THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE IN I ;s ROUHBBHOBIHO. WOOD WOH* FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, lAIklliKB. LATH. BftrHOLBS' JOB want FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard 's Carriage Works, FLESHEItTOJST, ONT. HU'K'Sl.AXU HOLI.EKH MOWERS. 1 IM'l.l.i. FLOWS Oar Wcf*n* the Bret. Mur Biiuicir* (he Beat. Our < ullcrs rli< lt *t our Imprvred Harrow* thr ML 8THAW CCTTEB8, SCI FKI.KKM, TUHXIP DRILLS, OANO PLOWS HEALTH FOR ALL. llolloway's Pills and Ointment .' T HE PILLS Parity th> Hlood, correct all Disorder* of Liver, Stomach, Kldn'yH, and I t<\% <]>.. Theylnvlif.irateao-l reitore to health Debilitated Cnnittitutlons. and are invaluable In com- plaiuta incidental to Kemalu* of all a. For I'lul.iri-n and tbe im< ,1 Hiey axe {irieeleas THE OINTMEM T a>n Infallible remedy lor Had U<. Had IlraaaU. Old \Vo-mda. Hnrea and Ulcers. It it tamont for ij.iut au. I KM.-UIIHU-III. fur diiorduni cl the Cbil it lia* uo wjual For SO UK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLD& Olan lularSwolllngn.andall Skin nineaan it h* nn rlral : aud for contracted and stiff j.iinti It set* like a ciiario Manufactured only at Professor ROLLOWAT'S Establishment. 7*. Xw Oxford Mrrrt < late .vi::. Oxford Strcrt ), London, and ati-i,,]-l at I*. Ifl ,2 IM . 4 M.. ll. 92s.. *d 38*. oarh lioi or Pot. aud may be bad of all lied --'-7 VtiU'liiiH throughout Uiu World. I'Hi'-luurr* ilmul'l linJc Ic >>>' IsiM mi lh> I'ntu aiui Itosn. Ij the tijilrtiu it >it 6.H, Orfortl titrerl, London, they arr ;mri</i/j. AT mm AGAIN. I liarnnnwgnt my now |tr*iiiiim HUM up an.l atn pi- j>ar,.t t<l<>al) in HIT liaa- with Matin* ii'i'i ;<-*[>at, ion in better poaftfosi than ernr i..*ttn<1 w>th wantu nfmv nwUiirt- r* A CM UII>K Iximni-Hii almwi a iin>win|C oon- a^*"" 1 - ( ii-t vnur boot* and atiooi inafl* At Ui M. IJ. We guarantee a4ia(action. CARD OF THANKS. T)ic i>n<li>r>l|rn*<l <lealre In thank the people* of KlrOierton and rroiinillnc roootrr for tbelr rery lilxtral patronage durln* tbe year 1W, ami anllelt* a nuitlauatlun of the tame. Wiiblng BH pkti --in OB aud alt a pioeiwrova year I remain .Jot*. Nniilh, Boot A s|i..< niakrr. I I. >li-rtoii DON'T READ THIS. 1 UK Ml. U KI.MAl'.l.K Sydeniiiim Mutual Fire Insurance Co., K jrr>ar l..-f. .r the people. In .Yifterrmt rkH<a| er than tlir nrxt rbta|**l. and as ( aa tin- aaftMl Tin. only |.nnl\ r'atrni-rr' ' panr " I'"" llt Bf <<rr\ .ITIrnl on tin- f li'i f.-i i yaarn ! the hitftimit IU Policy at t* - tliir.K iM. actual Talnr.and nieaavof loan iiav> till-full amount uf tli rts VM. A li\\ M \N.i|i.|it. WalurtFalU Steal Swear^ Drink SAY! Farmers ! Business Men I Everybody ! The niidi-r>iKiiv<l lia trt.-l a new earrlagv lauufartur) anil r. iminin; \m\t in Flenhrton. where you can g^t vmir r.patm done ou short notice and on rraMinablo I.TII-* 'arrlac* TrlinmlnK, I'iUlltlll^. Kc pairing. end arerythlnff In tin- eai iYuiai-all Hatiifactimi Shop I.V.T McTaviah'i Black smith Shop. E. T. Hamilton rieeherton. Jan. tl, Idol. Self ntifto AMTfMI AfMey for iw^y |y you'* H ow n as from couu- * A truth /f<i</ im/>ti"y try IV hat R. A. HEATTIE, the D. C. Painter says about work. I louse, Si(,'n, Carriage and Orramcntal Painter, Frisco, Can- vas, and days All work GUARANTEED. Noxt Door to Baptist Gburcb MONEY rai|>.h. ..,.1 i.. . ml. t, l, ih., lib' ( - . MHfl . I >l, *n*rl I*, |||, 1 1 ..Will. > ll'-,Hk< -rvet tltt !> A l> I * >. h- > >h * t K.f.. W.- H.I I K, r * \ <.*.. 11 }Mir tt*u t* It* >h tl.sU*.. -i 1-tftii #"* i cH'ts.-r m *f * i.. * |Mf * . r fc .! .. i .. ...U I *** i.l sinJ ,.*. < P H.U. T 't: A , **) (In O.. Al-*** I.arc.-t Hrrvlatlnn of anr arif ntlfl<* pap<*r In the w ,,M Htilnndlitlr i!liirair.| No Intdllmat mail nlii.uM Iw wftUoet It, Wklf . 3.f a ri . II 'i nil mimlhs. Ml'.NN A ill, l-i vni.iiai. sr.i ni..|>.at. N Vura. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Till* DltKAT ( ill iill f'lHK. tliis tiirrpg* lulcn.NMiMI'riON (I UK. u witlii.ut i parallel in tin- lnt..ry ..( im ,li,-in.- VI .Inicrisu ar aiiilnni/i..! t.i -i-ll it ou a |>..-i tiregiinmnti-e, a I. t tlmi m, , .tln-r cur. can aiieeixilnlly Nlaiiil. K you have a r,ui)-li Sum Throal, or Hr.-n,-l,it,.. i... .1 (,,, u H il run- \. Hi If tour chilil lia thti Croup, o. \S I nine < 1'iifli. us, it ptiiiii|itlT,aiiil i. In- I- min< If .mil ,lrra,| Unit innidiuui iliacit CONSI'MITIMN. ni. N'T r*ll. to llr w purr rmi "r fiinl niitlniiK. Ak Hint for SHIl.tills c I lil-;, il vmir 1'riiK III ,-:. , fi" rto. an. I II (in. II Tnnr l.uiift an- mirr nr llank Ume.uiii HuiKili'i I'nnmi Planter 9 Notice. IlavlllR ronli-.l ill* m,..!,, 1,1,11 kn..wn a> HI. in, i null 1 nt, i |'i,-pn I |,i .1,1 x || kni-l. awlnK I'l !.. J .'i tor o(t WIXK! ami i VI I,., li.i.l ....! ra.h wl |,>il IK> Hp. ml Hi. nil. .n ^ivi-n In oultiU|abln|>la| nlm-k M..|- n. ti In ton il^!lni( 1 will r..<-rlaflr nhari. f the niirriiiiinlliiii palniliiui>. I am vntim trnlv r. W. 1C rOTTKNHAil, K'l^.-iiin P O * H. * qnaniii- of .1, i I li,ir for tain Kn|iila. Jan II. INK. ),,,. Literary LOT* A*D HaKRUOt 111 Sir Edwin Arnold, who ht* been enjoying an inU-retiuR trip tliroagb th* United SUtes, ba* made a careful rtmiT of tin ton- d'tioui wliicli goTrn tbe family in Janao and embodiei hi* idrae in a paper called Love aud Marriage iu Japan," iu tbe Feb- ruary number uf The Co*nx<pulitan. The article if illtutrated by tbw ^oaiutmt poaible Japanese iketelin runuiug dowu th* aide* nnd acroH the botiom of each page. An ri celleut photograph of W. D. Howelli, arrrei a* a fronticpieee, and bif work M a writer of fiction is reriewed iu the aame number by U. H. Bo;aen. Tbe Prriiaent of I. 1m Hopkini Uuireriity giTei a molt practical paper for parent* on "Boy* and Boya' School*, illuBtrated by eartooni i>f the famoiu Attwood. Mural Haliteaxl turni back lavingly to hit early farm dayi, Ulli uf the IVt and Srxirtn of a Farmer Boy." The pptr ilcum industry tally illaatrated ; Au Afghan Story by Archibald Forbes . Tbe Story of tb Itraxiliau Krpnblie by Adams, late Minister of. thai country ; and The Leading Amateurs of tbe United State* in photograby, aie other leading articles of tbe month. *s IOTFTAIX CTBtotrrr. In July. MHI, there were discorcreil in the ancient eity of TbebeB, tbe Bummin of Kujpt'i raiglitiest fbaraobn, ami lit; them tuat of Riimeaea the (iru*4. There were also found soils, coiix. statuette*, prnetT(>d food, an'l a few rolls of jiapyru*. sonie of tb latter being of great tain.-, oiirinn.ily bound together, and, notwithstunding tbe mould and mildew of agpa IIIIMI tbem.a^ easily nail aa if written ycatt'rdar. A quocr little book ontitled, -A Nitit \Vitli lUnwae* II.," has been executed a,, r! irtlv. Unit t)i> cirdiited seal, saxg^itioni of mauld^ntiqne colnriiif, and partiall} Jecaynl and ragCil><.l,t ! [i|.vru. carry at one* to the mind the J>".-M. -i! uf a rentable relic from the- dawn of eiil ization, Mailed to any a>Mr<8 on receipt of (> ets. iu stamp*,by J. C. Ayer Co,, Low. 11. Mass. Lout ky Delay. Great I'.ritan is supremo in Australia, but she came near Imtmi; a rival in Franc*. If it had nut beon f-ir the atl- eclin uf an officer who could imt act promptly and keep hi* own counsel when France had conccireti the plan of taking poaaoaaion of New /.-al.rul, the great islands which ctiuititute that colony would to-day Sara bwii a French poaaoa- fiiin. Tlie story is Md in "At th An- A certain Captain L'Aii|(!ois, bint( much cliariiird with the pueition of Akarna, on lUnk'a IVniiiNiila in tin- I*land of New Z.taland, Imu^lil a lart;e district of land in the neighborhood, and returned to Ir'raiicu to a.-.-k i..l..nuts tu settle en his pnipvrty. Tho p<> encourai(ed his |4aii,and sii|>ii!id a man- of-war, iinilri l'a| |-r the emigrant on landing. Larand was > rderrd to proceed at once to New Zeu liiinl.*inl await tneir arrival L'Aii|{lois left Kranc with a [*rty o! colon isU, and reached the IUy of Alar-. a August 17th, 1840. To his surprise, he saw the Kn^liah tl*i{ flyin where he hail ei|iected to awe the French. The waa >. >t\ alre<l. Captain Larand, before rracliin^ Akar<>a, had ato|i|>ud at Auckland, and had fallen in with an Kn-luli raptain n-iiin-il l|,,n, who waa looking after Itritish intereal* in that part of the I'aciHc. In tn uiiv'ardi-d m.-nn-i t Lnraiid div iil-.'i-d the ntijcit of his mission, and l'.ia .1 ..f the Ivaiitiea of Tort Akar and the fertility of the ad|art*nt cnuntry. Iliilwini. ,tn i'tii'1 ,'i-tio man,,' ly resolved t <n-( ahvud of it,,- French man, and *ecurt> New /<*nlaiid fm- Kiu- land. 1 ln-rvt'.i,-, hil<i tl.e dilatory Lavand was itiiiiisni)i himavlf on l or , Hut*. n dustily il,"|..l, lu-.l a small ir ship in thr ,>f Akarvm with or <lira to plant tin- Kiii-lnh ll, there be for* the arrival of the Krtmrh. The stral.t^i'in siii-i-w-led, and I<arnnd found hiinat'lf, to Ins Kreat dismay, just tcn> U'e Tin' Itrilish standard hnd been unfurled nn th lull ahore the bay, ami not Aknroa. but the wh"le of New / ilaml wan ml I,-. I to the llritiah -lo minion*.- (Youth's Companinn. General News. Mr. John MI-H mio nf tho oldeat rrsi den* of Owen Sound, dird suddenly o 1 heart failure on Friday ni^lit. In Wcat Huron n.niiiiia'.ions will take pUuo on the lliih and polluiK mi the 2? lual. 8ir M -n-ll MrKonxiu, th* emin*n< phyiioian, did mtli.-i auddvnly in I, n dn Ust woek. Darnl Li-tin, tft> yenra old, living ni\tr Owrn Hound. suiridi"! by nieann of pouoii Hi* brother t!urt;o nlo took his own life in the same manner several jp*rt ago. /* T ^ m We are pleased to be able to say that we arc again in po- sition to serve you in the above line. Our Stock is now very complete And we arc prepared to offer such bargains as will astonish you. In several lines we are manufacturing our own goods, thus saving heavy freight's and middlemen's profits, and lor such specialties as we can- not make to advantage we have succeeded in complet- ing arrangements with some of the best manufactures in the Dominion as enables us to handle their goods at con- siderable closer prices than most retailers. You may de- pend we shall give our custo- mers the benefit of our long experience in catering to your needs in our several lines. Sec our cheap Lounge*, Bedroom Suites, 4 Chairs Of all descriptions. J. E. Moore, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker Show Rooms acd Cfflce Strain's Block, FLESHERTON Good Hearse in connection. Iii Position FOk- PHOTO (ill \PHI\G -AND- Position is Everything. us v Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All ki;ids of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Piclnre Framing do 06 in ail its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy, ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. N 43 TI C E I To young men droiri.ig to learn the art of sclent fie riming I have decided to open ft ui^ht school for that pin pose, to cotntneuce on tbe first day of Januarr, lasting through the winter mouths. I will guarantee to leant any smart young man iu from one to two months the art .-f cutting. *o that lie will be ftblp to command from 30 to 40 dollars a week salary m any city iu Canada or I'uited Suu*. Sow, farmer's sons, everybody, don't miss thifi splendid chance. You will pay iu tlio city $1CO and $30 for board while learning to cut. I will make the price in reach of every yimv! man. My aystem of garment cutting n the only complete syslorn "f actual tnnsaurvnirnt erer produced whrro very measure takru tu be applied tt the draft. A* t-> my ability ai ail env- n.'iit sciuutitic cutter 1 can ijive t*ti- niiiiiiali fnun nm <>f tlir leading 111-11 in Canada and United S:t-, having *.TTP,I a long term at the tailoring in EugUnd, m all thirteen years, having taken my diploma aa a cutU r in I>iuli<:i, Kn-.-land. 7 year* ai;i>. I will defy any cutter in Canada to compete. Special terms with Tailort that have aystems tliat dn'l prove u vovtfiil All intending; to tak advanlA^o of tint |>leiidid chance w >n!d do well In i-i.iiie early or c.'riv| ,<"d hy I will only take a hunted numlx-r t piipiU. AtMrf** all letters to I'". A. llnk>v. Tailor. llo\ iM2. KlehHon. SAW LOGS A NTED ! \ T Flesberton Station Steam Saw & Shingle Mills. parehaaed tho alvito mills J. K Mnore, Kvi., I will take nn- sesaii'ii , f Mine on or about the first of .Uiiuary.aml will I*AV C'^WII FOB t*Y QI4XTITY OF MAI'LF. WAITED : 100 cords of dry orgecn wood in exchange, also any quan- tity of Hemlock, Kim, Bass. \vocd or Ash Lumber, which will be taken as cash. J. E. M, OOBRRT, 801-T Kf.M. TAMARACK, SI'K'VK. BALSAM, UKMI.iM'K, r. \s.' OOP, v'KlUR, R. K TlK.s SHLHOLE S|nvial s.ttontion giren to nut. mt work. Hill Stuff* nit t.i miler on dlmrt notii'e. I'v fir dvntin; ami prompt nt t'i,ti..ii to IHIKIIIO I lio| e In mrril n hnre of tin- mTOWrdlnj inttrx.nKkfi* II . 1*.