THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE f: I \-<l\(; or, / I i J GEO. FLESHERiON. D.. |il<aantiir<a t*U:*r will U funtxi. . .iy and t:.r Duality of the '.Ui*, " .- . -I'ipu r*nt".>i . : -.n- 1 I ii..M.c (or Ucuis. . north of Wthaidaoa * >. > Vicinity Chips. Char.irirri-.tir> of ihf Past :illcd fur tbr Curion*. mi HIM > d :li- n -. r fi-in 10 t : : .f Mr. Ser M. Hicka . cnhima* c Hotiet* mantf total* iriU W dtmrye* ft 0* rmte e/ lt mtr timt for . , . . :... A ,.-.' . , ' tK.ii-.nt t.mtrari* forl'li*e*rotrr. Get your tititing earda at The Alliance ted. Deeon UUa fur .: The I> iu:i.i.-u Parliament mtr.a t U.ty Thursday*. i. 1 r sal cheap ewd alniu: c.-lt o 01- in j : \ r" - - 111 < KT. ArvU M K:*'.i- AIIT .[Uii.tny of atate tiu-'vr . for cra caah will J* paid. ^. ln T i * . ' - will > t. KlMWftoa t<u K: the tViie Hall. t: ...- uil r' Th 2r*t latajvnty of -.-.*::-< eoogh . h*n ini]ir tbe di- Cratie fui.ctiuns and err ate Ul. A Cherry Prctorl. <>n tb O"ttrnr, while -11 the ouh, J.TS not interfere uof either uta A cvDcrrt will be (i\<n in the icboal- bow, ' - - : : . .ratu mod e*ia, on Frhiar. Mr.h 4th A pletidid pfv^-a-u it t:oc I**!' \ at 7 30. Eveuiug procdi k> be : to eharkaHle A J . ck ol wi.-d 4uek were weo on nill jv lid M< ereni&<. .! j>rteni an rlr vpeaiag of dock tribe has cstca-the train fuuh at well a* the human I n ID U D m 3D H a YT n i\ BOOT" -4/V0 S//0 DEALER, FLESHERTON. A LAR-7E ASSORTMENT OF Boots, Show, Slippers, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks, Seasonhble GooJ>. fjeasonutle frL. - Custom work and repairing promptly attended to >| \\ \\ T: ', \e hai amrrd at an uadontaudiii; with !u will ''-*. *th 11 . Jam. 1 . Sutiual t Tlu- K iopetao ill hi-M a -r>*:tv >^..: at their i on Tuesday - There are terrr*i f T tale by private ai>d nvt^gtgf tale aJ> rcad- j> ,,f ai: v l* been >'ise of tuualiiue anJ'{>le*aa: weather. A i;*r pvbliahed at lMyn;o.a. W T . - ,i tlie tur v!i..n tLai uoe of Fleaheitoti't grad- uate.) yotMg wieo hat received tbe Re- publican ooamnau.'O :--r C. ft. fl Th, n n.'nw .4lier than Dr. Oe>^ Aim- atrnc, on *f >ur etteemej .' \\ Armatrxp. K-j. Dr. la laat ntinc t. rr\'. tbe t(v \\ V . >; k* nay ivertna'iv eet there. At the adj. u ettm* on - -." tl. * luuard la*t vevk became tuom - - .' !.-. uS. Blackl'orn. W. SiSMMM*. The n aban . At the aa>i> \Ve arc j>!cn?cd to be able to - .: . n \vc a to serve y.. u above line. in in the Anof^rr llrrK t'A>- ' ; ' r H The Uttdffiigtied hare a r Wi i! i.:.. . Our Stock is now very complete And we are p :ies wo HI manufacturing our o- - . : : .- - ,,,r. a,, : . peech after a ' , lOl - --- ' . ': kJ*e ad- not n ~ : Wl - ^ .. :.. \vith some : wri * in } enables ^nsiursa (Tards. JOHN W. D : . GUT. .1 . Iwu v - . - ^ " : v : >I MONEY T . -- . : TO LOAN. . W. J. BELLAMY. A afwci. eu. DreAa .- mtt' ""- " . - htoi - , \ N T DR C \ I T 1 \. HDTTON - .. - --IBI^T*. u. r. - ri u. or -.111 f a terrible a.'. re left alore t a wild animal , ; rable c tbe wood homo. v - diwureffy aud u-..if it a - tecured a - . , f our . i HURTLE NAVY T DR. CAR:."" V. .48 - ':. - - - DRS. SFROULE _cr EGO, - ' ' - S.TV^X SI . . Aaf* - ' Pr < will ae fM4 at Ux M: at n-^tt. - \\ <of! ,- ,. M .! <x>tnbat. ' ' the <PMTT to b* a V [niprff. eapecially a< < tied tho bead. in our >r\ ;; o.ip A 5 ^ 1-t. f.-r iSo , J'leti:' ' v v - - . - the r:\ ' % r*u-. . a i vr nwn--'.' :n: li.l Tw.> '. \ ii- *ITO jTeaohevI in the \! M v !t. K,-v .1 \\ >.v .. ,.i ll.'1'd Head, prvaohed : tin- i i -i K I' h"Vat. .f T. r ' M " >> "' - Ike IVahytenan tvngrvtfatioii nat . *t the r*idtuv .-f Mr V- ;.'. i-t N - numher fv-,'-.; tV.-u ;!>#! of v . f p. *- t cj> tl>0 .nd *eeuted to be well o.oJ with the nr.iner. M* tyle j>re- .'. TS Mranc** |^art . f :hc ;-r. - oat that the .vmjvv . i =-<rinf to tee h very nlO'ni vould s .. i.ioir new hea.i co*. r. \i>.l teemed h%til.v i-Ioaacd tli ttrikiut; eff. VTWai tbw{T<v-il ..u* 1 , 'U- htd born deniiJiarieil onterftl iiit.^ an e\ei>::.s >f tmi.-h |>Vaaui. Tli* |>nx.-o*da i>f tho at .-unte^l to |tV Ai> fatui *.'.'. it.-l i 'i N-niontt will be held < tho I i:-:il .<! Mr ' I 4. tVH. ' 'Mi Kri.lar. Mank .'.'>. at 1'J ..'!.. i>. ii "ii, when a latit ,juim y of atutT miil Ue offered for s*V. inel >n>e h> ii*cV>'.d f<iriiituro. No reaerre. .1 lin S;-,rra, au.'U.^-.oer The r\^n in hioh a numWr of fneti.U ptaa the I'vt'iunc m.-kiiii; eilhor oica:- .-r mferi.T t. 'v,v.< will haro an un|>lvtant odor uvit niori>ii><. 1 >>t tli* amme fncn.' tutuke only tiio "Myrtle Navy" and they w.ll ftnd ijuile a iitl. eiu>e in the r v:n r)xt nH<ruM. If it be rvaaortaUly t,-n Wood. - .vre ak(si f.-r - -' . M KK-hardMM. Mr. R. M : the Iin of M l\ , A M ' ; v ir ** : , . ': he ha M v IV<tia'..r family Wi !l rvni.^u ill Klohr- r a tVw . - ;: 1 . Rod room Suites, & C hairs Oi J. K. Moore, Cabin 9 1 Maker And Undertaker LETTIKS. NONE OTHER GENUINE J. P. OTTEWELL. - - . of Thanks. The <imter*icned ilwirva to> thank r>'inilart .-f Trmj^eTaisce f>>r t,r>>n)j't tiui aatif. -:.<:v manner iu "> tho the !iv-b ih> ii>urn\v claim for by in) '.it.-'v d<v!>c\i if.. .;i.-i:ey a i\i.l v^v,-r niat rleren >l*y* after (he api-lu-ati.-f. *i>nt in. JvVS H'ate4, a* with a tVnr p'acr for >n*Uiic, I well. A :\or Oonotrt. Th# rldshorti nu !.>r a grand vvnovrl in th Town Hall ,>n ViirtJay. Marv-h 1M. D. K. Kainaer. hum. r,!, of Tot\Mit.\ i> the -,>c-ial a:- traoti.'ii. with club *mgin, by the V-.v^KcIlt. Mr. .' Piarki on the c'..ri.':ift, IUUMC,;i\r, etc. ll will be a An* proflpMi and u;ht to draw Show Rooms aud Office : Strain's Block. H.ESHFR1VN Good Hc.irsc in >. on. isn't needed with the B.U1 corset. It's easy from the st.irt. Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides m.:ke it so. Tn- it. .ind you'll like it. If \o.; don't, after a few ks' wear, just return it and ^et your iv.oney. b> M. Ki. li.r N r J. P. MARSHALL L. i -. > - . . - . ' - Bwwtti. MeakerMa ah i:-. r oa CM d*y . j. v;. v . . FWawartott offl<v \ SprvNiW W>iV.i>a^. on TharwU- a. >. ....... F McCULLOUGH. Bar-:.-.. ?.-.:. .-. - M v > to WAITED 100 ccrds ol ilry orgecn in cxehans;e. also any qua:> tity ot Hemlock, Kim. R\s- woCK.1 or Ash Lumlx-r, which will be taken AS cash. J. E. M. ftj l>. McTavish, HORSKSHOKR GENERAL BLACKSMITH. v ..nsTtwd. Stroet, FLFSHKKTON, - ONT. WRIGHT & LINDSAY. k^ >.> v, S-vami, I . - > 4< .. k V.^o to toaii . \v H \\ - , Out. R. J. fiprcule, r>O*Vi: A- . . :ni ; .iie. * v oeer.Cea reyaaeer. AprmL'MT and XIo I<en4ei. Reai* ana In*cnu* A^ent. DeW*. naJeo* rtirlaM e4iee. Acc- aay parr of tk !<* : .:tt ol .:.... . ii.-i Af patch. i b*ri;'- low. Ml Sj*^ ^ . Cke*r i:c^r:*frc*i Fleakerte* to LiT<ri{eA, Ohatv>. Lo*ie* or aT ol the F Se<HlaB<) or l.-Und, will flea** a*l rt\rt W- >. - - - . . %n4MI Ov iI - F? <% H,^riJS, l |UmrS? 1 ^ W . "r rial anawMaw ! i iaw*in i U '" "" \