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Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1891, p. 6

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AGRICULTURAL, ^ 8u;iprt>M the Weeds- At this it MI- of the year, in the pressure f Kavimj the f :ill crop* of fruits bud root*, i .|.l- are very apt. i . neglect 1'ie weeds in their garden* an. I fields. Nu one driving ifii.iu^h the country inalmoslaiij direction can fail to noli . the great increase of per- niU-nl weeds during I he ]iit f.-w years. Wln'c or oxeye daily, wild carrot, Canada tins tie, golden-rod and similar weeds are covering the whole country rapidly, nn-f>! where they are fought anil destroyed when ever they altow themselves. They arc to the Urm the. following in recom- mended : Three pound.- of wheat bran, one pound of eat*, half a ponnd of shelled corn. Feed to each ewe per day one pound of thU mixture, This will pi v a iiuitc sufticicnt pro|>ortion uf corn before the lanipn are dropped. Thii grain, with what upland li.iy they will cat will keep them in good voudiliou and cause them t<> l.rnij/ strong healthy laiuhd. No oil nicul should !M> ft- I to cweit aft. r they have bean with tbo rain one inmilh. After the ewes have dropped their lml>* the cnnbinatioii of foo.l given may be ae follow* : '2 Ib. of wheat bran, I H>. of ot. 1 Ib. of corn meal an' I I Ib. linseed meal. This in merely a cat rieil by the railroad* iiil > i .cry part of combination of food, (live at first 1 Ib. of the rountry, in hay, straw, grain ami nursery *toek ; are scattered along the aides of the railroads, hint no one caring about it, they are Uft to grow undisturbed until suddenly the neighboring farnicri) see, when tooUte, mixture to each ewe pcnlivy, and after Iliil .\i add i Ib., and at the end of the next lo days aild miothcr J II'. One mouth after dropping the l.nnb let the ration be I ( Ilia, of the mixture per day, given ID two feeds, that an enemy ha* posaenion of ihur fields, and this will probably be sufficient until thn and it must be dis'odgcd at any coxt, . >i tin crops will be reduced in yield. During tint OMt few years there has been a great depression in aghftiltui <. and formers, feel- ing assured that their i-r'.jin would hardly |uy expenses, did as little work us possibb , mid lilt: weeds we re mi 1 1 tied to spru.ul almost unchecked. When it hardly paid lo harvest, a 1 1 op there was no apparent money return in jjoing over the li.-ld.. after harvest, until the ground fro/e up, to kill the .n-e.l- as they appeared. So they were left to ii'! i. iiinl wilh their seeds, and thus cntaii lanib reaches "market age. Hut if it n!iould appear to be insufficient to support large iiuj rapidlY-growing lambs, let it b in- creased to '2 lo. pur day, given il: tw.o feeds, and let tin- UmUi cut with thc'r " the gro great additional lalwr in cultivation of suc- ceeding crops for many years to come. If tin I tii'l t' manured lor it crop, thi* adds to the vigor of the weeds as well as of the crop. Vineyardsand hoed cropsof all kinds a soil is well adapted to their needs. \V cannot IIP cultivated throughout the whole ! never take our roses from the ground to SI-MO n without more or leia injury to the protect them, having learned that it .an In crop, and so the weeds are left to grow and ripen their weds. In the pasture* thr Canada Antumn Care of Bones- A vc:y successful n. v-j;rower U-llii his ex- perience in a recent issue of lhe . I / iliiidrii as follow* : Rmw;s have many enemies, but it is not nearly K . dillii nit to su. red with them as miny flower Inv.-rs up|>o*e. Moot insect pest* yield to sprinklings of hcllel-ore in water, of kerosene emulsion. Rose bugaaro not very troubleso-neou a claysoil, ainlsucii one much more rffccluaUy whore they stand. What is called an " open " winter is thistles, golden- rod, milk weed and daisy are | much more seven- upon rones than is steady usually permitted togrow unchecked byany | cold, even though it lie below zero. Our attempt at anything more thnii mowing limn over during lhe season. Tiiere is here and there a farm which seems almost entirely free from these weeds. Yet the owner will tell you that he does not spend much time in lighting them. After mill. Kvergreen boughs are eijually good method of protection for winter is to draw the earth up around the IMIM- of tin- plant for perhapn sit inches. A quantity of leve< is then put over it, and tin- whole it covered with lgAe, the refuse from anamliercane hum-lit, when his stubble tit-Ids aie grova up to ragweed, etc., he goes over them vali a mowsug mtcliine set high and the weeds gel niu-h a set l>ack that they donol recover in time to tipcii need. The vineyard and garden are plowed shallow with a gang-plow, burying all tin- weeds without injury t the rout* ol il.e v men and butties, (inldeii-rod, Canada thuitle ami wild carrots can l>c killed liy the nut of a gang plow, cutaway li:tiii,w. or scarifying cultivator, weekly through the neaaon for two successive yearn. Knrn lniii! the ground well and mi lin^ down heavily to <-lover will kill ragweed, over the leaves, and I have no doubt but that corn stalks might answer if there was no grain todrau mice. There ma 1'erle den .lardins in our col- lection which is tight or nine yearn uld, which* has several times Iro/eu off to the earth, hut it always sprouts agaiu an. I lias never failed lo yield a grnerou.4 nitiitlr of roses every season. The old Caroline Man- ncsse failed to come up at all one aunitiier and we thought it entirely dead, IMI' the next setn'in it sent up a few shunts, ami ii is strong and vigorous now. It is not safe from the hushes U> rtmove all the coveting pigeon grass, sorrel and similar weeds, wbicll | At oiu-e in spring, as a coltl, dry wind does are literally sim/thi-ml by the i-lovei. In theina* iniiih injury as a freene. We throw any case the rule should IM- never to let a , coarse litter from the top, i i-n.ovr the le.ive went 1^1 to teed on the farm. Tin* v. ill nnu and throw ba.-k the litter, leaving it till Tiir rnt% .1111 in IN K in Kotrt lair r it II l f O bo f llrH<l> riK Already -MI ...... The fiovernnient of the Osar is forward th : work on the Siberian railrovl with all |)')iblo speiil. It announced enriy thin yenr thai ajl of I he inailibli iimney to be derived from this year's budget would be ptuhing vl i UK; 1 1 1 \> ui% . LvrsMl* Killing up Every .i i n devote. 1 to this work. The rood will U- Iwijc aa long as any of the Au.iric&n tians- contintintal lines. The <Jov rnn.eut has ccasotl to carry on other publi works and railways. Tiic-m enterprises must for Home time be conducted by privatv compaue* without Stale- aid. Tlio < t hi iemolvil lo -.pen the roi.l to I rattic in I Ml.".. Maj.y en.giii'.i., however, arc doubtful that tl:u -an l'j lone, and noine ofth ni lay Ion or t \ve4ve years will elapse before the road is in operation, ll ie probable, also, that the total failure of lhe crops in large district of KI.-.SU and the necessity for<!overnm ni. uid may interfere wilh the progress of the railroad emer- I" 1 Why is th.! I'.ussian (Jovernnjent in such a hurry to build this great railroad ? As a . matter of fact, the Czar ie afi aid that the ' appalling The entire Chinese have dt,in on the nc!, ar.d fertile ; <ouutryi wilic |, at luiB valley of the I . -: ,. wnich forms tl.e cast- ; oslla |]y wcaii such a green appearance, a en, U.un.U.y between Manchuria and lhe almoel ren , lel ed like a.leserU The rioeand territory. His apents at IVkm re I corn ap M to bc u . te ,., d^t^,,!, am | o{ trict between Chelnbinsk and Troilak. south TIT BITS of the proposed roulc, there. U a popu a'iou " mimlxring 300,000, all engaged in agricul- ture and uallle breeding. This enormous limrict embraces J5,f>"') OHO acres of arable lnd, 'if whi !. now only nine per .er.'.. ii Th.-'e is no doubt that ll'e const, -uctiou of the western part of t!,.; line ^ d for ev< . rytbing ." will develop an immense area of agricullural j JJeJ^J g^ to K<t g^ replied Snob- berly, who was thinking of the property. flopin? For The Soobrxrlys rich uncle w*< very sick, st, t he 'loetor said to the nephew : " Your uncle is much worse I You must lo addition to liie cholera pu>gue uuw de- vasUtii:,' Oiina, fan.ioe w*em to be staring tie people in the fa<:c thiougboiit the larger part of the empire. This probability of famine i caused by th? -riou. ravages and destruction em-xetl by the immense swarm* of locasta, which rat np every green thing Steamers coining from the inter I ior river poru report paviug '.hrough swarm upon swarui of theua insects, which oburuct I the view so (hat at limes even lhe n .~ I hidden from sight. The effect of a visil of these pests i* simply expanse f fertile year , telwiNrartha'. the Chimne *-ov- | thc gnus (the sv'.e <lcp : -nden o of the cattle , mil,., n. -ed by certain \N extern j ana iheeD j not a Te i ilr() nmtinm ,j la a by uil eminent powers, intended to build a railroad rekin to trie Amour, through Manchuria ; tii it much of the rout" had already been sur- veyed by Knglisli engineers, and thai China's and sheep) not reslige remains after a 1 vr.irm passes ovt . it. To make mallets slill worse, the a-- jjers and local spies li.ll the common ptcplc that the visitalion of the IncualaU Heaven's in cise ()f a . l , , , , I "^ VIIW llM.i object was to better establish her authority ; wsy of expressing its wrath agiinat the pre ..v,r Manchuria, and also to enable her ^ ; sent ruling dynasty in Chin,., and thai so advanUgenatly defend it in case of ..:. ; i otl g as they willingly submit to be govern- \\ork on this railroad has actually l-yun, I c<1 f )y t | leir pl .,., ellt ru!er , ettc |, year Heaven though us southern terminus is to be lien- j wiM ,,, . ,. , nlu ,j v ,ire-idful. The l*.n ii.siettl ol IV-kin. If China has trouble ] peasanu readily believe this, and lhe cry of with Russia such a ruilroa I would aUo en- ,. e i <Ulon an ,| overtnrow ofthe preent able her to threaten and perhaps lo cut off i .lynasty and lhe establishment of one of real thsLssuri provin-e from lhe rest of Siberia, j i^inese, as the astrologers claim Heaven he importance of building lhe Silwriaii Wltilelf it f Ml gini Dg recruits throughout railroad u a quest .ion upon which public the Jevastatetl district-., men of all ! shades of opinion in tat* are ] sho ,,i d the efrtx . lt o( t |, e locu>l , ^ M i^j united. In a letter written by Minister de'^rep,,,.^^ thell thp ,. minc will ^ very lets early llus year that statesman nuoled geller ,| t | iro u about Cenlral China, and in the opinion of lhe Minister of \\ ar that UM treat of hoslilitiet viitti China it vdirrtculttodefendtbe Amoiirdistiicl. I >e l<iere endom-.l this view, and added that if the ( 'hme-ie t any lime entertain hostile | intentions against Kussia the possesxions of Knaia in eastern Silieria, cut off aa they now are seven months in every year, would be in an exceedingly precaiious posilion. The immediate reason for building the the rail- road, therefore, i a political one ; but there ure many who believe that lhe line is vastly more iiu|Mirlanl in a commercial than in a political sense. The whole of lhe roule has been mapped out, but only one-half of it has U-en pro- perly surveyed. The hilf ha-s lieen pauially examined, and would famine districts o-.ild or..' the enure p palace in lhe pro'. ii>ly engage in it, on one side or the other, an. I the results would be too horrible lo anticipate. [Siftings, A Lively Tnde- Lav.y;r (to female wilucsi) What oe>- ciipatioji did your husbaud follow ? Witaees He was a skipper. Lawyer Of a schooner T Witness No; of a bank. He ikipped U Ciitiada, t. Shocking Bad Tute. " My dear, don't you intend to iurite M. . and Mr?, lireen to your purly ? " asked -\lr. Biller. "Certainly not." "Why not, my dear? fneuJsof ours," Thy ai gxxl in a wild state. ground runiitis an by Canaila thistle seldom produces perfect iceds but the underground stems will run lUtu'.HI feel in a singltt season. The only way to kill ni' h .. U. ii to prevent their breathing. If a leaf is uvvur allowed to show above ground more than a few hourx, and the stems are then cut just below the surface of tin M,il. this clans of weeds can be killed in one v r Snap Iragon, or butter-and-cggs, can al>o I- killed in the same way, Hllhnugh this weed does n-,1 spread so rapidly as the others andds therefore sjot so troulilesene. The ,-nr.lrn should be hoed out as often as once in two weeks until winter, as this will pirvent any of the amaranths, p irilanr, pigweeds and other antiunli fiom ripening seeds to give future trouble. C.i r- Of In reading lial is ie.|iiiite inlhe care of swine, "one might at firm be led lo suppose that the talk is a very onerous rue, but really .tiii in i vei \ i-nnple one in ponil of praeliee It (insists more in thoiigl.t, eare and J...M.. 1 judgment than in any ii.irdnr ox- pensive work. Select for the nivlhn of your I.I.-K i-ll-fiiriiied pig, with KOOI! lung and heart development and keep U in a t liming Itoses should not covered until the up .1 of real winter. On that last day when the ground free/ca a little all day put them into i lieu- winter overcoat*, and the chances are that tlieii sleep will be sweet and their awakening joyoiia. We rarely lose more than one bn*h in <ln/ -11, and that is not diacoiira^iui;. There are fonr roies in our garden which are sure to be replaced whenever one is lost. Theae are the 1'rinceM Veia, .Safrano, I'apa (iontier and ( 'at lierm* Mrrmet. Saf rano in I he least hardy of the four. 1'nncesa Vcra and Cathriine Mcrinet hove exi|Uisite budH, and are very full and perfect when fully open*!, I'.ipa I ion; ; r nd Safrano have long, love- ly buiU, but the opened rose is semi double, l.i I i in. e does not fu well in our clay loam, and Madame Louis Henry, tli'iu^'li exjuisite, is but a shy bloomer. K-iws are not greatly injured l.y light frost*,, and the ever bloomer M ill yielil a handfu 1 of Kuds almost until snow Ihes. HI. .1 I...I . ..Mil I. .1.1. In view of the pimsilnlity of a Liberal victory at iho approachltii! efcctions for the .ii. , u , o,,. of Us>"** <w U *rlerl a Turker. In this country only is the turkey fouud It is very filling, therefore, ksgiving dinner il should be the principal dish, write* Maria Parloa in her depart iient in The Ladies' Home Jour- nal. Tne turkey must be wisely chosen, well cooked and properly served. It should be short and plump, the meat white, with ao:ne fat, lhe legs black and smooth ; and if . there be spurs they should be short. The ah parly of cn>1 of , he breaatuone should be BexiMe, turkey that and has lender, but ceriaiiny win uoi or Miieiv ilavored and of th. route. AlH.iit -..> mile, of lh . . A dry-picked turkeV will be found ro,ul h. heeu f ,,11 y .urveyed. The lone- g ; tt *, flavor than a scalded ,,,.lete,l stretch of the surreys n on . AU ., , hit u dr> .. picked the central portion of il, 9 roule where. 1 , cw cfnU 7^,, mo! ^. .,,i u K ,| le a4.-r.s lhe va,t plains of Siberia, ew^ eng \ but u vvl fe orl ), the extra prlc ^ ineering lUrncultlrs are encotinlTed. About I , -Mil units of this [nit of the route have been surveyed, and nearly 7<>0 miles of the route directly et ot Baikal Uke have N-en Archdeacon \\ o'.fe, of Fokhten. I hma, complclely Uid out. Al,.ut '.INI miles, also, has n *>' '- economy even m the oullay ..t t . extreme eastern eml of the route j for micvonary effort. He writes that the have been surveyed. The e v i rerne western chlef food nf the P*ple " l he * * potalo, end "f It. In-Keen Hie t-a^tcin s!oi,,-. of the ' cut lnto ** <lrie>1 '" the "" ttml oia I'r.l M.inntains 1 the Obi Kiver, is gull ' at the rate of l.'iil rviunds for iilty cents. "I unsutveycd. and the tot d lemjih of U,e line '" ve *'">n families of four," wnles the winch has noi \rt IH-.-H -t.,ke,| ,, u i is ax>ut Aicbdeacon, "who lived upon this food J,-t!l miles. I exclusively at a cost of less than ?-' a " The I... vernnunt intends to transform the month," and then the thrifty Archdeacon Porto! Vliidm.,t,K.-k. win -hie the extern " k> : lf missionaries would be w It-iiniiiiM of the line, intoa first-class fortress and top;..\ nle it witli a iiarlnr for the uso of lhe Kliuian I'acili, lli-el. 1 1 to make it n ser mil Sehasto|ml. l-'roin this poii fasl cruiser* will issue lo harass lhe ships and commerce of any nalion with winch Kniu m.iy U' at war. The fortihcat i..m are now rapidly building, and. when com |,,. l ia"liMViTli'in"Kasbg"*r.andis'Mparated pMted, lhe port will be praett40y UstpcM "What if they are? lam going to invite Mr. and Mr*. Brown." "Well, can't you invite the Greens aa well ? " " Why, John KiKcr, you shock me with your taste. Hrowu amf (ireen in my | together ! Why next you'Tl be asking ine to *ear blue and yellow. 1 declare yon men have no idea whatever of baruu^y." Oleir Proof- " My wife is a singularly ingenious) woman," remarked the married man. " Indeed '. " said the bachelor, w..h a languid eliort at interest. " Indeed, 1 assure you. It was only yes- terday that she found a new pU;e tu hide my slippers. ' fcetical- Hnsband Would I were in hraven. Talkative Wife That is unkind ; I'm sure I make it as pleanant as possible for you. Husband Ah, but you know the poet says : "to die is laittliug on some shore." Ea-al Simplicity. Yesterday a newsboy passed down Broad way bawling out, " War in Kurope . ' A counlryned looking old gentleman a ing a pair of specs, and placing his ancient umbrella belween his knees, assumed an un- graceful poeilion, and proceeded to go through thai paper then aud there on the sidewalk. After he had turned the paper inside out two or thee times, read it all over several limes, he put il up and wiped hut specs. Just ibeu Uie same newsboy passed, bawling : " All aboul the war in Km op* '." The old man captured him by the arm and said Sonny, doyou know how to rea.l V ' No *u ; my father was too poor to . nd me to school," replied the boy, tremb- ling with fear. >. I thought. I jus' want to tell \ u, bubby, some wicked pc. son has been laknu advantage of your ignorance and deceived yon. There u no war in Kurvpe. You have been deceived." and he gave lhe poor boy a ijuartei lo buy himself a spelling book. -^Sidings. Is Dancine Sinfnl ? I'arson Uridly is very much opposed to dancing. He said recently to a young lady of his congregation : " Are you one of those giddy girls to whom perfectly illing to dancing is a heavenly-pastime live on this fiod what a great saving it | " No, I don't think dancing is would mnkc in missionary expenditure. " Tin- reduction in cost would be veiy con sidersbli- indeed, but the heroism rei|iiircd to sulMist on such diet might also reduce the number of volunteers for such a trial. The leirilory thai Russia covets most in 4! d the In. in Cashmere by a range of mountains, t i-liinere is not one of the most undisturtwd hnrina Eniillsh rloute ol eommonn, one nr tlie' eondition. Thisi, slHiutall there i. of j" rninW. l,t ,:,.l least inter, ,t ,, stiomtol" ?$? *2*JSfc *', "1. ^u" "' ' Kmt ''"''i'" l >rovmc f" ""' Ru ^", '" inaher ! sohvd will be what todo with Mr. l^hju- "'"I"" 1 "' l- >rt ' '" "I"'" all the year triijue could cause much tiouble. Kaihgar I .et her get (.in U niiturrd Lx-fon le-.tnm he to the tsk of breeding;. S.-b-cl throll'ii|irinp ehere -" l^abby," to i|iioto his more univer .f known good sires ttud damn and do not sally ne.l C.^IM.IIII n. There in no doubt breed the sow too yomic.. make the best mother*. j belongs lo China, however, and any |x>er Old sows, an a ruin, A writer for Ihe M'. -i in . |./i i. iiii.n-i-i Ints about right, as fol- lows : " < '..munition and early developing ii Miiothrr r|Uisite. s atitulioiiaiidalsotlieslo w with a weak con maluringsowinhe loniid. The cost of the whole line, including ' which" attempts to wrest a 'port ion o{ a* well tha" he is in the House nf Commons and out ''"''B"- rolling stock, rails, stations and re o^ni/-d Chinese province from that Km- of it one of the most active a K .-nlsof l.iU-r- I- '>".. eslimaled at $1 ..-.c.lO.OUI. , pire will n ,,,| lh . t it hasagrealer la*k than alism, and Conservative aiithont,,-, for Mi>y proimneiil Kuasians think al- anticipated. The Chinese have .iiielle.1 though lhe iiitm- in poshing forward the rev .dt afler revoll in Kashmir, and lhal purnosts of thi-ir own easily reci>|Mti/.ahU, I , t< "til it -a .>. , ,- i ., ii , Uke il as a mailer of course' thai when Mr. '"* "H" ""'."-e will prove ultima! e - wltll apparent ease, and they have rolled (ilatlslono forms bis Ministry some place '>' " ' Ur " l ' >ro ''np "* 11 ' 3 '""'' a , |^,,|, ,| ie Russians themselves oul of lhe n-olherof slow-mai arim ,.,,.,. I'l^.a. a rule i >u.t be found for the guerilU chief. Vbat "' kl P" 1 ." 1 " f v " * l '> 'Pr k '' '' . province of Kuldj^ ,.^,,h.,rformfromther.,fean,l,l,e,rfeed.!',cl, specula, i,,n sbovflil form part of lh. '"""'^ resources of eenlral and eas.ern! ing ijualities from their .lain. T . keep sows ! ordinary eonxersatiun ol lhe day I' 1 . unduvejoped T , 1P .,,.. M for . Uoo Iv o-itbreak ... >'' \ tral appear to l verygood. there enteieil tlie dipluniatic service during ( 'linn-ail War, a youth of twenty threo. by making a yard and having a liltle door left open so that the pijp cn |uua in and . . out al will. Now the feed mar be increased, managed lo see a good deal of life, and mint as ths a|ineliteaiiil growth nfpigrtileinnuds; have brought his immediate superiors into also let them have the run of a clover field keen sympathy wilh lhe frame of mind or wood pasture, so that they may gut : descriUd in K.clvaiaatrs " when the f{rass the. fj,, I aolouisstlon numerous. Reports of outbreaks have been sufficient exercise so n -e^sary to prcuiuite health and growth ol l.'.nonnd ininrle. 1'ur.i li..|ipei -ball lie a burden. 1 experience of diplomatic After ten y eats' life he retired. water should at all lim.s IM. furnished in Itul tha memories of the period dwell troughs enlrei a si am or iile. ditch can lie had ; . .n- mult be taken u. have ll free frnsi dirt and fflth." E-iisini.' Early Lambs- This i* pn.fli ihle if special cnre it bnetow- ed upu i the ll n k all winter. To lm\ . .In. |p Ui ili. in M.II. h and Apnl IAIIII -h-iiild be turned with them inlni,. II i,, , and early Nnvrmber. They Ihoiitfl bow.-ll fed I ii i i i nil lliciiii'l ivsj in syiiv iiri it^i|tifii_T|i, ." i i > , him.and furnish him ml 'ommit l.-r of Supply , l; "' '"' "" ltl '^ntually ,v. as ........ _iik . :; opimen, the conditions in .Siberia It isan interesting fact that before the (repeatedly pro\ed lobe falte, likelhrwe from Government set sei lonely to work to build { ll * nMi 1< "> Ive which asstuled frei|viently this road it inipjired inlo the cc uionnc 'lriiS the last few moiithsthat a resolution- londitiuii of Canaila and the Xoiihwtst ' >r y "lovemcnt was on the eve of bre.iking out m Usaseesala agatnst the Covernmenl i.l I'resident Ktrilla-. Now il is said, on the authority of a Mexican newspapci, that I'.'eta hat asked lhe good >.tfu provinces lfoir and after the const i in t Ion .! the Canadian I'adlic Itailrnad. This ini|iiiry led tlie Internment t . believe (\,\ in their on the Civil Service estimate* w .luaini if or-ensionally apocryphal >("i iet and , n er - opiiuen, the conilions n Siberia are more of Ueiieral Diaz'* gnvrnmeni to prevent .' I...;! 1 favorable than tho*e in Canada. They * r betwssn Salvador an.Uiuatemala. heavenly," *he replied, demurely. Ah. that's righl." " Dancing is not perfectly heavenly," con- tinued the young lady : "for you see it comes to an end too soon, but it is very muck like heaven as long as it lasts." Truthful Junes. Teacher: "Win helped you with this e<s*y. Jamas?" Pupil : " Nobody, sir." " Now tell me the tru'.h! Did not vour brother'' 1'upil : " No, sir ; he did :t all himself. " She You woull be the last man iu the world I'd fall in Ue with. He That'R all I'd ask. I don't want )ou to love anybody after me. A Hint. Scene-Botanic Hardens ; Time Satur- day afternoon. Ho : "I should be awfully proud if 1 had such a little while hand ae youra." She : " Well, it's funny you ne'er aked for il before. I've two, you know, and might spare you one. " Total Abstinence Detired. Captain Cruiser : " 80 your son is a little dissipated eh ?" Anxious mother : " Oh, very, captain, very ' What can I do with him ?" Captain Cruiser : " Leave him to me. \Ve sail from Liverpool fur San Fran- cii.-o next week, and won't touch port for some weeks." Anxious mother: "But, captain, don't you think brandy or aKjr other spirit is just ai bad a* port for my There never was peace l-'ianklin. a gootl war nor a bad .lohii Hull was always an adept at diplo- macy. Hm lateil siifcuss in this direction has ncen in ooniii'clinn with the acquisil ion anticipate, of course, a di-ticit fora pe:n>.l It is not easy, without further informs- of years, and, aee<<nli,ig to the best r.-tnn.ttei ' ti -n, to 'cc bow the Artificial rUin I'rixtuo- Ihry have been able In in ike, the line will iiy Company of Kansas can transact busi at first need to be sapparled \>\ HII annual ucss veiy profitably. The object of the .nb.i I) of at least J1,(MK,(KXI. The annual ' comnany i expenses, including interest at four percent. ! by proilu. n, on the enormons capital inverted, lm\e U<vn mm "by tliu Melbokrne plan. A Heartless Humomt " My dear buhby," said Mrs. t'ipkins, "I would so like to attend that sale of China >d brie a brae iloun town. to furnish water to the public ami l-nc g an 1 increasing the fall of sonieilnni; pi etty for your birthday. I want to buy Can't estimated at f 17,4U5,OOO. Msll'.Miriie. l you lei iu have a couple of twenties?" ^ ..__ ........,...._ ..._ , - . I tlie niysteriout wuird, n to receive leu [ " Kalherme, " said Mr. I'ipkins, ''you duriii(( tint linn- -indeed, weih.ui know ,,f Manipur. Thcmiih not formally winev in.' ' I Jimmies have been made of the revemu- < cents \ir acre from lhe company for all t he ' have alreuly given me a most beautiful, Hl"ni!, t urn. i ilml hey ,huuhl no: I., ,|ie < o.inliy, a cullaleral reUtivu of lhe ex- Ikely to be deliv.ied from the currying j land watered hy him next summer. So far, | fashionable, rase and expensive article in well (e.l. I'll.;. lv\V. Stewart re. ..nun n U ' Mmliar.iiah. umlsr five vearsof nc-o. listl^en traile. The revenue expected from the car- ] all isperfe. lly cli-.n andaimple. Melbourne lhal line." has simply I > MI "till and occluded for t few " Wiiy, wht do you mean V asked his le.l. I'm:. Kp.W. SUWftrtrecomrn n Is ' Maharajah, underfive yearsof s;e, liil'vn ' trude. The revenue expected from the car- 'olliwlng mKniiti :3lb., I Ib. oils selected for the throne, and a Bntiili lli-*i 'riage efteais about W,(WO,00(t ; that from the f. and I-'JII*. oil meal. Clve .14 Ids. of this mixture to eauh i-we psf day in trough*. Thia will Infill tin- prsparatiua.of Ihe uwe, '".iig lambs. Tin* physicall lly, tn I , bo sayn dent, Oov undur the orders of tin- Vu-eu-^al jibe carriage of olhor goods U oatiniatotl at hours every day, mid by next autumn he is wife. " I only ffav.- you an oat-meal bowl isseiit at C*h iittH.iitoitdininihii i ib,i'aliout 18,901X000, wlulo lhe liovernmeut c*rtfcfn of fortune. Hut how is Ihe o>m- j last Christinas, ad it was aot so very high . . ____ country during his long ininorily. \ ' expects to make a saving in lhe the infant Maharajah t'hura Cliuml ill ' of criminals and exilef, officials the infant Maharajah Chura . v.i obtain an opportunity lo show tin ^ x ' of al.oul fl.OdO.Omi a year, greater inrliiene. on the progeny than a like ! tent to which ' anii.uiil given llrw*id. This may be' At the same linn its! in Ule Mai.;h nr half Will continued one IIMI the ewes ft. li..|, | rarly Apnl should Lave, on pastille riid of vv heat l.r. in i*r 'Uy. Tins' well paid form tlie rtisillt. ' Those 'ewes should be fed lui uiiti inuiilh afler s< rv ii i , three i|iiarters nf a pound of the mix- ture first mentioned.' When brought ha has profited by the uni |tn- ' further that the iron and popper works near ! M on Uhose of the rich. How fur political e.|ii<-iiliuii pinin 'the I'ralswill liri/l to the i tilruad aUmt ' be made to pay foi ^bf magi y "The I^ndon Tnnca " i. --'I. "< l<l <"' of freigbt annually, .. m\ that to J When it has onoe raine<Vthe rai priced. " "Oh, yes you have," replie 1 I'ipkiii* ; ll is ettimatext j on the just, on the tields of Aeblors as well j "did you not give me yourself, aud arc you conveyance and i.tny K u i' 'he rain collecl from its Iwneticiarics? " i on the uniusl as well as rtj.iMirtiinilies i-e.l to him L 1 . extremely do ibllul, and It IB far m this |nimi| distn !, vvitli i n I , probable Hint long Iwlore he attains lin turn whicHtloes notex.*ed lO'.t.UllO, will be majority be will have shared the fate of t he ' attracted t laTgr nnmigi atiun, far it will he uHy . - '"'. I i ,t and 'thai possible IM wurk many inin Mstiuptir will hav bsx-oir.e "is completely! which are now abapdiined. i\ Mih.ii.ijab l>hule-|. Smg tiart and |uir.el i.l I'linjaub. India pletely! as lh| Aifriiidiurr will he lioneHtivl ahno jsuuitii a* lhe misjinit industry. In the How can any one magic shower ? rain cannot be wafted away ag tin even by Melbourne. I'M less this mysterious man can repeat again the mn.i !e of (iideon's fleece, and and washings make the rain fall only on the fields, of sirbeciibers to the company, we fear ite >*t .is itock will not be selling at par.ajici M.I die- I lournc's first year's income has been rinij. not my jelly K 1"- Too Much. A l hi ill of mortifying pain l>ai Is through my larye aad lofty bniin. When some young lady thinks That I can spend a futile niglit, Aud pUy wiv|i lufauule .Uligh'., . ^4 " IVogreasive^'iildleuy \Viuka>"

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