Vigor, ami. after nniiiR only a part of the con- i- sjtS, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I recommend your iironaiatlon as the best in the world. ' T. Munday, Sharon (Jrovj, Ky. " I liavn nsed Ayer's Hair Vigor for a number of years, anil It ha* alwaya given in.' satisfaction. It Is an excellent mss> Ing, [>r<>venta the hair from turning fray, insures n >lKoroua growth, and rinpa tho scalp wliita ana clean."-* Mary A. Jackson, 8alem, Mass. "I have ni. '.i Ayer'a Hair Vigor for promoting the growth of the hair, and think It IIMI-I|IIII|I|. For restoring the hair to Ita orluinal color, and for aciri-sa- In^.'. It cannut bo surpassed." Mr*. Ueo. I ..i Fever, Eaton Kaplda, Mich. " \ vr'n II lir Vigor la a inoet exrtl- ifiii preparation for the hair. I apeak of It from my own ei|>*rienre. Ita uso promotes the growth of new hair and rimkt-H it glossy anil soft. The Vigor is also a cure for nanilruff." J. W. Dowen, Editor " Enquirer," McArthur, Ohio. "I havn used Ayer'a Hair Vlg'ir for the past two yearn, and found It all It 1*' represent ril to h. It reatores the natu- ral color to gray hair, cause* the hair to grow frbeiy, and kuci It soft and pliant." Mrs. A. V. Day, Cohoea. N. Y. " My father, at about tha age of fifty, tost all tlie hair from tho :<>pof his linsd. After one uxmth's trial of Ayer'a Hair Vigor the lialr began cotumg, and, In three month*, he had * rlnn growth of hair of the natural color." P. J. Cuilen, Saratoga Spring*, M. Y. Ayer's llair Vigor, Furniture and Dr. J. C. Ay*r % Co., LOWSM. Mais. Md by J>mg|l.u aud FtrfueM. UHDERTAKI1TG We are pleased to be able to say that we are again in po- sition to serve you in the above line. Our Stock is now very complete And we are prepared to offer such bargains as will astonish you. In several lines we are manufacturing our own goods, thus saving heavy freight's and middlemen's profits, and lor such specialties as we can- not make to advantage we have succeeded in complet- ing arrangements with some of the best manufactures in the Dominion as enables us to handle their goods at con- siderable closer prices than most retailers. You may de- pend we shall give our custo- mers the benefit of our lon^ experience in catering to your needs in our several lines. See our cheap Lounges, Kcdroom Suites, & (hairs Of all descriptions. J. E. Moore, Cabinet Maker And Undertaker Show Rooms and Office : Strain's Block, FLESH ERTON NEW DISCOVERY ' ACCIDENT In Compounding ftSOlalloa ft part was eec' ll nlly iclllrd oA the band end on wMhlnt afl*rwar<) u HM dtarov*f*4 ttiat Ine hair was com' pteu-ly r-m-.vr<l W - al ooc pui Ihla wonderful preparation nnlbe market Mid aorrral l>u brrii tlir 'l.rn.nO that we r now Inlrudurtoc It Itaroocbmu ihf ur)<l utKteitk>aaia( Qucrn't A utl-llairlur. IT 18 PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILDCAN USE IT. [.ay the balr over aod apply the mixture for a few minute, and the "hair dlapp''*ra Mil by KnAflrULolil tin s.igl.tcatpalii or Injury wtfR applied or ever ft!l*rward. It la unlike at. y other preparation ever ua*^l fora like pnrpiM. Tbound i-f I.AI'I Fs bu have Urco annojrd wuli hair on their FACK, .NK< K and AKMH allrsl 1U u,.-ni. UKXTI.K.MKN lio di.Dotariprrrlatet brardor halroa tMTMek, find a prlrolrn l....n ID (Juven'a Antl-llalrlae whlrb due* away KlihHIiavliig-, by rendTtnj lit future Tulb ao ulter impuMibllllr. Prireof Q'lf-en 1 * Antl irlr1ne n. r*rboltle. Mnt In aafctr mailtnf toiei poMaire paid by ut (swurely riled from i.lft.'rvatlon). Hi-nd mrtnrr or SU-impii by Irllt-r with full ' T foliar* or illchtott Injarf to anr purchaa<ir. KTrry bitttla (umrantrrd. tPFPIll - To '<>' wh -i tnirodow and Mil >mon tluir menda U BottlM of QuMn'* Antl-Ralrtna. J -- ^ ISH w will prMfnt with 8ILK DRESS. 1 1 preaenl with a BILK DRESS, 16 rrd b.l il xtr Lrg Bottle and ! -^ ^ gf all* to MlMtfroaiftraiwiUi order, dood salary ox CoaiBiaeloa W Aiant*. v have tried the above and iiod it all inai is c.aiun .1 lor u to ADVANCE Good Hearse in connection. ---^--t WAITED : 100 cords of dry orgecn wood in exchange, also any quan- tity of Hemlock, Kim, Bass, wocd or Ash Lumber, whii-h will be taken as cash. J. E. M. New Carriage &'. Blacksmith Shop. The unJprsijjne'1 bos leive to acrjitiiut tli pnV-lic with the f^t that they have opened U| H new crriaj;i' and b!itck,:ii;ili hi'|) in Kli-lii'rti<n. wir'n? t v.Tytliins ' "it liiir- w.ll be utlni.l.- 1 tn in a prn.upt in IIIIHT :ind u> l 'J workmanship giuruiitenl. \\'v mnkc \ tpecialtv nf II O R S E 8 II O K I N G. An.l nrofenK to hav a ni'M'hanic wlni ;-iv.-, ,-utir siti-d time. Special atten- tion to tenil'.T or contr.icU- I fi 1 1, liitrrft-rni f pn^niv, i% |i rviMit I WOODWORKING In all itn brandies. Wu;-nnk, bny^iea, d,nircrat lu.xlo ti> >r.l r. \\V b. licve we can w.irk tip a KO<> I IIIIMIH - in Kl< -liertmi I'V fair i. i i-ai f .1 Vrlk!-n1l-lli|l, Hit. I tu.llllt till- |.l|l>llf (o 1....1 II'.. I lul 111-. Ill 11 V.I!"I1- lill"-. snor o/'/'o.s///; i ( i:\ni HI: n.tiiKitooMs, IHKIIAM ST. R. T. WRITTEN. o OYUHTS of horses and The public in jj Before going farther an.l cximine the large stock of horse- men's requisite* ktpt in slock by the undersigned. You and mo, wo make the boss Harness it a very i , asouable figure, (i < d workmaiikhip, r.n 1 DO apprentices allowed to experiment on work we put out. There cau be no ^p. - A*MI| 5 M** M That our stock of sundries ii complete, con- 1 W U W^iillUlid sisting of sleigh bc-lls. whips, trunks, valises, axle grease, cnrrv combs, aud everything conceivable which horsemen require. Call and examine and be convinc"! D. CLAYTON, FLESHERTON. FLESHERTON PLANING MILLS ! MOORE & WILSON, Props. Manufacturers of SASII. 1 Its. KKAMKS, MOfLD- INC. Tl l:\INd OK ALL DESCKIP- nOH, FL<H>UiN<;, AIDING, sllEATHINC, MOULDED BACK, ETC., ETC. All kinds of Custom Planing done promptly, aud in urat-class Manner. Aa our fuctury is now thoroughly quipped, and in good w,,rkini; order, > ii-i'l riiiitidvnt in saying wo are now in a |i.tiiion in give ",'""' satisfaction. A lri;i' ,|u,intiiy nf dry hard aud soft wi.uil tlitiiriiii; nn hand, which we sell at roiminalile |-rn rv Tlmsp eiiiitiii|>Utini; building will do ill tu coinult us before placing their Tilers. Mooro Tho Ili-iid Siirucou Of tlia LulKin Mpdical Cornpany It now t Tor- MI t ( aiidU. aiiti niftT ), c'oniultad either iu pr*on nrliy lnttiTim all rhronlc dineatM p- oullar to man. Men. voung. old.or mlddle-agod. ho nntl Ihi-mwlvn nn vim*. weak and ethanit ml, who an< broken down from eiceai or oror. work, ri'miltiiiK in many of tlm following lyu- Mi>ntal ilrpreMlon, pronatnre olil age. viUllty, Ion of memory, ba.l ilream*. liniin-t,,,f mulit, palpitation of tlm hourt, etn- imliina, lack of energy, pain In the klilueya, lHelii-. pini|i|i,. ,,n tlie face or body, liclmm or peculiar leniiatlun out the scrotum, waist Ins of tho organs, rtUr.inein. H|.,.,-k before the \f. twitrhiiiK nt iln' muKclus, aye li,ln. aiul tl-t-Hli.i,. I. l-lllullll - .ll-l'oMt, l|, I),,, urn,,. "tof will power, telnlui ni'ii of the rl|. aii.l -I'm... tti'tk untl ilal.liv niiiHole*, ilunlre to lmii, failure Inhii n-ntf llj\ -I,., .p. t ,.i,-ti|.l,t. r . ,|,,|| ' lu'BiiiiK. ii...s<tf viiicu.riMlie tor wlituilit ssi Itabllil) "I t,-ni|.t-i sioiki'ii nyei Burroundrd illi i i .AI.I v i in. i.K.olly InokluK kln, etc.. are rmptoms of nenroDS t>l.ilitv timt Ud to lii-aiiti ami iVmh nnluM cuiad. Tha ii'rniR titri'o li\in l ; lo*t its l.'ii^ ..... ,,., , (,,,,,. lu. inn, null want-Hit. ....... , ...... alulae oouimltted in Igoorano* nmv .< i . inmu ntlv < i. I ^. Ddyotu iliirB fur ItnnVitu all "'" I" '-uliai I ...... u h,>,,k.nt freoeal Heart dlaeaes th,. -> mpt,,!,,, ,,f whirh are l " 1 " 1 -I" H", ..... |.|f III-. LllHlltll..*!.. |.nlpllt|..|l iklp I.,.,!., h,,t n,,,i, ,, ,,,,|, ( |,|, H ,,| , lht , Dead, dull pain In tbabxart with IIKKU itrnnu. i|,i i '.iMliiii't'iiIni tin. eoond heartbeat qnloker i,,*u Hi.- iii. i pain almus the bteaat bone, ti. i'aa | ""illvt-ly |>e cnn- No cure, no iiav s ""l ' ...... H.k A'ltlrn, M V I.L110N. rin) ilouvll AY. Toronto. Canada. TlaulyVSt. Notice of Meetiug. Tlie utockholclen of the Osprey Farmen' MU. Inn. i'f rt- hereby notified in attend a meetinf aitl i-tinipaiiy, to be heltl in tint mange Bsll.FeTenl iu "ii I'uonlay. the _ M.iifh.for tin- purpose of transacting Important bunliiMs. AH \>'t in arrears ou aeeoiul call on stock are re<|ueted to pay uii at .,.,, THUS. I karch 14tb, ; UAWTOK. notice of Dissolution ofPartiursliip KVtk-o l lit that Hie |>artnrsh!u lirtofore I'li.tniK i, ,.,,.,.,. |> >v i,l l\lair alii WhitU-li cttrivlliK on tlu- ltiviTH.| of blirkiuiitliing and carrlagraiaktaf i n l.-r the naiuvof Wliitt.u A Kltir. in tha ullatf* lit rtoii.iu theCuantyof Dray, has tliii day lt n ii--o|yt'<l by mutual roi,.cnt All iL>t OWIIIK to tlnnil.l |.rtiH-rhi" ar* to b uald to li i wtntivii Kt r 'i<-ii, rtiui u alorasald, T. Wliittan by allcUiuln attalnit tliril i^rtnern. K 1 1 u tli-.l uic K T. WHiriKN. and t'i>i - tha IK 1 1 KhOlli tllO lll Kill It.- si'ltl.. lutwl at r'lunhurtuu thin uiclilh .Uv of Marcl- A. U 1881. K T. WHi ' 1>. Itl.All; W I II, Unit -. \Vitiifm. uiui DRESS MAKING. i. II l:l>l.l M ople of Flatberl to anonnne* o *n I vicinitv tint she . lipmpajredl tkinw to the .tifae- ilmi.1 -wli.i may ciilni-t lift mtli tUir ' rai>lii<tii plattm alw.y* oa band. BatU'aotlou gnaraoted. Vi-rv n>aaon- ablcprloa*. Slm|t anti i,-i.lfnrt< ,<\, -r MiiflielTk Xaiik.KlvlianUoii bUwk. KI.'.liHtn.n lustruo tiontKlveulu nttnm auU cutting by "Maio Auction Sale. Valuable Farm Trourrly in thr Township o f Oisir-> l ''"'' " ..... f tin- |t.-w,-i of .tula j n k snalu inoiti'tiL-t fi.,1,, j,,i,,, siiiis.tii* \,-,, i i> li ill l.i- |.rt..lui..l at time i>f >.ala.a.iid nult I,,.I,K ,,,.,1,, ( ,,,,,n,t of tua tnoimystl ..... -i ...... , m.-.l.tlH.t.. ,i, i,,. offered ror sale by pnblle aurtin, bv \\..i i-. liamr iKiueer. t Madill, Hotel, In the vllUfo 6l wftXWOll, oil Tuesday, the Mtb day of March, 1802. ik. p n, the full ^thitiii,.. 'l,,.,V B i,'i"l.' "i IM< of >,,, |, |,,, M t 30arald'li. T,u', icnltivati'tl (in il ,,-, ,( i Mai lou bouse, K!SI, > | 1>(; \, AI ,, Hhl | H |,,, balsQoe terins will Iti'liltarnl aud will b.* kii..n at In,,..,. I Mali. KOI furl her particulars apply to Messrs. Bellamy & Henderson. RMHBBffQB. Or to if oss. IUBWIC-* 4 FRANIS. VeuJor's Solicitor!. Toronto lUted 7th day of March, maa. ml03 NERVE BEANS NKRVK l:P.AN.H f a new dle- 'aihuf Mauhuttl; r t t.-ni'* ^h. i

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