T.-HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIHTMENT T HE TILLS Purify iho llluuil, correct all UiBOi'Uvr* of Liver, &toinn.eli, lildn'yn, find Ilowel*. In Tig-orate n1 rntore n health P"t mtal.1 COtlitltutloni, and are Invaluable in com- p'.aiutsinoidBQtal to Foraales of all ao8. For Children and the aged they arc priceless THE OINTMENT th lafalliblt reinmiy (or Had I-*-. Bad Km*f- (>M Wo-md>. Sore* and IMrnn. It I* tamouE for Oout and Hhvumattmn. 1 or dUordorn cl the Cbest it hu uu equal For SORE THROA1, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS QlandalarSwellings.aud all Skin I)i<<aii>i It hai no rival; and lor contracted and stiff joints It Iris like a charm. U tnufactiireil only at 1'rofonaor HOU,OWAY'S Kutablliihmeat, 78, New Oxford M r. . i < Intr .vt::. Oxford Ktrfct ), London, tad are sold at la. 1|(V, 9a. 'Jd.. \*. 6*1 . 11* , 22n , and Xta. each Itox or Pot, anil may be bad of all Hoi) Iciim V udor throughout the World. f ff- Purrhatm ih'Aild limit tc thr Labrl <>n thr Puts and Mora. Ij Hie addrett w not 633, Otjord Ktrert, London, tftv are tpnrunu. SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! f b DDdenlfned bu utarW-l a lit-w ran laye nanufactury and repairloi; iihop in FlebbaitoD, rbr you cao K"L >onr r|iiri doov ou ibort a)*tic au.l on r. nr-'umi-l-- iern'B. Carriage Triminini;, Painting, Repairing. Ci everything In tin ran i*tn> maklnij lina v* Hi* a call Katinfaction cuanutuij 8bop i/vt-i- McTavish's Black- smith Sbop. !;. T. Hamilton. riMberton.Jau.21,1801. NOTICE! To The Public : It. Pedlar wuhi'H tu inform tin 1 |i.>plc of Klp-ln rtou and the aiirrnuii'liiix ..... nt'V that lit had iiiuvnl mi, I Kill !.. i,-.i\ fuuiid in BLOCK, Th* nw.nnd dinir fi in ilir jiiwl nllio.-, wurri* lie will he gliid to >-" nil Ii .- nlj i-n -I, im IF. and an many ninrii HB liku to cinuc. 1 liuvi HOW a bl, : nliil-k l>f AT Illllli; AGAIN, I liftveiji>w c<it niv new pretniaefl fitted up and mi prepared to do all buB*ueb> in my Has with natneni and <toapatch,andain in bettrp(Miitii>n tbao evr tu at tint to thu want* uf my caiitom* ers. A^tMwmn buaioefis ahowH a (trowing con- euce. Get your bouta and thoes uaade at tbe eitabliahiuaut of W. N. 13. Wo guarantee satisfaction. KICKER S Should call on Jos. Smith, Flesherton, and secure a pair of shoes from him. Lighter kinds with the best of workmanship for those who are not KICKERS. DON'T HEAD THIS. THB OLD UKLIAULE Sydcnham Mutual I-'ire Insurance Co., 22 yeari bpforo thopo|ile. In SO per cent <'h.'|i r thau tliuiii'Kt liriiiit'Nt, and as safe aa the Mifi-Kt. Tbe only purely Farmers' rin pauy iii this part of (,i.\ 374 milii ..n ilu' *IUO for .1 yrn In the hliihHit its Volley Holders hat eras: paid. TheHydenham limurea at two third* the actual valur.and In case uf lusa pay* the full amount of the ii-l W*. A DAYMAN, Atioiit, - Walter's Falls WANTED : <mit to liKixiloour hanly lines of Nitre i> -i.-.-k. IlaiuiHf.ihr oiiint fru<*. alary <i "mint M h fi ,'in ntiirt. Have done Inutile*! in t tiiiH'ln mrr t hirty yearn. Hucruin* iium nnt t I-. i-uKlinn,' ,tH-ii if tlmy fulluw mir .nn.rurtioiiM \\ I lt' f"l tTlllri Ht line.' Itrotlirr* <nin|anv, NurHoryiuuu i'oltmrn*. Out Flour, Shorts, Bran Etc. AND A <;oi)H LINK OP Groceries. Lemous & Oranges i-oti-t ,i;tl\ . u li.in,). All l.iml* i.f C.-,i n. .1 (iiioilh. O.itmi'iil, (,'oriiim nl, iii.'iliini I Iniir, Wheat, Etc. KKK H I'''--' ii as cash. I f i. h ;i i . I l4Mlltir. * (M) a *r ! li.ltif mail* tif Jhn R. <tln,lr. > s t ,ai . >k i. i t.i |i. b lr. 'oll.ny /.Ir T ls,wl . . h ji"iii|i. W . !,<* t< >om from (I lo '' Hi til* '!' anil ii. ir- V" ff* Itnih *A r-, ail af . In oil) |>it of niiB. >ii ait iiniitne ! Itoli.r, (t** , .u ... i. -, i* nii.nnU only to Ik* work. AH I* < i.i>l \ny M hi f . . u iy >r! n U .1.11 ... i .-IVII.H.f. KAfHI T, M t kl'IM l.-rnr.r 'AltlK I I.AI - M.I k A I. !..... i , ., 1UM>X * 4U-. lOKUAMi. Malfk. < J| -V" M '"/ - "" *>'\ "Ml I *|| MM | Tin s ' i i.-i HI WIIO< -,.|-,. W .(.* ",'-., |f 01*|HI"V IIIMI*J .;..^-. JJUM|I .< ....... J IUM . ' uj. cuia^ >i| |>u vn -"M "I- " *-. (M ||J*n 1 HISI 'i|M | l| ( ,,.'>) ' |.\ ' I * I tl wn. * VMM-tn H.MI ,,n n , a:< Ii. h-rt-Trt M,,. Hvs) I wt I aUv fari.Uti 111* aliuail'-n >r t in | 1 . i Hui t luab y >u s*i > I hat mnui> i Ku twlir for m* mi. * t,,f. i ru I a* *!<.( Kn*!-* <( I|(t4a'* lMrsi*4 I ili but <it) MaitkKT fiiisN *M*k JiMrtot >-t it>ssi| | !.. .r, *,l, 1. l(r.t ,,1 |MM*|ftd Ollli t*n|ilDfBIsll a Iftld* HtiiNlivr. h *! makksjff o*rr On i*si ^k Ii M sV!^\ ..,i NOi.ljr r-n P ,i.~i.r. KHtt. AJ,I,.J,.. .... B. C. A 1. 1. KM. llu O. Au H u>lm. Main. You can have the Advance until 1 Jan, 1893, for a one dollar bill. THE GREATEST OF THEP/1 ALL IS THE NEW PREMIUM Olvrn lo CVITV unlm rliirr. nrw or ol.t. of THK Ml I Kit I i;i'llt I OK IHA1. Thoii.in.M ,,f iluinm h iv. l, .'I'll n|'iu in ila prrparKll. n. Ita tut i run IH fully assiirod ; It U a highly \ulii. -d Miuvri.ii nf i lu> jcrtMii-Hi KiHiiaiimn unil iho nint hunnri'il I. ,i,i- r . \ n kiu>wn In I '., n.-i M-iii In -:-,i ?. Tlilx liri.ii' il'ul MrtuurlMl Album i'.'ii'uins l.i full I'litf II|II!-II,.II,.IIH i.f inn n-siinic . . m> In ri.nn. riinii wlih tlur liialmy of Sir Jnbn. and l'i .s. tua in tin: ihoniMinds of adiniroi's of our l.ao i hu I HI.III) ni'w mill Vrtlimlilo [Kirn allures. READ TUB LIST. liiii-iiiur rrlral *f Mr John and inn, in-.. H inlulmM I Illrlllplarr of Hir J.,hn In i.liin^oii t Pnrirnll of Kir Juhn v lir n n Jiilinu mi* I I'.irlrall nt Mr .li.lur. Mullirr, Ihr i. ill) unr rvrr iiul.IKIi.il; Thr Illil ll.ini, .-, ..il al Kin -l.i.i uriupli'll l., Mr Jiilin ilniln.i Ihr Hi'li.llloM m I--IM I ... .is< lu-i . Mr .luhn'n Kl-nllli'lli r Ml VllnvtMl Inli rlut- ef a. UHK < hnml.1 i . Ollitwa, >huw- I i Ihr l.iinril nl II mill anil l>ul) k.i In - In Mull ; I \lrrl. ir tlrw of llniKrs ol I'urlli.- 1.1. nl. wllll i iiu. r.il fr.i. . s.i.iii fin nil uu In i in- rri'|irimnil i tlrw ( i nili rn in., k. I'-.rii.uin in l.iiil lim;-. nllh I nnrral I'm . . .-i..,i i-.i . .in . i i in. i. i> i n i Mall, h ii. .. I n. l>iii|iril In Murnlli(. im II nuprnrrti Uu ilnt Mr .lolin - lli.U) mi. In il klniclun null I u) In ^likCi* i l.r.i . al ( nlHrnqiil 4 rnir- i. i . . "HI. rim nl I ill. I'll, fruui lilt lln.ii- mill, of r'ollnvii'r l t lr of tt rilmluttfir tiii. i , In nlilrh ihr M.i.i.niiii Hrrtlrr .-.i. rlor llr .,. W .iMilii-li r ; lr of l. runTu nllii-ill nl. In wllli-h n MI-IIII.. ..nl Ii. l.rr , : in ir Juliir* :mrr I Inlrrlor *lw. SI Paial'a ulhrJral. K.IIMIM > mi li uvj- ^i.,.ni.-l-ii p* pur, a ad ml 1 - 1 ' 1 - , A i. uu viiluiililn kaaTCIllr lliul will -| I, ,1. iii-iti,! for i IIIH WMI k nrnmiMtg lo bu hrld I 1 1*. In kill .VII ill" buul. > Ii Ml., Jl r* i..l . !.!. I..' U wl ,ii.' II , li.nl r,,,i .1 I'll.: i il i, iii.n i.il ..... i ioiib..-.-il |. . l-itof III., -in rilil" IM wi.i:aL . _ s.,1, .."|.O.<VI:U.ILLA:I ..... d u Mrnkvrj mill ri nv.i TUB WKKBI.V Km-nir. frtr for buliinrn of thu ; cmr. for one jc..r .INTINQ, THIMMINO, UUHBEHHOEINO. WOOD WORK. FIRST PRI W HERE V EH tiHOWN, LUMBER, SHINGLES JOB WORK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard 's Carriage Works, FLESH EL4TON, ONT. PICK'S LAUD ROLI,F.IlS 11OWEKH. BI.NDKRB, PLOWS. Our Waggon* the Ut-sl. Our IlllKRiCH tin- ISi-f Our Cutters tin- Best Our linprovrd Harrows thr Best. 8TKAW CUTTEU8, SCUFFLEKS, TUKNIP DRILLS, GANG PLOWS Farming Aphorism*. "You can never put too much water in milk if you always put it ilirough the cow's month." Tina ia one of many analogous aphorisms by Profetnor lioberteoti, ihe Canadian dairy commissioner. Among hi duties is that of delivering lectures to dinners throughout tin- couutry. Of late years the Dominion Government lias adopted many wise measures for improving Canadian agriculture. Kx- perimoutul farms have bteu estab- lished in widely-separaUd provinces, and placed under men who are at once practical and scientific farmerB. They conduct and report on attempts to acclimatize new varieties of grain and fruiU. Thy experiment on methods of feeding stock, and care, fully note the results fur government publication. It is believed that a well planned system for improving the breeds of cattle, horses and hogs throughout all Canada, will be soon taken in baud by the administration. Tliis would add greatly to tbe value of the permanent "living plant" of the people, and to practical politics" in the best si use. Meantime the wide circulation by that government of the Dairy Com- rnisdiouer'a admirable lectures will go far to im|>rrs Immers with the folly of continuing some old practices. I It-re are a few moio of his telling apiiorisniB. "Some i'.iniion ate wont to think that \vlmt they cull sentiment belongs to lik-rary |>eo|>le alone, people who wi-ur long 1. 1. ii and use a good deal uf hair oil. Dill if yon can put n ;lit ntini' MI into a (tumor's life and make i.nn I'.-rl proud of IIIH buaincaa, lit.- will do that business the U tier for it, and sucli ut-n time nt to him will prow a paying ac<)iiinitiou." "Tlin hog is not such an undt-sir- ul'lr citizen if lie ia well fed and well kept. He is the one citueu of the Aim IK-, in lleimblic tlint h.is helped must to inaue it we.ilthy. Of course 1 mean the kind of ln> ; ;s that are fud in i>'iis. Kven little |>igs have a right to bo well horn, but tliuj i-unnot be if their nioi her lucks u clean houio and elt an, sweet food." "A man whu knows well enough that null .-n his dairy cow be a good one he cnn i xpect no profit from hor, nil' n ut-ts an though he believed that unytlniiH winch griintM and eipieals would inuke uuiu-y for him out of its I Mul , but the granting and Hiniealing are 1.1. L- main part willi some hogs." "Many of the troughs I see aiound the country seem to liavu been con- structed to afford baths to the pigs, so deep and wide are they," "There is only one way whereby a in in can i HIM, with certainty and e.jiiiiy, the price of Inn butler. No sinxle farmer uiul no combination of limners can force the butter market up or down. ISnt any man cnn ntis.- himself from In in a It-u cent a-pound iii-iii to being a twc-nty-tive cent a pound man. by making and nmvket- mg the quality of butter for which people will pay twenty-live ct-nU." [ Youth's Companion. COIKT1 AND I1STK HI Tin! naw l.liri> cruiaor now under construction at Owen Suuiid will be l*un, -lu-il to-tlay (Thursday). I '.iinel C. Taylor, living near Owen Sound, ttijud IM years, fell nil' a I, nil of turnips, wan run t.v.-r and killed, lc;n nu; a mi,! and nix children. The Ml. I ,'iM Representative man denies that ho ii tlie father of thirty (even children and pronounces the in HimmtiiHi a '-mi-eaiiiin^ faice." Mr. .Inlin OCi.niior.who rusulos in tli<i township of Dui-liy, Imd a novel experi- ence driving to town lust Sunday even- IML On arriving here it wa ascertained he I -id rode in hi* bugiiy, with not only no tiro on one wheel, but tho fullui were also gone, nothing but the spokes'romain- iug in the hub. [(>. S. 8uu. A party of local Nimrodi went out to the iii-i^lilHirhm-l of Fovenhaui on Tu- d.ty to thout ili-t-r. They aw several fine annuals, but shot nmie.thougli every man in the party had his shot except nine host Collins, of the Central, who was unfortunate. One of the deer seen juat about jumped orer thr head uf Deputy-Reeve O'Brien, but though he lat both barrels go, the dter gt away [Colling wood Enterprise. No wonder ha got away, dear Enterprise. O'Brien should have kept the barrels in his hand and let the charge* go iasttad ! Mr. T. Willi.i,,!*. V. 8., of Sander- land.operttcd on a cow last week belong- ing to Mr. McDennott, uf Pinedal*, townahip of Brock, and abstracted from the thoracic cavi'.y large Ubel fork, she having swallowed it last spring. It past- ed through the anterior part of the rumen through the diaphragm alongtid* of the lung* t i the fifth rib whence it was abstracted. When last heard of the cow was improving nicely. [Stouffville Tr buiie. Glad to hear the cow ia recov- ering, but whal about the reporter who got i>rTth*se technical jawbreaker* T A week or to at;.- Mr. \Vm. Cliiuio, editor of the Listuwel llanncr, came up to Wiarton to enjoy a few days' hunting on the peiiinsulit The w*ather was too fine for much large game, and one day .Mr. Cliiuie shot an immense brown owl winch wiia flying about in tho woods. When his owlship came to earth our ipnll ilrivmt; friend rushed foiward to secure his game, and unthinkingly picked the bird up by the wing. Quick a a Hash the owl Lui/.ed Mr. Cliiuir by the wriat with its talons, which it aunk deep into hia tlesli and he was perfectly help less, his nthur hand b-in^ kpet busy in keeping the infunated bird from his face. lie screamed fur aid. Mr. Will Tyson waa luckily within l.i-.iinii; diatance, and rushed to his aitl. Mr. Tyson tried to choku the bird, but it managed to catch niie of his hands in the other claw, and for a time the noble bird had the two hanHcunW together in K<>od ahape. Fin- ally they succeeded in choking the bird, and thus relieved theuiaelve*. It is need less to say that the North Perth tint editor doesn't care tn relate, his ciperi ence with a Noith Krucu Tory owl, and will LMVI- them it wide U-rtli in futuie. Mr. Clniiu- lutd A tine chance to shoot a tii:i_rniti.vnt buck deer, but as it came to- ward* him in the buah hu mistook it for a i; -.it, and when he tliscovtMed the dif- fun-nce and brou^lit his ^mi up to take aim hu had in -U-eU-.l tn cock it, and that il.-er |);tsud on its way rt-joicing. Wiarton News. A KE NOT a Tnr- " gativ* Mfli ino. They aix a il ,,.|l III 1I.IIKH, 1,'NU' i HI t-iuH, as tlu-y l>u in a conJanstxl rui thu subatanci-a itually notxledUiun- cb the lUvuH.1, curing 11 disf^HHes ouming rom I'lM.u arul \VT- IIY HI.OOD, or (rum IIU-IKK HrM'ilts HI I. ii BLOOD, aud lo K'iratu and Hcn.i* If tho Hl.OOK ftlltl HisTkU. whi-n broken down ty overwork, wofry tioni. They have ;< mo ACTION ou 8*u*i, HYITRH of h uiuu and wo r.mtoring 1^)T Vloun and oon'cctlng all ri^AniTiss and w H v Do the male inhabitants of Flesherton and sur- rounding country flock to F. A. Baker's tailoring establishment when they want clothingmade? BECA USE They know where perfect fits and genuine work are be- ing turned out second to none in the county. 'WHEN You need anything in the tailorin give us a trinl. If we don't suit you you needn't pay us. WE MAKE Overcoats Frock Coats, Morning Coats, Sack Coats, Pea Jackets, Vests, Pants, Etc , anJ guarantee our work every time Nrxtdoorto Armstrong'* Jewrlr* X.M-I . FA. Bakrr.Flr.shTCoM !iie Ill Position -FOK- MlOilHilMI'llIU -AND- Position Is Everything. Is fully c<iuipped with re- (luisitcs for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices aie lower. dent in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to f^et taken on the s.i me clay please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Flesherton Livery Stables. D. <'L4YT4. E'roitrietor, t class borne* ntnl vi-liiilm (or liire ilile rt. Stslili'H (M'l'i.sitB Munhstr'* hotrl. S|>eolal attuntinn ]>aid to cowuitveis) busiueas. Who Olid* his mental fao- ulti< < ihiil or failtug, or his pbyuoal powers flaKKii'K, l>ould take tnota 1'n.r.H. ThKV will resu>io lut loat oergiM, both phynical anil mental. UinillH flmnM take them. ffVUMAn 'I'" v rur all .111- pveHKionn anA iin^ularirici, which ujevltubly tutail sickuusii wliua n%*Iocted. VAIiyn nfiCU shouMta these Pnj,*. TUURU Hitll Th.iy Mill cure the ra- sulta '( youthful bad habit*, ami struugthou thu lyBteui. vnnun uinycu ^^ TOUNu WUMLR ibcs nmko ihviu ic^ular. For salo liy all rtrugKltty. or will b sent upon receipt uf IH-ICH (otic per boiX by acl-Uouiug TUIS DK. WILLI A US' MK.TI. CO. Br-xknilt, Out CVCDV HIM CVCn I IMHH is pbyuoal powers fl * will A punphlot of Informailoo and b- tlie li, Hi'jwlng It i PaiiMiU. t'HTiMla. Trade Marks, Oonyrih!, unt fru- MUNN <f