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Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1891, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infants and Children. OsBUrUI* seven adapted to ehOdnmUiat I Castorla rnm Colle. OonaMpatlm. I rwasmmdtt as superior to aofpmcnpuoa I S?y r HV mactl - 1'iarrhiBa, Krucuiimn > . uT A*;, MD.. 1 1UU ,;;' " ta> **" * n<1 "" <" 111 Bo. tatod Hi.. Unwkirn, M. T. I WttLmi'lnJurioos T-fUr*'' Tra CMwrirg foni-Axr, 7? Murray Street, M. Y. HEALTH FOIl ALL. HO LLOWAYS PILLS & OINTMENT T HE PI LLS I'urif > tbv lUuoil. corruct all Disordon of T-avcji*, iStomiich, liidn'yn, ixntl Ucwt-ln. Tbojr invigortrn I rmtnrp to liutltli Dobllluti I r<>ii-tiiiitioiis. and are invaluable In coin- |>llliUiin:i i.ilil*! t(i Kinualel of all atfe* For I M an'l the aci'd ILuy altt |>r Ill-leu THE OINTMKM T Mi infallible rciniuit lor ltn.1 l,ii; itmi Krrnof '>M \, ,>,...- soiuaauJ t'ln-ri It I* famoui for < ami ItHi-innali-iil l-i.i i, . i I. i- M;. . ' I it li II" fqual For no in-: Timu.n. iu;n.\ CHITIS. COUGHS, Glandular 8welliu,an.l all Skin nia*e* it ha* no rival; and for contracted and stiff Jolnti It arU Ilk* a charm. Mtn'ifacturoil only at I'rofeinmr HOM^IWAV'H KntUilUlimcnt. Tft. \w Oxford StrrH < lull* 5:Ct. Oxford .Strrrt >. London, *n-1 aroioM at U Ijl . 1M., 4 M.. Hi.. 90a..aml .'n ' -li I'' * "r I'l.i, anH ui>> be had of all Mail 11-11. r V.T.I". i- ihnwflhoai tin- World. Purrhiuert nhitulil li*,k ti. tiir f.-ilhl i,n tin- /'>(. n,l Itosrs. Ij tkta&lrr** it tn>t CM, n,l,,',l >'!(/, I.i, i, :l<-ii. tlttv nrr xftttri<AU. SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! r'ir mil. -i -trt'1 a new '-nrnaci- fnxiiiraclurv ami i wniiit. ton ' SIWS1 iu,ll, -.- a, i I - ll-. I'rutuii Million. 4'jirrliii.v I ,. T , I . ,i:i Krpairintf. ! ' l.llr >' ' I Shop over M<:T.i\.i li' r.l.u K- I; Shop. i: T. HIM. M Jll lit, 1801. NOTICE! To The Public : fl. Prillar w'mlii ti. inf. nil tin |. i"|ilr of ll.n.i!..i i ii I tli MUM. tuning rmintry I ILL! | . i I ninl Mil l>|. lli.H l.iliinl in BL.OCK, Tlif ' fi .in Hi- ] whr-rc j^ .: In s<ji- nil lilri nlil rn-itullirrs m>il an iiiuny IIUTI' .i tiki In i m- I liuvi HOW A Ull'C hli-l-K nf A 1 I llllx-l- < >!!> Flour, Shorts, Bran, Etc. AMI A (.()(!) I. INK. OK (Groceries. Lemons & Oranges l'i.IIl ill'! - oil Illllnl. All klll.lx of I i. ,..i.l- ii-ii:i. ,l r .rii'i..- il. i.iiliini r'liiin. \Vl.n t. lit B0I UU.-n us rrisli. KICKER S Should call on Jos. Smith, Flftshertou, and secure a pair of shoes from him. Lighter kinds with the best of workmanship for those who are not KICKERS. The Safest AND most powerful alterative li Ayer's Snrsn|inrllln. Young ami olil ir .! . I nil .1 liy It* USD. For 9. HcTavish, AND GENERAL BLACj8*HITH. Colll iv; wood Ktrrct, FLESHERTON, - ONT. MtnnfaHnrtnii nf Wv n it. HUiglm. nnmloi. [>f>fvntu. Kte Hur* lu.rnig |>rinrtl)t t *4*4 to I ^ r irinUi f-t t I glnc H< Plow dls- pCCllltST tO nothing else U o effective da this medicine, \vliilo its agreea- lilo llavor makes it easy to admin- ister. "My little boy liail large srrnfii- IntiD ulri-rs on bis iurk .in. I throat from ulii.h he n.'ti-n-il ti inlily. Two physicians l.iir, lint IIP grow continually uiiiliT tln-lr erne, anil <-viiyl.<Kly rxpiTti-il 1 i- \vimld ilin. I linil tin i. :n:n I 1 iin-.-. i-iVnli-il liy Ayer'a i:;ll.i, anil ileciilrtl to liave my liny tiy it. Slu. illy niter In- ln-^uu to lake tlii-t iiiiiilii'iuo, tlm nloi-m coiu- i! i in ill lioulin^, ninl, alti-r lining several l.i til. s, lie \\ H i niiiiily cured. He Is i .v. as In .ill liy HIM! Htrnng im any hoy i.f liU iv William F. Dougherty, Hampton, Va. "In May lnt, my youngest child, f< 'in !n 11 im .nt IIH nlil, nounn to have soroe Rtlifr nn its hciitl anil limly. We'ap- I.IIIM! vnii.ni4 MIII|.||. ri-nieiliea \villu. nt avail. The sore.i Incrrniieil In number ami dterbarmd n>|>ioiisly. A phynlclan wan . ill.'.l. but tlio iioiei cuntlaueit to inuliiply until In a fen month* they Dear! j cor ered (he child's head avnd Unh- At liwt v.i' liv^'an the ne o( Aj-er'i Kar- ..i|..inl],i. In a f.-w dsyft nmtkril r liaii^'i' for the bettor was inanilest. The H'iii-i ii^iiuii-ii a mure hpslthy rondilioD, tin: iii>i Imr^i-ii were ^lailuully ilnniii. iijii.l. ninl finally reaiieil altogether. The i liilil i> livelier, its kln In (reaber, anil its appetite lietter than we have ob- nerveil /ur innnths." Frank M. Clrifflo, l.nng I'niut, Texas. " The formula of Ayer'i Sarsapsrllla pv^rnK, for chronic alseates of almost rverr kind, the IK-SI remedy known to Die mi-itn-al world." D. M, Wilson, M. It., Wiggs, Atkansaj, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, /'com our men Corrr y.i.n.i- /i/. Several are leaving this depot to indulge themselves in the gorgeous scenes of the great industrial ex- hibition. Mr. George Dinnic has laid his Armstrong reaper to one side aud has taken to 1 imst'lf a binder. Mrs. Culeman, of Detroit, is \isit- ? at Mr. J. Wurts. Miss Maggie Parka spont last week with friends in Fevershatu. Mc-isi'B. H. Si A. Ntilson have in- crcased their granary accommodations liv fit vatm^ it. Miss Maggie Duncan, who has been visiting friends in Mnskoka for the l.;n-i live months, has returned to her p:nvi.tiil home. No place like home Dr. J. C. Ayer * Co., Lowell, rriM|i; * x>ui,. If opposition is as it is said to be "tin- life cf trade," blacksmithing will surely Ill-omit a leading industry in our little town in the near future win M Mi . llowel, of Kimberley, gets his shop completed which is now ii'nlir congtructiou. The more the merrier D. Tlie happy home of Mr. John Sun- ik-is w;is rrciitly -made happier by another additional member, viz., a young daughter. Mr Jacob Still paid us a flying vis- it last week. Two of our enterprising young lads living mi t fur tin- r than the leuglh of a thousand of bricks otf the village.en- trred the woods oue evening last week with tin- mti ntion of constructing a dead fall wiiich they succeeded in do- iii'-T after a brief .scrutiny for the most available extremity of the bush. H.iwi vrr the construction required moiv tune than they had grant, d for it, and wht-ii it wag completed it had -.;i iwn ijiiitt- dark. Sliouldeiini; their axes they started direct as they thmight for the fields from which they had int rt-il. After travcllnvg a long w.u , in that direction aud without li. -.-tuif,' release from the intense jungle that sm-rouiidt.) them, they uloud thinking some one might th< in it nd take pity on their mournful cries. Wltoo-wlioo-oo- whi") do ntniti-d a shaggy oh) rrwl. Tin i'.i\sJli.'X'iii to laugh nil over thrir fai-f, thinking they hud got a reply, ami starti- 1 in t!i it dir-i-U -ni. Shortly they called again. \Y!ioo,-whoo-oo,- \vhoj-ao, iutuiTqjjMU-J the owl a Ml oiul lime, and so emphatically that tin' fortunate s iiK'iiti'ii-d tin ir spurious and had to go it at random ug.mi, which they proved to be tli> In -! u.iv, for ere many jaiiiutts 1'lnjnpti they reached tin- tit-Ms, and ghid inongli they were of it, but 'y discomfited at the very idi-aol the bu CONSUMPT10K CWBID. .' I |ti\-i-inti i i-tiriHl from lilai-tli-v. liv- loi bad pawed ta hM Imn.i liy u I.K-.I hum In. M .mil v till' tin Illllln i >' . txltll)ill* V<-i:i-tnl>li' . r -i tin- i|i-n.|v mi I jnrnmui nt i-iiri- of II |>ti i Hi -.iiili \-tlimu.l eJJ throat aad Luog Affection -.ti..- tnd rtdleal ears im NHVIHIH ivl.iluv an. I nil N.IV..I:- . . .|M|.|IMt-*. dttiT ll\llik' l.-^tt-il ItH III! ruinTi.t- l>i.i-iH In in "is. in, I- i.f otioi, bun Mt it Us daly to make II known to 'kU Illffurillg follow* . .\l'tlltl-,l I'S till-'IM- nnl ili ni I., n lii-vi. linniikii milTi-ritii;. I will I ilmiK*'. til Hll t- It, tlllN in i.,-.i I-.M I i.-i.i li or i:tii:h-li with lull .im for |iri-|>nriiii; ulnl ti^inu Si-nt I.v mull r< -'i Kt4t;ti> iiftliiiutj tlilfl |.IMT " \V A NofBk.HilVoWMra'Ull s lyf f*Clil/4 OH/' oii-n ( 'in i ~f -, ..I. nt. Mrs. Iion..\vay is much better at the time of writing, but her P4\se is most cnticitl y. t. Miss Kmma Moore returned from Toronto on Fiidny last. Mrs. lleuderaon, of I'ricevillo, paid her daughter, Mrs. (ico. Moore, a visit on Monday last. A laigc number from here arc tak- ing in the exhibition this week. Mr. Kichard Ludlow, dentist, of MiLvhcll, Out., who has been visiting Ins agt-tl piireiits here, returned on 'I iit-MtUiy last. There is a man in this vicinity who doc a good deal of shooting diniii;: the honrH of the -night, he says, "to protect his orchard from apple thieves," but we say that he Bhould be careful in *vhat direction the niii/.zlo of his gun is directed, as per- sons who may be pasoing, who don't know either him or his orchard, don't ft 1 1 very safe when the buck shot in flying around their ears. A few favorable days will niako harvesting in thii vicinity a thing of he past for another year. Mrs. W. Northodtt, whn lives near McCrea's church, 10 con. Clarke, has lost her arm and will probably loose her life, throiinli the scratch of a cat. It appeals Mrs, Nurthcutt was sitting in a chair with the cat on her knee, nnd in pushing it off received H slight scratch on the blind, wlnth almost immediately began to swell. In a few days mortification set in, and tlm attending physician found it noc*>sury to amputate the arm below the elbow. Mrs. Nurthcutt is now lying In a tery low state, it being hardly eipsoUxl that she will survivu the sfrock |of the opera- tion. FENIN Case after Case, and Bale alter Pale of new, fresh sprightly and durable Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Etc. OUR CLOTHING, Especially Boys' and Youths', is simply prand. Every mother that has a boy that must have a suit can be suited here at suitable prices. This is the store where old friends meet. Not an hour of the day but you'll hear greetings and see a warm shake of the han H - "Hello! You here too?" "Yes, we come here all the time now." "So do we. Hard to beat Trimble's prices." ee Oui* $4.30 hi\d $,1-00 [\ l\nvn. Sproule's Corner. - Terms, Cash. YOl KNOW THAT MEANS CHEAP (ionl'> W. W. T R I M 13 L E. P. S. Please ask for quotations on Sugars. Can I Suit You? Many have tried me and rx r .<;\ver in the affirmative. Then.if others arc well suited why not come to me and get Your Pants your coats and vests made in the best of style, the quickest time and lor tlie least money. I will never wear cut the patience of my customers by false promises. Bring on the cloth for Your ooats and have it cut while you wait. Suits which I malcc up and recommend may not bp strong as cast iron, but they give satisfaction every time. Call on the un- dersigned and test these statements. F. A. BAKER, AllMSTUONG'K bLOCK. Fleibertoo In Position -rou- PIIOTOGIMPIIING - AND - Posit/on is Everything. Is fully c(|uipped with rcr (juisitcs for turning out? per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style wjual to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer,

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