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Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1891, p. 3

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THE WEEK'S NEWS Copious rains having fallen ihronglnr.t QueUc. tbe crop proapecU are now more favourable. A large deposit of copper hi i hen found on a farm near C in than. William Kinner, aged SO, of Sackville, N. B. , w- | leat'u by i\ I Senator Odfll died in Halifax ou - even.r.g. He was born m 1MI, and wa* a Couservativir. Fifty more destitute Russian Jew* arrived in Montreal last week by the Allan (team- hip C'ircaMian. Various rumors are afloat regarding the prospected railway deal in which t.ieli. T. R. and C. P. K. are interested. John McLean * Co., wholesome milliners, of Montreal, have assigned Luib.lities, Tbe organiser of Patrons of Industry- for South Huron reports over M associations in Uie county . Last week :.,.194 bead of cattie and \44I beep were shipped from Montreal the heaviest week this fuuon. A farmer in Prince Kdward county 11 stud to have made (1,000 ihi* seasuii :'iu;u three acre* of strawberry patch. Canadian railway securities were ., '.ed strong in London during last week, ow:ngto good crop prospect* in this country. The C.P.R. ha* ordered 50 new>- tire* ind 1,500 box cars to transport this canon's harvest from the Northwest to the seaboard. It is reported that the Canadian Pacinc Kail way Company intend to place a line of freight and passenger steamer* on the route between Dululh and Montreal. A settlement of crofters will be est*blih- ed in Vancouver Island under the auspice* of tbe British Columbia and Imperial <-ov- Edward Haudcock and his wife Kluabeth were placed umler arrest in Toronto on Monday evening charged witii tie warder of their 'J 1 -' year-old daughter, Sophia. A three-year old child of Kdwai.l Mullins, Hlllsboro'. was given .in overdo** o; plnne powder by bit mother and died in a few hours. Two steamer* collided near >adt -tr. Marie ou Saturday. The Ste.Miier Helena ank in a few minutes and oi.e man was drowned. - t Charles Russell, the emm*nt Foolish r, will Hort!v proceed to San Francisco to visit his sister. ~Ma>. lUpf'te, Mother Svperinr of the Order of Carmelite*. WB**B he has not e-i> for 34 yean. Le Caron, the Br.uch spy, who testified afraiiwt Parr.ell and other Irish patriot* Jpweraliy during the sittings of the Parnell- 1'imes Commission, is at the point of death from a tumor. In th.- Hunse of V.r.imons on Friday iiikrht Sir .Tame* Ferguson said he had re* son to believe that very shortly satisfactory arrangements would be made with the United Mate* <Jovernment in regard to arbitration in the BVhrmg Sea dispute. The (,'ueen, distressed by the avonnu read to her of the sufferings of cattle ou the Atlantic voyage, ua* eot an intimation to Mr. I'haplm, President nf the Board of Agriculture, to make tiie proposed regula- tions effective About 600 Russian Jew-, nv-t of then) in a destitute ccndl ion. are arnv i.:^ at :. b ' ir *' i 5 '""*!?-' I'*',' 5 ' -? nl jouSat.iniav. Korvinaiely tne there has published a notice warning lntm , t he book r ' was of the fv.tili'y of ^-uing ti. "ireat Hritian with the expectation of getting work At a recent nteetuig oi the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, the president said the trade of the country, especially that of the Msuchosterdistnct. was very la.. be attributed 'o the wretched condition of the South American Republic* and the cheap ne* of cotton Intense distress prevails in Buenos Ayres, and starvation is overtaking the poorer rlssi s A number of En^ capitalist* have been extensively swindled in a New Mexico mine, The Herman emperor slipped and injured bis knee on the H<>h<*nzollcrn tr. other day, and >s compelled to give his leg, bat not his tongue, a rest. The golj fever in Central Aruenc* bat bora renewed by the reported ri-id;n j of the ft Baton* metal in large iiaantiti^ in the dis- trict ,< Blueoeld. Nicaragua. Vi-tnr Eiuan I. Pric.v -f N'ap'.ei, the eldest ion . f th Kmi; o: liny, arrived in London on Monday, and was :ne'. at Channg Cross station by the Prince u'. '.Vales. The U:eu newt from Chi a* says the soathern portion of the country is in a very uueettled condition, and lha. foreign iu- habitants are m dread of an uprising. - ne miscreant sent an infemM machine -e.1 as a prayer book to Mme. Coo- tau>. wife of the French minister of war, harseier W iu i TralB frm On.- Tere. The funeral of Col. Bedsan, e\- warden . f ) Stoney Mountain penitentiary, took place on Sunday. The public ceremony was held at Winnipeg, and was attended by all tVe military corps. Mies Ida rVeeo a beautiful girl of IS yean was killed tt Walkerville i>u Saturday on the street car tr.i *>he was practising on a bicycle and failei 10 get out of the way in time. The fieedom of the city of Kdinburgb is to be conferred u;v Sir IVuiicl Wilson, nreni- dent of tht ru-rtity of Toronto, and fel- low uf numerous tea* ned icoictie*. In the House of Lords on Monday L-rd UounUtephen, president f the Canadian 1'aciric railway, took the i sual oath and his seat. The annual meeting of the Hudson Bay Company took place last week in London, England. The management was tharply cr.i:. :?rd < extravagant, l>i-t the annual re- port was hnally adopted. Sir IV-iald Smith, the president, stating that it was h ipel business would improve, and that so enort would be made to get the Dominion I Govern- ment to relieve the company of Uie care of M.. North- West Indians. . l.' VT K1TI\N. Hi-r Majesty will visit tlie French ;u.l n<n at I'orUinculh. The troopship ttrrnlc* amvetl > n Tuesday witn the tirena>lier> battalion returning from exile at iWrnunU. I'lioir friends in- tende<l giving them a reception at IVrt*- iKouth, but the \Var Olfi.-c learning this altered the course of the ship to IVtrr in tin- imperial !>. : ".IOM T'tea day Sir Micliael Hicks-lteach. president of ti.i r..>.u.i oi 1'r.iilo. denied that there was av necruity for restricting the imnngration . [*T (>Mci^;i.ers ( as the number of alien* atrnii:gin Kngland in <lune was 'JIM) le than tlif number which arrived in .Tune, The r>nti>h onler-in-l\:nctl for the regu" latiou of the Atlantic .-attle trade will W issued very shortly. It is said that it will U found leea rigorous m it* terms than was expected in Canada, and will enact hale l>eyi-nd ixvinpelhng irregular steamers to take the precaiilicn* already adopted generally by the regular linen. The K liiritium bill pa*se>l the third rea.l i ^ in :he House of Lords last week. s,i Charles Foster. rUn..M.r. for Walaal, is deatl. (Kr! > million pounds in gold from Portu- gal ha> been shipped to Kngland within a Hit k ' he hittoric tlnrleigh house by Stamford town, with all great relate* sunounding, it will olionlv IT sold by auction. iu Itooth, of the Salvation Army, has tailed fvr Africa, where he sees an opening for the work of the Army. A *i>ec!al cablegram says that it is prob able i he Lord Mayor of London will formal- lv \ i>.t Chicago this autumn. Another mutiny is reporte>l in the British army. The privates of the second battalion . : i i<!drram iiuards arv the diwnWtexl parties this time. The vjueen has auentetl to the aupinnt men I of a Royal Commission to tuperviev the Knush exhih*ef the Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago. The lorvi tnayor of 1 omton. Sir Joeetih Savory, has ben cn-aird a baronet, as a le- ward for the hospitality he extended to the Kmperor of (ienuany. The membership of ti.-- iVvlerof the te<, uiade vaceoit by the death of Kjrli.'rao) ville. has berncoufstred on the Karl of CVtlo- cs. \t a crowded meeting beld in lor don vii which the Bishop of Bvttforti presided, reeolutroos wr* adoptetl protesting against the unrestricted influx of destitute alien*. The steamer Otr of Berlin arrived in town, on Monday with 'JUO Knights i'ir on board (ram the Vnited States !.* la. who are making a " pilgrvni ( Kltrcya. The President ot the Wealeyan Conference now si'-.. . IM Ixndon ma lean authoritative statement of the view of theChnrch on re- cant social ecaadals. H c.>n<le nne.1 all gambling, whether me eames of eh wee were practised in aristocratic, or Mock t .change, or commercial circle*. t MTU. STares. Riley, an ex-Manitoba hotelkfeprr, has been sentenced to fifteen months .n. prison inert m Missouri for train robbery i -ttle m Iowa an of a mynertous contagious disease. The knees of the an:- ira's swell and dea'Ji soon follo-.iv From Illinois come similar reports. Russian Jews who have been de:.v.n. J at Botun tell* tales of terrible persecution a: the hands of Russian* prior to their depart- ure for America. Dr. H. !'. Hrlr.ii-.lia X*w York, who ha* made* I ul of patent medicine*, lia* become a ravi.ig maniac, and hi* case i* pronounced hopeless. The wife of Capt. .1. H. Rradshaw, a pro- minent citizen of Parts. Ky . drowned her- si'lt in one foot ot water on Tuesday. She tied a stone in her apron to hold herself down. Domestic trouble is the supposed canse. There ha* been a large increase m the volume of immigration into tin l":i:v-l Males daring the past fiscal yea.-. The total nu::il<rr arriving was 5,Vi,49*>. as against 4-"'l,-l9 during the fiscal year of IS90. Samuel Sands of Baltimore. Md.. who been in the newspaper business since ISI1. died on Tueaday. aged Sfcl. He pur into type, while an apprentice, " The Star Spangled Banrur. frc*h from the author's hands. A lead trust will he formed in New Jersey 4 ilh a capital of !" 4i,iJ,000. Destructive ha!l and wind storms are re- ported in Minnesota and South Dakota. The Farm r Alliance i said to be combin- ing to comer the whole wheat crop of the I "in ted State*. The fatal yellows have appeared to an alarming exteut :m>n>; tlic p>a-': orchards of Kent county, Md. Hatty IW.y d killeU John My ford bv a blow The lulare people are gotai; to >* of the result* of the C -hfornia iimaM m au altogether original way. There i a tree m Uial country winch is a fair specimen of what the redwood can be if r. grows enougn. It stands in a gorge deep *nougli lo be aw: ..1. and it* topmost boughs, where the cones are thickest, are on a level with the highest nicks on the side* of the nv me. It is not cut yet, to the measurement,* so far taken may be at fault a bit one way or the other, but they are uear enough the truth to make **fe betting. The tree i* .i1> feet high, ninety-six feet fiom the butt to the tint branch, and iwenty-aix f**l through at the very base. A log "of clean, smooth wood that will measure :.:.<> feet in length and average twenty feet in d:ameter can easily be cut out of it. That is w i a; the Tulare people propose to do, and having the they will utui/e it to the benefit ..ft he World's Fair and ihe glory of Tulare. The tree grows welluplowardtbehead-wttenof thekeweah Kiv er, and the great log will have to be car- ried or moved in some way to the railroad at Visalia. a distance of uearly sixty mile*. It is a stupendous undertaking, but the peo- ple ol that country do not st >p at unties. In all likelihood the trunk will be cut :n sec ti.'iis lengthwise. ac<< then tbe *ectiotu will be put on trucks and taken ov or t he log road Ox teams will do the hauling, probably a core of span lo the section, hi many place* a road will have to b* cat through and built up. Crooks and turns and precipitous slant* w ill have to be avoided, an.; often when the road is uphill it will require the combined strength of all the oxen to haul of the tree up the steep. When finally the giant of the tulare wood* is where it can be moved ou railroad can it will have cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars, and six months will have paasvd from the ::: the men with axes started to fall it. TVi the more important work will commence. Tbe log wi!! b" >!) who|* hv the putting to- getar of the aeclioo*. Expert woodsmen will cut it across iu the middle, making two lengths, each forty nv* feel long. Kach ihese length* will then be hewn into the shape of ordinary railway pisstnger cooche*. Ihe rough bark of the tree will he tr.- of the car, and on tbe aide* and ends tbe natural wortl will t-e left unpolished. Tb inside will be holl. . ;t. windows and doors put in. and the interior fiuishe-' the fa . of PuUmau car*. One w:! t<* a buffet and dining-car, with apartme: bath, barber shop, and kitchen. The other will be a sleeper with an observation-room. Platform* will b* put at the ends and ordi- Tke kVeealrte antf flajfal BaMU ef ike The ostrich i* not a bird that can be ea*.- ly brought ap in th* way that it she aid go. It ha* no powers of diacrinunatioB. "Be- iiod hath deprived TffJC I HI M u ruWT AT K*rjLT. *>*<e*sent< wklek P*tn( te an ailianee Between Iraswe an4 Batata. Events have falsified the first N'apoleio s predKtion thai Europe in fifty yean would be either republican or Coaaack. N*w a i prophecy is current in Pans, that republican* and Cosnacks are desthW to divide ~ censorship i* wont to ' ap- French irouclaJj at Cronstadt as an ineisVint of mUfaattonsI importance, at least equal in the Mwspap*rs uubUshed in the Czar's itol have treated tne arrival of the eq r W her of wisxlom neither lial lie imparted to her understand- j ing,'' as runs tbe :e* nption of the ostrich Book of Job. a ..-aniot dis.-nmieate between a wire fence and the open camp, friends and foes, or between what fut an 1 what is hurttol to it* dige* lion, it was owiag to it* want of under- stand eg in ihu U*t ropcct, and to an equal ngtuacance to the viaii of Emperor want of discrimination on the part of the * England ; and they are beunning to British public, tuat il has been found lit- evince a spirit of defiance to the Triple Al- posaibte to keep i stricbes alive in the Zoolo- liaBon, J ut how much, however, the cordial iricalt; aliens ui London. A public acct**- | wafcome given to the French fleet really toiuad to slip it* pennies into automatic mac h Bet could not refrain from the tempta- tion ..:V-d y tbe omoivoron* throat cl an ostnch, and tilled them up with poisonoo* coppen. as if they wen so many missionary . we suail be in n better position to say wheu the cable has flashed to the speech which the Cau- is to Every word uttered by Alexander IIL will be subjected to anxious scrutinv, for of ni:n alona, smonaj the rulers of Chrint- lan Europe, ou it be mid that, east, hi* . .-.-v-:. will i* law. It M tnse. ennbly indeed. boxes. In it* Atrican life, however, the chief ilaager that beseu it i not the leek- Us in is i of ii* appetite, but its reckless d s- mgardof its own limta. It will take fng'ui tHat. Uke other sovereign*, the C*nr would at a shadow and hurl it*elf riiindly into the be incapable of f and ing a long war with-* nenres: fen^e, from which it will be extri- we a*s**U*>oe of the mooev king* ; but . .usl with a broken leg : or tight savagely , can never be certain that an autocrat in with a brother ostnch and break its leg ; or iaacr, waltxiug with swift and graceful pro- . affording a most beautiful sight to the spectator and the greatest satisfaction to lUelf, until giddiness come* upon it and br.n^i it to the ground agaii. withabruken lag. I: is true that it* dangero'uly power- ful legs are also very brittle, but it must b* confessed that it does not u*e them well. O: the danger that th* ov outfuah of peanon mny no* throw prudence to the winds. It ii now well know* Xtcbola* I. bad scarcely given the order that precipitaied the Crimean war, before he de- plored it. and was only withheld by a fait* sense of d'irnity from revoking it. It i* now abou'. eighty yean since the last attempt wa* made to bring about a coalition between FT Napoleon I Had and loyal in hi* mt treatment of the young Czar Alexander L, A whose fancy he had captivated, and had an ' run Ironi thoee powcrtu limb*, to* (>Y<ar tell* some very aniuaing stories. sturdy new-comer, some 6 feet in height, 'alliance been cemented by the former's laughed at the warnings that were oven tnamag* a Rusai%n grand duchesj*. it en he *et out for a walk, and di- probable in the judgment of meat hiMor- damfully refuse-i the protoction of a tacky : u ^ to * t Xapoleooic dynasty would at a thorny branch, the dexterous ua* of '' * day be reigning over central and ere* tern Europe. All that wa* needed was far the French Kniperor to carry out in act th* verbal promts* to acquiesce m Russia's oc- upatioii of Constantinople. But a* Talley- n will keep the ostnch at bay lathe " wa* not afraid cf a dicky- He was missed and discovered same hours afterward by a search party, mwt uncomfortably perched on the top of an iron-stone howlde:, and slowly grilling: under the African sun, while the " dickv bird did sentry up ami down, watching him with an evil eye. Another gentleman had a theory that any creature, however savage, could be subdued he said by the human eye. tned to quell one of hi* own ostr.ches. with the result lha: he wa preently found m a very rand, who conducted the negotntion*. ha* told us in hi* memoirs, he wa* peremptorily directed by nis imperial master to avoid committing bun in writing to th*> OB*) concession which Alexander withed. or which offered any substantial return for lie quelled." as I C*.-r' abandonment of his former albe*. One day he | f *du>f to obtain ' onstaiitiuopic, Ru*aia th* reetnctiv* commer- cial policy of th* French empire, and the very pit croud, tiable predicament, lying flat on the abortive attempt to coerce her by invasion , while the ub;evr of his experiment led o the downfall of the Napoleonic sy- him. occasional!* ' -.:..: ^ ->!: :.:n: jumped up and down on varying the treatment by sitting upon Doubtles* it wa* safer :"> l.e down than to stand up, but to be sa' upon as if on* were ' tern. an egg aaM have been lodeed humiliating. Curwus. too. u the The prenent situation i* much more favor- able to the formation of an alliance profit- able to both parties. The co-operation of Russia i* now mere indispenaabl* to France _ . account ihat the , ^aa it eeemed to Napoleon I. after tbe authcr giv e* of the . an. F or little kingdom* 1 P*^* * Tilait. On the other hand, the price that the ostriches mark out for themselve*. demanded by theCiar looks lea* inordinate with invisible but uevr-to-W encroached Fora longtime the impreaston has been deep- upon boundarie*. laaid* that camp it will mng in Pans that Kngliah rather than bear no intrusion, but outside it. in t he ' French interest* would b* compromised by domsiu of its neighbor, it is profoundly inditfrren' 'c the stranger's wanderings. Xor i* i*. safe for th farmer to from his list *t Monongahcla Cu v . "IV , the I nary truck* underneath, and. t j prereul the other d.iy. I'liev fought over a girl. j transforme.1 tree from falling to pieces under Mrs. Mark Hopkins Searle* has just died ""'>' ' ircumstniices, heavy bauat of trv-n will at Methuen. M.i., leaving wealth estimated l * P ut sround the body oi the ^r. laplam at *80,<s.H>.OUO. Her husband is worth ->. -I Thomas H. Thompson, the Caliurnia '.,.,1,, i World's Kair Conimisnoni-r. is n.-w conaid l!ie H:<hland Assoctaliou of Illinois has elected Sir \Villmui Cordon Cumnunghonor- arv chief of the Association in place cf the late S ;r John Macdonaltl. It i *aid Senator Leland has hi* will uiade s. that the great univeisity bear- ing hi* name will have an endowin- Crnngton Luiit. of Chicago, has presente^l theNoitli we<tern l'm\ersity with J."K>.iHX>. The gift is to provid* a uew liUrary build ing for the university. Tee's made at Washington to show the relative qualities of all-steel and nickle- steel plate* for the decks of naval v easel* have prove*! the mckle-steet to be po*e*se- el of greater strength and toughness. A bulletin issued from the Washington Census Office shows the Tutted State* to be the largest copper producer in the world. the product for IS9 being I-J,(V> .!. |x'iin,N. or 1 1 :>.(f> short ton*. A liren'ield, Mas*., despatch say* : C. Mason Mocdy, the defaulting .-ounty" treas- urer has been srnlencetl in the s.,p rrmo Co'irt to five yean at hard labor in slate's prison. A special train of rive ran composed en- tirely of steel ha* been constructed in Chicago. It is claimed the can cost nor weight more than th* ol.i style, while being practically iiideetructible. Al the annual meeting of th* Maine Pharmaceutical Association. President C. K. Partridge declared that the prohibition law of that State ha*, after nearly half a century'* trial, proved a " moral, political. .u mi leli^ious fraud." The grand jury has found an indictment against '.'harles Hennemy. city editor of Tne New York IVily Newr. charging him ering the plan*, and his idea .-( what the redwood iree palace-car will look like is given in the cut. The tree would ha*e been left with the bark all on but for ihe fact that the > in ovuld not be more the regulation sue and >;et over bridges and through tunnels nafely. They w ill be about eleven feet wide aud len feet high. It is inte:i.!isl that the men ot Tulare shall take their wives and children and gv to the Col- umbian Exposition with the tree. Thcar* will l<e kept on th* fair ground* and the delegation will make them their home. Th* portion* of the tree not used in making tbe coaches will be cut up and sold a inemen- toe*. the transformation of Constantinople into a Purr"" *npl t * 1 Before th* Crimean war was over Napoleou III. w** pretty well con- poo his former acquaintance with any bird, vmced that the gam* b* had been playing for an ostnch ha* not wit* enough to dis ; *** hardly worth the candle. It wa* an nn- tinguish an old friend from a new inlmder. willingne** lo be used again by England foe wr sufficient respect for his owner to e\ purpow of pulli-g cheatanu from th* cept him from hi* siwixctoas hostUiUrs. nr th - prompted the refusal of the French tVuuh it w > . : . as a rule, he CKirernment to Uke part in the enforcement w.:i manifeM . en :- averv n to the . ^ to* Jnl ultimatam .pen Arabi Pasha. Knflr or Hottentot ;hui to a whit* Ban. It nny b* o. moment to ruler of for v millions of Mo ject*. to avr t th* transfer of Constantinople tctheXVhi-i Ciar. but it is by no s**an* clear t'-tr V ranee would haxe anythiag> lo** bv a Kuswan ad vane* to the Boephorn*. .'. r .ill v . it*, if the French people deaire to rt:tit- IKI T Nature i- i. xi - , 1,1 *".,i Peftjunent. Beg not a long li:e. but a good one. The effect of example is one of the nu ternble thing* in life. N one can wil boir far it extends, ihie man's life or one -nan's Engmnd. a* th* lohamflM^an sub- it tne r rencn psopeO 4 --Lorraine and their i adx-antage* of a Kn . -. the drawb*c>. Tne Vtealher a*M< ikelarsrr An example that should be followed in with misdemeanor for publishing an account of li e i event electrocutions at Slug Sing. Charle* Kurt/, of Lafayette, Ind. , one day last week chastised Jennie, his Iti-yewr old daughter, with a strap for receiving the attention* of a young man of whom he dis approved, and next morning she drowned herself. Uiadstreet, in the weekly review of the business situation in the Tutted State*, re- fen to the excellent crop prospect* and the large amount cf graiu shipment contracted for Kurop-an port*. Busiuee* in v'anada is reporlml as reviving, and the crop pmepevt* as highly satisfactory. IN UKNKHAI. The French Senate has adjoamet! and the adjustment of the duty on American pork wa* not fixed. The official census of France show* a total population *( 38.OM.IM), au incre*** since Uie last con*u* -t o t tr, ., . <|.TI-I ir< l*r' p 1 r s :!<. Ann. I ih* applause of ihe theatre-going w.ul.l and Ihe glare ><t tSr f.x<tl>ghu. th* tnrmps of art, and the satisfaction of suc- cess. Madame Bernhardt ha* alwavs seeme>t to have a morbid turn of mind. It may be th.v the splendour of living suggest* the in- evitable by force of contrast ; it may be that the uupoetical region behind the itage. so s**tviat*x1 with the glitter of the board*. has turned the thought of ibe aclrei* to- ward the ^eueral hollowie** and vacuity of this mundane ex:!>lence. Pwrhap*. after all. neither ! philosophical reflection ba* had nolhin,; .< do with it. and Midame Hernhanlt may have been impelled by motrve* of eccentricity : or again there may have been no philosophy or motive in it all. Whatever the cause . which each one may determine to his own satisfaction, it u i.ow a matter <tf sober his- tory that a large tomb (empty), stands in the cemetery ofPere l<a Chaise bearing the name of " Benihardt. " Tbe tomb is duni fie.1 and claasi.-al ill its simplicity, and here the flowers passed over th* fooUtg^huby the Parisian admirers of the actress find a reel- ing place. There u an ideal of artle^suee* about the thought the wreath* of triumph may go to *eek the tomb of Art, and the triumphant artist can do the decorasic* herself So long as she may live. Madam* Bernhardt can see that her grave is kept green. Th* tomb is out of the beaten paths of the cemetery, but one can picture the actress a* she hies thither in the early morn- ing, her carnage laden with the triumph* of the night before With tearful *>* and nverent mien the basket* and wreaths are thought uirluer.-injt :; turn mnltitutlas of othtn n-*ygx> down turou^h age* s>tK*nng its tien.*ndon* lurveat i.f good or *.!. The bee aud the serpent iv.i*a rack at I slf same riower, but the foil i.ndeigoe* iu i Caua.ia is about to be set in the I i themagtvat change : for the Jowei become* [ Slates. l"p to the oreeent the work of the p. >. n in the brrast of the serpent, while in weather bureau at Washington, the same as I the bee it becomes a sweet liijuid. onn her*, has beer, utiliaed more for th* Tru. religion shows its inf. :ence in evcrx ben lit ' * f < ^ <. ' part of our conduct : it is like the sap of a *hi!e it standsto reaaan that mat least three tiTing trre. which penetrate the mostdistant tf ^: ta '. lhlt *** H>f "n.mer and fall, the Utter s interest* arc involved with th* state of th* weather to a far greater extent than thai of the merchant. A new head of attain at Washington ha* cvme to revognu* that fact and he pro t >o*e* to endeavor to make the serv iceo! interested benefit to.1.; ure. Predict ions will be placed in the hands of the fanner at tbe earliest possible moment, ind they will be so concise their nature a* to be of the greatest po*ible value A farmer i* especially intercnted m rainfall. A general :e prediction i* not particularly useful tc him. forecast* of rainfall are of littl* \alne to him uuleas they are precise as to and space. He needs U- know also Remember that the pure speech, th* pur* thought, the reverent heart and th* lofty soul leave their imprint inelTaceably OB the countenance. A big opportunity and a little act are as ill matched * an elephant yoked up with a toad lie who pula a hail construction on a good act reveals his own wickedne** of heart. A man never gets what he hoped for i v doing wronu. or if he seems to do so, he get* something more that spoil* it all. , time and space. H* needs U- i not '" t "*P"'8 > swhether llv nm is to be heavy or t.ght. nor* fuel, out in taking awav Knw n,e w , h or wlUwul wind . w(wlh , r - tb . ^ t. To mak* bovs learn to rea.i. and then u> b.- of short or long duration. Froai th* place IH> good books within their r-u-h. is , agriculturists' poiut ol view it is a i U>*iremen an appetite and leave nothing tune that the predicfon of some of these in Ihe pantry save unwholesome and poison- feature* forms the mot difficult feat which the forecaster has to perform The climate of th* various States is to irce.vr spccitl study It is th* average W' . m.>te that "determine* the agru-u'.tura! -.4. tty of any rvgio*. It is necvusarv . r. ror farmer to understand theclr ucn* under which he i* laboring :^: <r. . e hop* f'r success. The question ot drouiiis is to undergo a careful study, a* well a* ous food, which, depend upon it, they will eat rather than starve placed upon th* empty sarcophagus, while the veiled lady reads her own name upon the marble tomb, and wonder* whether life i* not all a dream. It I* a happy way as w*U to dwpoee of garlands that must be a great nuisance to an actress. Two mirden, similar in character to ihoee ascribed in London to " Jack the Kipper. hav* been oommittsd in Marseilles, Franc*, within a WBBB. tleeirtniv 1st Warfare. Some inlerestir.k. experiments have been made in the estuary ot the Mersey to test the etbcacy ot submarine mine* as defence* oi the approaches to the port of Liverpool Kor some davs the Mersey Volunteer Pivi sion R. K. . Major Montgomery commanding. I that of cloudbursts. All these matters should devoled themselves to laying'down "mine*' , also engage the atteutuvn ( >f our weather indierereni spots, and the major, with a i bureau. It would be a good plan to have large party of officers aud others interested, daily and weekly bulletins posted outside every post ortice in the 'and so that all who ran may read. The Kngliah demonstrations of sympathy of gun cotton* had been laid at a depth of 15 I and support for the Triple Alliance have feet of water off rocks known as the Htxl ' put Frenchmen on their mettle. The Con- Noses," and was electrically connected with i tinental coalition with it* naval reeerv* Perch Rock Battery, a* well as with a buoy li* considered in Paris to be a dip! AJ yards out in the stream. Th* steamer tic demonstration struck against this buoy, an electric bell inv met at ono* by i prvceevled out in the war orrice steamer Lady I Heathtield to *se how theee mines could be leclrically exploded and note th* effect*. On* mm* tan iron box containing U) ' pounds mediately rang the ba'tterv, and tbe mine of friendliness ?or Russia. Flag* which was tired. This seemed tx> b* practically 1.1 staulanevu*. and the re*ult wa* that a rudely oocslructed raft placed ov*r th* nun* was hurled up in fragment* to a great height, with a vast volume of water It wa* easy to see what would hav* been the fat* of a ship placed in the position of the rail, especially if the iron box hail contained a full charge of gun cotton. Leaser mine* wen laid with relatively eoual eoect*. A hundred mine* an laid in the Me**y as port del against France. It o*t*ntatiou* display were captured in the Crimea are to be re- turned with stately ceremonies, and a French fleet at Cronctadl is paying unprecedented honors tolheCsar. The diplomatic ex- pedienl* of the coalition have the sam* general effect which wa* produced by an in- crease of armament*. Instead of adding to th* sense of Continental security, theee displays of activity dimmish it by challeng- ing counter demonstration* tram rival IVw-

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