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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1892, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADA. The freight blockade on the north western railroad* is IKIW entirely railed. Public works in Winnipeg are delayed owing to a acarcity of laborers. During the put year the Montreal firemen were called out Kll times. James Walter* ,wai killed by a falling liu.b ,u Klmsteaii last week. Lat month wag the waraivKt December in fntirteen yearn. Colonel Oillmor, er clerk of the Ontario Legislature died on Sunday. The Brandon Farmer*' Institute has de- clared that the Dominion duty on binder twine ought to be thrown off. The death ii announced of Mr. Richard PotUr president of the lirandTrunk railway from 1S9 to 1M76. The venting other steamship companies tendering for t he ocean m*il service, reply of tho company has not been known, but Mr. Abbott claims to have proof of his charge. liKKAT KIUTA1*. The intluen/a epidemic is speading daily throughout Kngland. Lord li.inilo ph Churchill is said to be anxious to enter the diplomatic service. Sir James Redhouse, theoriental scholar, is dead in London. A bout t' 1 ,500,000 are to be spent in recon- structing the camp at Aldershot, Kng. Dr. John U'areing Bardflley a the new liishop of Carlisle, Kng. from [ The other day at Philadelphia * decision of the Supreme Court wiui giveu turmi"K The body of .John ( V>nin was fonnd in the (!r*nd River at Brantfnrd last week. He lost his way and fell into the stream. A four year-old child of W. M. Burrows. liramptpi', was fatally burned wiiile playing to succeed his father, with a fire last week. that saloon keepers are liable for resulting from the sale of liquor to intoxi- cated persons A HtateniRiit gained from aC*binet source says there will bo no war by the United StaU>n against Chili. Tim Chilian Govern- iii. -nt is clisp wi to withdraw from On- position it has tried to hold. Ii> connection with the recent railroad 4ltri KK WITH ty years ago the country then known uada Ka*t win very sparimiy settled, Fifty >-. i in especially that p ii turn lying eai of tin- St. I' i MIICJS river aud bordering on Maine. The .umnal known commonly an tlin r.imulian gray wolf was then the scourge of thn entire 'oiintry. They often gathered in multitudes apparently under the guidance of an ac- knowledged leader, and attacked whatever they could iiml. Not niily sheep and small , ..... , , . . , D ... i iBHiAtn OH .suimuuv 01 la Hnpne. i Lord \ ivian has l>een appointed " ler . mallt< . r gcneral of ? lle a, accident n-ar Tarry U>wn, V. Y., by whieh animals were slaughtered, but horned cattle, e<J f e8 - thirteen persons lost their lives, the jury ' ha* returned a verdict holding Hrakemaii Herri. -k guilty of manslaughter. General Montgomery C. Meigs, of tho I'. S. (engineer corps (retired), died at Wash- ington on Saturday of la grippe. He wan hamstring, their fiery eyes flashing, and their fangs glistening in the moonlight. He WAS about to givo up in despair, when, like an electric shock, came the thejght u his mind hit snuff box ! To think was to act. Being an iiiTeterat* snuff-taker, and .jinte an epicure m that way, he liad taken tho precaution before Uswing home MI pro- vide himself with a package of prime old .1 , ilioy. Sei74i)g hi saddle hags, he tor tln-'ii open, crushed the package at on grasp and cast the content! in their uptur , i d the \niba.-!>adfir to St. Petersburg. Sir fieorge Kiddell Airy, at one time Astronomer Uoyal of Britain, is dead in London, aged ill y 'ars. Dublin authorities src thoroughly search- ing all vessels arriving from America. They are on the watch f or dynamiters. The Duke if Devonshire has been elected Chancellor of the University of Cambridge Walter Waken, a farmer residing near London, was thrown out of his buggy and killed Saturday nii/ht. John Cummings, while chopping in the wooiU on the PJsh line, Brooke, last week, was killed by a falling tree. February IN is spoken of as the day for the assembling of the Dominion Parliament but the matter lias not Icen finally decided. Dr. Orion, of<iue*ph. brother of Dr. Orton, cx-M.P., died en Saturday of blood poisoning. John Cuddy, one of the best known mem- bers of the Toronto detective force, died the ther evening. Col. Herchmer, of the N. \V. M. P., died suddenly at Kegina on Friday night of heart disease. Col. ('has. Clarke, ex M. P. , has been ap- pointed clerk of the Ontario House of As- sembly, vice Col. (lilmore deceased. The formation of the first responsible (Jovernment of the Northwest Territories has been announced at Regina. Children under sixteen are not allowed to loiter on the streets in < iravonhurst after S p.m. A by law has l*en parsed to that effect. The ironworkers iu all the foundries of Ottawa juei>t one went out on strike last week because the bosses would not grant nine hoars as a working day The Canadian College of Organists held its annual meeting in Montreal last week, and elected Mr. F. H. Torrington, of Tor- onto, president for the ensuing year. The annual report of the Montrca' gaol, shows that 'J,H4.'I prisoners were confined in thl institution during the pant year. The body of (ieorge ( 'halloner, iitied ~ti. a ', well to do resudent of .South LonJon, was found m the Thames last week. He is supposed to have committed suicide. i La grippe is prevalent in Manitoba. Rev. 8am Small ha* held a number of successful meetings at N'apanee. The Legislature of Ontario is called for February II. Madame IV Bouchervillc, wife of the Premier nf (Quebec, is dead. The wholesale firms of .John A. Patterson * Co. and .lames Brown A Son of Montreal hve asssigned. Hants county, N. S., last y*ar shipped -'-' eargoes of potatoes to Havana just doubl* the number for the previous year. Another public meeting to urge I lie claims of St. John, N. B.. to be placed on an equal footing with Halifax VH a winter port was heM there the oiher ninht. The premises of T. O. Foster A Co., 16 Colbamo street, Toronto, were completely wrecked by tire the other evening. The loss will total $S5,UUO, if not more. In Canterbury. Kng., influenza rgs to such an extent that, business houses have had to close for lack of hands. Prince Victor Hohenlohe, who has been sojourning in London and -vns a great favour ite of the Queen, died last week. Michael Davi't has written a letter to The London Times defending his friend Kuril against the chirge that he wa* concern- ed in the Dublin Castle explosion. (General Sir Frederick Sleigh Rolwrts, Admiral Sir Arthur W. A. Hood (retired), .ml Sir William Thompson have been raised to t lie peerage. A London ivilile says the Salvation Army contingent at Eastbourne was attacked by a mob on Sunday while holding a ntreet service. The police had t > <|ucll the distur- bance. A meeting of the norporUion of tho city of Dublin was failed for Mon.lay to dratt an -uldremi of congratulation to thn (jneen on the marriage of her gran.lson to Princess Mary of Teck, but there was no quorum, so no busineHa was transacted. Fifty seven typewritten copies of a pamphlet have been in circulation in high social circles in London containing a virurnt attack on the Prince of Wales, Lady Brooke, and others. AH except three of the pamph lets have been Imught and destroyed. An Oxford student was arrested in Lon- don last week the House of Commons with a revolver. At the Police Court he aid he tired at the building to show uring t| , e rebe , ion . TWQ ^ offi(je horses, and even tinman beiugH fell a prey to these blood-thirsty scourges. The wolf is scarcely ever known to at tack any creature except Home of the smaller species, singly, as he has ever been uoted for The scene that followed beggars descrip- tion. All the fiends of the internal regional let loose could never more than equal it. A momentary silence, and then with an un- earthly cry of rage ami pain they abandon- his cowardice, but when pressed by hunger | ed their object o? pursuit, and pitching into and an available opportunity for securing u good round meal is diKuovered by the lender of the pack, he at once begins to howl. This Sage appearing they line of them was ar- Sage, the millionaire Albany, and on Mr. seized and beat him. rested. Miss Helen Could, daughter of the New York mi'lionaire. has been threatened with abduction, in order that her eaptor may de- mand a ransom nf a million dollars. Miss (iould is under constant police protection. Inmlwr merchant of i '" understood and answered by others, until an incredibly short time, they are all as sembled, when, under the guidance of the leader, they dash (iff. Then, whatever Imp pens to be the object of pursuit ia generally doomed to destruction. Tile leader, when he become* feeble by reanon of age or wounds, is generally van- quished in an encounter with some younger and more vigorous male, and then set upon Thn Messiah cra/c li.m broken out anew j |,y the entire pack and driven ot to die among the Indians of the Cheyenne and alone. Arapahoe reservations, w!io declare that they will keep up their dancing until the Saviour comes. A Washington ilespatch say a reciprocity arrangement has been entered into between the I'nited States and the West Indian is- lands which is expected to go into force next February. " I'rin/. ' von Miuhaelv, who has caused so much annoyance t<i the family of .Jay (ionld by his insistence that Helen ' ionld should Iu the autumn of the year 1H$. near the close of a bright day, a traveller alivht- cd at a little wayside inn situated on the borders of one of those Canadian forests, known as the crown lands, and called for luncheon and a feed for his horse. He was a powerfully built man of fine personal ap- peal-mice, in the prime of life, aud evidently one who had seen much of the world. The horse he rode, whose symmetrical form, fine- ly shaped head and lofty mien plainly in- dicated his careful breeding, was unsaddled, marry him, was pronounced insane the other , nelltl groomed ,, put m * he ^i,,. 'lay and will be sent to the asylum on Ward's Island. A correspondent writes that there is great suffering among the coal miners in some o the Pennsylvania towns, their necessities are necessities of the Rus< Western millers .iresemliiig .'!(), JIN) )>arrlsof flour. A special from Washington saying that Sir Julian I'anncefote, anmnii o I her <liplo other commenced lighting and tearing in the most horrid manner. The hotsc continued his flight, soon ar- riving at a farm house, where every atten- tion was paid to bun and his rider that kindness and their limited means could fur- nish. The next day, as his horse seemed some- what jaded, Me concluded to stop a few days and recruit -, also try to recover bis money, pistols and papers. Accompanied by two of the neighbors he returned to the scene of his adventure. His property was found where he had dropped it, but- the scene of the conflict was sickening: by count mg tails, ears and feet, they judged that more thau twenty wolves were killed aud eaten by their onmrades. The wolves soon disap- peared from that lorest never to return, ex- cept now and then a straggler. i'-M Lady rmrj -.mi. r-,i It is wonderful and admirable to con- sider Lady Henry Somerset and many nn other lady of high birth aud iu affluent circumstances wlio might i-omnianil the so-called honours of high society anil see the devoters to social amusements crouch- , ' he did ample justice. To this wan added a wns. and surest* that tumbler aml 8mall (Jecmnter of wn ,skey, quite as great as are the | at llmt a a drmk , ,,. knl( j ()f h ? . tns.ians .to whom the u ,, am< , t an(l tr , vell(!n ^ t ,, A frugal meal of deer steak, potatoes, buckwheat griddle cakes and maple honey ing at their feet, casting aside the vanities was soon set In-fore the traveller to which of life aud devoting themselves !> the talk he did ample justice. To tins wan added a j of searching out destitution, sorrowand vice tion of the problem to raise the millions of men that vegetate, suffer aud die year after year in all parts of thn world, but before each meal, was not only considered more conspicuously m the crowded urban respectable, but almost indispensable. Of centers of population, out of the mire of the latter, however, I he guest declined to i misery and physical and moral dograda- partake, remarking that he had never yet | tion. But certainly, she says, we hav nut Washing! m, has advised (Mian justed liquor of any kind, and hadn't the solved the problem. Yet she is continuing that Chili cannot, attord to I least desire to commence now. In reply to her efforts with unabated vigor and resolu- inflict with th United ' interrogatories lie stated that he wsu< s<ent tion, relieving distress here, and there, and _L_ __,J I. _ 1_ I,.. f , .*. .. . . ... Minister Montt enter upon a States, and that she would lie wholly un- warranted in refusing to apologize fertile assault on the sailors of the Baltimore. A woman of (ioshen. Indiana, who is now .'1.1 years old, began !H(r2 with her sixth husband. She was horn Minnie Beck. Her his contempt for the House and those who n" 1 ''""I 1 "!" 1 ' ' ol '" xv ', ',"> acciden therein assembled. i ul| y llle<l ; the "Ms**, Henry Nioe, was sent to prison for life for murder ; then she was divorced in succession from Daniel therein assembled. I The London Chamber of Commerce has decided 'o hold a congress of the British Chambers of Commerce of the world next June. Forty Chambers have already accept ed the invitation. Lord Hartington, upon vacating his seat for Rossendale in the House of Commons to tke his place in the Upper Canada as the Duke of Devonshire, recommended his con sutuetiLs ti. elect Mr. Brooks, the Unionist candidate. This has made the Liberals very ma. I. who threaten, should Mr. Brooks be | of * large publishing house in Philadelphia, and bound to (Jncbuc : that he muit hasten, as he wished to pass i lie woods that night. " I'.iss thn woods to-night *" exnlaitnod the landlord in surprise. " Indeed, you must do no such thing. Tho woods are filled with wolves, and they ore uncommon- ly fierce. If you encounter a pack, as no doubt you will, your life must pay the for- feit ; so please stay where you are I l>eg rescuing many a human life that with out her would certainty liave been wrecked. But as 'M the entire problem she knows no lickter than any of her charitable associates how to find a solir 1011. Pin-re ii another aide of charity, nam that which tries to regulate and sy*tmut:r.e charity, prohibiting free gifts to those that lit-K for bread and fonniu.' societies that only give ftur due exumnation into the Andrew Sinn Ii and l Jiarles Han some ; The sixth is F. L. Mop-house, Kriie>Kt Brandt, eleven ycacs of age, re- en'lv arrived in New York from Hamburg liermany. with a design of engaging m u war of extermination against the Indians. Herman translations of the. American dime yon will not hazard your life in this reckless causes of suffering. While the inquiry MS inainirr. ' goutg on the sulteivr may perish ; Iwtter he The traveller, thinking that his host was ' should pi-nsh. says the advocate of this over anxious, began to suspect dant(<!r from theory of charity, '.liau that the will to hel lp lf- another source, as he carried a large sum of ; himself by his own exertion, that is, lint sel money. The more he pondered the firmer dependence should suffer any diminution. became his conviction that mischief was It is not the. intention hem to inquire iuto meant, and tho story of the wolves one of Uie truth and justice of this theory, which takes cognizance of the psychological mpvct IIUI lor, iiirrsjsiu el7eted.'Vo*conrMt'nis"sMt*on*ine'gro'undof over the ^aVns""urtTer "west "thYn a farm * smooth road liefore him. besides being | shaping not only his outward circumstances A cave containing a wealth of silver, and famous in local story, is alleged to have been discovered in the township of Barrie. Frontcnac county. Sir Adam Wilson, ex Chief Justice of the i Queen's Bench Division, and president of the High Court of Justice, died in Toronto 1.1-' week. K. L. Woodin, ex-superintendent of the' P. and O. Company, has been arrested at . Vancouver, B. C. He is charged with steal- ' ing fJO.OOCi. The debt against the Y. M. C. A of Ottawa, $9,000, has been wiped out, and the association starts the new year with a clean sheet The institution has a $3O,000 pro perty free of encumbrance. Prohibitive ineasur is restraining the grain buyers of Manitoba from purchasing certain grades of wheat for export are having a seriously ill effect upon many classes of people in the province. Lieut. -Col. (ieorge Fiitvoye died in St. John's, tjuc., last week, in his K4th yetr. He wi\ the first city clerk of (Quebec, and assisted materially morgani/ing the various municipal institutions ot the province. At the preliminary trial of Lottridge at Hamilton the other <ly for the murder of John Healop, tho Indian Douglas confessed that lie was present when H irtram firej the fatal shot. Lottridge, who refused to tell anything, wax committed for trial. The new (!overnineiit of the North- West Teiri'.ories will include Mi. Haultain. mem- b< r for McTlcod ; Mr. Clinakill, of Kattle- ford ; Mr. N'off. of Moosomin ; and Mr. Tweed, of Medicine Hat. Mr. Haultain will be leader. Mr. Gco. Hogalx>om who purchased the unrealized assets of the old Central Hank, has issued a writ against U. Mitchell Mac- donald, one of the old directors, for Sltil,- A31.W), the amount in which the ex direc- tor is said to have been indebted to the btnk at the time of its failure. There is much excitement and indignation 'n Winnipeg over the usaault made by two negroes on three white men iu au hotel on Monday melit. The coloured men used razors, aud ono of the white* was hornbly cut abont the neck and shoulders. It is currently reported that in the course of recent correspondence between Premier Ahb.itt and the A I bin Steamship Company, tho fo mcr ajouso the latter of engaging K'liojm ..i writsjrs to decry acJ discredit the ot. lA:ence rout* with the new of prc- undue influence. The London Socialists are determined to make another attempt at holding a demon- stration next Sunday to enforce the right of holding public meeting on Sunday. . lames Mtngshy. an Irish fanner, and his sister Jane, who died amidst the mont sordid surroundings of slow starvation, wern buried at Tally Vallen. Armagh. They were misers, who, notwithstanding their squalor, had $7. (MX) in the hank besides valuable real estate. i MTicn STATES. Upwards of I'M deaths were reported iu New York city last week from the (Irip. John Dietel, the fat 41 int . who weighed 7(!3 pounds, .lied in Cincinnati on Friday. A Chicag.i despatch says the grain block- ade there appears to be nearly at an and. The village of Aurora, Iowa, was wiped out by fire last week. Alfred Cole, whn-c age is said to have l.en ll.'i years, died at Springdale, Ky., Monday. Large numbers of horses are sick with la grippe in Sail I'V'xncisco. Adelina Patli arrived at New York entile Cit v of Paris the other day. Nashville Tenn., had a'WOO.OUO tire last week and several fireman were killed. Rev. Wil^ui Potter died at llampdon O.Tuesday, aycd !>5 yearn. Me was the oldest Congregations,) minister iu the world. The Hour contributions in Minneapolis to the Russian famine cargo now amount to 1,700,000 pounds. A report comet from Philadelphia that the leading lithograph firms of the United Slates have coinliinnd with a capital of JI'-'.OOO.IlOO. The aggregate debt of the United States en January I was l ..Vi.'l. l'_Vi,'J"."i lil . Cash balance in'thc treasury, ?l.'{4,.")7t,l'28.30. Tne north west states had the discomfort s of a bliuard last week, with temperature below zero and railway traffic crippled. lien. Horace Porter is talking Jingoism in Washington. He desires war with Chili to prevent patriotism becoming stagnant. Charles Haft of Freemansburg, PH., died last week of aggravated hiccoughing. He hiccoughed for eleven days. A tiijht between the United States troops and the- Mexican revolutionists is expected at any moment. Bishop Loughlin, of Brooklyn, of the diocese of Long Island, died last week, aged 7-1, after a long illness. An extensive company, backed by eastern capital, has been orgain/.ed in Chicago for the manufacture of American flax. For |IO Kdward Owncs, of New York, risked his life to save a pug dog from a burn ing bo <se. He saved the dog, but was so burned that he had to go to the hospital. Roswcll R. Mason, who was mayor of Chi oago at the time of i,he grat fire, is dead, union of the brain carried him off. Ho was 80 years old. Covcrnor Russell of Massachusetts has issued an appeal to t!ie people of that S'.it. to come to tho aid of the famine sulfe rers m Russia. j near Yonkers, at which be had found a home mounted well, he .luticputed nothing but a he took the farmer's rifle and seme jewellry ami returned to New York lor detiinte in- formation respecting the retreat of the sav- ages. 'Phe gun in his possession obtained for him the attention ot the police, aud he was arrested. >.(..*. in. I vi.|.,i i.. Oue curious fact which every census dis- closes is the numerical excess of nlows over widowers. The in.-iuil ratio is S per cent of the female population as widows to 4 per cent, of the male population widow pleasant ride. Bidding his host a hearty good by, he rode away mid was soon lost to sigh 1 ., iu the distant forest. Nothing of interest occurred to disturb tho monotony of his journey until several miles or per- haps more than half the journey had Iwcu passed, when he descried a dark object at a short distance ahead, which he at first novel, convincing him that the red men j their inventions to suit the occasion and a should not be permitted to reman in this their own wicked r.urpose. Furthermore, ! of the question only anj loses sight oMhe, world. Learning that the Indians roamed l '" low '"t{ the moon to Iw near the full and i actual circumstances surrwnding man and but also his character and his ability to re- flect and act. It is sufficient to state that this theory of regulating charity entirely fails to satisfy the impulsive sentiments of sympathy with our oquals which prompt to render assistance when and wherever need- nil. Meeting a man in distress, sympathy suggest* that it is the right iluuir to t-ndcj assistance first and relieve the suffering, and rs. By so-neopliinisticp.-i-soiisofthe female : prolonged howl of a wolf. This was iin- sex, this^spirity has been explained on the mediately answered by auothor at Ins left, ground that married men. having formed a , and then another ami .mother m diil'ereiu just oiid corred appreciation of t)-c benefits directions, till the forest seemed alive with of the married state, aregliul to repeat what i them. has been to them a beneficial associathn, The horse, as though apprehending danger, whereas women, having loss reason to be | pricked up his ;irs and quickeaed Ins pace, pleased, discern little joy in ;i seeond inatn- i.h,. howl* still continuing ami appauntly monial alliance, unless it be au exception ' coming nearer each other, all in hix^ear. ally desirable sort. This is .in insufficient I fh c traveller hsartily wished he had heeded t-Kik for sonic str.iy dog. The creature : not until that end is accomplished to inquire trotted along for some distance in a leisure- ly marncr, occasionally casting a backward ' glance at thn horse and rider, then with a suil.lcn Imund ilmappeared in the forest, i But a few moments intervened when at a short distance to his right he hear.l the explanation. Why is it, in every land, that the widows outnumber the widowers tin: .nlvie- of his landlord, which too late he discovered was kindly given. Soon that by two to one? The average marrying age ^ frightful aud ominous cry known as the c)ia.i war whoop sounded through the forest, enough to strike terror to the stoutest vanes in different countries but in all coun tries it is higher among men than women. In Kngland the age of the average bridegroom is two ye-i-s greater than that of the bride ; in < eiinany, in Holland ,ind inScollanil it is three yeam : in Ireland. in Russia, and in the Scandm.iv pin coiintnei. it is four years ; iu Italy it is live ; and in France it is x. The marriage statistics of the United States are misleading and incomplete, but here as abroad the average marriage age for men is thirty years and for women twenty-tin 1 , a difference of live years. Such being the difference in years at the outset, it in evi dent enough were the death rate of the sexes equal, the number of female Mir- vivurs of marriages would, at any given time, be In excess of the number of male heart. Casting a hasty glance baek hediscovered the whole pack in full chase. The horse now began to run at the t ip of his speed, but his master saw lie was no match for the wolves, encumlwred as lie was with a weight of at least two hundred pounds. Drawing one of Ins pistols as t hey appuared he tired a random shot into the pack. A short yelp into the causes of the calumny mil t he cir- cumstances of the indigent. Sm-h i. course niiiv not IK- scientifically correct but it is .surely nut only natural and humane but also sanctioned by the highest religious tuth, n ties. It is this rrli /ions and purely humani t.irian view of chanty that inspires workers like Lady Somerset m thrir effort* to help surTeriiiK humanity, and there -aum I bo a doubt that they have tho sympathy and good wishes of the entire human race. Nevertheless, it must be conceded that thuy would <lo well to study a little deeper into the causes of poverty anddistress. Al'hnugh nearly two thousand years ago the observa- tion was made that we have the poor al- ways with us, at no time in the pat wan tho condition of thn poor felt to be so op- pressive, so degrading, so nnjnxt. and so inevitable a result of conditions alto^nther beyond the control of individuals, as at present. There is a cause and, no doubt, a universal cause of this state of poverty. It is the general con- ditions of modern society that ten der poverty so harassing n condition as it really is. Let Lady Somerset and all her i,,l,l Miat In. shot had taken effect, causing " tem .' * profound The entire pack pounc e< lupon their com paniou, drvouring him p,eoe:neal. Mean- while our hero made th e nV'st of his time, " ; "" 1 o highly eMMu.U. 1 for tlioir 1 "^'"' wlm '^I? """*? or the.r holy /t-al in the ...ost. nd sacred concern ot mankind I betake themselves to a careful study of ' J" 1 ""' them, science aud they will iiiunt assuri-lly find a way to trace a remedy for the evil which they are at. present trying to conquer. survivors. But the rate of mortality is not equal 'between ,he sexes. I' is higher | was soon overtaken, among t lie men. Deaths from accidental causes are three times more numerous among men than airong women. War. shipwreck and criminal deeds of violence decrease the ranks of mon much more than they itlc. t the number of women. Kxccsses in living, too, ii" more numerous among men than women. The great niajonty of suicides are men. Women live longer thau men. On account of these various reasons the inmir mi. e companies estimate the difference to be at birth five years in favor of the girl. Making allowance, therefore, for the aver- ago disparity of years between the groom and undo at marriage, and for the lower death rate among women than men, the ex cess of widows over widowers, in every land where the census figures are reasonably ac- curate, is fully and satisfactorily explained. Though the formal figures of the statis ticians do not show it, it may be, too, that tin: more sympathetic and emotional nature of women inclines them to cherish moic reverently the memory of the departed than the case with men, actuated often by cbeenng his now frantic horse I'll !io almost | fhev'w'in'lhen be r able to ainu those 'who more worldly view* and motives. A bazaar in Moscow, presided over by Hi iiml Duchess Kli/alieth, wife of tlm ('" ernor of Moscow, realized 10, 000 for th famine fund. seemed to fly. But this uvu'lcil little, as >> I sjrs) try log to show up the nature of the reaie- ken. Thewolvcs, complete- 1 ,jy au'd tne ,,., ,,| ,ii application to- y maddened by the taste of blood, now be i w(u .,j a reformation of society. (inn more fierce than before. He then tirod { us remaining pistol, which wounded another of their number, which was disposed of m the, same manner as the first. Could he but i.i'. .. maintained a running liijlit M this tanner by reloading he could possibly have gained the open country, hut this was bo fore t lie days of revolvers, repeating rifles and hrcech-loaders. Besides, in hi* agitation, Car'h'ial Uonnnieo Agojtini, Patriarch of Venice, died at Venice on Thursday. He was born in I s -''. thinking hia pistols was of no further use after being discharged, ho threw away. What to do was now a hard question. Lord Randolph Churchill is said to bo desirous of entering the diplomatic service i inihussador to St. Petersburg, and the. Tory papers oppose his appointment. A st Atesnian w ho nan been Chancellor of the Kxchequor and virtual lenderof thedovern- ini-nt in the Houmi of ( 'ominous has a ola ; m to a tint class appointment if to any at alia Both pistols gone, and woken all around him, | That Lord Randolph Churchill's political miles from the open country or any shelter or habitat ion. The noble horse now began to pant for breath, and, as ho imagined to falter in his gait Tho wolves were on cither Mile of him, snapping at his legs and the abilities are of a high onler io one hut his nourso as a politician seemed to indicate thill he Man laciuiig in discretion, a quality which is of the first imp u I nice to a diplomatist. The man who gathered Hanks ol his horse. Knowingthat hecoiildn't I around him and for years led such men at* hold out much longer at this rate of speed, he, in his affection for his faithful steed, was half inclined to sever the girths of his saddle, throw himself to tho wolves, and uive his companion a chance for his life. '.it ting Ins arched neck ho said, - l'ur Ponipey ! I fear they will pick your bones to-night I" The wolves had now got in front of the homo, some jumping for Ins :iosc and throat, while others were trying to sci/e him by the Mr. Balfour and M t '. Wolfe. IrafV of whoA hove since risen with extraordinary rapidity ami who hiinp)f beeatn" t lie first Lord of the Treasury , wi.iiiil either in ike a spoon or spoil a horn as a diplomatist. He nii^ht. turn out a sort of Tall): and, but Kngland would never feel secutw I m \\-.\\ tor a single dy were he t, St. Petersburg as hoc on tat i ve while ootiern 1 netic*sulK< as chat which ia t'. p disputed. present up ...,- bolng

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