TBL WEEK'S NEWS- CANADIAN. Thepot.-nt of nobility for Lady Maedunald hai Uwn issued. Two c-ir'jads of sheep were *ii]/p--d <in Monday fiom Kingston for New York. Snow fell iu Quebec eity on Mi.nday. Maj.ir < General Herbert oc Monday in specled the Winnipeg Mounted IliSt corps. There are six Crimean leterous in Kings- ton, Out. Two young sons nf Robert, Newsham of Hirtfe, Man., were burnt to death on Sat- urday. Mimlay night the now Jt'.'S.OOO Crand ; Ou.ngt-J the fact tiiat the incoiniug Luid Mayor is a native of Wales, tne-e .!! Ho a goodly representation of industries peunlutr to Wales. Mr .John R. Redmond, the Parnelite can- didate for the vacancy in Cork caused b the 'ieitii of 1'arnel!, anix that he Was elected I. a.lerof the Parliaiii-i.'- rxr\ pai ty.and Mr. Pierr" M..!iony, speakii.^ iti l>i:blin, said 'hi' he was ready to toll >* Mr. P.edmond, the new le'ulrr, as loyally as lie had followeil Paruell. T be report of the (.r.uid Trunk iailw.iv directors, issued in Lund-in, I -.,-.. I. m Tuesday, shows that tin re throughout the country are heavily indebted to the Hebrews, suid the Government hope* that by '.jaiunhiiig ih if -editors they will .::, tlie lit -ra,;it\ of repaying their loans, in;. 1 iv;II i ' le in a netter p-m'U. n '> niec'. the .Ifiiian.ls of the' i. ..-rn '.<;r. Vw < ml' -hl|i.i.u; It*- ^ ill :i HUMS. As a result o; Mr. 1'lin oill'i -. .,11 to this country ill's i iverument ha^ framed an I ceipts for them months vrer. _ii7..77.-.. loaned a neVr code of cattle hi|>pui_' i aUop.i. \V > iil me", witii tiie ' approval of al; p*rtie .-n, i nd, < .r answer ,'irpoft of trie;:- MI t. '. > .-ill, it in too soon to say. Tli; <!ov.-ruin-i.'. hid a diffi- cult tii*!: iii'i nevnis ti. have .l..'i<: its bent to a- oiil i>!teiiii-.rtj i itiier tlie cattle ahippvrsor ' i.a :eaiii>hip .oinpanu-i. It vwi a: onl ii. tended ' ;..do[.l what .s knov.-n as the " American pcnr-uinnt lysU'in " of deck but thin has been 'intended. Th. compared witli i'~.4'.', Si':: :>. .1.. six months. The net revenue reeci;m wer.; "-''- " - '"*'- *'"'' " s! " '"" liie P 1 '*' opera house, with scats for 1,0110 people, ceiling half-year, was opened at Collingwood. r> James Murray, ex-U.S. consul at St. John, N. B. , blew his brains out last week with a Winchester ritle. The Provincial Deaf and Dumb institute at Winnipeg was badly damaged by tire on Tuesday. The initiates were all saved. A Victoria, B. ('., despatch saya w.i'.in.; men look very bine, fall sales in London on Mo May la*t developing an ovcrjtocked i irket and low prices. Tht- tirst agricultural show ever In-lil by the Indinns of trieSarnia reserve took place on Monday, and proved very successful. There is a along belief in Monties! politi- cal circles that the Quebec provincial elf- tious will be brought on at an arly i'ate. The Karl of Aberdeen h:is purchased twelve thousand ac'es in Hnt:sh Colombia, .-, | a y g _> and ip'euds to establish a ruiche *. - .. . ..-..-...- The treasury departm. n' at U vmiiiAton . inneri! character Nonce h.. been ,,ven in * ,1i - ha! ^ ln J, nc ., P l(mt O . inaj , an ^ or . '^U *SSS^i shipbo.nl a com- ciaK.a/tttccf the formation of tb* Anglo- h.tve been siimcsling clot'iini' into Troy, ..-., Fjw-h twenty Cuiadian (able C,,.p,y. wit. Lead orti-e jr. Y. B " Valued i401, . ' . ; .T^T-lSSS h-i been -eued. , h , lU ^ cn , JIM , u ,.! pjj by the shipper, but After44ballots:(ioden.:ho:i Mmuliiythc Prairie fires have been rwring tar three both forem-n and attendants shall be re- rceves and deputy reeves of Huron, m county ,j avs ;,, tllc neighborhood of liuthr .-. Okl.t ouin-.l to .11^11 the ship*' articles and shall council aseemblrd. appointed \\illiam Line, horn., an ,i hundreds of farms h.ne l*cn W uudei the authority of the master of the township clerk ot Ashfield, as county clerk. ( swept of their crop*, while housea and barns ship. The inspector is to see that the ac- Sir K Iwin Amn!.!. '1m Kng'ish p ,.:t, n,w steamship agents declare thai, the present aruved in New York <= :n '" m'^ab'e fittings enables tin-i.i M A trrst hasbeenformed l.y fr* retail mil!: ' )? M t , 1 '" ll i' nber e ' ;tv vov.ge ind deal.,. ; of Chioao ami the pViea h-., ad- ^\,L'k ni it^olrrVa !M,f, l^or The ed to S cents per nuart. 'cattle and more pleasant !or everv living 1 -me wealiern equated to l>e worth thing on ship-board. Tha' ;- r.nnmnt rit- -\<*>.) a day to the farmers of the Red , t . nK woul ,j | )c aB !,; -i;< protect ion or River v iKey in M:.-ii.esot.i. shell -.- to cut leis.t leant l..iil,tt.ii. \\'here Infantry and cavalry a: f on the m.treli the movable fittinfs would lx- swept awav from r'ort Hussell, Col., owing to reports o : ' tlic > i-.-tlli-i'. pcnnanent H'.iin^s w. .uld ! restlessness on the part of the lu-iiaud. , .. and cause iiijiny 1'lu- rc-gula- Spanish fever hvi broken out at the Ciu 'i'">sas :o space are as demaudcd by the cii-.ati stock yar.^. and IT catt!" ha. e al- , hippers, that is, , two f. .".. > iii-hee by ready die.! from the disease. 1'lic Teutonic, from New Y pM'l, !iaAlw;iteu the fastest fffsWiom ' from New York, havini; made the trip in hours and 3 minutes. 1 1 for each fat animal. The - , . i 'ar steauwliip compai' . I that Itned ,v,tim of ventilati.,,, sliou'.l lie re. piiredof e'-er; .hip in the I rale, but the liovcrnment seem tc. liave rejected A. 1 I- Mr !, "Aud the end 13 n it yet. i.4Ciat:>T t K CBI12. Tr i*l. I I near f.i*urc, through increase in hi,"hi'i spt- I. the wearing of tn% reek ten n of over-i:outideiict; will .in era ol appalling dtaatanMsd >;ori 'ii!iu'enc; .-I t'-ouijlitfii 1 |,e< |,lc ii' existing syatema. Then m.my evils will b>- remc ii'-.t. The -in- ike.- \.aj a :!.:!;' - \In:tre:;l Kxpress, and we hati beer ni8 nt.ln-ul a.-inlenls (j<.-iirl,y, and man'd faillbiiity :u a factor th>-:' At salesman lor a large importing ho-i" I li.ui 'ra^ .lerably, a-u' was not easily alarmed; bn>. e -! " :n.kin^ up ' at liny milei an hour thmugh llie black, atonny night, aad posaibty the ghastly tit ness o! <!.- s.ib|ect a!fccUd my spirits, for I felt un-.-uy, and uiiw.ttinglv my thungh'.ii reverted to home aad w;fo *nl laby's ^rif distorted vis-ij^c f:i learning that " p-ipa was goini; a l.ng, long, jo:irney on the <:hoo- choo ears and he must be a good buy and licln ina-nina. TIXJ nervous to sleep, I settled down with my k.ieci .-i^rnmt the iiack.-i '..': aoat ahetul. and, a-< adefian..c to the " Hue*," continued tin: ..'onveisation by E : u. um AT lit it- tLi IK. In 'HowcanHuch accidents be prevented, and how an the element of possible human failure l.e 'liirsii. ited ':'' " I would have the Government appoint a commission of experienced n*asl automatic system \, usii ..a 1 .1! to of 'i .uu'er-Mgnalu ra'. ..>:-. ^nim^ the ringing of ia. . anil Hrdal fur t ,.ib. r III, leeth liinkdx. the amiil and rather dull town of Ilyeres, ! ranee, there was a great baiujuet on Sept. 1 in honor of a moat interest ing person. On the day of thu ban<)ast uhi< man scored Ins l<iUlb year. But it is not for that that he is moat remarkable. He is the Uai survivor ot tha battle of Trafalgar Cartiuny, or K .it her Cartigny aa there, and wan quite a lad wi.en Nelson waa undoing so much of wini the (.'orsican par- venu waj doing on 1 ind. < 'ai-Lij-ny , who waa a common Hullor, was capt -irt.i ..y th. n... and, after some experiences in Tiritish u ni!j|.Tts, returned to Fnuiue and to Hyerea wher he ii-< been a steadily growing ti'uurc aa the years have paaacd and the little Cor- -..an and his legion* and Inn conquests liava fa led away into tlio purple in. -t -. \Yhen the lOUth auniveraary came around the youjig men of Hyeres got up a great/ banquet and at it presented the old inan wit i a tine itii.er medal. The oi.i :.;an, who ia bale and erect and has only one sorrow a t roubleaomo wound got in battle has been in a state of ecstacy ever since. r'cr years he has bean very fond of walk ing about tlie mam streets because he hear people say -u he passed : " Ther goes Cartigny, the only survivor of Trafalgar." He would tell hi* story to any who cared to tnd the story is said t , have vastly or. . In regard to the *" "8 lne : WKl ! all able sijjnaU, like on the engines. I myself once reasoned httle out of it. with bells and batteries in the cabs of Typ'ioid fever is Leco'i in. 1 very in Montreal, and there are at prcsint tifleen casea in the general hospift!. The Typothet.T of America selected T have been burii'-l an i inuc.i live stock pen-died. , com'iioiUticn and food ot the attendants shall be ei|ii i! to t!i\t of the jeanien, that the Henry Villard, the railway magnate, be ! "* *"*. " lcn ' ' ro enlere.1 tieve4 th&i tin* trnin .. t lit. \*nrr ltp<> 1*-, >iii in the ships .IE tides, and that lite uev cs inaL ine ira.ns 01 me .>ortneni rajavav , njna side oy side with those already Uii-l ronto aa the place for the next meeting to be system will shortly be operated entirely by , foreman <>-l attend.mu are on board - w-oul.l be reeeired at never less held , August, 18W. Mr. U . A. Shepherd. | electricity. before^he sailin.of ^the ship .In > somecaaes. ^'g^^ < d JS." improved with age, an indeed all things; should. But aside from the glory Cartimy hae got He has no property of his mile M>cucn.-j iiNafa)aas\UJ. alsvad aall JfiO more thaii wire between the rails, connection b*mg ) this, hut the fall of the second empire .tit made thrmi-h biuthes of tine flexible wires i aat O (f. Deapile the smalljieaa ot his living wh:c'iwoul.I sweep light along the track, i Father Cartigny Joes not complain. He wirea irrespective of the swaying of the en- 1 t i, all ks (iod daily that he waa bom a French- Rine, the circuit would be complete when majl , that he got a wound in the servi- - of two engines were place.l upon the same aec- , France, and that l.is lite wan spared lion, and both bells wonld ring, giving he might die on the l-'reiuh s.ii of hi- :ia:na unniibtakabic notice of the presence nf dan Hyeren. gar. The brushes could depend from the sides of the --u *.-it.-her and Ve inexpensive and easily replaced. If new mile stations .e onnneiice I every quarter mil. run Toronto, was chosen president. At the Winnipeg Assizes on Monday Wil- liam Pattenden w is fou-id i;i:illy of the murder of Mrs. Kodney at Man{ue'.>s last spring. Major John Stewart, of Ottawa, has been awarded the contract for the Toro'ito drill shed at .'40,000. His tender was th est of Ii The Dominion and Al'an lines iiave with- drawn th-ir steamers from the Ti service, and will run them direct to Port- land this winter. Robert McGreevy and S. K Murphy were last week found guilty l.y the Criminal Court, t,' 1 '" 1 "'''. of eonspiidct to ilcirand Michael Connolly. Buth delcndoiits i.ave disuppeare.l. A despatch from Winnipeg siys that of all tin wheat grown in tt.e North- West which was shown at the Winnipeg Kxhibi- tinn that grown by the In liana t.x>k first place. Mrs. Fuller, wife cf .F. B. Fuller, in jump- iiij; from a carriaye at the corner of Huron aud Morris streets, Toronto,fe!ln<t ic injuries so terril le that she died <vilhiu a few minutes. Of the 44,.~>00 sealskins caught in Beliring Sea this season, 'Jl.ins) were taken by Nova Scotia schooners tUhing iu tlu; water. The results have lieen so encouraging tl.at Nova Scotia capitalists are now tilting out a *-eet . of ten veisels lo proceed to the Pacific and engage in next season s ti<iiery. Le National, Montreal, says: "If we arc to believe a private despatch that rc.i -hes us from Ottawa, the ifreatest activity reigns at present in the national printingorticf The ' typesetters are busy preparing the voters' lists, in view of a general election to take place in IVccmbvr next. " The Dominion A. t respecting the new l>epartment of Trude and Commerce, hi h was Bussed several sessions ago, ia to be brought into effect shortly. Tne Act amal- gamates the Departments of Cuntoms and Inland Revenue, which will lie under the charge of tha Minister of Trade and Com- merce. I1REAT BRIT VIS. Her Majestv has prohibited smoking in VVindstr Casile. A serious outbreak of pleuro-pneumoni. is reported from London, Kng. Rain has fallen incessantly since Sunday aftenrxni tlirou^'.out Kngland. Rev. C. II. Sp-irjcon had recovered suf- 6ccntly to start f.>r Menlone on Monday. Michael Dnvitt has finally declined to contest Xoiih Kilkenny. Reports from al! |'irts of Rngland iudicale a continuance ai.d increase of the Boedr. Mr. Cladstone is said to have revised Ins home rule bill, si that it can at any time be placed before tlie country. The I'lster linen trade is so prosperous that thu wages of employes have been v iluii- tan ly increase 1 by the employers. An .uti'iuul was made on Monday night to blow up tiie oHice .>f The Nation il IVess, the McCarthyite organ in Du''liu. In Staffordshire and Worcestershire 3/100 H, - number of emi.i^its arriving,,, the ^Jg ^^ n^^^JZ, 1 : cil Hfjlfjkl M11MII17 till* nin* ,,1-in'lin .!. i States during the nine months end tember .Tit w-n 4^'.',.'7i). aa' HIS Donnelly, the author ami t.usMTvr d l sir LiMdnr TraMr. The (iropoaed measures of Kmperor \YiI- iiam to aliate the drink evil in I...-: many are altractiiiK much : l. nlion in Eurt.pe. It is so refreshingly novel lor a monarch toex- - could give notive of danger by .imply ron- -,.,. a J e>; ide. opinion on a subject of th:a ' tuese uever put in an appearance, and ti:.- '"-<-"''.-" *"* ^^ ^ the purpoae klud thw :he Emperor 'a remark, as to tne master of tl, ship ha.1 toplic* his SMI : two n '. w *" ** u f. a ">' ^ M s *- Uou : | nece.sity of reform have set aomc. wiio have charge ol the ammaU. The regulations j -""vmced of tr.e feasibility of my plan, I mlherlo rem< u ncj impassive on the subject, too late for use t hi, season and only ! ul >" ! F* 01 . rM '^ uo " 1 ; to thinking. That there is great heed of era' At.ianee man, sued the; ?t. Paul lione*r fx r*nence.i ill .cnvince all parties of the P*^' *ho returntd :twilh thanks, and , , ome i eB1 ,ution on the subject would also Press for ? 100.000 dama-cs fo- libel in charg- ..^Uricatioim which arc neceairy in them, j '" l "" l 1 th * < J '"' > the subject if Trom tl . e renwrk of lll!(mlr ,^ a fcw ing brtl*iy. Th jurv at Mtnnej|K !is ) " anv uatents : and vet. thomrh I almost _ awarded him ( lmr.es \\ovmbU, | n immediate adoption of the" code will I however, in al! probability, have the elfect a factory workman at O f quelling the agitation in favor of prevent- O f quelling the agitation in favor of pre- Lawre, has fallen heir to an eatata , ng the tranjporUtion of live cattle acroaa worth $1.000,000 m AottnOu tlirou.-h the the Atlantic, ao far, at le.ut, as the Can- death ol his fa-hcr, who went from Finland a'lian trade is concerned. Mist sensational live upon the road, I have nererseen an indi- cation that such a plan was aver dreamed tore." For half a minute following my compan- ion's last word nohuman \n:c<: minified with to the Antipodes :ti year* i id not been 'iet>rd from until his death was amiounc *'. by tile beer plague." The wide prevalence of the custom ><f (pending daily hours and hours 1:1 beer houses is not without ter.ous . ouneijiieu f. as li..iinarck and the Kin have lioth atu.-tet. Few i: any have ever papatra rapreaantmi; the ilecks of cattle iers 'luring and after a toy-nice aj scenes Isavc Terkowsky, a Russian Jew, who of cruflty audTiorror. Vh.rp";* little truth in such descriptions, and the (lovenunent should pcvately seud agents to ascertain n t:aac n concerned, .nisi scusutionai , . | ii uv noiiM. *w ,. m,, } i le. have been published in British l ^ e '" irln ofl " tr * m " " ru>hed throu S h , .u.^.dtnatUiccusiomhasanelevatingmoiat t.hf* <lr<irf*i .. 1*1 i arrived at New York 0:1 Satur-lu an appearance of extreme indigence. being quaati icialsaa to nia ability t; c facts before tukmg act lo take ,>are of him-sclt, jmlucc.i positive business has to be managed evidence in the shape of cash and letters of lonk.nuou, as passengers t _. I'. . ,1 _rc.1j, r\f\ I _L I _ * the storm. ItauUancy. Thatithasacoppoaiteraamlthstfd- The premomton of an awfnl cata-trophe i v%l d:niuof doubt. Theincr.asein then : enforced a ternn.-d si.eme upon every ^ peraoiiscommittin)? suicide, themcraase in to K ue - I insanity, and other e.'ila are directly attri- Ihe next instant the hanih buted to thia cause by German write, - which lie jf tl.ty chooee, and there are always too many witnesses to allow of any hiding of the tiuth. There is probably less suffering and i-re.lit to the extent of had in a belt around his b >dy . IS ..FMIi.l. \ markable sV.t like has l,eeu discover- ' <le * th amo "S J**' on ."vo)age now a days ed in the Hawaiian I.I . | ll1 *" lnerc * to *", aln " n K h;1 !" jn en "- grants ou sailing vessels in old days. As i ut Ii- are dumb and helplesr, it M right that they should be given all caiean.l attenti.ui. ction The whole ? r ''V n f< of th ' '"-brakes-the sharp whistle ] the KmpeK , r wlU fin ,f m lne ^o^ O l, garc hy ed with the imbli : i: '^ er - ha , rr y ln t footsteps -swaying . more ;irrogal , t E11 ,l lie tiant ix.wer than 'nuvseeevei-Mhi.i, . I I'gljta-* ternbla craah- shr.eka o! agony p rlllce Bismarck. In thiseffort to abate- the The Australian authorities will fnruiVi Canada with sea) fishery statistics, at the request of the Imperial ka*ff. .,,-,,t. j -^ j(J M lieiiiMy for men to ^ more MgaJaa arc reported in tii Medi- cue of them than they wouldof them.-elves, tcrnnean. tud continued llouils in Kugland, ' and it was never suggested that the ships France mid Spain. j ,| lou ld be pieveuted from carrying live men ' The Ameer of Afghanistan has sent a Urause much suffering and mortality was caused on thipboard. and fear .'eat h despair The two sections of the expreas were iu collision. The occupants of our car, the last of the train, escaped with a violent shaking up and many bruise*. Not so the poor wretches in the rear cars {of the first section. All the terrible force of the collision was there concentrated, and the lives of brave, noble men. of gentle, heiniess women aud tender trialmg children ndisciimiuately -.-rushe.i out and obliim'cii. mission t St. Petersburg to conclude a Rjaso-Afghaii commercial treaty. An abaudoued woman has lieen bnti In-red in Ik-rlin. liennany, after the manner ot Jack the Kipper. Bi.imark's announced intention to le-enti r Hero .ir-hi|i. \lo.t persona are inclined toward hero worship. Let a man achieve greatness or ucces in one particular, especially as a r or teacher, and th- multitude the pohucal arena u, received w,t,, alarm hy ciolhe ,, Wltll lmaguiajy excellenc.ea in other purtk'nUrs 'rre8[>oniling in degree drink evil h* will nave the sympathy of t'.ia beat men and women of all nations, but wa fear he will not accomplish much. Some- thing has been gained for temperance re- furm. however, by the Kuiperor's publio statement, though his example we uld -ount i. r mote than any words he can utter on the subject. There ia no doubt that I drink is the curse of the civ world. It haa alwiys been a sour uaiional.legiadalioiiaiid weakness, the . oustac'.e to moral and sooal progress. Mr. Gladstone stated m the House the (lovern-nent. Twenty million, of people in Russia are t "i7j, uua'kiiown point ot sup-ilonty. "This " said to be already on tha verge of actual | iahil n , her. werlhip ,. uu.ortunaU an.1 ' starvation. ..____, . ol Common. Kiaments of wood and iron aud human , tllat j,.,,^ lllia , n rt, c ied on the w..rl- bodies were scaltere.1 everywher*. and er ovilt than war, pest ilenc..- and fierce tonguea of flame leaping upward from , ombllle ,i. fwiKiuM Judge, have declared the v. reck told too plainly of the fate await- ,,, tlie ^,,^1, that f our .gf t h ,.' t ;,,. -,, inx- the imprisoned onea within. committed in this country is a ditto' result ( lh. the pitiful horror of tne scene dying , ( th( . ^nfc,,^ .-ustoiii. Ih - mothers exerting their last strength to pa*a Court of the L" in ted States in an their infants up to safety ; loving husbands Jeciwon averred that a greater am- and fathers "!'-. li!.| impotent to save tlieir loved mitcry shown by the statistics of every mourners for often leads to disappointments if one hap There is a terrible outbreak of cholera iu pens to become acquainted with the imain Amoy, China. The natives are dying by ary hero. I know of a woman who lot all hundreds. i interest in one of her favorite and moat Reports to the effect thai the Queen was apiiituelle author, when she le*rned that aeiiously til were current in New York and h WM exceedingly fond of be,con and other centres on Saturday, but proved to Le l"'miny. ""' of another wom^i who says entirely incorrect. | !>' '"> cannot enjoy ln.t*ning to tba ser- mons of a preacher aft -rshc has entertained A notorious female brigand is under ar , reat in ServU charged it ti fourteen murder. .^_?J?5!.^. *^:.^." 5SL th.t trembled not at -leath, but sougut and endless robberies. | State to be attributable to intoxicating 'drinks than to any other source. Kvery Uu labored with might ami maui till miU1 O ui L>ok about "him and seethe aistiaas, d riven back by flames. Mawy were r*I uug, and ruin wrougin by this arch- but numbers we could not save. destroyer. In I. iman helplessness we watched the; But "the uucation u how be.t to check tha end of the tragedy, deling like knife thruatu eu! TI ic Kmptior Will! m's plan i in our bosoms t he piteous a)>peai* of tliosu beyond our aid. The last humin sonn.ls from that fearful holocaust were the lovely strains of " Near- er Mv ' 'od to Thee" in a sweet female voice It is understood that the KUMIUU <> Few great persons are admirable or lovable toot i, a 1 apart from the particular in which they are >v- j_. r e*t. It Joes not follow t'lat bec-.une a ej wl|h u . t . MjUu^- be don. u, Canada but by majority rule. In Cermanv, however.it is different. The Kmperor may tntr , ^, kingly prerogative against the ^i^,,^ i, ul ev , n tn( . ltj uo ^nnot hope to """^ ,'" ""V^ " P "u- ic 9enU i" <int ajaiuat him. 1 lie groat thing lo do is to eminent will shortly issue an or-ler ptfchih- persou ia a gnat leader or teacher that he is iting the axporution of wheat. The Russian authorities have foroidden the performance of the ' Marseillaise " in all plscesof amusement. IVironHirsch has bought from the Ar^an- tiue lioverument for $1, INN 1,1*10 one tl'ousand aci-es of land for a Jewish settlement. Thu anti-foreign movement continues in tlie Hunan province of China, and a dot u me, it has been issued calling upon the na- tives to exterminate iio devil-mouthed Kuropeau pigs. Tlie Colony of Victoria is a'jfil to float a lortn of $.Vi.UOO,OUO, 'he proceeds ot which ,1 - . , ajsjsassaww * K *r*r nv VH " u e can do nothing more, said a iio-irse j,} uoa ie the public, and to ra .i.-e at my side. Thev have sent another illg j,,^,. unpopular ,,d di make the drink- ... .._.,.. _npopular and disliked. A ^ood train to take us on. It is but an incident of . Jaa j n,^ already bee. accomplished in railroad travel. \\'e shall be a few hour* tniU J lre , tlon i,, ljuih Canada and tha lalu at Toronto, but to-morro-v s traint will neighboring republic. The appetite for be on lime. liquor is) an SM|Uirad habit, save in a few " How did it happen r I asked, retojinr- C1|(e8 wherc lt j 8aplKir ul iv hereditary. rth ^ oart \cnTr. th do '" "' the " C0<i " I *' UeJ> tmoke ' bU ' k(ine< ' , li^chicf means ,,f Quiring the habit in 1 , 1,1 !\ex face *"" t " e tl ' reg ' >f m > ***"<* "!>"> tlua cotry baa lau Uia abommabia custom ... _ anme peraous or that they s .. j M _ aark night-trams OI - .. lrvaAl ' " U , sl ,^i |, v evell fallbal..w ^^"J ' h "' k r "'>' b runnu* at gret speed a few minnte. apart lervers ihat the "t eatinV'" custom .. oi hninaaUy sWloMss. A rt reformer th- sto p page J one ^,. o ^ ...,. ^ ^^ .S,>.rpecUng ... no longer and lhe failure to warn, the other in time to f u .quent barrooms, and when they do go avert disaster. That ;s ali aime or aci- | into these places they generally try To avoid entirely trustworthy, or kind, or agreeable. It ia yriaa for us U> contiue oar adinira- tio. lor heroes to thsir characteristics which w.-kn.iw tn bendmirable. If we do this we ineiiot .lis--ippointel.disheartenel when sre dis..-ovcr that 111 not rise above average persons or that they ; in iv, MI private life, be tyrannical, unfair, l a very innsasinbU neighbor or dent call HHoatyou wni, agaiu iu the same way, )<ci Iu . Wl!; last week struck work against P b works are to be expended iu railways and other a halo whu-lt may be loo large for them. reduction of ten per cent, made in their wages. The attitud* of the Pnrnellite and anti- I'arnellite factions in Ireland towards one mother is becoming intensely bitter. At the particular retiueat of Mrs. Painsll. he papers of the late Sir. I'arurll have lieen plac d in sealed boatos and deposited in the vaults. The (!e>-man Reichstag will reassemble on ' November 17. when Frinca Bismarel: will I I his Majesty. Frederick Smi\h, son of the Ute Right' Lord Lsmadowne entered the capital of Hon. \V. H. Smith, haa been elected to | Cashmere, India, on Satuiday, and was re- succeed his fathnr, as tha representative of ceived with great enthusiasm. The viceroy I In- stlaa I aiular. Ku Ji still Attracts more of th- world's atssution than the rest of Europe, One orgam/e an active opposition to the pi e-ien, i. theaaareibla famine prevailms:. horns and foreign policy of Kmperor WJ Clpss horrors it is hariilv possible u. de I lam. A petition to the Czar drawing attention to the treatment of Siberian exiles, signed by more than a million inhabitants of the I piled States, will shortly be presented to i s-rib. the Strand division iu the Imperial Com- mons. In a sermon preached last Sunday in Kil kenny, the preacher, Father Fidelis. a Franciscan, denounced Paruell as the most ili-pravcd monster that over lived, and the women who supported him aa limbs of tha dev'l, andthelocnl Workingmen's Club asa synagogue of hell. The fierce gales which have been sweegtu ovsr Groat Britain for tlie put week flH renewed Ihair work of destruction. Tlie Thames has ricn four inches, aud uules of land along its banks are inundated. Preparations are being made on a rait K-ale tor '.he London Lord Mayor's show, The crinift is aggravated bv ofii.-i.il f. One ot the lew creditable gov- actious is the ab.in lonrnent of c.'iirt icstivitiea at St. Petersburg in ordar that Uiste may to more money for the starving. This example of charitable re tiou-hmeut is sjsjlsnuvaly followed by private citi/ens, and in many way. basMV- olence ia displayed. But he noed seems beyond any possible provision of relief. Senator Kuranoff estimates that .t?,nno,OUO i peasants are Jestitutoand must he fed for caused th* walls of Woo-Chang, a large city I tha next ton months. Revolution is* ex in the province of Hoo-pei, to be placarded i>ectd as the result of the prevailing miaeiy, ' manac* to tlie is giving personal attention to the iciHirted Russian inioads on the 1'auiir. The Kulah State Society, China, nivc W II- i.l I V I . M PRV aa you go. Never fool in business matters. Learn to think ami act for yourself. Do not kick every one in your path. Don't stop-to tell stories in business hours Keep ahead rather than behind the times Do not meddle with business you know nothing of. Use your owu brains rather tkan those of . m-ir. a nxui becomes a dr..n others. A man of honor repets his word as doea his bond. No man . store* aud saloons. the front door. This is something gained. The refusal of self respecting won.en to tnarry drinking men U still another gain. \YiUiiu a short UUM there nave been reports ot at least two matrimonial alliances sud- denly broken up beoause the young women discovered the inaU of liquor about their intended hui*n'i*. When society frowna on the drinking nsan he will become leaa numerous, \t lo the habitual drunkard. Sa is every day coming to be more regarded aa a dangers*!* person, not entitled to be at !iir>;e. An tunaeut physician, Dr. Croiiicrs, nays that " the liberty of the inebriate and I the incatie 1s eqnalry .lanyennis : the nio- i'orteita all n-hla to liberty, and becomes a ward |^ ' 01 tin - tsUl, and should be controllpd.'' i Knf.'ice this doctrine aud drunkards would . , . . y " tlin and s.ls-> with posters announcing that all missionaries will shortly be exterminated. The Czar has given .1.01)0.000 rouble, from his private putse to the faimm (und, ud ( which is declarsd " a greater irovcrnment than all <U efforts f 111 A k luni.ise of apt is ' of sr.u4.liu - -. Jh.oh Tnt udlaRiiiK each nobility and tfc'e'landati gentry to term an- j >J V >** dr ,' ve " to other raw* for the retol of the famudiiiig nre < f e J; u .". ""* * ' - x , , ^ the inhabitants. By the unlteJ A coriaapondaat in Moscow saya that a " reasou is at the basis of the law othe Have order, system, r. promptness. If you have a phtce <f business be found there when wanted. I '' More mllw can be made :n one day by- going steadily, thau by stopping. Help others when you can, but never, give what you catuiot afford be<aaa it ia fashionable. ah><v he less numerous. If voiih 1> a drfrct, it is one we outgrow on ly tow sooa. -t Losrell. It is Ix'ttcr to suffer wrong tban U> do it, aud happier to bo sometimes cheated tian not to 1 1 usi. IJobuaou. It is uot work that kill* men ' it IK worry. \Vor4 is healthy : you can hardly put more ibjin lij uau beau-, \\crr of the government arid peple, a Msirsslt i tinaiKnar reason is at the basis of tne law | Jy ' allowed _ every individual in the exix-llmu the Jews from Ruasia, Christians | famine district. Learn tosa\s i.<. Nuneceaail) it out \log-fMhtoD, but say it raapectfully. , rust npon tne blade. [Ilrury Ward character [cott. leca cacry for all Use we*ld far a Moment, times. [A. Brvnson Al-