THE PLESRERTOM ADVANCE IS. 4 \KI\ff *//< v I GEO. MITCHELL, FLiHSHHRTON- v - li hi iki-i^ bu*ine transacted >. ; u-'.i^l rale* -v. *-,* a v*ilul>ie f*i le^it.ij .it-- i-Ubiuea* 1 1* icbartUou A Co' A. Vicinity Chips. <'fc:tra<*tvrisM<'s of the Past Wrrk Carefully Culled for the Tin- ktudsmue <;*iwslu cup w<m hut year l.y the :;it Battalion fr hrni^ the most u/ticient in drill, will be (tossed ar<>und (41 the vjirimu hea.!, porters <>f tlie companies. Kl -li.-itini citixeim will therefore li.iva an |i|mf-tMiity of viwwi it. At prem:ut iliu cuj> ia <tu i-luUti> 11 in Owen S<iii>l. '-. irtll hlirx.1 rtf rot-' <if . -I'll .1 rr-!'.,t',::n "ill M i I'' IK '-'.itf u'tt fur Jn'i /</** vr.ivr St. Patrick'* Her. Mr. T, .ii.'e exchanged pu!;>iu with lii:v. Mr. Fj.ii-!, nf E'.ipliia-tia, on Huii. lay laat. Mr Sharp, jr., of Owen Sound, hia |>lueked an 1 lias in his i><>ssf<si.-M tbe vaciut bailiffuliij) plum. Mr. D. M.iJitt i* n.-t-i.t in these puts fur r'r"< .V \\. i] iinplouieuts, !*i fur Woriiaaii & Ward, of London. U At tli? Orange (iraml Lo.liro meeting in Ow-ii Sound last ek < >rn^\ ilk* w chosen u the next place "I" Tim Prirsliytirian C"iii:rx>..,'ati..M of Eu- j;rini njll li.>M thrir communion sorvici! on f>l>l)th oeit. }'re[iarsU.ry service on Kndav afUrn>n. Tin- companies uf the 31st battalion ill sh''t this summer at various i>..n:t*. sod Ktcshvrtoii omipanii-a will a> re \Yili,>ti lie sex-tired the contract for iTi-cMim Mr. Miti-lidl's residence, iriiiicrs fur which were lately called. Tho contract prict? ia |1.2.i. A nu'i-tiii,' till bo Krid iu Flecliertoii in Tliurs\Sy evcnti!,' f..r th purpose of |..nnin,' a Youm; Mi-n' Liberal C'ouser- vaiin- club AH tnu-n-atod are invited nJ. The IVi-alyu-tians held th.-ir fourth ftocial at the rvaidi-nce ..f Mr. \Vm. linr nett last >Vi Inotlay i-Vfiiiux. I.iko the former social* it waa a tuccesn, $14 being the procoods. At rreseiit <ime of writing; we are hav- ing ouo i if the worst at. Tins <>f the winter a regular Iiw!ni4 Man-h MUzard. But never mind, tr>ut tialiiug ..|.<>i in :wo weeVa. I. If. Lii<-a*.luirrifttrr. M arkdalr, has $10, (XX) private funds to leiidnu fa'in nii'rtj;iji > i.uliin tlf uoxt few niontha at Inn'iMt cu rent rates. No cointniss- io:u, no ill-lay!, expenses low. Apply *t office in Mnrkdale dui.n, 1 the week ur at Uundalk oflice mi Saturdays. "Ayer'a Y l>-diciuea liavo boon amti*fac- ti>ry to m t .nmjlmut my practic*, e- |MCta!ly Aj-r'a Cherry IV-ctoral, which tiaa been uaod I v many .-f mv patients, >ne of whom uvs he LIMK miked li;.i life." F L. M.*i*,M.D..Ri .LUn.N.V. The youuj; |>ei|>le iif tlie I -'. ?t-rill ehuroh will hold their last social fur the caion :it the riJeiu-e i-f Mr. Anjiow *'arr, near the village. mi Kiuisj e\eiiiii^', 18th inat. As this is the fiiml entertain- mi-tit ol the .I'.v.'U (line will uu doubt bc> an ettia *.*! time. Each liaa ita own peculiar mal- ady ; but with the MINK! MMrifcJIMd in a ittatr ' f nuif' rin \ mur atid iiniity by the tise cf AVM'S Sim|.aiill.i liti'i- dani(er i.eed l f-art-.l from nii-tisornl .yioal 111- N ilier SliHid medicine ia so and d!. IIM-. The "Myrtle Navy" brand uf ann toliacco haa M.K' tlu- li-i,r i'or.i\cr twenty years, and duiin-: that t me it has lost no fripinls and _: iMu-d .. 1 '"ie.H of th )u<.iinU. 't'hil h-nt{tlu-iii'il exp. !! IK-.- *li.iws that it in Ho nu-re IUWKIII^ faslu< n nhi.-li IIM H;HIK-.I it tlie a;-|>iov,i'i of tltu pu'nlio. luit its lupt i mi Hy in the exsentiat i)n:iliiU'.< vthich make a fiist-rlosa t.. 1 ^u,' Keid of sectiiui No. 4. \ U-mtDia. ad<li t.i Inn otlu-ia ac<|iiiieini-iiN tlie ait of IniKiiiir trsppiii 1 ,', an.l many .1 fox, nniik, rac.ion, etc., ai rives Kt an i'.'iioiiiini.iiM . n. I tln.'u;;li his wiles. Ou Saturdaj Mr Ki -id il,<|>i-< >! of three Hue fi-x skins i.i Merchant Al noted i-lsewher*, tiie trout fistiiuij aiuii now begins on the tint of \pril and i. .ill 15th September. The in ive i not a KIMK! one. ir leijia latnn te.-n tit t close the ensoii on August l.'xh, .iistead of Septivnlier loth, the benefit would have been marked, but as it is. the cliMi^e ia of no practical A meeting of clieem factory pntr>tu.i was hell in the town hall on Saturday l.iat i-n- li.e |jur|ioannf luluni; milk routes, etc. The route* were all (h|w .-<! <if. Some cmiveraattoti took place with rr ^ard to tlm advi.iabihiy .if taking up the creamery busiiie-a, but iiotliini ilerimtr wasd'iiw. The factory will be^'in <ipera tiuua u M iy !>. Mr. TUoiiHU AnJer-Ktii, of Ui Monday started rally in tuts inornini- and wiilkel to Mount F. irvst. a distance of twiMi'j -MX miles, llo tbcn re'urn. o uu the af:eni"oo<i train tu I>.:rha<M, ami walked frmn there to Ins II..MH- the saiue eveniUL', a tins lance of twelve miles T!.is must be c-itisjilfivd a very gmd day s travel t'.mty > u->t nn!e on fuot and sixteen luuVa by tniin - [Renew. Rev. A. TrolUp*, of dcliv.T a li.-t.ire in the Iwseinent of the \l dint churcu on Monday eveiiiir.' next, :nier tlie auspu-ea of the Kpwurth Leu.-ue "f r!.r:st;aii Endeavor, the title of which will be "An Inchuale rVojil -. The lecture will be illuwlrated. Mr Troliujie is an exceedingly intereatin-^ aj>eker, anl it ia hoped a full huuau will jree*. him. Adtuiaaioii only 1J: Tlie editor of <ue C.<lUngw<Md Bui lelin visite-l Keversham a week agu. FevLTshaui atill survives. Amon^ many strange things which the Bulle'ia man learned, was, ill it r'-iershnin ia built "aiiioii^ the iiioun'.aii.s," aud that at this | the river u "about twenty-rive to thirty feet in depth." Surely the people <if Feversb.uu have bevu ''stuff- ing" Mr. Williams. The story s >und otic of Kinii Muuoliai.sen tictioua. rTleihertoh saw on Saturday evening last what U very sec* -a drunken brawl on the pui'iic slreet. We dn not know who were the participanta in the affair, but we d > know that they were IIICMI who should know better. A man 0,11111.. t n.'W he could year* ago, ftt drunk, t'ulit, and continue to hold the re*|>ect of his neighbors, and of men with whuui he doua busiueM. There are no cxteiiu.iinij circumstances in cniincc- tiou with saoli an affair, and those vtuilty uf suc'i conduct are invariably punished, if n- a \iy the hand . f the law, at least 1 y tlie litttirty c-oiiteiMpt of all rixkt thinking men, and their credit infers too. The Advance has been requested to call a meeting of citizeiu for Saturday evening next, in the Town Hall, to dis- cuss the i|ueati.Mi of tire protection for the village. This i a matter of vital imjiortance aud should iuterent all. W trust a "bum|>er ' uieeUHK will be the result, and that komethiny detiinte will be dune. All who at;end *hould come prepared to take part in the discussion and to asaist in arriving at a satisfactory conclusion as tu what should be done. If there are any books ur papers belong my to a previous lire coin) any, the party iu -h.*e possession they are will kindly produce them. Come at 8 o'clock sharp The aunivi.-ra.iry tea meeting uf the Methodist SutnUy Suiiool wan held last Wednesday evening. The ni^ht beiin; line there wns a goodly tumour. After tea had been served Kov. Mr. Ton-je took the chair and a lengthy pr.'i-raiii was entered upon. The si- TeUry s re- port showed the sch. MI! to be numerically strmi..; urn! well equipped with oil The treasurer didn't present a report, but your cor. understands that the school i> in a sound Kuan .-id c mdition. Ti.e children rendered their pieces in j.>od style. Specid men! ion nn-^ht be made of "Hail Holy Ni-V," and "The Flower SOUL',' also the Dialogue, "l>eaf aa a Post." After hearty voted of thanks to Mrs. .1. (.' Bnclianan and Mr. Wickem, for training the children, and to the ladies for the tf-od things provided the meeting was brought to a close. Pro- ceeds ?_!4. [r..M Millinery ! Millinery ! Mis. Trimble is in the city this week looking through the wholesales, and purchasing her stock for the spring trade. Further announcement* later on. Personals. Miss Meda NcNea, of Mvkdale, wai the guast of Mrs. H. E McNua, for the pact week. Mr. C. D. Stuart, of U.tlt. spout a few days dunni tlu> p,mt week as the jrueii "f Mr. <;-.. Stuait. .Mr. R. L .Mortimer, i-dit-ir ;md jiro- I |>r;t- r ../ tn<- Shelliunii- Free Press, waa in t. wi, . i, l'i.-.u. AM, i punt The Ad ran ,!.- ,,iu- visit. Mr. Cliailey -"int. our ftkclent clivi-i-iii:ik>T. tnus ,,-n MI uiidur atlj.-r I. 'i i:,.- ;..i~i i-i.ii|,le of Wc-uks l in *e are -Uii t-. !,-, i, timt lie W 1111 It lu'.. . !., DBI. - i u,. k, i tl. liair -.ill an. I i'i.i.l.-. In iimi, Anti Dan.iruIT IK . l bir tunic ait **\ v) wtiu UMI it. Auctioa Sales. An auction aale of li -unehold furniturv will '* lieU at the resiiiencL- .if .'di .1 ,- Ke-ior. k'le.->, uu S.iluriav next 1!HI| lust, Mr. Ki-!>t-r is iii'H.ii r..i. ntii. ami everything must In- solil. Is. R. J. SiTi'tile, auctimieer. S^k- ,.f f.iiui st.^-li and iiii|ili.-meiits, on ; i nd 74, C'.ii ::. \. 1> R.. ..i, Tues- day, ^'nd Hint. SaleaUolutely witJuKit ii-serie. K. J Sproule, au -tioin-er. Auction (nit- i.{ dry _ .is. U,..ts and -li. es. hardware etc.. every afteruMou at 1 p. in . at the station, coniiiieiicinu uu Wednesday, L'ltid J. XV. M. in.*, auctioneer ; 1>. D McKarljuie,|>roprietor. Montnal. AIUL 4tli. l*.ll Myhrtd w IIM.rmlly fnU vf Dan-lruff and liothnij 4|'|. 1*0.1 (jvu vi^il,... rwu( uuui ii^irn; .iuti-Oau.u-uil. a few aj*p)iuaU4Mjaof iji.-n !:> -.. IhoronchJj r-u.. v-.i u.u UauUruff theru LM not a grain to bvfuuud. W H OKI K v ilil CUrk. FLE8HERTON PLANING MILLS I MOORE & WILSON, Props. Manufacturers of - \MI. DooRS. FRAMES, Mot LD- IN;, n RMM; <>v ALL PESCRIP- TtiiN, FLlH)Ki\.. S1DIXU. SHK\1HI.\<;. MtU LDBD HACK. KTC.. KTl\ All kinds of Custom Planing done promptly, am. 1 in nrst Manner. As i-iir t'oclftry ii now e<juip|ivd, and in y.-nd w.irkin.' order, we lel oonri dent in sayiiiif we are now in a p.iti.i<i in give uood aatiafacti.'ii. A larvo i|uantity ,ii dry liard and soft W.I.MJ rt.'..tin,' <>n hand, whicli we sell at reasixialiu- pi toes. Tliosi- 0'iife-iiipialins; buildiiiit will do wi-il to uonault us before placiRK their orders. Moore A Wilson. BOOT AND SHOE DEALEff, FLESHERTON. Boots, Rubbers, A LABtiE ASSiiRTUEXT OF Shoes, Slippers, Overshoes, Ti unks. Seha'o!\iiWe Gfoods. l|jasonable Prices. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF GUARANTEED Mtoret Fading hair \tili onfinal color. Stop* falling ol hair. Keeps the Scalp dean. Maes hair toft and PNaMe Promotes Growth. SJusiurss (f arils. rv This is the icay with the B. & C. corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your money. Fr Solo b> M & ( ii- JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. Kl.KIIKKTiN. Co. (JllKT. .N roiitT <-t EUK coxiiiissK M * ' -v<-- -W:- "'-'"I i " I \i'l i* -. t i. i r 1.1 \ - -- . ^ , oabU tornis. Inn KH ur ' S. SOTAUV 1 MONEY TO LOAN. Til.- i:ud< rcigni-d Laa a large amunnt ..f Oey to loau al I'o o ou town or farm property. NERVH BEANS MER\ K BF..VNN *ra K arw -It*- cu*rr7 thai ouv UM wuni i-Mra of >.r- u* Dclulllj. Lu Vij..c *u4 ' al boOjp ur niuil >mi*4 tf milk, at UM m>ra at em- TltM RcaiMiji N wbn a oUxr IB JAMES MI(lm-|NB dx. Tunwio. UM. Whte fix pw^tilct. tfeU IB People Wonder W11KN ther find how rapiilly health to rttorcil by takmn Ayor's Sar- parlllo. The roawm \x this preparation contaiim only tlio pnntHt anil most powvrdil altorativrs aud tonics. Tu yearly it prove* A veritable elixir of life. Mn. Jos. Lake. Brorkwar CVntra. Mirh-, writes : "Li\iT compimlM uml indigestion wade my life a tnmlm and cam* near eniling my cxiau IK->. For more than four years I MilTerml mi- ti>l.l attoay. I wan* reduced a^ukiet i I a skeleton, and lutrdl.v hail atreiuth to ' drag uiysulf about. All kiiida uT f-iHi | ili.struseU uie, aud only tin; uiuiit ili-li- ' cate could be ilineted at ml. \Viili.u tlio tiino meiiljoue.l si-\rral pliyslciaiin treated me without ^mim teli^f. Ni.tli- iny that I took siiH-il lo ,lo .ioy pcr- iiiaurut K<>od until 1 N-gaii the use u( Ayer's Sursaparillu, which haa pi.-- duced wonderful rasulu. SM>II afu-r i-oiiiin. u. inn to tako UM iiarsaparilla I could aeo an Improvement D. McTavixh, HMKSESHHEK AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, C'iiiiin<;wood Stn FLESH HKTON, . ONT. W. J. BELLAMY. t'lrrk. Artcroetia. CunTe\aue*r W a>:il:t, .lc. I'r.iN. : leases, etc.. yrfairrd and pn prii-. Insurance aff.Tt,-,! i tirnt class T to Inod at lowi-t rales. 3Hrdira!. DR. HDTTON v. P. c. M., M.C r A s. out., K i.U-iii-.. aii.l Office one d.H>r w rat .-f tli.- \]riioii s i i liun-li. Kiui^Miit. t'lfics days. Tut-Hda\ii aud Suturdaya. . IVni.i-rml-. fu- llor-.- ~K'. mi; |II. .1 to. hMtai atUntlnli k-ivili to <...ii: .- I or fet. DR. CARTER. M. C. I'. 4 ! . >, !'ln,i,-i M11 . ,,.,, .-t.-.. H^ln-rtii. Office Strain '.* lick! lU-Nidnice Miiufbaw s bolil. DRS. SPROULE & E .1:1.1 Plow -i.inil on hand. In my condition, my appetito Nvun to return and willi it i-aiuu the ability to digi-st nil the fissl tukin, mv ,iii-ii;:iii Improved each .lay, ai;U iifti-r a fi-w rnontli.4 of faithful ait.-ntinn to your dlrci-tionn. I found m;. s,-i( a u. I woniau, ahle to attend to all household duties. The tuixiicino Ima civ. -n i new,. ot lUe, aud I coiinol Umili you tew inii.-li." "We, the undersigned, citizens of TlriH-kway C'.-utr.-, M '. h . hi-rt-by n-rtify t)iat the above M-titt-tiit-nt, inailo 1-y Mrs. Lttk<>. is tnir In r\rrv and entitled to full i-ri-doiioe." O. r*. Chamberlain, Q. W. Waring, C. A. Wells, Drum'*!. "Mv brother. In England, waa, for a long time, unahlti to altenil to Ins OITM- pation, by reanon of sore* on hi.i font. I aent him Ayer's Alumuac and tin- t.i- timoulals It rcutaitn-.l luilm-eil him to tTT Avcr's Sunaparilla. After UMIIK it a little wlille, he waa ami), and la uow a well man. working In a niifsar mill at Brisbane, (jiioenaland, Aimtnili.i." A. AtUwvll, Sbaroot Lake, Uuuirio. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ( A t T I . EUU II J .. OF THE KiRTLE NAVY T.&B. LETTKItS. NONE OTHEti GENUINE Xlarkdale. Out. OflK-e .MatU > uiuf l..rr. T. .s. Suruiile, M. 1'.. Ktc. A Kgo, U. 1'.. Etc., late of I, iti iihaai. I 'r E^.i will W- fouud at tin MukdaJc H at uigtu. J. P. OTTEWELL, 'X ft, -i inar\ Surx- >'ii. l .i.i.iuu:. ,.f I Iniatiw .juri-t'oll-.x. u liiUaee- Kum ,ljor suutli of Lvtcli'8 uilor ii..p. K.*~li^ri .11 J. P MARSHALL, U I'. >.. M l>. > |l M -.'. \)MI, M:,,k dale the ll uu. I Urd \\ 'cilui-mlav of < Hc-k liioi;Lii. Flm-lii-ituii Kah trip ou Ifu.- dm J-W. FROST, Banister, S. in-it.'r. I'm XI.MIIH-.-I. 1'tc '' ^ v: li,,. p..,i , i^c,.. Bpnwle'i liuii.iuik-. ,>u ThniMl -. ../I,. .- Or. J. C. Ayar ft Co.. Lo*n, totM. stssUM,|*. Wuitk * a bout* y cur* fr IU<M. SOOTHIN.% CLEANSING, Instant Rtiicf, Permanent Curt, Failure Impossible. WVd by,u ai..t Jrih. .1**T. 1..1M ! MM ' .i II ..--A oi *1U IM MM. pl pl'd, u b, rULFORD CO, Brotk.ills, OnL P McCULLOUGH, Kii T. :>..!,. -itor. Kte. M. s >!,.|. , M. UK. lull-. M..I,.\ I,, t., B. WRIGHT & LLNDSiY. Hwrrist TV. ,-t,- II,M, ^...n,) u Mit.-li. il-v ^,, ' ..| .-a. Il .. , K \,o,i, . i,. ], ,, t ;, ,, sl , \V II \\1IU.M!. > ] 1 ,.., H. J. Sprcule, ' *t in H. R.. Uci-uoi-d Aiictiumvi . ( veyaii<vr. Appr,i>,r and \\, .. J ,],. Uml tst.itw uu 1 liiMiraure A^-.-ut. l\ti, Mort-HK.^. L.-M nd Will. Jiai. t atJ V il-l.itl.-ll-. til.l.U' on nli,.r',.R; |:,,li,. r A|lc . lion Sal atti-iidc.] to in nu\ |.;ir\ , Counlv. W,.uff to I.HUI ai U.mi rut.h bl tutereat. C. Uection* aittUo.1 tu i, promptuoM aiij despatcii. t hur K r h l^^ Agent I. ir ikr IViuimnu Cb Cheap tiktii fiuu r'ltalii u-u u. LM i;isgo. Loudou or au> of >rt . Tarties iutend : ng to dcullainl or I .-laud, will pleaas ask raU t- (or pi Ttb.siui !.,.:, tickoU ela*wbfr