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Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1891, p. 4

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. Kvevy M? KKOM THJT. Orrici THKMSHK brilSdlll'TION : 1 i-i-r a>it.nm wlimi pai'l utrn'tly iu advance 1 I ' I'D* aatiiuii WIKHI uot no |>> I AllVKKTIHINU HAT:.-.. One artuiun. 1 vear, *au , bull col., do. *-7 qtiart-a > J.....<U'.. Wi. Tr*iiif nt atlvti 1 rut<- of Set- i" line ii nub W.JT. THURSTON. ] t- r <n 1 I' I MTS AND 1-K-l UBS. Tho Statistical Ytar l'.u<>k of Can- ada is to hand, and BS usual is full of facts and iigims \vitl> uyuiJ to our rounirj . it wus njl possible to make i f tli' lute tiM-ris iu the L >uk, but in many instances the census of towi < tc , w i.-. taken lust year and the r. suit npjKmrs in this work. I'oi iiibtuii'v in j-i.piihjtiaii of Owen Sound is Driven us 7.55C, and Colling- i G.n.'.O, an addition jf about 100 mil. I. liter case to the actual iniin- I . r Well arn from the work tliat there VH d4MMM in value of cx- I HI l^iioto fourteen countries, ll. iaryest decreaso Jieing in exports to tin I'nited Slates, th- value of ...... .leclmeof ihri* million . . ini'icipal di-cr. LI I'.rilish West lii'lli s. NeW- ii and Austi-uJia. On tht othi Land (here was an increase in :ta in (lieut Ihitaiu of ovt-r ten million dollars. There was also an men:: e in exports to Spain, <i i. Sontli Ann ricu, Norway atid Swede n. Thi ' i 'tal exports of Canadian pro- eis l;i;'. \eir *(! valued at $iMi.74'.i,l 10, BR compared with fft'.t.T-'.i 1C" the pievious year, an iu- en ,se of $7.55!I,HS^. Tbc public debt of Canada is $45.81 |ii inad cf her population, \\hile Ibis looks lartje it is really not BO in eonij anson with mu4iy other u.f the !'' itiith possessit'iiu. Mile- arc some ion ^iirisuns : That of i,lu V'ir.leil. '^ii.^doni is (1 iid per head ; Natal SlU.liJ ; Cape of (!ood Hope. $7r. 0!! ; Ni w South \V'ilts, Victoria,, South i. -ili. i, W< st Australia, (Queens- land, 1'. i .111,1111,1 uild New Xealainl all inn^e from $15'2.8( to ^3".5n per head. In the latter cases, however, the large indehti diii-fs WHS iuciirn <1 ]u ineipiilly .n building state railways which are owned and i i.n b,y the Ktate, and produce iv.. mie to pay oil ll e iu- debtidness without taxation. In tlie case cf Canada suoh debt an we have hai been incurred by thy bnild- ing 9^ nublic works, the ihnrt b mfiU of whioh go to the people and n^u l.j the state. l.i area Canada, ia i, itiuuUtd to con- tain :>,-t!it!,iiH:t nmme nnle.s. It in the lur^cbt of all the Kntish posHessiopi, i inhiuriiig nearly half of the wliole i -ppire. With legal d to our railways, the following extract will be interesting w> M-ail in its entirety The tirst railway in Canada was .]. on I on the 21,Sl July, IHilO, be- tween I.apiiure and St. JolniK in the I'rovince of Quebec, ,'t,v length being Hi nubs, but Mich little u^-'-lgi'css was nmdo in ruilwny development, that vle'iiilj.. (ji.-t bod of tho Northern Iliidwny 'was turnod by Lady Elgin in IH.'iO, tlii-ru w.-^ro but 71 miles in opei ntion iu thu whn'.M of wh*t is now In- Dominion of Canada, hut, Un country, though undoubtedly back- ., ml at one time in the matter of rail- way construction, has of laU years made very considerable progress. In I -''.7 there were 2,'25H miles in op. ra- n, 'and on 80th June, 1890, 19.250 with a total of 14,004 miles , Uoing' an increase in the 2 yvm since Coirtti^ration of 10.99H miles in operation. In l&fitf tho paid- up capital amounted to 100.471,190, 1890 to $7M,44T-Jn.' have carefully gleaned from the book. and while there is very much more ol ' I'.juul nit* rest our epace is too limiti-d to il. ul with them. Dut surely Kiich as we have given should give our ! i'li v.i soiiietl^ig to think about uini i | )-o..d of. This paper is a staunch ver in a grand destiny for Cana- da,, nud it ul.o U.lic-\t iln> is at the pi i -(lit moment progressing with as knjjthtiutd stridv-s as U... ijix-ai majority of countries, and certainly with more speed than uy country in the ATexterD hemisph^-f, with tho ox- c. 'jiMoii possibly of the l""itcd States Aftiir carefully examining the statisti- cal Vear Book, and (omparibg our conmieicial advancement during the past ten years, we feel wore than ever like going on the war path aftci pessimists. IT 111 progress of raiUoad !^J lies bnllny show^bjr *>< fnllov The construction is ,1-3 wini; tiguren : rtffimt ' I WO, 3. This IS rather tion, a delicate but ix MI; Iu tbc dtbatc upon tli.' c-tusus last Domini'Ui louse, at least two speeches were dt l.vvnil which should umkf Liberals yause and think! the present aspucl of tin u campaign u^aiiiht the uittliods of the fjiU'ral CoDBervativc party, tlieir blows Vc not roboundinjj upon their own beudswilhthe muredoailly ( tlrct. lion Mr. Foster, in an able speech, pointed out that "Sir Richard Cui twri^ht and the Globe ataiid togithtr, the ouo in Parliament and the othor in Toronto, preashing the sarnc docti yu , uaking the same appeals umi carrying out tho same policy, the one exalting the other as the jtropbet of the country. It is no wonder, therefore, that tho combiner efforts of the two have had the effect which they naturally and necessarily must have had. The effect is lea.H seen among people of con- si-rvative ttiu'eucies, btcausa they have less faith in Sir Richard Curt Wright'* asscrtipnB, but the difficulty Comes that he is believed by the v men of his own party, and, as soon as he was believed by them they IC&VP '.he country as quickly as they can. (Laughter.) Why should they remain in the country, which is iu tlie con- dition so vividly ami so blackly por- trayed liy SirRichuid Cartwiyht from time to time .. ' Dr. Sproule, in a telling speech, put it even more strongly when he said : "If our immigration had not been if large us expected it was due to the Liberals' detraction of the country. The disappointing result of the IU-HMI- \v,i> due to a large extent to the dill eieni' in the met luxi,; "t taking the e.-ii- ii> adopted in lSf>r and IH'.M. This year the instructions had been much stricter, and no person who had I n absent from Canada during the year was counted in this cens This change of method resulted in mine carefu) enumeration of the p. ,.ple, and the natural result was. more correct ci-nsua. He retell that the uld M >t, m liud not IHMI adopUd thisi year, as the change ol method led to misiiiid.'rstHndingtt and mistakes. One curious feature of tin eenMH u;ts the proof afforded by it that the Liberals were responsible for ihe exodus. Out of 47 COIlstitllenei. s in Ontario repretieiited by Consei v lives only thirteon 1H showed de- creases, whil^f the Ili repn'senU'd by Liberals no less than L't! xhowed a de- cline ill poraUtipO| The blue rum speeches of tho (,>Qp.>ouioii had fur more to do with ill j yxitdu.s than i.n;, act of the Uoverumunt, Kir Kichard Cartwrighl himself had by his (leeeheh and urgnineiit driven no less than 2,867 out of his ov,'.n country to Meek a refuge in his .ilynian fields of tlie west. It was the same in South Perth, Prince Kdward, North York, Nortli Wcntworth, South Grey and here it was curious to 11,4.' that tho two ridings of drey represent*^ by CotHervativi-s Imth showed increaseu -North Wellington, N.orth Norfolk, Ma,. i HiU'OU, Sityth llinoij, North llrunt.West Qutarioand many others. The liguitiB in all these cases showed that the people Relieved the blue ruin gospel of i hen represe^ttatives, while in tlie Conservative constituencies tho people, as a rule, had faith in Canada and reniamod to develop tho country." Now, as we said before, and speak- from a nonpartisan 8tandppin(,s*iould not Liberals pause U fore going further and I'll be silent as an oyster. I oiiiy to help you make a selection ci New Carriage iBlackmnitli Shop. Tlio nndcnurne^ l*cjr lenrc tn (-/]nint th* pnMic with th. ttrt tii ' Hi UJ) a new currm;,'!! *""' l)la<rk-.iuitli sli..]> in 1 vihnu in "Ur liue will Ix- Hltuitcil tu ii< prompt in.iinuT ioi<l i. We inoka Iftrialty uf IT O R S E 8 IT E I N jutiifiwtion And Drote to bar. 1 a m.ohiuiir who i-iv, * e tion toteudor or coiitraoti-H fet-t, riery tiuia. Hpeciul atten- 'v |. . v -nit t. WOODWORKING ill ftll i oik up a w,n kiM [ have the necessary exp^-ri. nee, ilitto the Furniture. Iu the lir>t place you'll need H kitchen table and some cumnion chairs. For the dining room v.u must have a nice sul. !> ,'ard, oak u walnut, with chairs and table to match. An extension table it must l>e for your mother-in-law, yonr cous- ins am 1 aimU will be oil hand soon aft. i the bOMJRMMIi I inn t have horse-hair furniture ril the dining room , it's old-faohioiii'd ml out of date. Clet a cosy IOUII:.T in a handsome brocade or rep and pliiidi. A high-backed oaken comes next. Then a couple of exciedingly pretty oak chairs with cane -i-ats, and a couple ill oil tinish. ,1 walnut with plut>h or rep seats, make an agreeable variety. Something in rattan, such as a Indie's chair, a HUIMC rack or woik basket looks well, while . v. n pi-(ii>eiiy i ipiipp.'ih Jiawing room has a fancy centre or corner table of some kind. The designs in mahogany, antique oak and walnut arc very liaud some. As for Hedroom Sets the range iu styles is, most extensive, and it is really rjurpri.Miig what elegant outfits may be had for very little money. I blush d. eply when I speak of (Y. idles, High Chairx, and perambulators, and pet Imps am a little loo previous, but 1 might just as well say that Iliittati A are is the favorite for all these inter esting articles. If 1 have firgottci anything, pray don t hqsitate to in n tion it when you call on Yours in strictest contidenct, H.E. McIVcn Furuiture Warerooms, FLESHKRTON, -i" 16 mi|M in ope tj miles ; 1HCO. 8.087 ; 1870,i,497 .wi.MtiR 1*90,13, 2;n.miis ^TMAboT* factf and " tljej'r own figure*, we moraliiing v\, - '"' in tiaotiof which, judging frama,u. l '"' ' ie (even from t he h|>s of Kir.Hirli- ''' himself ) m dfp\*iug faster than it i-nemy ? 4* nrulf to n\ -r \V.> l.-l'"'vn we -s.. in Kl.-ilit-rtou ty iair uii.l c,]<> ''> " '"' mill ., licit the putilic tu Lmt imr merits in "Mr v.i- n: ri i:\ ////;<; ir.i I:I:IUH>MS, m'i:ii.i.v WRITTEN & BLAIR. A Fact worth knowing t! E N I I !S E- LARDIITE MACHI1TE OIL H THK LrrtK.K'.\TIN(; <>1L IN CANADA. 1AKANTLKD TU DO ni-.TTKl;. AND IS CAEAPKU i'HAN TALLOW. MAKK ONLY I'.Y McCOLL BEOS. & CO , Toronto. I - > -1.1 |.y all leading dealers throughout the country. P.Sv Perhnps yon do uot intern to take sneli an important step as tli< above just at present, but you may know of a fi. ml \vhu does. If BO,, bo kind enough to say a K ou d word for mo. You would also do s.,uiii nuirriw friend a favur by telling him, or 1] ulioiit uiy extensive slock of Puruituru at prices to suit all pookctp. Tel them to . all and, sue our cheap. Bed room suits, well finished, light>. 01 dark for SI <>.!><>. We have also a % stock iu Mahogany suites, Cuntre Tables, Plush Hookers, Beds, am Hall Stands. Picture framing done ou short notice. Also a large stock o Funeral Furnishings. Good heane and pn. mpt attention at thn Variet, Hull Furniture Warerooms. H.E. If. Fleshorton Station Steam Saw and Planing Mills. ''HI li.HIO every Uy. Lir.nbor of 11 kind* for ttk. .1. K M O O K i: l'rpri.-tor. MONEY I' . our., mrr ranll. ' t aai lm. I, . -.., IHU. AIM Slnie.-le. nnd Lath Timber Wallte.l. \V llHVO tWO new for Rale SOUIETIES. SONS (IF T! i ; i iv fVfiuiii: t - i Input*-* * ROYAL TI'MI'I \l:s UK 1H.MIK1 SNC'K.- K Spta - k i\t i : K.irniir.'i in.', t^ tnonttilv. (I \\ - iiic*day \n tt-diuK tliu -Ji. 1 : I'in-h i Diasci: A f A M , i. block. Klesb AiiTiifi; i.uix.r SO 88. J F. A i.iwt in i "in M t".i '-\ ' v 11 i , | .iv ,r IM lore tile full uioou. A.S. Van. lu, -n. \\ U . K J spruulu for l' ; h or Baw Drrm ami mantle nmkitiE in all it" ov^auil gtrl iiitn attAiidiKl to t"ui|>ily ait, I . natittfai'tioii ^'i tin' t, , ,1 > Hull* inn.l., up iu Roo.1 style, when cloth i- iToiivlit ni ly tut. April J '.'I Sound. Onlnriu, 1^ tlie Very llcjft I'l.Al-K IN CANADA TO C1ET A Thorvvyh /iuiinrii EJumtion. Take a liouud Trip and visit other HUM a " IftfitH ami * \HII :ii*rrial I >')>! tint-Mt- in i'ftiia>tft, triHii vwl Niiitlirru Kii-iiH'Hfi r..llt'K<' ; wxaumit) t'vury thitu; t h<n iMU'M\ If w fail to |>nxluce the n. .^t thruui;li. romi'lrtf, |>roti< > nti-l rittm- .1 ^ . .-MurM- of tii'ly ; th bwt eolleK* 1 premise* ,M.I tin > v t I'll I !'i."t c i;upluli' aii't UU>H. uit- .I'lofmu.k*." a., v i'ljnnrr* *f wnl ijive you i full i"-m-o PKKK For Annual Announce- in-ill, giving (ul) pat ticulfcr*. tree. wUi - - C. A. FLKMlNd. \ ..t .At,, iv IU.4 IMtcb J.M. i|nkk 'y lt.,w I" pie ,..v ! Ih* .'.it, and ,i f, ib Mir*, all . Mil*,,.. .,' "'* fin< iff All )? ilmr.", 14,. I* All I, . ., .. M >.... Hr ,*,! ... v.tvthmf. K>1IM. M'l M 1-AKtl. I I Al Mil.*. <.., Tlltul a> ii'.. <"* M jrom fO In |ii vt We Are Your Meat The ' n"i up In ' III L '. iin lv ft itit|tiirniu Hi*- th<> i lin*> Hbop vooond door t-i-t <>f r- -n; mul niton Store. Oool tvnder teak al Oil tittll I ay* Came Astray Came to the pi cm !.< of the un lot 141 148. T <V H K . about .Inl v Int. one year- ling heifer. The owner U requmUxl to prove property. \\ uipetmei and tak It away. JACOB A. Lr'VKIl. Fleahorton. Aug. 90. VI SM.AKV atid CommiMloi _ un and Women, T> ,-li,,r a^)*! ( l-'i Kymen, t'' il tMt !(' n NEW AND I'rrl^lt HTAKD- TKMTIMO3Y OF li> < F.VlTKIFs TO JEHIH OF V \AAKITII. The moat runiarkalilu rfllurtou* book of the age, wilttou liy Kinliieiit scholar* Son anclarian Krery Chrtitiiln wanta It. RiolunlTe territory (Ivan. Apl'ljr t* The Huijry Bill Publishing Co. x It's easy enough the Ball corset. That's be- cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They "give", but they come back. So does your money ^-if you've worn a Ball corset two or three weeks, and find that you don't like it. For Sah hy M. Ui.-h:r<lM>n & to- Bull for Service. The til Ternii . bred Durhi kJliill.Gt inattt. in,'. Mil \Yhlte stuck tborouh _ lag*, fur service at nil urfuuxm. lot Ul. t weal I ADAMS Notice Notice in liiTd.v uiwn that on tlie 10th day tl Oct next, at k villa*!* <.( Mcl.,t\,e. tlie HJ nloipal ('(.ii.R-il itf the I'ownsiti,- of Oe|ru iu ' tsuiK i.aoii.H Hy Law. in ace.",: mice wild tli Municipal Aot of 1*47. for the i>rri* ' o of cuntiiii up and dint^aini; of thui.rii<inal r-l allnwiinee. bt'i.ii; part >( (he Hiileroad l*-t W.-VH lota 30 aa<l 11 In the 14th cunu.)iion of the Hald Townab.p of Oaprey al a|>enlnpun a Deviation Knirl iu lien there .feat i oa lota 90 and 31 in ai,l litb eonoeaalon to tho Valley Hoad Plat,, oto ...( Deviation R.d can be * at the Clerk'* Office. aucTt TROMVA SCOTT, . ,k ,'..,.,

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