The, FLESMERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. Ii published Ymo* rwm OrncB Xtreii, - Fleiktrion, TRRM8 OK SUBSCRIPTION: 1 par timtiiu whan paid strictly ID advance 1 ,jO per annum when not o prl ADVEKT1HINO KATKH. On' <3t>* fm*. 1 year. 5C . half col., do.. K .warier eol do , IS Transient a/lvertiseinents charged at the rate C 1 . '* per line fur flnt insertion and 2ft* per a* eacu aubeeqoeut iuserl:<.ii W.H. THURSTON. Kditor am/ Proprietor TUE BVK ELECTIONS. The bjo election ball was opened ly three cniiBtituc-ncics on Thursday of last week, via., Kingston, Halton ar.d Lincoln. T!M two former re. elected the Conservative eaudidaUB and the latter the reform, Mr. Gibson being electd by orer 8M rnajoiity. C i-nbjrlan'l, N. 8., on Saturday re tin ned Mr. Dickey, Conservative, by over 1000 majority, and on the same (Uy Mou. J. A. Ouiinet was returned without opposition for Laval. Tlia rpsult of these elections thus far leavts the two partial 111 the re- spective poailioua which they hfore Icld, the only triumphaut party being Oh* lawyers who did the iuveatigat- ing. Three more elections will be Leld this week, namely Soulangei, on Wednesday ; Prince Edward ami Lennox on Thursday. On Thursday, tLe llth. no less than bix bye elec- 140118 will be Laid East Ur..ce,Peel East Middlescx.North Victoria, South Victoria and Halifax. The votaries of Unrestricted Reci- procity in Canada point to the tariff us the prune cauae of the deprecia- tion in the value of our stock, either Uiro' ignorance of the facts or wilful c.isai diH-ss," so that they may acnre a point against the National Policy by withholding the truth. The follow- ing excerpt is from a leading t<litorial in the "Kincaid Krouicle" of Dec. 18, 1!>1. published in the state- of Kansas, 1-c wailing the shortage 111 cuiruncy, find the consequent depreciation ID \>htes. It says : Times an: not ver> good nor is 11101x7 I'li-n ty when a team of korsce worth $200 will sell for no more tlian . 0. as was the rase in our town Sat- uiday. A few years ago one of those- I 01 .'. would have sold for neiuly ,ble wliat both aoki for. Still ,- I. ear men MT, ani) feiH'.wrs ard stock laibiis too, that there is plenty of mum y, that there is no trouble about getting money if you only have some- thing to sell. If $ 40 or $50 for a No. 1 liorso, and 17 to $10 for good in k cows is [-lenty of money then we Lave ('luitv of money in circulation, ('urn 18 selling for a good prico, but the t.ouble is this year fanner* hivi- 1 1. 1 corn to *ell. The tnoit Mg Bales in Kincuid in the last niontlis lmvt> inn ItssonH in our financial education Tht-i>a Icesons are presented to the I .."I'll in a new li^lit. These lessons l.ctiU>[oib havu hecu tlu-on ti<:;il, but i!i*st are practical. There will l- n.. He to follow in the n< \> - iniintlis. TJiis is only the be- They will coinn tiiick and and continue until tlie people IIH c^ivinccd by practical demonstrations i'..:tt i!,iit. is ni)t half money enough in circulation to do the business of llm country." We seldom get the 1111 varnished truth Itko the above fruin a Yankee journal, and wero the Kincaid Kroniolo pu'j lisuel COtltigUOIlb to the Cm :i'lian border it would not dare utter uuwt 1 cumo trutlia hko the foregoing. A thorl time ago a former resident of (knaila, but now of Michigan, tells a atiuilar story to tlio London, Out , j>u.-|l.U, tlu-ivfure WO in i 1 to look U*youd the N. P. for tho prime cause of the slight decrease in the values m stock the o.i To tke Kditor of Tht DEAR SIR, Allow me to say to tlit i-atpayeri of Artemenia that I never mdcrtook to attend to all the reckhss statements Mr. Sharp may chooe to uake, but as a aainple I shall coufii.e inn to the statements made by him m the platform in the Tuwn Hall on lomination day. He there statc-d imt I let the building of a culvert to Mr. Andrew Roe for 81, and that 1 got $4 for letting and inspecting it. I published the treasurer's statement to ihow that I let the work for $5 and ,'nt 40 cents for letting and inspect- ing it. He next stated that I had two teams of my own on th work, re- pairing the gravel road, for tlie pur- |K>se of grabbing t !- money. I could /ut a scoie of ratepayers to prove that 1 had but one team of my own .n tlie work. 1 published the names of four ratepayers who say positively that I had but one team on the work. If Mr. Sharp wants the ratepayers to place confidence in his statements he nhould prove tln:ra to be the truth, but the fact i he lias- practically admitted them to be false by not attempting to i<ivi- any proof in support of them, for tho good reason ho lias none to give. They are purely false, and he knew that when he made them. It roust b plain to all the ratepayers that this false and furious attack was inado on me wlun I attempted to unearth the missing resolution. Mr. Sharp said on the platform that it WAS mean of me to torch it if tho time lias come win n ratepayers have no right to question any expenditure of their own money they should know it. As I have not seen this resolution published 1 do not know whether it doles out any money to Mr. Sharp or not. As I only got the merest hint of it, so I am led to think that if I bad not heard of it the ratepayers were not likely to bear of it. When Mr.Bharp proves those two statements true it will be in place to consider his other. If he fails to do so, then the ratepay- ers may safely consider his other charges all along th same lint. Thanking you for your space, I re- main yours, THORP YVKIGHT. 9 PS fc tf P M-. EH Maxwell Concert. ? .:.:s Furnitiire feis On St. are being constantly supplied with new Stock, which for elegance, de- sign and workmanship can- not be surpassed in the county, and at prices as low as the lowest. SEE OUK CEADLES ! Either Rattan or Spindle, very cheap, Folding Cribs and Cots, Bedsteads, single or double, of every design, and prices to suit all. Call and Rer. Clias. II. Bpurgoon, faiuuiii London preacher, divd huuJay last at Mcntone. A* we predicted laat week, tin- United BUlM lias accepted CLili'a auologj, aud tLu licking i* Tbe T,> the Etlltur of Tkt l)*.i BIB. Oar Maxwell corresuOkdtnt baa li-rii uoiaewlMl careless in repurtinff tUo might/ evnts wliicli make life so pleaaaiit in this pretty little village. \ rveu forgot to inform your readers ul the grvid eonoert given under the aaspioes of tlie Mii II l.i.viil Uratigo Lodge one of the moat succeuful nil. ilmniuruU that people have had the pleniiu* of lnU-oiuK to for a 1..HU time. The program was ?xeellcut, and waa well carried uut. The comic fuca'ist, II u r-. Kich, of Toronto, w^a in (xcelUnl form and bamor, and far lui passed auy o( bis former nuiiit-xetneiitt in tbeio parU. From start to lim*h he ki'pt the large audi DM eouvuUeJ with laughter, lie wa again and a^nu, tncoreJ. tie wa4 simply a bust in uimaeK. Miai Cbri*lo render* d bis ccouipituiiiiHiiU in r\r, -lli-iit style ou a ipberb new Ii, rlin oruaii, fuiiiithed by Mr. Mel 'IT, of Owrn Souml. Hhe gave aevoral instrumental pi?oe* in masterly style, gain ing many vucomiunis i>f |nai-- for the ex celleiic) vf her part rl Ihu prt.graui. The Maxwll (ili-u < lub.witb Miss Agues Qamuv, (Jan; au excfl'eul assortment uf luuiic tilling tlifir nlinii.iiK liii-iiils with delight thai Maxwell had sueh first rato musical Uileut. Ms-iurs. Hrrmi, Oltewcll and Little, with Mim Hwnliu, reodrred eictlleiit st<mc ou tbe vi Mm and orgitn. They weie alwaya (,'n cored time and aipiin. Mm a-ni Mr. buck gave iiiuio comic Irish annga wlm-li were well appreciated. Mr. J. (lrahnin.tif Siiig-, gave k mlci with K<'0<1 i fT. t K.-mliu^i were given Ly Mr. iismsim. nf Singliampton, and I'r., nf Maxwell. l'ii lUI'in-Min Hro. aud J. O-buriie gave several insti iinii-nlitl |.iir,s on violin and |uri.l > nnd were agaiu aad again encored. Thim. liamcy, reeve uf Ouprcy, alily filled the chair, ami showed Iliat In- was Mi- u^-lit ra in In llio riKbt ( Tim Mii-st s Kt-IU, of Vandeleor, gave an excellent cxbiliiti n c. f Hub swinging and dumb lull t n-mnrK, Hi. IHII^ ninny nuiiiila 01 iipjilaiiKO The Ii M Kelli arc In In' i-i M^rn!nlitt<.<l on the KI. t hlati> <f uerfvoltou in which tber 1' ' IIH in ihci-r ixin.Mvi. It wan une of the lar^i'st galheriiigi ever aeuu in Maxwell. M.uiv sleigblnads were bere from l>uinlalk, 'i. .u. .Siuxhampton, Ku H t>nla, Me IniM. mi I K i.l ( ;ei,,i. The ..ilicns of tho III I In ir best to give room, hut over a hundred were uunhlti to Ruin flu' ]i>ur.-i il* amounted to )H:< F.Vfry one lias becu prainii>g the bill gol up by Tho Advance. As I did n.. I notion that ynur Maxwell o 1 1 1---I n.lciit favored juu with any in formation abdut the concerl. I llmugtit 1 would Kivf you a ihurt outline of il.although it it ooiisidi-rably late. You'i, MAXWKUU Married. WII.KINSDN 'II t.NMi At the MothodlU parnoliavo. ! lti-lierl.>j Out.. .Utiiimrv /Tth. IHUi. bl 11. v A W r.iiiu... Ml John \ of K--.ii.Tlev. to Kllia Janu Turner, uf Kugonla. I.ITTI.K A1UIOTT -At Kleiherton. on tli -'.'Hi ult , Itr HM. Hov John Wclli. M A.,WIIII*in l.itri... i,, Krance* Abbott. botli of tin towuibip of 1'iotoi.. c "I I I> \MU.MMH : Al Flxuherton. on th.i 7lli ult . hr th llev John Well.. M A .Mil llaiu I'uiittn, to fUrab William*, both of th< town>i|i of jUiyroy Jacob Utland, formarljr of Meaford, Out., who WAI eiii|.lnyi-,l on the construc- tion work* uf the new dock* at (lladatone, Mich , waa killed on Saturday liy a quaiititj of falling eoala. see our New Carriage &'. Blacksmith Shop. Tn onderni({ned beg leave to acquaint thn public with the fact tlmt Umy have openwl Wf a new carriage and blacksiuilb abop in FUsherton-, where evervlknK m ottr lue will be attended to in a prompt manner and good wovtamuithip guaranteed. \Ve make a ipecialty W HORSESHOEING. ml urofess to have a mechanic who give* entire *atifftction every time. Special atten- tion to tender or contracted feet. Interfering p.milivel.v prevented. WOODWOKKING n all Us branches. Wagona. bavgie*, dt-tnocruts made to ord^r. \Vr believe w can work up a yiNil lniHinessin Flenhertou by fair and square dealing aiid careful workmanship, aud svliiit the public to tdat onr merits in our various lines. orrosirK rt it\in nt: n.n: KHOOMS, tn'niiiM ST. Parlor Suites. We have different styles in Plush nnd Hair Cloth. A good variety to choose from. Bedroom Suites Ol all designs Oak, Mahog- any, Walnut, Ash, Antique and sixteen century finish, al- so very cheap springs and Mattresses. We have a good stock of Reclining and Easy Chairs, Extension and Centre Tables, Sideboards, Bureaus, Carpet Sweepers Washing- Machines Clothes Keels. Picture Framing done or short notice. A large stock of Funera Furnishings al.vays on hand good Hearse and prompt at tcntion, at ihe Flesherton Furniture Warerooms H.E. McNKA - Proprietor To owners of horses and The public in general. Before going further and examitre the large stoc k of horse- mou's requisites kept m stock by the undersigned. N.B. Ag'ent forthe Doherty Organ, the finest maim factured. - WRITTEN & BLAIR. TJ'TT Yon and inc, we make tfic boss ilanieta il a very sUehi reasonable finrc. Good woikinanliip, and no apprentices allowed to experiment ou vrork we put out. There can be no T^TTTrt OTM TS 1 f\n Tliat our stock of sundries is complete, con- el W U WjJ.V.UlUlLd gisting of B lei K h bells, whips, trunks, ralises, axle grease, curry combs, and everything couceivabie which horsemen require. C*)l and exanuoa nd b* conviiicvU D. CLAYTON, FLESHE3RTON. The Markets. ;ir. Inlh < on .-. |, <l I ;i. Ii ..!,. lour Kail WbMt Hpring WbM(. Ha.Uy '-. .. 5 or, SI lutter '.IUt*. 'ork ................. Hay iH-r ton ..... lldtra Hh*|>sklui fl'I'S.' .......... . urkeys lin k. n. pr i-ir Durki iMtriiUr ..... Wool to to M to u to ar. to .'.7 to it. to ! to W to 5(9 to OtO to 300 to DO to to 9 to <5 to 40 to n to 45 It M 17 1C W i ftS 9 * am i oo 6 10 an Hit Head Nurwon Of ttx f.ubon Medical Company Is now a4 Tor onto, CaoMla. and may be conpultetl rltlin in pr>on or by UtU>r on all chronic diiwaten |> culiar 1. 1 man. Men, >oung, old. or niidillv anl who Anil thvmelve nurvou.wak and cxliaimt d, who are broken down from exceHS or over- work:, revulting in many of tb following s>ui ptoins : SJvntal dtiprMwlon, premature old me. Inunf vitality, IOM of inumory, bad. dreauii liuiiittMuf ttl^bt. |>al|iitatiou of tbe boart. eiu- ulon, lark of energy, pain In tbe ki.lnen h.- In. l.i- pi 111 i>lf- ou the face i r botly. itrblni; or |>eciili&r Bensallon about tl'w vcrotum, waist log of tho organs, <Uizlues, ii>ecks bufore the y*s, twitching of tin- muscles, ) lids, and elaewherr, bakhfuluoss, d|Kits In tbe urine, unnf will imwer, tenderues of tbe scalp and spine, weak and flabby innicles, desire to ^l--i ].. (allure tobi reabxtby slwp, ronntti'atlon, 'lull ness nf hearinii. loMof voiue.deslie for lOlltunV loltablllt) .if l, in|n'r, innken eyes surroun<lt<l with I.KAIHV i IKI I.K. nil> IniikiiiK nkiii. rti- . an all syiii|itiiiiiii of nurvous ivBilitv tht !..! t,, insantv sn. I r*.rath nnK-nit cuied. The M'lnii.; or vital lorco havinn lout its tension everv I nni- tion wane* m ronwiimmce. Those who through abuse committf"! in ignorance may he ptiriimii eutly i-tiu-.l. Send your address for book on all ili-f'i.h 1'iciiliai toman. Hooks m-nt free seal- I lif/irt iliHeaH, the symptt>in^ of wlilt-h *n- falnt siHtlU. purple llpK, i.uuilines*, palpitation, kip Ii.-Hi . hot (liuhuH, rush of lilno.i tn '!.. Ima'l. ilull piiill In tlli*h n art with Ii..at4 i>trnnt;. rrtjin* nnil trreKUlar.thoPfH'nntl heal ttx-nt 'tiiii-k, than ilif ni->t, pain alniut th hieait lnn,i-, t-tc . can I'liMttvely Ui i-iut,. No euro, nu psv. Si-n.l for I k. Address M. V. M'HON. -.'I M u: douull Avv. Ttironto, Canada. 7 Uni >-._'. wrn Sound. Ontario. I Tlje \ r ery PLACE IN CANADA TO OET A Thorough Butincn Educativ*. Take a Rennet" Trip .T^du^i and CotumeixlaJ Department* In Canada, MM rfrit 'tin-in ItuFiiirx* ('ollt'iiv ; eiBiuuie iver>- tliint t)iu-inxhly. If we foil to prodnaa Itu nitinl thorough, coin|i|i>tii. prtcMral slid extvn- >ivi< iviumti nf utility ; th ln-t ciiiliKu premises and tKt bust an. I nn.-t ri.!ii|.lt (.- i, n.l uiost suit- able fvirnitip. mi. I appliances. we will gl\e >ou s full ooumu mK Kor Annual Annouuto- uieut, liivniK full particulars, true, address C. A. FLKMlNli, Prinripal. lit HI Mrs. Plilllpps-OppOKite Mctlio- dl*l t luirrli. I li-vhi-rliin. Drxas and mantle making in all Its branrhet. Hoy ami girls suits attended to |>ri>iii|illy and atliifai-tl.iii Kuitrsntood. Qaatlvman's hiilu made up In Rood style, when cloth Is liroiiKht read) cut. April 4 ill SOCIETIES. SONS OF TKMPKKANCK This society mi-' i- m Dr. i liii-iin. Hall every Wednes- day uveninK at H p.m. Visiting bretbcrn Invited. luMiram-u In connection. R . ilar rounril inet every Tuesday even- lull In Hprnule's block at H p.m. Helect degree (insurance! meets monthly, the \V, lu.. ly prucedlni; tin. -JJn.l of each mouth. FllINOK AHTIIfH I.OIKiF. NO SS.1. A. V. A A SI . inm-t In the Maonlc Hall, strain block. Klusherton. every Friday on or before tbe full n.ooi,. A. H. Vanduseu, W. M.; If J. Hproule It's easy enough the Ball corset. That's he- cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They "give", but they conte back. So does your money if you've worn a Ball corset two or three weeks, and find that you don't like it. For >:>!-. by M. Kirlianlson & Ii D. McTarish, Logs Wanted. Maple, birch, basswood, hemlock, spruce, rook and soft elm wanted at BOYD'3 MILU Also fenoe posts, telegraph polos, railroad ties (rnupd or bewect), and hard And -..ft oonlwood. The very highest market price will be paM In cash for ..... I timber. Iliing along your lutts. (l.-t quotations from the unrternignetl befoiv ollliiK nUswIie.e J. * W. BOY P. AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. ManufarturlnK nf Wagons. Hlvluhs. rni-. Democrats. Ktc Hnr-.. -I.IK.ITIK pn-mi Hi r> tend* 1 o. ^periai attt ntii>n ^ivcu to toutiSM.t- e 1 or tender ffet. Logxinc nnd Plow <'hitlns ecu taiitl)