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Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1892, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS MM. P-ev Dr. Fulton will leav* Montreal !>.1 rttarn t j Brooklyn. 'fb* Xo\a Sooiia Lee U'.arr. ia caUeu (or March 3. trade with the \Ve-t At Mrs. S&rah Tooarps >n died IB West Ox- ford oo Saturday, aged 105 j ears, An extensive fir* occurred ia X. W.T.on Saiuiday. Mean*. OuaeUy tad HaoUr are holding revival service* in Calgary, N. \^ 1 Mr. J. Herbert Uasoa ba> been ra elected president of the .S;. GeertV* Society of To- runto. An *x:n*ire mica sains has beta discov- ered oo the fara of Mr. John GimmiH. Lanark. The Manitoba separata school question ii aaui before the court* in Winnipeg. That are 16.51C volume* in the Hamiltas Pablic Library. The total numW of book* loaned during the paat year wa* 2 10, 10L An Icelandic girl DUD*! Freda Stepheasea was craahed in lheJevator at t>eCUrndoc hotel, Winnipeg. OB Friday aigbt, and dji on following day. The wall-known Montreal firm of Bou- seas Bros. ha* suspended pcyment. Their liabilities ir in the acuhboarhood of Wu.OOO. Tbe oo-np!ete report of the Qaebee Rojml Cioimissian is expected 10 be presented at ao eatly dale. The Manitoba Government it nuking ar angetnenti to be reprceeated at the World't Fur in Chicago BCII year. Mr. Hugh Smith. M. P.P. Fronlcnae, re- ceived such injure* while threading that his life i* despaired of. A Port Arthur despatch ta>* t)ie Palisade n> r.e it reported to have been old f or a Urge (um of moi>ey. Mrs. Schreiber. wife of Mr. OoUingwood Schreiber, chief engineer of liovernment railway*, died very xiddenly on Monday ia IKtaw*. La grippe ia playing havoc in the lamWr camp* 10 the district north of Belleville. Some of CM ojunpt have been Hosed ia eon- eqaeace of the prevaJeac of the disea*e. In one thinly there were four death*. The Separate School Board of Winnipeg baa entered an action against the city to re- cover for the Roman Catholic ratepayer* their proportion of the taxes. The rUnk of Montreal his agreed to ad- vance Jix),UUO to the city of Winnipeg at five per ceol Hitherto UM city La* paid six per vent. In Orillia the other day the by law to in- create the nnmbtr of hotel* to 10 aad the lieen-e* to $.V*> wa* voted down by a major- ity of 199. Only 331 rote* were polled. All the mxncfactnring rttahi'thmenU of TWiat are io full Mart. Twe<vr thresh- ing ea^inet have been ordered for Maaitoha from Nortworthy A Co. Mr. Ouo 8. We*k*. for some year* lorney deaeral o' VOVA S.-jtia and a ber of the 1'rv.viaciU Legislature, died at Halifax the other day. K.inmmon*. the Pittiburg murderer. formerly of P.rockuile. Oat., who eat hi* throat MI jail at New Orlean* the other day, tiled i n Saturday. Mr. Thorn** Kobiatoo. pioneer of War- pole townthip. died ou Saturday at Garnet. He wa* a veteran of the Mackenzie rebel lion. A notice signed by General Manager Roargeent has l<een posted m the Grand Tnuik thops in Hamilton. announcing that rmr'.oves must not take any part in elec- tion*, but may vote a* they plraae. In a det\AU> on tho destiny of Oaaa*)a. held by the tu lent of v,'-ieon' I'niversity. ion, on Saturday night, it wat drcide-l that the nation wa tending toward* m<lepen dcrtoe rather than annexation to the I nil ed States. Mgr. Moreau. Bishop of Su Hyacinthe. ka* ittued a pa*tr.U letter in conne lion itii the coming ixnteet ia tjuebec. in which the ftithful are wanml of the .landers at- ten.iiui; an election, tnd especially regarding falx oat IK and corruption. The York Piovrr i'l take *tep* to ward* a proper celebration efthM IrtKh an nvenary of the formation .>( the Provinv-e of I'pper r*nul BOW called Ontario. An earnrat effort will be made to *e.-ur a inf Ii. tent Knot from the l^gulature la erect a suitable *;atue in the new Parliament buiKl- ing gruundf to the memory of the tir>' eraor*. Lord Siiuco*. The P.-uvinoe bad it* birtS in IT News of the ,lth of I apt. William IVw aldaon of Toronto i!l be re.-ur.l mtlh w>dr*pr*d te^jrel. Ho w a schoolmate of the late Sir .loh,. A Ma.Monal.1. and ervr<l an apprenticeship en tKe Hnti.h \\ nint Kingston,^!.. Ivfore he went tosea on the vh.v>ner Htimah Counter, of which he a\KXi hecam* captain Sine* then he had commanded the (learner M i >-|<}v\ : he also commanded the WtlUud. Bine bonnet. Sil ver Sprav, City of Torint.-. Kotheaay Outle iahrwar.l* nklled the S>athern Helle. ' and the Kothesay Mr larea foar *t ns and three daughterai Deceased wa* > \ ram old. Mrs, KothschiKl and her two children were 1-f.rnot to death in their borne at Mat awa on\ Th* -> Act h been repealed in St. Joiia coanty. N. K Montreal c)xsM* to have shortly aa elec- tric >treet oar aerrios. l.'Ktend.\r>l. the Montreal I'ltraniooUne or^an tht wa* founded by the late senator l'rude-1. hai ceased puhlieiition for the per kont, Hamilton grantetl coaster* the privilege of using ixriaiu ttrreia. and now a man whoee witV a iinurrd in cilhioo *e.<> the city for damage*. lh ^iielxs- IVmcial B.var.1 of Health ha issued a bulletin Mating that there doe not nom exist a (ingle oast of smallpox m the provinoa. In a cr\ om,; s.v -lent on the M. C. R. near Bngden. J,hn Mciiregnr. a Petmlea farmer. * instantly killed aud John Mor n-,Mi nadir injured. V Oai^rHUr . f Mr. John R.^Sm*on, i > eton. Ont , diet) !ter so short an ill i ,-v 0:1 <iu>day morning that the *u<|iu-io of the father were areaind. and, upon en- iairy, his wife. aUpsaotHer to the child, adouttd that sae had given the gMaaaaav Ut, -- - A faroer woneit f uph mwB. at CKX1.T The Qaeea is awfa iag from a men form of raeasnitiam Uiaa mnnl, aad maca aammea* ia felt ia Coon etrciea. The Priaee of Wale* is sanl to hare a rtroas; agscUan for Phaeees Mary, the iancee of ais dead soa, ana deaire* to <f> oar. It is ttated in a political rnatmr that the diasideats will ha almost wiped out of exisv eoc* at the next eeneral ejection ia B*2- .Ml. Cardinal Manaiag's will, which was open- ed oo Saturday, snow* thit he peakamtd less than il->J. which wa* io eaoai*. aad a collection of book*. A meeting ii Dahlia of the McCarthyite section of the Inah pirtv. Mr. Joaua Mc- Carthy wa* re-elected fussiJsat. Rev. George Phillip*. D. IV, principal of Qaeeo s C>llece, Cambridge, aad <x-vwe- rhawaHor of the am- erai'.y, ia dead. Mr. Joeerh Cmvaheriaia has been elected leader ia Parliament of the Liberal I'axm- ihe-i, aad 1 Brigbi "-m Ciir< m>r la of BTaetf ac aa* ** llltB Waahiegtoa . Monday aad Two men have been ladinsd m Haafjary for POBMSMBC taw peasants at the nastiritina of the latter'* wires. The Caiaom- Government is p tymg all the mdfaiaiues 4emaaded for the kiiliag ar mjnriar ef foreigners darrag the reoea: ea*br\k ia nrtaasaMni China. Aa afflicted faaoly in Gwrmaay received aa anoaymacj gift ef 100,000 marks. It BOW Uaoap res that Emperor Wiliiua was thedoBMr. say itadrimhty. I speaTwith th* expert ' **** .*"** ** "** ~ ~ ' eae* ef am* who ha* MSB aad taken part ta thaenatiml TiiB^SrTaaaa sad ^.falk. 1 aa^ftw _ v -.*.. M.. hamaMh] a shnnriag aad huaurg ia whiA I have bsea aagagei aw* at aaamVaad daring travem aadcxpeoitioa* in far t ay Las-is. It i* I expedition* in far a* ay sx t. therefore, a* a BOW.- that upmyaaa to record why L _ Tie British wanhip Victoria, wbick iw- Wft * B ****??". S r* 1 ''"* rt ceaUy w.t eats* recks s*f Greece, has * M * wlU ^* lo *"* been floated osT. having sudered very *~$V. "- T '** * k 4 *.*. ** " iajury. Tbe ratting away tka thia :; sal :'. ":.< . , ia say way prodaeed by "I* Many a keen soort i Sead, aewever. ia the osaamoa semse, ao* . saaj'ij 1 1 IB tarn preosm. hat a aatztare af < aaady eiuv aad water, thia sanagh to faedr- i camtod hy Jamas. This smutara af day x> .: may he called. draw. hjr with the United States ware dm^editad ia Wasaiagtoa. Gea. Booth, cnmmaader IB chief gf the It is nimoorad that the betrothal ahort!> take place of Prince George of Wale* aad P'nacess ManrareU daaghter of x-E prces F redbrick of Gennaay. Mr. Pliasoll, the ssilnn' friend, is giviag some sansational evidence* before the Laooar CoauDiaaWn ia Loadea He tataks the cat tie trade wants regala'.ing. He is op- posed to deck load*, aad tSink* that aeilher aalvation Arm> . is at . his retara rnp Tmm India. . t IB Rone ea A SBSM.l cable with the tin FJarucs>ar men aur cattle are well treated en tae tramp Mrv Otbnme. who wa* arrested in Lea- ion on Thursday, chvrged wr.h stealing ia Ev.-ai la talaa aawwt thai wa J- aU4 I a -..-. Well at frtrrn**. Aa amusing aad cunoaa traamv.iioa SB Chum, ia which the Emperor took part, i* recorded in three recent isaaes af the A short time ago Ma Ja-Laag. at m-Chief in Y in time. I hav* bant ever my fallen game.tae result of. alas : too geed a awe*. I have sssa the bsaaufal eye of a eer aea its ditTereat kind rtaae and grow dim aa th* bright bfe y shot had arroatod iaits happy roare sped onward iato the uakaewaTTkave eaded witk the sharp yet merafal kaJ* the dymg aamw"m%f<tl awM, Ttt VtwOaBI I lawMl wOV aaaVCaaW amW vafl a! apart : I have seen the terror ^tnckea erh ef the red aser. dark, fall ef tears, glar- ing at me Oa* of th* leag-eoagfct rt . r-.-. X L-. ? <*: r machine by which Saal . ..-. . hi hat anally caaracterued caathvaaoai lor ta. parpusa. The ebject af the : .'. .. .. nhre tram th* plant is said to ha tatily raalaed ia ita nek* aa aad acrisa t*> ' a degree oaly paruafly . thus, it m stated. . , , me with mat* reproach at it sobbed chines have keen m mat a Saa DaaMago, ia away, aad the mm* look I hare seen the Bshsma*. aad u other pouls, bat ow- , in the eyw* 'of the rlorwas orbed Pataroata. th* taaud. gentle i gracei^l aad beantifal kao.]oo, eae., sf Saath Ahaca, ssMaingly. as it -~.. rrpeoachiag m* for thai Itratly takiac th* life I coald aevtr brtag back. aVtaaJ have r M the met ef thaw oaa inreauca, aad ea* of its vaataea is that, when the is ready for the :.- I -- .-.-3 :c ru vee it, it court she wai twanwsted for perjury aaa re amaded without bail for a weekl A debate oa fair trale will probaU T take place early ia the next itetiac of the Bntith Hout* of Common*. Mr. Lowther. Voder Secretary of th* Foreign, will give aouce IB the Hoase of a motion IB fa- vour of preferential duties ia th* British colonies. Sir Henry Wood. British Oaatmaaioaer for the Chicago W orld's Fair, my* th* Brit- ish colonk* will be largely represented. 300. iJO square feet have been allotted ia the exhibition to ths British Rmp:re. A true bill wsa found iu Lnadaa y enter day agaiaat George Woodyat: Hastings. M. P., for stealing trust funds. The evidence how* that he had embauled ilS.OuO from aa estate of which he u th* only surviving who pat rXTTW> XTATCS. Oregon, had aa down the great t Yunaaa about twenty year* age. " First sad mat." the paper said " he was ever 10,000 of the ptrsoa practically YuDaan." la reply to this " aeV that could he paid ta ea* af the de- ' rat k be givea to kirn. , tartawJBg the erection of a tompW in the capiial ot Yaaaaa The respsnal h-atonaa . also was ordered to compile a record of hi* brilliant explain. Afterward another mem- orial earn* to the Emperar from Yaaaaa. I*; am ia tat men whe signed the docu- msat deaoaaced ah* GeaereU IB reaad terms. They said that ia his , geod-fer net*' I coald abide. I he said Buaaelf ' *BmWa4*mx< *-" person* ia a captured city him. Aad I say this : The ajsmsry af those inaiii bring* BO all Hire to my auad. <^e the contrary, it haunts me with a hag* re- proach . aad 1 fata I never deed* of skill -aad cruel: y. fear**, the way at ia his yoath he was a latiasr. aiag fellow, wham aobody Whan th* rrhdliea ocarred Tae ralM Fr*4em la "The Child Plualsm IB Cities" is the title :rikia_vy saggwttiv* aracte n The :vr..-w : -Wrw. i-, -r. H Iamv*.aa1 secretary of th* New-York State Chant es A. 4 Atteriotiea. Mr. FiaWy is favorably kaown as aa energetic sad lateUigea; *ta- deat of practical aacsalogy. His | trx&t cf m Vflisi )VM>U4wB 4O4al aMC taalf 1 1 harrowiag pictarai af I th* irairiag ef croaaaakv, bat -; -, :.- -. . Aceoraiaf to Prof, this is aptkoallv proved is to hght en the iaaae. aad the scattered by tha sabd partacsmm aa eatn aly ham layer, both whet* the iiam ee- -r* the 4ame aad warr* M leave* it : it is peUr- ited IB the flam* of renectioa. Aa isterssV hag as wall s* s>nfamrmct ts her* eihibtvsd, fhmn It fiaa< to h* SB i ia. far is all * is, m that of a Banna iam* inkged wtta bora, sag ss<iam; and ia t j\ case, aaonrdiaf to Prof. Stokes. U>* aci u da* o the aodmm 1 1 V*isg ia th* t -.- af vapor tastesd ef paru- he proved :-. i , ..- to the rebel*. himself a Kmallv the Kard-iiiaiil Viceroy bnhsd him te de (art the rebel* and PortUad. shock oa Satur.lay. Mrs. Catherine Sharp ef Philadelphia celebrated her 114th birthday on Salerday. Pe,-* ^, .. H , rod, a yeaW, amir. laadmaUtaineid.dasB* pleased." Eves! Mae Bridget McOaffcrtr died at Bndge- .Jter that he was treacheroeu t the Kmp.r port. Pa., the other day. aged 110 years. or, and he exposed the capital tea i*bel Many people were burned to death in a attack m reveage for being compelled to hotel fire in New York last week. | tide ia a green c;.a:r He wa* alwavs ready At Saratoga the thtnaometar showed -T V>rM wrertothe w^iagjide. aad hiamer i - - *iwi MAT ^g the least lB-ii:aout explaaatioa af saint Quart, aad what is rarer, a workable s.-hcmt far their " J abolition. Fnsade af th* poor, whssa heat tolsowp" -- 1 b_ the M* hitherto t . - ; -, ef M. Maaton ia Fan* funavS aU the iaea givcad f JT at th* :ar faaoad ahea* of Clark ia C remedy exists, may tak* heart from the ea- of thit careful shaarrtc. - :--.' r- ' \. tSBav'atM: ley dectaret. it 'th* what* prah* chantiee aad oona.tioa. Ia New York city, where the pnpelalUB M cr w>de>i f. iSe rat* bndg*. Uua. waase nomhrit* in this liae ha* km( beam annraUed. Their practte* i* to import tha material ia th* shape of large disk ^ -r eeaerallv flat ea hath sides. TV* ant lm . gnadsag Mdeaehy avacH aery. iWahrasoag , of , matetiaT batag Tilgamsn t i: cr- :..! : M .3 . -:e hi , below rero oa Saturday morning. diaries Faraham die.1 at Btaghamtoa. N. Y. the other day ia senator. His ord . valie was found to contain cW.*.***. j 1MaaM honor, ware aothing E. tiaddard A Soaa, flour milling awn. af SBM tra>(era, aad thatafth* St, Louis, have asaigned. Uab.iitie* $130,- Ras*ell Sag^. jr., the favorite nephew of Russell Sage, died IB New York the other day He wa* M years old aad unmarried. At IV* Moine*. Iowa. S. F. l>uke, drog- gi*t 1-y a.-c.ideot twallovej a taaapooafal of ho: !ve uid will die. Preti.lent Harritoa ha* is*ue>) hi* pro- clamation promulgating a reciprocity treat/ with th* t-riti*!: \Vet ln>!ia colon ie. Tnm- : i. aud th* Windward and Leeward is- land*. Will HI ward, the Kent nek y desperado. who killed 13 men in the Howard-Turner feud has beeu convicted ot mnrtier and will hang. Mi*> Anna S. Hanrahan, of Onbees, Y., dievl suddenly vestenlay when dressed recordetl l-v ihe hittorisa, bat hi* gSoet vi.l f>r her welding." Yh* boiiy was buried in have to .U> without volive orTerirpt. which. rate of ilOcmM .. : of the Corn- law. Moreover, if existiag its "legal limit, draw wxtal . * . ;. I " ' **.('' pnetors exact aa exorhitaat nearly 100,000 lacktchaol aot withdrawn they feared that the teat af thoasandt of innocent sonle wheat he had tent to Hade* would be uoabie to dose their ye* for ir<1kraatioa. They, therefore, ask- ed for a revocation of the decree, giving honor to the *| int of th* deceased Ma. Herv was a . ! .:>m-ra for tn* Kmporer. The hoaon which he had ordered were al- ready in process ot bee: . V:'.a*th*is- tue>l another decree extncattag himself from said that the bestowal of high dmtinotioa as the erection of a temp'e tSould only be granted where th* popular feeling was unanimous <a ;: r\or; and. a* ]vi*e and to be equally app>wt toned la the trance, he onlervd that the prxM-m* dccrea, a* far aa u u -e'.t.-d to the temple, aheukl N. I W oaacelled. Ma't .toiag* ia the neah are hule*. wHuch are feaad to he mar* awecuva thaa sau.i. and the aaer gncdiBg is accem- phshed by msaa* of varying giadn ef emery : bet a w is. the tiaaaiag proeem that the American operataoas take raak ever the foreicn. The naal toecae* and ta* nilj ^ ' plisaiag are all done by hand, the rocga 10 chil- ; baiag ipplnJ ea th* Up ef the tiagtr. It * < ' * . . the course ef the gruding. the** at ar*t be- rental."the mg aB mirhiBiralaad made with a . . - - -. simpiy i duaas-rate has averaged A l, agaiaat in improved dwelliags of the *a* character, curvature. Jty tkeir wry aatare can tak* The teddliag in back teaeaneat -atuo*. the ! <oaat of irregalanue* in ta* tex:ar of fJ. t > b T lof opttcal : i -* . f preliminary pobaaiac aaiahed the lea* rx-Wy mounted aad sab paay frame* aad ttarved iBt4Ictsef ill fed. Ul-ciad child workers, whw nee wita thesaa I aad toil ia a attain* itmimiihsti until aud . . . 1 nicht, amid a taind erewd of adult* ef both w-whly mouatod aad saheaittail to thei he peauieat *tre*t life, IB wK-h vice ngid exam JMUoa -that is. a bean, of light ! flaunts openly aad sham* aad crime aad ( "> ? ^^ kah>-w aa ! their pa-5*-*ll this i* faau.iar by raitera " artincjal stor- i. traasmit ted thraah the r \ . .:..- . . x ,r. * ; "'^ ' *" - 1 ' ' | -'' i that philaa thropic in*utatK>a* often besck ***** * " *** : . |B * vusaedy thea a the way M Uoe reform. "Why,' said tk* "'_21^''T* 1 *.< try. aad u a long snpertBtoadeat of a child s home, IB opposing te>noas (KIMSS* a bill at Albany, "it will ram our inatitu \ \ - gaa iavoator has eeatrivd a ar* buildiag aa extension. sad We the wedding d A resolution has b.*en introdaced in th* r mted Sta:*i Hoase af Repreecntative* looking to the placing of agricultural imple- ment* on th* free lit Jame* IVnnellv of Lockport, N. J . ate -4 raw e^gi and drank >> (laaess of beer m titteeB mini-tea. Hr as taken with coo vuUioat two hours later and d-ed. Lout* Ivevv of l<ondon. and Mrs. Cohen of u< weie among loos* ImrneAi to death in the Hotel Ualmoral tire IB New York on Sunday morning. Seventeen bodies have been found in the ruin*. i'harle* McKlvaine, the murderer, tnf !'ere>l death bv electricity in Sing pri*oa on Moodav. Tnere it conaiderabi* difference ef opinion among the medical men who witnessed the execution a* to whether death was or wat not instantane out, There ar* 1.31* persons living in Canada who draw pension* from the I'm ted States Government. Mr. New berry, of Chicago, ha* introduced a Ull in Cvngree* to compel all pentKtner* to reeule in the l'nite\l Slate* or forfeit their (vnaiona. Fre.1 Needeck. agetl 6.1, of Milwankee, Lille-l hit with a raxor, trie>l to kill hit 12-year old -daughter, who ee.-ape>l, and w\iiiid up l-v cutting his own thrviat, sever ing tlie jugular. Th* quarrel aroee over nv>ney matter*. Twenty -five laboring men paioed through Ku>>t CM on foot tiie other day oo their way from Oklahoma to Kanaa* City. They tell a pitiful tale of deception by aa employ- ment agent and subsequent oardahip and Baawfaaa C.eoige William Korthe.1ge of Chicago, w th* oth>r >U ttoUf.csithat he had fv '.. ,\ Heir to a: ett IP Knglan-l worth When told cf hi* fortune h* w** th it it to be presumed, would agreeable to it- _ be particnlarly .. typeariur tor ma . and srcure copr w ;-,'. it saakes can be patlugiaaksd an-i a pUte reprodaeed for priBUag. which i* said to e tuperior to plate* made ia the .-vaily facilitate opera: isae aliofactary results. The u Btake* can be patlugiaassd 4 Mkt.aT% *. TKI- < >!" IB the lntsa Trrrlir< A >trnge .li-vry was ma>le by w.oi, 1 -^i>. > 10 we.-v >>ri,:v,c :n the ti:.'.t west of Tuthomingo, I. T. a few week* aeo. I'hcy hav* brxMu ' omn t skamtoa and the section ot a tree to hear eviJsastof the truthlaluee* of their ttory. They cut down a large oak tree which was partly" hollow, but the eniran.v to tn* hol- low nortion had aUnoat entirely grown over, leaving onlv n*rrt>w tht in the oulaide of the tree. When th* tret fell to the ground it was split open by the shock, aad there Iving ia the center of th* brake* wood was the skeleton of a man. Oa oa* ankle of the sk*letoa wa* a band of iron attached to a piece of chain, evident- ly from the manacle* which had been upon hit jT-on when he tough t refuge, in the hot j low tree ' Frvm all indications the ofcWm had been entombed fcr at least a hundred year*, for the iree had growa tufficseatly to almost cover the opening through which k* had crawled to hide. Two of the rib* were broken ia tuch a manner at to load to the Ix-l.ff it WM done wilhs bullet. The *upn.w tion, is tha: the man ha>l e*cpei frm *me pnsoa and had fled with a portion of his nvana -Its : and, batag ahot and hard pre**exl. ha.1 sought refuge in th* tree, and tbere .1 . 1 At there i* BO recvrvl kept of the past onm- inal hilry of th* nation his identity will ever le.i in a mystery. One peeslianly abonl the akrkloR i* thai th* tree had grow n pat :ly arvund eae of Ihe leg*. arl it rat xvlully ioeaaed ia the wood. The tivftimen i n -w 0:1 \ :i.'. .t .on at the court noute at Tushominfiv and wr skaU hav* no ehiUrea te pat IB it," Thi* ; >-. wader S.a'.e Uws, nearly t : jOOOannuar.y to unintpectoi private inetita* tioos. and to thit Mr*. .1. S. LaveU .: aavulve the eaormoa* UKreaee ia the number .__,... of dependent ehiUrea, the law rehev ing the orviiajir> parcel of every duty, rsttncUagaone of KM | A , ...,, fmsa Ing aathuag far the sap- mlMy , v whK . h 1'!' aaur M aaV aaaswM . Mr. Ftnley cnticisee l-eaeral RXH^ t co! ^ vnnk .. v A >nirTf ^ any scham* a. the mere " scam skimmin ^.VS. nver. and. by me meeaaniss*. the depth m ming , of a poet whose pollutioa will conuaoe. H own reoommeadau ,ir . precuer* ragmlered inGer- i - : hat. u of a record* ar* eubotani Baact aad enforce good U-nement-aoas* law* . extend the factory law* to include homi ladaotrie* : enforce the truancy ! and remoto the falalmsat ef parental eb ti-Tilinai iadade kiadergurtaas aad " half- Empsror VX iliiam has on BBmeroa* oc- ume - schools m th' seheol system aad let ameas aroclaimed kit anNvunde.1 ad*ira- , the " privileged half " extoad tht sphere of * ** tVedenck the Green ami h. :n:ea- ! its amtawaaat fort aad peraonal COB tact, , tic* e emulauaf theeiample of hi* ' A* to orphans and foundlings, he advocate* " placing-eat ' de.1 in eerv cci [ of a qualified nspector of -ev .u- . hat . \:. . mal -' system. Th;t ha* *ac- oeedel in evwry country where u has beta tried. A family of good character u peid to tak* charre of a child, whoa* clothing, aohealhooks sad medical ai tendance are p.-\>vided for by a caavaiittee, and t de tnper- v .M.W of th* Ual ctentyatan. scheeltaaoasr and phyaiciaa is sobcitcd, the teacher and physiciaa receiving a tmall pavment for their services. The cV.'d ia tha* aader tnittoorthy turveillaace, aad it beside* N > . .1 by Buibsr of the commit te*. Ia Frvtc* tti* method has mag ttouhsaed. aad .n >.v; i: d -n - .--e.; ; r ea the throne of lToats to have tost tight of tha fact that retiroas liberty f or all coaatituted oae W the guu'inc principle* of Ring Fre I ~ reign. The latter wa* eawarmtned that hi* Kibjecta shoHiU be pamsitaed to w. rk oat the salvattea of their tools, each oae of them in his owa pvtsralar way. Km. peror W illian is aaaaitastly of a ditfereat opinion. For he i* eadeavonag to forre throagk the Prussian legmUtar* a btll pro- vi.liBg for th* compulsory raUgiaas e^laca- tioa of his sabjecta. The btll which re- ported to h* a pet scheme of the voaag moaarvh. is declared hy his Chaacellor. General vr Capri vito be de*i:n<si t.v check the growth of atheism. Tbe avvraf* IVas- sian ciUrea t*, howevei , far too iatelligeat a man not to reseat his attempt to aahtrdj. Bat* his conscience and hi* re'..i;.a bfliaf \e Prime. Chief Warder " Sow, prisoatr, what w y. ur cr me ' {meet* with violent oppoe,tiea, aot V % no crime." , from the entir* UN-ral party. K>ch h* he- the partly secular and paav.icai direct Km of a sovereign to youthful and *o ineipen ; encexl as Wdbam II ;n.l the prowled law , - \\ . .. Wait ing ! l>-.ner -" You tee I waited oatmde wliile Ui'l broke in ami got the twag, aad inst a I was loaded with it the Nobby reaaited Kx- tae progress three.* ef aghtiagim great varpoeee the fWe. bet Miai*;*r* of St* a,

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