FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. I* V - le.l Kverv '.Tli ti rtliiy, t an* . m u *! i :* i-rrt. - ycttharli'ii, ('.'. \l < oh SIM 'I 'T OS: , . 11 a lvani-e ,. , . i INSTITt'TE MKETINti (CoutlnniMl frum p( 1.) ^ i i r u ^ v* ..e.i .u. n, AU\K-. . ITB 1^11 cJ., do, *.; Ml'*- r r: . . . i la. |icr EURSTOV, ami /'/"/ i "tor i ..u ou I I. .... t C. ii L C. The rt-x'iilar uit-tliui; of Knst ftiid Centre Ory LiU-ial Conservative Asn.-ciatioii was lii-Kl in Murir hall, Mai kilnlu. ou Friilay last, bill inst. Tin- t.i.ri mil wat. nut large, but the luiiiinxwas luoie than usually in- IjHrMtillg. Tin- l>i '.levelling l)*Kl' .:ii an aildrtsB from I'lesiili-iit Kells, .. . -i" '.. to the point, and wliosu uiAu-t worthy of avct-ptunce. auditor'- -I'IIVK! a balance i.<( 'if I3.C5. The a|'[>ointiiifiit for tin- 1'icsciit year waa ,, ii with aud ntmJleil aa folluWB : Pii-iM.I, i.t, Tlios. Kclls.uiiaiiiiuously r, , .. - i, Vice rrfsidiiit, Tlios. (ii.i.iv ; Evfeoording j~ni-i-i;:ii v, \\m. II- l .uiif-liii y ; 'l'i'' ' -iiri-f.Ja-i. l>rodie ; 10 Sii-ieturies, \V. J. Me- !;, \\ . II. 1' 'ilsoti, Dr. Scott, Edward Koike. Vice l'r .sidc-nta Aiti -iiii-t-in, K. Cok-iiiaii ; CoiliiiKWOod, t.b>iiji : * r ; TLornbury, T. Andrews ; lliufi.ul, Jolm Lang ; bt. Vincent, Nicholas lUid ; Ktinhrasia, C. G. . .it ; Mail,.l-tle.l>r. K^o ; Osprey. John Clinton ; Holland, Hubert Jaini- 011 ; Siillhan.J Jui Spaimv. ; rruton, John Abbot, Duirlalk, Thud. Hau- burj ; Slmlbiin.i , \Vm. Jtlly ; Mo- luijcthoii, Uobt. Mr' .niiiiii i .;ii rtwlationi sub- Hjitu.l tl.u following, which ware unanimously adontcd : Ka-.oi.vai> That thU l.ibral rouratl A.'H-it...n of Eut ami I'entru lin-t at Ihe an uual nn tuiii Baaeinhlvd take tliii, the nrt .n lit "( e|'n ^'lt" 'I. i-| i. i;i'-t l Hi" ..I an.) i-kn-i-iiied elnellHin. Ill lion n A. Ma-'l"hoJ I. who lia- .h-|>aitwl MU uiduruiK th* |."l >ear, an I lor ohoui we , \V* a at th* Mine tun" |>1. r < t.. ki...wl'iat hli inanlle ha. fallen oil >ui )l |ilil ..n el abl lea U-i tint |.....il |ir<inlur, H.-II .1 Li 1 Al.h if. n I hi< lll.it.'.n-i..;i'ie. , li rh mil'. "ii. in whom wo have v. n coufl len.-f. and w.i .>e |i. iuciples an I |Kjlk-/ w buaiiily uiiuiav. IIR-..I.M u That tliii AMOt-ialinn hoiohjr Uli'Ui- to lion .1 .1 l AM... I. MI I'.l.n I I '.- i|. fin and Hi- n. ..i. you tht Aim Kiel i'...i .iii!. ,.:.-ii. t).e> %r*"ialiln to |>uiiith all tho^ eiil Hcifanli who ba l'"" found Kuilly of inalfuajtauco of om iirllhi.ih'.liav oorrup'.ly rantplrod v L.II Hie otMMitr/ .it luili V> whit-b t).y wr ,,,,.,, . ...| .;, i \v, , ..,r inoiii that III ttooM th.-yln\o tin unit d an. I l.uaitj auiiin'it of till* aMtKiatlon. l i .1 n That thli Aoi i..'" " i. o.h-rt to \- -', '. .i.nu.ilihetl !. I. , ..: ll.-r M t) ..l\ l-.\nl o|.|>..-ili->u ill th I > - and hl> nii|i|ii>rtn, our . v*ifllei II.K eonfl. lein i. In III" abU Uatlerhl|i mud ilinpoliey width ho and thy are ao itnnu- Aurlt .11 the face of MU)I UIITII|III .p. . itl'.n linn havu tt> rniilcinl with. n vinw with | I, t.-iir and ... Wl>u and heiiliin rtiianeial Kiel - i ' ' rllllinnt. a* il -I"-'- - I I h- .lev.l..]'" lit of our t 0|' Mil. I (tuitaetn.^ t he VBll'.IIH I. .in niaiinfactiiriliK, t -.iiiiiin-i . lal ^jajricullural and kceniuK lnla I.M tlm Several vory miiusiiii^ spptrlii-s weie 'li li-.i-ii'il liming the couric of tin flt-innon, tin- r-|i< uki IM In IIIK Dr. .1 .liiinn- nn at. I M. liii-haiilsiui. 'I I i I', i < i i - "f Dr Kproulu and Mr. llii-lnii'li-iin v ' -.!\ wuithy (if a ii ntu n as I t< ; nni>ointt-'l, |>ilhy and illhll llfllVi . ll.i\:il< luith ri|ll-Hki-|-H Wlmllt I'. Ui a |>ll-HMIII' t'l llHtl-ll til. >> ni tinu ^o ili Owen Sound j'l.i.i. U-lill.T uiiiii'iiin'cil that Mr. Uivtiardaou wan the coming man for 1 ' lu.-y in ih. Infill hnusa. Ifthat i '.it- i-ii.-c \\i.- |..ivt- nuly 10 ay that loi rniiHlitiii in v r.oilil I'.IMS.-SS two i u u.bl raii'i i 1 ' \nii-il nn nilii'iH than winlil In- I'liiini in Dr. ^|ironlo and K! . llichiii-ilM.n Tl.t! litiU't ^'i-iitlr n mi i nl'l i,'ii.iily Blifiigthen the ) a! I .unto Tlie ni-L'tiiig * very liarmnniong, and all BUI.-'. I lli.it ihc party, must, au.il all ilitl. i . i..:i < ami worn to- gether fur UK |iiih.ic weal. The mihjt ci -i u-,- formation of Young Men H l.ii/eml clnlm in the riding waH diMt..s-nd, and I'rusident Hulls will- oudeuvor tu inaugurate ucli. The in.-f-iiiir; adjourni'il after Hing- in - (iod Have the Queen, anil Dr. ISjirmile, with hii uaual ma^'iiaiiiiuity, acted host at Manli's iioUl, wlulu the delegate! dmpoaeU of an uioellenl Cupper. farmi ; another waa in arcing tlm flue an pearanM of merchants an- 1 -it her calling*. Viewing then fnnu tlie outaide, tln-y were led to believe Uiey n. re nice '-ullnim The inert-haul THMI compelled to l>e pU-MuMit tu la.-t cUHlouim whatever an- noyed him, where the farmer might be m acur a* bo iilm on the farm. Thia hail i tendency to drive Hie >."ii i\\ ,\ Let their Lome bo made attractive, in..- tin-in an ilereit nit all 1 1. at i- .n the farm. 1 n- d>arnr to fleviit.- the c .Hinn. There in a lid tiiutt atuilr iu tin* K'uwtli of pliintx. I is life time hiii.lv in breeding aniiuali After K|-akiiiK '"r -.i-nie nine lie ihaukrJ the uu liein-.- for tin ir kiinl ulti-ntion. T. 1). \\llite W.I- I. ill. '.I, Itll. I (JiVe a |>H|ier "Kehtx-t from III- I'l iw." lln- dealt with two Mihjet tx, the i. ne f, nnl iu --(ir.-t piiuci )ile of aKrii-'iltiire.' mil tlm other in Ik* forestry repon, tli.it tin- time ft-r nit '.MIII; Wheat i past, ali'l that |. nnivim- the [. i -I reduced the ruin (nil. Me- ^ i\. tnui.; proofn to prnl f Ilie (nhltaiv. Afi-rtiui-.il- 1 1. '.lei;. I.- wng introduce' 1 . Mi -- .1 the Mlbjiet II.- WouM Kpl'ak I'll Wan "It.'lllltlf.WU;.; till Home." Me s.liil lie WU plfaaul In no! . li.m llibt (,'iini.U t.f nurn .-ii improving. It wu* -aid tho triU ni Jeruna'eui w, M kt pt rli itu l.y en-h one sweeping >.|'| ",t I.i - ou iL.or. On- I luni.' lie waa iitruek with in travelling in tli- oh country wac I In n. at u(.i'e,ir.incc' of oT^rv- lliiiiK, au'l I-IH '.-Lilly tie l,,\e|\ In.lK.it in spring. What a eontim-t with our rail (. L.-I-H ! Much could In- done by planting In i -i, hlU llol toil III III- tin- In.tlte. I!.. Ilk. I to oo verim<enii. (Kir I'.ui.idi ill win veiy KIX|, hut llo v retpiin-il plenty of r.."in I!.- wa.* piinj.-'l li'is m. .nun/ in taking a look iu 111* town of Cul.in^n 1 i grexu* priiied up -,;.r,il feet from the i;rmiB>l. The U. iiu'y .( tlie aprur-e w.i-i in having it* In ineh'h ti ihr gnnim). A^n.it miitaae wai> made in 1, mi./ ( -n n iluitli rn on the w.iuli.n . \\ - n. . I plenty of sun bine. Tbipium >-f dipht!iiia C4iiui.l live four bourn in MUIII.HI. I'l.nnlr tlie l.ft hurt, lure Ihut eiiu I . i i. em, .|, aud the hahit of *"iue nn inlier of tin- f.unily n.i.lii.1,' nloiid. After all tliu till re i* require.! l..vt> in the family for tin- h. me The pleaant i -1 UIIIIK in tl.e win It) w.is in I'livmttpleaiiailt thought , i.i, i Hie vi. i....i iiri ill Ufc * having an ininv us |'..--;lil.v I'lii) in. - i i t',' u a I j .u rued. Lndr^Kank ' ,::, :!,., I moved ginootlilv <nn ElcctiuiH hereabouts. Iu inn L iif tho schools tliG tr.'dii r of lait yt-ir i* tliu t i ii i .nnin.; thin year. The ti'iijlucn of L. li ci--n for Bonn- r.a^'Ui to Imvn IH-I-II ile iiroiiB jf rliaiixing niul ailvi-rtim il in a provini-i;.! |'H|.rr, \vliirli ca.ight tlm iyo nf i I n .t.l^ulil. Kiiiiiiu has it that tin v in-, nnl ili>.ii.i;iiihli I.. t-.vn-i C'ary and Cunii-. Tliry ilion^h the) won- H'lin^ t'i haw a livly t IT, hut Hlir mriii .1 diit to be a ^ouil .I...1 in-ill- tia.-l.ri, > Him linn- of Maxwell iiii'l "t. H i i !.- , s. Il -i in-; a July Mr. I'.-liior, tin- thi- Tin :. . i il.> not I'.r.i n:i. '- i :o- Ai! .,i..r.' l ir il llirulH tlie li'ili -11 "f i.iaiiV qu ll:li.-i| l:aclii in. iinxi -.;-; and wili...^ tu wield tlm biicli. .Miss MIII|I!IJ- IIHH in-iNnl i i i:.-.n N. V. Our li.a\. uii'l i,m in niov- ni|{ and ili -lie in in i\e to the other ide. V\ liat ii II-H tliis iiit-iin '.' An- uexutiou is K' ill; a " -fiiillv nuil Plata TUB. - On Darham St. aro- constantly supplied with now Stock, which for elegance, de- sign anil workmanship can- not be surpassed in the county, and at prices as low as the lowest. Maxwell /'/..,.! .nn .,,. .1 I '..i i. i;i..|i lf, t l. On arr.nm! "f nh-ii.;hin hein. during tin* p.i'l wifk. lln-ni l.iu IMTII <|lllll- II Kill f I ll.l V,ell, 1111. 1 U.' lUe forced lo bwtm uur village is Ijjkin^ up. One of tin- Krandeat concerts evn fivon hen- will U' ^ivni nn I n.i.tv i.-viinn^ in the Oiaiigu Hull. Any iini- that il-iL-i iioli-.ii.it! In lu.tr Kn-ii will In- s my ol it nil. 'i \\ar.l.s. Mr. ll.ii.) .' K v.uuler is working with Mr C.'M. Field Mis. Dr. Si-ult's inoihi r, Mrs. Murtit, i.t UaltoUt, I* visiting at thu doctor's iit |'i e*. ut. We hiivt- now a shoe in il.i-r in the |M>rH(in ul Mi. Sin, i. Hi- runic from llolluud I'l-ntn- uiid MI-III.I lo he jolly.noo.l natuied Inisim-.-s man \Vr wisli him i-\eiy ,-i.r-,--> itnd h ipi- In may I. mi; it-ni.iin uilli in Mr. Ciiarliii l.iul,.i| Toronto, spont a otiuph- of dim of i.i.,t wi-ck willi us. Mis KniiDo.ra little b.ihy has boon wry uick luii iy hut is Celling belli i. Mis. \\ I.II.IIIM \\lltj ali .-.it I' li- fe W ilaysi liml wi't-l;. llt-r littl daughler arc iiii|innii<il hoi. A branch of Epwortli I.en^iM of Ghrititiun Kmh-uvor waa organized here nom* time u^u. A Huhkciiption was taki-n up last Sunday ivuiiiii^ in aid of the it.ih'uih Si-Uxil. It am. Mint,. I to over $.'(!. (Hi, which hliowa that the people in urn! around Maxwell are anxious to see the K.I. ul work go on. Mi. lOd^ar Hrowiaidge entered tin bonds of matrimony a blunt turn ago. SEE OUR CRADLES ! l-'ithcr Rattan or Spindle, very cheap, Folding Cribs and Cuts, Ik-dstc.uls, single or double, <>l ovi-ry de-ion, and juices to suit' all. Call and see our Parlor Suites. \Vc have different styles in Plush and Hair Cloth. A U,'IMH! variety to choose from. ItHlroom Suites Oi all designs Oak, Mahog- any, Walnut, Ash, Antiqn*- and sixteen century finish, al- si , very cheap s|);iugs and Mattresses. \Ve have a good stock of Reclining and Easy Chairs, Extension and Centre Tables, Sideboards, Bureaus, Carpet Sweepers Washing- - Machines Clothes Reels. Picture l : r. lining done on short notice. *-*<- \ In r s . . ': df I ',)! I'' II I - II.'-. . I A..VS tl.) ll.nul .; nnl 1 !- .' ' .11.1 p '( l'| I .1 MGNEY 7f tpr* n...mu'. r a our tW Muff of work i. ritu. br th*M . i g fir t.l,,. and IM lh< ii hr*tr lli| )!* An; rk laij i* IVATN . r1>h * ! h. -T* TVU U *r- MrniMf fr- m New lihicksiiiith Sho[). F leaner Ion / ///v?/. ure \Vcirerooms. H.E MeNE.V - Pioprielor. The undersi^ne'1 bee lt-ie to nrq.Minl tli pul-ln: *ith the fact t!i:i- Ibey harj ->penel up a new CHrria^n and blackmuiih shop in t-'lcsberton, where everytbinx iu our line w.ll he utli-:i 1, I to in a pm-tip'. ininn.-r and ^ii.i giiar.ii.il-' d. \\'e iiinko a pt eiiilty .-( II R 8 K 8 M O E I N G. Au 1 brofe*-' '-. l . iv. -a ni.i'-i inie -*iio H\ff entire (mti-facti')n i-vi-iy time. Spri-i.il atter> t.iin to ti nder "d f -et. d, t.-'f. rink' p "I i '! p'*vant- I. WOODWOEKINQ In all itf lir tii"!i. . Wiuniifc. niitrcif-. d- nnu-ratM mal t., o:-.ir. '.Ve U-iiovo W9 car> work up H > in l-'|e-!i.-rt. -it liy fair anj- :- 1 - n. I en 1 , f il u -i . . -litil ih<- i-'ihii.' to t . -t our menu m "Ur \-in.ju-* ; ...- -. smn- <H N-B.-Aset. furthe Dobeity OiRao, Uie ftjest oiuuu- II:KHU\AL To J E. .1/mvv . Km : I Haw a ktnli-iur.it iu The Advance pap r from )n.ir pen. itatlnK Hut I wai ti \mi; tu litui \ .. . LI \ .MI. liutiii'^' I deny the cl>nrK<-. I lit v.i i ><i. I that wlien I limn lit thu huaiw iif vaafbalyOV wen* btiunil by the AnHooiat ion nut t i nmt uin with a!i.ul. i.i- huarao In l-'lunlier t u I N. n when I l>IIKllt thu l.o.lto Vt'll ill. ; ." f.- \ I., inn lio.niil l.y vfrniiifi* for rive yuan, 1.0 \rvtlirvw up tlm i to tfitm Then I laid if you wt.tilil ya vtmr 'iJ not to utart to retail tin iiiluj^u for two y-oam, [ would Btand to the u 4ii.l vt. u Mti.l you would agroa to that. 1 oanuot JU--1 t Miii<'inl.f the worda, hut It waa . t.i. "I I. \ iniithat you would not utart iu V k.tunioi, lor iwu )&r. tu.loii that proiuiw .'iilv I li.nui'it the place. Now, Mr. Uoore, you cauuot .louy what 1 have lalil, and I think il a very uiib.v.iiii ,K, i-.briitiau like ti iuk of you to tut ualn hurtt whim ili.iii. aia tithor j'Ui-m* for yen. And nn. i than that >ou ran ak the peupleiif Klwthelton If they tlilk my word ii Dot Rood for what t have Hated, and If they var knew me .01)4 a* dirty a trick aa yoa have o. BOOOXB LBVKB. ri i:\ii i /;K tr.niKnnn.\i:-, itUttUAM ST. WHITTEN & BLAIR. The Markets. Kli.iir Fall Wlient ........ U,,l Unt. ...... Hiitter 1'iiik. . . iu I..T t..M. link.-., ' 'I .n I.I-I|..IM Wlltll * S 00 W Iff l JB ' IB .', in KM .1 in 90 .- H 40 IX to to tu ' to ' t., to lo i , to t to ti> li to t.l NOTICE. ... -.'I - n M It having com'; lo my kui>vlud;$B lint ;iu imp;-' s-<i ui is iirniu' ciinilati-J. I imsiinif for tho purpose of injuring my biisini's- ii;.l reputation, that I ha\e brol.t-ii I'.uili \vi;li Mis.-rs. Mc- N ' .1 and Lever hj si.iitii^ busicets . | in FkaWrtOD, I i-h here tu coiiuadict any ^ucli insinuu:! ni or chaigi-. I furilier wish it to bo dis- tiiictly know;: 'Jiat wl. -H 1 sol. I Mr. u S Ui 1 w) 10 10 Ml l.'-vi-rniy ai>J Mr. VIcNoa Tbr Drad Of tli* 1 .ul... n M, .lu'il L'imi|ian>- It now at Tor- onto. Canaila, and liiay I a couvultixl i-itli -r in |-i ..'ii or by leu. -r. n all ihri.nic dUeaa }>* culi&i to inau. M. ii. } t'ucg. old,9r nndtllo-acetl. wl." Tin ! lhemel\eft i; r\out.wrak&inl exbauit . -i frein ex; t's* "i n i wi.tk, ie->ullitii{ in iri'.i-T if Hie (ulUnilif I-.MII I l nn : .Mviii.il tli'i'i c -M-'ii. pretiia'uie nl-l f ' Tilalily. l.i of uu inory. bail iheanii iLiii:im,f ni|lit,|'ali>itntitiii of tlie heart, i-in < iin in the Li'liem. lie. |iun|'li -. oil t'le (aou or bo.ly. i' '..ir rh. -. . '. e sci.'tuui. waint ' Oic .irkiKi. i!iz/i-itf, i yoa, twitcliiin,- ,.f tlie ii:u-elcn, ) ll(l, an. I ItH ilj till- ' > i>f.il;i ami ^j-ie*-. weak < * *linn. ili:ll . > .esiiv fur foi . ill i , , < , : l I . Witll !A A'-l ^ I Mil I . . ' I 111] Ttlli't.'l. .1. l.llltV tl'tf ll'H.I t.. mil iS-itth mil. . i I 1 1 m <i'iii(! ur vital Ii'.r.i IriVi | :.-.". \ r T hint- titiii wuii- M i r "I li.^t. wl.ii ihrtninri . i t,.itl.- . : i u ' ..... " . nut .- ! IMTII 1. 1 n .lit I . tUI >- 1 s. i I \ " .L -i Mr. -II all .n-ea-t". | ..... uliai tn in n IH ok" fi'iit fip K.ml- | r I M 1 ' -111* .'f will 1 fftint l't.lh i i * I'liittl'-n - i '.MI i.r I'l" -.1 tu the ill run n. In" li'-B-t with h..n t " li'i. ti.l.i. tl e r. <' i.l hmll".'t Hli' kor lhaii tin* flint, pain itt. .mi M lueif-t I'.'M- ran j .. ii ,\ ' \ i- ' . t-uii'. no i i\ M \ . l.l S'l'V -I TJanU'W. liie slock it w.is with thu jKrfe:t tin- u>?rscaii-liM . n us that I ilid not forfeit my n;.-!,'. to do 1- ij - s when and when- L . . 1 f ; tii. iinort- I was in no way u::\. ':>poso of -the p:c p i ;y or tb stock at thai linn-. J. E. MOORE, FRriiilup- .'l.n.iifacli' .-: aii 1 !>t-ali-r, and I'niV. !..! . r, btiuiu's liiock, iton. Ov,-n tl,e I'l.Ai :-. i.-, ( AS AHA T.J i. Thvronyh Rutimii f.'duinfi . Is Ver and HTU.lTOIl.ai they , u|'|il> In a coudaimed , ne iiiliKtalirea -tually needed tt>ttn- ii-ll Ilia llliHid, curinii '.ill iliHC-aHua coining .1 i.t r. '.ii and %VAT> IT o..l>. t>r from . Hi ii.'K-t in V. i. 111.. .on. end alu k firivlf^orata Mid Brjn.n _/ tlio HI.OOD and M. when broken BfJoun liy "V r 'ik, 3f in- t.tfil worry,... Ji i x. .'seH iud indi iere- X m tiotm. They have a si-i i tut Al-lluN on M < ( K.th men and woni'-n. i -toi-im: iiu-iiKii ai;d : Kt-.!,lo!.. \ <la hisuiontal fao- ul'iif. dull 01 failing, or II 111 1 l:.kl- 111.-,.' Ui- loot ouur^ltM, LMjtli .11,1 Inent.ll (''hill. el. III! | I, I i , yj^U ' \el V thlini thoronxhly li ,- .,.,. In. M thololieji. ,-,..i ],;,.., p. it. tie." ' aud .\leli o ne "f -it n. 1 1 ; r tie I., t e )!.-(.. i'i , nn t * -. t I! 7 Vr>T . I'll an.l Hie h.-t Mel '. -i.\ ' V... "'''''' """" ' ' 4 "" ii full e.'iiii... I ::; l 1 ,..- -i.n.-i- n-eiit. i;lvi-ig full puilienluii.. I , > . ii. ...iw r They am a Hi n. i ii, A. FLEMING, hU l'll> nU'lll I T Listen to plain facts about the B. & C. corset. You can't break the IEW W0il< &~ M . ^ bones-tor one tiling. If you [',-... MI, ami Hi.. v. tiioJl inoviUlbly '- I. VAIISIfi R'u'J ' : ' I take thoM PILI.& lUUNU MEN ii'. v i'i .-.mi i' oiltt of youliiful had Iml :U, aud Hin-iiKtuun th y 1 YOUNa WOfflEM "" uld * thflm do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, dab) ,. i,ir,^ K it, nrwin be wnt upon ] after a few weeks' wear vou eet i|.l .1 I" n >). l>v ltd'''. ' / can return it and get your money. I'or Sali :.> >;ir|tartS ,11 & <. ret-t -i pi 1 '. I>It W1J.LIAM* u- CO. Onl V Mi's, r' li ' |i|i O|i|in i- Ur.liu dS| < IIIIM 'i I Ir In- r HI II. l . .... . . . i i . . t . l SOUIET1ES. I *.. ... , n . It I It \ .V 1' -\, . SONS OK n . .- - i !> i . X |> , V 1 .1-1 heetf I'l ion htOYAIj TRMPLAItH CK l i- \ 'i- 1 V lie i-'ll I "lint .iift- -i-v. , I - i i >,- 01 ttl.'.,ik M . " e i >* - . '"i . ri ..ii-i.^ nn. .- \\t, i.ien.iu l> ..i. .-^ . ue - '.itl of eat ii iiio.i ifc. |i;- .1 ! u. l MI l: i.i.i.i.i. \.i :. A. * I A.M.. .iietu ill i lie MH-O . e Hit' I. S H i -. l.locl, . I- lelllu- .0.1 eve \ I- ..'t* IMI ... lit>(. i- it* li.'l moob. A.M. Vaadueii, W. al , U J.8|i.uu'e A 1TA I I i.no.rl.l.1. k,(,, u>ckrhlilrl>ull!(MHn4.iir.lik.r . "I- * *4 id wrtu, * u I who, .lt'*llrii.U.,UI worii U^.,,V,a.l.. kl ~ Tkt.. lb..M Itenu. . MliajwfcelvnvAci .. t *iu.irt.>u..h .- ! GENERAL AM) BLACKSMITH, (V i.-.- .'.,i. id Si.t-i t, FLESH KKTON, - ONT. . , I'siiiorral. . ,\ . . , n, l;or-. . oil ti) ak- MOd*d to S|i, u.utitn' ..... ...>.. t.i colitraAt- 1or I.M.I,, ! . ,,.i, l n. h ,.n, C K luutly '4