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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1892, p. 3

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AGRICULTURAL. Cana4a at taw WerW. fair. Prof. Sannders, 1-ommioa Comm: to the World i Fair, Chicago, uva ibat eaab prize* will be given for animals and poultry only. The supervisors would r* qaire every exhibitor to furnuh *n fficieet help to feed and keep clean hi* animals. Bat one animal would be allowed ia each claas and age. They will allow the Cana- dians to exhibit fr~m 100 to 150 cattle, from 75 to IUO hone*, 150 sheep and 100 hop. Prof. S4unden bad found the directon of the exhibition moat eovrtaoua aad obliging aad apparently moet actions to aceoaunotT I tk* model coach hone ia Urge eitiea, with Co* flat lag* and perfection of carriage pay- able ia I, 2, or 3 yean. Tkatr >ethod i* Uiu: L'poai aicertajaiag that 25 or 30 farmen are really deairoo* of iauroviaw their bonea. they will Mad ia their with Freoea coa*t or Pereheroa a* nay be deaved. of the caler, carriage, at*, height aad weight you may reqoire, far aaariaL For iartian* the coat of aa imported bone bara wouldb* from 91.SOO to 12,000 aay $2,000 aad get the beat. Tweaty-6r* man take atock to tk* amovat of flUO each, ruauiag orer a period of 3 ate Canadians They were willing to give all the space, that could be reasonably *x- . pected. Speaking witk rf*rante to what aMistanc* the Dominion Government would render exhibitors. Prof. Sannders said h* ] understood that :he Government wonld pay j for tk* transportation of all product* from tk* point of shipment and return It waa - j pected that tke provincial Govsmtmonta wonld assist tke exbibion to collect tbs i xhibts and bring them to the shipping points. At th* seventh annual meeting of the Do minion Shorthorn Breeders Association the ' sixth Annual report that wa* pneeoted , stated that during the year 1.191 they had been paid for 3,162 registrations, 2.3*9 c*r- ; tificaie* and 378 change* of ownership. Of theee had been rejected 27 registrations, 16 I eartincates and 2 changes of ownership, n- ' turning the fee, leaving 3,135 registration!, 2, 873 certificate* and 376 iranafers, aninst in 1 9a 3, lea registration*. 2.889 certificate* ' and 3*8 tranafert, and against in 1*. 2.7-J9 ngiatrationa. i52 certificates and 367 trans- fen, showing hardly any ckang* in nnmben . which is reassuring, as th* shorthorn in- dustry has not appeared satisfactory lately. The report further stated that Volume VIII of the herd books had been completed, and contain?.! all the pedigrees up to the end of 1H91. To meet ihe large expense of reprint- ing so many old pedigrees, as mentioned last year, the Agriculture and Art* Association 'had been again solicited and had consented ' to contribute another $1.000 for IsOi The eight volume*) which ar* now complete hav* ' recorded the pedigree* of 36,573 animal*. The report ahows that the association was formed in 18S2 witk a membership of 164, while then are 397 paid-up members on th* roll to-day. The fee* from registration in- creased from fr-\6tis in 1889 : $3.0*7 ia 1890 '. to $3,152 in lv>l Tb* eornnjitee called attention to the new rule requiring all calvM born after January 1, 1*39. to b* recorded before they are IS months old. A ioubl* fee _ ill be' charged after that date. The financial statement showed that the receipts for the past year had been ?v4yl.s- disbursement* $8,331, leaving a cre-lit ' balanc* of $ltj The asseu wen shown to amount to $5,194, while the liabilr.iM icm wpbut (JOO. Oar View *r the *!**. How iio farm mortgage, com* into exis- tence ' The majority of them, at least in a w country, nprsaeat the ambition and the determination *f men without mean* to become independent. They are the step ping stone* that lead from the level of the diy laborer to the level nl the land owner: from the poaition of employe to that of proprietor. An industrious man come* into the North- Wr*t with a few hundred dollars to rely upon. He wants a farm of hit own. If he wait* until he has earned and saved enough money to buy it, be will have lo remain a laborer and sacrifice the tweet de light* of home and family for many year*. He ace* that the soil, properly cultivated, will iiive a splendid return upon its cosl price, far in excess of any prevailing rate of interest. He takes coursge, biivi a bit cf land, pays what b* can, assume*) a mortgage for itie balance and goes into business him self. It it a happy chance ior him. It stimulate! every energy. It encourage* kahiu of in lustr'y and frugality. It make* him a belter man and a better cituen. And if fortune is not unkind to him, be pay* off his in tcUedncst and become* a man of means yirs cirlier than he could hav? achieved equal competence in any other way. SickneM or mishap or crop failure mv re- tard his succea* : and his <leu may hang, Sn these circumstance*, like lead about him. But it is a bardra voluntarily assumed, *oluntarily born) for the sake of the griiat gco.l that will come in the end : a>.i-l while he is entitled to the sympathy which we feel with any co-laborer striving against adverse circumstance*, he lioes not ask and if not entitled to the sympathy which follows a victim of injustice. And either in this way or for the mak>ng of neceaaary or desirable improvement, hav* original*! three-fourths of the farm mortgage* in the West : Paul Pioneer Prcos. yean, which would be $2X33 per year, with the niiiiU* of two mares each year. His mare would laarafsri cost him about $16.60 each year, aayi at tk* expiration of tke 3 yeantke stack holder* would own th* bora*. My rataen far status; 25 subscribers iajtsai of 20 is to provide an additional $900 to- wards tke car* of tke bone. In this way oar faranri can have th* finest imported blood aad pay Lea* for the use of the horse than they pay now for tk* majority of scrubs that travel tke road. Of coarse horse* from 2 to 3 year* old would coat leas, aay $1,300, bat they would be too young. Many will say "$1,500 or $Mw> is too much for a hone, tk* uwnsi asairie to nak* a fortune out of us.* At the same time these man, if they had one or more fine half-bred rpssa. horses in tke:r stable*, would have no delicacy ia sticking on a few hundred extra if a buyer came along that wanted their bora*. I don't want oar friend* to overlook this fact that two mare* will coat them dur- ing 3 years only $3X33 aach year, aad one* tk* stockholder*' mares are served then th* horse i* open to tke public for whatever number tk* directors decid* upon. Have your Clydesdales been a sarceaT No, taey have not, bat an aa difficult to annsgeas young turkeys; and ia winter, if you war* going to Moose Creek, you might better go ua foot. Tke Percharoo* that cane in hav* given good satisfaction aad we want more of tSem. Now, arv tkere not in Stonnont 29 honiaisn who will each "TBAJHS FOB JEBCSALEI." -ThN Way for the ! La** m*4 Way PILOKIMAGES THAT WILL BE EAST II YEAB3 TO CUKE ants, and will prohablv pew a little fr hsrssiiBg tke lemucas ofa railway bst*. Ta* Ljasadoa oawoe, whick is haadliaw tk* railroad, say* th*)j> an A Freaeh (eMvaa; <> anal JT <' Ball! JaaT. ia* i4 a -l*ri teaiarr -...-. r JT- i Mi- r> la va4e b. Iron *****. Bias* f-^-- and AMtocaa toejiat* can ' kav* a novelty next swrnaser in tk* bn* of foreign peiegiination Tkey eaa travel merrily from Jana to JaraaaleM in a parlor .ear: Perhaps tketr unMer revarsnat wenM be more soothed by th* old scallop tad staff and tke active , thoae who an their view* will wtttl* into tkwir ooaafertabU i seat in a Pullman and hoar tke Arab eon- ^doctor bowl out - J nulum : All ent for J'mslum :" witboat being a bit djatavkwi in their mind. H* will do it in Arabic, ha.1 tker* is no deabt about hi* t wallowing half koing readily takes ap her*. Tk* enpttal of la* rond is Msnrarl ia any tker* is bttl* to preveal iia i tk* UM* pacmed. Trariliin t*' next sansaser May tktnfore eawnt on a rfrea'.er <-$-. < ' -xa.' *". ' r-^i; -.M r -r !aj. en to tk* lot *f traveller, in tkal sacred n- Ta* rtMsnrsa traveller from can lean back is his taxanooa seat lawk at tk* nrangM aa tkn gJoatt ssnong th* groew of Jaffa aad woad- r if tkey wUl pan on: aay tetter tkan th* Florcia crop whil* be smoke* his cigar. U jut tke lacnawa iU h* in pilgrurj only bt eoa>wct<ired. Two or tan* yean Inter it can b* told wkat start tk* railway line from Jafla to Jerwssltwi has nally kui CAtARRh U a eansuatfksaal and aot a atasl *HMII. Tan u .-. :h aj. tae ckeerfaf pr a Frenck company wkiek has prosnectaa of ike Railwa C which ka* Mat "Jaafc and Ji oat by a Railway Company. " The road wa* beg a* in April, 1*10, and tkey kave pa* had it on rapidly. Th* itrrtaarr it a fraction over filty-fonr mile*. Th* rails. " sleeper*," tkn* locomotive* and forty -eight freight can ar* already delivered at Jain. Thrwaa* Cook, rare! n , tke Hold need in a British newspaper, or otker per lodical, the V sited >uus or United States atuas are ia<artabiy meant. N*v*r ay any rhtare m ta* Usrtn ' AsMncaa' applied to a Oissdiaa. and tk* word Aoenca " who ia no lover of tk* United or it* iMtr cttoM, kMnsi has artick for la* Fortnightly Review " Tk* Adsaints- tratioe of Jasttc* in Aserica,* it did not occur to kirn that his tinctures tiigkl b* taken to apply te r.atdt as weil aa tk* t'citad States, for Canada ia owit* at awatk a part of Ajcerica aa tk* United Mate* is. and, baring Alaska out, it quit* at large if not larrer. Bat Mr. Roberts does not ia latrauoa of justice i America. OB tk* contrary, he taket very good car* to let hi* .--A :-:> 4:. .-: <: ;- -. . \-.-r.T+ Hood's Sarsaparilla aaMkrallanalwavfl.snitafak nsaialy ay C. L MOOD A CO . aaMJanrtM. U<nC. sfaat IOO Doses One Dollar I A r Kl 1 M I I - I H 0> . r stale; Lazle rtrfci as> a I Marts *a 1U k j r* Jonrarf . from Raton, X. M.. Mrs -A a Imnreve lr Bl*rea. To THE KDITUR : SIR. So'ii- two year* ago I made an ef fort to induce our farmers to l-ring in son-e new M.XM. and I think 1 then shewed them the nnprovenient the Hackney or l'er<. heron none* would make, but a treat many of them prefer availing themselves of some tri- fling pri/e at a fall show to deriving ome- tliini; substantial in a few rears from the introduction of an improve*! V"r*ed of home*. As one of the principle* of i>rvedui is "like produce* like, ' then brce.1 from the beet. \V* have very many An* marea in theee cvontir* suitable to Weed the finest of car- riaf,- ami o>ach horses, if they were only >>re<T c> the proper clas* of stallion. Wet of Toronf* the fanners for the last few yean kave adopted tke 16 han.l thoroughbred from whfeh they (jet th* half- bred. Urge nouiih fT all farm work and at the same . time suitable for carriage ami aiidle pur pace*. Ntt long since tiraii.l. the well- known horw man of Toronto, held a sale of Canadian r-r** in the New York market at auction. realising from *WO to $1,1.V. What i to prevent the farmers her* from following suit ? Every man knows wh' hat ever raised a colt that it costs as mn ch to pas- ture and f<*e.l a ilunghill as a colt with high breeding. We don t want ruts at three years old. we <rnt hone* that w ill bring as they rrnch four year* from $l.">0 to $300. Ho can you get them* B> intnxlucing the Hacknev, th* short -legged, compact thoroiighbroi, or the French coach hone. Many will say. " This i* all talk how ar* tkey to I* ijoi '" American hreedfrt or im porter* from th* Government Miuls in will furnish a rVrcher\n or Kreiuh coach st.tllion. hay. l>r\>-n or Mack, weigh I^HfawaV 16 ak.d 1*1 hac.H h.f' snkncribt $100. payable one-tkird each year for tare* yean, to aerurs such a French coach stallion at I describe, of pun blood and lineage? Remember that tk* Frenck coach stallion has a combination ef power, leganc*. action and sixe fonnd in ao other carriage breed in the world, a* the combined blood of the Barb. Arab and tb-roogU- bred an mingled in tki* irmly m*gninnent race of high slsnnias horses. Tb* Frenck established tk* breeding of in tke year 1680. and tkey bar* gon* on each year until now they bare reached. I may My. perfection under the guidance of the Director-* ieoeral of the French Government. Years. 4c.. Jems Bawix. Cornwall. Feb. . ISM. atrk r*d* In Winter. An ei'.ensive breeder writes: i .enermlly the food* fed to tke animals in winter ere .iencieat in muscle- forming mat ter, and in this respect we depart from tke rr.!e of nature. Foods rich in albumiroid* form muscle, and give to tk* taiMtlt a stnogth of system which will eaabl* them to fatten well at tk* proper tirr.e. Growing acd work animals tkomld kar* n large ration of this muscle-forming food, tk* amount be- ing generally 6\ed by groer* at ai>oui 1. 3O. aad milking Animals, to produc* good milk, skonld have a ration in whick tk* albnsni- noid* an preeeni in th* proportion of about 1.J4. Examining th* varioos kays. graiaa and straws ia the light of analysis, we find that their nutritive value is ieacient generally in this very particular. We and them varying in th* following proportion: Millet, LM| rye meal, 1.70: barley. 1.79: timothy bay. 1. -I. and corn. 1.98, All or the** foods ar* deficient in albuminoids, and do n<t cons* up la the star.dard required, either for milch cows or fcr growing or working immUa. Tb* muac'.e-f'orming element it lacking, and consequently th* animals cannot take on their tiest growth under such a system of feeding. XV heat, oat and rye straw are still more tiencient la the muscle-forming ingre- dient* than any of ihe above. : these bays, grain* and straw furnish other nutritive value*, which ar* at tk* haai* of all growth, and tkey cannot b* dis- carded simply because tkey an oeocxal in one ingredient, ihe Meal winter food u to make thaw grain* aad bay* Ik* basis of th* and then add some other food wht.h in to make up tke de- ficiency in this one respect. \Ve find this other food in wheat bran, which ha* aa al- buminoid ratio of IX*. almost the proper lion needed for milch cow*. M xed with tk* bays and grains and straw*, it supplies them with all the muscle-forming element required. Calves and colts an easily kept fat and apparently in good condition when fed on com meal and hav. but to grow rapidly an.l pat on masc-le. they must be fed in addition wheat bran, oilcake or oats. Wheat bran, everything considered, answers the purrose better than any of the more highly-concentrated foods, and for young animals it is l<eyonl all question tk* test. It is easily digested and supplies tk* growing aai<naU with all the muacle ceces sary Pigs, calve* and sheep profit from this food, and u i* said that the manure from animals fed with wheat bran i* so sup- erior to any other that it more than pay* for the original extra co*t of th* food. There are several grades of wheat bran, called re peclixely "common bran." " shipstuff." 'middling*.' sharps aad -mill feed." Most of these glade* can be had aa cheap aa any other rood food that animal* require. The wheat bran can be fed to young aatmaU before they can masticate grain, and it will supply their system with the carbonhy- dratcs an,i albuminoids m such qualities that they will grow rapidly. arranged by Cook, i* an ex-wagon or landnn*. Yon pay your menry and take yonr chose*. Th* dirTerenx in tk* tarif between tke two Tb* unfortunate pilgrim to tk* Holy Land wfco joaraeved in this way began hit discomfort* in eflecuag a larding at Ja T>* sea is very shallow on tke coast Palestine, and at Jatfaevery tnia inclnded. ha* to be taken of small boats, whick pat out to it far tkis purpose. Jaffa, until quit* recently, wts a nasty little tow a of 1-J,(JO jaAasilim and with no Ualmonico in tk* place. Xow it it a nasty little town of 30.000, which shows orange* and olive* hat a goad . I draws a striking r tke adnuniatrau wr.h .h r*SB*el to and taw *n- "' '~ tat* place a f*w day* ago. Late in ike --.-T - ^-. ; .If L' tke read they heard tk* i ago. Late mine by a uUi* haM near ef a Several *f tk* saca ran to ike baawa * found her standing in a am* doar i ing. My fffild ! my ckiU " and p to tk* barn, on ta* top ef wkick sat a bag naU eagk witk a ckild abamt on* year old M Before any ef tk* party conU shea* tke - -i ----. ... ptckin. up tke ckild, ke flapped aai cnor- Mr. Roberta MM the word very restricted scaee, for, witk rum. it triMai Califonua. tke State in wkick k* lived some year*, and with wkicc k* was beat acquainted. To that* who take ex- itpliM to k (taking California a sasnns* ', k* aay s . I will also ask tk* reader l.:s^^ - F ia- .-.;. ^--cj .. f 1= . --..r-e cf tk* ckili, kowever. wnsalMoat to* Back, tkan fifty iawtaoaw. tk* gronnd. A Mr. Roberts in tke pairy had a nn*. Ul fearW t* aboot, kaowaig that if tb* ktrd i --" ad tk* bey wonld fall M < c - -t hnri -.-. mach wilder and More cwonujj tnaa aay ef tk* tkw Pacific COML I will tken him vo point oat any on* *< the \V<surn Stntet of the Caioa when Uf* and property are. as secnre u they ar* tksi*. where of robbery and vioataw* an a* w-,: i . , Tke kaU erased sittkrr and tk* par.y ef tonrists, wild with cxtteMtnt, ran tfang. Keepcng a* aear tk* eagl* at pawabl*. At awaawS taawa MawaaCamawa* i r*kaW^a*Vw4 W f RalawaaMrCat * ^ MMT*. waawaf awawaWaMwwaT l*awV*l*^kV JBT. aw)awV*amlsV w*> akoot tk* bird. Tanking tae voy'f deatk wa* ilsitst a cenainty in anv event Mr. Robert* took careful aim aad sued. Tk* eagle gave a scream and ttgan rieatiag tk* kad .:.:- .-: .. into tke landrrfff-r as if tkty war* agTicul toraluu in a new land. However, if tke thing didn't break down tbty arrived at JemaakM witk their an- atomy in a cond.Uoo wkiek all. open tketr Badtoken and start tke sncred spot with praiseworthy awroaam, Tke Holy Land is on* of those nlncos . - . v -:: of tke bsrd gave emt and it began to German a* tkey an at'eack other witk - Ia. tnld. mad* tketr way thither before tki* year of grace 1*4S will wink tkey kad pnt next nmmtr when tk* maiden k will whittle aad ahnek aad snort throwgk the orange grove* of Jaffa, while tk* tmukr it belches forth will trail bnt, I a*i tksM. wky awnn larrr nvalver* m AnMCWa and not in Bntitk Coinmbsa, wkea .ully aciinat tk* law in both conn- trios t* do so * " Tke ptctarv, wkiek Mr. Robert* draw* of t>e way in wkick jostic* adsaMstorcd tk* law diangsrdod ia Califoraia. not gaau: one. but. frvat tk* fact* k* a.1- at the wnnder almost as Herod might kave don* in the yean when th* Christian era am its :>aby day* if he had seen suck a phTwajmoiinri " Tke apostles wovJd have kad to wait for train* in that possibilities in the way of laggnfj* ai man suggest themselves with rather u of tke pittit*. %n*kl m mi r*r~- Th* French osnapaay wtiok ha* this railway on the H y Land is not ing with anojecl* of H*n>: to* Te:rarck.aor forcing AposilM to study nmc-lab.ea and at at railroad hsnwk counter*. Witk all tkwr trial* tbtybav* Mcaptd tkis at least, tkosa holy men. Tke capital of tke cotupany ia franc*, that is, >V. 00. * it in S.UOO shares of $UX>eech- Ihrr* i* iteo aa ia*n* of 1 >.i." .' per cent, obli^at.ons, payable to bearer, of :- ' fr* . - - - .MO in bonds ef $100 each'. Th* company has cb:a;ned an abaolut* Doactssin for seventy one year* of tk* line from Jaffa to .lenuaJam. the option of extension* to Xablont in th* direction of Damasca*. and to oaia in th* direction ef , Port Sud. This wa* rraated to it by a fir- , man dated IV.. :X 188*. The task of constructing and equipping tke ha* ha* been undertaken by the So- cietite d** Prav^ux Public* et CenetrnclioeM at a cvtitract price striciiy hnaited to tke am runt of share capital and tk* proceed* of the present iMue. Th* cost of adnuaislra- tioo aad intenat upon tke oMismtiont dor- 1 are luclu led in tkis meat. H* nays: "In Eeglaad ii wa* - . one time, and may be true to rerae . \ now. that tberewatece law for me rack nwi ancther far tke poor. In America tki* k : ^ - , . . - -.. r ; - , v- a law for the rick and new* for the poor. ' Thu w bad ssisa-fc, bat it is not wont tivia Mote Americnn* tatsntslvte My of t of j attic* in their own co . sre give* in tk* article ir BWB guilty of grave crimes have been able to get off scot free. Til* reviewer t- lynckinat that wan c-amed out in eav : . -^ . - : .-- - The artick M not written in a ditpaavntaate lone and the reader my bt apt to tnspect that the writer it prejwdiced igainal tke United State*. Uttko*ewktdnn.gtk*kMe to bring tke kwedltn to jostle* m >*c Francisco read the aewspapapen pk- lishcd ia that city will seetha- he MT* noth- ing worse of tke court* of law than hat been said, over and over again, hy United State* i - Syrup" Here is something from Mr Frank A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt House. Ltriston. acd the Tec . Hotel. Brsinswkk. Me. Hotel men meet the world as it comes and gees, and are not slow in sizing people and things up for what they are worth. He says that he has lost a :..-.: :_:- . : ' '-.-- . - - teis uOb2 Pnlinotuu y Consuizipoofa. au 1 ii himself frequeatlr troubled cclds. and he H ered i tary often coughs enough t.> =:.ik-. - 'f. at Consurnptionh-.< .; ::._h When- ever he has taken a f T - . :. i "... _>es Boschee's German Syrup, and it cures '. every time. Here is a "**" who knows the full danger of long tron- and would therefore be most particular as to the medkine he osed. - pinion ? Listen ! I use nothing hot Bosrhee's German p. and Lave advised. I presume. more than a hundred difierent per- acos to uke it. They agr^e w.ih me that it is the best cough syrup in the market." 3 still koUingtkw boy in its down slowly, ardiag a) Us*. and a: '.as: ; about, fewer and low- a-roand. . .- at ker duld. I. BVtcrtfced > an *>aerver. Attorney (cro**-amining for tke other tide) "You stay th* moon waa brightly at the lira**" Witnes* -" It was.- You ar* perfectly witk tk* ap- psarance of the moon, are you V Ye*, sir." "Can tell a moon as far as you can see it, can you '" " I think I can." Kver see the man in tk* moon V" I've teen what they call tk* man in tk* : en *" ' Many a time," \Vh*"t doe* he look like?" U ell. to tell you the truth, k* look* like .\ little two for -a cent one-horse law- ytc." in* con*trwctioB are iron- in France by tk* KiflW \Vorkt and shipped ! to rale*ttne. The station at Jaffa is connectod with tk* Port bra tetnporaiy line of I.o40 yard*, which rndt near tke j*tt. . where tken i* a ' noveabl* crane, thus permitting tk* dir**t unloading of ship* A careful estimate ha* beam made of ;h* probate tratfic whioh will b* manacevi by tke line. This estimate is formed or. and statistic* coUected on the spot, aad it is supported b the Conralat report* of tke Foreign O&kVand bv th* oftcial ncord* of tk* trade of th* port of Jaffa. The company calv-uUtee. on a rrve* annual return for ita first few yean ot IS36,lXX\ l>n tkis Wit, and according to a rcntrac: for the working ef tk* line made with th- Societ* de Tray- aux Pubbcs et Constructions, witn a scale of expenses decreasing from ,X> to per cent, ot tke amouat of th* returns, a mtav mam net annual revenue is looked for of 1 1 i>.0ft\ The payment of interact and t ke re>iempt>on of th IS.C*.* band* will take only *O.4tt> a year. This is not a very ttnpendou* outlook for traftc to Aawrioan evo*. which are nsed to teeing larger return* from tke rail*. Bet it it not bad for a lit tie railroad only fifty fonr mile* Ion; between .'srasaliss and Jarra. Jerusalem M BOW a cit\ c! SO.OOO inhabit- Tb* Fj^!iak soldien in the Soudan were applied* ilk St, Jacob* Oil Tit* Marshal <i* Baaaompierr* wis *en- ploved by Henry the Fourth or. several ent- rinirt He one* told tk* kin* that wken k* went M atnbiSMilnr to Spain, b* roue into Madrid on th* moat beautifui most k* had ever seen, which bad been ant by tke Spanish nooarva for his spatial use. "Ha, ha, what a -nMinsl tight : ' laagbed oat Mgie kwgan to ngkt, bank and wing add it was not until it bad been '' bait ki.'.-'. witk tk* ef tke rid* that tk* duld was re- the boisterous king : "an as* upon a Bale . " Yea. tire." aaid Baatoenpwrre. coolly : 1 npreeeatcd your au.v i..rls. we are just twenty one aad ar* heart whole and fancy free'. ' excliitnt ' Uw4ttsref tk* Dublu. <x Poet. " Onr father fmrailkit M witk ire* beard ; ov mother own* a gold nune aad w* stand in' tolerably well. Tk* only thing that e p> as r i* that will d* to brag on is a heart. and it is Uj! assonga. t* lv* a whol* family, if neceosary. i^all early that you May avoid th* man." Th* talon* of ta* eagle kad gotten well tied up in it* clothes and laa kad Mx*J ike boy -.;*. H* wa* bkck and blue in SMay places frost bsawaT bataav by the eagle's wiag, bat was cot otherwise hurt. TV MOtker't joy wa* swnxlhing indescnha- bi*. Sb* told tke towns** thai tk* *ngtt had been about tk* k*M tor a tang It bad a and kad become a pel. d t* b* stuck attached to a dag owned by her husband and tpent moch of it* tnaw : . ir >... L. A few week* bafen tke rer T^ dayfcr it kd taken tki ckild _AyiTHOUT_AN EQUAL. CURES RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Swellings. THE CHARLES A. VOCELER COMPANY, Baltimor-, Me*. Cana.fliin Depot: TORONTO. OHT.

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