THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADA. Judge Wetmore, of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, died last week aged 71. A funeral aid society has been organized at Winnipeg, to enable widows to bury their husband*. Custom* Inspector Thomas C. Mewburn, brother of Dr. Mewburn, 01 Toronto, >jieil at hu home in Hamilton the other day aged 70. A large colony of Russian Jews will likely be established by Baron Hirsch near Cal The explosion of a small quantity of dyna- mite in an old can killed two men on th* C. P. R. near Rat Portage recently. Dr. A. R. Pyne, of Toronto, hu passed the most successful examination on record a* a public analyst. Mrs. C, illy, relict of the late John Crilly, of Mountain road, Hull, Que., ha* just died at the great age of 1 1 1 year*. Lewi* Dugall, an employee of the Shed- den Company al Kingston, last week lifted and carried ,">.'f_' pounds of while lead. W. F. McKenzie, reeve of Leamington, Out., ha* been unseated on the ground of not having property qualifications. J. E. Goldner, London, who wa* over- come by gas at a Woodstock hotel on Wed- nesday, died Saturday from the effects. 7th inst., where she will load, for New York 3,000 tons of tin plate*. This will be the largest shipment of tin plate* to th* United Slate* sin. e th* McKialey bill went into effect. The final return* of the election of mem- bers for th* London County Council, which were held Saturday, show the return of au overwhelming majority of Progressive* or Liberaln. The new Council will consist of 84 Progressive* and 34 Moderates or Con servative*. Among the Conservatives elected is the Duke of Norfolk, one of ike largest landlords of London, who i* bitter- ly opposed to the so called socialistic ten- dencies of th* Liberal member* of the Council. I'NITEO STATBN. **~' The United States naval appropriation bill calls for t23,6tf7,322. Secretary Blaine is seriously ill with grippe and will be confined to hi* bouse for some day* to come. AtCariersville, G* , Ruf us Collins, who hired a negro for $50 to kill his wife, as* been convicted of muider. Thousands of colored people ore emigrat- ing from Arkansas to Oklahoma on account of poor crops and bard time*. The farm house of Charles Landers, about half a mile from Kelly's Station. N, V., wa* burned on Tuesday night and Mr. Lander* and hi* daughter perished in the flame*. In a fight at Niagara Falls, N. Y., be- tween negroes and Italian* employed in constructing the tunnel, one of the latter Mr. Duncan Sinclair, D. LS , who made ! wo* killed and four seriously injured. the first survey of Winnipeg, died at Sirath- j According to the census returns just com clairc, Man., on the 25lh nit. pleted New York has a population of I, The City of Montreal has received a mag- nificent banner, valued at l'3.~>, from the Duke of Connaught a* a souvenir for tbe Cadet*. On Friday John McCallum, a farmer of ! mayor and the" city marshal A mob hang 7'J5,li05, not including the inmates of public institutions. During the trial of a hone-thief at Dei- ter, Mo., the prisoner shot and killed the ' Kincardine township, slipped while loading logs, and a log rolled over him crushing him 10 that he died in the evening. Mr. Jame* lleaty ex XI. P. proprietor of the defunct Leader, Patriot and Colonist, died last Saturday at Parkdale. He was ed l he murderer to a tree. Ex-President Porter, of Yale L*niverity, died laat week at New Haven, Conn. The fatal illness developed from U grippe. Two daughters survive him. Moac* Harm, a veteran of the Black >or nt i i 1 1 > t, i n in 1 1 . Te **w Aerial Car lavenfesl *>r CM-LIU- Kerk and What U Kew AfeosU u Since the days of Daedalus Icarian prob- lems have occupied the mind* of own, and the number of airship* and flying-machine* ha* once more been increased by a new ap- paratus constructed abroad. The inventor of this new contrivance propose* to build a machine that i* shaped like a bird, and which i* to be asod like a parachute by the arnnants. To make the parachute govern- able to the will of man i* by no meaus a new idea, nor i* it a recent thing to model a flying-machine after the pattern of a bird bat to use a dying- machine with the wings and tail of a bird as a governable parachute i* a distinctly original feature with the strong probability of success. In his descent from a balloon the i-ron uat can deviate from the vertical course of the parachute with the use of this machine, and under favorable condition* can land in place* which are twenty times a* far removed from the point immediately below where the descent began a* the simultaneous height of the balloon from the earth. The ssrouaat must, of course, be skilled in the handling of tne ap- paratus, (iiutave Koch, the inventor ot thi* new flying-machine, ha* exhibited in Vien- na and Berlin, and hi* experiment* have been in every sente successful. It is cer tamly a step >n advance in the problem ol the human flight which may lead to further progress and pcrhap* perfection. ... i.ii i-m In ftrheel Mallei*. An article in a recent number of the New York Educational Review recount* some ol the dangerous tendencies in the educational system of the day. The writer thinks we are now under the influence of a great movement of thoughteasentially socialistic in character, and that in time we shall b* carried by the wave-like progress of humanity to an ex- treme of individualism ; but until thi* cor- rective tendency set* behoove* us to see how far the present movement will carry nearlr 94 year* of age, having been born in Hawk. Florila, Mexican and civil wars. AMTK*U*,SJ i* wiirrx. n Mate*. Amsterdam under frost i* not lacking in put ure* (.leties*. How should that b whou one knows that there are about a* many canals a* street* to tlio oily? It wa* very livening to we the little boyi and girls skating to school and colliding with aggres- live butcher boys having metat trays on their leads. The rosy color of the cheek* of the Amsterdam young ladies an they, too, sped up and down the more select canal* (iwept anil furnmhed with chair* for their sweet rvice) also proved a feature of attraction I had hardly dared to hop* for. I grieve from the heart to add that, as a rule. the AJV o AH. it. uo .. A Pet-unarm *f Ike Vrsnale *4c*)>eU an er Lave r We iaws. Among the inhabitant* of the German Jo- ;i in ion* of southwestern Africa the Hoten- totU, Bastards, Mountain- Daman, Ovahe- rero, and Uvambo, future supremacy U** undoubtedly in the hands of the B**tard*, the offspring of white men and native wom- en, who are at the prevent day far in the ai- cendoccy. The variou* tribe* are always aC war with one another, and the anthropolog- ical and ethnographical description* per- taining to them are highly interesting. Among the Hotentott* I he woman i* the ole mistrea* of the house, the affairs of chief charm of these damsels consisted in | which she control* absolutely. Without her their youth and the dexterity with which , permission the husband and father can not they moved tlieir feet. These latter might ] dnuk a cup of milk or eat a piece of meat, have been smaller, but they were, no doulit, \ As with civili/ed nation* tne Ovaherero designed not to put out of countenance the woman i* a lover of gee-gaw*. She stand* irregular noses aud very large ears which j at th* head of the tribes of southwestern seem a characteristic of Dutch maidens and Af nca as the prime devotee to the most raaa- Dutch matrons alike. I imagine, however, sive adornments that she cau pile on her thai their hearts are built to the standard body. Lung chain* of iron beads of enor of ineir bodies, which may well atone for; mous weight hang from her neck and are any external deficiency of comeliness. The famous harbor of the capital course, clogged " to the rime*. of Looking over it* ipaciou* waterway, whe'her toward lue Xuyder fce or Zaandam, the prevalent stillness of lha big steamers which *tudded it was very remarkable. Some of them snorted now an.l then, ai if to proclaim their disgust with the frost, but it wis futils re- bellion. Th* icy wind was adding decimals of an inch to tke thickness to the harbor's jacket every minute. It soon strung my mustache with i<:icles when I essayed speed toward Zaandam, that great celebrat- ed Milage where Peter the great put on the the masquerade of a mechanic. Il brought lean into tile eyes to skate against the wind in th* direction of Zaan- dam : and though the distance i* but seven mile*, an hour was nons too much for it The low batiks of th* livers were limply no protection. It* regiments wound around her brad and ankle* a* well as the upper arms, while spiral bauds of iron do duty as bracelets, aneircling the wrists like a deep, broad cuff. The peculiar adornment of these walking iron-mmo* weigh often more than the whole body of the woman herself. tap* Mac. .if ike Venn*; Esuswrer's' Ws are not disposed to exaggerate cur- rent events in Berlin, bnt at the sains Urn* iJ, | they are worthy of serious consideration. The Imperial Ycung Rapid has been keeping a feverish pace and come* to stumble. In the absence of that concert of action which marked th* revolutionary movement* of . -4v we should read these dutur! aiices a* an expression of German political disc.-n- tent, ntlher thau as a Socialist uprising. At the same lime, with the increasing and windmills crushing armament* of Germany the ulti- died at Warrencburg, N. Y., the other day, out of I 1 oa jj e WM lu tne regular army | September 1798 A return that wa* brought down tbe ' aged 49 yean, other day in the Dominion House of Com- 44) year*, mons (how* that since the but session $38, , Two men named Howard, representing 000 had been added to th* expenses of the theiuselve* a* father aud *on, have been ar country in superannuation pensions. | re*ted at Detroit on a charge of smuggling C. Jackson, Grand Trunk brakeman, was killed by a train in Kingston on Satur- day. He was about to be married and had a into the United Stales quantities of opium snipped through Toronto to Windsor. The 1'ieasury Department it Washington house furnished in Brock vi lie. Mr. Robert A. Thompson has been ap- , n*rd u.. Th* itatement is made that a .Socialistic m " " h 7 " haa fa ben".!m"isaed""have seryed I "te protest of revolution my com. at any trend in many of its results u beneficial, but fine if limit**! stockade But pet along tlme ' on tn e Beacousfield theory of the hap- ie by one, like sentinels, P*"">g ot the unexpected. The Emperor irritation*. The ' ' la * 'rmed Europe with In* impulsive say seemed t g*t at the ! " "><* doings. We look for our eccentric- to make ltv ' rom Berlin a* ihough it were a n w sauce or a salad. Amusement, however, begins to give place to alarm. We can ap- preciate the dismay over tlislates. royal de- clamation the invocations of tliow mem- at several it* influence i* distinctly bad. On. of the social problems deeply ^.fected lnev ^ , by it is that of education. Here tbe social- ; _u.'_i / . u ... istic factor in human progress is spreading bounds into the region of wi'.d experiment, with grave menace to tbe gov- ernment. The writer, a Mr. Munroe, is evidently a deep thinker and gives utter- ance to a good deal of philosophy. He says " Education i* man'* safeguard against his own ignorance. Ignorance aud reedy shores i were onl; hirl of their y way. eas and throughi* whirl in sympathy Ttwr Uv* In Clever. ._ ~, ,, . . . ..,-> L ciamauon ine ujwwuu ^> i.uwc m**- Max O toll in hu A * renchman ,n the when Frederick whipped I oiled Mates and Canada declare* ss a i _ idleness are usually synonymous, and idle- ' nes* is the mother of crime. Give a child a . on ^ lut o( ^g^t { u . pointed principal of the Ha nilton Collegiate lnorltl- ^ ,.,. th , lmpor tation of auioi Inttitut, succeeding the late Charle* Rob- rt<m- George Kyle was slashed with a razor in , accused by hi* father-in-law, Mr. F. the bands of Maud Colling at Sarnia the Dunlon, proprietor of The Spirit of the other day, and the man is seriously wound- Turf, of having murdered bis mother-in-law rd. Both belong to a notorious coterie ' for the purpose of securing her wealth. Dr. known as the Kyle gang. Mr. B. B. Osier, y.C, i* ill wiihbrouchit i*, and ha* thrown up all hi* civil brief* at Hanilton Aasixc*. Farme'-s in Wellington county ar* trou- bled by wild rabbit*, which nibble the bark result of his observation in this that our men Uve in a furnace and our wo- _^ _ .__..._ men iu clover. There is uo country in the has substituted the~"Dominion Shorthorn proper education and lie is endowed with wor ld that honors its women as does the Herd Book" for the "American Shorthorn po wer . po wer to tn i u k and to act. He may 5"" ? ut ?"' att . a ? *""* " w > u 1 'y ' f use his power to thiuk on I act wrongly, bul ep Hence shows thai h* will think and act mainly toward ihe rigut. Since, to the State, crime, when it preponderates, is | tbe French under Soubiss. Imaginative nd ' ' noetic in his discourse, his Majesty com- al , (or brM J 1Ilg p ur po*e*. jj y Judder, of Chicago, has been from young fruit trees. the seal industry The body of Angus Fraaer was fonn.l in mlr * to , tl1 the Thome* Riv*r at London on Tuesday. | J Salt H* disappeared a few days ago while suffer- ing from the effects of la grippe. i Patry, \ ship carpenter from ( Scadder attended th* uld lady in her U*t illness. Special Agent Williams hu applied to the United .State*) Government for an ap- propriation of $19. JUO to relieve the ncces sities of natives of Alaska who depended on , , | death, free school* are a necessity. But this necessity conceded, what sort of educa- tion is to be given freely, and how far is it to go? It i* acre that the ociahstio tend owirg to the prohibitive measure* taken ' seal hunte.s have been unable to provide for their want*. Rev. John Calvin in <<reen county and killed William Herdy Quebec, went to Detroit on December I.. c | mrCDf an d f.tally wounded David Smith, lost, got on a prolonged spree and wound m brother- in law of Herdy. Alleged mti up by drowning himself. The body wa* ^..y of the prefer with Mr*, H.rdy, found ou Tuesday followed by on attack of Herdy with a cane, "Col. Collier,'* whose name figured so , provoked the shooluig. Calvin i* iu jail. of Canada, which is, more or less, especially in the cities, essentially American. The witty Frenchman laments that he cannot bs born again with th* right to select hi* own condition aud MX, that h* may TV aloud " Make me au American or Canadian woman.'' But Mr. 0' Roll thinks our wo- t men do not appreciate their exalted posi- tion, and stcept the serviceable reverence given a* a matter of course as though it socialist*, wonld burden the tllelr hi 8 a privilege to walk through free school with subject* and method* triumphal arche* from the cradle to the belonging to th* horn., and would cai ry K- Other travell.r. have referred I free education to a time of life when, by the M* homage paid by the men to the opposite sex in this country. But, bin* tbe dear creature*, how many Canadian or Ameri can women appreciate their superiority ' to the rest of the feminine world. ency is, in my judgment, dangerous. The socialists and those who, in the line of edu- cation, ar* The agvut says that : suppression of individual eflort, moral stam ma is weakened, and when, ai a measure of common safety, school education is no long- er necessary. The hrnie and the school are ir ineir wants. ucvui y. *w^ IM.MM HM -*= \.ui~. -, . u? . M*-ho,list nreacher two wholly different forces brought to bear and how many of them make thr f i upon the growing child. Judiciously ex- their opportuntie. T Over th. border, and ^ -*- J '"ted. one siippl.menti.ig the otb*r the*e tosome extent with us, the men have to d > illiam rlenly, a deacon in me i ,,.l,,r .nnnl invnii,,i. tht truinnut to two influence* should produce patriotic, well-balanced cituens. No argument is needed to prove the unritnesa of h"me methods to school training, or of school endure annual conventions that trumpvt to th* far corner* of the shuddering earth the mournful intelligence that our women are du*t-trodden slaves upon whose galled pares himself to that famous discoverer of the Pacific who, falling into belated ways, followed an untutored savage and wa* soon blessed with th* sight of the spreading mis*. So in an humble, believing spirit his Ma- jesty follows the will of the Lord, as his Majesty himself reveals, and explains that holy will, knowing that Divine giace will ever b* with the House of Brandenburg as it ha* been on ihose various occasions when the Germans have whipped the French. Those who value peace cannot fail t.. ob- serve with pain thai in these fervid utter- ances, whether a Bonaparte is sneered at as "a parvenue " orlh* topic is tliediiconi- ritur* of a Bourbon, the refrain of the chant of hatred i* the French, the wj.-ked French alway* the French. The hatred of Franc* and the uivnity of hi* royal mission ar* t h* imperial theme* they ore always with htm. and likewise the v.rrlowiug -onscious- neii of sovereign power. A well seasoned monarch like Frederick the Great who had kuown alike tbe discipline of success and feat would take his sovereignly foi grant- ed and be incognito even for a moment to himself, but not with this new Majesty. When he wrkes in the city book line iiiw.iim* B^UWI LiMiiuuu, v w BVIIW^I , of til* capital of Bavaria the metho.U to home training. The child whose ><* the brutnl heel ot the tyrant s ^ . n , nuui{ | 1 evea for th . Bur- parents treat him from tue standpoint of wiin ceaseless an.l unremitting preesur I K ,,mater intelligence : "Suuiemalex regi- the pedagogue is a pitiful creature, starved tnt nothmgles* than a persistent and ojjrei vo i lmiAi- To be sure. Where is tbe law morally, surfeited mentally. Home tramimr. *ive agitation will *ver relieve them from lh . ldal , overn j e thai sovereign will? "Sic ihe awful servitude to which they are sub- vol<j lu . iuuao _" be ^ji, nl , M, m str of nne d J rnil Ueia * y '" *"" AmWU!m> C " y ' tavern-keeper of that city, and a promm.nt I AoM '^ .] w . y . ln d,rect. p*n,,,av. ; school the awful servitude to which they are iuD- volo> , lo jubeOi ' member of the Clan na Gs*l. has been order- ^ nlD , direct, authoritative. Home train- j~te.l. Mr. R.-11 had .v.dently not hsard Ju . llc ^ /. A , i wil i > M it mu , t be - ' like The HanulU.n B.rd of Trade has declar i to England by th* Imperial I iovernmeut ! ;ng must be su'geslive ; school training. ot the** annual antislav.ry gathering*, or h* ^ forw(kr , t ^-hoolboy on the playground. the Conservatives m the coming e.l against the practice by municipalities of to granting a bonus to manufacturers. election. A despatch relating to the commission i sitting at McLeod, N. W. T., states that a strong case ha* betn made out against Mr. Here Inner. The I'hrUtian Endeavor Societies of Can IN .:FM i: i_ Forty sevn Mexican generals hav* died since r-hruary 7. The Grand Duke of Hesss, who wa* ads have petitioned tbe Senate, praying for stricken with paralysis a fan weeks ago is the closing of the Canadian section of the dying. Woild's Fair at Chicago on Sunday. The King of Sweden has written a letter Last week th* citiz.n* of Hamilton ub- intimating that he may vuil ihe World * scribed two thousand five hundred dollars \ Pair in Chicago. Col. Louis Dustrow, the largest owner of *teck in the famous Cramte Mountain silver mine, died on Tuesday in St. Louis, aged KO. He weighed .100 pound*. Jay Gould ha* given $5,<MO to the um pie in the neighborhood. Many who have versity of ill* city of New York. The gift been enemies for year* are said lo have ex was made a few days after he gave his hanged kisses, and others, with an awak- cheque foi $10,000 to the Pre*byterian eued conscience, are returning money dis- church extension. honestly obtained. The Mothodut Episcopal Conference of Among the passenger* by the steamer Kansas, by a ballot of s."< to .'.">, has voted in Mongolian which arrived at Halifax, N. S., favor of admitting women a* delegate* to on the .">th lust were two hundred Russian th. (General Conference. Jew* bound for Winnipeg, Man., Dr.) The Government of Spain, acting in ac- Mackliu, the medical otficer on the steamer eo^ wu h other European powers, has de- made a careful investigation of each of the** c)<Je(l ^ expe i f onign agitator* from the individual* ou the passage, to see if any of, country. towards the cost of a monument to the memory of Sir John A. Macdonald. It is proposed to place it in Gutr park. A religious revival at K.iliugbroke. Out., is having a wonderful effect upon some peo ing . ing must be suggestive ; school training, mandatory. Home training mu.t give iree would have hesitated before setting hisopin- .. Who bars my way mu*t be" d-sU-d to play to the child's mental growth ; school ion against those of the en'.hralled women < f . T Thl< - WM hl , groet i ng u, hi* fel- trai-ing must prune and control that growth tins country. \\ s the us* of men giv f ow Br.jenburg pnnee . O ue day at a ban- The home fit* the child to be a man : the mgtbe women such a good time ' ly are t no j ouut tne muc h. aspiring BM- chool prepare* him to b* a ciuxen. It is not conscious of being the godewes o seldom that the proper combination of these creation. \\ e may sse to it so far a* we two clement, is reached. The scholastics W* that our wives and .laughter* shall took away love, making morality an ab*troc '" ' clov " r ' . w "SS ""'' tion. the *entimentali*u, whose airs we ore, ! f** 1 on ausk ' llltl , clothe . took away duty, making morality a passion. bo.lies in gunnev sock. ; but the d Moral training con be perfect only within half divinities for whom ihes* .trenuous the home. " effort* and heroic acntK-e* are moue aeei'i Mr. Munroe further lays that to empha- si -e this training the home must be made marck now gloomily recalls as he has hi* own thoughts under the sad Varxiu pin**). re i* but one ruler in liermany and I will have no other. " Tin* wa* ins cheerful welcome te the noble* in Rhm^land. N"W we or* Uiid that, it discontented, the tier- man people may accept exile and " shak* .lust of (iermany from their teet,' the centre . , . , , , I.IIT <IU0 VI ,.,,.,.-., not to know clover when they kick through wblc i 1 many t hcusud* of them are annuallv it They trample down th* delicate. fr- j doing His Majesty must not be " nagged'' of the child s existence. No grant M.aso.ns in *n eager chase after I e by the "judgment of the vlJC V.CUt'IV W* Vis)7 v- itiJ v^ lav^ww. a>i*7 t IL1 alt^l I" 71 ^ *- * v** "j v..^. j ..j---- .tronger force exist, to make it so, than | rvitt and asphotlel. supposed to l luxuriant mm , ( , rltv . j,, royal eyes a wreu-hed tlung the double one of sajrili* and gratitude, I j"t over the hill where the lainbo an( , [o ^ (1 espif.l as " generally wrong, be- the force of mutual olilination. There should I Al "> the more they spread their white robes cau( , it m bluij lo objective facts." them hail any symptom* of typhus but found all in guod health. fever, I1RKAT I'.. .IT M v their j.unt rep.Tt. Sir Kdward Hudsoi< Kinahan, the well- ( . Keyna B known and wealthy manufacturer of Irish ., .... * * l resi.ient 01 .< whisky, is dea.1. The Duke of Argyll, who has been litting " in the house of Lortls as Baron Sundridge and Hamilton, has been created a Duke of the I'nited Kingdom. In the Chertey division of Sussex lost week Mr. Coombe, Conservative was elected by a large majority. The seat was rendered vacant by the death of Mr. F. A. Hankey, Conservative. Sir William Henry Gregory, K. C. M C,., member of the Privy Council of Ireland, is dead. Dr. Donald Fraser, who died in London, r'ng. , on February I'-', was iinamiii<>u*ly elected at the last tederunt of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church of Eng land to represent the London churches at the great synod to be held in ToronUi this year. In the Imperial House of Commons on Monday Sir Stafford Northcote urged the the parent, by exertion to do hi* will. But the socialistic idea of education destroys completely all necessity for sact idee on the pan of the parent, and all motive for grati- tude, therefore, on the child spart. The tend- ency of the modern school is to restrict the duty of the parent to that of feeding aud The joint British and I'nited State* Behr- clothing the child. The father is to become ing Sei Commission held their final meet I mere machine for supplying the material ing in Washington ike 3rd. mst. and signed want* of the next generation. All higher i .%--_ _ . _ _. duties are to be relegated to a special class. This was done ill the Middle Ages, with what result* we know. Destroy parental ination. sense of duty on b* always present a part of the parent to give the child such moral an.l mental armor as he can ; and a corresponding sense of obligation on th* |>art of Hie child to repay the self-denial of If the*o were the passionate phrase* of a t | le in running after the unattainable the n | do we think them angel* and the Utter do Heidelberg student somewhat gone in beer, i we make the furnace lire* that we may spin or (he vaporlll| j, { ,, foolish Potsdam I finer gold into more fantastic images, pui- Ina ; or witn more couriige'han wisdom, they 'chaw therewith to mike substantial the ni , g | lt be read M bits of diverting has been elected Puke of that of his body. H has had a the en- His condition tire right is critical. The famine in th* County of Arva, Hun- gary, i* becoming more intense. In two mouth* 73 deaths from starvation have been reported. A French officer has submitted to the Minuter of War a rifle that will project a stream of vitriol for a distance of 70 metre*. Durnt( the rwcent storms which prevailed along the coast of Portugal s.'l married risn- ermen were drowned, leaving their widows the support ol J-.'S children. There is much discontent in Chili at what is considered the enormous demand made by the United Stales for indemnity in the Baltimore affair. The Church of St. Nicholas, Valencia, Government to complete the defvncvs Ks>|uiinalt harbour ia British Columbia. of was partly destroyed by the explosion of a Stanhope, Secretary of War, said that the delay in completing the work w* to Canada's unwillingness to bear her share of the expense. The new British steamer Masitchusctt*, Capt, Williams, arrinxt M Swansea ou the Mr. dynamite bomb on Thursday. Anarchists are charged with the clime. Vener.iula has fifty-*ix holi.Uy* every year. On these occasion* the people close their shops and enjoy themselves in chick* fight* and other tropical amusement*. responsibility, and the one concrete motive for human responsibility has disappeared. Socialism in senool matter* is, beyojd it* narrow-st interpretation, wholly without warrant. Once having established the machinery ot free schools, once having placed proper safe-guards for its mainten- ance and protection, the State should deter- mine the Irani that it must do to preserve its integrity and provide for its healthy growth. The maintenance of free high schools is uiiwine, first because it oblige* a whole community to pay for what only a few can enjoy : secondly, because it robs the lower schools of funds essential to them, and thirdly, because it tempts boys and girls wholly unfit for secondary education, to a course of training of very doubtful bene- fit. Finally, a* regards the methods of education, Mr. Monroe think* that in his country at least there istoomuch superficial ity in the ordinary primary and grammar school courses. More attention is given to imparting information than to training the children in habits of study. The school is a gymnasium for making the child's mind acquisiti/e and receptive. The teaching yf many ubj^l* does not conduce to this. The child who ha* tsally .-onuueied oue subject, i* he who, in manhood, will win the knowledge of t thousand. mirage to which their :hmg fancies ' yh*y are the deliberate words of a mi , prince who speaks with his hand on the liilt I of the strongest sword in the world. Helr.n.l Captain Wilson. R. N.. of the torpedo in- the Kmperor is a military sentiment impa struct :on ship, Vernon, ha* invented au ap tient with the canker of a long peace. Be- pliance for cutting through the torpedo nets fore him are a pious, pa' lent industrious with which modern war shijw pr.itevt them people who love peac-?. Tlisse forces are elves from torpedo attacks. The expen n . jw practically ui collision in Berlm. Wan merits already mad* prove to the fullest ex- have never been a C.ernmn pastime, and al- tent the tremendous power of the new m- i though the conU'St with France was a Sum ven ;i> m, which has fully reali/ed all iu on nicrw.ilkover compared with Kngland astrile gmator claimed for it. The -nventor ot the with Napoleon Moltke in his memoirs note* torpedo net ridiculed the idea of any mstru- the weariness ot Germany over the l<atlles inent Iwing able to cut through his tut;)i, and the people's longing for peace. When ' steel wire netting. Hut the trial just made has proved the emptiness of his boast. ode these people The to leave the Ile are now told by their Kmperor Fatherland we -an understand greal momentum of the Whilehead torpedo, the ixmtmotion in Berlin. The Fatberlond is a'ine.1 with C'apiam Wilson's new torpedo as dear to peasant as lo Emperor, and thero cutters, enabled it to cut it* way throjgh nmv well 1* swarms at tlie Bradenburg any torpeionet. even when the latter was ^ates to know whether it is true th. set at an angle of *"> degrees, without appar ninny was alone made for the House of ent retardation of its flight The cutter { Uranden'nurg i" ' its slaves. In the light consists of blade* arranged scissor fashion, of i> r addresses these Berlin which sever the wir meshes of the net, ; trouble* speak u.e voice of the patriot rath making an aperture sumcieut for the en trance of lh lorpedo. r'.iriners who allow the wemi* on their er than that of the S iciahst. It is a part of nur modern common sense to deem mere talk c\ .n when from imperial lips as talk. It is plantation* lo go to seed hav* little idea, r^<", therefore, what Majesty may say, but many of them, of the labor and trouble they what Mijvsty may do, that should give us are storing up ft r themselves. Some CUM- [<<'*' When the are heavy the oils experimentalist has been at ihe trouble ' " are apt to claim the wondering alten- of counting the seeds produced by a single lion ut men. In the earlier decades of the plant of some of the commonest vane tie> of onunry Knrope rested under thr uneasy, wewls, with ihe following rather startling . capricious, ever i- enocing genius of th* results: Wild carrot, UjO: dandelion, ; Kmperor of France. No one could 1*11 loOO: chickweed, -IKK) ; cockle, :-J-i) ; canip*ion, :(4I> ; chetn, 3300: dock. 1700; ragweed. 4.'C-' : groundsel, 6,'xio ; ox-eye mOO; mallow, I6,.-)00; mother wort, : fox-tail, IVW: sow thistle, l!., IM': iniistar.', .'tl,ini: 1,'anadian thistle, 4'J.iKHi ; ie.1 poppy. Hl.OOO : burdock : 4<IO,. 3 N : purslane, .VKI.WH) ; lambs' i|U,irtci-*, .tfo.OOO. daisy, ' what the morning's news might bring so lo'igas tiiat .fiery spiiil wa* ssssHH m the '1 u:lleneM. The world is under a somewhat similar duress. William, with his oration* aUnu tho Frrm-h ind exiling the German people and his " mission,'' is as nm..- 1 ! a cause of an x iet y o pray for peatce as was ever Napoleon in hia powerful and Irucul-'t