TH1 FLESHERTON ADVANCE B.l.VKl.VO OFPlCf GEO. MITCHELL, FI.B3HBRTON. Draft! m io.l au J eheiiuas c>.-d t nual rats* kiwti<>>, aJ-oayi aviul*4l fur leglUlu4<: business O.'Pirs two doors north of RreBwdson & Co'. Vicinity Chips. Tharartrristlc* f thr Past Wck Carefully fulled for tke _. . . Curious. ttiim-t* notices am*y fc<ii trill be "I of rate of f We swr tow far enc* insertion. .4 rr.Ci.. fwm rill be midc OH r<tntr<irti fin- 1"" Hnei or arrr. VI" ANTED TO prt-Hv*E : <W Lead of 2 year-oli cattle. ANMKKW UIAITIE. Cutting boi lor sale, u> tint class re- jair, a decided bargain. Apply to C. J. Leitch, tailor, r'les.l.ert"ii. All accounts due the firm of McDonald A E\a:is moat be settled in tbe firm's name to R. Ii. Evaua,by marcb 5th, 1 v-J. Bargains ! Bargains ! A-. ardson & LVs annual clearing sal*. Quarterly services werj lield in the Methodist church uu Sunday last. The quarterly business uiceUn^ will be bald St. Valentines' day come* n Sunday thia year, Get your valentines from W. Richarvlsou, who Uaa a beautiful stoak to acleot from. Mr. P. Loucki, of tho Lattle Mill, lost a ohild on Monday, at;etl twn yuan. The funeral took plco to Meaford Road cemetery on Tuesday. One day last w.-ek a little daughter of Mr. Andrew Benthani, ait*-.' 12 yean, hail tier collar boim broken by juiapiaig or fallin; from a il.igh. Mr. McMaater. one time i>rin:ipal o? Fleshertcm public achool, and lately of Niagara Fall*, baa received a promotion t > a | otition at East Torouto. rirariac out our iarplui stock of men's undrrware, all WJol and union. The ask-'d will surprise you. M. RicharJ ft Co. finU r the entertainment in the Town Hall thii (Thurtday) evening under fie auspices of the Y. M. P. B. A. G -> and hear Cameron and Benson. A tea and concert will be bald at KinibcrUy on Friday (to-morrow) oven ini(, 1-th HIM. A xo-'d program. Ad- mis-ii-ii -" and 15 cents. Proceeds in did of the 1 uiKliii^ fund. Mr. S. lUiuude is getting in a nice lut uf atave timber, but wauta itill more. He woul I like to m.ike contract! fur a large supply of b-.'.t*. Call aud make ar- rangements, or write. FLOCK PMK SALE : -Beat Hour, ruade from Mauttoba wheat, .t the Kleshertoii Ukety. MBS. J THOMPSON Mr. It. Stephens, of Markdale, hiu re- ceived the ai'jiointim-iit ><i Division Court clerk, held by the late Win Brown. Mr Stephens had the 1... >!,< ^iveu into Ins )>osscssion on Monday f this rek. The youiiu Udics of ilia Presbyterian church will hold a "cap " social at Mr. Burnett'* residence, Orange Valley, on Kridty, 1'Jth lust. Oian^o Hall haa l<o*n lecnri il w'lorom to have tea. Mr. W. F. H. Thompson, organizer for tho liiili'.ien lent Order of rVrcsters, is in town this week. Mr. Thomson rnoocoJod in foraiing a lod^e in Mark dtle lust ttiv n.t'i 17 members. l.B. haa $10,000 |.n\.Ue fund.* Co loud ou fa' in ni'>rtk!iii-H willii:i liio uoxt fuw uionth* at low*t currviit rtf No cuiiiiiaii- io:i, n. i ilrl.iy. iNj'i'iiAcit low. Apuly at nttiiv in Msirkd.ile iliirini( the week or at Ihim'alk oth'oe "ti\irdy. <Jrry aud Factory HaniirK roust mi reardleof coat Now is your time t secure a barxuiu. M. Richardson Co. last week, when Capt. Suroule took form- al possession <f Ilia uew position. Busier J- Fiel Is will retain tin. takerahip of the Mr. S. li.iimi.lo ir.tvi.-a next M 'iid.ty !vr (UUwa to attend ( Uxljo A. O. I W lie attends as a P. M , not M. 1'. That ia for the future. '1 lie letter* may be reversed in the dim to como. The flrit e.>iivnutio.i of the Methi'tlut younx peo|>l' aa}ciatioii {rut In the Kpworth League ia in session in Toronto tliu week. Mi-t Belle Chria toe and Mr. Julia I'.v-aid are delegat>.a fioui tln-i biaiich. Mr. J. 0. S4.*n, of Kaxenia, ha* iJm- {Kiaed ..f In* fict'.ry property to hi* two auna, Mr Wm. Sloan, Uu> of Toronto, and Mr Walter Siiri. We wiah them tucceaa. See their advertisement elae wlcr. O\ercoat&, O>ercoat Do joo want t-' ,.-1 one .' TUuu take aJvanta^e of the tempting pricea at M. Kicharda.>n C./s clearin HAT FOH DALE : 40 or 10 tons good lay for sale flO per ton up to Idth of March. ANDREW BKATTIK. Inspector Campt ell had R. Hoy up Jefore J. P'a. Armairoir/ .ind Richardson in Tuesday, charged with seUiiij- Injuor without a license. Judgement was poat;>ned. P. McCullou^li, f Mark- dale, one of tb lueuae oiuiiuiaaiuners, de- Feuded Hoy. People who use aradiical preparations for t'leir complexion, de so a' the risk of their livta. Ayer's Saraap.inila is guaran- teed free from any iujurioua drug, and ia, therefore, the safest aa well aa the in >it powerful blood mediciue in the world. It makes the akin clear. ! Boots ! Short and long Fe!< boots fi>r mvn and women clearing ut at pricee neror before heard of. M. Richardson & Co. U'i.irt in curlers beat the Durham eulers on the rink at tho latter ulace ou Tuesday erenin.-. There was tu hae t)e*!i a skating race at the same tune for $100 a side but the cunteatanta did Dot show up. We regret to learn that Mr. John Blyth, ex-M.P.P., who haa been suffer- ing fur S"mo time from cancer, and haa bou under treatment in Toronto, due* not improve. He returned to Toronto thia week for further treatment. Several gentlemen from Fleaherton at- tended the ball i'l Markdale on Friday night last. They pronounced it uu of the molt r n joy a We alfain of the kind that they ever attended. There were many preseut from a distance. The ladies' dreuea were su|*rb. Crey Blankets Coutforten- Wliat we have left will bo offered at a marvellously low figure. M. Richardson For the restoration of faded and gray hair to its original color and freshoesi, Ayer's Hair \'u->r remains unrivaled T >is is the m>i; ]>opular and valuable toilet preparation in the world ; all who use it are [ erfectly satisfied that it .s the best. EUewherj will be found the marriage notice of oui- esteemed young jeweler, Mr. W. A. Armstr "!!_, to Miss .l.-nnie Ktnnnii. The nuptials were celebrated on Tueaday laat at Havlock. Tho Ad <r nice tenders congratulations and wishes the young people a Inn:;, prosperous hap- py life. Mr. A lam Hislop, who hat been ill for Mine weeks, died on Friday morning lat. Mr. Hislou resided iu the north part of thia township, in wliat n kn .w.i as "the valley," and was one of t'le oldest residents. His a was 5!) years. H-. 1 was UP!! and favorably kiiowi.. a Scotch- in in, .f sterling honesty and unoriginal and oiind idoo.1. Mr. llisl i[i w.u a me n'.i-r of Prince Arthur L.>d^, A F. A A M.. and the fuiierj on M>iu(ky t.i the buna! ground near Orange Valley, was attende.1 by the- members of that lodg in K body. Tho funeral waa a very large one. S .me to'iac.'os spurt up in the pipi wiiilo smoking, with little crackliiK' plosions. Thia is caused by the addition of fi-rri^n ma'ter to assist the combus- tion. When the purity of the> 11 rot tampered with and it has been prop- erly taken care of, this combustible foreign matter is wholly unnecessary. F-ir in that cnso it burns in a lower temp- erature than almost anything else. No- tiling <>f tliM kind is seen in smokiMg the "My i lie Nay" It burns with sleady combuition throughout. and aud this year they had UOUO bush- els of wheat, which ia an average of HO heU to the acre. Aa their wheat waa suM ai M cent* a bushel before ire left Mmot Dakota, the Hunter Broe. are m a 'air way of becutning millionaire, for after paying rent and coat uf threshing they make over $3000 clear cosh this season. Co'. Grey, of Tironl i, and CapUiu C. J. Sprv ... wr iu town uu Thursday of Drt'vs Uowlls -\Veediugtheiu out.and giving them awny for the price of an old on 15 at M. Richardson Jt Cos. clearing aa!e. The Cl ealcy Ki.ttrpiisc- has found one man who has done writ out in Dakota. Mr. H. Hunter, who left Williscroft four years ago to make liis fortune rut of the vn. in atiil of Dakota, haa returned for a f. u. t>iitl, ti.tit uiuoii^ fneiiuain Ches- le\ and Kldrlie. IU and his blot tier. Mr, Tit Hunter, rcatcJ 300 *crej if A lady wbo lately returned from Oweu Sound says there ia much poverty and distress in little Liver Pool. She saya .here are hundreds out of work who are leeding the neceasar>ea and many are I moving away, some even having to borrow money fr that purpose. In nearly every ither window ia to be seen the tell-tale sign "To let." If these things be facto it u a bad state ut affairs indeed. Ou Wednesday evening, 3rd inst.. a lumber of sleigh loads containing a por> lion of the congregation of the Presby- terian cliurcli, along with frinndl fn>m sister churches, were driven out to the residence of Mr. J. Holley, for the pur- jo*e of enjoying the pleasures of a parlor social in behalf of th Presbyterian aliurch uf thia place. A good time hl been expected, and the houne wai well filled. The usual program for such as- semblies was enacted, and the evening paas*d off very pleasantly The pmceje!* of the evening, at a 15 cent admission, amounted to 917.50. It waa rumored that one load had a more enjoyable time on the return trip,the drivci of aaid load, having, by groes carelessness ( precipi- tated the occupants into a mammoth bank of "beautiful snow," but if such were the case we have not the privilege of reporting any broken bonee. Personals. Miss Anderson, of Toronto, ia viaiiing with her uncle, Mr. Vanzaat. Miss Aggie Leitch left for St. Thomas on Tueaday to visit with her sister. Mr*. Ran ton. Mrs. Thoa. Hal-hinaon, of Iniatinge, is seriously ill with inflaraatiou, the out- come of la grippe. Miss Lizzie Stewart returned home this week after speudmg a week with f. tends in the town of Colliu^wood. Dissolution of Partnership. It will be noticed by our advertising columns that Messrs. McDonald it Evans have by mutual consent dissolved part- nership. Since coming to Flovherton these gentlemen hare, by honorable and upright dealing, secured for themaelve an enviable reputation, and have worked jp an extensive business on a firm cash baoiM. Mr. McDonald now retires, leav- ing Mr. Kvans in possession. Mr. aud Mrs. McDonald have made many true aud staunch friends siuje coming to Fleaherton, and all will regret exceed- ingly their rein .! from amorg us. All will, hi ever, bestow upon them well- wishes for future happiness and tinancul prosperity. Mr. M. has not yet decided just where he will resume business. Orang) County Meeting. The annual meeting of the Loyal Orange Cuunly Lodge of South firry was held in the Oratut- Hil! Markdale, on Tues lay, 2nd nut. After ti.e opening ccrcmotiie* of the H >yal Arch Decree were gone thrtiugh the lod je was reduced t.i the Orange Degree. The reports frm the various districts were received aud disposed of, and other routine l>uii ness transacted, after w'no'i the election f officers tonk plav. resulti n^ as follow* : Bros. J. Bnidie. C. M ; T. McFaddeu, IVC.M. , W. WruM, Chip. ; T Elliott, Fin Sec. : .F T Wilson. Hoc 8,-c. ; W. A. Andersoii,Treas. ; C. \Vilh.iiiis.O-.rect- <ir of Ceremonies : K. linniie. Loctiirer ; J. li.bsoll and .1. liuatty, De;>. Lecturers. The next aiiiiual meeting will be held in the Orange hall, in the >-t Durham. on the tint Tuesday in Febru-iry, lS'.i:(. After the close nf the meeting those pri-Bcn: urv treated to a tirst cl-iss lunch gotten up for tho occasion by the brethren of Arleniesi:i district, which was part.tken of with right gnud will, and all aepart-il Lome, having ;>ent a pleas- ant and Iiarm .>! .IH tmuv BOOTS & SHOES N OEDER to reduce our Stock we have been selling 1 for the last three weeks at very greatly reduced prices, and have had very successful and largely increased sales, and as we want to make room lor New Goods, we are offering a few hundred pairs at a Big Discount for Cash at CL41TOVS For ver Ftny learn Mrs Wluilow toothinu Syrup h* ben by milhoau o( motbvn (or thoir flbi..ln-u while tMtuiu* U disturlMd at night ml broktio at your rwnt by sick child tufferiDg and cr>iof{ witb pain of cutting teth svud at oace and tfet a 1-ottIe of "Mr. Winslow'B SootbuiK hyrup " fur chlKlnn MetblUtf. It wiUralleve tllo poor little tntf*frer iuiuitMiimtely Dv|iiiil upou lt,iuotbrs than ii no mUtaJte about it U currs Diar-, rvtfulSjSes Sb>s suxasch and bowulm. cures \Ud<l -Jjllc ufWtislh* >U<iQj>J. reduce, inrtam uiatioB, and give* tone and enorgv tu tbe whole y.teui. Mr. Wlnslow Sooihlni; Syrup" for cbil.lrrn MMki-ag U rIcaMiit *a toe taste ami ii the prucnpUa* of <me of Uie aldMt aud be>t (.-male phiciAji> aid uursea in the L'nitwl Stauw. Price 45 cents a bottle. Hold by all ilruiiiiiit* tbrmitfhuul the World. He >ure ami aakfur Mrs. Wintlcw'i Soothing Syrup." (Tar tls. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. , Co. GUT. COH8UMFTIOH CUBED. >u old physician, lotirwl from practice, hav- ing had placed IB his hand* t a<i East In.lia miMiouary tin formula of s umple vcKcbttole rensedy for tbe speedy and |<emuu>eut cure of Contuinptioii. Hronvliitiu. I'a'arrti. Antliuia and all tkroat and Lung \M ectioua, ali-o a positive an.lraJioal cur* for Nerv.i Debility and all Xervou< complaint*, after having teetd iu wonderful curative power* ia thoua%nd* of caae*. ha* felt it bin duty to make it known to his *ufferiui! fallow*. Actuato.1 by tin* uio'.ivo and a.le*lrt reltov* human ouffertne. I will Md trft at charge, to all who .twite it, leas raclpv. in itrrwan. French or Kngll*h. with full Jiructiou* for prvpariug aud uaing. Sent by mail by addreaslnK with *tamp. najinng thi* l>|wr W. A. Nolan. -MU I'owen'Ulock. Uocbea- ter. N.T. lyMarJNl I T 1 \. i i< II n ' i. OF THE ffllRTLE NAVY rv I VISION COCHT CLJUULCOMM1SS1- "iu H. K.. Cuuveyancvr. Ac. .ibt for pure kaM and ! of Iu.l AppraiMir for C L.C.I tin .nil K.r B. & S. Society. Money to Lean on tl.4 moat reawinable Unus. IssoCB ov M.MIl.HCU LICENSES. SOTABY PL'KLiC. MONEY TO LOAN. The r.c.l>Tsitnieil Las a large amuant uf money to loan at I'o/e on towa ur prupertv. 8. DA.M fDE. Flrtfctrti u W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk, Arteinia. Conve\ai:cer Insurance agect, etc. Dreds. mrt4;M|<e>. leases, etc., preparc-d and properly executed. Insurance affected in tint cites - Money tu \*md st lowest rates. DR. HDTTON M. D. C. M., M. C. P. A S. Ont.. ITice r\'.e. Residence and Office one. dour x..->l of the Meiiiodul Church. Kinross St. C -tic* days, Tuesdays sad MARStl) T,& 1\ UKON/I I } I I I K>. NONEOTHEK DR. CARTER. s*. C. P. & 9., Out. I'b^Mcian, etc.. Kleshcrton. Office .Strain 'i Itesidence Macshaw s butei. DRS. 8PROULE & EGO, Markdale. lint. Office MaoJy s drag- btorr. T. S. Sproule, M. D.. Etc. Angus Etf". M. l>.. Etc., la,t of l'.-t :.-n haul. Hut. I'r. EJJO wUl In (uliod at lh Mrkdal liouw at uigbt. J. P. OTTEWELL, TfleMatJ Surgexu. ur.niuaii- .(Ontario- VetvriBSryCullege. Resilience- -First door Amanda B. M.uw.. writes : 11 -nry Jeiii:in^s, town clerk sml treasurer of I'IH lni;iiisliei>e, lias U-ft the country. Tliu Council are offering 9100 for his airosl and return. There are 1,315 ix-rsons living in Osna- 4k who draw punsio:>s from tho I i itt-.l State* Government. Mr. Ni- ln-rry, of (.'hiexo,has introduced A lll in (.Nxifreas to coiu|H.-l all pensioners to reside- in tho Tinted Stati-K or forfeit their |>nsii>i)s. Th Onon S .uii-1 Times says that d>ir- ui: till- uiont'.i f J.tnint v ili,> town olc.k registered in hi* office. 12 births, 15 deaths and 1 mama .'i'. Thenc fitturoii are re- iii.ii kable for the prvp.>iiilieiice of deaths ..ver Uiths, a fact whicli M probably due I > the pivviilin^ C|iidtiii'o o.' iu!Vi.:.J!.x. WHY Couan, WHEN a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Sectoral will rel.ove you? Try it. Keep it in the hou>a. You arc liable to have a eou^li at any tome, aotl ae other reuicJ' .i so effective as this world* renowned prepara- tion. No household, with young children, should be without it. Scores of lives are saved every year by its timely use. Jenner, North-imp; n. Common cratitmie n:>- pels nie to acknowl.-.l^e th>- great bi-ne- nts I have derived for uiv cliiltlrvn fn>iu the ne of Ayei s IIMSI i-x. i-llent Cherry Pectoral. 1'hiul lost two dear cliil.lren from croup and consumption, and had the (nvateat fear of los:iii{ my only re- maining UaiiKhtrr anl son. aa they were delicate. Happily. 1 find that bv giving them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the first .\ mptoiiisof throat or lung trouble, they are relieved from danger, and aiu bo> coming robust, health.v childreu." "In the winter of ISM \ took a bad cold which, in S|nt ot every known T 'ii', grew worse, so tliat the family ii>'ir.l ni'- .m iirahli-, su|v. j >sinj{ me to be in consinuption. As a Lut resort I tri*.l Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral, and. in a short- I:WP, the cure was complete. Since then 1 have never been without this nie<lii'in<>. lain fifty years of age, weigh o\ i-r 1*0 ixjuu.i*. and at- tribute my gooii health to the u*t* of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "-O.W.Y outer, Saietn, N. J. "Last winter I contracted a severe cvld, which bv repeated exposure, bo- came quite ormtmate. I waa muoh troubled with hoarsenes* and bronchial Irritation. After trying various im-.h- cinea, without relief.' 1 at last purchased a bottle of Ayer's C.ieiry Pectoral. On taking tint uiotlielne, my cough ooased- almost immediately, and I have bi-en well eTersim-*." fiv. Thos. B. Itu^s, i. Sccrctarv Holston Conference and P. B. of the Greenville District, U. E. C. Jonesboro, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Jrntistrit. J. P. MARSHALL. L. P. b., M. P. S.. D.-iitist. Viit> Maik- dale ihe 1st and 3rd NVttliirfcilay i>i tscl> ui.'i.tii. Flerbertou Each irifi uu tije uy J- W. FROST, Pun-inter. S. :;.-ii,r. i ,.i \i\i:.< . r. Elo. r'lesuei ton 1 .;M.-- N- \; :j;, )., f i , dm-, SpnMle's building, uu Tliursja; s. Unti; Si-uu I office Kiusts lu.MiLt; P McCULLODGH, Birri.ter. !Mi. Mo Psilaad store, Mark.Ule. Money to ' WRIGHT & LINDS\Y, . .-ra, soHcMorm. L. -HI. Out '...- AI Uiuu. ,1 s i.i.:< -. oluai:> * . * K N.-O^OJ tu li.<au at U-w> \N H \\ uiuar. S. K. LIM A R. J. Sprcuic, POSl'llASI'KR. I-';. | ...n...,i, u er in U. K., Liceuid Aucticu.ii : Ai M veyaucer. Appraiser aut 1 inl, i . Ural Kstata and Inursiiee \j. i.t. . - Mortiiages, Leases auil Wills c!raL >.|i ai<4 Vuluations made ou tli,n 'ei. notice. Auc- tion Sales sttetided to in any par. 1 . : : . e County. Vlouoy to lan M lowtut i,.!ib v i interest. Collections .-xttr.-.deil to itlf promptness aud drnpatcii. Chm^. - !.... Agent (or the IViuiiiinu i; Cheap tickfts from Fie. liei ton to IJM 1 1'< . I GVugow, London or auv of th 1'ritisb orls . I'srticA tutwiil'ng to vifit Knjland, Sf.'tlaui! or Ireland, will please .isk rnt*s i.- lorx pirci.-.iiog their tickets els<wljr. SMC Mtlta k^tMMk*" >~~* >. I: , . >.. 1 ..... ! ' iT.t. >.4 J,, It.-.". T:.l^>> Dr. J. C. Ayer ii Co., Lowell, Mats. toU v r ti' l-r .- K ' - : IMct $1 ; sli