FLESHERTON ADVANCE. T11E ADVANCE. Il published Fnox HIM OFFICE J v ' -.in Street, PlthtrtaH, Out. TBHUS Or SlMIVltUTION: 1 per annum wliou |>i I xtrlctly ID adtauce I JU p*' auiium when not to |>l I. ADVEKTISINO I'.ATKS. One i-.ilii-.im. 1 year, >J ; lialf col., do., S27 qutrtnr col. do., 915. TranHifiit advertim'ini-utu cliargod at tho rate of let l-rllin> forflr.,1 iimertlnn and Set it. per li.M ea*U >ubvi|Uiit iiim-rtM ii W.H. THUKSTON, Editor nn<l Proprietor A -PARLIAMENTAliY BItlGAND" Tho editor of Toronto Saturday Night. Edmund E. Sheppard, ii one of the rno.t caustic writers in Cana- dian journalism to-day. He IMS had reasou to look with something akin to hatred upuu tljfl French element of CJiu-li. c, and.aHlioHgh a CoiiserTative, does not hesitate to letuy his briUiani shafts at French mtiiibers of Ihc cabi- net. When, a few years ago, he stood in a doorway in Victoria Square, Montreal, ntar where Harkett was i.'it, and kept a French mob at bay iili his pistol, he was only threaten- ing the fii.illa.lu which he lias con- tinued ever siuce. Mr. Sheppard's Intcst carronadc has launclud Uie following missile at Chapleau's head, the latter having demanded aud been refused the portfolio of Minister of Railways and Canals : Premier Abbott has excited ths ad- miration and respect of Canada by his tLiirlul and dignified course. lie has not blustered though Chapleau threaleued. His has been a waiting gam*. It would nut do to become ag- sud throw lie political car- lion out of the Cabinet, lest amongst tl e dogs the odor of dccoiuposilion might be luiitakeu for that of sauctity that is to say, fur French-Canadian 1> ill lolistu. It is easy to make a man a martyr in a country where it m poo- f<iblu for a man like Mcrcier to become & ( '.,ui,t of tne Holy Roman Huapirc ! Mr. Abbott knows his bt'siocM too will to givo this pwliamentary lui^and a chancv to "hold him, up." AH the ueeontnillablo \jHini)ituro of wind haa been by Chapleau. Klr niiinstrs xliun i|iicstioned had Ix-nid nothing uf upeciul interest evcu though the hrnvo from Montreal did tiict imagined l.u wai> thrilling the r iiintry to the core by threatening to resign. In fact, Mr. Chapleau has I .-. n permilled time to make such a display of hiuiself that he can now do no further harm even if lie goes out into opposition. Adioi, Mwisieur Chapleau t You cumipl kelp you,r hat and cont :inl 'W^'JF. out of the Cabinet too.scMv to nit Ontario or in timu to preserve Quebec. Light your Kim. mi candles if yon <vill,aet off your French fusee, blow your brazen bugle around the walls uf Canada's Jericho, shake your leonine hair and expose the fangs which skirmish to supply }iui lii-a fur niuuratien and office, but u|ideidtand that you are only the oc- cupant of a cage in ths menagerie aud not ths real "Koyal Bvugawl tagger of the Jungle." li'.ted out from the Brooklyn navy yard, at least American newspapers appear to think so and are indulging in columns of simulation. James Trow, Keforrn M. P. for Sinuli Perth, has been unseated for biiberyby his son. Mr. Trow was the Grit whip, but in the words of an Irishman lie has been Trowu out of a job. I !* ' Cloning (be Door. To the Editor of Tlte Adninct. DBAB SIB, I have seen the epistle written by John Park aoent the shut tin of the Presbyterian church door uf I'Vvernhani ugaiimt the funeral of his late father. In reply 1 have to say that 1 am a Presbyterian and have church courts, before which Mrs. Park, who is a member of the church in Fcvorsliani, may cite mo to appear if she thinks I hare dono her or her late husband any wrong. 1 bow to tho decision of my church, but do not intend to carry on a paper war which, in the cml, will Urn-lit no per- son. I faithfully performed the duties of a pastor to the family during the late Mr. Paik' sickness, and was pre- pared to do the jam* in death. Then' ar* still some member* of the family who attend church, and fuel that no wrong was done the family. For their Bakes as well as for tin- sake of Mrs. Park, whom I cateem very highly, I refuse to enter into the merit!) and demerits of tin- case. I was alwayt well received by the whole family .and again and again Mrs. Park and her late husband told me 1 was the only minister of the congregation who had done Uie work of a pastor in their house by pointing young and old to Christ, tlie Lamb of (iod, who taketh aw:v tlie sin of the world. Kven after Uie \iltu. *f July 1 waa in th* house aui administered the ordinance of baptism to four grandi-liildii'ii, and on that occasion John Park was present and was eyc- witiujsato the lyajT* that were shed by his laU> tAtii..< ajui his mother and sistera. We took lea together ami parted in- peace. I shall not say one wotd about the famjly but lea vo them ID ttk h. wills of. Clod who will judge nghtvuiMt judgement. KOBKKT HUGWB8. Maiwi.ll. Oct. 30. 1891. Maxwell. Frmn "iir'xrii GWfVejaJfeafaeftj Owing to thu slowresn of ye corres- pondent, our lU'iu* this week sro fuw an UHual. A parlor social was held at the home of Mr. MfCullen's, two wi^ks ago to Jiight, at \vJncli wo IM ii. \. a pleasant lime was sjn-nl and a mil Hum made. Proceed* to bo applii d in beautifying tho inside of the l':i-.-.lr. i. i MM church. On Wednesday evening of this week a conceit i* connection with the Knglish chinch was held iu the Hi. in -t- II ill Mrs. Wright and" son returned to their home in Parry Sound last week. The I;, v Scobie left htloly U lake charge at Corbetlon. We wish him every success in connection with bin wiu-i Utere. ' Mrs. Kmerson's brother, from Chi fa ,<, has been visiting frit-nds here laU>ly. Miss Schcniman, who had been visiting her parent* here for some time, returned to Parry Sound lat tlic year, lias decked the stately forests. Mr. 3. McDonald, principal of oar public school.!* eiigagt-.l for next year iti S. S. No. 7, Artemesia. Mr. W.J. lilakestou is his Kiicct-ssoras principal here. Miss \lice V. A. Rossis reengaged at a higher salary. Mr. A. II. Koss, of Herewanl, WHS home last Saturday. Mr. Ross in en- k ' i -fl for 1892 as principal of the public school at Homing's Mills. An entertainment wm t(ieii by the niuinbers cf tho Teii)[*?iauce Lodge, last Thttrwla/ week Tho pro- gramme consisted of singing, recita- tions, dialogues etc. The hall wa crowded ami everyone seemed to be well pleased with the entertainment. THE MARKETS VLBIHEBTOV. Cnrefitllt/ C'onvrfW Knch Week (iraiu lias not coniiiiDiicetl to ntortt freely a* yet, the receipt* beinx counci- l-pa lily below what they were at this time ait year. Tliorr ire two liuyer.i on the market. 1 'n.es of produce have takun c<>i)idfr)ilile raise iliirin; the pait w.-.-k. Fnll-iwiiig are the (juotatiuni a* we #> to [iru : Flour .. :. to 5 as Kail \Vlmat K|.rinu Whi-at K (j.i.j.e Uli-.t TJ llil. ) 36 Oatl 30 POM 1 Ii'if.irr 14 fioall II IVtatnf bu SO I'.irlt ft 00 II i. |.. r ton M 00 Hi.i.- S 00 <<kln 50 Game _ 06 Turkey* _ I Chicken* per pall is O'lckn ! i ur 40 Wool ... 18 M to 90 o w o TS o 4n 30 61 16 C i. 1 . 50 S 00 10 00 3 00 1 00 It, CO 18 A Clever Poem. Owaii Souiid own* a jji'tl ,i more than ordinary ability, in the (xreoii of Mr. Jan. A. Tucker, whoav name n bifoiiiiii;; wi-lfly known in Canada. Here is on* of tho prettiest bit* of rn which haa come to "in noticu from hii clerer prn. it wa imbliihed in Saturday'* (JloUr : TDK ria*T MOW Down thro' tbu deep and ^lent uiftbl Tlit* snow i-auie falling. flak* on flak* ; Uneven. like a foaiuor !*. In billowy .Intel r all the I a*. I It w,.|if In *ilenclrout.lk* han.1 Of Uo.1 : until nitli nmraiiix'i Ilirlit Th nFM were wrapixvl In enille** w bite. Then. M tl^o >low. bulatl win Glanrrt faimlv thru' tne autf>r> <-lon.lt Wtiu-li linns like turn anJ tattered librouJi Armmd the t,l" um . |>ine-clatl liilN. No rol.in'i nongii or ouckuo't tnlU Hailed linn upword In bin 0'iurae He lal>.>r*d . (nit Ilia |*airuw>, hoarM Wltli linn i Inrjiuui. Mdljr te An I iniiiiriif.l ai o'er a uiunlerl mate. red; The boy i had some fr.n Iat8utu day night, but nothing serious *oc .rit-d. Our loaoher.Mr.J. I. Wood.left for home as usual laxt Friday wetting, bul only gol a sborl dislanoe when ho aud rig met \iiUi a. imu-over. The result 06 the ,u turittu.. wua. ihtu. J . L, had to come back to the village and have some reparing dona- or else go home without a seat to ait on. As lint happened iu the dark he Ihought he would not bo seen, hut if ye cones- poudent caiiuol nee well his hearing is good. Mr Joseph Alliston it having his bouse moved and purpose* having il over-hauled and made warm for the winter. Mr. C. M. Field has moved to his new shop. Wheu yon are mpving again, C. If., you should nt forget to lock the door, gipe up the keys and bid adieu, t* the oJu>r. The pamtrr is, now btiaf at the tor's. house, tmj *ior\ a cap move The American papers are just now full of war talk aud QuU is the ob- j" i -V :'? weeks ago an American : liljr waa .killed ii) JJ^0Aa(eeU of Val- paraiso and several others wonm'od. The eagle ucreanied, but Chili Lad the temerity to talk hack and repudiated N*WNMftWt| until proper inv^sliga ii'.r Imil taken place. & \J an, al most parallel case to the Italran kjl ln>K in N<-w Orleans t year ago, hml, Uie I o. it i i -iijw on the other foot ami t!|e f ayle'ft Lftqi are pinohed. ii Chili has uotrjurii covered (mm the rebel- lirm wl.ioh latol^sjiept over her it is, wilhoul doubt, ay opportune time for /'..-.. .y otm tije I'ujUid .s,A*e^ \f> ttcp in and Winter is coning. Already we feel lii A '" ''"''I *7 health arooud ns, making T^ IL, ^i 1 " "' dMtat,o,u i. our beam.,,. (the lighting ,,u*l, I wuoda ...j (cat t*^g the robei of uw war slims lately ' beamy with whijl) Qctober.tbe queen " *'* * .* '*. ^ . And ever .!! roe their wall: "Autumn wa* .|iii-i-n. il<-ked enl. lint MM. the )> il<. I m rial vw_', FrwlaiinliiK that tliu <]<ma>Bi del Ami lie* iW"i|.ilivl.all atark awl palt>, I l> .it the uoiftalc-ii inuailowe where No ninger coiueii to wake the air." People Wonder WHEN they find how rapidly hnnjth U r.-M. >i.i.l by taklDK Ayer'i ftapArllla. The reason I* that this prrpanalon contain* only the parent and moet pownrful alterative* au.l tonic*. To thotuaoU* yearlv It prove* a veritable elixir of Ufa. Mm. Jo*. Lake, Brockwav Outre. Mich., write* : " Liver complaint antl liitliKeKtlon made my life a burden and oame near emllnn my extatxnre. For more than (our year* 1 (uttered un- told agony. I wa* redncrd almot to a akeleton, antl lianlly hxl atrenirtB ti> drag m> -i-lf about. All kind* of frxxl dUtreaami ine, and only tlie moat tlell- cate ***ild be dlitveted M all. Vlililn tie* thn* ini'iif iiiiii-tl aeveral phyMuiau* treated me without living relief. Noth- ing that I took aeenied to do any per- niaui-.nl good until I benn the u**> of Ayer' Saxaapwllla, which ha* p* 4urex) wneiJfrful reanlu. Soon aftr eotnmencInK tu take UM SaiaaparUla I could eee as) . Improvement In niy condition, my appetite be*esi t*) rnturn and with It rune the ability to> digest all th* food taken, my atna** improved each day, and after tew month* (if direct! faithful atteutloa to I found inrnrif a well ..4< i.', wvnian, al>le to atteadl t*>*A hoojehold dm ii-*. The nirdn-mn IM> ftaMS*me a d I new learn of you too much." "We. th* undrralirned. etthwn* of Itrockway Centre, Mlrh., hereby certify tha* the above tatemeat, made by Mr*. I*k, I* trim in every paiiicuUi and entitled to full credence," O. f. Chaniheriala. O. W. Wartug, C. A. WuJU, Drumrtat " My brother, In Bafia4,> wa*> tar a> lone time, uualtle to aMead to hi* oo-u- ratitin, by raavx.n of nore* on hi* foot. I *ent him Ayer'i Alnaaao aud the te* Uuxinlal* H fut*un*.l Induced him Vo tr Aver 1 * Sar*a|.arnta. After oatac *, li|tf while, be wa* rnnnl, and I* no a w*ll man, working Iu a *ug*r '\ at Brt*b*n. Uueenalanil, Au.tralle."**. A. Attewcll, ibarbot Uke, Ootario. Ayor's Sarsaparill^ . C. SI; BT Co. , L ow*, Ma**. New Carriage & n.it ii Shop. The nndenigneH b^s lev to xx|iinm tii public with the Lu-l tb,\t liter have op a new carriage and bUek^initb nln-p iu Flonuerton, vrli-ra evvrvthinff ii> ear line w.ll Lie atlen.li'.l t.i in a i.i.ini't m.tuncr .in.) x 1 "- ' wurkuiauebip gnirnuteed. \\*e make a >peialtv if II O U 8 E 8 H O KING. And orofesn to bare a iii.-chuine wlm ^IPS .-nlirc nti-fnf.i.n .ty time. Spt-tial atteaw tii.n to ti-n.l-r or cvulnirhiil fi-rl. Int^rferin.- punitivelv [irevenU^i. WOODWOEKING In all ill l.r in.-!.. . W.i^nnt. I il- mntrat* innlo to ..nl-r. \Vd brl . w can work np A Kl>-h-i: .,,, i, v f a j r nn j gquar<> *tid rarrfoir wnikin:i:i-iii[i. aii'l nolitit tho |nil>lic In tint i'iir <n ur Tatiuu* hum. SHOP Oi'I'OSIi-K FfitM'l I IU ' MM/;i-:Of>./.S, IH'ttif.lU ST. WRITTEN & BLAIR. Boar for Sale. Th nniln>-c:ia.t ha a wvll-brpd B- 1 boar.flvo uiotit'K'olJ. voiglii I'M Iba-Vhloh lie to ilispone of at a reasonable n^-ire. IbKi'iKtook thrcn fir*t pun* at (all lv>. t W. LotiS.X.D. H. Pigs Lost. Two black uw pin*, one jrtar ol.l An\un> knowiux of thi-ii u*-r.- l-lc- iif,'i afavnr lijr ootiiuiiini' ikf.iK wc.or ANUKtW \Mi hi s -, P10*b<it<>ii r O. Lands foi Sale Fan.i iir.iji -i' . ,J tnJ uuiuiuroved, ilio vUut* urountla*. A| nlv *i ' * ABMSTl;:lSO. Flveh.rtou V. U. . Sawmill friSale or Rent. >fur ml* or to Ii t t'.i* Tba niitl. r .^f.l ~ p >f . taui aiii'UIun I' t "tl, cun^. X-. Aiwroia, known a< Mk&an nn'j K*ryt)oD( in ftrn clau order and a t. oj ^m 1 ---- lni ilune rciauM t*> JAi'i'H >i. >\s. or Klin, ma V O SOGIETIES. SON8 OF TKMiURASCE.-Thi meetiinlir 1. 'lirit <' Hall OTery day nnln^ at K j. in Yi -itiuf brvtbvru luvitcil luurauce Iu ct>uncctu>ii R.IYAL TIlMl'l-AKS lip'tKllPERAXCE.- Rvgular (' mm-il Kipt>rv*ry Tu>'la\ i-v. u inn in S|>n>'il, l'l..ik at " pin Srlv< I ilocit-r iluiuraucn in.'>'t nionthly. tlie Wvdura'la) priH-vt!llii; ll:i -J-JlliI of t-H> h inolitb riNCK \l'.tl|l It I OPiiK NO :m. A F 4 A M . in,- l . , i. . 11*11. Kttain i block. Us*'.. . hu<<> tfn or hrforv tlic lull moub. As >ii.l-..-.ou. W. al.; h J. 8|>roulr SM, Flesherton Station Steam Saw and Planing Mills. o on E. Proprietor. Lath Tiinbfr We have two new < >r.-an* i. r S.,1... Cheap for Ca*K Paw 1-gt. Owru Siitiad. Ontario, T IS I \VXM TO lit. I 1 K m.i$ Ktlucution, W*ll!ppH-0|ipolle Mrlho- ^"*W*_ hnrrb. Flrahrrion. | ake t Rooa*! frfp - oautlemaklnt In all iti hratu-lioi. llornauil glrln uit tti-ti.le.l to i.ri>ui|.tl> an. I Coaunercial Depirtnirnt MtUfMtlOa ^ i'lit. i .1. Clrlltlt IllDII UIU ; till- N.'lll I : I" made up lOKOixl ulylf. wh** cloth i. bn>nulit tbiin; tin ' vli' If rvaily-cut. April .' 'Jl uiuet th,.i..u H h, . an t in (Nr >' U rii \i*it* . VlT\ - to |'fii.i- DRESS MAKING. lrM to ai iiii<-"i-.-.- itt that tin IUS nJKltl<U(M the |WHi|>l<i <4 Fl -^lii-rtuli ami vi t |n|tnr.l t* >lo <li t-ssuialo*i; tion of tli*e itiii^t her with order*. The IAI. t f**liron platvf alwa\H i.ri haul. Saii'i'ii MI tiuaiaiitet'l \ >\ iisi>tt- I'U |iri..- hi,i.;> i, i,. i i KI. Irm v oxer lUtahcll'l Hank. KU-harils.Mi - til.K-k. Kle*btrti>ii lu^tr.u- Iftive ei'in t -tu u ' ' i . anil tin \bli- f urn 1 1 '.--;. n t A i ! L;I . P \ot| full t..'i -.. Hil.i K..I \-.-.n; A,in,.iilic- 1 uiout.Kit. i. lull pertlevdai*, fn !iii.-< e\ A. Ft.KMlXl'.. cale. . . . KIICU in itiiin.; anil cutting bjr "Xlacic " We Are Your Meat Thf 11 , HOUSKSHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Mannfai-tuiiiiRof Waggoun. Mriuln. Puggli". M*B**JM*, Kir Hone nhcM-Ing prvmrtly at- tended to. S|'<-ll attention civm to ooutract- el or tender fuel 1 i:|t P'-W l.uli li,u Kliwllt 11 . i.i the iii. t:< 11 >,i thiitk,- i'l .tlirir IIP,- M.. i -.. nl ii,..r ,.a.t i.f I lat ti.n < boot ami -. - ti^.,1 ivu.lvr ktvak alway* on baud. '1 ll'lil | .-. . -M lifOH. and Plow 4 haln, alaofl) on li.unl. rB- Farm for Sale or. Rent. Tbe nu l<Tik'iii"l U .i.-i-i.ti. o( telllnc hit farm, lot V.. ;lr I ron . Art^inla, and will dlr ! nlltat low prli- t> a nol piirrhanor The fa:m Contain. HftT ... 3T i-lnarml. tin reek foot hardwixxl and codar Oood frame hone* and largo frame l>arn Two ood wIU on SreiulM* A bargain for >..ni<-uody If not l|H>eed of would rant toannitable tenant WM H IIHOWN <> Kle.liertoii IV o i-t iu> >n old l.hvuiulan. itin-d fV,.i,i vracrlce. )iav IIIK had plaowl in bia, biaii.U by an Kail liitti* nilaelonarv the K". a nT ,| a (iinple ToatitKl.l. reuiodTfi.r tliete*rtM*|. l-ermaneut cur of I outnuiptlon. Hfettotiftli. t'.ifcrrh. Ailbuia and all IhriMiaii.l UaMACaeUoM. a4*o a uonttTe an, I miln<al onr. for Nervous Iteblllly and all Nervoiii gt.iM|.laint>. aftiT havlnn t,..t.-l iu wi.ndnrful riiratire iwwi.ru In lEuuaand* of oaM, ha> (oil it ble ilutyto make It known to tileeuirtimtl,.w Actuated by thli nioUTv aiul adMlr* to rvhere human aufferlni I will end tree of char**, t,. all wbodedr* it, thU recii*, In Orwan. Preurli or Kiifllib. wltl, full dlrvotlom f,.r BNfattM aud uelog Sout bj mall by *J.lree*iii with it.niB. namiu thl. PPr W. A. So, .. MO l'ow.- Mlo.k. Rocbr. r, M.T. Jferer broken Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset are made of it warranted fora year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get; your money back if it dbesn t suit. But it's pretty sure to suit else it wouldn't be sold so. au-.., .. K.rliur<i,in & ft>- . >ei iae> * MONEY: W fhml.h .... .w'.i^i (K-irtnalo >*>*.. Br * nll (I i i - '* I Ivi* h* .^ '*7 *>wft'. * *eW ., . ., . ,.,i ...^rt^^ w . ^ lim^Mm^mS r.a? '-?iv i- i^*.S,S.S