^liil Wffl'S NEIS. CANADIAN. *'' c-l. y McDonald and l*n other men, ..:: r-ic i by a woman's cries, went to the .OHM- ot ,i farnvr named Kyne, near Port II ."in, yesterday morning and found the . ln-aling his wife. They stepped him .11.1 then Kyne got his shot gun and killed tll<M1 kllled * McDonald. The murderer escaped. I fell with his balloon into the Hudson A yield of 4o bushels of wheat to the acre , ot ,, er ,, .,,, W(U drownc .j. One of the Jewish refugees which landed his half-brollier, lohn I'acker, in Plait, Kan., on Saturday. William 'Vet /el. of St. Louis, Mo., has lx i nine imbecile from cigare'te smoking. Forty bead of diseased cattle wen: found in s consignment which arrived at V: York on Kri.luy from Kugland. William Lampntromp, aged ii'), fatally shot his wife in Chicago on Saturday, and -UK ui:i i\i 4*10 sK i in oi.it i iihui'innii raa Kianu Where I. sen luilluu- Hud Br.-n Biirlrd. Two prospectors recently visited (lie Is- l.'iui of ^an Nicholas, off the Vuntura coast, with the purpose of taking up laini. They fouud ih>: laud oil the islanil. which m four it anuit-.'. in Prince Albert district. miles wide by twelve long, utterly Wren. On the western side sand is about the only ieorqe White, an aeronaut^ of Chicago, thing seen, and this has been blown from River the beicb clear to the top of the. island, 700 or HOt) feel high. On the other side of tlie tslaud they found The monument to Louis Kiel, which con- i in New York lMt wetk W(UJ lljsc . ovcre<1 lo human boucs for a distance 01 five mile* .OUUtS. ' rewurer of the ust* of an obelisk of red gr.mitc standing on ) |ave ,|O I QQO , ),,, a base of grey granite, was placed in posi- | lion in Winnipeg on Saturday. ( atlioh NmgnUof America, ismissiui', and The township clerk of Sydenliain, Ont., a |a ,.,.,.,, ,, ,. ,,,, s , lort in *, , c . denies tbe story recently sect out that a number of women, in an excess ot religious fervour, removed their corsets an.l burned them in public. Kingston grain dealers say a large ijuan- tity ol grain in the surrounding section of country has been softened and greatly dc- ; picriated by the wet harvest weather. News was received in Kingston ou Mon- day of the death of Dean I.yster. which took place at his brother ' house iu \\.ilo* "n ' i. -ml IIIK'. The decease.! wa- de.in n! along the beach. They were very thick, and it looked a* if it had ix-eu a graveyard. They ulso discovereil the remains of human bodies on i lie ridge, which runs lengthwise through the isliind. In Mime places two skeletons .... '.. .. ! seen close together, as if they had i>x n I he New \ork ( entral railway has run a i.,,,.;..,! : -iV. tram from New York to Huffalo, maintain ing .i mile .1 nun. ii . the n hole distance. Tin- f.istcat mil.' was made in 4S seconds. )o !" 1 M " S 1'ceblr,. ,on of a wealthy Ixiu- " *; *> swiininintt at Portland, t>re. , on Sun lav . veiling and in diving in flx f^t of ;ucY Inokc hi. neck. . Li Hung aud a .icgto named George Mass- natl P"" ".K 1 ' 1 llt ^eoria, III., on Sun- buried in the same grave. The wind had blown off whit covering of soil had U'i'ii thrown over them. Bones wore thickly iti-fn along this ridge for upward of three mili-x. r'rom appearances upward ol ,<HK] Indians nim*t have liecn buried there, A siianty winch had been built on the weal ll.iw I* Utarearac* rmii . How best to discourage crime has long "en a problem that has confronted and per- plexed those clmrgedwiUi the responsibility of maintaining social order. Anil though it :nay be freely asserted that Home advance nas been made during the centuries towards a solution of the problem, it is evident that the perfect means has not yet been discover- ed. To devise improvement!, of existing methods, an Intel nationnl Congress of per- sons interested in t he repression of crime has just been held > Christiana, Norway. One .if the resolution* passed by this body I recommend* !|, e imposition O f fines in many ! in which offenders are now sentenced | to imprisonment : also that when an offender i be sentenced , imprisonment, he be allowed j to reduce lin term ol imprisonment by the ' payment of a tine, which might be made payable in instalments. The tine, according to the resolution, should be proportioned Ui the position, which of course includes the wealth of the criminal. This is not the first time thai the unperior utility of fines has been advocated. Kelt-aria, the distinguished Italian jurist of a former generation in his celebrated treatise on crimes and punishment, argued that thefts without I K >l.0|( s ..mM FILLS. n .if HinprBduMK Walrrwrft I i" the u. < .- in I thc Ontario Diocese and rector of St. Geoige's cathedral. The rectory fund of j $.'t,OOO a year will be divided between all ' the Anglican churches in Kingston. { Trunk freight . ''>' *"" llle ' 'hinaiiiiiii whipped his oppon TOt lo lndstill. The marine inspectors at Ijetroit have just issued their first license to a woman at mas- ter of a 't'-amer It was to Mrs. Celia IV- fireman, James Laing, killed. The latest estimate places the surplus wheat in the Northwest at 'JU.OOO.IXJO imsh- 1s. The death rale from cholera among the pilgrims to Mecca has been unprecedented, fhe authorities estimate that 11,000 pil- grims died during the season. Kdward Doyle, aged 'A), was shot wilb slugs by Rev. Father Bartholomew, of St. jecture. World have gone over by thcolo^ns m a Senator Ijtcoste lias hen appointed Justice of Quebec. The first Royal Human* Society's medal .Juipr, theologic"a7sem7nary,"m"New York', v " n 8e * rt;h for " ">" probable location. From China to the I 'auaiy Island*, from the Mountains of tbe moon lo the coast of the Baltic, each country h-is lieen the subject of -- - , , elf ., ..1KUV1 ll.Mt b.ll-11* WIUIUI11 w.l. ..s toiind buried clear to the roof | violence should be punished by fine, for that m sand. Fliure are now about _>,OUO sheep | ho who enriches himself al auother B exiH-nse on the isliind. and from a wrl of rough gra OU g|,t to Bu fl, r , t nig (>WI1 | t ;, ,,, algo they seem to keep fat. The party went into lna , sir Samuel Komilly, who lived in the a cave which afforded an Indian woman, the | early , )iirt o f t ne present century, entertain- sole occupant of the island, a home for seven e ,i tne . ,, p j u i on ia , the value of fines years. It seems that when lier party was , This great lawyer wrote: "If restitution leaving the island she jumped overboard and , t | lt . property stolen, and only a few weeks swam ashore in the night. \ ears went by or ,, VC1I Ollt a f ew days' imprisonment were the unavoiiiaule consequences of theft, no theft would ever be committeJ. '' Bat Sir Saimi"! Romilly ami Beluaria limited fines to i h punishment of theft and in this way dillend from the Christiana Conference for many other The .i.r.lr.i ..I I il.- n. The true site of the liarden of Kden lias Iweu the subject of almost endless con . The three comments of the Oldl whllh recorainended them in scri M! ch, and no spot supposed to correspond the -'iiL'tii.-""! degree to the ocriptural de- wT. *' M D |E M T 101 ? h r bee lWttr ' lea l i " *'' J > *y' ~me others madea W .11.. McDougall of B lr tl. I(k ,,, ,;. ,.,, , tne MJlmllttry ^ James L Kellsby, a young Knglishiiian. | refuse.) to leave when ordered to do so. The coinmited suicide in the immigration sheds ' priest was arrested. at Calgary the other day. M B Curtis., tlie actors, better known The anthracite mines near Bantfare to be -A* " Samuel of Poseii,"shot and killed I'oliee operated this season, and coal will be sent OrhYer ''rant in Ssui Franc-isco on Thiusday from them to Winnipeg this winter. i night while the latter was trying lo arrest P lmu "- l ' ;l > isglven by Josephi.s.is that it The Anglo-Canadian trade for the month him. Curtiw was arrested, of August shows a decrease as compared John F. Cox, said to have been formerly a with the returns for August last year. professor in a Canadian college, threw him- ption of the first abode of the human race has been left iinexamine.i. The most ancient w.'" iu the country which lies belw< Canges and the Nile. This view Kden as being a very widely extended terri- tory, embracing all of tbe country from the It is announced that the l.overument has ' f" ""< of third stoity window at Lynn, I,,diis ou the east to the Nile on the w nk , , decided not to permit the importation of Mass. , on \\ ednesday night and broke his ! AS the <iarden ' is said to have been " to I fi "K ele<l t>^y Iwlong, and of apportioning crimes ...1 well. That crime would diminish recommendation of the Conference ut may well be doubted. Indeed it is almost certain thai in some directions it would increase. Many a man who is now deterred by the fear of imprisonment from taking satisfaction out of his enemy by subject mg him to a good pummelling would not unwillingly pay a considerable tin.- for the privilege of being his own at enger. And even an to theft itself tbe practical carrying out of the recommendation would be at- tended with the twofold difficulty of extracting money from thieves with empty pockets, to which class many of tbe light United i '.i 1 1. 1. l.i. States cattle for slaughter in ne 5,H:, , I theeaslward in Kden," it isplaceddtlimtely \V illiain S. HolUngsworlh, who is known , i n t he valley of the Euphrates. Von Hani- Mwlls^^toltosAHMstfsisJs^Misi'lS^P^U^T^^^^fJ!!^!?*' tlle 'Jno Oriental scholar, places llaclria: others locate it iu Bauy- at the confluence of the Kuphrates the Tigris. Captain Wilford, a profound Montreal on Friday evening, Ix>rd Stanley made a speech which aroused great enthus- iasm. It is believed in Winnipeg that tlie t .rand church attendant, and who passes his nights Kden in m New York as treasurer of John Daly's loins, s gambling resort, is accused of embe//ling over $60,000 from Ins employer. the 8taLu of the* offeiuler BO iia to inakr the value of hm tine coiiftiment with the amount of hie Health. Trunk will enter the Canadian via Ihiluth and Winnipeg. The fishing smack i ieurgisna of Yarmouth, N S. , has been towed into Halifax harbor. She wa-1 cepeised in Sunday s gale and the crew of sixteen hands all lost. A laborer named lioucliard has IH-CII found dead in bis room in Sherbrooke, Vue. , and his wits is under arrest on a charge of having inui tiered him North west ' ''""* ^' '** m ' n ' mter "> China has reported i another riot at I. -hang, on the Yang tse- Kiang river, and that an establishment of American missionaries has been destroyed. The L'. S. warships Charleston .tin! Petrel have been ordered to < 'liinese waters, and the situation is considered grave. IV i.KVKKAI. Fitzsimmons, who was in jail at Pittsburg Pa,, awaiting 'rial for the murder of IV- teetive l>ilkmaii some lime ago, has escap- ed from tbe prison, r nonunions was said at Liverpjoi a short time ago, and was to belong to Krockville, Ont. h. r. i., I.,. 1,1. < ..II. C r. The i|uestion, " Where should colleges he studeni of"Hindoo* antiquities, has labored i located, in a large city or a country town?" to locate Eden in Batman, south of the is at present being discussed by several of Koosh range of mountains. Butlman puts the leading educationists of this comment, it down in India ; Ueider, in his " History I Though some contend for the one or the of Mankind, ' identifies it with the Vale of , other locality without any reference to the Cashmere . the Orientals (many sects of character of the institution or tbe special them) believe that it was on ihe Islool Cey- ! work to be accomplished, the opinion seems Ion, while the Creeks place it at Beth- Kden- to be quite general that where the work to on Lebanon. Lastly, many regard the whole >>e done is of aji academical nature and the story as given in Genesis as a myth. | chief object is t he culture of the student the quiet surroundings of a country town thai The expedition to the <>rand falls ol Labrador has been successful, and the mystery, which unly two years ego wan the subject of extended debate in tne Royal Ceographical Society of London, is st last cleared up. The expedition to the Uraud Falls was suggested by articles appearing enrly this year in a geographical magazine, calling attention to the remarkable stories told about them, and asking for volunteers to visit Labrador and learn the troth about the Grand Falls. All tbe information we had concerning them was derived from two white men and the Indians of Labrador. The Indians have always declared that the falls weie haunted, and they have avoided them, believing that they would die if they looked upon them. T wo white men who saw them were Mr. Maclean in 1839, and Mr. Kennedy who over thirty years ago, bad charge of a Hudson Bay post in inner Labrador, Maclean was stopped by the fall* as he was ascending the river. Three yean ago R.K. Holme went from Kng land to visit the lirand Falls. He organized a little party to accompany him, and ascend- ed the (irand River within about fifty mile* of the falls, when he was compelled to return on account of the failure of his provisions. The falls were said to tumbleover the edge of the lofty plateau of inner Labrador. Prof. Hart bad estimated that the inner Labrador plateau wasconsiderablyover 2,000 feet high, from his deductions and from the report* of Kennedy and Maclean it was inferred that the falls were upward of 2,000 feet high. Holme placed much confidence in the accu- racy of this information, though geographers were skeptical about it. They will not be surprised that the present explorers have found the falls to be of less magnitude. The final plunge of the river, where it con- tracts to a width of 150 feet, is only -I XI feet but a series of rapids above the falls carries tbe water down lor 500 feet, so tbe river ha* a total fall of TOO feet from the Height of Land to the canon into which it drops. 1 he falls are said by the present explorers to afford a magnificent spectacle, and if they were only more accessible they would be among the great natural attractions ou our continent. An immense volume of water pours over the edge, and the drop of 'JOO feet makes a waterfall that is surpassed in few part* of the world. These falls are about '260 miles inland, not very far from the in- tersection of the fifty-third parallel of north latitude with tbe sixty-fifth meridian. The best way to get to them is to ascend Hamil- ton inlet, and then tbe rapid Grand River, which empties into the inlet. The plucky explorers solved Uie problem, though they had a hard time of it, being so unfortunate a* to lose their boat and one cache of pro- visions by fire. They were therefore reduc- ed to very short rations, but they surw\d their hardships, and all geographers, ae well as the public generally, will be very much interested in the news they have brought home. .Vork has been begun on the Brandon and outh-western railway, which will run rom Brandon south to the Iwundary and into the Turtle Mountain coal mines. The Great North-West Central Railway t 'ompany bas caused a writ to lie issued at Osgooile hall, Toronto, claming tMl t OO Knormout. sacks have been placed in the Linages from Mr. A. Charlebois, contra*.- I Ka/an cathedral for tbe i o-jipt of scraps of I > ms ea "Ihe . allow* The murderer Couway, who waa hanged are most conducive to the end m view : but that where the work partakes of the nature M , | of im estimation and research, the city furn- Over J.IKNI persons are reported to have perished in the Hoods now devastating Toledo in Sp & m. shockingly mutilated by the bunglingof the 'hes the best and most abundant opportun- hangman Berry, perpetrated a curious out- ! >t"- So far as historical precedents go rage m his last moment* He made a con- there is much lo I*- said on both sides. It rage tension on the scaffold in which he stated L^.I"", "*' 'TV? h'Th" '''''""'i ^ born ,n Ireland, had been a soldier in 'or, for non-completion uf fifty miles of the 'ine from lirandon north wester- l.v. Die Dominion Government has decided ii..it ihe Jewish refugees who arrive in ui.i.la must be cared for by their >- liKiouists, or failing this, tbe steamship liiiea which bring them over will be com- 1 1 1 l-d to take them hack again. Tli<- difficulty in connection with the HUH- i refugees who were lirought to Montreal food for distribution in the famine districts of KUSHIS. M. .lu'- (irevy, formerly P eiuleut of Fi nice, is dead. He aa born i . IH07- Hundreds of lives are repo > -.1 to have licen lost in Wednesday s earl hijii^.ti' in Sin Salvador. Further shoi.ku are expected. Three h null. .1 ami fifty-four house* liave I been destroyed ..n.l 000 peiKons killed .tin! ' iiure.1 : The <l injure.! in the recent lloo.li in China. destitute Russian |>cH*antry are com- let. Vv inniirg, Slates. I y ihe ss. <>reg,, n was settled by a cilixen of mittm* all kinds of exiia-sen, preferring im- iii.it < ity subscribing &>UO tuwards their re ' prison men I to starvat U was decide,! to use the money in | - rhe ov . ler ^.j, , hl . Alisnllc ,.,, are becoming deplete.! owing to the reckless fishing of recent season*. It has been found that LtJO Mormon mis- sionaries are working in < .real Britain and Scandinavia. Russian mother* expose their children to would be an euy task to cite the names of flourishing and successful institutions of learning that have their home in country towns and equally easy to name respectable and inlln nil. i. universities that are located career in the army, and said he changed his ' 'nil the stir and activity of metropolitan name to Couway to avoid punishment for | ' In vain we appeal to history to settle deserting from a ship. A week ago a man 'He question, which will probably long con- called at the newspaper otiices in Dublin and tmue to divide the opinions of those interest- said that he was the real Owen Cibhn He ' d therein. But whatever may be said as to showed Ins papers of discharge from the Ihoee institution* designed to do academical Forty ninth Regiment in which he isdescrib- | work there can hardly be auy doubt as to ed as "Private Owen Ciblm, 'J,H9I." : professional schools which aim to tit a student liiblmisa laboring man of respectability well known iu his native county of Lei- trim. His army record is the same as that Western Ontario, .KEAT BRITAIN. U>j the ! Sir A rih ui Sullivan, the composer, in sen wisly ill. Alexander Ksson \ Co., corn brokers of London, have failed. Liabilities, SI,K70,90S. The Free Kducation Act m Britain 11 said to be inducing an improved attendance at Ihe schools. The Jewish Colonization Association has been registered in London : capital, i'^,000,- iM) in flOO shares. A nteam launch carrying nou-i'nion labour- ers from Dublin to London wan sunk on Fiulay by the steamer AlUlross in Lough diphtheria, preferring lo see them die of disease rather than starvation. The Berlin I'n'j- Mutt says an increase of tbe tin-man army estimates for tbe coming ysar in a certainty. Tin- elections iu Chili to take place on Oct. ISlh tor the Presidency and members of Congress will be held upon the plan of uni- versal suffrage. Owing to the impoverixhed condition of the Russian noMes, ,'<74 of their estates will be wld by auction in October under fore- given by Couway. Couway must have been an associate of tliblin s at sonic time and so learned hishistory. <iblin is in- tensely grieved .it Con way's lying statement, and hopes the press will circulate his story ot the matter. After Haraaewis. The heroic resistance of Saragoasu gave to Napoleon's soldiers an impression ofilisuiay, new evei to men who had passed through 17 of revolutionary warfare ; but it tailed Napoleon's armies in the. cunquesl of Spain. No attempt was mail.- to relieve the heroic and ferocious city. Kverywhere the tide of French conquest appeared to be steadily making its advance. Sou It invaded " : pi , | For immediate participation in the more active walks of life. There is no mum for doubt tb.il a medical school should IK- placed n a large oily, where dmly access to hospi- tals can be obtained. \\ liat is true of medical school* in also in a considerable measure true ot law s> liooln. U lint a hos- pital is to a medical student, a court room j is or ought to he to the budding lawyer. Ax i regards research, also, whether scientific, philosophical, or historical, it is obvious that a great city offers in ite libraries, museums, and lahonttoripx facililiex ami >p pi lances not easily procurable in a small university town. , r. ..I Ike I I... I. The average farmer oi 'his country never has given sheup growing the t nought he has * have L\...I " .. i royle, a.d hfteeu person, were .IrowiKd. clo , ure by , h . Stato , lj4I)k Ihe weather in Kngland ha* suddenly | | n W e . t Bon.eo the Dyaks and Malavs changed for the better, and the farmers are hmv . ^^ . . a inMri ^,, ti hl9 K - sail to confess that aftei all tho damage ha pri ., lki | l , and ?, beli-ve.1 to hav. . anse.! not been so very seriou*. |)e lroun | e . The inhabitants of several towns m Gal- A despatch i rom Batoum says eleven wy have joi.ied in an aildreas to Chief shipments of war stores have traversed the Secretary Balfonr expressing their gratitude Dai<lnclles this year, including heavy gnnn Sp.nn. Oporto fell on the '..Nth of March in the san e week the .Spanish forces cover- ing the south were decisively liealeii al Ciupad Real and al Medellin, upon the line of ihe (iaudiaua. The hopes of Kurope fell. In n for the timely measures of relief * Inch he inaugurated. A .! inn., outbreak of pleuro-pncumonia is reported in Cumberland, and it is feared the valuable pedigree Shorthorns belonging to Sir Wilfred Lawson, M. P., are infected. The cattle already slaughtered arc valued at !&'2,'rOQ. Lord K K. Stewart Ciordeu, brother of the M injuis of Huntlv, and heir to the mar- i|uiHate, has been declared a bankrupt. He , ana for tbe fortification of Vladivostok Hi have been cut oil' in Kast Africa by slave assets I i- unsecured debts of $81,000, 7.030. Returns show an immense decrease .nine in Great Britain in the laat quarter . .1 century. In 1864 there were 2,tiOUcou- 1-. in the various penal institutions. Iu ni there were but /2. Since 1882 eight us have been converted into other uses. '. < he Trades' Union Congress in N'sw- . i on Wednesday a resolution was adopt- .i< cUring that tbe eight-hour law should ii . .. forced in all tradea and occupations, lit where a majority of the organized trader*, and that his command is in a peri lous position. The i '/.in , who is at presenlin Copenhagen, has pica MI ted Prince George of Greece with a gold medal in recognition of tho Prince's bravery in protecting tbe Czarewitch. A i n'li man of Boston has one son. He led Inn given Ins . little and horses ; neither Porlugsl ; in combination with him two ' the sheep as a rule been cared for in any armies moved from Madrid upon the south- I degree equal to that of the horse and the i-in and the south-western provinces of ! cow. Some years a fujnier will keep i-heep, ' and other yearn he will not. Consequently lint |>oor accommodations are provided for them. Barren hills and bnch lots are con- sidered by many as good enough for a sheep pasture : and the open yard, with a shed or hovel to run un 'tr plenty good enough for winter quarter,withcloverhay 'iftheyhave it)orevntinioiuy hiy.orslraw, all that will be needed for winter food, with perhapi no water provided al all. Now this looks like very poor provision for sheep, and yet hundreds of fanners keep sheep with no betier accommodations and food than the vase mentioned. These farmer* generally live in a neighborhood ~ Spate itself could expeci no second Sara gonsa. It appeared as if the complete sub- jugation ol tbe Peninsula could now ouly be dciayed by the mistakes of the French generals Ihmnsclvci. and by the untimely reported that Kmin Pasha, suppl.e. a ' ' ^ a " ltrolli "8 Wl " wh , lch ha<1 !T-j ..n i- i... . ./.: , bitherlo made every movement a step for- ward iu conquest. ".. Bab.? It waketh in the morning ere it is yet when- there are several enterprising fanners who keep sheep as they should be kept and make money by light, ami pullet h its mother's nose, yelling i doing. Their neighbors soon discover for sustenance ; and in the night time there this and they conclude to go into it, and is no rest because of it. Feeding and ltep- ! commence by purchasing a flock of anything ingare iu incidental o-cupationB, and screm j that can be bought cheap, use any kind of ing is its principal line of busineM. It sit- : s rft-ll they can find, feed and care for them about, he instructed him, he kept him an tcth on the floor among cushions, flapping accordingly, and consequently have a dark 111 ' the apple of bis eye. The son became of age i with its urniN vigorously ; and anon it over ,jj e t<) report, this Hummer. The father hai no other balanceth like to a tombola, and can by no occupation save that of nursing his income, | means rise again, k.ck it never so energetic- and as he is a man of vjnse ana liberal views ' ally, whereat it plauielh loudly and the land in uncomfortably crowded with liers in any trade or occupation pro- us'* by a ballot vote agajnat toe proposal. I lie physicians in attendance upon Car- '. ..I Manning have advised him to cease v '. k , and it is expected the Pope will abort ' appoint a coadjutor. Cardinal Manning s now 83 ysare of age. t'NITlD STATO. hs told his sou that li must not stand idle, yet left to him the choice of business or pro fcssion. At the same time he wrote private- ly to ' weiity tour friends and acquaintances, asking thoir advice iu the matter. The twenty-four were prominent, each in his own calling. And each replied in turn, complain- ing of his own business, and advising the father to seek elsewhere for the future pro- sperity of the young man. the law was crowded, journiliam brought bnt little money, banking was an uncertain prop, and so on throughout the catalogue. Tho father is still undecided ; the boy u idle. And all because no one ol the twenty-four is con- tented with his lot, while he admires tbe ' i --.I. WUly, aged tifteuii, ibot and killed ' iortunrn of other men. its cries. It gnaweth the juicy crust and spreadeth the paste thereof on all things. It in a delight to maidens and a terror unto bachelors. It yieldetb kisses that are damp, and seixeth the unwary whisker with ex- ultation. It seeth the Ntranger afar off, and excl&iineth " Dla ' dla :" whereat its mother is enraptured with it- conversational powers, and laadeth them with incoherence. It causetb remorse for the trouble we must have caused our parents, and is a blesniug in an impenetrable disguise. Love's Surrender. He told her a story, 'twas all so KU . . t . Kver and ever m> long ago, And he knelt him down at her precious teet, Kver and ever so long ago. And he said, " I would wish my lite all this One perfc.it joy, ' and he stooped to kiss Her finger-tips : it was oh ' such bliss, Ever and ever so long ago. And she- she listened to all he said, Kver and over so long ago, And he kissed her lips, so sweet and red, Kver and ever so long ago. Then he bolder grew, tux kiss would he Her finger-tips ; love's sU\e>wos she ; Mrs. Strong" The great thing U-what . ..,, . yon ore/" Bar Pretty Niece " Wrong, An H me u are the same as h*v oed to be anntiu tbe great thing is what you xwar." I V(I .j,,) CT , r B0 i UD8 ... on m. KsBswrvrerBsMtii Tratrls ASMS* la Luting Nabjrria. When the Czar travels in Russia the pre- cautions taken for his safety could not be greater were he in the enemy's country. A battalion of infantry is detailed for every two miles of distance, and allowing 600 men as the strength of each battalion, every xpot of ground ou both sides of the track is cover- ed by scntmuls r .'Jiiii easy distance of each other. The Czar is suddenly whirled off to the station accompanied by uiechosen twelve i of his liody guard, without pomp or circum- stance, swiftly and silently. The C/ar al- ' ways travels in a train of five carriages. ( His carriage is built in a peculiar way. Tho windows, while ample for light, are high, so that a person silting .town IK uivisi- i lile from the outside, and tho sides of the car i are fortified with plates of steel concealed in the o.namentat woodwork, but amply i strong to resist a bullet. There are two sentry boxes in the carriage, one at each end, and each looking out at m opposite side from the other. The guardsmen en duty m these apartments are shut in from I any observation of the interior of the car- riage, but at intervals of alwut two feet the whole length ol the saloon are electric but- tons communicating with the guard cham- bers, as well as with tbe i o carriages one containing the suite and the other, in the rear, occupied by the guardsmen not on duty. So tar ss the tram itself is concerned, the Oar could bo no more secure in St. Petersburg. Tho tram speeds ou to itsd emulation with out a halt, except on accountof accident. At a distance of not less than rive miles ahead is a pioneer train in which the Imperial Director of Railways and the chief engineer of the particular railway ou which tl < C<ar is travelling always ride. As the pilot tram whiy-tes by the reserves along tho line rush to arms and guard the Hides of the railway waiting until the imperial train has passed so that the spectacle is prciciited of ontin- uous lines of soldiery for hundreds of miles. Arrived at the end of his journey tho C/*r in escorted to the quarters intended tor the imperial family. The streets are guarded by special ontua hies in the attire of citizens. Kv.ry proper- ly owner has been called upon to supply one or more of these men at his own expense to do duty when the sovereign make* a public appearance. The constables average one in ten of the crowd tbat throngs Ji streets, and being in ordinary dress, they can mingle with the people, note what is said, and, per- haps, do something that will obtain them regular employment among the secret police. With one tenth the population engaged as spies upon the remainder, with troops enough concentrated to stand a formidable siege, and his faithful guardsmen doling every step, the Czar goes through the tornis of a visit to the ancient cipitaT of Kitssia or whatever city he may choose to honor. lier Words of Can tion. She wan at the window. I aaw lier The yellow beams of the moon tuiemt.. h r eyes and bathed her ban. Ah '* l.r.mutiil ihe was! Suddenly she saw '><. MIC leaned partially out of the wmdou Tin .1 she spoke ; yes, spoke tome. N.I.I kii".v %ou who have loved her and IH-CII spurucii. how soft her voice is. She said (I nevei ..,! forget it) : " John, if you are too drunk to find the key-hols you had better sleep in i he coal shed. The milkman may stumble over you if you stay where yen are." (Adobe- land.