THE QUEEN'S MARINE VILLA. A Delightful ... .jiae Which Vic- toria Galls Her " Home." A GROVE OF WEDDING TUBES. > aeceaaU la The Queen i* at Osborne enjoying her Summer day* like an ordinary English lady fond of country life by the sea, and fortunate enough to p oast as the means of gratifying her liking. Her Majesty ia very particular to hve it emphasised that the palace villa at Osborne, 1*1* of Wight, is her own property, purchased with her own savings (oat of the money given her by the public' and entirely fre* from official supervisiaw. " It i* >o nice to have a place of one's own," she wrote, to her uncle, the late King of the Belgians, " nuiet, retired, and free from ' woods and forests,' and other department* which are the plague of one's life. It is difficult to give s description of O*- borne, as stranger* are never admitted, and the Queen has intimated to the pre*s that there would be no prying on her little corner of privacy" in the shape of tine writing about her seaside home. The picturesque grey stone gables of the uuf at Monrovia wh*n sl> aataonus* rWue-i her Albert, and a fine bast of the Osrmss Em- peror. Indeed, all ov*r Osbone is scauared a wealth of beautiful eximpira of modern statuary and painting, many of the --at/'of two Kroo boys, oTmuTU of the century tnding a hone mart. Here, also, the Quern has eoUectad a perfect gallery cf portraits aad basts of th* family by well-known artists. During the warm weather her Majesty has a teat pitched oo the south lawn, a an nag the great cedars, and there is wont to trans- act her morning's business with her sacra- Sbe is J ' ' >* Libertao to pro- ut securing the services ami embarked m s frail aad stole away. After roar day* and aighti *a the) ocean she reached her destiaa- UOB aad she seat the Kroo DOTS back to Jioorona. She amaaraad all ciotaesaad m the costaav* of the country 'a cloth arowad the loin*', began her journey for the chief town of the its*** me ii* TI too, of breakfasting in the lower terrace. The one of the alcoves of the gardens lie to the left of the hoaat, and an chiefly remarkable for th* trees and shrub*. There is also a bathing place, aaoared out in the water after the manner of baths on th* Arriving at Whaabo'* town, Jacinto food In Wasra *>nee IBOB i aVraaaea sailer Plate*! a ran Conosmea. raties, aad roaunssceat spots pnagipia Sew Orlaaa* baser* the sbaarr tag eye like faagi m the raias of the Augean stable*. It i*T*tk*w*..kBown midnight ksaatii aOeywav. Bar m i tag of chain* that scads the through taw frame af the other. It is th* rare kaml. the rattl- icriil him busily pramnins, for his warlike expedi tioa acamst his eaeaaias, bat when she m her betsty preaeated haiaslt halors kirn ami told him who she was ail purpose as***.! Instead of proceeding to war he gave orders for feasting and general reiaacjag te cat* ' ed in dmramiag rags & long-lost bride, .ad. aeeker walks -.he c. . ! -*c-i -er Rhine, and a little schooner baa at anchor brate the return" of has ready to take any of the royal grandchildren . Jacinto accepted this position, tor a mil influence IB such a way that W break* for- By urc *>r o OKII o IM over the U WIM isath. I brl.l,... 4 I* id anirM- wife *nd Deals. Whreabo, King of all ihe Basm*. died recently at hi* bead town in the interior of got hi* warlike intentioaa so lallssaced him that he oisaxmsed hi* other wives. <he induced him to look upon the ., of the pal* Liberiana withoat hatred. acJ so ' !-.:?.. t:.v Urand y at his 1 Corah, a tradiBg station of Liberia The R*ss are a very numcrou* and intell: gent people, inhabituig a large district on the west coast of Africa, and Whreabo wa* one of the moat interesting character* on the coast. His father wa* Beyer, who repeat " edly waged war to prevent the Amtrico- Tudor Manor House are almost hidden by - --,- -~ >- .* < the many rare tree* planted by the late Liberian* from settling at Grand Prince Consort. Interiorly, the rooms. Boyer, however, fell a victim to the ven- ittfoea. Chriatiamty For many years thi* woman exerted an in- fluence for good over the savage chief, bat some ten year* ago ahe die-! Since then Whreabo has never left h*s town, bat aged, blind, aad feeble, pauentiv -:u for the aaal sammona. antithesis of th* paritr imaoB hacgiag over the gioauag slams of sleeaeag alias. The Voodoos are rare bits for the maniihle analysis sf the myihist. Who are they Where did they com* from? What a their ongia ' their tenets' tions which are incaatives which th* Stygma black aeas of rtariam atgku tar <n irc 1 ^. H -A. -? . SBB I? their reugtoa * ar* s ses- i aa,i pcii."< -.he =yti jt. h send ham ia th* raiaor iuto th* hUngtrees I great city IB th* world. Vou " uapared streets and ras- IB BO other panelled and deep-bayed, are good speci- mens of the domestic architecture of the Criod. The farm is, indeed, a model one. the cattle sheds lie prize boasts, of various specie*. In the pastures beyond browse placid fawn colored Spanish cattle, and a shaggy black Highland herd. Tbe dairy, tiled throughout, and fragrant, is a sight, rrom it batter is sent daily to Windsor when the Queen is there. From the farm the drive (one of the many which form a perfect network over the estate and by mean* of which the Queen can drive for miles without leaving her owe property) on to the gale of the Swu* cottage the Liberian laws, and died s jloody death, but not befor* he had mstUW hatred of the civilized black* in toe mind of his ton and heir. After Hover's death Whreabo at to take control of the go .tei.'.i '. i t of hi* Tar Cr*lB .f <i.i of aay coactr; two factors *: . up in It coeJd easily be shewn by statistics that itnmeaM sroress has been made in all di- recttoBJ and IB every province fiace POBJsd- tnbe, but h i'wai "preten'ted frosn doia "so *rUcB, bit it u coUung to the advance - >~uu ?oo* have triliiaxl the tooting they have ia New Orleans. Their ostiaad- >sh forma, maacasd amid the maemiuoa and ignorance of the locality in which they are found, btaadly ii-ihrri with its an- rssisUBs, smniBtihibty. A half dosra or so acres of tanaciBsT shanties, ivied and crumbling teaeeaenu aad deserted ttab*m, tenanted by a horde of half -savage aegroes, > ciliaa*. and hybrid aatioa- mmmmmm mmm u* wu mmw**mmwm irvmi firMalK nm*^ tTif.tsxBB.mml Xfc**4l*Ba^ mmn bv his brother Taipu. who will b* r*m*mb*r which w^ be witaeased in the early ftura. EaTnllii ed by many old uaders Tom Will I: -I- -thi. the last few years thai the *"~ ?~ "^ ground* at the edge of the woods above the | tn< water. Osborne was emphaticsJly the komt I *** of the Royal Family, and nowhere is this d d by many old uaders For months the Bassa savages, in factions supporting, respectively. ' Taipu. engaged m a guerilla how friendly to tbe AmerKo-LiberiABS, of the Dosunion have beea Whreabo and P 1 * *^ ln * poatuoa to enable them to be war. Nmner ' PT^jt d * v W ^ i - t Mar.itoba and the I -. i.:- : I -. wpon which th* to th* melodrama of the Von- *Bt eawiHjwv u a gwsruia war. oeiioer r~~t - t~ - - a- gained any decided advantage. Taipu, ] North West can now be reached a* quickly , t ever, had always been more or lass ' " * n<1 Cheaper than any other coontry in __.__ j adly to the Amerko- Liberiana, so when lo * WCTld {n a ""ting iir migration. - more apparent than when we wander around the brown (kattl which stands in th- middle of their quondam play-ground. The air seems full of meniories of the past sad aad pathetic in some cases, when one reflects on the untimely end which awaited some of the children who played about this spot, TOT UARUOS or THE l."V U CHILOKKN. A double lin* of trees edges the walk. Those oa th* left are a variety of specimens of hollies and ilsxes. On the "right the som- bre rows of ornamental firs are all memorial tree*. A tablet below each give* the name of the royal planter aad the date. The Queen and Prince Albert's tree* head the ho*, and after them come those of child- ren and grandchildren and royal relatives. Some are wedding trees, planted by the bride and groom at their marriage. It is a family history, written in beautiful, un- changing verdure. Behind u the miniature fort with guns, planned and built by the Queen's sons when boys. Inatool house opposite, numbers of lit- tle wheelbarrow* and gardening implement*. marred with initials, still hang a* mementoes of the days when they worked in their re*peclive gardens. These, too, are still kept up ,uid every year the F.mpres* Frede- rick has the strawbeme* from her* sent to her at Berlin. There is a museum, too, where countless childish treasures are stored, and. even now, sometimes added to a younger generation. The sw is* cottage itself contains. in the upper st-'ry, the Queen's rooms, where she can rest when out for a drive, an 1 the mounting steps are to be seen with which she use,) to mount her Scotch pony . Of late, however, her Majesty drives about in a pony chair, deceoding occasion ally to walk, rurroundeU by her dog*. In thr lowrrruomsof the skalrt is thr I'rmccssea' kit, inn. whence it was their delight to send up dishesof their own making, when they in- vite,! thrtrparrnta to tea in the roomsabove. Kouml the house under Ihr broad raves, carve,! in dark wood, run two old Uermaii mottoes, faithfully reflecting the spirit of the good and wise parents who watched *o carefully over the children', training - - Am Ootlc* screen. Ut rAit gal V , - lioit X crtraul. bat (rut I 'lose by is a largr mvrtle tree, grown from a sprig from thr tVinres* Royal's wed- ding bouquet. From it werr plucked the sprays for her daughter'* wedding bouquet, the Ouches* of Saxe-Meimngeu. and one nf th, ,- tta* now grown into . tine shrub next power for his bene Whreabo was drt. merchants of Monrovia demanded that L""* CAO l * obtained troubles which interrupted trad* should the Liberian tiovarnm* t exerted its for hi* benefit, wit.l the result that far oothing, aad its lialU and Corybaates p live aad USCIVKM cn to an asylum in th* bush, while Taipu took his father i town, his wives, aad all the Bassa country. Taipu was not long permitted toes joy th* dignity which he bad usurped. Troubles arose from cruelties inflicted on Liberia s citi.-ens by the Vie people, a warlike tribe further north, and diverted the atteot on of the Liberian Ikiveruiuent from the athun of Bassa. Thi* was Whreabo opportunity, favourable There are also large areas ia the older pro vine** waiting to be occvptad : and unprov ed tarms can be oblaiaad thsrt by with some , who I sain to retain have ta* alchemy. the of - . anenitias to which they accustomed. Th* mcroatiBg which these advaaUfaa if sure to 'attract, * will require th* mannfaeluers of i.reat Britain, and will send in return additional lupplies of grain, farm aad dairy pro. and astrnVagy '* Chrwuan Roeenkreai and his aeanhyws, of Rosicraoans, the egotistical qaackery af . raracelsas aad hi* beard of wisdom, to the CalioatroJDf th* evemag of time th* Helu-oa of the aad be took advantage of it He endeavored <** - ul J f**- < WB > to oust his brother frosn power aad inn ess followed his arms. It was sot many weeks before the dead body of Taipu. sw'atbed in many hsnHagas, stood mummy -like in a corner m his chief widows hut awaiting bunal : and Whreabo began to rale over the country. The fact that W hrsabo had secured power m Bassa land gave the eicellsat raasou for -Quack* of i day Th* black art. however modified or elaborated into dissimilar forms, still ha* as its distinctive feature an aai- ^"^ moatty to th* well being of men. ViaoV- from cointrte. outaid* th* t^imVln >"*- *^%mam ao Us* charac- she BOBM larger proportion addition, the resources in the two oceans which wash her term* the rites of the tropical Voadoo of ive gusJ aad apastit* res of Jack the luaat to-dAV than did e i . .x^ner m hu chief wide., hit awaiting '^^ the minoral both ol *! Wy th ogres of * Eastern Canada aad of the Wrst, in the N ll< limitless riches of the Rocky Mountains ' There i* a haunted tree in the romantic north of th* boundary line, remain ka m|aU plats of Congo square around Lberian" "merchanu ' "rented aa.1 male available to a greater Almost ali ex <' nl . lk *V Pf^"" (orlat V AK this aftarm* of such wealth. scarred aad hallowed trunk it is said the ghost* of long dead Voadoo 0,1 dance woea the ram falls IB the moonlight but at no other time. Th*n they come ' port articles, such as oil. skins, camwood. ' ivory and rice are gathered in Ihe Basm dis' rentk and ^w r .that , tuB o w^oderl ana- Jianstnrnadeafeartothewileso:!. ncle >arn. down from the black storm cloud* in the itain their individuality drops of raw aad their nte* ar* lit by the out** th* d**4",v witcaaag bnghtaessof Hecote. the goddsm Taj -. UK t. and this field, controlled by a hostile to Liberia, meant that all cc-mmervr in this direction would be brought to disas- ter. F.vents soon nuulc it plain that Whreabo intended to holdpo paaceful rela- taoos with his civilued brother*. He lootcsl preferring to and to work .. _^__~ whichthey believetobe beforelheir countrv. < itches. These are th* ghosts. It is this thorough belief in Canada, aad in ">*> y**" * t*' ** whit* light of her reaonrce. and capabilities that ha* l**tnc lamps disMpated th* shadows cf the I al.avs ,tuBulatd and inapired the leading Congo square with a saamiagly perpetual .^5^ *1^^4l*D~m>0^m*vc~M* ^nlighi. tS.rr were wUd dan^ about the traders from then t ttion*. and an edict that no produce of any kind be sold to Libenans l>\ any of his peopli under pain of instant death. The " pala ver ' ground in Whreabo'i town became a tneatie whrrem wcrr i<erforai<tl many bloody *.:. llucdre>l> o! the follower* of the for weeks the savage chieium heKl high carnival with death, until, feeling secure, he gathered hi* hordes around him and prepar- ed to descend <.raii>l lU.*.t for th purjx>e< of driving the l-ibrnaii settler* into the sea, The vies in the north at this time, encour aged by the intrguir.g Kn^lish of Swrra l/eoue. were offering such ituhborn resist- ance to th* Librriaa force* that the Lite * for the wonderful transformauon whk-h has < ' I bson refstwd to. Sir John was ahl* lo say. P* . wilhpardoaablepna., atabaauwrtgivento IM, I have sal al th* federatioa of the Iktaxiajon of Canada. The ' 'hat sit rear* age 'I have sat at (Ur* of foggy oU Uap* tkecradWof that .troag bantling, to* con Noawndraau hollow tree, and there were weirvj of hMMoaa faces and un ... .,.:- : bowl af stew itjayastiag aad ass vary artssiam, Tbe t- divtdoal to be charmsd was rtsod whs hoUaw tree, th* VOBJBVO e^aaa sat down at froat of aim, bar eldest h*p L^M syasi a , aad the rev U the taakard, of face aad body arowad the The person tobe which aeewwd the meat. These wen for a long wails, aad were ereau sally en sp by a drmakan tar from al'niteJ vessel aachored m the nver. TVtsn mm afoul sf the > oodoo tree ia the the fsstmues. Th* dance wa tue appttisik aad the V Badass with gnaatrss aad veils triad to drive kiai tneiaarieas aad ta his remarks by the prWacttoa of a tar- rifytng mariai antke, aad said that a* wwaU } pt: iiE in af. biL he BVaWBM the brig. U was told to isisi*iliry did. aad, laaaaag his doaauoB bataw the howl, ha her ot other bdb aad a xuu. This t* ssy to ha) sleeves and task he* t hand aad the dish of ia the other and ty. The excited V, aramad the tree were taken by sunns* iasttae bediasaMd He TWtarope >y throwing i form af the cracked the nei: the head with th* howl rapidly oC The bowl hit hag folsai aad upon the jolty tar's makiaal a naaiaaght OB th* rasaaaasW af the etew, they * . -. -,-.- . - , . , The tar placed both km hands spaa Tusnips and IsagktJ load aad long. H* them tataersd th* money from th* tree, s tw martin spake aad hied to the 7-- c'z : -..-: -- '.-:- nek aad aid ait Ta* rest, having last their leader. (uafeiamt kardxhood ta nak meetxag another -i run ken sailor. T*I-S1T .Bl W t. UllM u a Ctlsvr < t reo "lih a I Taipu da,,y lo*t , fl e,r brad, and Sff^^^.v youtk.aVt it has suck a a: if there I l.o \ I- VKVKI. It is a little distance acioea the nark from thr SWIM cottage to the house. The scene is a hrtuliful one long sweep* of swi dotted with clumps of Scotch hrs, and with oak coppice* and patches of bracken, slop ing gentlv to the blue Solent. bryond which viovsnnent found u impossible to do any k i,out -J.iM'.HV mortgage,! thing for the relief of its ,-ituens in Haass la the T'nite,! <tais*?an,i r.'..VV.OOOof fam land, and it was decider! to i*ur an order ^ l< wno OWD jheir 'own i'.orne. aaiaram- that tiran,! Bassa be abandoitexl an 1 all brrtd or live in rented houM* I'nul the Liberian -ituen* leave th* country On the proportion of the latter class who live in day when it had been determmrvl to make renw j m4 a f known, the pabU- thi order public there arrive,! in the port of W|U no , ^ lX . rt ,n whether th. ,Nvmpara M .nrvvu, the Libri*n capital, the bark ' uvr i v mtil nam ber of mortgagea is a sign hisvessrl came trtxu FjijtUnd ofnro-pemvil . no! . The presumption of lo condition is in favor t the an dramatic spot could nave been by the** wisard* sad witches for thtir aocturnal rites. Th* square itself is od Brans, af romance, of duals, and abduc tk<a, and of undiscovered lisalhs. A - .ch a tfting as^k political insurance' *toa*'s throw away are the hoary wall* of company. 1 am quite sure r would insure h historical pari*h pnsoa. beyond w the th* life of the Dominion si a nomiaal pre *d Trsme Market, to th* left of ihe tree .ack watrr* of the v Id Baaia with it* crowding of dark vessel* like a glimpse of Venice. Bfhiad it the holy wall* of the venerable French cathedral, frvxn whose e* ever aad anon aminocs naguaj of doa t believe IB ghosts, but 111 never I the time I had ahaard a clipper ship which for many a night 1 thoagkt was :-.rd. said Dim Wand all. able lasmaa, aaar aad a good all round workman, w nil* spinning yam* and miry tales with a host of kindred V. - - We were in the East ladies, said he, and had a crew thai came f a*cu all quar- ts of the earth, and aporsuttoa* as you coaia make 'em. We were bound fc likims. bat ran our aaae into aosne pretty harJ wtiher Befci* e came oat tt* ship kad lost a Wogma overboard, camed sway aer tarstiamaK aad lost a yardarm. Cap*. Bates tSBsUaii to put iato Bombay, aad get same new span, the spare oae* aav* ing abready beea put iato ass. "We got iato part right eaaagh. aad rigged a new lirimssT The oar* yard that could W bought for love or gold was a txg iroa fellow with a hallow lanas It was part of what rrmaiatil from the wreck of a* Eagttah ship. It needed some slight ret- ing. sad this was doa* by the ship'* carpen- ter Then it was seat aloft aad we pat to tea with our general cargo. wsat wwll the first f The .rix*l*. BB4 Ke.ilas i r port show* that there v^nieai >i a SJ^BBVBBBI vaa< deep- toned belfnr com through th* Bight the and brought a beautiful aegress who called J^ herself ,U> into Boysr. From Jacmto's sarlraet day. stirring IIK i dent* marked than an ml, family which owns a mortg . . one that lives in a rented homr The Mm The story of the Voadco tree i* thi* Year* ago. whea the Voudoos were a power among the ignorant aud superstitious den urn* of the slum, contiguous to Coago Square, there dwelt in a shanty a certain Voudoo queen who was nigh ted folio wvr* as was procrwssivr -.- well qualine,! by an insidious and i ri< the dark outline of the New Forest and the white height* of thr t'ortstlown Hill*. Yet another avenue of rare ornamental tre*. and then a (rove of cypress lead U> the tcr race* ixut .'oJin Hrown s memorial sea:. A plain bench of Scotch granite, ornaiuer.tol with arar>nl medallion of the faithful *rr vitor, bear* thi* inscription from Vtyron : \ irtier. noMer. irustior heart. More lovlaR an,', niorr loyal, nevrr heal XV it Inn a human hr>t.' A little furtner on i* a memorial tree to a four fooled favorite Bully, a nine. year* pel A s*riesof stone l<alut railed terracra run along the wa front of the houar. The paln\s and yuccas, the fountain, and beautiful brv>ne "latnary. th,- trvllisrd inrry. and thr magnolia,* in* a>iorn thrm *re i)uit in keeping itli th,- style of iMvrne as an Italian \ ilia, a Sunime. rr,ideiu-r in * mild clinmv. Appnv>chinK these terraces from the east we hud on our left the downstair* room, now converted into a chapel, as th* Queen found Whippmgham I'huivh tvx, crow,led in thr Summer for her to tten>! with .-vmlort. Thr j>riv!,- > tia|x-l , in the severest style, with an altar AH. I * desk at on* rnd. and an organ At tlie -iln-r The service m of' Ihe Mir.i/f, .lcnptu>n. often devoid of silking Thi Qi-ern chair is only noticwabW- m'f < 'ronr i>- 1-y ihe little 'table U-torv it. vTT tl UK* >N M I Tll> r -f IN In the ,-enter ol the- matr 1-l.vk i>< the building i th. t ouncil I'lian-lri .1 tinr apartment, >le,-or*trd in tl-.e iii;' 1 ' >iyl<- >>t pat* ,->lor,. uh ,-la*xnt,- i-oini,-r and ceiling*. It contains, amoug ot MM (akaahai picture*. !.anl*rr' famous "IVrr lhu<-. % nd early portrait* cf the Qureii au.l I'rmor ^vaTasV i ou^res th, owner to retaon something more igaoranl folVowrer* which wvuld give her not parr nt, hi- were Mandingoe*. and sola to ^ nomlMl ownership of u>e rroirrtv >>aly fanw. but tK-hss. A peculiariy Wan and >( swan! ,Vrtugue*e ,Uv* trader*. The vessel which ,, HVt|tm .J. The limit of a loan secured b'y angular farm, a mmmraM] sad hideous face. l>rriii|S her toBraul wascapturv-1 b\ aa I mortgage > lwo thinl* of the aarket value and a wonderful strength and supernatural F-ngitsh j;mibwat, an.l thr pn-w was turnrrl ' O i ; tnr prvcrrty ui,>rtg*gr\i The persoa in agility ad,!ei to her intellectual c*. wh,we name the property .lands on the., that palpable intrinsic superiority wa* to be authontie*. towarxl Sierra Leone, wherethe human ,ar;,' ' turned over to thr This slaver wa, rrcke,) bsror* hich ahe reacn*\l her desluutlieu. and of all on hoard the only ne* saved w re the officer in charge of the tone! and .UcinUv Shortly after the Kntflishnian and Jaciuto were ,-aat record retain, the other thirvl. Hut in ease of families liv ing in ren ted home* there may be no ownership of any thing Kven the fur- niture niay b,- rente.l A moitgag nghlly viewe-,1 t, net an evi.irnve ' }K>vrrt\ A man with saving* ranging ltwen $UvV goe* K> far in imprsssiaf th* savage. ",-unnon, a.iTrti*>i that ,he had charm* of singular potency for thr ,;u:eting of a* miss : that human obstacle* to success , rv rapidly. erTevtivrly. and )>enaanenlly nrmoted. without loss of Noxoi and without on the beach, they werr d*vx>vr*d by the UM ftMV buy* a koroe wxwtJi perhaps fHW Ihe posaibuity of p>licr interference satagr*. and by them were taken to Hoyr. |M> , down what he ha* aa,i five* a note- Her patrons were not few. bat she at his chief town m the interior. Koyer'wa* ,^: urts i bv mortgage for the balance. The mor- The ceremonials mutt b* nxvi than m the midst of hi* struggle with thr , ntrrr ,t lM1 ih, mortgage w lea* than Ihr Thi, would increase her populani . v^vwi.-.. v. mot t gar than m Ihe midst of his struggle with thr Mrtrfl ^ , h c .nortfage Ubenans. and the civilired man who fell lato hi* power wa* fortunate if he was killrx! without tortare. wanted more public. than the Thi, would increase her populantv Hr- and popularity w.uld nrcr*anl\ increase her clientele. Th* increase of her clientele nd' we had fair *ai:.;- wuh rent wvuld be if he rental tSe thr ' unearned! incmiwnt fills k^ th* ownrr. In districts where rvil property w would h* rapidly followed by a more plethor- ic condition of her exchequer. exchequer. One nutht Zoanaous walkini t Congv square A* she passml a certain Ire* hi r attention wa* attracted b> thr nev-uhar When thr Knglishman was brought into mmg in value this natural increase -nvalur ic Beyer's preeenc*. he rai*rl hu phon to ,trikr it >vniderablc. In Toronto hun,lre<ils and him, but .laeiato sprang forwaixl and thp^w . inrhaps thou*iid* of n>en with a few him her little arm, aroun.l :hr intrmir,! victim, ire,! dollar* in hank have purchased homes - "No ' So ' King." she said, ci vie me worth three tinw. Ih* amount ol their sav it y of a hollow in u* aide. rVehollowwa, ings, and m time paid th* mortgage* givrn Urg*. wide, and high *aoagh f c* s tall man a *eountv bv th* .lirterrnc* between in , to stand in. It* shape was that sf aa Indian terest an,!' the sum they would hav* 10 pay spear head. Vh quK-k perveptioaa of Zour- the purchase. mou immrduktely turne>! all af this. wh-.u- nuui. ' The sudden action of the lit- llr captive arr*te! Buyer's arm. All the Ha*** women are extrvn<e)\ -.iglv. an.) the rrauty of the Vi*girl pleasexi the chwf that he hesitate*!. Whreabo, then a lad of Id years, was an intermted apevlator. and when the young girl made her plea his ox-ious eye* ,lisvr>vrre I that <he was an.), struck by ,u<ltlen fancy to *arnfav>r s prr- fair. as rent if they had not mad* No oae would say that Ihe man who veatiawd to livr iu * rrnted house was in condition rtnancially than oae with ai ut th* unit- y,-*ri\ income who pi-.r ch*ed l-i< hosw and mortgagml it for a part to ac- Hata <he anmninx-r,! to her follower* thai in th* smoke from her caldroa of simmering fat* * w ou:. and wx wind. Fiaallv the wiad died ou: al- togrtbcr. and the ship started in to roll. She would go bow oa. and then tall over from side to side. This tarted about sun. down when it was Iwgmaing to get dark The nrt rxJl ah* gav* and 111 a*var forget it there was s horrible BOSS* *t> aloft that made every man OB d vk jump, from the matr to th* man al the wheel It went s- -i u i* is ip- up bang ' And every tun* she r.<Ued over, bang ' it would go again. It wa* a blood cardler, sounded a* if setae OB* wa* trying to pall down everything aloft. it kept right on. aad the boy* began to . aSrery aa* tvlow had got oa decs.. aad whea the mat* ordered a couple of . '.imb aloft thev refuse*! to go. They woulda t have any 'bloody. Karstexi. aloatniag speerits in their . So I and an- other chap went up, but for the life of u* ww could* t s*r where all thr trouble was com- ing froan. except that the iron spar was mixed up in th* n'tschie: sxvaehow. XVbenever s man got on il. up. rap. bang : she woald gi\ and two or ikree times, w* aim ssl last a man overboard from fright. Still we cwunin't nnd out where the sBook was, aad the mra began to kick and tell the choK-esl tot of sea tale* I ever heard is my life Well. Mr. we got to Yokohama, and the nrsl thing the captain did to keep thr men from lea> lag that skip in a me* ksrry wa* to have that iron spar brought down. IV-wr. she cam*, and the carpenter opened r. very carrMlly ani with great reluctance. hat d y* SUMK** h* fouai T" NX hat " said th* crowd, with oae voira. \v , * heavy iroa hammer. It ha>! ha** Wft in there at Bombay by na* of the asset 1 working ,n the spar. It w a* sealed up aii.i the plate* screwed on. A, long a* we had fair weather it was all rtght. but a hen there wa* a sea on. way the old hiBimsr would start out oa a tour o eiploratKxi Th*. interior of the aaar was rough aad that matso ihe nukel. and when she fetched up at th* lend there wa* a bang. But we ,li,ln t hear ar a | - '> thr way lck. x ,-*. JmiaaajsimM t think *>, too, thrrv i only ^ue -ir-.nk in this kiad of weather, and that is beer. - 1 in her sight, hr joined her m petitioning ! ot the purchase sssasy his father to spare the white man's life. Vhr strange maiden hall I* my wife and the white man (>e a *lave lo both -4 now in wssuni al IWrne. wiK pr\4<ably \on ' wa* thr amwer of Boysr. auihorirr the jvrrpartion of a r tap of Ihe A few immth* after thin Boycr wa* kille^l world on < v-r\ Isrj^ c >lr. with thr obie-'t of destroy nig the illusion that all the coun- and his town was taken by the t jlvnan*. Th* Knglishman was loscued and rrturnrd to Kurvp,- with ,U,into. Thrrei he was educated ami when she grew into wvman hood, ,lr,pitr *ll o! t ,e etloiw of hri 'rien.l- -,-k |<v*agr on thr Kdward* for Africa wbc:r she intended !' ,!rv,<tr hri life to nuwioaarjr work among the tlawaa. Arriw- and fetiches she had read that in the v'.'ngo >iuare there wa* a lire in which wa a hol- low . modelled after the fashion of the spear of a powerful wisardof the Ka* The International t.r*vrl lfc "a'. i'ougress. would wx>n.lerfully augment the ettt.wn.-y of her already preternatural magv In future all of hr'r charm* and tlances would take I'lac* after mulnighl aro'uul tbe tree. Thus iutrct*l. subjects of hrr witchery Iris* of the tarth aresuthciently well known. , cam* in the quiet of the night to thr Voadoo tree of Congo square, /ourinoua and her a**i*:ant* were thrre l>*f,^ them. They ha.l the tree already arrange,! hi it* hollow were ,l*|x<*itr\l the tert of An excursion train ran into a mail traia oa ;he * er.tral Vermont road, near Champ- lain . V V . last week killing William Angvll. of Ckamplain, aad S. \ enrlta, ,< About 'A> people mete injur- and to prove that there is Mill pk-nty of ter- ritory for explorers U> open up. The I'on l^ess will also >li*cus* the qiwvu.ui of a prime mrrulian. a mvrral hour. n,i rule* io I* observe,! in the >p*Uiag of giagnfh I toad*, the h,-*d of chicken* the prrrve,i ical naiue*. | toes cf dead ngft>**, aad a great steaming , Chateauguay. e,! Father 1 hiniquy, while oa hi* way to deliver a lecture on " Auricular . ,iiea*to " at the C*pera house. Fjcaaalvi. Mich., last Wedneadav evening, wa* assaulted and struck on the hsaj by asm* unknown person. The injury is not reported lo b* senou*. Ken\esnb*r slway*," MU,! l*j lyle in a receai'.y ,ii*kwer*d letter. " the end of man isaol a thought, tat an action ; a seris* of nanful. faithful action* (and of tn,<e*i. silent, steadfast endurance* withal wKb make up worthily man's life berv tvK