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Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1891, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS UttBtaK About a thousand laborers led Toronto for the North wet on Monday night to gather in th* harvest. K. v -vhwahe, a wealthy manufacturer from Mancheitter, Kng. , thot himself at the Windsor H"tel, Montreal. The lieut. -Governor* of Prince Edward lilauci and the Xoiiu-Wesi Territories have accept-- 1 the petition* of honorary vice- president* of the Mucdonal.l National Memorial fun-!. London lkers have reduced the price of bread from six to five cents per loaf. The Noruuay memorial monument was unveiled at Winnipeg last week Last week :>,6o7 cattle and 3.335 he*p were exported from Moiitieal. Charles Quinn, a former reilent of Ham- ilton, ha been killed in a brawl at Toledr. Calgary hotels are full of touriU from eattern Can.ula and the State*. Rev. Father Gitou.ird wa* consecrated bishop of Athabaska-Mackenxie at Wmui peg on Saturday Hailstone* a* large a* hem egge fell *t the Northwet Cattle Company'* ranch in tbe Foothill* the other day. Heavy rain* in Mississippi have floods*! thousands of acres of corn and cotton. The Chicago barbed wire trost went into I effect on Saturday, and an immediate in- j crease in the prices any be expected. Kansas farmer* are said to be holding their wheat in response to the Washington circular. It is stated that an important reciprocity treaty has been concluded between San DC- inmgo and the I 'nited States. A movement of considerable magnitude is } now on foot U> arrange for the deportation of negroes from th* L'nite.1 State* to Li beris. The Dakota harvest it over and it is said tbe yield in all sections h* been very abun- dant. Dennis tjuigley. nf Peterson, N.J., i* said t > have f.steii til' d*ys as a cure for in.Iiges- I tion. and uitli sucves*. dealer tn ra\IB4LI tw\t i *.*>. f Tai rriMe !* t ran* efiae VrlJ. la Most aivilized people have little idea how widely the custon of cannibalum yet pre- vaila The practice is still found in nearly ever)- part of the savage world. It it oaly within the put eight or nine years that we tud any idea that millions of people were still a Idicled to the custom. 1 BSIS.II COS of canui'i-ilunu have frum time to time been re- ported even among civilued people. It is well knowii thu during tbe crusades well f ounded charges of caouiboliaiu were brorght against a L*rge nunibrr of tbe defenders i the Cross. In IS.V2 an English killed sn old woman, boiled her flesh i Irish stew and ate her. A'xiut the time a married man in Great Britain killed a man whom he met in the forest. Romilly witnessed the whole of the exciting scene. U was not long beiore the assailants, overpowered by the men they had cone to annihilate, rushed for their canoes and pat oat lo sea as fa*t as they could paddle". They left hehiad them a number of the tlain and RomiUy described in his book, " The Western Pacific," with considerable detail tbe process of ccokiafC aad serving human 9eah. u practiced among the savages of New Ireland. In brief, the boa** were cat up acd the piece* were roasted between hot tone* for ntany hoar*, and were finally erred to the crowd in burning h t chunks, wrapped in lauan. leaves. IM. VIUTtBt A year . victim up, hid Ihe Abraham Backer, dealer tn commercial WOO( | ^j look IBU , non^. uu Ip.-r in New York. ha* ^i-.-n-d. with lia- wher ; he ,., - wlfc M theaL bihties calculate,! at $4.UUU. Ut , r he npf ,,, , ne Mrnn , en , UDOU t he iM.EMCK.iL. Sxly of a ili.l.i InlsTJa young Italian Fifty- rive hundred Italians sail e. I (pom w~^oug u to trial for ciiti^t.v , wasnam Genoa for America Ian week. ! P"--" <'"' r * t "" ? T rU "', the i r *"*** Itaiun h.gnwaynieu have been knowii to feast i-n tbe flesh of those they have cap- tured. T !.- r Misviea. Their 1 1 - to tae Fee. During the assault on Delhi, m the Indian lutiny .September. 1*57 . it wa* uecessary cut" hi* taat the third column of attack should gain > pieces a m line under an entrance through the Cashmere Gate, aad them home one by one, to this end a partv of engineers were -.old of _ to blow in the gate with powder-bag*. Tr A despatch from Hobart Town. Tasmania, announce* tbe failure of the Bank of Van officers told or! for this hazardous duty were Lieutenants Home and ^alkeld. The con com missioned ctficers e-e Strgeiir.s '".ir- michael. Barges*, and Smith. They started in by native in Tacflm aasl in- on.. | B armasaeac Probably the most interesting features of the coming naval man-rnvrea in England will be those between the Re4 and Blaa S^uadroej. The former sqaadran will ren- davoos at Milford Haven, where will he ooaght by the latter, aad the means adopted for oefense will probably prove of groat pracU al experience for the future. The Bine Squadron is under command of Rear- Admiral James E. Erskiae. aad -oosuts W five large vessel* and twenty torpedo heat* of the ssagniog type. The lawinnt of rasron ity to be displayed against these wily foes, having '"'-g yoaag oainrs. aad a speed cl from twenty to twenty -three knots, will tax the fvolttcj of the defending forces lo the utmost. Of the torpedo flotilla, nice were built by Thoraycrort and eleven by the I V arrow firm, four being of tK> aims pattern those recently furnished the Argentine > regarded ss the finest seagoing boats yet Mm, The bold stroke made by the torpedo flotilla Last year when they came like a whirlwind from Alderney and descended upon Vice- Admir- al Trron's fleet will probably b* repeated. Land. ~ - - . _ _ _, -baolv sappers and men carrying the powder bag*, j At "any rate the 'records made from such an At the double they made for the Cashmere orw.-iLjvtion cannot fail to be of the .-I of having eaten (urt* of the bodies It i* reported that a joint stock company Essen. Germany, were cro**u>g tbe River ha* been organized in London. Kng.. to b Ruhr in a boat, when tbe boat capsued and styled the Canadian Superphosphate Manu- facturing Company, Limited. The English all were drowned. directors of the company are ii"t yet ap- pointed, but the Canadian advisory kejarsl will be W. H. Nicnols. of Upelt.-n . Hoi-. M. H. Cochraiie, Hon. f. Colby. Ho IV McLaren and Mr. Shirley, of Bedford, Mas*. The tint load of new wheat was sold on Monday on tbe London, Ont., .narket, ami realized U3 cents per l>uhel of 63 pounds. The crop of fall wheat iu the County of Middlesex is reported to be exceptionally fine, and the yield will average from .15 to *5 busheU to the acre. At the meeting of the (irand Orange Lodge of British North America last week Mr. N. C. Wallace. M. 1' ws re-elected Crand Master, and Mayor Clark*, of Toron- to, Deputy Grand Mast'er. It was decided to organize ladies' lodges, to establish a IVoviacial Grand Lodge in the North-west Territories and Britisn Columbia, and t > hold the next meeting at Montreal. In his recently published book. "The French-Canadian-* of New Kngland.' Father Uarnon, of tbe\ : Jesus, expresses the firm conviction it Inter than the next generation the French-Canadians of the Kastern State* anil those of ijuebec will form but one people. GREAT BRITUN. An order has been issued from Salvation Army headquarter* absolutely loi bidding the use of jewellery by membere of the .irmy. A scandal of a very serious character is impending over the Irish party, and the arrest of one of the anti Tarnellite M \' '* for bigamy is within the possibilities. Meesr*. Pillion iil C'Brwn Apjwareil in the Houseof Commons on Tuesilay and were warmly received by both section* of the Irish party. Sir John Gorst, Political Secretary for the Indian Ottk-r. intends nukiug a to 'i in Ireland for the purtwse vfeutiuiring into :h. Condition of the labouring class. riu- Dublin Frttnum't Journal has thrown over Mr. IVirnell. Mr. G'.adstone's health iinow almost coin pletely rt-.-tore). Fourteen employes of the water works al ,,;' au c->ui,>a;iious. Uf cou-*e, these are ab- uorina! case*, and are the results either ol great natural depravity Ji:i-i cruely or of in s.imty. says the' iVujfre/Ui 01 Another class - are MICK whose I r has compiled th-m . devour - creatures. Who has not heard or read of some of tbe innumerable CASTS where shipwrecked sailor, have, by common con- . at first unperceived by the enemy. inJ . w , vtln< U1 tne i:u<lv rf .^.^ Alexander, the youthful kin^ of Seru*, has arrived m St. t'etersbuig on a visit. llie Baak of Rome i* said to hare been saved from suspension by a large loan from the Pope (ambling in the casinos at the watering places in the north of Spain has len pi Mbited by the Government. The New South Wile* Legislature has re- tie uorM w. ere \ .ry .1 :.e ha* been jected Sir Henry Farkc*' motion in favor of of ttie practice. Iu the v-.:i >cte*. b granting the franchise t women. followed at a distance by the c.>lumn of v Lieutenant Home with bis bugler was first down into the ditch. Then the Ser> \ s caught sigbt of them, and al the e\p! *iin^ party crossed the drawbridge they ro-eived a sniart fire of musketry from the walls, but reached the gate in safety. Now oeisjiiiiil one of the most brilliant episodes of the siew ' ' Home had planted hi* ! ' i. ~ -.e uit Carmichael advanc- ... . n his sboulJer. he was S'H t through in- 1 through. Smite then , went ru^'d. And placed his dving com- (.anmbulism u prev ^.eiit in some parts of ^^ ,^ m p^.o^vrngalso pial-ed ha iii p.-ei'i-ed the fuse* L.euteo- sent, slaughtered one *;' - - mother of the,- cOiBpunions. to eat th- :. desh and drink tlie r blood? The rioting iu China is on the increase, and the native feeling against the Christian mission* i* unusually bitter. The alliance between France and Russia is said to amouut to a possible co-operation U'tweeu their respective fleets. French capitalists, including Eiffel, tbe ' heard >cte*. between :iah and Chita, a r i.v who are kuowa as the Shan Chinese live among the ta ns. use poisoned arrows and the blow-pipe, dispense almost wholly with clothing and'.' in cannibalism, especially tn the m* re romote hills toward the Chinese tin It issai.i they eat their parents to ave t ie:n from the misery of old age. I'nlil engineer, are talking of building a n the summit of Mont Blanc. great Floods have succeeded the drought in India, and hundreds of people have been drowned, as well a* great number* of live stock. The final budge: o! the G'rtiau empire for the year IWAMH show* a surplus of !.">,- Uv.1'1 Mi.u-ks ov<r the estimate. A boom in grain freight* by lake ant! water ha* occurred . owing to contract* being let for shipment of the groat crop of the '.Vest to European markets. The Berlin public have been i. r bidden to visit the mausoleum of the late Kniperor Frederick save on the dates of his birth and death. A man named Guerelei, recently arrive.! in IW-rliu fr.uii New York with the avoe>! intention of cl>alleuging the Ftnperor to fi^ht a duel, has been placed in a lunatic asylum The inquiry in coustantiuople regarvl:u.; the young English girl rescued from coin pulsory marruge to a Kuril, has brought .- light the Isn't that a considerable number of young women froui western Kiimpe ire detained iu the harem* ot Asia Minor. known o:\ckiin.balisui iu the Niger region. Iu lvS, however, an event occurred there which atlri. :. 1 wide af.eutu u. The people - 'ka ha i .1 <iuarrel with a secti >n of the l.>goni trine, on the Bonny R:ver. and planned a diabolical scheme of revenge for the injuries they thought they had ounened. They invited laeOgoaio toa friendly paUv <r Their unsuspecting victims to the numbet of ' erv lured into a trap, capture*! and on a. ir Salkeld stood ready with a slow match in his hand, bat, as be was lighting it. he was shot through the arm aad let*. Iu falling, he held out the atatch.and c-vlled on Smitn to take it. Burgees, who was nearest, tsjoL the match, bat was unable to ignite it. As Smith was handing him some luci'er matches. Bargees was shot through the heext. $ergeaat >mith was now alone, or rjuher thought he was. as he hid righto! Lieutenant Home for some time. The moment was a critical one as he was apply lug the light, a port tire went off in his face. There w*s a confused fog of suioke and dust as he scrambled into the ditch and presently a deafening crash. Tbe gate had been shattered by the explosion : the bugle sounded the advance, ana with a loud cheer the ,*>Jnd charged through the sn*js> warfare. One great aid IB the man. i u vres H to thor- oughly tent the extensive hospital arrange- ments for receiving the wounded. England has recently Uaacbed the cruiser Edgar, which is the largest vessel ever built at the Davenport dockyard. Her displace- ment is 7.390 tons and she has 12.000 borse- poeer. Her steaoi trials, which are to take place next moath. will be watched with great interest. Tbe Me Urn pus, the first class protected cruiser recently built for England, has had a trial of her engines, but owing to the fool- ness of her bottom she was not ran for speesl with forced draught. The vibration caaood by her three-blaued screws was very severe, and these will be changed to screw* having four blades. In bar foal condition she \ broken arch. Smith, who "Had escaped the The victims included -omen and fMm ^^ w- crmwU ng m th^ditch. da. e-i and almost blinded. aoJ came across Lieutenant Home, wlio was also safe. Thsy endeavored to minister to Salkeld. but were eaten. The victims included women children, and to such a height had the taste for blood arisen that the Okrikau* com- pelled the children to drink the Mood of their victims out of calabashes. Mangled remains aad remnants of human Wings were strewn in all direction*, and part, -t human bodies were observed float- th , j o|fi ^ a m . ^^ . in down the Umny Kiver Lou.ul Hewitt. nwvr i him to A pU ce of safety For these who. Mouth. Opopo River. uettMVtmla ^ Home. Salkel.'. Sm-th. and heanlof the massacre and -nduced some Bugler Hawthorn were dnveu away by an incessant fire from the garrison. Home then follow-.! the sicrmero. f the massacre leading chiefs to proceed to the scene and endeavor to prevent further atr.vmes. In the end ten of the prisoner* who had not yet been killed were rescued in a deplorable tale. The cannibal tribes near the Nig.r delta. , in Angola, and in the Congo Basin are prob- ly iMlives,': Aft ica who habitually eat human rfesh S.-me tribes in Eat Africa indulge in cannibal practices during icluious exercises, an.! they also sometimes eat the eiiemie* slam in battle. N promptly rewarded with the Victoria Cn-ns. Lieutenant Salkeld died, and Lieutenant Home was killed at lialagurh It ould be interesting to know if the other two heroes are alive at the pre- sent dav. Mr. Spurgeon *hows repugnancv t.. f.n.l supply, lately estimated that the tot.U re und bis friends are again anxunis. , uuitvments of importing countries will b* Parnell ha. made cUiiu for t.i.tKW ag.,n,t *^.''-' bashr.s. anJ the snrplus of .- Capt tVShea. lent during the, vnod^ the r'''"l! wunln*. 35o IW.W* d,v l or., Ung, /unoul disclosure, fgff^g^J^SS " however, is m.>re favourable. Its estimate. The freedom of the city o: Edinburgh i* ^,,1, M tt> tn< , iirohablr pro.luction aiul re , i . 1 1 . i urn_ . . . I .1. M.rl.l , Wkrsl The New York Sun, a* a result of careful , in,,mrv into the subject of the year', f.l that they are thus imbued with the vtrt es - - " of the victim. ihe home of the greatest number of man eater* I* undoubtedly found in the Congo Basin. We had n knowledge of their existence until several years after Stanley travelled down the great rner They undoubtedly number some millions of people bcnferre.l titHMi S,r I'.micl \\'il*.ii. , llllr ,, m . n ts of : f..l product*, is as follows :- tarie* of the Congv-. t th,- I niverityof IVrontoauda llie AruniwKiii.anv of the nortiu-ru tribu positions is mo-iern. National Germany I nited Kingdom Austria Belgium Portugal Holland . . Scandinavia. Swit/eil.nd president fellow of many learned societies Tin- BritishCourt of Appeals has rev the verdict uf the lower court giving fl. .'*.> d.ini ik p .-< to Ml** Wiednwiin in her suit against Capt. tbe Hun \Vl|H>le for breach of promise. In the Imperial House of Common* ^ir Michael (licks (teach sui.l nospeci*! measure wa* At present necessary to re-train pauin-r .minigration The total inimigratien tor June of this year is A>0 less than in .hmc. QsaaH. .... Iv'i' IVnmark The St. .lames' Ga/ettr quotes to coiulei'in tlie utterance* of the Sydney N. S. W.. liiil letin. which ays : " We hope the Koyil family will mnUirly to the proportion* of thr rabbit pestilence until the people of Eng land ort'er sfveni>enct' halfpenny for each of I llieir scalp*. ' President Einmeit, of thr American Na- tional Federation, tn reply to an address presented to him t t^uernstow n. <aid the Irish in Ameru-.-ui will always give* material support to tSe party p(>rovl by the Irish people, but not a cent to a faction. Correspondence is raging in the London newspaper* upon the nu-*tu>n to whether domestic servant* are bound to weai . u-- This ha* arisen from a rvcvnt legil decision, to the e fleet that a servant'* refusal lo wear i c.p w:w not an act of .lisx>l<edienci juttlfy- mg her lischarge K^ummiKl* 40.0tM,'U> iri.' :,-J.(HHt.(HH> i -, 4.'Jl>.>HV 4,1>.(U> Itt.u- 1 3,800,000 West Indies, etc ........ -.>.iHH.>.imii Total* ,i'r..siHi.nHi V nited Statei.. .V-V.iHHl.tH> l.v.MHHMW India . '.tM.OJO.tW" HiiMgary . '.'. I'.M.CO-i.nm S K Enrol e II'.'.HHO/HW .W.IHH>.(KH> *4,tH>,tW Canada 40.mV.rtH> Argentine Algeria. Tunis, and Tripoli 44.(HH>.'HHi tv,(HH>.tXHl 44.OlO.UH) 4,S aata*j ism. Lieut. \\>-ie - '.,'.! : ,i. k that country who <tte nine of h s > n \. A few hundrr.1 miles further down the river an the Bauttala. whoe great villages ly tireiifell to contain 11".- innibalism among them, .ic- c\>r-'in< to l.ieul Wester, is a part of their funeral festivities. I'pou the death of any one f considerable im|s>rtan.v II has be*;i the custom to decapitate alx>ut twenty slaves, who accompanied the doeoaood |>ei.'n in the other world. Half of each body is buried by the side of the dead Mgala. a -id the c-lher half is cut up into small piece* an.! txnled : ! the funeral feast. When half of the wntcr in the great kettles where the food is preparing has ev.|x>rte.!. the fe*st i* re- gsrded vs ready and the community par- t.ike* of the Isin^uel. co*it ing solely of humiii rlesh and vat .niantities of native brer Grvnfell and Von Francvts five or *ix years .i^i- found thous.Mi.lsof cannibals along the Chua|u afllueiit of the Congo, which they ascen.lnl for more than three huiidre.1 mile*. The native* did not pre- tend to deny their weakuem tor human devil They share with the Manyein* the (".s-ulianty "f preferring to eat men, and tbey do not kill women for food. They re pratedly offered to give the explorer* women slave* m exchuige for nen, who. they .! initte,!, would I* uHliJ>-vl for foo.1 of the Pa'inc Cvean head hunter* developed a speed over the measured of about eighteen knots, which will reach at least twenty knots whoa Her bottom is clean- ed and the propeller* are nhsagsrt The Dutch cruiser Sumatra has recently been added to the Netherlands deet. and is BOW on an experimental trip. She carries a heavy battery, aad with her speed of seven- is s powerful vessel to One of the most powert ul el* constructed is the new Bn ttsh battle ship SanspareiL Her battery is exceptionally heavy, consisting of two 110 ton guns, one h and twelve (-inch. She also has twenty-one machine guns and four tubes for tiring torpedoes. It is with such veosolo that England intend* to retain her supre- macy pon the high sea* and protect her x as-.' interests afloat. One of the recent inventions which pro- mises to have a useful future is that of Com- mander V Arcy- Irving. K. N . in the com- bsaatioo of a line-throwing gun and a buoy. An exhibition of its usefulness was recently given in Chelsea during the progress cf a naval Exhibition The buoy i* a goldbeat - er skin, attached to a small .y Under of compressed ga* The cyclmder placed in an ordinary uiooth-hore gun. No. I.' gauge, and fired t'ivm the shoulder. The trigger is tripped in firing, thus liberating the com- pressed g* into the sk.ui upon strikiiu- the wi*r. and this vvnstitute* the float. The small strong line attache.! is adequate to the task of hauling a person ashore. Among the most important recent inven- IKHIS in the military line abtoed is the *y- tem of "optic" firing devised by Capt un de Vreyesem. Tbi* *v*tem of firing enables a gunner to p.-mt and Ore hi* gun wuhmathe- .'. preciucn with.-ut exposing himself at..) without h\ ing even seen the object t.' W fire.! at. The invention has been tried npv<n 'ur of the vessels of the French navy. and it is now beam; fitted to another vessel which has been placed at the disposition enter. began in France in I75K The first" was due tS aim is made by surerpceuu the image to stagnation in three important industries, of the object to be fired at upon a c. carpet*. t.ipe*t i les and china. The expo*!- point of a screen placed behind the gun. by tion wa* instituted by the French govern- this means much better a:m is obtained, and ment and was so successful that similar ones, glow ;^>; wider annually in scope, were fre- quently held. 1'herv werv eleven between , IT'.iN i-id !>" In the first there wer 110 exhibitors : in the third ,\*0 nd in the eleventh nearly "vW. Kngland ha.! alk> pt-rvciv.v! the value cf national exposition* and had offered pri-es thrvnigh thesoc arts for the lieet exh.bit* in carr<ets. jvrxv lain* and tapestries in IT.Vi. The tirst at- tempt at international exhibitions wa* made by England in ISM. The first internation.\l exposition in rnuice fulfilling all the conditions that the term implies was held m K'-o. the second in 1S<>7. Liwdon held *e.vnd in !Si'.\ Vienna one in IST.'l. N, York unsuccessfully ttempte\l one. Philailelphia succee.le.1 in the attempt of ISTfi, Pans held another in 1S7S and her last in 1SS9. Special international evhibi ti.Mishavebeen tne direct outgrowth of these, like the international agricultural exhibi bif.ons of IVnmaik .uid Austria, the in ternational fisheries xl\i 1 . moil in Ixiudon. the cheese exhibition in Pan* an.! the naval exhibition now in tendon. There was a health exhibition in London in lvti and an inventions exhibition, which proved I Tae 0>rilB t rain. The fair season is approaching. Many pev>i>le think that fair* .ire of modern -r .* not the ewe. They ire very aacioat m idea and design. They wrre of Savon origin and were SOtahliohed iu France by Charlemagne about the \e- ^^' AIK! in England i>v Alfred the Great Hi years later. William t1>e Conqueror was. however, tbe firt mon.irch to give extended encourage- ment lo 'airs .n the British Isle*- Tne ule.i of national and international ex also greater rapidity of fir*. the protection of soals in the Behringsea and the se .. re of ships found violating the provision* of the agreement fora close season agree.! on by Great Britain and the l'nite.1 States, the Montreal akee an excellent pvnnt when it says '^V not see by what right American cruier can interfere with Canadian eaicr*. If the sea t Tnare clausum under the dominion of the I'mted State*, neither is it a mare clausum under the l'mte.1 St*;e and Great Britain united. n.l the two countries put together have no more dominion therein than either of them wparat. x osn pact lietween the two countrie* cannot therc'ore establish laws tor that sea It cannot br gainsaid that the I'm ted States and Great Britain have more interest in the waters than any other nation or country, but interest does aot make a right, and the high sea i* open to every inhabitant of the world alike England as the greatest mari- time power ha* the larger interest in the good regulation of traffic on the ocean, but IVisi* I 'lull l4.tW.000 r.' I/.WAW are cannibals, though procuring food i* only hibmons of industrial and decorative >--"- >- k ..... _. ... - - tm . v .. llluot make laws by which other people a ertwt stimulus. Ihe oaoaBial exhi ntion* W)U w go^n,.^ not'even if she ct* m in London, the Indian ami the variou* ex Total In a row in I 'range, Texas, fourteen mrn were killed and two are missing. The trouble wastwlween robber* and cattlemen. The Farmers' Alliancv ct Kaunas hav e thrown over both the old parties and will nominate a full ticket of their own The San Francinv Jtotnial of Coutmfi\i tW.001.1 l>uhel. For the Canndiau and say* tbe wheat crop of 1'alifornia th.s year American fanner therefore the outl.vk will I* double that of l*t year. , would appear to be an eiuvuraging one. A Ml the publishers and editors of the morn-: ft** 1 harvest is likerv to be MOSSsmnaM , newspapers in Now York have, been in- i p>' ** ">rket. ^ hile it is probable. , a secondary purpose of their forays a gre*t de*l is hear.! by traveller* among the Pacific islands of the practice of cannibalism, but the native* generally know the detestation with which white men regard the custom. throughout the kingdom have all Nvn pow erful awakening new efforts and spreading knowledge of new processes in all industries And so should, and will be our nunlern fair* or exhibitions, it too much at- cvn unction with the- 1'nited State* as m this case. II either government seeks to prosecute trespassers or violators of the close-season decree, the probabilities are that a nonsuit will be entered on the ground of the invalidity of the decree. mg newspapers dieted for publishing more details than the law allows of the recent electrocutions t Sing Sing. A spill occutredm thel'mtitl States sugar tru*t owing to a reduction by one of tKe rv finer*. It is expected the- i-elinor* will sell granulated sugar at four cents per pound in Philed.-lphu before long i>u Friday night Hr-nry Barte>l. i New wun wnicn w nue men rvgam me custom, " i .l.4o4.000.U> ;IV..VI.IH>> in> , ,, vrrv ^ n ( u \ t h*t they shall not see' tention is not paid to their amusing and | a* will be seen, 'any evidences of it. Very fsw white men, j lighter feature*. What i cunou* and ex even though they live for months among anthropophagi, ever see a cannibal feast. It wasMr. Roimlly's fortune a few year* ago to witness this custom in all its horror* in tbe nl.ind of New Ireland, and he is perhaps the only modem traveller who from hi* own observations, has been able fully to describe According to I h is estimate the | robablv requirements are- shown a* ex^-eeAlmg the- e\|x>rlable surplu* by Si however, that there will be a marked >le maiid for all of the New World'* surplus product, it is not expected tint the price of wheat will become exorbitant, since 'he deficiency in the European supply is not so great but that other ud prxxlucts could b mado. if nei'd werv. to sci ve m place of 't. A llighUndman. pi*. <>l at the bar, com Yolk Kir tender, while trying to take down u u, n ed bitterly tint he should be placed m a U>x of cigar* from a high shelf grasped "Id of an electric wire-, received an clectri cal shock and fell dead. 'i-.-aKo had II.OOIUM) tire on Moil U. I such an awkward position s tar from friend* and home. Th* indge felt kindly toward him, and Mid "Be calm, young man : you may rest assured that, although among traugvi*. full justice will be done you." traorvlmary in manufacture, invention an.) production should engage the major part of our attention. The mam trouble with im<d ern fairs is thjit they are too crowded F\ hihitom re not given sufficient spa.v to , \ pose their articles of *|vectal value and in striK'tion. an.l visitors are drawn together in u He was paving a visit one day to a tribe such unniens* crowds by special attraction* that hvrtl on the se*hore when." without a on certain day* that the exhibit* are i* particle of warning, a Urge number of war I ed over m the most cursory fashion, if m- CAtioe* came into sight arounvl a little .-a}>e, I deed, they a.v ins|wct>tl at all. \\ e are not and before the tribe on shore had hardly time I wie> enough to say how this "rvler of thing* Ui seue their war clubs, the attacking party c*u> be improve.! uixm. but we can and do had reached the beach, jumped on *hore, and ' regnft that it exists. Like all other ventures were yelling their defiance. They had coin, exhibitions must be -iwde to pay. or they there" for no other purpose than to procure will not be held, an.! the majority of people's mind* are not sufficiently sedate and *lai.l to wake them desirous of devoting their attention entirely to the material ana practical side of life whe-n abroad on an outing Nowadays evrryihim; ha* to be heads and incidentally to lav i food. After some mutual a supply of recrimination and very td talk, such as most savages indulge in Ivtore their blood is wrought up to the fighting ,>itch. they sprang at one another with their clubs and spean and a made attractive in order " to take Kven short and bloody battle was waged. Mr. | our pills are sugar coated. Tae rreaea la lae Mate*. The following table show-, the MaJatsM of the New FugUn.l State*, according to the census of '.ast \ also their French i'anadian population. * give-n in the book recently published by Kev. Father Hamon. - rMMn-OM. Total Pop. IVp. Vassachusett* tl07 Utto Kh.slc M-va .... 3t.3 .ti i^aaecticut .*>.> i "'i *'.*! *'.!l!< VanaaM -. ... Wt*v> > i t,aw.m 'i The tot-U number of Roman ^th.-li.-> m these State* i- l,'3>LlsJO I'he French- iVuia.luuis have twelve newspapers .tnd '.MO St. 'can lvp:i'c *.vieUea, "tlroupall these forces," say* Father llamou. "*r\Hin>l the common citadel, the Catholic Canadian parish, ard yvi will see- that the French i^nd!an* of the V nited States can legitj- i-r theauelvee witV hmg goosj char - < s ol a -Wkble f ;: .J*> "

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