FOR THE LADIES. nakrs- We parted in the U inter: And fro? the dit.ant hill. She w.i!/ hed my -hip *ail outward II.T the water, .old lad till. I mill,! nul s*c the tear-drop That irhtrried in hcrsjre : Nor lierdaial; *eruhi<-( waving. Agam>t Hue I knew her heart wa> breathing A gentle ward of prayer : I knew li.-rcy. wa *tn- ninif. And her krr.-hief waving there I Mid* I left h. r " r'iirewell. my tore, farewell ; 1 ain tailing to th aunshme. And in*Uu4 where myrtle* >iwe'.I But mill uy longing f.v<-v Will tarn to rest with thee : -My now-fUVc on 1 1.* mountain. I- more Uuui all to me." You kno* how the pure new i \V hen th* Winter .1 cold in sped ; Ay. oo before that Mp returned, My iweel snow-Hake wai dead. [A Ithe Year Round ohnsnn was right I don t agree to all Thsao.rmu dngmaof tin- rough old stager. lut very nmih approve what one may call The minor mora s of the " Una Major." I know It if the ct naine in life : But who among them itavr. perhaps, m: self) Returning home, he a*k* hi" wife. What beef shelf. not book* -he ha* upon the Thoegh Greek aad Latin be Ihe lady' They r'' Ittile valued by her loving mate The kind of tongue that Is modern, boiled, and nerved upon a plate. Or. if. a* fond ambition may eofrmand. Some home maile verse the nappy matron family growth and Laste may (bow them la desirable. Indeed, the true furnishing o( luch a room, after a certain point, mutt be a matter of growth. < liven the bare bone* of chairs, carpet*. table* and curtains, the rounded form and vigorous expression of the sitting room mint grow out of the mental anil moral life of the family, grow out of that social, intellectual and ipiritual loo-l on which the family feeds. Of course iuniiatung iclected with thil aim in vie'* wiU be mm varied .-* families art, for what expresses comfort and give* help anil solace to one family would be tiresome, ane itior com forties* in other*. K*<.h home writes it* own history snoasx or Later in in furnishing* and arrangements. Kven straightened means tliat oft berated foe of family luxury cannot prevent the telling of the tale. Year by year (lips by, purchase after purchase is made, chapter after chapter is written. What we most desire we bend oar circumstance* to secure, ami therefore the hn>e does express, ia the long ma, what we are and what we (eel. Onward. < 'hrintun. though the regioa. Waerc Ihou art. be dr*ar and looe ; Uod hai et a guardian legion Very near Uu.j ur>.a Ihou on '. UoUn. Christian, the r Ucwuina Rolleth o'er thee " Ood it Low." \* rite upon thy red-creed " I pward i-vfr-hnavcm above. I)y tke thorn road, i I- the mo'jntof YIWUB _u . Thread it without hrinkiiig brother! Jesus trod it- ore** thou oo ! Re this world the wiser, stronger. Kor thv life of pun and pe*os; While it i.-e<:- thne. O. no longer Pray thou for thy quick release. r"ray thou. Christian, daily, rather. That thou be a faithful -on ; y the prayer of Jeu-" Father, Not my will, but Thine, be done !' i I .zh i . f..r Bveryeay. Monday When wii; day break upon carefully, that our home centre may not ax ordid r mind*. ; Bnrin sordid lives, ungeneroiui natures or ' *a? *!< the Andgi The Faakleas Were *fl Would rather Young lady - deep in love with Tom or Harry Ti- nid to tell you uch a tale a* this ; Hut hrrc a ihemonU of it : do not marrv. Or. marrying, take your lover as h* is An Kngliah correspondent whose composi- tion had been launched on its transatlantic voyage before the death of the late Duke of Clarence occurred writes as follows : Society ..,,. , . , " " but deereed that the May blossom i* hu-tUand * relish j to be th* new spring color. Already the fur- nishers of garment* for the adornment and delectation of woman, old, middle-aged and young, are getting in all sort* of May tints' It ia a good thing that there are two vane- ties, the white and the pink, so tnt all person* can be suited. Kveryone i* sure to burst out in some of the shade*. I do not think the fashiou will survive many months. or be likely to be as popular a* the " crushed itrawbeny." There is a good the surface of the mooa presents a wonder poem f to dawn, whose new-born rar ildlhe wealhereerkK of our devotion, naseul'd *OU'.B new motion ! Sweet Phosphor, brini the day: Th> light will frajr These horrid mints : *wel Phosphor bring t day. I ful asoe -' extensive valley*, snel> ing rocks Tuesday We hare a false conception of j and long ridges of elevated mountains pro- life, a conception based upon wrong doing ; jecting their shadows on the pUius below. ' and inspired by Irish passion*, and we con- The mountain scenery equal in grandeur si.le' our faith in this false conception (which ) the ragged Alpine height* and the Appen- we hive ia some way attached to the doc- nines, alter which some of her mountains 1 trine of Jean*), a* the most important and ; bave_b*en named. {Mary Proctor m T - J of the Oluminated part approaches | fTI TTT1 U/ L l T I T. r 'Q \ L 1 _V S and nearer to that of a^omplete 1 lift W lli\ O llJIl Tf O. aircle ; the moon rises and seta later always turning toward the west the circular portion ef aer oak. About nfman d*f alter lac new moon, th* whole of her illuminated por tion is present* d to as. aud the hour of her rising is nearly that of the Kiting of the sun. which m turn rises when the mean sets. It is midnight when sne at> tains the highest part of her oeurse ; then the sun itself psssss the lower meridian un der the horiJon : that i* to say relatively to the earth, the muou w precisely opposite th* aun. The light which the moon Hires, which we call "moonlight." is given by the sun and ia reflected iiack from her snrfwe, just as it is from Venus and the rest oi the plan sts. The mooa is a ssiid globe like the plauets, and she does not shine by any light of her own. The power of the light ef Ute meon i* inferior to that of the nut. Dr. Weilaston, by certain photometric methods, compared the light of the ran with that of the fuil moon, and found lhat to obtain moonlight a* intense in its luster ss sunlight it would he necessary that WJl.UT'J full moons should be stationed in the firmament together. When viewed through a gooef telescope. A very man. with omcthiag of Uir brute. (L'nfe..- With p he prove- a sentimental noddy*.* '" aad appetite to boot. A thirsty soul with a hungry body. A very man not one of nature's clods With human feelingi. whether naint or sin- ner. tndowed. perhaps with gvniun from the (tods. But apt to lake bi. temper from bin dinner. -[JohnO. Saxe. foing about that all toe May* in the United Kingdom should contribute to a common necessary thing ith which we are concern- ed. If men had not for centuries maintain- ed faith in what u untrue, the false concep- tion of life, as well as the truth of the doc- trine ofjesus, would long ago have been revealed. [Count Tolstoi. Wednesday- Wake thou that tleepeH in enchant*! bowers Lest these Vast year**hou)daaaat the* on the night When death i< wailing for ihy numbered bourn T" ake Ihe swift and everla ting flight : :cs Home Journal na.-tir*. wen no longer arrteel Ufe There is no hard and fast rule that .-an be given to secure a good husband and a con- squenl happy marriage. What seemingly unequal matches we see that really turn out ideal marriage* '. An.l of all dreams of earthly felicity there n surely none that take* rank with the ideal marriage state the companionship and inter-dependence of a man and a woman whose natures ar* in harmony and who have come to each other across wide aeas and at unexpected times who in short, were made for each other. ! Plulip Gilbert Hammerton in depicting hUJ "Intellectual l.'fe ' to his wife tells this' iweet story in luese few characteristic and profoundly significant sentences: "We have shared together many hours of itudy, snd you hav* been willing, at the cost of | much patient labor, to cheer the difficult I Wake ere the earth bom f harm unnerve thee mnii. the proceed* to go towards a suitable wedding gift. Apropos, there is a (mart little rhym* about the Mower which is to be Do <omelhing~do H oon _ with M lay might; the rage, but in th caw of so very decided a love match as that which will give u* a Royal wedding next month, only the open ing line* can lie deemed prohetic. Blossom of hawthorni whiten* in May Never an end to true love's away ! of hawthorn fde in June 1 shall be tried of my true lo\ e **>. BkMeosn of hawthorn gone in July Darling. 1 must be off-good bjrv. Is tin i. j. p Here is Sir Edwin Arnold -i description of the little Japanese waitress: She never speaks or settles to any serious duty of the entertainment without falling on her little knees, smoothing her skirt over them, and knocking her nice little flat nose on the floor, and will either demurely watch you use your coop* tick, in respectful silence, or prettily converse, and even offer her ad- vice as to the mott succulent dishes and the best order in which to do them jus-ice. It is not so very dimVult to use the chop- sticks, those simple knives and forks of Asia, if you learn the secret of the quite. An.! be thy thought to work divine aJdr thing- do it oon with ;tll thy mi_ ... An angel'o wing wou'd droop if long at ret, Aad God nsswJsT b:t. lark fared ssteva. This Ireod of hardy sheep is known to have existed, practically as it i* now found, centuries in Scotland. Of course when we say that they are now practically the same that they ever were, we do not mean to af- firm that no improvement ha* been made in them. Since the Union of England Scotland there ha* been marked imp merit in Scotch agriculture and all things pertaining to it. But the principal distin- guishing features of the animal s:ill exist in it. They are a spiral-horned breed, the rams having very long horns. The face ia black and the muzzle truck. The eye has a wild Tli arsday Once, in an hour of great peril, appearance and is very bnght ; the body is i officer showed such courage that his I square and compact, with good quarters and wife afterward said to him : " How could , abroad saddle. The muscular development -{Carlos you help being afraid " He drew hi* (word, I is ren great, aad they are as hardy as a and rested the point at her heart, " How : pine knot. They live upon the bleak moan- can you smile 1 he said. Because," she tains, and seem to enjoy the storms and answered, ' he who holds the sword love* cold, aad bid defianor to the many privations me better than hi* life.' It is the same which they must necessarily endure uaasc with me," he (aid. a* h* returned the sword Bread *eUa>at K) esjsjt* a loaf in Haoul- km. i ^ Thsre were wiuteen aVeapiuatione ia the WaterwcaM LaaarUuent lacenUy. The Nova svua Legislature will meet for the despatch of business) on March .'). Jacob l.'ilaod. formerly of Meatord, < mw, who was employed ou tae nj*sra*r>nsi works of the new dock* at Gladstone). Mich., was killed on Saturday evejaung by a quantity of falling coals. The despatch sen* abroad on the 21st ult. announcing the death of Mrs. Ira Morgan, of Metcalf, prove* to be incorrect. Mrs. Morgan is in as good aealtb as could be ex- pected after her bereavement by the sudden death of her hatband. The National Association of Trotun* Horse Breeders have decided to estabrmh new itud book in consequence of the pro- prietors of the old register having decided to admit pacexs on an equality with trot- ters. Tne remain* of the late ex Aid. John B- Mather, of Winnipeg. Man., were interrec at Islington. The funeral was private, ow ing to the serious illness of Mrs. Mather, who ha* net yet been told of her son i death. Dak id Long, a fanner living near Wood- ford, committed suicide by taking strycb nine, which he purchased in an Owen Sound drug (tote (or th* ostensible purpose ot poisoning foxes. At the meeting of the Canadian Marine Eagiseers' Association yesterday a .-om munication was read from th* pilots aad captains concerned in the proposed S >u langes Canal strongly condemning the pro- ject. Ten will* were admitted to probate at UM .Surrogate Court in Toronto yesterday. Thi* only another aign of tie terribly hign death rale, owing vo the prevailingepiilemic or influenza. Trouper Chalmers who recently joined the cavalry school atvjuebec, has died from in- flammaUon of the Inngs. He belonged to Napanee, Ont. La grippe is playing havoc m the lumber in the dtstnct north of Belleville. . - guiding finger between them. Otherwise paths of intellectual toil by the unfailing ' ^ j," the ririt n- oulh ful from the .weetnea. of your beloved companionship. bowl on your *hirt front, to the gentle. It seems lo m* that all those things which ... we have, learned together are doubly my own, whilst those other studies which 1 have pursued in solitude have never yielded me mors than a maimed and imperfect sat- isfaction. The dream of my life would be to associate you with all I do, if lhat were possible : but since the ideal can never be wholly realized, let meat least rejoice tht we have been so little separated and that i but never satirical laughter of your wait ress. Amid the talk that buzzes around, you will have inquired of her already. "What is your honorable name 1 " and "How many are your honorable years* and she will have told you that she i* "Mian Star," "Mia* Camelia, ' or "Mis* Antelope, an.l that she wa* IN or otherwise on her last birth- the subtle influence of your finer taste and nor* delicate perception i* ever, like some penetrating perfume, in the whole atmos- phere around me." The tragic reverse of this is common Take for example the woman of a sensitive nature who grows intellectually, yet who is tarried, not mated, to a man not her e.|ual She counsels you to seize that tiny lump of yellow condiment with your chopsticks, to drop it m the soy, to stir up aud flavor these with the pink flakes of aalmon, and you get on famously, watched by her with the wannest personal interest. Now and again she shuttles forward on her *m*ll knee* to fill your cu or to rear to it* sheath. " He who holds the wind* in the hollow of Hi* hands lu\e*m* infinite- ly. "[Anonymous. Friday Mn' work u to labor and leaves A* bei>l he may earth here with heavea Ti work for work -ake lhat h* . needing : Ix't him work on and on an if upending Work'* enJ. but not dream of mieceeding! Be.-au** if suceoa. were intended. Why heaven would begin ere earth ended. (Kobert Browning. Saturday Deadon not thy nenses ; but hold them m Ijod, for God. If death com- pass thee about, say to the grim tyrant, " Hitherto shall thou come but no fur- ther.'' <:.H! compasselh about for life, and not for dee:h. If He. lover-like, besets ma, and I love-like, cleave to His embrace, thou canst not come between Him and me. Pi. I not God by close embrace supplant death by transfiguration in Enoch' m Moses in Elijah' Care for thy body wi*ety-wll Ramperii never ; hold iu -.hell XV arm to liixl K breathing miracle. |lir. liu!ford . Some of the camps have been closed in con- sequence of the prevalence of the disease. In one shanty there were four deaths. School lands sold at Brandon y ester-lay netted a little over 4V: an acre. Yarmouth township has lost a pioneer in the taking rf of Mr. Archibald Mdilashan, aged 84 yean. La grippe was the ly. AMFKI> AH. such circumstances. They herd closely together, and are often completely buried in snowdrift* : but they will push the wow away, making a sort of cave, and will thus live under the snow, feeding upon the scanty herbage that taty can find in such circuns- scribed limits nntil they are rescued. Thev would mak* a fine sheep for some few men whom we have known ia this country, and who have been so shortsighted as to let ibeir flocks shift for themselves. It is said that these sheep will live under the snow in this way for weeks together Whenever a slsrm comes the shepherd begin, to search for his ^,4^ ^fr ^nj., mined sheep and r*l<aer* them a* soon as Slf > . fom ^ ifn ,,, he u able to find them. It needed scarcely be said that a sheep thnt can stand this sort of treatment would esteem even indifferent care a* a luxury. Th* collie, as is well known, is a -mutant attendant of the Scotch s epherd, aud. with President Harrison has t slight attack o grippe. Col George ( Minor a veteran ef tin. Mexican and i\ il wars, die<i yesterday if St. Louis. Watchman Love, ottne Commercial C.uan. weeks at Savanah, (ia. , was shot dead by in quality or capacity of brain, but who is , "Vine confusion into winch your little indowed with a massive ut reasoning will | gjg 4n j pUtterll ., winehoV fallen, al He would be the custodian, not only of her nvrson and possessions, but of her very mind. She must not read the book* of this writer ar heed the teaching of that master. She mutt not think their thought* nor hold their doctrines. What he believe* it is fitting and i ... i. '-< Of all the heavenly bodies th* moon has ' eometimee they attracted the most attention among astrono- mers. This is due to the fact lhat her com- parative nearness to the earth bring* her peculiarly within the range of our observt tion. (iroup together a few facts about this wonderful heavenly body, for example, and see how mtciestin^ thev ar* : In distance the moon is 240.01)0 miles away from our earth, around which she wi"h r a~c'nunlniairgra^.'mo7ie*.y. i "* li satellite. ' bresdinK. With the condiment. ^ H <J'*tr is abont ; 21M iiilee ; she hasisoli.l surface of U.MRJ.UOO miles, and the help of hii dog. he ha. little trouble u handling a flock of black faced sheep. They are naturally docile, and therefore give but little troubi* at most, and a* already stat ed. in the average emergency th-y are abundantly able to help ihem*elva. Of conn* they are sheep, ana that nvrsni that have notion* of their own. and when thev have, their superior activity tietHc* all usual efforts to control them, (f the notion seizes them to ran in a certain direction, even the agility of a dog is ao: sufficient to bead them off. They seem to know when a storm is coraiag, unscn better indeed than some of our weather prophet* do. They will begin to seek the lowest ac cessiblc ground for shelter at least three day* before a storm comes. 1'he ewe* have ir iieorge rfeten rnweUaad Ur. Dan the British Be h ring seaootnmissioners. rvers introduced at the state department in Wash- ington yesterday. A man named John Boyd at Atlanta. < -a. has confessed that he wa* the principal ir the wrecking of the Richmond and Ifcinvillt train near Statesville last September, b> which '.V person* eere killed. KOBJtll.N. Tne IVanube has overflowe<! it* banks n the IV-sin district, cauaing serious doous. Despatches frjm Chili state that a men friendly feeLng towards Minister Kgan noe szists in that country. Twenty person* lost their live* as a res 1' of the (lection riots last week in Buda- Testh, Hungary. Thi> mayor of Moscow avs the repot t of ufTcring from the Russian famine aistiicU are exaggerated. A Kingston. Jamaica, paper states thai five fatal cases of akee poisonmg occurre proper '.hat his wife should believe. wife finds oc the whole that it i* the If the easier ray to yield outward compliance, while at heart she is in rebellion, she oeccessarily <ead* a double life. Tins mean* deceit and ieceit mean* unhappmea* a gradual grow- ing apart, a coolness which too often nard- ins into averson. On the other hand if th* wife ha* a high spirit and will not stoop to > tacit lie we have open domestic warfare, .he saddest snd most hopeless ot human i trite*. Tke Miflsg Keens. No room in the house so perfectly typifies the cemiuunism of a family, the true uniting in diversity >( the individuals, at the sitting room. It is the centre of the so- tal life nf the household. It is" mother s room. ' There she is oftenest found in moments of leisure, ready to hear, so sym palhite, lo console and to advise. Here the father frolic* with hi* children. here they listen to song and story read aloud, here the troubles of the day dwindle and disappear, or are softened and lessened i by united yinpathi/.iug and soothing sur rounding* : here nuts and mild jokes are cracked, and rosy apple* and fragrant oranges lend their flavor and juicy richneM to the homely scent, while without the wind b'.ows. the ram fall*, or t lie snow Hie*. htr ttl , 6 , uu , e j > trout u K good that yoa .^^^g pr e. nt i v u , feel like a voracious seal and wonder if it be not wrong, after all, to boil or f i y any- thing. Environed by all these liny dishes aud lightly fluttering from one to another, you begin at last to oe conscious of having .lined extraordinarily well. So you say, " Mo yoroshill " lit is enough), and the semcv relapsM a little for music and dancing. Tke Tnlalag et Beys. The great want to-day is not more oppor tunities, but the power to grapple with hindrances to obtain the desired object*. The men who are filling leading place* in the and purtuiu of lif* a soli'l content of about Id, 000 cubic miles. Th* earth's surf ice only exceeds the moon'* about thirteen and a half times. Th* moon's surface is fully a* large as North an.l South America without the islands. Yet large as the moon is. it would require 70.000,000 of such bodies to equal the vol ume of the suit. The moon appears to as a* large as th* sun because she is 400 time* nearer to us than the sun. The time during which the moon goes through her entire circuit of the heavens, from any star till she come* to Ihe same sur again, is called a sidereal month, and con istiof about twenty seven and a quarter ""* v m days. The time which intervenes between oue special place for camping which they , ther recently m the household of M seek out the first ume. and always alter re Krandou. turn to it, a sort of attachment lo locality i Another destructive gale has visited th which i* singularly developed in them. Li ~ no other animal, except perhaps the dog. it this feeling of attachment to locality so te trong. Thin sheep ha* been known te travel 60 miles, steadily continuing it* journey night and day, and swimming large rivers to reach it* native haunts from which it had been removed. It is related a. show- ing thi* attachtne <t and the animal'* sagac ity and activity that a whole flock was on its way back to it* native home, and cam* to a canal which must be crotssd. They followed an old wether along the bank* until they met a anal boat which wa* pas- the center of the stream, when the British coast. Sir Morrel Mackenzie. Uie diatinguiobe* Kuglish physician, died yesterday. 1'ortugal has refuse 1 to consider the pro posal to sell tn- Portuguese .-olonies to re- lieve the country's financial distress. There is considerable excitrment in French financial circle* owu> to t.vuhlcs of a larg* banking firm. The late Cardinal Manmug s will show* that he poms*i'. less than t'l'> beside* hie collection of books. The young Khedive of Kgyul has been in- vested with the grand cordon of Ihe Legion one n-w moon and another is called a synod [ ' J^. k : iffT J", 1 .^,,'" 1 th * b " * have risen to their present nigh stations. It I ' is intei eating to note that on this principle j r , the sons of the royal family of Germany are ! , ** ""' reuuired to learn a trade, some manual I J ,', S5 ."^brmZTrol 1 hLT!^-- h -;tT l ' u "-*">' bat,:e y w,th .dversitv and meager oppor... j '^fff^ii^ in,ibU to . it u be- nitie. and who by the force thus developed. d k ^ ^ have risen to their prc~nt nigh station.. .J ^^ ^ th ,. J nAnim , the , ,. nev. moon : but when she has traveled tile further on. and has her full toward us, she i* our A new moon occurs when the sun and moon meet in the same part of the heavens but the sun, as well as the moon, is appar wether sprang on the boat, followed nv the ~ r . -of Honor of trance. The trouble between the rival parties in SamoA M over. Mataafa's follower* having required iiiduatry. that they may learn stlf mastery and lie able to endure hardship. A self indulged, easy going boy, who uever knew j one act of sell denial, promise* little in the of mature manhood. The boy is father the man in that sense. ae < alarve le Farelgwen The Nankin correspondent of the North >hina Herald, of Shanghai, in a recent letter* To make this room the ideal hearthstone, ' f , hat th , Chinaman ha* a great many its furnishings should ivntain sleraents, that i objection to the foreigner, but it may not be appeal to the tastes and pursuit* of each of known tn t one serious reason of his dislike th* members of the household. Him- i js tn . t . very oflFcns've olour proceeds from hould be room, if po*ible. for favorite chairs and for shelve* or bookcases, and table* for each one's .-hoi.-euf books and papers, and for undisturbed corners and cosy nooks, if each ha* only a .hair and footstool, or pottion of a drawer, or a cur- tained shelf. Places where the studious, the ambitious or the thoughtful can work the person oft hf " foreign devil " A friend of the writer was told by hi* native teacher that this odour was so strong and so di- agrveable that it wa* with dimVulty he could remain in the house during his first inter- view, and that his friend* detected it on hi* clothes when he went home, and said i i "Aha! yoiv'vs been tothe foreigner's house. ' out their pet project*, or keep safely their , To ^y OIM , (,,!, with th Chinese as they treasured plan* and possessions, roady for ' Uv< in tn interior it will U interesting to the sudden inspiration of the industrious know th , t th , T tti || retain their olfactory mood, which .(uite M often seize* one ssssi the family as iu th* solitude of one's own room. T.I secure all this will require consider- able outlay as well as much unselfish th.iught on the part of the home maker. The outlay, however, can usoally be modi fled, adding purchases from tine to time as nerves, and are able to dint inguish odour* at all. netly traveling eastward, and nearly at the rats of one degree a dsy, and corsequently during the twenty (even days while the nvxin ha* been going around the earlh the *un ha* been going forward about the same , number of degree* in th* same direction. , Hence, when the moon come* around to the ' part of th* heavens where she pasaad the > ' sun last, she does not t<nd him there, and must go on more than two days before she come up with linn again. The moon has tiro motions, oue of revolution sround the earth, another of rotation on itself. These two movements, by a curious coincidence, are made m the same interval of tnro. We know that there is a new moon when our satellite is invisible both during the day aad night. She then occupies a place ' ery near the sun in Ihe heaven*, present!!))! to us her dark hemisp here : for this reason, anil because she u merged in the splendor of the solar ray. she is theu invisible to us. A Jewish penm\n, of Vinn.i, once wrote 400 Hebrew letters ou a single grain of wheat. At another timi- lie wrote i Jewish prayer ou th* edge of a visiting card. th* opposite side They do well m very large flock*, some time* numbering several thousand. The ewe* are good mothers, taking the best care that they can of their lambs, but the lamb* themselves are very hardy and will stand an astonishing degree of cold and hunger. The ewe i* so greatlv attached to her young that she ha* been known to remain with the lamb several days after it had met with an untimely death. There rough siirrour. ings certainly have no tendency to blunt their tine instinct*, tsjnugh one would ' almost suppose that inch would be the ' case. The carcass of the black faced slieep weigh* about (U pounds, and the fleece about three pounds of washed The mutton is said to b* of a par- ticularly fine flavor. The breed is said to be of very easy improvement under intelli- genl and careful breeding and management, but there is no reason to suppose that any improvement in it could be made lhat would make it in any way superior to our well known breed*. U seem* to be the best tilted for just what it is, and there are reg- ions in our country where this sheep would do well. Regions that require just such a tough, hardy and self reliant breed. abandoned their cause. *sseaeles r*we>r In War. An Knglish correspondent doe* no', .pare his praise of ihe German artillery, and peaks m detail of the great progress mad* bv that branch of the service smoe th* Franco- Prussian war. Of the effect of smoke lew powder on the artillery he nay* "1 found the general idea lo be lhat u was all a gain to the side which thought mere ot killing it* enemy than of avoiding being j killed itself. It *normou*ly facilitates th* maintenance of fire discipline within the battery, permit, of continuous fire even al th* most rapid rate, for no smoke interferes with the laying, and above all things cheer* the hearts of me men by enabling them to see the result* of their fire. A* a mean* of concealment it i* of no value at all. for, even at extreme raiiip-s of .i.OOO yards and up- ward, the flash of discharge i* always iis- tintly visible, an.l at righting ranges the dash enable* one t > note exactly the position of the enemy's gun, which was not alwuys possible with the old powder, for the miiok* obscured the object .in. I prevented one's picking up an exact point to aim at. Indi- rect laying may, indeed, be resorte.) to. aud then t "ient would he perfect ; but I found it little in favor, and the new hoi Buck. County. Pennsylvania lia.t, until qmU 1 recently, three mo*t remarkable old person*, triplet* named Abraham, Isaac. \ it/en are expected to deal with it when it Ab7ut"fourday S ela'ps between the di.- *al Jacob Kile They were 7:> years old ( c,vur. appearance of the moon in the morning before the triangle was broken, ia the cast, and her leappearance in the : Th? Oreek Church at Sitka. AUskt, is evening in the west, a little after th* set- j said to b* the tiuest church edifice in Amer ling of the nun. j tea. The interior i* a mass of gold and sil Between llie first .ju.irtei sivl the full vet. ami the walls are covered with prioe moon seven day elapse, during which tae le** paintings. A Bohemian youth, imprisoned for theft, has completed a watch which is entirely constructed of straws. The keeper of Ike prison has offered a small fort cue for tnt cariosity.