THE WEEK'S NEWS Ci-VADul. "Settlers continue to reaoh Manitoba from Dakota. It in believed in Ottawa that Mr. llalton McCarthy will be made Chief Justice of the Supivme Court. Civil service examination* ill be opened in various centres throughout Canada on November 10. It is reported tba- Mr>. Birch all in in Canada for the purpose of securing Ver hus- band'* body. Rd Fyfe heat yielded SI bushels to the acre on the experimental farm at Brandon, Man., thiM vear. St. Thomas, according to the assessor, has a population <? IO,.V>6 -about .100 more lhan lh Itominion ceuani taken gave. Mr. F. I). Boyes, a collector for the';.T. K. . in a violent tit of roughing hunt a blooj el in his head and died suddenly in Hamilton lut Sunday. In the Houae of Commons lut week an item of $.'i,000 was passed for expenses in connection with the proposed new kuted regiment for Toronto. Fur the third ijuarter of the year in Can- ad* there were .'185 failures, with liabilities amounting to SA76'.',UOO, as against 383 failure* with liabilities of (3,21 1 ,000 for the same three month* of last year. A burglar visited Judge Home's residence in Windsor, Ont., early last '1 iiesday mom- ing and got nothing, l>ut came very nearly get ting something /ie was not looking for, namely a ballet which the judge fireil at him. Sir Adulpin- t.'arnu ha* introduced a l>ill into parlUment which enact* thai when the militia is called out by the CIM! authorities a deposit shall first U- made by them to meet expense*. A deranged aon of David Ritchie, a farmer of l.arafrma, ha* been mining since the 'Sad inst. , and search parties have failed to find any trace of him. The five-year-old son of a I'nion Point- Man., farmer nvmd (.'lament wa* accident- ally (hot and instantly killed by his thir- teen year-old brother on Saturday. An attempt wa* made on Thursday night to wreck the Canadian Pacific express near Prince Albert. Fortunately the obstruction placed on the track was discovered in time to avert a disaster. Burglar* tapped a safe in the Northern Pacific lailway othce at Hr tn 'on, Man. , early Saturday Horning and got about flOO. In a smaller safe alongside tht one broken was a package containing W>,(Ai. It i* expected that the picture of M r. (iladiton* painte<l by Mr. John C. Forbes, R. ('. A., of Toronto, will be presented to the National Liberal Club, London, Kng., early in November. The ceremony will \>r performed by Mr. Wilfred Laurier or Mr. Oliver Mowat. A facsimile m .-tiK.ui.ies 'Cuustitutiuii of Albens " has been reveived at the Univer- sity of Toronto from the truitee* of the British Museum. The papyrus upon which ihe work was wri'ten was nsed by a farm bailiff on an Kgy|.t..ui estate, iu the first century, for the purpose of a memoran *!um. At English Bay. on the western limits of Vancouver. B. ' ., on Saturday morning Sheriff Armstrong and three assistants went to serve a wri. of ejectment on Samuel lirror. who liarncaded his bouse and tired with a shotgun, woumhng the sherill severe- ly and one nl his assistants slightly. C.reer wa* afterwanl* captured. i;ii> \T > HlTUV TJ.tvid K>an. will be l-omlon s next loid mayor. A Ixuidon journal pro|Hises lliai F.urope unite in a rice blockade to bring China to book. /'. .',."/. * London IH> ieiy paper, says "Mr \\illiani Veruon Harcourt's eveiigut i* feared. There are 676,100 pensioners on the roll at Washington, and the disbursement* on pensions account last year amounted to II 1 8, The steamer Teutonic has beaten the eastward Atlantic record, crossing from New York to (Jueenstnwn in 5 days 21 hours '2 minutes. _ The distance between New York and San- Francisco has been covered by rail in 4 days 1 - hours '28 minutes, the belt time on record. Alex Noble, a Swede, suicided by shoot- lug, and John Hump, a shoquiaker, shot and killed himself lat Tuesday morning at Buf- falo. Whiskey in both case*. The earihqutke that ha* just visited the Mississippi valley is ascribed to the terrible heat that prevailed. There is no record in Missouri of so long and severe a drjiight as this. Mr. Albert P. .Morehouse. ex-Goveruor of Missouri, suicided at his residence in Marys- ville the other day by cutting bin throat with a common pocket knife. Forty armed negroes have appeared iu St. Francis township. Ark., and driven all the cotton pickers trom the field. Serious trou- ble is feared. A family consisting of a fanner, hia wife and several imall children, w hemrnsd in by foret fire* nearTurtle lake, Minn., and bumed to death. The neighborhood of Vandalia. 111., has been without rain for a month, anil the -itu- atioo is alarming. Pastures are burnt up and wells are dry. In Cheshire county, New Hampshire, water in the riven, i* getting so low that numerous mills are not able to run on full time. Many springs are giving out. Fires are destroying property m Nnrt li western Minnesota at the rate of (TOO au hour. Pine City is in danger, and ">00 mm are at work fight ing the flames. Sow somebody has been unearthing a scandal in connection with t'ncle Sam's amount of grain and meats in the Cnite< Stales. The Moscow Cazette, n* reporting ihe movement of Russian troops on the Afghan frontier, boast* that rjigland i impudent menaces on the Dardanelles matter will be answered in Asia, wherethere lino Dreibnnd touaist Kugland. Despatches from Rangoon, Ihe capital of British Burmah, announce that great aii.xiety prevails there owing to the gather- ing of the dakoita in great force. Every precaution is being taken lo repel an anlici pited attack upon the garrnon at Wnntho. Negotiations arc on foot for a reciprocity treaty between the United States and the Dominican Republic which, if carried out, will admit goods from the United >tatesfree, while the tariff against al 1 other nations will be raised to an average ot HO per cent. Samuel Harris, a nati> e of San Francisco, has married the daughter of the King of the I'aumoto* Islands, in the South Pacific, and has been made Prime Minuter. The <>rand Duchess Paul, wife of '.Mini Duke Paul Alexander, the youngest brother of the Oar, and oldest daughter of King (ieorge of (irnece, i* dead. >he was only twenty -one yearn of age. Prof. Armimus Vambery. the distinguish- ed Oriental traveller, writes that since the Russo- Afghan treaty was MI, !>nled the Russians, in violation of in terms, have continued to encroach upon the Afghan frontier lines. KILLED ON MONT BLANC A Tourist and Hit Guide Avalanche. Hit by an *soi i 4 i t tfi - n ix karlr. Jassrark mm* < Wild >.!. i,.d farlnllles. Charles Jamrach, whose death was re- cently announced from London, was hardly les* generally known in the worlii of show men than Bar num himself. He had collect- ed iu his London shop for nearly fifty years, wild birds and s from all parts of the , and had distributed tin in among ton Government. The New York JsfaiV niul /0 ological gardens and ing r. -s say* there done there. is considerable conscience ... gardens and travelling mena farm- ff e\n of every civilized country. His ; place of business in Ratcliff highway. Kast Kerry aud London, was the Mecca of sailors from the S mill Seas, who found there ready sale for any curious fowl, reptile, or avae brut* be had taken in the tropics. Jamrach was omnivorous. A ra- 1 leinake ,. . or an elephant, a monkey or a tiger, a parrot polls, haa --onfessed f or * panther, was alike welcomstt hi* door a man named Gray < H * ould buy a polar bear as readily a* he would a spring cluckeu. for he WA- wealthy, always had a large supply of money at hand, and had tuch wideiprsad relations with the animal dealers of the world that he wassurv indue time to rind a market for (very rare specimen. He had, moreover, establish- ment* in Antwerp and Hamtuirg. and to keep all three places well sticied he was obliged to buy freely. The power of Jamrach in the captive annual world wa* well illustrated in IWi.'i.wlirn liar- mini a menagerie was destroyed. He re* ei >-d most of the orders to duplicate the lost am m.ils, and in a remarkably short period had landed in London Hy bis numerous agents the collection of wild beasts which Baruuui sub sequent ]y exhibited in the " biggest show on earth." Aslierittedaniannamed Jamrach in an Kug- lull city, the curious old man of fti tcl iff high- i'iploinaii'.-trouhieistii-e -. ing U t ween the way wa* something of a universal genioi. United *>: a''.'s and Chili owing to the refusal , Late iu his life he did not con tin* him*elf to of Minister Kgan to mrren.irr lo the Junta { collecting animals, but opened Insshop tna'l persons who have taken refuge in | sorts of curios. Porcelain from China, rsrv- '"in .la|>an, weapons from the ^oulli - "hs from Asi.. Minor, and ornaments fpi n the dark continent, were gathered by him with careful choice, yet in larp- M i*n- uT * Tk ''lilies. Anybody in London <v wislitd ""*" - > odd went lo Jamia.-ir. and few i the At Bradford,, Pa. Sandy James Darling while blasting Mumps with dynamite, were instantly killeil nd horribly mululated by a premature discharge of the explosive. Owing to tin- prickings of Jacob Brown, of Minneapolis, h, to a murder for which is serving a life sentence in the penitentiary at Chester, 111. A th -wheel weiginnn twenty ions burst in Cincinnati on Friday while running 7<l revolution* a minute. Thirty thousand dollars' worth of damage was done and one man slightly hurt. A collision occurred on the Pittitaurg * .Vestern Railway, Near Newcastle. Pa., the other day, lietween a freight and a bal- I last train, in which nine men were killed and a number terribly injured. Pennington's air snip was under a lent al ihe St. Louis fair grounds ou Saturday, , ready to he exhibited, when a storm caught the whole .iff in up an-1 carried it off No trace of it has been found. The ship cost him .tud blinduoas is now feared. Prof. Jame* Haley, a well-known light Jamei Stephens, the ex-F*nian leader ' weight boxer ami proprietor of the Long b\s arrived in Dublin with the permission ', Wand hotel, New Wk, died there of blood of the I'.overnment, to remain there for the | poisoning last week. The oisoning was rest of his life. He declares himself a sup- the United Stale- lura >f>n at Smtiago. At Lebanon. Pa., last Tuesday I'uu! Ku.i,- bergei , aged 4, wandered ou tlic tr t the Lebanon Kleotric railway approaching. His motiier. Bomlierger. rushed on the track to save bur. w ben the car struck imth. The mother wa* instantly killed and the boy will die. found it* way to Jamrach * place, for the At Bird I Kye. Ind., on may night a shop was not free from danger* an.l was in a party of thirty men took Mm. Harnuui, a disreputable neighborhood. Th wild beasts \..iinai- of loose cliaracter, from her house, , of jung'c and plain were in only temporary stripped her. and having tied her to a post cages and had not yet been hroken iiy con- Hon.. <l her with hickory switches in such a , tinemont. Accident* were frequent', and brutal manner lhat her life is despaired of, \. lamrach, who never felt fear, had many After the Hogging she was left tied up all i life and death combats in hi* dingy place. Once a leoparu bunt n bam while some porter of Mr. Parncll. It is believed that the Liberal leaders iu Kngland have cunc'ntftl to adopt the prin- ciple of thu I'.iyinin: cf nit'iii'iers of the Honc of Commons as a recognition of the importance of the labor vote. l>r. .lames, ex chairman ot the British We*le.yan conference, died suddenly at Ply- nii'iitb, lln^Linil, the other day. The effort* to secure the release oi .Mrs. Uaybrick will be futile, as her Holicitors have been advised by the Knglish Home Hit;, e that under oo circumstancei will lha case IK- reopened. fMTUl -TATBt. Ten Virginia negroes have been sentenced lo death for the murder of another negro. Snow fell at Leadville, Colorado, on Thursday night. The wheat y it-Id of Indiana is estimated at '..'(. 44 1 II" bushels, the heaviest since IH79. A land ilule half a mile long and 400 feet wide ha* occurred at Cairo, 111., the result of the drouth. The damage by the pranie tires in Km- mons county, North l>akoiit. is estimated at $500,000. The Public schools in Lafayette, Iiul., were closed for two weeks on account of the intense heat. Kp'>rts fi-Kin'.Ncuuuties in diffurent parts of the State of Illinois say that in all but one of them there has been no rain for six \u-ek* The most careful estimate places the hop twenty children atoodlwfore thecage. -lai rach sprang forward with a switch in his hand, and by a little whipping and pure audscity drove the beast back to its place. Janirach bail the Gentian'* knack of liv- ing at pesce with <{uarrelsomn and abandon- crop of Oregon at one- third less than the crop of 1 890. Heavy rains are falling in the Western State*, OjUenclnng the prairie lii- - and ending the drought. Dan Sullivan and Tom Johnson, of Kin Claire, W is., have been burned u> ileaih in a forest tire. Hundreds of crates of grape* ha\i- been seized in New York coated with n poisonous inbexance used In destroying insects. The Ohio Conference of the Methodist Kpiscopal ( hurch has voted t > admit women U general conferences a* lay del^\ Six per- "us were killed and twenty injured by the -*nm of a bomb at ui Italian celebration at Newaik, N.4., on Thursday j tight. Itkiv the result of a blow he struck an unknown man who iuiulted his wife. Haley's band came in contact with the stranger's teeth I ed neighbors, yet the site of his establish and was badly lacerated. ment was In a sii-k of a great city's iniquity. IN . >M K ., Six hundred building* remain standing at Consugura, Spain. There were 'J.IUO l- fore the flood. An incendiary Hie at rv. /.lenlow. Russian P.ilaii.l, has destroyed '.'S farina, with all the cattle and stores. A serious epidemic of iutiueuxa prevail* at Melbourne. Australia, .liislic Webb has just died of the disease. It is reported that King Alexander o 1 Servia, aged 15, has been betrothed to the Prince** Helena of Montenegro, aged 18. Kniperor William has appointed the 4 : rand Duke of Heiwe- Darmstadt a general of infantry and 8eld marshal of the empire. Russian troops are speedily moving west- ward nd the ea'vnlry depots on tn- German frontier are three times as strong as former- ly- The .I'-tress smong the Russian peasantry is increasing, and there are stone* afloat of parents eating tiicir children at Nijni Nov- gorod. Professor \Vinschild 01 I.eipsio has an- nounced his conversion to Proteitan timi in consequence of his disbelief in the holy coat at Trcves, Abundant harvests are reported from most of the Turkish provinces, and it is estimat- ed the tithe roll will exceed any previous year by .VJO.OOti Turkish pound*. A despatch from the city of Mexico says that on the 15th iust. an outbreak occurred in the city of 'Juatemala, and private ad- vice* state that tiOO lives were sacrificed. The ' '.'< is said to seriously think of sending the Jews in large numbers to Siberia, not as convict*, but to be presented with lands and forbidden to return to RUSSIA. Despatches from the interior of Russia are becoming more alaiming. The famine is becoming so intense that thousand* are dying of huitger, and women .ire selling themselves to procure food for their child- ren. A Chicago despatch says it i reported the '' !*cn for i in H | ii'Uiiuius i beiure. Scandinavian, Slav, < German. Portuguese, , Arabian, Chinese, and Jap were his visitor*. agenU, and neighbor!. The surrounding shops lioar signs for all wares and in all 1. .:<'i. i--:es. Here is " Posada part Manilos y Chinos.' there a " IVuwke Skomager. ''and near h\ a studio where.i .1. i,,.i -.buds of para- disc, ships, and women's heads tre tattooed on sailors' arms at the lowest market rate*. Opini'i I'lints abound near Jamrach s. ami rights are as thick as thistles in meadows. Some woman i* usually 'irsinnnd n'l.mner- inn along the gutter, and about everybody is after a chance to rob everybody else. Yet Jamrach lived in all this rift raff and hurlybtirly without even killing his man. The last of Jamrach's 7t> years were net his best from the tradesman's point of view. The decline of country fairs with thvir travelling shows and the abating of the fancy for pet parrots and monkeys ami im- ported eats and tiogs reduced the activity of his business notably, ami Jamrach mien mourned for the < I ays when he could afford losses through illness and other causes to the exteut of $13,000 or more aiiiiuallv. Still Jamrach never complained bitterly and tlied as he had lived, at peace with the world. 4 I r, ., I, .h... i M ..r . A Fin de Siecle ghost, who instead of being attired in the traditional white robes, goes about dressed in green, mid is known as La Dame Vcrte, is attracting a good deal of attention in the neighbourhood of I.e Mans. The haunt of the creature is an old chateau belonging to the ancient family of Lo Goidec, and? she is supposed to be the departed spirit of an. ancestress of the pi-Men t owner. Mysterious noises, an usual in such cases, are heard in the rooms ami passages, and the green lady make* her appearance in one particular room whenever anyone sleeps therein. The proprietor of the mansion recently determined, says a Paris correspondent, to exorcise the un- welcome visitor, and accordingly summoned the local bishop to hi* assistance. The worthy man slept in the haunted room, but far from removing the sp*ll he received a viiit from the mysterious visitor, and has ill ever siuce>. TI.e noists go ou an fcu... kr.i u.i. . a < rr..r Whlrb Their irmile. >arrwt> t:mpr<l 1 h. i mllei Ki-r.vrri-d IM Fees Brl.~ Disanturs on Mont Blanc are not frequent, but this year it has shared m the tragedies which have been, unfortunately, rather nu- merous in the Alps within the past two or three yesrs. On Aug. -I last an accident occurred not a great way from the summit of the mountain which cost two men their lives and involved a large party- in imminent peril. Two parties, each consisting of one traveller and two guides, and on of them having a porter also, were attempting to make the summit from the < Brands Millets by t> Grand Plateau, a route which is free from danger in good weather, but i* not the way most frequently taken. Both parties slept at the < irands-Mulets ou Wednesday night, Ang. 19, during which it blew sn bar 1 that it wa doubtful if the expedition could go on. The gale moderated toward morning, and they advanced independently, but both reached the hut ere-.'ted last year by Mr. Ballot, on the rocks of the Bosses du Dromadaire, which is about an hour and a half below the top of Mont P.'aac. The weather became worse again, and ou Tlmrsdaythe travellers wait '<! all day in the hops lhat it would improve sufficiently t permit an attack on the rinal peak. On I i. iay morning, however, it was decided that the ascent must be abandoned, and the to.insl* made up their minds to descend without further delay. Four workmen, engaged in the task of discovering a suitable (dace on which to erect the pi ' .posed ob- servatory which Mr. Jsnsen demrts to es iabli(h on the summit *Jo occupied the hut, .mil as the weather pr<^ente<i them from woikiiig they desired to go down to ' 'bamounix, and obtained leave to join the party. The eleven person* were roped to- gether for greater sevurity in the high wind and gut down nearly to lliu Pelit Plateau, H.I'.-II ii about an hour from the I i rands- Mulcts. Here they were struck by an avalanche from toe Dome du iioutei. The last two members of the party were M.-. Hermann Kothe, a lierman, and Michel Siniond, hi* : c'ii'1'-. They received tbc full force of the ' avalanche and were knocked into a crevasse ' and killed The others of llie parly were ' knocked down and overwhelmed, and one of them, Annan IComte. was badly miured. Those who were Irani hurt extricated their comrade*. They carried Comte to the hut on the I ir.inds Millets, and then made a wonderfully <|uick descent to Chamounix, and men went up and rescued the injured guide A* soon aa th* storm had *ubsided sul ti.-.eii'iy to permit guides to re-ascend tn ii. 0,1 lit mi a paru of them went up for the purpose o: recovering the bodies of the lost men. The Chomoimix guide* always feel it their duty if possible, to recover the re- mains of comrades wno lose their i.ves on the miuinitin*. It was tour days b. tore they found the e\ac'. -(/"i win ie ihe accident o. . cured, for .1. n H.:. oilier crevasses in the neighborhood, auii drifting snow had partly tilled man> if them. Seven teen mountain guid. n this work, at considerable pecuniary loss, for in the tourist season every day is prncioas to them. Finally they came upon nice feet of rope, attached to ("inetlinig li.-avy. ami air. found portions of an ice .\xc knovtu :<i have belonged to M . Holhe Ali. .n! noon t',iree men who lOHcreil to a denih of l.'iii feet into the i-evaase. succeeded m dnenjjugi body of Ml-. liotlie from ,i wall oi ice and lro/.en snuw. The 1 ody, whic ; > was ' hard, was found to lie hut little iimfgured, a wound over thu riijlit temple and a deep cut o\er ihe rijjht knee l-mg tho only traces of a violeut death. Having se< .,.,1 the re'iiiiuulc. or the rope to murk tiir pol tin- party iliew the ixiily slowlyalonx the suow slo|H.-s m ;lie li it "ii 'he ' : rand*- Mul- cts, where they rested - >>r 'he niuht. Next day tlie party .liscovei-exl the Ixidy of Mi. -In I Siiiicnd. tin- u-.iiile, several feel lower down in the crevasse. His naml* still grasped the fatal rope, whose loose coils were wound around bin rist exactly as they had been al the moment of the catastrophe, showing that, death must have been instan- taneous. h bodies were borne to the house of *Minoud's young widow .it Clminounix. The persons: engaged in this unfortunate expedition did not commit .my imprudence, except perhaps in roping no large .1 party as eleven together. Two parlies, one of five and the other of six, would probably have been a netter arrangement. The past season has been nn>re> orient unfavorable for climbers in the Alp*. There him l>een a good deal of bad weather, and the penalty of going on in tbc teeth of really bad weather is always severe, mid may take the form of a terrible .lisa-ster. It i* on such in occasion that thn difference between ^ondaiid bad guides is conspicuous. A X'""< ,'iude will pay no attention to the "M^'-I nexs of his employ.'! 1 tn n .1 beyond the point where a rnlreat is .still possible. Infniioi glides and gm.les uho .MI .ml.-. i>u' r,i li.miy know that there in da i iifer, but sometimes disregard it. It was thus that the terrible accident occurred on Mont Blanc at the beginning "fScptombei I^T'l. when eleven persons Uwt their l.ves. The party ought not to h:ive been on the mountain at all m the weather then prevail- ing, particularly a.-* the three tourists in the company were inexperienced. They were caught on th<* summit by a gale and a snow- storm which lasted several days, and perish- ed from cold and hunger. llooA guides would not have taken such a party up oxcept in in .settled weather, ami the weather ha.i been bad for some weeks. I 01,.- I If, -.r.l , I , , .- A 1'nris corresponilent relate*- a lemark- able utory from Saint C'repin, near Rodez. At the funeral of a man of 70, tlie four men who carried the corlin became onscioua of what they believed to bo movements inside. Nothing was said at tho time, but, when the ceremony in church was over they compar- ed note*, and each was astonished to learn h compnnii'ns felt similar sensation*. They communicated their fnars to theclergy- man, who immediately had tho coffin broken open. They were greatly taken aback when they suw the hands of the supposed corpse, which had been crossed on the chest, raised towards the eye*. They spoke to it, but it iliil not reply, though it swallowed some i ordial. The body was then taken back to the house, and it is said that the mc.usiiret adopted to restore life were successful, for the next day the man spoke, and drunk tlmil niMirishmcnt. sn.l in now SAI. I, although xtri.-nxly feeble, to be slowly r* oviring. m> HAIR MUM i> win H: hi r, M ,,), ., ..,., | ..I,, The coral snake is the most beautiful ie p tile that crawls, its bite is most dea dly Along the Floresu, that ma*niiicet d rive) way that runs iu and out among the T ijuo Mountains, liack of Rio de Janeiro, tiiaul these *>rnanienial pe*ts can be seen fiery day, their many colored - aiea showing in the sunlight while they move throuuli tb* foliage, after looking like elongated floweri as they rest for a moment upon some greei plant. At high noon the snakes can be seen lyui| in the middle ot the road enjoying a sui bath, and often two or three are huddled together, lied in a knot as it were, until oni lean hardly tell where one reptile begins oi another ends. Xobody has been known t* recover from the coral snake's bite : at leas) the natives say so. But the pretty littli reptile* are not dreaded as much in that country a* are larger one*, for they mverattack unless angered. Indeed vis- itors to Brazil count among one of the sights a glimpue of the coral snakes that line the Floresu, and often persons can be sees) i..ndinc. within a few feet of a bunch ol these maay-hued reptiles, watching ill. :n as they lie in their noontide stupor. But tread upon one or punch it with a stick and the foot and a half of tinted scales jumpi forward. Just one touch of the forke* tongue on t he leg or arm and within a fe v hours the person bitten dies in terribl* paroxysms. Lieut. Metcalie knew this as he strolled along l lie Floresta one afternoon during tbi month of September, 13K5. Three vessel) of the South Atlantic Squadron, Her Ma. jesty'* Xavv. were lying in Rio's beautiful bay at that time, and several officers on few days leave were visiting at White'* Hotel, that charming little resort up in th* Tijuca mountains. The Lieutenant bad been for a long walk and was returning ta the hotel. He was alone, the day wa* i-x- cewively warm, and he strolled slowly glancing right and left at the wondrous vege- tation that, nursed by the many rains and intense heat, is far beyond what any hot- house can mature. Suddenly lie stopped stock (till. H* bad felt something move benealh hi* foot, and inRlinct told him to halt. A glauue down showed him a coral snake. He hal stepped upon it and a portion of the body wa* under the sole of hi* low cut shoe. On one side the head projected about an inch, ou the other side the tail nrled up until it beat against his leg. That night Lieut. Metcalfe did not ap - pear at the tuU> itlvt' dinner at Whites, His fellow olticers were much surprised, aud when at 10 o'clock he had not shown up, they decided to look for him. Naturally they walked along the Floresta. but il was) m!iini(ii c efore their calls were answered by a faun :eply. Hastening up they saw him standing in the middle of ihe road, but he wa> swaying to and fro. In a Vw tremhjin^ word* be urged his companions to despolri' tiie little death-dealing reptile. A Unite wa produced aud with one slash the coral's head was lying away from it* body. Then the lieutenant fell in a faint. AshiHcap rolled off it wa* seen that his hair. whK-b the day before had been a dark IIM-WII, wax white as snow. It was the next day Vvfore he <-ould tell of his terrible expert ea<e. ' My n'rsl thought, said he, " was to do on ' did cut th* make's head off. i felt in in y pocket, but my knife wa* gnu. Then I tried to grind the snake un- ner my foot, but the roadl>ed was so -oft that tii.-rcpule wu partly buried. l> was shift it under my heel, for dei the a i eh of the foot and it would have had fn'l sway. You see the head was on !>' iui-i'i<- nl my ! .! fool, and 1 cc-uldn't line the rtci.t to ny advantage foe f.-:ir of falling ' er 1'lirn ;iiin I didn't Hare shift the fMi-i'ri.r. < >iiV. forked tongue was) Kit inn u h.i : ankle, and, having* op loMt-iii; h< es. little more would M.I vi romilu'd in my death. In nc. 1 ! vex i- HIM. the matter did not -IT ei\ alarming lo DM during the first hour. Kvery moment I epi--!ed to we some one. Kiit, as you know, the day wit* exces- sively hot, and not .1 .soul wns out. Finally night set in aud I N-as.i lo grow ncrvo.m. vl -; tfrew stiff and I 'cared cramps would come. I 'owered my suspender buckle and c.itefully ntiMiped down, intenton sawing off the I. ttlc demon '* head with llic sharp edge. .is I bent over the tongue flashed out ami I knew that I couldn't reach the body without being bitten in the hand, so I .'.oil upright again. About 10 o'clock 1 heard voices, and I I a prayer of thanks Two men and t\>" women were coming up the Floresta : I could hear the sweet laughter of the latter. Like a loo). I postponed calling until 'hey might con uenrer. Then I noticed thkttheir > V. il:-niu-t. and n-ali/ed that i bey hud nirned into one of the driveway* that lead to the hacienda*. Mv heart Link it bin 'He. I called, but it was too laliv Thu girls were singing, and soon their voices ili.-il .ui.iy. A little later a native punned me. He neen to the village drinking /m ca/" ml was half seas over. I called to him. He stood stock still, looked at me for a mo then passed on. muttering something about I ui. I suppose I di 1 sway liUi a ilrunki-n man. and I am -eriain my voice trcmbleil. In despair I yelled, ' Cobra.' the only word I know tuat might attract hii attention. Bnttheuid -->uake canwd him to run as if mad. :in<i I caught myself laughing laughing in my .igony. 1 hen a revulsion of feeling came over M I thought it would be sweet to die uid that it would be well to lift my foot an.l let th* reptile that n.-casionallv 9>|i:iriiieil tinish me. " At Inst I henr.l \oiir voices. Welcome* Indeed, more welcome music never greeted me tbau Hob '.* Imllco : I rcniemlior aymg something to yon, then felt BoVs arm around me as he bent ovn with hi* knife. From that time I know nothing till I woke tip in the b. T)o all the x"" 1 ' you <!n in the world. and -oak' as little it as p.. i si hie. Don t worry your bram almut the man in the moon, bur study the man in y.nir . n overcoat. Never be ashamed oi thy buth, or i'.v. parents, or thy trade, or thy present em- ployment, foi tlv 'neanness or.povcit, of any of them. ./ r. jii/ 7'iv " lean wait for your answer. ' hesngyrst- ed.timHlly, "if you w--h tot'uink it "Thanks.' sho answeten ; "|i-.,-, i> ., ..,^1 idea. Call arouuil saj 'i yci fion* now.'