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Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1891, p. 3

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WAR'S OWN FIERCE FACE, A BATTLE PIOTUEE BY FORBE3. If tii l>u U .,rl..-, I ii Ikr Mnrlrrllh 4>B lary" Paint* rrmr% I* Mima*; ' The /Culu war was my last campaign, and during it the cost bore of neces hard on inly copious ii.-wipup.-i < ritliing under the expenditure newspaper! AI ,,, ,,, nationality. They we ULiiajer* of reactionary tendency were down lu lium bers, but numbers stood t hewd to be wail that Benjamin Franklin had I mnd l Bwift i y an ,i , te adily on. T been invented, a regret which most of then- correspondents have, I am sure, over and over again shared in. I had not reach- ed >mth Africa when there occurred that If tia.<t I ; misfortune, the massacre of ISAM. 11 * LII U. But I was of the tirst parly which viaued that fatal Held, and the spectacle whi.'h it presented I cau never forget. A come again. And lo ! as they cleared the front, a living concentric wave of Zulus was mcloHed. On the slope towards Nodwengo the shells were crashing into the black masses that were rushing forward to the it. -unmet Into the hordes in front the Catlings with their measured volleys, were raining pitiless showers of death. Le (Irice and Harness were pouring shell into the thirketa of black forms xhowing on the left and rear. Rut those Zulus could die ay, they could dare and die with a valour iud devotion unsurpassed by the noldiery of any went up iped swiftly and steadily on. The sharper dm of the musketry for the inter- vals between the hoarse roar of the cannon and the scream of the speeding shells. Still the Xtilus would not stay the whirlwind of their converging attack. They tired and rushed on again. There were those who had fcamd lest the sudden confront with the fierce X'lln rush should try in>ii IM. t 11 > i i : r I corpses had been lying there in lhe nerve , of ollr heardlew lads ; but the ram indsun for four long month*. In the Briti8n jolJier was true to his manly tra dilioa.4 when he found himself iu the open i enemy face lo f-ve in the day pr>- ipitoua ravine al the bane of the slope, ing down from the crest on which {> I the abandoned waggouii. dead men Uy '.luck mere bones with toughened discoloured ikiu like leather covering the light. in I iixi i>kin MI'- Awful ron Amulet, gentlemanly, hut very modest and raticent Knglishman who was staying at the (1 rand I'a.-ni- II /i ! in Chicago a t'ew days ago was talking with a friend who owns a lanch in Montana anil " swapping ' some experiences when lhe question of the ferocity of various animals came up. The Kngliali- man had traveled over the entire known world, and ho said he would award the pulm to the tiger. In tii : .-ourse of his conversation, he told of an episode in his life that was quite interci'iug. It neeuis during a short *tay iu Java he bad, with a friend, attended A regular tiger-killing iu an inland town, at which he was mii:h disappointed. Thix tiger killing is cjuite an arluir. Having secureil quile a number of the animnls. which aro kept caged, the .Uy of the killing lierum :i ijuite a holiday, in which the authorities appear in state, Hags are waved an.l a great BY HIS OWN HAND. IJ. MI i; n .;iv Suicide* at :!.-. Mlo- liravr time generally is had. The cages are inside a hollow square, formed by thousands of native* with spears, aud when the tiger U let out he rinds himself iii*idetiic tour walls For "half an hour the square stood of "rp spears, and of court* cannot break OHCE THE IDOL QF THE FBENCH MATIOH. rokrn NiMllli .i nnhlr > .-u. I- l..ilh On Wednesday liii I.HII. lioulan^ar com- mitted xmcide at the tomb of his late mis- tress, Madame de Uonucmain. The suicide in Brussels, took place about nu m He stood alone by the grave of his mistress for some tune, appearing to lie deeply affected liy sorrowful recoiled ions. An attendant, who had respectfully remain- ed at Home distance, suddenly heard i shaip report. Hastening to the spot In; found )ioulaner lying dead upon the ground with i revolver clenched ill his right hand. A hasty examination of the body showe I that he Vi.l placed the weapon to his right ear! .in. I tireil. The -lecd hua caused miens- ex citcmeiit among the followers of the lead both here an. I in Paris. The police, Out of Sorts Describe* * feellns iMwuhnr in I.ITSOUI of ilys- pepUo tendency, or caused by cbungu of climate, se.ivm <>r life. The atomach Is uut ul order, the head aches or .loot not lrv\ right, The Nerves in strained Ui their lUmnsi. tlw mind a *Mifu-il ainl IniUDk. Till* c.nnimoii ftudi an cx-ellent corrective in llotxl'-, Sarsapa- rilkt. whii-b. l>v iti ri'guuttini; nud loutuj powers, soon Restores Harnony loth'- lyitem. ailil HIVIM Ui.i! iC.-iiuUi mind. nerves, awl body, li,,-h mokes unc (eel wru. Hood's Sarsaparilla I ol J by all clt ueifuti . II ; <iz fur V Prepared .ulj by i I. HOOD A CO.. Apolhi-.-ariei, Lowell. Mus. IOO Doses One Dollar redly pouring the ! through or jump out, and <> is slaughtered. S ,f dealh-from every face. There was This is their idea of sport." who . now ui poes.,on of the suicide s- nk'euu* and clinging tight to them, the I ^^ lny jouna of human speech nave the ' Mr. Denham, the Knglishnun rejerred to ' llj{i"^. ve not yet announced whether | ! ..I ^ted away. .Some were almost ] iet i u j u n ctioll g o f t h e omceri-" fire low, ' nad gone to the exhibition with a certain M. i he '" *>,y Uteiuenl. It is known 111* posi your aim- no wildnes*." The : Moreau from Southern France, and they llon ; botii hnaiioial and political had been , . I ......._ .......... ....~i .. .1. ......... ..I-. t: . ,1 ifettuii? blacker ami Mocker of late. wholly dismembered*, mere heaps of clammy j m Vn Y"get""yo"uY aiin~;~ no wildness. " The j **oreau from Southern France, and they i l ' on i both financial and yellow bones. I forbear to describe the , / u i ua ' c . ou m not , to'close quarter* simply ' wer supremely disgusted. " These tigers, 1. . . .....I. . U-._ V.I . -1. -_...] f...,.,. ... ....I I . . . . .* .. "PI. . ' ' "~ rk ' : ~ * " .u - > MI. . / n: 4 her BUIurr .if Ike II . iu u hi, h Is Pellllm. TIIK KdTI'KK I1H.1) ol'T Nil llol'K of the slieer weight of our fire. The I "' Mr - Denham in telling of it. " are gen lore through them like a harrow i "ally kept in cages for several days, and to y la>> all dhi* remaining friends became as! weeds : the ticket ravaged their l much of their ferocity, and of the ten I co ld as t hey ha-t once been warm when it i f.n e< with their blackened features and betirda blanched by rain and sun. Thecloi lia I lasted tetter than the poor bodie* t | ir owgh "eon. ; mo KK.-KW i.> 8 o.. .,..,,. . thev covered, and helped to keep the j ag*f path through the masses. One rush 'bat we butchered only one .bowed any ] wassemi that the once famous" soldier was ski-l-ion* together. All the way up the j ame w j t hi n a f ew y^d* but it was their P'"t whatever. slope I traced by ghastly tokens of daad \ ut e ff oru Their noble ardour could not men the fitful line of flight. 1 4 was like a | , dure in t |, e pi^g o f ,. appliances of Ion.; string with knots iu it, the string j c i v a ly:e< i warfare .They began to waver. The formed of single corpeex, the knot* of clu- i tune f or t j, e V alry had at length com*, ter.,f dead, where, as it seemed, little Lord Chelmsford caught the moment. Dniry .no longer neeeaa'iry to the welfare of, The one I referred to was a inagniticent ' France. Of these thiiu* lie was conscious specimen, and appeared to be alieolutely and th-y preyed on hi* mind. To this is to | be added the morbid love or infatuation which lie felt for the late Mde de Bunne- had gathered to make a hopel fill uit utaiia, and so die righting. MAXuci..i'i Awrn. KIKI.II. Hi-re -lir slaughtered dead lay very thick, that the string became a br*d belt? On t!i- .r.: ground on the crest iUelf among Uif waggon* the dead were lew thick ; but on Ihe slope beyond, on which f nun the crest we looked >lown on the scene, was the sad dea'. ind ntorc foil <( weird desolation than anythi** I hail ev r ga/*d upon There \ > notfung of the stark blood curdling hor- ror of a fresh battle field. Nothing of all that makes the scene of a yesterday s battle so .ickeuingly ghastly shocked the senses. A strange .lead calm reigued lu this solitude of uature. Brau bad grown luxuruuitl fearicss: but when he ran against a sharp spears, aud saw there was no way bre. iking the ranks of of Lowe was sitting on his charger watching with ears and eyes intent for the word. It came tersely, " Off with yon. " Infantry made * gap for the lancers and gave them too a cheer as they galloped out into the open, knees well into saddles, right li.uid Til IT TKIiKIHI.h Hill.l.\\ mam. to whom he was undoubtedly greatly attached, as evidenced by his renouncing he jumped hack sc-cral feet with a howl of! what might have Iwen an important politi with a firm grip of the lances, down at the thirty feet ihrouuh. This tiger bail been saved for the last, because it wu* thought he would furnish some sport, aud suddenly, with the quick, catlike movement character rage and stood lash'iig his sides and looking ' cl all around him. I he hollow of the *(uare wan perhaps rittv yards across, and the wall of men forming it was perhaps twenty or -reer in or-!--- to lly with her from Drury Lowe collected his chestnut saved tor the last, because it ww* thought he | political upheaval. Revelation* made by rre, the well-kuown BouKngiat member of the < 'ham her of Commerce, sub- into a canter and glancing on r his shoulder ,'vf the command "at a gallop,' "front It is an open question as to what would have happened in Kranci: had the general chosen to fac* imprisonment and a possible pol M- torm troop*" and then " front form line." j i/mg hi* kind, there wa* a streak along the ' seiiueiu to Boulonger'* night, show he had You may swear there was no dallying over ground through this open space, and a flash | held rclavtions with the Count de Pan* and these evolutions ; ' the cohesion, and in hi* voice, " Vow for it my lads, charge. " howl as he landed on the spears of tbe'outer and active nwml>era uf the Royalist party, The Xulus strove to gaiu the rough ground, rank*, and we heard the hu//.a* of victory | had spent 3,000,000 francs in advancing hut the lancers were npou them aud amonu followed by wails for several savage*, that lie ' Houlani/er's cause. Lord Randolph < 'hurch- i ; just one pull to make good | through the air, and the tawny beast made with I'riuce Jerome Napoleau, and that the id then with an eager quiver hi* last effort for liberty. We heard him | Duchess d'l'a, one of the most, ambitious) sprouting from seed scalier-mi from the wag them before they could clear the long grass of ' had evidently killed, and we turned sway | ill. the Margin* de Krentil and the^on-m ' gon loads and falling on soil fertilized by the ' "" P Ill ' n I* <*"* on d ^ * lhe glorious ^ and began our preparations for a return to life blood of the brave men whow poor mains were visible in the interval of the P ru " prestige. soaire stem*. As one strayed aimlessly about one Humbled in the long i<ras ov er skcle tone that rattled to the touch. It was the muMTableat work wandering ab> kate camp amid the sour odor of stala dath ad gthering mournful relic* letter* from Noii'.'. photograph* of loveil n<m, blood stained book* aud other sad souvenirs white weapon" reaasert once again its I < Kt I K III I I 4 r ra Brlarurd 4 lei. A remarkable story of a returned convict 's arecr wu relatwl in the Liverpool Police the cuait. Insteail of returning a* we hail come M. Moreau suggested that we get a couple of guide*, and walk lo the little station of Kel, ! whtre we could take the train lo Blittar. ,. - , - W. secured two gu,de S , and in order to lose ! '' t!l llt ,_ fro _ m *.?.'*: ^^_^ a '.'."i" !'" lt no time started at once. One -' ....u I asked if it was true that the law of the Pitches* d'Uzea, the Due de Leime*, were also at one time warmly in- terested in lieneral Boulanger'* fortune*. MtntMK UK IUIXSEM If- the general to Kngland alter One otW guide. ! * w " 'l~>r'unl y ill in Brussels, the " m*j I ''I irom consumption. A rat la pbysi-mu went the royal tiger) had escaped ; the other HsmiC lUEUTBC l-KIN. I Hie poor I'rince Imperial 1 had met oo and active - roiirt on Saturday, when loos. Williams guide informed him thai it had sprung over, > --- charged with failing to report him | oul (,^1 been caught, in the pers of tha the dock. The I the Xululaod i young man of great brightu TO, _ _ self. He appeared to be in a terribly feeble ' ou te r rank* aud _ ondition. and had to be almost lifted into j Towards dusk we'came in sight of a lovely who hail under- %tre ,ni of water fringed with trees we had had been a thirty years In May last prisoner was found on vement outside a tailor* sliop which hrokcu into. He h*d past. the i eympathy.fullo^aptitudeformili^ryitudy. 1 "J^ M,d with a keen wiue of duty andd,*c,p [^.J^'7 Une He wa. fond in the interval, of ? o,p ( ing with e about the eve., of the Fn,,,..,- 4nd lefl trm wm , brokeu ,,, d KVenl *&\ Oermanwar and he told me v frmL . ture(i H , WM re ,,, ov ,.,U:, the inHrm - stone, .regarding the early days fc ^^ , V|o , ent , llml lhc ,, oc . U)r stream of water fringe*! with trees l>een crossing a small, sandy desert for the past few hours', and hastened to reach a point where our guides told us was an ex uellent place for camping. First we took a delightful bath in the stream, which was a window on lhe second floor, | verv ^j,!, ,j,j ohallow of that struggle, whi.-h had so chuiged .h future of his young life. On tbe voyaae to Houth Africa, as f have heard, hehadex- nrpued the wish that he might be wounded by an assegai stab at '"nil. Poor fellow, Mwcai stabs from head to foot when I saw him lying stoue dead on the blood-stained ward by the Ityotyosi river. We found him lyiag on his back dripped, his li-ad ' so bent to the right that the cheek toadied the swaid, the right in Wretched out, the left bent in- wards toward* th* thigh. The lace, wboee feature* were in nowise distorted , but wore a faint smile that somewhat parted th* lip*, was t*io*[| with blood trom a cut on the paring In a u of lip SAW and were ore , a. ,r,- ' k lArKO \HMPIU H.\v \(,S< and nurws insisted on liii miioval to the \^, 111Ilg towards us with their long .swinging workhon*.- hospital. He refused to stay trot . We glanced at our guides, aud were there, add w.v therefore br .Might before the mt ollc , i n f orme< | that they were friends and le was ordered t be sent Uindred, and upon their arrival leai nod that to complete lus sentence, which expire* the " man eater had really escaped when Align*!. we tuppiMed he was killed, aud they were on his trail with ordern from their ruler to nl. I -. V, ,|n,l.. I. r i kill him if they could not capture him. expressly to treat her by a new system -or siiuii{ of inoculating the patient with the germ* of phthisis with gayacol. In spite of the efforts made to save her she died on .Inly lionnumam, at the height of Koulauger'* career, two or three years ago, lived in the I'.u- de Been, I'aris, where sue was continually visited by the general. I Spie* kept track of their movement* and I discovered that they were very intimate i Madame; wa* informed f the I facts, but refused to apply tor a divorce. It i wa* greatly tnniugh Madame de Bonne- main', favor that liou'anger a* i'le to carry on hi. political lutm-nes. for the iivl inherited <l,. r )OU.OOO, all of whicii tl: ! voted to bin cause. vi HIT Tim WOKKMP.N -*A* One of the four men working in the m.- tery at Ixelles, one mile south ol thm where lioulauger coinuuiteil suicide, naid ln- uoticed the latter when he entered the . m. tery gateiatabout I I..'K> o'clock, looked The Kuuiaii untional hymn, which has played such an abnormally targe part iu European politic* recently, is very young. considering the gray antiquity of the coun- try to which it iM-longj. \V hen Czar Niok- olas'with bis composer, violinist, General, and Adjutant, Alexis !><. lurowach Lwow, appealed in Berlin and Vienna in 1S.'I3, tbs) of garrisons were -oust rained lo ^reet him with their o\vn national airs, for painstaking research had tailed to dis- cover a melody essentially and imperially Russian. Nicholas was considerably abash- ed when his attention was called to tins .it ile ot affairs, aud hi* tint order upon his return to St. Petersburg wa* that Lwow should prepare i Russian anthem. The result wits the glorious melody of ''ioJ Save the Czar," which even Kiisaiar radicals ui't subjects of the three allied powers ac- knowledge ha* not been surpasaed in purely patriotic, music. The word* of the liymu were written by Shukowaky. The anthem was first rendered before the n No '.VI, I S.'K!. It was made the national Russian hymn by tbu decree of the following Dec. 4. Lwow received from Nicholas, in recognition of the composition, a snulf box set with diamond* and the right to carry on his lanuly coat of arms the word* : ' *iod save the (>*r. " "German Syrup" G Gloger. Druggist, ^'atcrtown, Wis. This is ihe opinion of a man who keeps a druo; store, sells all medicines, conies in direct contact with the patients aud their taniilies. and knows better than anyone el*e how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge : "I know of no medicine lor Coughs. Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef- fective work in mjr Coughs. tamily as Boschee'a Sore Throat. German Syrup. Last .. , . and pale. ISouhuiger at once proceeded to HO*rS8nt3S8, I>ongbefore the perioii of the Reformation ! There were fifty savage* in the party, and the church wa* uot only a royal burying | they hail already made up their minds to I thV/ravB of Mme."Me iJonnemaiu. "which i* place and the i. em- of every coronation, | make uo effort tu capture him, as he had ' OMU . where the men wer working, but but also became the place appointed for killed seven men in escaping, but to kill him I w hich wua hidden truin their view. A'boul royal weddings and christenings, Te Ik-u.a* al the first opportunity. Consequently, a* three qua* tr* of an hour after the general - soon a* they had refreshed themselves with had passed the men were startled by the a baih, they croesed the stream, and went i ou j ^port of a revolver, and rushing to the for victories, and national pageant*. It not until the reigns of Heniy VIII. and of Kdward VI. that a marked increase took rfcia On the trunk were a score or more of ! P'I' ' the number of uon royal interments. K i. wounds: most were supertioial stabs, 1 '" l ''' right along on his trail, while we followed but there were two dep wounds on the iiore leisurely. c reign of Klixabeth there was a great We hl gone but a very short distance, Irvelopinent in this respect, and the chapels however, when we heaid a great noise, and *ide. one m the throat and one destroying i round the east end of the chun-h were no running forward saw for the first time the a* eye and pene. rating the bead wounds bled afresh ae we moved him. Hi longer used as places of woiship, but became full fury of a wounded tiger, simply receptacles of tumbs and monuments, j The savages had come " layers left the little gold chain whi.-h was i Krngies of the illustrious dead rapidly mill- | clump of bunhes in the middle of a large him in grave found Boulangor lying beside it. He wa* .had. His hnmi was tightly grasping a revolver. The liall bad entered hi* temple aud had passed tluoug'n liin head. 'Hie body was taken lo Ko.i lander's late ie*i dencc Boulanger came here mm London a few ... _ mouth* ago. Recently he had not occupied lasped around hi* neck and on which were | 'P 1| J . ind mur ' tablet* al* > began to open clearing, and had intended sun-round ; |,j. rewdeiice in the Avenue Louise, but atrung a locket containing a minialurc of bit Ppe*r . But thougli the stream wa widen- ing him to^prevent his ^escape, but^there i owing to reduced iiieanhad Wn compelle.1 i mother and another enclosing a relic. The relic ws that fragment of the true croa* which wa* given by Pope Leo III. to Charlemagne mi hit coronation, tud whicii dynasty alter dynasty of Krencli neuiar. ha aav since worn a* a talismin. winter a lady called at my store, who wa* suffering trum a very severe cold. She cuuld hardly talk, and I told her about German Syrup and that a tew doses would give re- lief: but she had no confidence in patent tnedicirie*. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for it. A few days after she called and paid for it, --aying that she would never he without it in future aa few doses had given her relief. ' 9 Or \ HIM. 1C MHO S V \IV.. ciy sad and solemn was the ncvnc a wu t-l arouud, silent awed, and with lkiie.1 headn. looked down on lh untimely 'ead. Au oiVi..-vi detached the necklet and placed it in tu envelope with several lockb of the I'rince'* short dark bail , for transmission tu hi* poor mother, whoa year later made so *a*l a pilgrimage to the spot where we >od over nsr ed, the burial* were almost entirely thove of was no necessity for that, for he seemed as ' lo | )ve m a small hotel. The general's faimlie* who were either connected with Anxious tor tight as they. As a result, they ' then stood royalty l.y relntirniship or had prominently had hardly begun to sepaiate when he was serve<l the sovereign in the council chamber. ' upon them in a perfect fury, at court, or in the administration of the 1 I never saw such execution in my lift, law. | The baud of savages were picked meu, and The Reformation brought about an enor- weie acl've, vigilant and brave. But tbe iinim change ; but for souie generatiuiu the tiger s movement-* were like Hashes of light- honor of interment iu the Abbey had been mug. He would spring al one man, knock confined mainly t.i great statesmen, lawyers, , him down and crash another in hi* jaw. at soldiers and their families. Soon there came ' the same instant. And while a crowd of the the dawn of other claims to that distinction, savages would l upon him instantly with It is true that the year 140O had been mark- ed by the burial of Chaucer in the Abbey ; but, singularly enough, this wa* not in re- munition of his claim as a poet. It wo* due body, wntpped in a blanket, was placed n I tiiee.ihafts and on t'ns oxtuipon/e.l l.iei it w* I it ue by officers up the .slope to the am- bulance that wa* in waiting. It was miser- able death truly for him who had once been the *on of France. It wa* strange that it should have happened to me to have itood by lhe n'it gun tired by the tiiTinau* from thi Height* of Saarbruck on that August morning of IK70, whcu the I'riuce Imperial received what hi* father grandiloquently styled the boy's "baptism of fire," and to stand thus by the corpse of him untimely lam iu the obscure corner of a remote con Uncut- 1 have seen the Kmperor, hi* father. %t the pinnacle of his Imperial power ; I taw him in the hour of his bitter humiliation dead son Then ih>- | rather lu the positions he held under Rich their spears, he would shake them olT and leap for another victim on the outskirts of i hf crowd. This was in progress when we came up. and w K -I'lHIH IV IMV.'.KMIM' ard It., among others that of " clerk of the loi -a moment Matching it. and trying to royal works"; tn his residence at the time ! see how we could help. We at once saw of hi* death in close contiguity to the old ! 1)1*1 we must take our changes of hitting a church ; and not least lo his connectioi ' through his wife Itiilippn. with the Lan castnan line. Kdmund Spenaer, in I.V.JH, was friends say he has been iu. since j the death of Mme. .!< Itouuemain. He had aged perceptibly and grown much thinner. ill >.. lit tt >!. IH I Mr. .,..!' n ,.. t vprn n. r In a CrrHI*i A man in KUIII^H VX'atlerhaiiseii, a villng* near Berliu, wa* a In w days ao (writes a Berlin correspondent terribly stuiig by j wasps, wluftte i,ust he hud unknowinglv <lis- t UI-IM d Aii old pump stand* near hi* cot- tage which is no iongi'i uted. l..nt Wed- nesday ho thought he would just see whether it wa* possible to still pump water Singular A ll-rear-old boy at school wrote ttui sentence in 011 exerriae: " Ten men and foul woman.' His teacher pointed out In bin the Miitence with tbe remark : "l*i' possible that you do not know . after all these years at school, that the plan) d woman i* women '" The buy acratcho<l In* he*>il in a noma- hat disconcerted way. ' Anywav," he **>id, " i've oiteu heard my father MV thai woman is a un^uliMr reature !*' the first poet to whom the crowning honor of interment m the Abbey wax conceded as an exprea* tribute to his poetic fame. Like t'han.-i-i, he died near the church, and the Karl of Kuex undertook to pay the expense* of hi* tuner-.! Tbe commencement of the civil war marked a new period in the his- tory >f (lie Abbey. It was henceforth more out of it. Uo moved the handle, and w do- ing so disturbed a wasp's nest which had I llmu , l; 1.11.01 .wm. win * IIIHM-*** u. ,<*.. UK :,* L-, - -l L '^t his connection native, so. grasping our rifle, and getting ! l>een . bu . ll . t . ln 'i de the , P un> P- 'J c tecl them ready, we separated slightly and got .Uacked h,m funoiisly and he fled down within shooting distance. M. Moreau got , Lue l '* <1 - ' '' *?" f ~" ' tood by death willi ;>rofounder emotion than when I lo.ikf.1 down that mournful morning on the corpse of tin- last heir of a splendid name. BHITISII I IIAROH. AT I.I Mil. I he time had come. Bullor's men liaviug Ji>ne their work galloped lck into the titter of the square till their time should distinctly MI. I consciously recogui/ed as a place of burial or commemoration, an ev ep In moi which might be attained by after the defeat of Sedan : I saw him lying distinguished merit. Koth the Protector dewl in the corridor of Cainden place, and and I'ai iia:: .-m A ere imbued with what witncwedhia cofh'n laid down in the little chapel under the elms of Chisclhurt. And uow f ha^ lived to see his only son Ivm* d*. I in a grassy hollow of Xulalaud, pierced to death by assegai stabs It ha* been my lot to ga/eon many dead, who have died of wounds at the haiidF of an em-mv : but never have 1 stood by death with profound** may IK- .-.iDcd ti.e more modern sense of the value - miitemoralioit. -[Chamber's Journal. peopl- who tires* their <>odies 1 1 iu tin- lieigli' "I t is .:n in. I let their minds go in rag*. A good many pronchers try .10 hard to feed a few gintlV mthcii 'locks that they let the sheep su.l lamhs n< u t death. 1st Old Wife -" I loot Jenny it'll Iw a bad day for your excursion the morn." _d Old Wife " I'll jist trust tae Providence." 1st Old Wife umbrella. " " Aweel, if no, jist tak your ACOBS m fo"W'l '" the tirst shot, and with a howl f rage and i ^"" ]\\ pain the tiger rushetl a tew f eet toward him I " A cat t wu coming along the road in whicii sat a pt-uaiit, his and then inade one of Ihosc msgniticently I wife - an<l tho dlivtr The man, in hi. de- , beautiful leaps through the air at his x ictini. Prtion. rau wveral time* round the I was entirely prepare.1 for a shot, aud I c r j t - n P'," , th * t tllc w ^JR*2" d w*?"" i w at once that the only chance lo save my ^> d att k e 'orc. I In* they certainly | fnen.l from fatal wound* or instant death ! d ! d - l>u . 1 a ^'X n"'" 1 "'' '"" "tuck to him, ! wa* to try a shot "on the fly." to when the , tlU l '" l ho "" row Illlll8elf " lto " mo l " ok j tiger iinnr for his leap I followed him with my nili- barrel and let drive. I have always been proud of that shot. It went through and through, immediately IMS- hind the animal's shoulder. and when he fell right where Moreau had Iwcn, he fell out without a .(iiiM'i After it was all over, and Moreau and I had congratulated each other (for his shot hail been a beauty, too -right between the animal's eye*, and its glanzing had alone prevented its bciuu fatal), we watched the natives gather count their IOMM. in the tight there were seventeen seriously (and some of them fatally) wounded, and eleven killed outright. Aud I don't believe that any one who ever saw a tiger thoroughly enraged will dispute me viheu 1 nay that it surpasses in ferocity any !>easl in creation. themselves together and Out of the entire number ' lumhes, and rolled over and over in I hem until ho hd freed himself from the enraged insect*. With his face teiiiblv swollen, Hud nearly bliml, he hurried to the nearest inn, where raw meal and wet elay ucre laid upon the swollen parts. Iu the meanwhile the peasant's liortvs, maddened !> the vicious msecls, bolted. The peasant mid the driver were thrown out of the cart, u ml the wife Uy at full length at the bottom, the wasps stinging her as well as the horse*. It took some time to catch the horses ami then to kill and drive off th rest of the wasp*. Happily the occupants of the cart were not much hurt. Jav D P JL f bFl t A I RI ** * " *> Tie Tfjsrbrr. Experience) is a teacher, and the experi- ence of all who havi! ever used it, is that for bruise* there is no n;iiiadv the equal of St. .Jacobs Oil. It is the UMII uae. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache* Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Sprains, Bruises, Bums, Etc. old by Druggists ami Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a '.. .ul. Unctions in U I i i TNI CHAfLES A. VOOILIR CO. Jammdtc. Ilk Canadian Dapot : Toronto, Oni.

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