THE FLESHERTOtf A > V A N C B GEO. MITCHELL, FL.E3HEHTON. A gnonril banking I>IIMIHI trsnuacted Drafts l**ui Md aliaqua* -u-ilu-ilal mnialrate* Momn alwty* avuUMo for l.-ijitiiimt.i buninudu Ornc-it two iloorn north of K-.uhai .toon Co . Vicinity Chips, Char:i4-i-rislirs of tho Past <an rally i'ulled for the furious. iV '< "'dl be t),,,: /"< i" r lint fir eurl, /'JI.M-I I. t,n. A rninrlii'ii n tvulf't-ti /"";' i 11 " Mrv J:is. Bftcroft ii visiting relative iu Michigan. Mr. >V. U. Umltdge. of Acton, is visit- ing rUlivi's in this viciuty. Mr. P..MI IVtch. of <;in Williams. i visitini; with hia linitliwr, Mr. W. r,-i,-h. Harry Ilioh entertains the Maxwell pen]:!- t.i-innir >\v uiuhi. l~>th inst. Drir.i out vi'l hrur him. Tho Ladies' Aid <>f the Methodist church will h.>l.l t coiio.'rt next mo: 'ill. The>' U lint yn niv.-n. Mr. .l.ii. <K lumton hit purchased lnt 78 an.i 7 '', or.l IIIK-, Ai-tfuiesm. fri-m Mr Phial*!', "f Raveuua, 100 acres, fjr the i of *ir.lT.. ' Alunu-ipal councils inert u VIoii.lav next. \it,i;.i.ia Council i i>iiti until tlu: following ilar, Tuesday. to the Karmeia' Iijtitut iin-liug here. - the >KI>Hth sclioul .HUM vermry at t'rutuu Sunn HI 11 Kruby eveiiiui; next (to- morrow). An unusually good tune in antioi| Rev. Mr. T!i jinpsmi, <.f Kuueuia, oc- cunietl ll'i- of the Mctlmh-d church very on S-.iii'lay availing last and pii. i ', .01 wxivi!. nt SITIIII.II. Wo an- iiiil.'li'fJ t" Scretry < inthmu for the vwry fXcellout rn|iort uf tin- Kirui- erm' Iimii'iiiu mectiim :it Tlmrii'iury, which we pultlish ia tliin iasue. It IK vi- treuiely ii.tcrcnliiii' intrui-tivc. A lea;i y.vir micial if ill be held at the midcn p if Mr. I'. ( J'ii((i{, b.K-U line wast, on \Vu<liifSil;iy eronii^ II-M, L'Otli inst. AdmiMi.iii 15 cunt.i. Proceed* in aid of rrcibyterian (.-lunch. Frin*ri khoulil n.iiiuinbvr tlie ln- titute nitatira which will beheld in tli.> Town Hall, Klulirti.ii,N M..IHI.IV next, 18tli nut. A inure than ordinarily intiT- wling iiiuvtini; i expected. Mrs. \V. J. Mc<'iirinack, who lias beu ailing f<it .4111110 tinm. died on S.iturlsy lornini; lt, ageil H4 ye.-irn. The [iin.i al took placo to Klv.^ii-rtiin eeiiiL-ti-ry mi ufturnouu, l>v. Mr. Tung* uf- Tho ijuuul inoi'iin.' uf Km (iroy AX riculturAl Society will be heM in tlu Town I (.ill, Klehvr(i>ii. on NYVdiieulay next, "JUi'i inst. A full attendaiica of uieiul. i '. rn|iiM(e<1, as iuipurUnt 'ousi- IlM will ' IMIH.|'-'.M|. I.It. l.uc;is.l>HrrMT. has Jln.lHjl) j.rivatu fuml to k>iul on firm DiortuH^vs within t!iu next few month* at low;t cinrent i N < i .111 in Hs- it.iii, no ilehiys, oxpi'iisi's low. Apply at office in Markdale (lunnij thu week, or at Dundalk oltioo on S A coiiviMiti'Hi of tliu SuowtlMuf Chris- tian Kmleaor, K|.w.>rtli Leagues and Epworih LiM^iu-a i>i Chria'.ian Ki,il.-.iv..r IT the counties uf i!iry anil Dufftrio, will IMI held at Shelburuu on Tliuraday ami Kr.iUy, .lun 21t and 22inl. The bent ;im>dvne ami expectorant for ilie cure of colds IIIK!{lis and all throal, luiw, and bronchial trubl.-,i. n, uiiil' iil.ti illy, Ayer's Cherry I'ectond. Ask your diu^'xist for i', ami, at the same time, fur Aycr's Aluian.u', which is fre !o .ill. Thu annual nievtiii|{ of the M. tile ! IIIIIIIHIICC Co., will IM> held ill rh Council Oh iiuljcr Owun S,.unil. on Tuesd.i.- , I'.HIi J.-iu., IS'.lL', at (ino o'clock p. in Uiisinuss uf iiii|ii>i tunuu will Iw iiil before the meeting. The ihr. t. u iiiui i at nnio o'clock a.m. t!i<l t 'on Hark- ue, President ; Hu^h He-id, Stvrwtary. With la* t.liiiuil', a IK v is *Hid to hav r.ved th ; Nrtlu-rlivnds flora inundation. Many i>. !.;>!. . h:r. been aaved from in v.-uiiiiii i >f iliseanu l>y a Imttlo uf Ay en Sanut^niilla. Tla.i incJicine imparts ti>e t ill ! ~v.iiein :ind streiiKthans every iii.d libra of the body. Rer. Mr Tri>llpe, uf Sinxhampton, de- livered .1 very iiittircntini; lecture in the La>'iMi.i,t of thu Me'hodist clnirch on evenin;/, tlie subject beii'tf iKt doctrine.'' Mr. Trollope ii a very pleasing speaker and the lecture was l.ighly appreciated. We have rwi'ivcd tha moat hnndsM>me c*tli.','ii of seeds, bulbs, plan ts,to. , ever sent "lit in America, from the well kuown Canadian linn of The Steele Kins. Co., Toronto. The immense business success uf this nnterprisiiiK house ia wonderful. They attribute it to th high giade of *f"N they supply coupled with butinass t-nargy and cure. Fur '92 they Campbell'* wbit chaff wbet, a yiulder, K.n ly (iotl:Uinl, mid (iol- il. n ijiai.t i>kt<. t!ir>.a new |>otatoeM. and tha wondcrtul 1'n/ciaker union, bemitv* an endless array uf novelties in th'werH, Stanley's Wash Tub, Spider Lilies, Air i I'lant, Sword l<"ern eto. They innko a ( Hpvuial otfertu mail two (Chinese Siu-red l.ilms (to plant in water now), valuv in.- , and their grand new catalogue, wif'i 477 illu.itratian, i-aliiK '-'Oo . all for only 'J.V. Fanr.ra, )ardi.*r!i and aiimtuuri ehoiild all aenu fui tin-lit at once In nuotinjj ilia figures for uniinci IIHMI hint w.-ek we acculentally copii-d thu.-e of therceveship in this wan!. Tin- i-irrcct Kuurus were, DannuU- 1 >, S^uwavt 8'i. Majority fur U..uiuile, HJ. An id 1 cnoliiir (ii!cl:nv< ti, it h has K-CII uainu "Myrtln >'avy " tooaci;.) ever lio second year of its u-'-'if;ieiUre Hiid that dtirinu that timu Uw has tn-vi r tutored froinabl' -tcr..'i| t. i tiiiiiiN or any otner of tlie u..; -.i.iiit which -in ml. tolai'..-'.'. will ii'iivo I)P- nnl HUM,,. His e\, l .vs, is tli,,t no uther tobacco which he !i.n > ' -. trn-il ,- ijiiituits i-pial ami that in vu'iir for ilie ii.oney "no other conies any- where near it." Mr. Sil:w l.e>li-, who rtiimved froin this pair to Manitoba a year a^i> lout ('.ill, *ni.ea. "\\'r knn- li.ulavfty hard winter " Isr. Nt-arly halt Uw !.'r:ini in thin locality is tii threiih yut. Wheat 11 ruiiiiing from 20 to 40 bus!:e!s pi-r aer.v I not inv eri.|. l>a<lly hailed. 1 ! !;.,! SMI huiihi-la of wlu-al and HIKI bushels of oata. but will Hpit on my and try it avain. " \\ '.'o \ ui|iatlu,.u with friend Leslie in his inisfiirtui, , Init be is ei.lcntly made of tlie rii ill Kiii.l ni liniU rial aii'L I hi.i- ;ir r the kind uf men that tulles cunnol down. Baptist S. S. Anniversary. A vnry plaanaut veiling wax itpfiit on \\V<limniNy atnon^ ma KUI>I;M frieinlH in then- neat liHln i-hajiel whi;h nMTlo'iLs ills valley of thu Hoy, r, on JSydcnkitin stNAitlM ttMHtOB Iriiif their annual SiimUy Soli. ml anni vei -ary. Tea was M.-rvud :irly III th'i rviMiinj. which Mr. J. K. Moore M< r illud to thu chair, ami disvhart;d tliu DM t duty ..f maater of curiii'>i.i'.'l in un entire y satisfactory inamicr. Tlur plat' i i, i-rowdul with happy, n.iiilin.: little fulli who all had soinei Ii i n .r <l.i fur tli.; i'i.'..-i aiuiixiiit of tlit-ir "Mers. Tho ainginK tf thu nchon'. the MsmUtUHU, VIT all a,uuiiii|( und in.i'i'i r .. The proceed*, wh :h cama in the form of a i .n, amounted to .-r;..Mi. At tin- ciiuciiini<.|i of HIM pn..'rau a \vell- l:. l'ii ('bri^tiiias tree w:is ri|.|ied of its tie.iulies, niakiny many a liu!u heart .'!:nl by this rcji/ui){ uf |(ii>s from off its branchea. to \ un. her Kisti-r, who Las bueu ill for -niiuo time. Mr Ki-Hiik Cairns rcoeived a check for $150, from the C. P. R. Co., fur a horse killed on the track last full which wan nothing but fuir and just Rev. Mr. Wells, of Flesherton, is conducting weekly prayer meetings in ia the ditl'ercnt houses at the Station. .Nitfht of meetings, every Monday night till further notice. 80, " coiuu one, come all." Nrarly everybody is reconciled to the decision of tlie people iu the late municipal contest, and the Ruforuiurs are in costume* of joy over the decision ^iveii at Osgood Hull, nuinely, that Lunderkiu retains his .- :it. Mr. Mark Stuart li.i.s purchased tin' lately owned by Mr Dtiucaa \V. Muir, uiiU ytl posscsiiiyu tins u Mr. Neil McKuclnne, who bad the t'arm rented for a term of ye^ru, is inrowu out in the cold, and is nioviii^ his ickthaa aw.iy. Neil is on iho look- out for another farm, it pays to liuatie iu wood cutting. Warelium. For Over ril'l) Years M rn \Viiir*l' ,w\ >uoth i nu h\ i uii hu, '. .'ti Hum' l.v null on - of ID..' >. I... n wliilu I.. -till:! H .: ii!>.-,!al, IMi.l.t liliit l.iollili .f vi'iir i xti I .niinj \\ II ll lilill i 'f Ittl ,.( ,; ( ,l i\ huitr. ..r M . - WhjHtow't HuolbliiK Hyri . ,-loM -nlti-ri'i on i i!".il.iti'ly . 1 Ii. .. i iipm, : ,'n. it lifi s I Our \\ nut '' -il. 1 ^, Itt-il^ tin- ' ..... an. I enei ; . i,. Hi.- . o f,, r Illll Is ' ft'iuu 1 , . ni'l iiors,.. in tlii! i i hnttli". <n] I l,y || MM tii.i WIM i'l. I'.t- MHO i k f >r ' r .In. . T!iv I n urn Sunday school at the Sta- tion hold \ \>ry sucuessful <ntertaiiin ...... in tho public. .rlin.d house on\ evening last. Tli |>n>i;r4ai <-i.;i.sisled of solos, liyiniiH, rfvitatiou*, dialo^ueH, etc . which were sll of n ni^li tyj.j, and ux- ei'udni^ly well rendonil by the achnlais. All present UpfWMd tile plDUlD that I hi* wan ilie lt ent.'rlaiiiiuciit ever (jiv- ttn hern. A few itoiiis HI tho bill of fare dsN MI- apccitl nieiiti in. first of thse wen- ilia sbort, pithy ami jininiud spouch- ea aiveii by the Ui,-vi. 'I . hi / nn ,| J,,|iii... ton Next VIM \ in, i. |'i,. hur!t>*i|M< f.-u-,-.., adiuiralily rendered by lin* JTmtag ladisM, eiititlmi tin- I'. :i'< Sifters ; mid lastly. but by no means least, WM tho Chriatmas tr.-i'. \nlli its load uf ;n'ls which .MUM .-i pi. H. Mils, H-W;I-I|< ,MI,| .^,,, ,.jji| |ui/,.jg frmn tvacheu to scholars and froiii schol.irs to teachor, aniotii! wiii.-h eri; . u valuable pivaenls to Mr .1. !' M o;e, who is th,' sii|H-i inteiitleiit of tho *,jlii'i'l. One of llivHi; we unilentaiicl Han presented by the claw i>f irl led by linn, and the other by tho teachers and officern to their superintendent. (>no other spi .il; er wh.nn we must not forget to mention wan Mi \V. 1'1.,-kle, tin 1 ablo supfiui- tendi-.ii of Maikilalo Mrilioilitt Sun. lay sthonl, who made) some real practical, sensible aut{){Ci>tioiia mi Suml.iy i:li...,| work. The evening's enjoyment w.-i.t brouitht to n closu by thu school siit|(iiiK the hymn, ''(ioil !> with you till we meet a^aiu,'' and the bnnudiutiou by Rev. Tonne. Harried. McMl'I.I,K> i.\sr At ibo I,-,I,I,.M, ,. of Mis linoil, .Innusrv l-i, !., by tho Kn A. W I'oi. K.i.Mr BaMBoel MoWallea to Mian Lottlo Kant, Fleitherton station- By are Our brisker siuo* the last Times snow. Miss Mary McPliail has gone to spend the winter in Oweu Sound. Misg Sarah A. Mnir left last woek for a trip, to visit friends iu Caledon township. Miss Mary McLeod left ou Friday last, for Newbwiy, Michigan, U. 8., f mm un ,,,1-n i ' ,. . VVlod bees have beun :lio order of the day here lately. John Kerr has moved to his farm near Stayuer. Miss Maggie Reill sput Xuias holidays with her parents. The city appears to a ,'reu with her. Mr and Mrs. Kobeit (', r ,,.;, 1,1, o f Toronto, have located in thu Uiiinor savs Robert ii going tu build on his farm and reside here permit - iK-ntly. Newton Cornfield, of Toronto, paid a short vi.-k to bis relatives hun- lauly. Mr. and Mrs. James Cornlield, jr. have be-on both on the sick list. Mi. Cornfield is able to l>o around a^rtiii)', and Mrs.CoiMlield is also on the mmd. Miss Luzie HeinK-rKoii ba.1 gouo to Toronto to intend school. Foersbum Xews. Ffim ,,nr ,,11-11 '.'<,r The all absorbing question of tLe day is tho mil question, and we are. ijhid to be able to state that it is buiiiK brought to a succcKsful issuo. Mr. Josiah Hainey has been elected to act at Secretary in place of Mr. .). IlinUmi, reMyntil. Air J. Cuin.!k,haii wunt lo roronto and had an interview with .John Inylc-.s & Sun, the outcome, of which wns that thu taruii'is build thu dam and wheelhouse, In^l.--, .t Son lining thu balance of woik and also paying tlie farmers the sum of $00. The then called a ineetnif; hut Sat- urday for the [mrpinH* of lotting the ci-n- tract*. Mr. 11 miry Hudaua secured the dam at the handsome sum uf 9450, ami more if he haa to put in a wastu-^atu. Mr. I'Vi-ter Heron secured the job of building the wleeli house at dl 10. Lsht Week > ci I n-spolidelit seems tu have an inward unawnu; at his vitals b.i- cause hu was not specially mentioned, hut. neii-r iniuil. (.'holly, your turn will coniu, iihd it \iill not be au oversight either. 'louut Zion. BOOTS & SHOES- N OBDER to reduce our Stock we have been selling" for the last three we*ks at very greatly reduced prices, and have had very successful and largely increased sales, and as we want to make'room tor New Goods, we are offering a few hundred pairs at a Big Discount for Cash at CLAYTOVS DRESS MAKING. Mlis. c.i; i:m;i M < > 1 i ..!>[ HIM Mil 1.1,1 ,l'K, v~ a ( Wit* -> UH '.I. ">,. I'll III l.i-' V M I'M 'i.. It. tlllt < 1 < '. I- 11 I II ll ' I 1 . 1 .4 H I . I ' \- . , > ttltJ. /Vl/l.'l >! llll'it Wood liutilt-rs uuelii tu be in the ri-at,.-f-l ti ui, lil ut prt'Bent, owing to the scarcity of snow. CbrutBM ud New Years pn^si-il nil' vi-ry ijnicily hero, the only sport In i i -i number of our young nil n spent. tlie Beater part of Clirist- BM day cattiug dowa a lar^o coon true .vit.i o i .it expectations, and hud t > \Milii Mini, minus a CUOIl. Mr. Thos. Ueuderson, dentist, of Torniit.ii, iunl Mr. Robert Hi-iuiius' n, insurance agviit, paid a brief visit to friends iu the vicinity of VYnreliaiu. Xlr. ami M-s. Itobort Cornlield, wlio having bim living in Toronto, iiiie:.i] taking up tlitu- all >de on tlie'r fiirin lit'i-i', owing to ill health iu tho city. Mrs. Colqatl has purchased a new cutter from Mr. MuTavish, of Flesli- fiiton. We expect to see ucma lively driving now. Tlio school meeting wus held in school house of S.S. No. 4 for tho purpose of auditing up accounts, (.'looting a trustee and lotting the joli of wood. The auditor's report was approved of and Mr. George Ludlow re -elected as trustee. Mr. Thos. Lud- low 1ms t !]< job of bringing iu ibe wood at 95 cants per cord. Mr. Kihtur. I think your Inietioge correspondent's pasture field ia gett- ing bare, and causing him to be breechy, for one morning 1 found him awnv in thf far side of my pasture field IPII-.HV feeding. Now, I think he should be tid down, and have iU fence repaired lu>re he got over, [Too 1U fur lost week.- Ei> ] SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Thin r.RKAT ( in i ''UK, this success- ful ' ii\si; MI'Tli'S 'I HK, m witlmut a pai.illi'l m the hii-t.iry u( iiii-iliciin'. All ilriiijgintii .ir-' ii.i. linn. i''l to kull it oil a |- -i iai.inl.-i-, * ( cl that uu i.lhor cure can ^m-.-.-miliilly htainl. If you have n Cutl^h Sore Threat, ^r 15r"llcbitiH, UK; it, fur it will cur- y. .ii. If your rhihl has '.ho Croup, or \VliiM.inuK Cough, uu it piuuiptly.aiiil i. li.-f in HUH-. If yon Iri-mi tb.a in>iili<-.! iliseaae I Ml 1 I [i iN, !!" r tu uu will i, .-.i iii.tliiiiK- Auk your l)ro({ ... t for SIIIUnTS cfHK, I'rice 10 cts.. .'in ot. anil 9l."l'. If your I.uiigs arunora or Back laiuu.use Suiluh's I'orutu I'laslcr -5c. COMSUMPTIOK CUBED. II 'll'i |>li llT- : ii.t.) |.Iii:.-,l 111 hi:, ham!* l>y tin l.ii- 1 In.iia IMIS-.IOIIIII i Ii.- toriiiulu if a stii,])!.! \<u< iMhli* i. .n. .Iv liii t i, i' ' i. mil !>,', Initlli'lil .-til,- if t'oiir.iiiii|itii>ii. Iti mi. lilt ih. i 'ii'itn !i. \ -:liinii mi.) nil tlin. at anil I. lint: Ml,-, Ii ,il-o ],.,-ilivu antl riMlical IMII u Nui-vuus I)luiit. ,ni,l ull ,|.i,i,al., after haunt; ti--t.-l il< Won. ll'l-fll) CIMIttlV.I )MIWUm 111 III 'll-HlliiS Of owoti, has ( it hi> ihitv to iuaki> U known to his BUffariiiR fallows \itioittnl )>v this tno'i\-., iin.l a i..\n Ir.niiiin Miifi.i-int:. I will . ii I Ir.-r of > OKI;:,.. Li nil A I.tllii* - lii aerm*n, Pranob or Bngllsli, wltli full in,, lion tor j.r,-|.ui MIK .111,1 IIMIIL; ^i til l.y mail !', t.| un; u III .-liiini-. -i. i oil), tllia paper. W. A. NOIKH, (WO i'owom'HIock, I lei. N.T. 1.. Min-ii'Jl A Fact WORTH knowing la that blood dlav easea which all uther rumutlios 1*4 1 to cure, yield to Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Fresh confirma- tion of this state- ment comes to hand daily. Even such deep-seated and stubborn com- plaints aa Kin 11- luatisun, Bhnuma- tic Gout, and ti like, are thorough- ly eradicated by tho use of t Ills woo derfnl alterative. Mrs. R. Irving I>IKP, no \v,.^t lllli street. New York, ccrtitlos : " About two yoaM ago, after suffering lor nearly two years from rhenmauo gnat, being ablo to walk only with great (lisronifort, ninl having tried varieua renindinH, iiu.-liiding min.-ml \\nt.ri, williont r<'ln-f, I saw by an advertiito- mont in aChicugo paper that a 'jiau'.iail been rellnved f this diHlressing corn- alter long suffering, by taking Sarsapai ilia. I tha decided to nmko ft trial of this medicine, and tools it ro^'iilurly for cijjht nioiulis. I am pleaaud Ui say that, it dieted a coin- pl. t,> cure, and that 1 have sincu bad no return of tbo disoaae." Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. if.. writ.'.t: "Ono year ago I was tnlu-n ill with rhoiiiuiitisni, being conflncd to my hoiiHo six mo M i us. I came out ..( the ickuess very mm Ii debilitated, witb no BI>I> lite, .111,1 niy system disordered iu very war. I <'oinnieucod to ue Ayer't- 8isprilla and b.i;nn to Improve at once, gaining in strength and noon re- covering my hculth. I (, in not say too nun h in praise of tins wull-kuown medicine." " I have taken a great deal of medi- cine, but nothing ban done me so mm h M Ayrr'a Sai^apanlla. I felt its lii-n. ik'ial iffocta before I had quite finisbed one- bvttle, and I can (raely testify that It ia tha best blood* medicine 1 k now of." L. W. Ward, ST., Wuodland, Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, (fanls. JOHN W. ARMSTROK'}. FLEHHP.RTON, Co. QIIKY. niVISION ( (JUIIT CLEHK.COM.Ml; TNI n *MH II. It., i onu.yanour, Ac. Aijelit lor pnn lmi. nil,! NU].- -,f itiiHO.. Ajipiai-, r loi I I. i 1 t 01. ' II. it S. Socioty Uou> n. l.i an , it.. ni.'ht ruumiiiatJlii tt.riin. IHSUKU in- MABklAUH l-H'I.NSl:s. NOTAltY 1'UJIl.H MONEY TO LOAN. Tho nnl. rni^iH-d has a lar^u Amount ul inuiiiy t,, Inau at i o/a on tonn ,,r (arm pt..|.i;riy. S. DAiil'llE, H.-li. it. 11. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clrrit, Arti'ineiiia. Cnnvrxaiicrr, IiiKiiraiiOtt agpct, uto. Drrds. nn.rt IfSOtH, etc., |iri-)iarcd ami properly > \. rntcrt. biniiruueu affected ill tirat chiae cmuii units, \li-n.-y tu loud at luwcut ruti Dr. J. C. Ayr ft Co.. Lowell, M I, M*sa. ****** 1 DR. BUTTON. ^ M. P. C. M., M.C. iv ,t >.ni,t., p.iap. v I'c. H. iili'iM-i. and OHii- I, , wnt of tint Mi-lhiidiHt Clnirch, Kini-.-i- St. OlHce da) K, TtiCBdayH olid Sslurdays. DR. CARTER. M. C. t'. * S., Ont. riiVMriiin. etc., FltihhcrtatK Office Strain '.-* 1 1. Uii-idi nci Mun>h.i i i. DRS. SPROULE & EGO, M.o li.l.ile. Out. Olll!. Vi.i-lv's ,!iug tor.-. T S. Spioiilti, M. I'.. I , K^o. M. I'., Kte., htlu o( Toti-'nli un. ". t. I 'i K h o will be found st tin v at night. J. P. OTTEWELL, Ve I. riiiarv SurKW.n. frrnulnati ,.f I ' Veli'i.nuiyt'i.llfgfl. RBiiilciit-.. Fmt I , , r south of Letch tailor li,,p. 1'' r,li -rl m. J. F. MARSHALL, L. D. 8., M. D. S., Dentist. Vihiu V'u k dull: til.,- I t anil llui Wi-,ii, ,-,!.,;,- of cS.-lB in. mill, l-'leslierwu. iittjii ': 41 Ju ;:m uun ulluwiug. J. W. FROST, Barrister, S, lieid.r. Colivi vnucer, Et. Klo.-,liert,ni olllco- Next tin- |r,,n ,.|l.i-a, Sproule's buililing, on Tliursdays. (Jwen Sunn I ortice Frost's builJii,. P McCULLODGH, lliirrinter, Solicitor, Kto. Dllii-i- i.ver Mo- Kailund'a Klori', Markdala. Momyiu I. nan. WRIGHT & LIND8\Y,~ llnirn-tei-a. solicitor*, ate., <>w'ii Snninl. Out. ton olln a at Mitch. .1 is U , vilkj ,,f , ii, h i-.-l> Mouuj tu luan at li.n, \V II WlUOBT, S. i: I | S , AY . Ra J. Sproulc* OUST MASTER, KU..Hherloii,Ci.uiii,.-hion- * ui in I!. R., I.IHI-IIM d Vin-iioi,, < i . t.on vi-Mincer, AppniiKer and Mono, 1., n.'ur. lU-ul Kaiulu siul lusarRMAv Aii'-nt. I veils, Mortgagee, LoBea and WilU drswuup aud V.iluutiouH made on iihiir'i'xt nuiine. /\e- lion &xlns iitti-iulcd to iu liny pary of tha County. Uuy tu loji at IOWI-BI mtes of inteirnt. C'>.i|<'ctiona attc-ndc-d to i h pronptnena ai,d dmpatrii. C'lno^. - Inw. Ai;.'htfi.r ibn Oominion Stcau.Hliipl oinpany. Cheap iii'bc:* from Flcslmi tou to I.n . . p. ml, , Loudon or anv of Uii. loiiinh Parties intending to vimlV.ii, Isnd, or lr!aiid. Will plcaa nk m l*b. fora pi rchr.aini thir tickets eluawhnre. Farm to Reut. Ttiann.lmalfiMit la rtlroii of r:itiii(f f* , oon *,O|irj.r,>io.iiiiii|i inn U rr. J.axU, foo4 bull.loiqi Knr .i>.npl T to JA.-i. HADL8y.