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Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1892, p. 5

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TMI FLESHERTON ADVANCE BAXKIXG GEO. MITCHELL, FRESHER iON. * *3>rl bnkin basin*** tranaetW I'rfls t...i4l*iilch>vje< e&h-l t u.uilrau* M > 1 w. , in!! tb.r for Isf.titsate tnmsMa tcrpriw. Orrio iw> I. >/! ncnl> o* fochardsow 4 CoX Vicinity Chips. C'harari-rii:.-H of the Past Work fan-fully < ullrd for the rifl to rAir;J uf tA< nif- / /'V f r fit* /</r eadk imerti.'M .4 rr./i.<-fiu tn'U to t i'i< -.. t-intr .'iiidJ orowr. U. RicuiiJj^o A Cut. annooare. t of big clearing sale, G- 1 yo-ir visiting card* at The Adrince > j.laiii IT printed. The mail waa three hours late nu Mon- day wiog to anow Uluckade beluw < >rsnf eville. Penple know what M. Richardaon A Co'*, annual wii.tcr sale means. ^ It is adrerti*ed in this |<aper. H*r P<IM SLLJI : 40 or 50 ton* feed hay for sale f 10 per U.n up to 15th of Mar.h. ASDRKW BEATFIE I.B. Lara*. barrister. Varkdalr. ha* $10,000 private funds t<> lend on farm tnortca*ea within the nelt few month* at lowest current rate* No c<>nimiw- HNU, no .Mays, expense* low. Apply at i.ftica in M.trkdale dunn* the week or at Dundalk i.ffice. n Saturdays. Tae Official Quarterly Board of the Dim lalk circu.i ha* unaoitnoualy de- cided to petition conference to allow Rev. li. H. Bob'jleoV-k to remun their pastor for a third year. To the question, which U your favorite poetu I there may be a great variety of auiiren : but when Mked, which i* your favorite blo 1 purifier t there can only be one iv^ly Acer i Sar*ananlla,bcau*e it ia the pureat, safest, and moat economical. The case against R. Hoy for selling li.j i >r without a license, which was tried before Ma^ivtratea Armttrvng and Ri-h- arJum last week at c<>mi>laint of Inspec- tor Cani|'bell.haa heen there was no evidence up- n which conviction c*uK! be mad*. It will pay ' - to perufe rarrfully the aJTfrtiseramt of M. Riebanifon & Co in another columns. I have used Aver s Hlls fur the past 30 year*, and am Mti>tit>ti I should not He, alive to .lay if it had not bet>n for them They cured me of drspepaia when all otbar remoJies failed." -T. P. B-n- ner. Chea'or. Pa. Aycr's Pills arc sold by all dru; Afiir .ift. :i ml rrrtice tat Xondav venmc at the meeting of the E. I-. f K . the three del.-jates ..f tSu *.<ciety who attoiulo.l the c nfere KV in Toronto, gave hort, interest ini; addiv-e in r-fer- nre ! the r. rk and pleaur\< experi- enced tb.ero. M. Hu-han.i<op. E*q., favorol the y. ui\& people aith a few Lind'y rvmarkt. and expressed deep m- t -rest in the welfare of the society. A meit:ni; of the orrdt'or* of \T. W. TritiitiJe is callol for in Toronto on Thurxiay. ISih inst., a* will be noticed by our a>lve.ti*ii<{ columns. We are rorry to learn that Mr. Trimble is in tUmcuhie*. IK* has been nist unf Ttu- nate since starting in business owing; to aickn*a, and inability to attend to trade. We liorv h will U< abl* to make oia adjustment with his crrdi:on whereby he will le enabled to retuine biisineea. By 1'X'kmi; at tho >|ii stations of the Virginia toUuvo markets it will be found that the tr.^lieit price paid for flllers"- which is the tobavvo wUiv'i forms the Kxly of the pluij ery claely Carres- p->n>U with llio HIT >i,-e,l price- of tobacco leaf imported into Ontario. A> over four fifths of all the leaf imported into the r>i>viiice- is for "My: 1 !* Na\y" t,vl. this fact i official proof of the claim that tbe ''Myrtle Navy ' is made of the finest V.rfinia leaf. Honor Rol for January. t' S. S. No 1. Ei i-HNn \XP ARTKM KSU. Form IV, total t'W M.try Carruthers 48S. Jamea T. O Hriei. 0.'Fred Walton .-, K>a Soanlaii Form 111 Sr . fatal N'*> Kujvnia Huiii'.vTutoii* :V<. Haiti* W.Uon :40. For.,, Ill Jr.. total ,W Katie Br,i,i,r3H> F.JIU 11 Sr .total 4NX. .toeeph H Cimi'Vrs :VBt. Matthew ?WO Form II Jr.. total 4AV- Mary H HumNrtnfc.n :ViO. Rn-h. Pnunff 300. Mamie M.-l/e-J iV. !><ni* KTO lff40. MAI D ClPR, Tt*ctitr. *r'ie*hru>n haa again been At III 9 Epworth Leaxue meeting IB T r i.'., Ia*t week Mia* Belle Chriat.x.preai- dent uf the branch 10 Fleaherton, re- eeited lli appointment of Firat Vice Pnauteut fur the province. Muse Can* toe U a clever yuua-{ lady, which fact ihe hat 'iem <n*trated orcr aud over ajain to the *aiUfacUn of all wb > are to f irtuu- ate u t i claim !ier ac-i'itintance, and we feel sure tliat the cna!ricnce re; -<fd in her as referred tu above will uul be mu- placed. The Advance u ?!ad t*> add ila ir.bute "f cun^rat j!itio.i. Nfw* ui a mo*t <tetard!y aroair haa reached us hich should not (o wipmuMh- ed. Rev. Mr. Jhnatn, Ri-.tut n. r.- ist'er, while driving betw*e:> Imti>r2e and Fteahertou, last week, was a,vauite>d by a well-kuown character who deserve* t-i be uuxht a k-aaoB. U' with<4d the same for the preaeut.hojuB.' iha: Mr. Johnatua may see bis way clear to mititute pro ceedm^ against hi* assailant, when we will feel me at hberty to oomtneat oo the ca*e. f -rVarnc d-<e n>t dewaud that inch char-ur ahoold u >t be maie amettahJe to the law* ,4 the land, and it i* impolitic a* *ell u unsafe to ; ' su.-h dd* to sn unpunished. M Richardson & have thmg tuleresbiia: to say t* oar readers in the adrtrurinc eolaian. LO.F- " Mr. W. F. H. Thompaon, organuer for the I. O. F. . succeeded in organiz- ing a l<xitf herj on Mr.nday evenmf last, with the following officers : C. D. H. C. R-, J. P. OtteweU ; C. R., B. G. Evan. ; V. C. R..F. G. Kanledt : R S. . Th. Carter,*!. D. ; F. S..B.T,. Evaua ; Treaa., E. T. Hauult-n : S. \V . Andrew Cullen : J. W., Thoa. Henry : S. R, John C. Adams : J. R . H. E. McNea : T (.' R . P. Loucks ; CUap . W \ Thompaon : Physician, Th<*. Carter, M D. Another meeting will be held on Fndy eveaiDg to complete organiz- ation and get matters into working While nauvea of other p>.>itiona of this bleated province- have ben rtveUing in thunder storms and pu-taild luhlning this township haa been enj un^ a regular .Id-fashi nod winter for the past w.i . s>\ with snow coming down in a white sheet moat of the time. Th* r<?u't i* that lumlvrnien are more than satulied with the quantity received and would gladly part with a foot or tw > to our lea* farored brethren of the southern counties. They can have it f. rthe a" raw- in.- away an i Bud theaiselves and trams. Supply unlimited, but call early aa the offer may be withdrawn. A tender-hearted ituiividual. living net very far from Fleshertou, who was de- sirous of disposing of a c.'u: 'e >'f kittens without killing the pretty little thn c. placed them in a biscuit box an,! tovk a drive. Meeting an ac^ua:ntan.- he asked him if he bad lost a h<t . I l-iscuits. A negative answer beintj returned etntle- man NO. 1 said he had found one, but did not want theui, and to nuko a lonf story short, nalme^i them off o : N > -. who remarked that he wrul i have a howling big blow ut on biK-uits and milk next day. What his senti- ments were upon o;<enin,; the box and discovering the kittens deponent saith n-t. tKrty years aioce Mr. Hialup came te> ! the U.wnship of Artemeata. Being a miller by trade, he at one* took U> bia baitoeaa and began work ia the "iitUw mill" a mile and a qaarter m.rth-east ut Fleaherton. He antinaed there ..vr a year and then removed to Eozwuia where) he stayed rveral year*. Beu.i; a lirt- cUse miller, and atraightforwani . bis dealutirs, he gav otiivcnal sat s'ac- UOB. For the Lut tweuty f.>ur years be has lived on hi* f ana, about two ml. * north of thia ula_'*. He wa* active and indvutri -tti and very sucoeatftil, and had attaiaed the nobl* p-.ti. .u .rf btriug BBU- cially independ*i.t. The deceased waa born over sixty year* a^n ia R lojr^h- liire, 8o>lland,near the town f tlawiek, and n-t far from Jed bur; h or "JedUart a place made faaiout by Sir Waiter So. it f -r the justice meted oat M criminals lu that burs. viz.. "Haa; him first; tn him afterwards," and uar deceued fiiewl bad a la* f anecdote* relating t- "B r >ier Hi*dTy two hundred years ayu. Mr. Htalop wa* a Preabytenau, aud had the houur of being elected an Elder by the Kufeie.eon;rv^a:,-,n a few m..nth a^o, here he will be asuch sBiaaed for BOOM time to come. Aud I may here state that the Rev Mr Well* ha* b**u very attentive to him during hi* sick nee*. The ii iic eased leavrs a widow and seven children, four <-f whom are married abd in hoea of their own. and three are Mill at boose unmarried. They have the sym- pathy of all who know them in their sad bereavement. I am sorry to add that Mrs. HUlop is completely prostrated by this awful trial. May Gd comfort her BOOT AND SHOE DEALER FLESHLRTON. Orange Soiree. The annual Orange soiree, of Eugenia L. O. L.. will be held in their hall on Friday. Feb. 2t> This annual aJa.r is alwsy* very enjoyable, and ou this - casiou will not be behind any of its pre- deceisora. W. J. Beuon, of Markdale. ha* Leea en^a^eu t r the other talent !..<! aud b colored btll* for particaaara. PcrscnaJs. Mr. Damade left on Monday evewiac to attend Grand Lod,*e A (.> I*. W : Ottawv Mrs. Mary EV-yle. wife of R. J Doyle. EA] . Owen Souttd. died on Tuesday morning. The family of Mr. T. lining** left ou Wednesday to j"in Mr. G. in Maau chusetu. Mr. Willie Thompaon Uft on Monday morr.uig last to accept a p^i!ion iu Cleveland. Ohio. M.<4 L .-;i Strain, of Owen S ..ate Institute, aaabecn aaakiug an enforced visit at home, owing to illne*-. IViple in thi* vicinity were treated on Saturday pvennit; last t a very beautiful display of aurora in the norihweatem ky. Loiii; rtammi; streamers of brifht r*y tinta blending and chancing <n kaleidoecopic beauty spanned the sky from hori*Hi te tenitli. TSe m.Ntn waa just mine in th east ai..l the mellow lii:ht caa; from it wa* proivab:* the call**) of the bnl'iii-y of coloring. The colon were *>< bricht thai a roay halo was cast over the whole landsoajv. and the effect was iiuleacnhably beautiful. The scene waa witneaaed far and near, and in New York city wa* especially brilliant. Mr. Dunn, of the Ne Y.-tk ohaervatory. de ectibe* it a* follow* "I saw it." he ai.l. "from tl-e vrrr befinDiDf. It wa* shortly after nigliifall when the first ap- pearance ot eo'or was oherisl near th* hor-i-a. Th* kv seenitxl perfectly elovd- lee*. A foil moon w*s flnn 11^ almocl W- th* north star. A brownish veil, like an arch. pa<sl over the best- ' en. The star shown through it a* through | a thick fo Iu rutniioanon p.n-,1 was the format t. n of the rolors into the foim of I boreal corona, which the ob*ervers of th* heavrnt sy is the most beautiful form the I norlntrn ushts ever take." Y. M.P. P A Concert. Tie V ^1 T B \ c >ncert in the T. w:, H.> u Thurs'uy t\ waa one of the moat successful affa: - the seaaon. The hall waa r.Vii to iu fullest capa.-.ty. J. U M : .- . I Master. "S'lnnse" auctioneer, etc., of l> indaik, occupied the char and called off the numbers iu cood style. Mr J H Cameron, e'. and hutsMtiM, of ' to, wa* of coarse, the maiu a: . tion, and ru'ni royally did the auUience feaat U]<on the |T<d thiiifs which he gave Mr. Cameron ha* been here be- f <re. but his re-pert- -ire waa entirely new. His recitation "The- Blacksmith'* IM wa* a piece which will be l.n re mem- bered. His hum>rou* *i>n^s were a'l void of anything offensive U< the *aM faati.liou*. and Mr. Camern may c-^isid- er himself a prune favorite with a Flesh - erton audience. Mr. Benson, of Mark- dale, did fairly well in a couple of Irish son$s. but his selections were n 't of a high order and bia voice seemed very weak iu comparison wrh the m<re son- orous music from Cameron's lip*. Miss Chrietoe presided at the organ, au.l *)> cave an instrumental piece which wa* highly a-tpivoiated. Miaa Srah .' M.- Kee cave a sole entitled "Supj\e," and rendered it very nicely for a little sir. Mrs. W. Irwin added much to the en joymeut by >;;::.; a reading andareci- tation The proceeds amounted to about A LAROE ASSORTMENT <jf Boots, S.. es. Rubbers, Overshoes. Trunks, >-* loi able ijcasoiuible Custom work and repairing promptly attended to Wr Orr Fifty l>ar* Mrt WinUcwt uotais Strap ku bea a*X hTiniIHnass>nthsntrrtVs1rshi Inw while. If Cards. i eavsrrr o taw wttoto awthia< Srmp tar to U* MM* a*4 is eU bf all **** skro^lMMst tk worU. B tart sad wk tor air*. MT:cilcw i S->ttil SVTBBV.- VaT.FTIOI CDBI9 s*a Bkmrian i*ur*i trvwifractaM < plan i ia his kaaxW by u EM* tinaary tbetarlo< a umpU ! tor Mri*M DU!ity aftsr tsanaf ,K)rs ia tScw easss. haw Mt U ksi eMy %o asato it tuMt?riaMk>wm. AHas>< kv tkie ml i luiii li iili amctuMM fr swwewiM asaU by t1nMv . W *. NcTB*.M)Poenr>'B:o.-k ur S T : aU . > it. taw -.. .: JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FirBim > . Co. GSJT nivrsiox COCBT cuutaicoiiMBciorB vir B E.. Ca*tTaasr. Ac. Ater pcirkaM aa i M! of laaxU. Afpiatiu *r i -. P B * S SOCMCJ _ MOMT to Lcr es iW co*t re MOHBY TO LOAN. The u^entfaied has a large aatcwat e ooey to ieaa at f tow* er tsra profeny. S. PAJtCDE. Ftnhrrtcw. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. i*l rtf wiinit C Tn*wraaee aeci. eU. Peed*. *, Me., ^fvpwi *UM prc^vtH lawmaee an>*< ia first elaaa 'T niii. Meejey to Ua4 at lownt rate*. ittfdical. DR HCTTON C A T T I \. I ii II Pi K. OF THE KYRTLE NAVY M. T. CM. M.C P .t Bendene* sad Pals" OB* VMT of the yeifi.ii*t Ckureh. Kir.x*Sl, > >d Saw- west X .-\! T.&B. IN i:i:/i LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE Vrrr and Fariurt I laanrls aot It covers the ground the B. & C. corset. It is perfect in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo, u - hich will not break nor roll up. and if you are not satisfied, after wearing it two or three weeks, return it and get your money. Fwr N., I , I, . M. 1J-,- 1: ., r.lM.M & ,-- DR. CARTER. M. C P. .v - Ph.'icia- Kleaherun. Odiee Strata < hsnrk. twiitvaii Maaahaws hotel. DRS. SPROULE & EGO~ Markiale. (>nt. OAee Mar.T t iram tore. T. S. Sprafc. V . Anew* E*o. VI a* Tottenham. l>v. Et> will be foejarf at tht ' J. P. OTTEWELL. Vete.ioarv Srgrv n i.r^o .*:, VeUr.Barjv.. .. ^ R - scaU el Letch's tailor shop. fleeb'Hjn. Ilfutistru. J. P. MARSHALL. I- P N. M 1\ S . D t: *:. \-iuUaik- Jale the lt sad Srd ' ,-* r >> omh. FVeaerkMs Each uip Ja : j J*v J. W. FROSI. Barrister. S.-i:citcr. Corversaeer. Ftoebertja odso Xn Ae MM . ftce. >; iii BshawA >: . Barrister S *" .: ,- : - : \' . . McCULLOUOH, i ' - - V .- Apmr<* of the death of the late Adam His'op a writer in the Markdale Standard ha* th* foil. win.,- (r>d words to sy of the dscfaaed gentle-v-an : It is Ou X >uday morning a man named Bush was found frvvavn to deaih between IVam>ti!l and Smithviile near Hamil- tor It i* nuppoaed he wa* under the influence of liquor and fell out of his cut- ter, aim lay at the aide of the rtiad all night The horse went on home, but was not disc <rered by th.i family antil the morning. A search wa* instituted, but Ux> late. The body wa* froien stiff wbea found. Th* official count in Kaat Bmc* fivw* Mr Carxill tOon*naVw>-a majority >f 10 D. MeTavish, HORSESUOKR AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collin:r<yxl Strwt. FLESHERTON^ - ONT. WRIGHF & LINDS\Y. >- . Ovsa ^v-.n,f. Oat. tt v -. > > v *tr*dv MOMV to kn at h.<***t rtu*. W H \\ILMWT. - -T . . Ftc Ren* ikeisw prrmrtlT as- irwr-i MSMttoa , 10 cxwtrM*- e I or n,l.T tm a**] riww rhair tttm- R. J. Sprcule, I> <.UASTEft,FUaherW*).CoK*i*aiM>. ft in y R.. IjaeascdAsetionr*- Cou veyaneer. Apj'iM.wr and Mone LmJer. Real Estate auJ Io*arsno Ag-nt. Deeds. Mortgage*. Leae* and Wills drawn DV aac Valnatious made ou ahor**l notice. Are- tiou 9alo* aiU'DJe-i to u any psryo(tre> County, yoney to i *n al i w, *t rate* cf interest. Collections attended to with ptvartness abj Jevpatcu. Chart--* Ivw. Agwntfor ihel\>aunioo Steaisr ; j <', rrr*iy. Cheap ;.ok*l from Flesherlor to 1 irerfowt. Okugow. Londcn or aav of tb* Prituh. arts. ParliM iuteoJ : ig to i*it Kc(laa4,. SeotltaW or ?? land, will please sk rt. s- (ore pi fcaasirf their tieieta *Uewbere.

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