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Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1892, p. 1

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baton -TRUTH BEFOUF. FAVOK." I'HINCll'LES, NOT MEN.' VOL. XL, NO 55* / FLESBERTON, ONL, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1692. WATCHE AWAY D linn-.. *Wo Ssll A :{ ui N( ' K - MI ' EN *" IAI K - SH,YKK<>I;K. SNAP HE/EL. WITH HEAVY, FRENCH CUT CRYSTAL, WATi H. FILLE1 WITH A Sl'l.ENEMD, 11 JEWKi.Kii \\IKI.MI VN MOVEMENT, KEY WIND, KK 4.;.V WE WILL KollWAUD THIS SPLENDID WATCH Td ANY AIUtKKS'N oN IJEl'EIl'T oK THAT AMolNT. ARMSTRONG BROS. FLESHKKT<t\ W.lTf '//./. I Af.'7/.S .1 o w N From aur ou-it ' 'orr--fi- ,, Irnt. Mr. Editor, our items of tbiee j weeks ago went astray, and uow we i must repeat a little. Business is CD the move in our village. Plenty of snow yet, and the ' people are busy hauling lo^s and lumber iu the opportune time. They i have also most of tl .e bricks for the ' new church placed on the building site. The church will soon go up, as tlio people have a mind to work. M. Thunton on Monday evening last. Amusements consisted of readings, recitation*, solos, duets, etc. An evening of enjoyment and of profit was spent, all present uniting in the verdict that it was good to be there. Mr. Wni. Stewart, wile and family left on Monday for Powassan, Musko- ka, where he has purchased a farm. The people of Kimberky, wishi: give some substantial evidence < : esteem in which they were held, as- sembled in the rnion hall, where tables were set, and justice doue tc FOR FIM! ?ALL"N- The Merchant Tailor who has but the one line .... .---. - -- - ' me inner man was lainmea. a lew . i Lamest Moiwood and his si.ncr, Miss hours were spent m which Miss Myles tO StUUY YOUF 111- Magxie, accompanied -heir uncle. .,,.] \r ls9 ri tnn tr^ ,,,* nr,-. the wilting several of tu * good things thereupon laid. Altir y,.r!:j have eft us. Master the inner mau was ntittivd. a few ILL1U $ a o o o . o o TWO THOUSAND Shoes.Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, Furs. Robes, Groceries, and Crockery ware HI ST li- luritrd lulu Cash by i h. day "i Mny Tome alonu with tli. nr A Krrurf >nin- oi i li- DOLLARS W- TRJMBLE. i M h your DISSOLUTION It only took the simple sentence- " Boots to b3 sold cheap,'' Ami hist month they moved in e.irncst, but still we have few pans left of No. 3, cure a we Don't miss this chance to se- it the size will fit. Alonii with these We have a case of Tweed Slippers at 25 cents a pair. Also 12 iMsrs ufas fin:: an assortment of Boots as ever came to Fleshet :on. If you are in need of thcso you will do wi-ll to examine. ait less than Cost Desigu aud Patterns of priut for the Spriag beautiful, Come and soa them. ? ar E Underwear and Flannels at Cost ! \Ye have 0:1 h ind full lines ol Shirting, Cottonades, Cottons, Dress Cioiivls, etc. Get them ni;idc before the Spring >v.-rk starts. Krcsh Teas, Suj,'ar, Currants, Hai.ins and all Groceries always on hand. M. CJ. ISvmi* The Store on the llill. Morwood, on his return to his hoiiiir iu N. 1>. Mr. M jiwoixi speaks well of the country there, and is well satisfied to stay there. Mr. Chas. lowdiug wenf to 13. C. siuiiii; to his brother's. The annual church tea held iu the Mithodist church was a sucv> -- \\ > were very sorry that our pastor,owiug to illness, was not able to attend. Kiv Mr. l>avey.of Marliilale, addressed u iu a very pit/asm,,' manner. The music by the choir was all that could be desired. Messia Reid JL Moore, of Lindsay, Victoria county, are visiting friends iu this and Vandelcur neighborhoods. Mr. T. b Carruthors attended the meetiiig of the Ciraud Lod-;e of the Orange association held last week at Sound.-- Crowded out last Eo.: Nraford Itwad From imr incii Currts^nui-t, t More sickness Mrs. (.i. I'ntchard and Mrs. (i. NVariin^ have had an at- tack of iudauiiuaiiou of the lun.'v We 1 ear that our merchant is i;o in^' '.o try farming for a change. The Sabbath school anniversary was be Id last wek and was as here - toforc a decided succeM. Mr J. Weber and Mr. J I. Graham are up at the county town this week atteiului:,' the collit. Mr. J. 11.,; iie was there last week atieiutiiii; the meetings of the Ciraud IMuck and Ora;i,-- I i^es. Mr. llicluid Smith is the success- ful couipttilor for running the . Miafiiid Ui>ad uillk wa^^ou this season. i I S/-. -I, ll I 'Ol'*l*' K \ Fydell, of F.uphrasia circuit occupied the t'tiliut here last Sabbath, and preaclie I from "I am the bread of hie." II. .-h uvid the ; I' (iisonally partaking of that liread in iHili-r that spirUiui life, be main- tained. Tin- l!i v. of is announced I'M next Sabbath itfUrn >on tj is. 1. ini-aii'iiml s. i in HI. t'ltr jiHSiiu- li.n ob'ai ii-.l the pro of a treat fir -Uiif wr pay ;> for it of i i the form of an illustrated lecture by the Itev. rrollopt, of bingliamptou, m an In choule peopli . in C','i:mctio:i with a conceit by the Fle.-hei Ion choir, on Tuesday evening. H:< i nisi and Miss Ti.'irston gave some appro- priate selections on the organ, ac- companied by Mr. Hannah oil the dute. and Mr. Heatd and Mr. Dell on the violin. The following address was read, to which Mr. Stuart made a suitable reply. The people tl-eu dispersed to their respective Lotues. all joining in saying they bad a good W i Mn. ?r. //. S/.,.,rf .- DBAK FiimMnk It i with liart(It rcrt that we learn of your iuteniioa of leaving Kiwberlejr. Your intrgritir. kiuilnrta and Uo>- V'ltahu bave nainwl (or Ton lh boat wi*b* of all who have hod the iileftdare of your voquaiot- ance. ao.l uow on bebaJf of tb people of Kim berley. allow u to p.xout Slr Stuart with theat! tuken* of our frluD.Ubip. not fur tliuir lu- triu>ic raluv. b:it a* a slight token of our *- teui. May Uo.l pare your lirei au.l give livaltb ami proprlty to ne tilein. a;: 1 may Hia rich bleaaing* ret on you au.l your (UiMren in tb heirtfelt wiabea of th people of Kiui- Uerley. Uu J. R FAWCCTT. d.(n*xl Mi I ' J. A. kimboriey. March 1Mb. 1W.V Mount /..MI. C. I Leitcb, MERCHANT TAILOR SAW LOGS W A 1TTED ! -AT- Legate's Mills, FLKSIIERTO> *1 1TIOV \1.) wiy qii.iutitr nf Shimf!* R.ll>.. H. K. Tie* an-i I.nth Timber, for wbicb I uu ptvinx tlie bigkval market price iu cub. I will also idd a hoe "f PLANING MILL rT in a few we-ks. wbra I will )> prvpvrotl tu iloull kinds >< wvrk in tlial lioo " bb. rl uxiicv. Hurtle rout.m pUtiu/ buiMuiK will Ju well tu cull nil grl tlau*te n,i iiUu* bvforv Doors, Sash and Frames made to order. \Vill al.i Li r in ' a" kind" of Noiihlin^x. 4 apitinuo. ii\r> and Kouuds. M.iii.l Itailin::. N-wrl anil i(.ilu>ir: il-s in ill s:i mi". iiiiiii! ti'l niatchiuc. cutting b nitlvt I;I.N f lumbt-r .-m i aiulii]) ^uauntHf.l 'in 1 pi ice* right. K. 1*. from our uirn C<-ri'*fitulft<t. Feed around here is getting scarce with a great many farmers and judg- ing by the weather we are only b. - u'inmng ih" winter as far as storms Miss Liilie lloss, who has been vis- f i lends and parent* here, intends to Slielburne this week. M -. *. I'oinlield is still improving. James I' 'inti !! jr. i-* ,i,':uu laid up fcib! with the quinsy. Walter and Liilie Taylor paid a visit to ftieiitls near Itocklyu recently The iiiiinerous fries .- [tiaiu- tauces nf Wiilto Vlortiiii will be to leaiu that his healih is as i improved i'ile hir.i to reach home. although far fomi being iu as gooi lua!th as when he ' : Hit* ] :j To- F.u mers art 1 busy gelling their leadv. an.l j;id^i:i^ fioni the .mintity of new e.'.l conn,,' into this H wing I. r , t.-n,, , , vernr*. iiif.'iiu In* DIIU.IU P'^h :nl-okr - thit W( . lua , lu , Brtur , ., k lu i San I iv have filled up the mads and :i.i le Sash. litor. lrcM-l H.iorii i:. tin-in very ht'.ny. *l<-flllk' .\rwrll 1'iist-. ... K:iln>i-r Hand Mailing, t .>rn-i- BI.M-ks. 111. s;>ru. .- l.alh. No I MiM-k EUGENIA PLAITING of h. i <>i j It I H':oh*ll.|. *' tuut, Mr Hvnry M l-nn U.k. t.- K. Stoiii.. ul Art. in. *ia .T.-i:l;i uur Kicii ..(. \\ e have had a high old timi) with the weather. TLo board nf directors for the Far- mers Milliu,' (\i. met List S.ituid.iy and accepted the nulls conditionally. Mi-- ^ MM iV Johnson have lift, tl'tis leaving the miller praotic.illv boss of the situ .1:1 in and he. with the help of Mr. A. C'oiiron. is dom.; bi_; work in tyini; b Mr. \V. I' i . i-i ui.iking an imusal L nil in the nij;i.:t; lino, l.e MMMtbUlg tliiityand moro to follow. siilers who c:in't sin:,' have a good timi'. so coiiie lilon^. We arc never too old to li-.ini a 1 1 would therefoiv like to k:i nv. Ul.who i-s HiiKal Archie an.l - 2n.l, where is Hogg'a Hollow. Dspri'V. kii!i'-r:<- Fr>nn ur i<-ii <'<>rirfixiifnt. The tiii 'ii'i;lilo mi lei- the ainpi cenofthe Y. I'. S. ot '(.'. F... ot Kim- | Wiley, was held m the parlors of J. Tlie fnlli.wiii.{ rslu-iit-s l.nion, |,plKVole t" tin- i<r '\in -o uf (lii- i!i, lias been IUVHI-I! : "N.> mie! :;ili f..r, oatch, kill, 1-uv, soil IT |<neM . ! ti.'iit iS'i;\,.in,iii Ki'iitin Kh.i) Uetwei-n the I.'xli tiny >f September nn.l the3U: .l;iy i.f .M.ircli, bi-tli Jays in- clu.iu , in each ye.n . > unl Turnings of all kinds to order. Ju'y nf IrTV The Or iii.'eini'ii uf Mi'.ifnnl etiie.' .imtnv.'i'ineiits l"i Ii 'lilin.' a mini t-r iloiii. in tnti..ii .Hi lid- l-tli uf i fnun nil parts of CMUiilv.anil .-in ^-rt'.irt 11 li.-.ii'j tu in iltuv tin- Siiiu-.ii' fr.i 1 . ti M attend lo. Aurei'.in 1.1 . \ '.-I. .^l.zrm-. COKSUMPTIOM COKED. . llHV Kii-t 1 : 'i.t - ltluia ..n. I all tli. -itiv,. a-i.l r>tu-:i] . \ i i I nil N.'l .. . .) U* \\ .- i i. liil . U ,!' t v to mik,- it known to hia coffering follow* lctul .1 t>\ tin-* an.l a fol -;iii. I oil! .n I fi >f i liai^f, i. in i;.-i ii ti. Kn-ii. h .' ! ,.Kii-'i. will, (nil .II- (ill |'r.'|.aiil'i; .:.! u-l k .-llt I V In-ill : ^ ntth -' imp. liiiiiiiT-. I'aj'or \V A. NuTCt, 8dV Power Ulorli. H .,- v 1 All k'n.U of M - '^I't .>n Intnl. MtHill- - tip Wu U.i n boUMi- ' (' in I - .; i II !'iii({ by g:iu-^lit'rwrJ. Ii tu rreeivi' ii,.;,- of ill* yubiic \ .* i irs tiuly. . Uanwuml, Suft Kim n4 Sli uyi Tnul'iT tskt-u i !.ir wtk. Quantity of ijmid Jry I'inr <m " The Markets. <'ar*liill> Correftod d nt. i !nvil M-II ban - I r.'- I III. krll Vt*l I ai: [|l 1'iir 7'. I n .a to Wn-k. * 4 :-. 6 M j s 40 M 18 M lu to H la W tu to to to to to to to to UK 1 IK I. I i t

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