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Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1892, p. 4

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fht FLESPIERTON ADVANCE JJIE ADVANCE. I meet the Count's household expense*. le would suppose that in view of these accusations which are hanging over Mr. Mercier's head he wonld uot dare show his face ia public, yt it b |M Tarn Or ru m Nlr.rt, TKKMS OK SUBSCRIPTION: Ont- 1 per annum whe'i pai'l itrlrtljr la advance I lO per *a\nu wlt.ii Dot o pal I AWWTUlSil KITES. On* column, 1 year, (50 ; half toU **., 1*7 4a\rtercol. ,lu.r> TrainiMjl a lrtlamDt charged at the ratu 4 Heti perliuetur 6rt Uiaertlou aud Juta. i-r feus each utm|nwtit invrtii'ii W. II. THURSTON. Jiditor and Proprietor POT 1'oumti. Two iuipoi taut flections took place eu Thursday of last week Prince Edward and Lennox. In Prince Kd - war), aii essentially barley riding , be Cdiibtrvativi' candidate was c'.fcteJ bj ofrr '200 of a majority, re- vcrmii',' the verdict of last election. Lennox also elected a Conservative by an iucrtased majority. These re- 8'ilts are exceedingly mortifying to tho Globe and the Reform party, as they clearly show that the barley raisers of Prince Edward county have thrown over the unrestricted recipro- city fad aud recognize its true value at rust. The Ontario Government have de- cided to utilize the Moat which pro- tected the old parliament buildings for a liko purpose at the new. They claim there is no signs of it caving in. Conservatives hold that this would ht> iu disparaging contrast to tho new architecture, aud that uo Moat is re quired around or within five miles of the new structure. Iu order that the full force of this elephantine pun may bo enjoyed we would explain that the word moat should be spelled with a w. Following is a list of the jx-udiug liu elections for the Commons : February !l, Queen's, N. 8. ; February 11, Purl, North Victoria, S . itli Vic- toria, Ksst Jirucc, East Middlesex, Halifax ; February \-l, Kast Elgin ; I niry 18, Digby, N. H , King's, N. H. ; February 20, South OiiUiio.Kust lU^ling* ; February 28, West Huron ; IVSruary 27, Two Mountains ; L'tb- ruaiy 2V, V.uidi-uiul. that the jmlatine Count has de- cided to face tho worst, aud brave it to the end. Those who fearttd that Drother Fawcelt, of the Strectsvillo Review, had 1,-oiie over to tliu Reform ninks would bo agreeably disappxrinled upon reading hia lust week's papor. In it he comes out fairly and squarely as a supporter of the Conservative candi- date iu lliiUon, Mr. Jackson, and iliii-ii)',' the course of a vigorous article remarks : ''To be misrepresented and misunderstood you only require to engineer au independent newspaper through a red hot political campaign. We have become sick a:id tired uf it, aud with this issue tho Strectsvillc Review commences a new era in its history. We will venture to say that hereafter people will have no difficulty in determining just where wo stand politically." More power to your pen, brother. You have switched onto the trunk lino ; opeu the valve and let her go. Tliw M ii ,; I Monitor has arrrived at the point where this paper stood two years ago with regard to the Meaford and Durham railway. The town councillors of Meaford have bcoa talking the matter over, "infor- mally," and are uot united in their opinion as to its feasibility. The Monitor says : "Ever) man possessed of a minimum of coninon sense knows perfectly well that no lailwiy will be built oil the lino and terms proposed, at least iu the near future, lor the very reason tint a bonus or bonuses will net be given, aud no company will build without. I hr .I >,MII wan Ligbtrurd Tho Doiiritjii.n parlifuncut is i meet at UtUwa op the 25th iait. Tho Ontario Legislature is billed to appear in tho old rei building on 1 1 out street west, Toronto, to day Tlic engagement is unlimited. Ii H p iM'ivcly thu last appearance of tin- tiou|H) iu this hidtjric&l old relic of uucieut Tho mi|i-ciiii' court of Now Hums wu'l. lias dt-liveied judgeuitnt iu the t,i i c U'H county clfctiou can*), iiw.ud iug the scat to Mr. 1 laird, the Conner \a' IVL P E-i -THE- ;i::i:r,:s To the K'ltlur of THt I'KAH MI.. (iliiinn caused by death ia the deepest gloom. Let it bo but a child snatched from the bosom of put ni*, it it a sore affliction for tliost with natural iiiYrolion.bul when death raps ut the door for the tirst tune, and takes uwuy the wife and mother, then ilircs Honnw anil gloom lino to the mmetlativu degree, buch has been our ullhetioi], but amid the- deep water* the gloom has been lightened, not only by tlie unbounded hope of inn t- ing our lovt d one on the other bl'oie, but by tin- helping hamU in a tnnu of need, and Hyinpithizing tears of Highborn and friends, tbe brotherly love for us aud last to'ien of fratJinal iiiiinir puid to her who was compelled by the hand of death to break the lunki of the society Urnl accompanied lit r lelnuiiiH to the tomb. I'm stand- ing preeminently higher than many oilier things in effecting their purpose rt.M ill pastoral visits and itvnipu ilietu: words of one who our der wifr and mother loved so much to neo and b enieil sueli a privilege to hoar. For all such kindness we tender 0111 sincere thanks, and while s nne of IIH 111 1\ travel far In. in thu place of >iiir Mini, the thouxhts of Plimlierton will bo in i. in- minds us an oasis iu a tandy desert. J. SMITH. AND FAMILY All are now beginning to rccog- in. . tho fitct wjiirh was patent to hui-h a liM^f initjtwKy on *.he 6th of March lust, that ,11111 eMiiictcd reci- I'l-i.'ity in only a |wil)ility when tuki;n in eonjiinction with a doso of tii in, and the mlmeiiU, m.i MII id and MBMfniflwd, fi mi which We :' not call fur mich d. i..tu- in. iji.'iiiu a& tlmt. We bfc uot pn yuu-ii ro swallow it. Tlio Empire's Moiiireal coircspon ill lit states : It is believed Unit ll.'.i ,ii Mi-iri,-i and J. I). 1, will hi< arrested on u warrant from the (ju>l> r pi-lioo court tllOielWO n n 1 n With poilMpiiiiijf to J, n i il ti.i nr i,ui y of tho piovnicu of IJIICBC out of fifty thoiisaml dol lirx. Tl e Hinpire is also posiiirely infirniitd that Tliea the Hoyul Com loisdion ax'tin sits at QurbiX) it will bo proved thul a part (if tl h > ..I... whii'h Mcivier and his fiieixh do- flarm' to have hoin n.-R'd to purcliaa, for Liurier aotiiiUy wont to A BE NO ** Itatlv NOT a rum. I i 1 U I VAN tii\vti TII..V mil rasli(l lui-n CUCDV III fill MM " Cf Clf I WUHIII u HI,, ni and lrrRiilarUI>. '1 In ir ..i a 111 M in ii, iul l;i i ON 19 K rai ii .n UN tln-v ll|l|ll\ III .'..|,L|I.|I.I-.| tliu MI! ' tuallv iii-i-'li >l t.M u l< IL ili.- HliMHl. curing llllM'IMO* OllllllllM I ..i uinl \\ \ i ;i:nv Kl.miK. nr frnlii ViriArrn MI Muim In *ho Hlx'iin, anil aUn 'oratii alul Ikil i> Ilia IU.oui> ami M, win n liniki-n wn iiy ovarworli, urry.iliiMiaae, MMM anil linlinrrtt mi Tlmy liav* a 1 1 irii- AiTioN on HHXl'AI. HTfM Of I Ii mini ainl vnlnrn, Uirlll|| UMT VMHill .ml rnrrootlnf{ all Miiir..i i un IH-. an I rrrMMaiuxa, io ftn.l. hU iiu'iital fan- llltli dull nr failn.c. or alinulil tah* llifian Imt imeryiiu, bolli New Carriage &'. Blacksmith Shop. Tb undertigneH be leire to M<)tiaiot tli" paljlic with tbff faot rtit the; l-ve opvuei) Uf a new carriage tad blackmnith hop in Plcsberlun. wher* wvry'.lnnK iu oat line will be atutiilrii to in a prumnt m inner ami good workiuauabip guaranteed. \\'e make a ipeciulty of II O R S E 8 H O E I N G. And oroteM to liafe a mechanic who gie entire atifactioD every time. Special atten- tion to U-ndct of contracted feet. Interfering [i ^iiiTelr prevent 1. WOODWORKINa Iu all It* I'ranel'T. \Vu^onk, bnifgiea, deutocratu n'-..!o to ord>r. We believe we Can work up a IIIHI.I biminci* ii: I''|i')iert( i. 1>T fnir an I square dealing auii ciui-ful wurkuiaiihi|i, *D>1 aolklt tho pu'ilic to 1 1>: mi' uicriu :a nur v i". ui lun-s. SHOP OPPOS1TK fTRSITl'XK It'.' KEHWtMS, IH'KHA.V ST. WHITTEN & BLAIR. On Darham St. are being constantly supplied with nesv Stock, which for elegance, de- sign and workmanship can- not be surpassed in the county, and at prices as low as the lowest. SEE OUR CRADLES ! Either Rattan or Spindle, very cheap, Folding Cribs and Cots, Lledsteads, single or double, of every design, and prices to suit all. Call and see our Parlor Suites. We have different styles in i'lush and Hair Cloth. A good variety to choose from. Bedroom Suites Of all designs Oak, Mahog- any, Walnut. Ash, Antique and sixteen century finish, al- so very cheap springs and Mattresses. We have a good stock of Reclining and Easy Chairs, Extension and Centre Tables, Sideboards, Bureaus, Carpet Sweepers Washing:- Machines Clothes Reels. To owners of horses and The public in general. Retort going further and examine the large stock of horte- men's requisites kept iu stock by the me ' wc m *^ e '' IC ' X)3S Harness it a rery s fft reasonable figure, (i <<>d workmanship, and no apprentices allowed to experiment on work wc put out. Thirc can be no nfVrTA Ol^iniOT^e That our stock of sundries U complete, con- A W U W^lillUlld aistiug of sleigh bells, whips, trunks, valises. axle grease, curry combs, and everything conceivable which horsemen require. C*ii aud examine and be convinced D. CLAYTON, FLESHERTON. The Markets. .tr.-l M < -r, , i I, ,< Kliiur Fall Wh.-at . WWat. Ha OaU HbM|>nklua. (leeae.. Turkeyt C'liicknna pur pair rtucan 11. r ran Wool 16 16 SO em H w a oo so s 9 *' IS oo i oo e 10 sn so J The Hi ail Of tb* Lubon M*44*al Ci^nfmay ia MOW at Tor* oiitn. ( aiul uiaj t*o cauaulVatl Utu*r in l*rftoii ur l>v Utter i'ii all cbroni* itln*.aeii pe- culiar to man. aln, M-UK, ulil.ur tulddle-a^vil, wlm fin, I thviuwlTei OBT woa.wcak aud eibauat- il, who arv broken iUn front eicevs or over- wuik. rmultingln oiaujr of tb followinf i;n> pt nui : Mcntivl iloiironlon, |>rrniatur olil V|0. loMuf vitality. Ion of uinniory, bad dreami. illniuraauf tight, |>alpltatlon uf the huart. eui- ulona, lack of nr|iy. |ln iu th* kiilneji. lira lai-lif. |iini|<li.4 on tlio faco or body, itrbiUH or peculiar wuaatlon aoout !) acrotum. waUt inr uf tli' organi, illailnoaa, apwki bvfuro th >,, iKiirl.ini: n( the muacln, eve lids, and iHuwbere, uaalifulneat, |>|M -it. in tlu- nriiuv oiaof will po war. Undvrnci of the walp and |nu0 waak and flabby ninacla.df*alre to I'wp. f.llllll* t.'l* lt-~t...l',\ -I,-. |, . ,|l-tl| lltlllM lIUU llr-i ,,f b..ailiiK. Imiiif v>.|>-^..lrnii- f, ir >litlld<' r\, Italiilit . nf ti'iniitir, niMikiiii t-vr* aiirromi,li-<l wllb i. li>s i IHI i K,i,il> 1.,,-iiuK kin. tc , an II -mi I, 'in. ,.| liiiKuun Mvliilllv tint load to nibantv an, I I'.i-alli iinU--- rinril Tb n|'.ii.^ ,n \ ILI] i ..... having lu^t it ipuniiui rycrv ruin lion waiii'?i in r'iriii|nrilrH Tliime wbiittirinii;)i h,i- . . iiiiiinill,..! 111 I^IIIM miiv may IN* iMirman ml v i- in -I s.'ii.l \,,.ir addriftH for l.iK>k mi all illM*aiiiiH (iiiruliai toiuin Huokii w.'tit free aoal . I H<<art dicra". tin nymutorui of which art) faint aprlls, pui |i|i. ll|ii. i. unil, iii'a^. |ialpitatii>n akip Ii' it", not Iliihlii-i.. runh uf I>1,H>,I to the beau, dull i .111 in iti.-h .j%rt witb li>Kt<i Ktron^. i I|,M nn I n i-i-4li1ar.1hi< r eroiul livart lH*i,t ,|iu, k,-- -i pain almut tli brui>t 1-, n. . i t,- ran |i'-itu,l. In- iiiii Nn rnri>. no tiav Sril.l ("i I, " A'l llr M \ . 1. 1 IlltS. IM Mai) I|..IM.|\>. I. u .hi... ranada. Tlauly'M. I'l.ACE IN CANADA ' Tkorviiyh Hutintu Take Rwmd f ' OKT A L\lncalwn. I'olli-KW ami Ciiiniiivrria) P*>|.ai tini-iitii in i'anada. then visit tlii- Nortliirn HIIDW l'ollrc<' ; fxnmiua evi-ry. tiling tluir iiMjhly. U wo fail to | rvxluco tu uiiMt tluni'i ;li. ii<in|ili.|i\ practical anil < \- alncoanar: ktnilv ; thi b<Mt cullcKt' puiiiin anil th tMMt anil iiiont i-"iii|,U i ie an, I uurnt suit - aW* furmtui,! ami a],|>liaim , w,> will niw \ou a full i-.iurii, i 1:1 r,,r Aiinual Vnnuuuc*- uiuut. jji uiu full i>arlicular, frvv. n,Ulru C. A. FLEMINC. Frinripal. 1'icture Framing done on short notice. A lar^e stock of Funeral Fuimsliir.^s al.vays on hand. good Hearse and prom] t at- tention, at the I,, ni and lrrR i ntail nii'at'M*h*n ' 1>r rura all n,,. wliuli i YOUNG MEN ilu ( yoi.U,(,il bad D YOUNG WOMEN *k.' in ' kular. T>i-y win <> tha n>- ablu, ftud ittMitfthuu Uiu Tb< taka tlinnv 111.I.I will Flesherton Furniture Wardrooms*. H.E. McNEA - Proprietor. :,;;: ; :;; mm riiiii|>iH-*iiitHiit> l*t < linr.-li. I I. D. M) Tamil, AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collinx'woiul Strtvt, FLI-SHKKTON, - ONT. Maniifaotiirineo! t 'tnlf,! l,> Sf.-i-iai att lit, nil m\ u to lohtiacl ,i I or ti'inli'i fi-i-i nnl Plow h.-inix con- MI hand. - ui<l iimntlr ninkiiu iihiiiji ttrn.lvil t itM liraiicliri. i>ii>iii|,il> an, I lrim-n Milt- ma. ! up :ii K, ..1,1 tvlw. nli, n i-l, .III I < l.riMiKlit it April4l Itonaml HirlH auiu Utlafactlon t'litiaut, . J (ii'iitlrim-n SOUIETIE8. S.'SS OK TKMTI I1\MT TM. ,-i,.|v Mli'i-l- HI |ir ( hili-l..... Hall i<vi'rv \Vnlnmi. (lay ...r Mint at |i in Vinillii^ Im-lln mu-J. In-lllalii-i. in fiillliii lion UOV.VI. TKMri.Mi-. HI I I MI'Hi\\, l Hoflular Council m.-.i ,\,n rurxla *v lp In MproilU-l block ( NIMH s,.|,.,.( iin~iiiii,-. UN. l, iiKinihlv. tlui |ni ,-, .,'im: tl ,i ..ii, | ,.( ,. B ,|, iniunli |)lll\CK ^UTIUK l.oix.i; \,i :s. A. F. * I AM. I in Hi,.,. Hall. Strain i; look. FIcBMrtoB. **r) rn,'a> on orbetorvtkr I full iu, , i. A.H. \aiulnwiii, \V. M , U J . I .r Nlo by all liutuiltl* or will be Ml ( prliin (.w. |ir boi\ by aiMrnulnf TUB VK. WlLLlAXi' Mf.l>. ( Jtrxknlti , Out, N.B. Ag'wut forthe Doherty Organ, the fl-jest facturei. Wauted. Maplp. >ir-)i. liauwiNNl. |II.II<|.N-|. tamarac |n UI-K. io,'k anil Mift i In. wantu.l at BOYD'S Mlt.r, Ainu fi'ii.-.i |.,nl^, ll..rpli |M!, railioat |i,< iriiiiiiit or lu'wwli, and hanl anil nod ,-,.i ,!,.,.,! TMVWJ hlghwt nwrki i,,< ,.<,; i , 0li f,., (no.) l.iiilwr. Hi-jik; !,,,. ,,,, l,^,^ (If! quoUlloni from tin UII.I.M M i, .,1 ,'f"i,. riling <'. cKUr. I & \V. 1101 D broken Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset are made of it warranted for a year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doosn't suit. But it's pretty sure to suit else it wouldn't be sold so. For *lo by *!. KM 1 : rlso & 4 'o-

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