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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1892, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEW S. (UUMtft Mn. Orr, an inmate of the Honee of In- dmtry in KiugiUto, U 107 ywn old. Tbe lady teachers of Toronto have again *ppli-d for mar* salary. Maurice Nagls of Rathnrst died m ft Fronttnac Limber ahaot y from the effecu of the cold weather, the other day. Mm Amy Harrit. misaionary in Ontrftl India, formerly of Toronto, dii iu London, Knp.,laat week, while on her way to Can- City Council last week finally I the by law reducing the number ot liquor license* in that city from 50 to 40. Nine excursion parties from Ontario to Manitoba will leave Toronto between March litaud April vtjth. The report ii corr-nt that the Dominion Government contemplate*, taking control of the telegraphic system of the country. The movement in England to prohibit the importation of Canadian cattle U causing coni.ernation in Montreal. A farmer named Bah, while driving be- tween Beamsville and Smithville on Friday night, was frozen to death. A. F. Eden bai retired ai land commis- sioner of the Manitoba aid North weelern Railway Company. The heajth of the Hon. Alexander Mac kenne hat much improved. Sirl'hirlt;* Tapper aayi he haa seen the arbitration clause* in the BehringSea agree- ment mui the I'Dited >tates. and that they are perfectly satisfactory to Canada. The people of Selkirk. Man., are endea vourmg to secure the construction of an electric railway between that town and Winnipeg. HOD. Mr. Greenway, Premier of Manitoba, has completed amngcmrula for opening an imra grat ion office m the maritime province*. The poict (elected is Moncton. N. B. The Ogdrnsburg people object to t he bridg ing of the St. Lawrence near Kingston. The objection eecnts to be founded upon jealousy ot their own interest*. Adylmder weighing 18,000 pounds was cast t thr Kingston foundery the other day it is ior the K. and O. company '* Montreal. Te pr.!:ve raided several gambling ejens in Chuago oa Theraday aigat and arreaud over 100 gunblera. Dr. Thonvie Sterry Hiut, formerly of the Canadian jsrsUgtol survey, dsed in New York on Friday evening. He wa* own mMm* The Minneapolis City Conncil ha* pueed an ordinauce penrulUng saloons to be open on Sunday*. At a meeting of th Buffalo Brewers' As- 'ociation held lat week a resolution wa* adopted in favour of reducing the duty on Canadian barley to ten cent* a b-nbel Thr Bunalo Kc^uirej says the balk of ' American ser-Unu ut ie in favour of better trade relations with Canada, one of the beat I customers of the United State*. The Sute Assembly, Knight* of Labour, U in session >t I. raiiil Rapids. Mi.-h. traud Master Workman Powderly says there arc at presen: fiO.UUi own. bus ou the rolls. Covlter, cf Sanlt ste. Marie, who recent- ly daring a revival meeting confessed to A* Ar*> cirtABiB Vain .f Dr. JK. r. Waer Acnirtements ! ISH- Bark CeeMlaeM ne .> Insa-rtf > a Iratefc! rMI<-. A man who won enviable fame as an Afri- can explorer died last week in Rnsna. N student of exploration IB the Dark Conti- nent wiH read without recret of toe catting off. in the prune of_hi life, of IV. Wilhchm ir Marly a in African the work HI- OWft I .III II >Mlt TheM*rv f a rhtef Whs Intwlf Imfilrle* the BVaik rVaallir. *V Im If ion go down to French .iani eend ike big Maroni River a Uttle distance you will Ond a jrrcakmany negroes very bad French. Some of them who talk 'er. *l>ll WKIM.I I .. " Jakex-. my lohe. dake longer *tet>* and m r?n - venr oe( yoor SSSMS so uvick. ' " A foot earn done a fr-.end va* vort more as six tra - a: fou dista't dune, nays Carl I'reu*. H< ! have visited Franc* and have a little educn- ) ', -..-c ! -r ~. re ^.:?..j*:.- of : se ...- -.- a - I in somt reepoct* * ami won for hi The more intelligent of Utent negroes) will tell yon the greatest man who ever lived, except Use firat Xipnlean. wa* Boo.. ( ne of toes* aeftro tribes is called the Beni fretn the name of toe ma* who released the people from slavery. Ma:u if I Bike "Harry " Junker. Tea yean, fifth of his life, wer* spent diaoovety ; and in he diii was iniq dutinction. Dr. Junker's lone exploration* never onct L!S'^'iL llil T!i U MSf 1 H tT*." * 1 wbo - > 177- -- lt*d agauut hi* _ nonghtokaveUd a In. of enae. He cko ler on th* act of DuuJi 1 . ulna, dmuoyod to pend hi. beet years beyond the reach of , ^ property, scaped with hundred. < it ordinary comfort., that be might ot^slaTe*; andfounded a new knowledge. Too most vain- H to be made hereafter in Africa will be upon the line*) which Dr. Junker was the fin* to lay down. He had no deaire to I't be a coward. ' onlv dare* wL.:<^<rr dared to km The height W mduatry a girl *o ind moo that when she ha* notking elee M tr. us La*: so* knit, her brows. Orficer, there's aiound >oe kiB hear it, Ethel bowing her -Don': yon admit* hi notking em* i big row mVng on ' Don t ye* -Junk I Move an '." the people, whom he of French . lave* who moot delilente an 1 pai tins*. Snxh was hi* method in the old Bahr el Uhazal province of Egypt, n country ur- paawiugly rich in every phsvee of tropical life, the home of two of the meet advan:ed and interesting tribe* in Central Africa, aud mystery of African geography was to be Here he lived for seven year*, cat of the time from all hop* of com- municating with tbe civilized world ; and, thank* to his Ubort, this region i* BOW more minutely known in its geographic and ethnological aspect* than any other region of ev)iul extent in Central Africa. I>r. Junker's achievement* ahow the sac- _ r ______________ rirk-e* and hardship* which an unwlnsh de- ' He would not have even a Mrs. Jacob Cohen of Toronto Levy of Hamilton (hit . were among the vic- tims of the Hotel Royal tire in New York recently. At the approaching sre*ion of Parliament a company will seek iacorpt ration who pro- pose to construct a bridge across the Niagara at V)ueen*ton. Mr. Nathan Kennedy, of Montreal, the well-known exporter of < anadian cattle says if Canada were *che>iue<t the los* to Cana- dian farmer* would not be leas than 83..100,- 000 year. Mr. Hall, the Quebec Treasurer, calculates that the exceas ol expenditure over revenje during 1SVI -' will bef2,M6,9o. Mr. .Tame* McLaren, the wealthy lumber mau of Buckingham, Qne. . and preeuient of the Rink of Ottawa, <lie-d the ether day, agm!74 He was a brother of Prof. McLaren, of Knox College, Toronto to which institu tionhe ha*be<iueathe<i $.'".''. The oldest incorporated city in Canada i* St. .lohn, N. B. . incorporated May IS. 17v\ Other date* are as follow* : Toronto, March ft. IS34: Quebec and Montreal. June '- v o IS40 Mklif.iv. April 10, IH4I: Kingston. May 1. 1 8M: Hamilton, June 9, 1*46: Kre.lericton, March :>. l4x ; Ua-lou ^nd Ottawa, Janu- ..rv I. 1W >: ri.arlotteU>wn. Apnl l.V 1W>: Vi.-toria, August 'J, l?*l rmber 8, 1S73. tlRUT (SUTAIV. Lonl Kaudoluh i'hurchi!! ha* to run for Parliament for Gen. Booth ha> returnee) to Kngl&nd from his trip to Australia and India. lame* Oaird, the well known wiiu-r on axricultural subjects, diet! at London, Kug., U*t week. Mr. Krrtleuck Hankey, Conservative nrmlier of the F.ngluh Houe of i'.<niuiii<, died on Saturday. The Hritish Boarxl of Agriculture ha* i"he>lu!<-i IVnmark on no\vunt of cuttle disease. It is announced that the (Jneen will hol'l two Hrawing-rcxwis m May, an.i levee* after Kastcr. The agitation :n Kn^Und against the im- |<oitaiin of h\o i*:ilf is Incoming very stroiitf, and an olTori ni.ty l<e ma>le to place Canada on the prolulu'rd lint A heavy sno>toiiti, having in some pUce* the fhamvteristio* of a Cnilin blijuard, prcvilel on TuesUv in Knclamland Wale*. Trarlic wa* greatly imprdeJ. Mr. Mi, IIA.I lUnti, in a s|<ee\-h on Sun- .1 1\ . >ai%l it was not generally known that Irish |>i.'pcrtu-s were ni.-i t^^r.l to Knulish liankers and others t.< thr extent of votioo to science nerve* tome men to under- go. For year* he wa* without thecomrade- abip of any one of kindred .-Ire i. He lived mong the native* ^UM*< a* one o! them, baring their huts, cmtuiniug life upon their rude cookery , leaning even to relish fried j an i* and other myslenti of nauve culinary I art. displaying no weapon* on his long journeys. airUT TH AI-HHTKW.KTO having murdered hi* father, was tbe other | of those explorer* whose jourueys were so day eentenced to ten years in penitentiary. | hurried thai they could not eee half that John Pratt and hi* ceven-year-old daugh- j * worth seeing nor describe accurately ter, living near Leonard, Kas., were killed ! wh ' '*y He prsferred to live for on Saturday night by wild dog*, which in- i yean among the tribes moet worthy of frtt the north wcetera corner of the State. I tudy and to devote to them and to all the It U .tated that Mr. Crover Cleveland. ! "P"* ? { . lh re 8* they inhabited the dreading the horror* of a Presidential paign, and enjoying the comfort* of will not be a candidate. A Washington dee- patch *ay* the name* of Morton ui Rusk are uggested for a Democratic lick e _ The Allan line (teamer Mimouri will sail I from New York on March 1-th for Northern Russia, with 2,000 too* ot food ' collected for the famint-ttnckcn peasantry. I The vensel wa* offered for tbe pnrpoee, an cflVr equivalent to a contribution of 120, ;000. The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald any* there it a caspicioas delay on the pan of the American Commis siooere in proceeding with the behrng Sea inveaiigation*. and that the decision of secrecy is entirely the wish of the American authorities. I* i.EMRU. M. de Lsnseps ~* ciilically ill. Tbe Kmpres* of i>ernuuiv is tntjenng from an attack of influemm. Sixty person* suspect* 1 of being Anar- chista have bean arnited iu Berlin. German Socialist* are preparing for exten- sive May Day celebrations. A Protestant church is Piraeu*. Greece* was looted and burned by a mob on Sunday. LJ Hung Chaok.'. prim* minister of China wa* TO year* ou Thursday. RuaniAn merchant* fear that thrir grain will be confiscated by the Government. Civil war is said to bt raging in Khar- toum and vicinity. Four anarchist* wer* executed in Spain last week. Terrible distiee* prevail* in Vienna. It i* calculated there are 70.000 unemployed I person* m th* city. It u reported Ir. Peters, the German ex- plorer, ha* discovered a vast field of **Jt petre in Rait Africa. Baron Albert Rothschild has devoted a large can toward* building an hocpital for consumptives in Vieiiii*. A general in the Chine**, army ha* been execute-! because he pledged himself to sup- port French influence. German agent* are *ai<! to be conducting an anti Russian agitation in Russian Po- land. The rise in the price of bref and mutton had led to enormou* demands for horseAosh in Part*. Police report* ot the sp-ead of Socialistic ; tr\r!l:iig. "The reniaikablo car* w:th contpiracie* in Germany have serious- , which he sought in pp.tuce n map ly alnrvned the Kmperor, and t*vrre repree- ' iv* lec?<*lation nuy be expected. The Russian Government has granted th* . turn i ' rouble* to be expended for I the relief of the sufferers m the famin* die- ' tnct. A dee patch frcm Praia, m, rn R is j sia, aay* the mtenee cold ha* a>ldJ g to the distress and disease of thr starving psasams. aU able to find their freedom ajoong tbe Boni*. A canon* story ie uld khoa: Boni by the ex- plorer Henri Coadrean, who ha* dene *o t ring} Maud ,, 1 " Ye-e*. so far as jewelry i* concerned. ' to the border* i We have noticed that toe a young man ha* on the ntore fur he pott on the cellar and cnffii of hi* o%er- what She " Do yon believe i heeats" He No. IS* known many a man to eat Welsh rare-bit* who never be- came quite i A theadrwaik. reeling from one -jdT was heard to say, Ayther IB much to make tbe lateriorof French Goiann kiiown. A long distance up the Mamni River the Island Adlafo, which mean* -cutting off the iieaU. This is the island where, for n long lime, Boni earned oat the execution of cnminej* whom he had rimiisnmii to ' death. Tne curio** feature of hi* system of ; t wa. that he required . H*"7-" * ?*"-* r<. ^ * r whatever in carryulg ha J^-" * *d I shaJl iw^bcc wb*m*e judgment* into enwct. He alone escorted **" ** lon * ** * live." Harry " What the run Ismitil persons to the) island of mwnnJ*r* Jack "She ssjd " No. Adlafe, and mnjiiil he cat off their head*. " No. said one chicken to another, " we The Spartacw* of the " Nrgroe* of tbe don't apeak to her. <he waan t hit nil Woods" 1 1 laid to be particularly fond of from the came lot of egg* that we were." thi* sort of exercise. PhymcnJly he wa* the meet powerful man in his country. No one wiehed to copo with him in When be had a prwrinn condemned he would place hit flintlock and hi* sabre in a canoe, sent the condemned man in the bow of the boat, and then pad- dle up stream several mile* to the JtUnd. On. I see. She'* frosn a ..irrsnt at." finsmw n MademweoQe, I . in ju*t *oca an- hoaUian with oo these Uttle expediuone. "S\w." Boni wa* wont to * to the unhappy wretch before him, a* be pvidled akag, "do nvt attempt to escape, for if yon do I shall surely atop yon by a nailnt in the leg*. I ahail noc *hoot to kill you. vr. by the music of hi* accord on, going where- ' ever he pirated, but nowaere till he had convinced the people before him of hi* friendly intention*. The to. s and privation* of thoee year* left their marks in the line* that furrowed Kia strong face anddoobtlee* shortened hi* life. H* made very largo collection* which were loet through the \iahdist invasion : but tbe reeultt of hie geographical Labor* were caTed, and all geographers were thankful for the abundant material be brought horn*. He helped to olve the problem of tkt Well Makua. which proved to be the Congo's gresUeat tributary, ' though geographer* bad Ie g inclined to tbe belief that it was) th* upper course of the Shari, which down) into Lake Tchad : a 1 while engaged upon this problem Junker accomplished a feat which geographer* regard at very remarkab'e. It may here be deocribcd briefly both as a noteworthy achievement and also at illustrating tbe in- finite pain* with winch he gathered his nmwmw. Dr. Junker had lived several years in this savage wilderness) before he eet out to solve the problem of the \\t\\t Makua. He start - r.I on this journey with abeolut!y no m- *t rument except a* to aid him in determining his ponuiout. Some of hi* in struuienu hail been broken aod others RIIMP nv THI i u MAT* i!ur'ng many month* of almost incessant reniaikablo for I si:all wiab to torture you after f ge you." - N >, chief ' the trembling victim would often reply, 1 shall not try to eecape." And tuch wa* the terror Boni inspired that tbe unfortunate prisoner would reach the place oiponiahmeni probably without enter- taining the slightest thought of escaping. When they reached the island BOC.I would tall hi* prisoner to get out of th* canoe and would then march him to the pssci of execu- tion. This wa a large Hat ruck, washr.1 by the water* of tbe rapid river and shaded by a tamarind tree. The rock is still shown to every one who visit* the spot. VN hen they reached the place. Boni. fierce and inexor- able, would sternly command : " Now you die. To yoar knees. Yoar har.Js beh.nd your back. Hold down your hea.1. ' The unfortoMte wretch, more dead than ali\, would mochanically obey the order. Foe: would rater hi* tabrr. and with one sure tiroke woal.i fever the head from the body. Hie bend would roll upon the flat stone and th* blood would be washed away by the rush of waMr from the rapids. now and then overspread th* rock. Bom would then r* embark, and upon his return bis peopssi would regard him more than ever as a terror to ev ildoeis. -c.i. . ether." That s so ' When a coy and bluahing i Wade* into the bnny tide, T no wonder that the hoeom O: the water* .well with pride. Doctor I'M newly mad* father ' yea are to be coagraiulated. Yon are the father of tw.n*. " Happy Parent doubtful- !>) Tnat'i *o. They ought have been triplet*,"* I have an idea ' she caddenly mid. Her lover wa* sitting near : He gaz*d at her fondly :!* you : , And an awfully bright ere, dear. " Hunker " Ever since lean rtm>*r, Mia* Flypp, I bar* Marched fcr the) beauu- ! fol. tbe trne and the good." Mm Frypp "Oh. Mr. Hunker, thi* is so sudden.' 1 you may speak to papa. ,' Mr. Prop'-m- Look here old follow, excuae my frnknes*. but why in thunder don t vou ha\* that ct . -. hi.r cut ' ' Mr. Foresite " Not for world*, dear boy ; I intend to make a rirnfsmioB*! pmau*t of " When we ere in the Nortn aid the whaling captain. we frequently swapped blubber for cealckic*.' That* nothing,'' *aid Bond, " down in Toronto wife worked the ' : very ame racket oa raaae* Kave a Fla*. Periodically an arimisi .- of Although the health of the Germany i* far from g<1, the court fete* continue. A feature of these cntertainmenta is the revival of the minuet dance. ariie* a* to whether Canada should have a nag. and if we are to have one. what ahouid :: are of opinion that .100 Jack is stii'lying m spite of h tlack of tcirntircap- jr<^>l eaottgh turns, and that we are foolieh - h.u already been doocribed in the to think of adoptin,; a uist:nctive mrigjui Sun as follow* : I A* the Montreal Witneee p.':nt* out, there M nuke- trudge,! through th* graft com- ' u much to be *aid in favor of thu view, pas* in hand, counting every st--p. At thr which is specially appreciated by seafann* expiration of rach fifteen minute* h* stopped persons wUo feel that everybody know* and rvspe.-t* their flag to long a* it the dag of England, and that any variation from that . e* on tbe high seat question* and w**jht* with regard to i:. O: hers nuke sug- gestion* which would prac: I a.n't gout' to (end any more money out to the heathen*.' said Willie. '! seen a picture of one of 'em thi* monun', an' a* far a* I could nee h* didn't wear any pant*, and su hasn't any pocket* to carry the monrv. " Captain Norm-" Stella d* Billon, th* nreeus*. ace* not Appear at the Olympic Theatre to- night.' Colonel Moooey " That is became of aa accident. A moth got into her dressing-room thi* afternoon and ate up the cnetnme (he wear* in th* first act '" Mr. Heavyvide* I suspect yoar lulian Count, Roeetta." Ro*etu-"Oh. papa!" Mr. Heavymide* " Well, thr fact is. dear. hbc.-ameabe*nt mintledat InetaN* .o dav, dashed *ome vinegar over'ittl* Willie's hair aud began giving him a shampoo. ' an.l jotteil down in h;> not* book the ,'.. lane* and the mean direction travelled in the preceding quarter of an hour. In the t ing be . the >!;.* r n "S r< * > 0: - rout* map. He kept -\f tin* mooot-XH^u* Sir 1'rovo Wallis. the senior Admiral of rlie Itniish Naty, vilio was on U>ar<l thr Shannon when the fought thr I'. S. frigate Chesapeake off Itoston in IM.'I. ilir.l in Lon- don on Satiinl.ty at tli- age of 101 year*. In the llxusrof t oinmons last wrrk Mr. Lowther. r.rl:amriury Secretary of the Foreign Otlice, *aui that tJreat Kritain and thr l'niir.1 States ha>l agrretl that France. Italy, Swr.len aho-.ild act as arbitrator* of the llohnn,; -<ea dUpnie. I MTH TTSX. Typhus levrr is raging in New York. I'pwanU of A) c.wrs of this dreattful .li.rasr have been .ii,xneie,l The nrrornt winlri is thr m<wt severe ever known in Southern Idaho. There is an immense rnh to tako up locations on thr upphirvgtvunJs in Helena, Mont. A nine year old boy died at Baltimore from thr effects of a moequito Kite. The height of InuMing* rreot>M in C'hica go will hrrraftrr lie liinnc.l to |;> frrt. New m*o* of tvphm fever are brini; >h covered tlaily in New York otty. iVse* of typhus fever among HrSrrws who recently arriviil from Kussia -* re- ported in several 1'nitnl Statrj citie*. The urlicials of lh Lotntma lottery werr pU-vil under arrest on Tue*lay. char^l with violation of the jioetal law. . lames r">:r, son of the San Francisco mi! lii-naiir, has died from the Ixchloi itle of gold treatment (or druukrni A lady who ha* been travelling abroad re Ute* an'a.lveiiture which bef-| her in in a railway train, an adventure that is not without its annum); silr. Her huslian.I put , her into a compartment alone, and went to alteiul to the luggagr. A'trr he had gone a vitlaniou* locking fellow get in, and pres- ', ently the tram starte>l off, thr husband not ap|<raring The lady wat naturally a good dr.\l disturt-cd. and the a> in which the stranger looked at her did not tend to dim inisii nrr agitation. Suddenly, still with his eye* lite*) njvn her. the n AM took from his pocket a large claspkuife and oprnnl it. I'ln-ii he roue, and drlil<eratrly irom the wimlow o.r,,.l thrir >-ord>, aud began to knot thru, together. I lie WAS t<riitie.l almost to death. She expe\-te\l to b>* stran^le\l on tbe spot, and beon appe.xlLUg to the tiang*rto jxre her. He only laughed liruully. answering het in tUUar, of whi.-h the .li.l uot xm,i : ttand a wont. Thru he pulle-1 off his coat and waulioat, and just a* the IrrriHrd woman almost prepared to l!ing herself thr compartmrnt of the swiftly mov- dcterminevl, ' Tbe pre*nt j the arm* of and trying routine through the weeks ami month* of his long journey down the Welt* Makua : and when, ai last, he wat rel'.rd to urn hack, he continued the task till he reached once more hi* headquarter* at Ndorumat. Hr !. i travellr.. trom thi* pom!, whona latitude and -. -,iile he h - nearly four hundred n It wA*nctkno* unii! '.he report of Lieut. M^rmri's astronomical ohtervationt reached Knrope last year that '.he point where Or. .li-nker tarnrxl l-vck. >nd whor situ. he determined without instruments at the end of a journey of 4lX mile*, is mrkr-i on hi* map lees than two miles diatant from He i - It i the moct remaikaWe achii \rmenl of thr son on record. IV. Sunker live*! :o .vn-.plrtr his work. Thr result* of hi long tin lie*) Bll tw<< large volumet *nd have be-n publiahed int;erm.%n t ami Krglith. He w.'.Uiways l>e remeinher- , i-.i *- one of thr <t>o*t nioeeet . . ..ns-ie. : self-saCTiricing, *>nd sicrcw.'al ot African ex plorert, ala as distinct a ria f.-.-ni that of the Km pire as of the Australian pro\nices have a>lopted. The W itnru further - Our own opinion it, that if we are to depart from the Britich flag at *tl. and it seem* to be aa established fact that we hive done so. thr change should be *.< sample a* p- ncnsM flag came* all the provinces of Canada the re\l ensign is generally > .! Pr-ni Thr young man's face w.vs flushe.1 and - .-.I into on th* neld of the red ensign of Great Britain w.i*. as is generally Iv'.. the conception of the late Senator Plum'.-, a statesman dimngtnthrd alike for hit port;.- 1 1 . \en and for hit pro nounc*.i loyalty to thr e-npire. all re- pex-t to th* memory of the late Senator, we regard hi* device a* a singularly unhappy one. It ha*nier been four put etcutcheonn on flag* and it is pa lary : u-onvenient to pack together seven ir->n, w ith the prowpect of ha> - . .,!,'. to them four or five more. Th* total re- cult upon the flag seen at the distance at which a flag is sren is a Miran-.nglcs* spot. if we are to have >ny mark on the r' >_ i.'ana>la let 1 1 be one simple one and not a whole museum of bad '.-. a circle a fool m diameter. in,; train, he knottr,! the conl* so a* to ov . r ,,,, rr r,r m" at last piece out a broken sutprnder. put on h" mucll f o , me to ak c,*t and waistcoat, aiui sat quietly down p,. v K , on.' ^ 1 the maiden in a i>orni. where he went quickly to sleep. Thr husUaiiil, who bad l>y nutiakr g\>t into a wronc compartmrnt jtitt a* thr train wa* starting, and who joined hit wife at th* th* the manner wasV.rangely ag tate.l. As he a.1- ( Tlie universally recvBi.-ed emMrni ot all clreear-1 the l.ur jirl l<e:o:r whom he stood. a ri'.da is the maple leaf A smg'r maple faini tremor wa* not icrahie in hi* voice. | raf in yellow 111 placr of al! the heraldic ii now complicate* the flac Ie thr leat: change ixvs.Ke. anl aim domr*tic servant* the demand was pr**- wouldbe readily understood by ever, .HI* l;^ n ""'^ = _-*'. ' lnn 'P*< tUanchr.' lu- ^*^^. "I about ivnnng to you, iv.: ^ have Will it be too Well. London Morning Pott print* th* pro- eceding* of the Chanty Orgaauat-.iin " v e- Aimnc. the rep who vi*itel lana.1.* *oine months itro. Th* found th* peopi* whom he went to see between Mon- treal and Atsinaboia and Niagara and Otta- wa, They w*rr. he >aid (xcepUonally we',1 tttlrd. rtounshiog, thoroughly contented, and provided w.ih the ab.ind.::: fix-d. warm koucea. and excellent clothing h- h every sober he*>l:liy and industrious seulcr tnight hope to poeeee* Out of \V> pereons. 4.*> were doing very well in.lrr 1. .V> fairly w*U, though better f-i : Eng- land. were failurem, . had returned ; an.l. ami ,li> ha>l migrated to the 1'nnecl States. So-r.e were employed a* artitant :n town*. ac<i some en th> land, a few of three latter having saved enough money to parch*** holdings. The farmer* were grateful to in* " --. -. -* had offered to vwst in locating otner*. provided they wer* of the rujht sort. For loafer*, drunkards and men who wanted to pick and chouee their job there wa*. however, no m in Can- ada. A Urge proportion of thoee who wer* doing well consisted f Londoner* wbo had had no previous knowledge of country life, but were w-liing to do anything that cam* to hand. For *uch pvrsons Canada pose*el almcet tv>und!r*pce*ibi!iiie*. For stunly UKirrr*. handy men. charwomen ' ih* Society for aend.r i and inftuential re*;. lent* \ne\t st.ktion, f\>um' her on f*r of hysterics from the effects of r^'it !u- liad undergone. While lmr. ef Ike I .-i l'rnl>r< The following atlvrrtisfp>rnt apprarel in " Thr New \ ork iSatette ' of Srptrml<rr 4, " .lust arriveil from Great Bntair, ami are lobe sold on K*nl thr Ship Alioe and Klirabrth, t'ant. l^ttne. Commander, several likely Welcn and Knglisli Servant Men. im>st of them Tradi>smen Whoever incline* to purchase any of thrm may agree jth taid Commander, or Mr. Thomas Xol.le, Merchant at Mr. H*/*rvl's in New York : where also is to be sol.) several Ne ,-roGirl* and a Srgro W-y. an.l likeww i iirthire cheeen,' with heart iM\ U-ating. u V- ere.l Yr, thrv wer* coming, the wr" ; tha' the an.l her ,Wr minima h.vl o lor g w aited for. " l*ra> go on, *he a:d a^.i.n, a* h* still s;ov.l l.vkirg at her wi'h burning *yec. 1 -am* to ask \o. \l;>* Blanch*-" " Ye*," she smilml en.vumaiingly It it would '* too much trouble for you to write off that reeii* which yon said yon h:l for wardivij: off the grip ? l'-n suie I am Koing to have it, and thoee confounded doctor* always charge two pnoee for a pres cription." A* an instance of acute hydrophoh:a it is diffi -ult to tnrpasa thettory of th* Scotch boatman wSo. whilr crossing the loch, wa* a.ike<l if h* would take tome water with hi* whisky, and replied : " Xa. thrr* wa* a home drooned at the head o' the loch twa rear* airo," Thr bra.) of tbr loch WM twei.'v tour mile* distant. readily to mean Canada. The Hying of such a flag wou'.d p. .v- '.a. 111 no! < nly that we are British bu! tliat we are Canadian and that Canada i* British. Thi* matter ha* long been mootrl in the prec*. Thrrr complete unai in condemning the tlag we now have, whicn hiu prove^l too complicate*! to come into general use, and which can never awake national enthuaiaani. 1 here ha* been a fair- ^general approval of the maple leaf nW SHMn beiinj the case we rind it very difficult to *r* why a change *o calculat*.! to b< pojv lar, and to appeal loth to thr (.Canadian and to th* Kritiah reeling* of Canadian*, has not err this been brought about by th* Uovrrn- mnt,"" Mr*. Maxwell b*li*ve in co-*lu- cation of the eeV' "Co education * 1 should say not ' Why. she belirvea that a girl ought to be raised so carefully that when the tee* a man she will say. " What i that, British Columbia especially there wa* plenty of work for high-class mechanics, who were willing to accep* the first job that offered nselt. ' Mr. Gardiner, who had (pent four week* in Canad.i. aud who wa* at th* meet* ing. said. he had come ax-rote several case* of tailure. particularly amen* th* female inigraut, aiul he recommended that the ut- irv should h* exercised in the selec- tion of thoee who were to be sent out. He deprecated thernugrat ion of women, whether married or single, who were unaccustomed to rough work, and pointed out that the sober, healthy people to whom Captain t.retton referred w*rr likely to saccee<l in Knitlaml if thr opportunity were anvrd*d them. He c r itici*e>t thr mannrr in which young girl* wer* distributed ov*r th* ,-olony. and expreeoed the opinion that they should no, be sent away from home at all unlees % most rigorous supervision were eaiablwhed over their future exutence. " A brief di*- cussion followed, but no reeolntioo w***nb- milted to 1 > meeting.

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