THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE OFFICE Of GEO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTON. A K>inural bankiuu business transacted H*uedau>l 'liud at uaual rate* Mmi.-v alway* available (or legitimate buaiu<M* ise. OKI- i. E two door* north of lUckardaou & Lo a. Vicinity Chips. fharaoleristle* of the Past Week Carefully < ulled for the furious. BufiitiM unlit; < .in., '!/ l<f"ln H'Ul '" ,-,l :lt III-' I'll- "'' '"' /'" '"" .'"' ' ,, I :-:!<- I'tiull trill I* , i ./ ..< hr I'Hiluu.i The trees are already dunning their brilliiiat wardrobes. Lar^.< numbers hare attended the Toronto exhibition this week. East Grey Fall show next Tuesday and Wednesday. Great attractions. The Blanket I'.diey ( the Sydenham Mutual knocU all others out. \V A. Dayman, auent. Small gent's or boy's comforter found in town on Sunday last. Call at Ad- vance for it. Casts of Bireh.Ul and Itenwell will be on exhibition at*. Crey Fall show, next Tuesday and Wednesday. I'd.- Syu< nhiim is purely mutual, which means Insurance at first cost. \V. A Duyman, ajjcnt, Walters Falls. Edison's phonograph, one of Toronto exhibition's attraction*, will be ou view ,it E-tst tirev Fa 1 show next Wednesday. You cannot L>e too particulai about the medicine-* y..u use. When you need a sure you i;et Ayer's Sar sapanila, and no other. It will mingle with. purify, and vttali/.e every drop of in jour body. It makes the weak stroir.;. Mr. J. W. Frost, barrister, of Owen Sound, took a yachting cruise around the north shore, and while away met with the misfortune of having several ribs broken, from the effects oi which accident he has been laid up ever sine*. Tins will explain his non appearance in Flesh - vrton on his periodical trips. The use of calomel for derangements of the liver has ruined many a tino con- stitution. Those who, for similar troubles, havo tried Ayer's Fills testify to their etlicacy in thoroughly remedying tho malady, without injury to the system. J.B. Lu-as.barrUter, Markduh-. has 10,000 private funds to lend on fa! in ni'.rt^a.:. .i within the uext few months at lowest current rates. No commiss- ions, no delays, expenses low. Apply nt otliec in M-itkdalo during the week or at Vundalk , iV-e on Saturdays. contented. Tune has brought its changes to Mr. Kuss, but we were glad to meet the friend of byline days." Call md consult with the pri^ewor. The trottlnif doi{ "Torn' 1 Aill trot vit'u t poiiey at East Ury Fall show at Flesh- ert,. n next week. This will be an excit- ing race. Kor other attraction* see bill?. A Commercial Authority's Advice. The journal of Cjinruoro nives good advice when it adviaes every one to take sJ vantage of the !>oi>d crops to pay up. (let (jut of debt should be thu motto for tho year. Both business muu aud farrn- tJt- should utrai^hten up rather than spread out. In prosperity it is well to prupare fur adversity. (Jood crops d< not come every year ; they are rather the exception than the mle. They should bo utili/.ed tu m.ike a general clearance of old debts. Division court was held on Friday last. There was a small d>>cket and such cases as therj were were not of much public importance. \\ . A. 1 'ay man, au-eiit for the Sydeli- ! .mi Mir 1 t;il Fir,' IiiHurance Company, wdl be at Munsliaw's lu-tel both days of the Eastljrey Fall SUow, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sopt -"-' and M. Dross Making. Mis. Phillips hai taken a partner in the n.ikiii'.: business in the person of \K* Thompson, of Dundalk, and is now prepared to attend to anything which u,- ladies may tv. [inru in her line. Notice. Members of No. '1 Company, 31t Bat- tallion, are requested to meet at the drill shed on Saturday evening, Sept. HHh, at o'clock sharp, by ordor of tho Colonel, ,ind incuihers having clothing miit bniii; it in at once. J. II. FIELD. The Sydenham insures at th $ actual value of tlie property, and in case of loss pays the full amount of the risk. N. A. Dayman, a^vnt, Walters Falls. Mr. (i.'o. Tanner, ..I Mt. Purest, is ii"ldiiiv! another sale of noted woollen ,'iods at Priceville. Any person requir- ing food heavy tweed.*, bed blankets, cte. , should take ad vantage of the chance, ^ee his bills. Tho usual press ticket for South Cn-y exhibit i.,ii has been received. Wo can- not make use of it ai the directorate have wilfully and with malice afore- ' li'iu^lr. plaeed the dates of their show on tho same day as those' of our own, ai.d of course the crowd will bo in Fleshert. n on said days. W<j o with tho crowd. farmers ! Try the old reliable Syden- ham Mutual ; 22 years before the people; '.l~\ cents on the $100 on three year-. IH the highest rate in 22 years. W. A Diy man. a.'ent. Walters Falls. Householders of the south end are loud in their complaints of the condition in whieli the sidewalk leading to the cemetery now is, and say that probably when the township has to pay four or live hundred dollars for a broken limb aomvlxKly will see the expediency of lix inx up this sidewalk. It is a disgrace U> the place and should bo attended to at j nee before limbs or necks sre broken. Messrs. Will and Wes. Armstrong have erected a handsome boathouse and placed a|tine pleasure skiff on Cullen's lake.near the station. The Advance spent a yleasant afternoon out there on Friday last and brought home a fine brace of wild duck. What a pity it is that (his lake could not bo stocked with black bass. What a sportsman's paradiao it would make if this were done ' Prof. Ross, phrenologist, is in (own this week anil will hold private readings at Munshaw's hotel at any time. As an introduction we qut/te thu following from last week's Ownn Sound Snn : "On* ui ]t.i..e county'* pioneer fsriur j* in known as it.. 1 A. I*. We remeiiiber Mr. Kos wlntn . liu owned a splendid farm in t'ulross tuwmhip aud was boaking in pru*prity, happy and 11 I lOflMtUBf for Ibt ladies. We will uur t ' ever. 1 person who desires it a Beautiful 10-pa<;e monthly l).mil magazine 'or one year, each number c.'iitainiiij a n .."nilicent colored [date, together with sevi.n (lower bulbs for winter blooming in the house, all for only X> cento. The 3iilb arc : 1 HermuU.i taster Lil 3 Persian Kanunculus. 1 Freesia, 1 Hya- cinth liotMi.lo.4, and 1 Spanish lri. All >rders must be handed in before Oct. 1. Tho Advance on Tuesday morning re oeived an envelopo containing a ticket [or "Scotch Town i'icnic, 25 cents." There was nothing t > show where it came from. \V never before heard of Scotch Town and don't kuow wberu it is, but suppose that the promoters desiro to bare their picnic advertised to the extend of ;i free ticket in tho widely read columns of tin* | wiper, therefore this local. Since the above was in type a bill ha* been received statin;; that Scotch Town it at McMillan's irrove, Cilenelsd and that Father Mal.mey is ovjrseer of the affair, which will be held on Tuesday, Sept. _'.'. the object beiiijj to defray a debt on the Irish Lake house. Sugar and Tea. Twenty-five pounds of au^ar and five pounds of beautiful Japan tea for tho small sum of two dollars. \V.\V.Triiuble. auspices of tho Presbyterian cl.tirch. The well known humorous vocalist, Hairs- W. Bch, of Toronto, ha* been secured for % tho occasion. lie compares very fsvorsbly with such men a-- Cameron and Fax, and those who hear him will bo en- thusiastic in his praise. \|^> have heard h::n ourselves and can voiftB JOT the truthfulness of the following from the Port Perry Standard : '-Mr. Harry \V. Rich, uf T.iroiiti, is a host in himsalf. Hi* soul's were well rendered and well selected, He hiu a tine voice, and at a humorist cannot bo nurpatsed." Mr. Rich will ba assisted by local talent. All #llo can do so will b.i amply repaid by remaining for tho entertainment on the evening of the second day of our fjll show. Admission :.'."> am! lj cents. The secretary reports a lar^e number of entries pouring iu for the Emit Grey Fall show to be hel.l in Fle-ilim tnn next Tuesday and Wednesday. Come with the crowd and enjoy tho day. A Relic. Our readers will remember the excite- ment caused in this town four years a^o by the liur^iari^uij,' of the post i.rKee and bikini: open of tha safw. The two indi- viduals concerned in that robbery were followed to Orchardvillo where trace of them was lust. Intercut in the c:io was renewed tin other day when Mr. Sproulw received word from Sheluurno that UIM till of his safo had been f.unid rive miles south uf that place with the papers still in it. though iu a very dilapidated c.'ii- ditmn. Mr Sproule now has the rusty, haiteNkl till on exhibition in his office as a relic of thu nio.t exciting hur^lary vcr ci'iniinUud in Klosherton. The bur- ais at the time g-it away with about Silo. Ceofer Pickering. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Visitors to the Fair Should not fail in seeing my stock of Boots, Shoes, and Ready Made ClothiiiK ; cheap ai:J H'" K '- Suites from 90 (W up vo.jin.fti). The highest price for butter and ej--*. W . \V. TRIMBLE. The regulations of the Sydeuham are such that the honest iusurer is fully pro- tected from the tricks of dishonest men. W. A. Daymen, Agent, Walters Falls. Millinery Opening. Mrs. Trimble wishes to thank her numerous lady friends for their very lib- eral patronage in (he past, and also an- nounces that her new fall millinery will be complete iu every line, and iu fuli i until ni; order for fall fair Sept. 22 and 23. Don't forget tha place, Spruule's Corner. The Sydeiihaui is the oulj purely farmers' company doing business In this part. W. A. DsyuiMi, Agent, Walter* F)U. Concert. A concert will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Wednesday evening the last day of the fall fair, under tho ' aaaTor"^" wTasu'wisootbin, 1 'SyrTii' of this town, '.ras tho scene a Tery happy i/ath.Tin^ yej.t,-i-!.iy i\\'e<l lay) forenoon, it bi-in^ tl.o occasion of the marriage of their daughter. II., to J. Cieo. Keefer, of ihu - ville Tribune. formerly of the Fret' I' The intercstin:; cereinony n;u ['erforinod >y thu Hev. W. tho spacious >arlors, and tho happy couple were sup- ioi ted by Miss Alice I*:. Tee, 't Warwick, .lid Mr. U. Keefer, of Dubbm^toii. k.iioii; thn quests present were the fol- nwiiig : Mr. LI. Pickering an.l Mis. J . 'ickerini;, of Uram^ton : Mr. and Mrs. o'.i. Alexander, of Watford ; Mr. ainl Mrs. f*. Evans, uf Plympum ; Mr*. M. ;urdnjr, of Aurijrs, 111. : Mrs. H. H-th- if Plyiiiptmi ; Mr. :ind M - Kictx, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Philp and Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. I'ettypi,',-i....f Forest; Mi wen D.c'.ry. 1'ai ker.Hay- lursi, Pashley, Stogdill. llrowii, Pierci-. Marnh.-ill, K 1 .\ard. Mode! and. Campbell and Jenkins, and T. A. Rt-i.I, W. H. Uartriini, ('. I'-rnwn. \V. Pierce, (. Burn- ey, W. Kail, and R. Alexander, all of Forest ai-d vicinity. At ele\en o'clock the company d.'Wii t., a sumpt I.HJH hreakfast, after which an hour was spent in admiring the collection of hands une and valuable presents, music, aingin Mr. an.l Mr*. Keefer left mi thu I.:W | Ti'sH, and will spend a week visiting frinnds in the north part 'f thu province before settling down in their new home at SinufFvillu. They have the best wish- es of a lar^u ciicl of friend* in tlni tion for their Free Press. future welfare.- [Forest Got The Best For your Money J \\E1IAVEXOW A WELL SELECTED SORTMENT Ob' Boots Slippers Shoes Rubbers For Ladies,Gents and Children. New Ooods, Cheap and Good. Inspect thu Goods, compare thu Prices. :ui'l usa e-Uance- to in.tku your iWt cmui' >>lu for tli f:i!l ami wiiit.T. Also a lot of Men s hiiim-mado l'iii:j boots on hand tint ality. Custom Work an.l Ke- li.urni". to ordrr at Horn. KAWK ri in M ' A H. K.IW Married. ricKKur.i, \ . nn." v \V. ' .IS'WhU'r <( I- I'lCku. - iun. K<, UM l.lll Hist.. t Mr. VV \V Tninl.leX . i t mi by ll.'v. J. H-k I M.I.', int.- .if Mdin towaniili;. Mr K.lwarl \VV M.m i Collimjwood township. ML T\Ll'.c T I:i K 1 - i Tlnr nit. infant nauKlHur of David lii\ na When Paby was sick, iff e" < Wb0n khr was a CtuM. *hf erir.1 |..r Casloria. Wu.-n shr breaiiu: MIM, Hh dung to Csrturia. Wbeu she haJ Clu) Jrtn, be gac them Cutorl* A SuUoniau ii ajtrip to tho country saw the following notice mi a board that win n . n < iit-ar a i.' village "Hornes t.iketi nit. i i;rMS Ion* t;iiU, 8I.5H, short link 81." l'!ie travel 'i .'"'i ;iAe I tin- "I the Imi.l wliv tlu.-ru :u MI li i iliffereiici- in ill.- pn. I l>o;ird f >r h'.rM'S. "Well, you see." siiid the man. "'.lie 1""H t:nU can brush away the Ilius, l"it tlio sli"rt ru *o t-.rnifiiteil witli thi'ii: they can hardly eat at all." |HrnM. THE MAM UTS rLBSHBBTON. r (); nil'/ t'tn- !<<( i-<i KK.iir Kail \\ li-ul S|iriiiK \Vhuat Iliillor Personal. Mis* 11.. uK. of Kiit)ii!],i.t vuitiir,' with her undo, Mr. S. Dam tide. Mis.i I!, rtlt.i Smith returned we. k from a visit to I'nen.U in Owon Si'und. Mm. (Rev.)\Vells and family arrived to take up their abode nelu "ii M. 'inlay last. Tim Misses Maud and Mary Shields, of l'i>rt Eliiin, are visiting with their aunt, Mrs. F. Thompson. Kev. Mr. I'\.-r. Methodist iniuister, late of Maiiitoulin Island, liat been u t ing in town during the past wreck, occupied thu Methodist puht ^ii bath evciiiiiif. Mr. Uoo.Tunnr,woollen manufacturer nf Tor-iit.', and Mr. John Me Arthur, of Friceville, wort* wtllcome visitors at The Advance sanetuin on Tuesday. Mr. Tan- ner makes a li;tU auiiuuncomont where. For Over nny Yearn M'a toulbiUK Hyrup baa boon nnef 1 by million* of mothers for tnwir . lii l.ii , ,. 1.1 1.< U'Dtbiiiij If .IJHturbtxl at iiiuht awA-tru'.u &i voiir rt*t by a *ick oliild Huflurin^ an.l Jvvli.^ vitb |fkiu of uuttiiig tooth Homl at one. 1 auil y. t bottle of Mr*. \\'itilow M Kootbiilg H\ru^" for children twithing. 11 the poor little *"<w-r l'|.oii* "j|',>n ft.tllolhers th.tre la DO tuiataku about It. It urei Diar- rli.i.a, ruaulaUia the Htotnaoh an.l boweja, mi . -. Wind Collo, lofttiiiA th liuniH. rvduooa tnilaiii uiatloo, andfivMi touu an<l uner^v to the wholu ivitvui. Mrn Wluitmr'l HvoMlmi Hyrup" fur onildrea to*thiti|< U pluaAkut to the t*u<ml is Mio pruaoriptlou of oue of th oldeat and beat fmaie phvticlaARB and btlrMtw in the I'tiiteii StaUw. Price K oenM a boMle. Hold by all ta tbrou^houi the world. B nure ftuii ' . .- -, II. 1 p. ! t-.:. " I" ('III. ki'lin IMTI- |>lr Wuul II 11 lh .-' XI .1 ' 1X1 ' 10 I 1 Ml tfarrts. JOHN W- ARMSTROiNG. F 1 ' .). (JUKI. D'M K n: H ; t""' 1 a > ii.ioalu of lunil.-. .\|-|'iaii'i '.t . . It .'lill -.<.!. I. .H\ MONEY TO LOAN. The iiud.T- i"- iiu.'iiiit . III, ,11. V tO llllll I' I'o'O ')ll t, Wl ,.| fttfU property. S. !>A\iU>K. fli-nhcrt. u. W.J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. Am-n. Iimura: 1 proprily M, li, VI ' I! DR BUTTON M. I'. C. M . M.C, I'- A - i; i .I the Mit:i- 's ' '.'llicj ,!)>, I'liur-,. DR. CARTER. . ' i'. ,\ - ii,--. i - ' DRS. SPROULE & EGO, llarksU . -i i. T, >. S|:i,, lit, M. I'., l.i,. : . . Out. - ;:nl ut iht ' , :.;tiM> ut ui^lit. J. P. OTTEWELL, \Vti i ma: i i^ . t .. or ,:i-.,i Strayed. From lot yd. T A S K . aliont tho onjntvur |,!iuil wl r.-r lu-mU nil inf'ii iJiatK'ti will ir re.'ivr\ i *'.lh of n: an.l ' In- Su|)t 17.:'. l.'ii I io i\ r>--v o,|. ..I HUN \\ UKiHT. H'lfbllurloil. WANTED : ftiimn tt> tifiixllttbiir h*i'l. hn. -,'k M.iiitlsoinu tnilhi Irw, nal.L <ni1'iii^.i< -:i fi ";n ' i I- H ' .InlH) lui^ll' CsUiftd* over thirty yctTO, SU.T.-^-* u m 1 t > j'.tHhinu tn. MI if th<-v folluw utir iiir^tn: \Vl It*' I"! t.lTIII^ 'II 4 II.IM- Urothors 4'oiuitaii). NurBL-r> niuu (.'ulboriK-, Out. Notes Lost. The public are hereby csutinnud aainst pur- chaniiiK or noffittiitliii^ au> tiotvn nni.U? )m\al>lv to Alfieil Down or liuarur. at l.ucas' Bank, Mark- .lal*.*, <lato<l Nov. Jl, IWO, |iayatil.. n>' year from <Ut, an nai.l notutt hav ln.*.n ,.-t ()uo liotufor ruin wax lua<lu pHyablu to u: dsrtlglMd 01 Vio ui utou abovv Hutu. liit\.-beii stoppad. *BED DOWN. DON'T READ THIS, THE OLD RELIABLE Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co., K yoarp iH'fiiro tho pople. In 50|>or ontohuap- er thsji the noxt ohuapuat, an.l an ns,fe as tho nafuHt. Tb <iiilv puraly Kannara' Coiupauy JOIIIK biiHluoaa iu tbu Couut^v f *ii .-v- .(74 coiitB on thu #1111 for A Tarin t%b uiyhust it.-. Policy Holdara hsa evsr paid. The Sy.lonh&m in>in UH at two thir.lM the actual valua.aiid iu csjieof loss WL> the full aniouutof the risk. M. A DAYMAN, Agent. Rant Ury . (llanula \ii..n ia . Ceu i igw tral Fair* Klefthurton . S|t. 9S an.l Markdnla Svpb. U au.l J5 rlo.-villo Oci. ManJU 1 ,,,I1H Out. X mi, I 9 ClarkaburR Oet, asd 7 Wat* S Fall, Svpt.'Jtau UO ilcntistvu. J. P. MARSHALL, I,. I', t... M 1'. >.. D'Ht:-- . - Mark M,| \\ . .1.. ul ,, ,il uii'iilii. bloi.-ituu K.i , i ilie dny J. W. FROST, ll.nrixti-i. S.'ii.'iti't. <'oi \ -HI.. .-I . Ktc. Klenh.-rton ulllcf N \l tin- pi f t S|i|i.nlu's ImiMinc, " Tlnirsiln; n. 0iu I c-lli, 1- :...~l's liini.l.i,,' P McCULLOUGH, BarriHter, S. !i. il ,r. i u ver M . Furlaud's t, n . M-.ik'.il. ^l y to Lear. R. J. liL')j'iMAM>:. l-'leh.'i ton C.-min A et in li. R.. I.icrmed Aini.,.ti.- i.Cou veyanet'i. Appraiser aud M in'/ Heal KsU'.ii ttiul lunnraimu \., n:. Mort-.-ni;- *. L.M.^i-K and Wills .iraw Vahlatrous made >; .: shor' imtiei'. AHC- tiou Sal.. att. n.l.'il lo ..- w piu> L( ll County, ili.ii, y to loan Ht h.*< l r;.' iuterest. Cvlle<-tions nttendt.l to iiii promptings an<l usi.,.-. 1 n. iDarjjcg \n"x. 4KntfortheLioiiiiiiiouSti>aa:<liipCouipajiy. Cheap tickets from Flchertou to Liverpool, Ukisgaw, London or uv of thn Lntis.; oru . Purtieg K.ttuding to vitit Eu^lsnd, SootlsaU ur Ireland, will pleiis.. auk rates be- fore purck&siug their tickets elauwhere. Flesherton Ijivery Stables. ' H. fLAYTttX, l-ropn, J,,r. Kirni Tui borssa an<l . ni,.,. (or hira i '. raoual.if, rate* Htablvs oi'IxxlM Manhaw'a lHicli I ...K-..u faij to OOBBSIClciaJ