ADVANCE, " TRUTH BEFORE F.I rOR."-" PRINCIPLES, .\ 02 J/.\V VOL. X , NO 525. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 189U W.H.THtBSTr.K. "CF k AEMSTRONG BEOS. All.'lSLU.iNii !il!OS. s,'!l watches to suit their custJi.K's ai:l theuiselvis. \Ye L:ivo proof that our jalis suit our customers by otir tvei M-reii:.;:';," trade. Our Watch 5.1!' -s dur- in>; tin; pxsi mouth have been the largest in th,. moults, this, lio djubt, the ;x*uU of the perfect salisLvtion they giving, aud the low price at which we sell. W study our customers' interest, and by spot cash baying are able to offer some wouduful bargnius. We carry in stock a complete line of tjc liutst American Watches, together with a ma-uiiicent stock of Clocks, Jewelry, S.lvor- plaUd Ware, and Spectacles. We ket'p no ap- prentices, and personally attend to all \V.i'.c!i, Clock and JuWi-Iry repairing. A shipment of -- ^vTvJa'v is made recently Iroiu the \ ic* >na roo f tt C nr '<" i County. \\.... he aud > house in Markdnle. the sc-if- , wav . . ana August .:ouud, striking on hii head aud shoulders. NVoo-l's was puny bai.> Bsr^StTS If) shaki n up and has not b.<.-n able to 5 work since to date of wr: Mr. Will II. Elhs ia home from. of Look for Ordered r\ i U . u. ARMSTRONG BROS. was cheese factory. The prico was ?$ cents per lb., aud the amount of cash distributed amongst the patrous was $1.87,3. The Victoria cheese is a first class article and com- mends the highest price iu thenmkc*.. .m. auu jus vaiuuuu aim vjev. on the church shed here. Inistioge Best Sydenham.spent Sunday in our church has now first class accommo- neighborhood visiting friauds . dation for teams. .. ra i from here went w The .. niitnrM- f n An Epworth League of Christian ; Souud ou the excursion. They NO CHARGE WT Cut' society was organized in ft a very enjoyable day. Kudcavor society was , connection with the chnrcli here re- cently with the following officers. ( President. John F. Hutcliiuson ; Vice ; President. Miss C. E. Acheaou retary. Miss K. Arin-T :;,'; Corres- ponding Secretary, Vli-< Kate Ache- sou : Treasurer, Geo. Hutchinson. 'Received too late for last issue ED. ADVANCE/ Proton Station. ' orrttfondttit. our ( tlie time * .- by the <m irbu the cUttet Miss Lucy Uaiptr aud Mn.lU-wut, country is of Toronto, are the guests of Mr.NVui. sound ..f machinery and the merry sh juts of the havuiaken as f/'/ij 0otfs Purchased FROM US. r.UNTINO. TIUMMISO. HOKJK3HOZINO. WOOD WO11K FIRST PRIZE I.UJ4UKB. LATH. SHINGI.F.S JOU WOltK W H KREV ER S H O W N, FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hcnrd'g Carriage Works, FLESHEKTON, ONT. OK KS LAND 11OLLE118 MOWBBA. FLOWS. Our Waggons thr Best. Oar BUHC'>< > * !< Best. Our Cuttrrs the Br>t Our liu|ro>t*d Harrow* The Ladies' Aid society are heard from a,':itn. They are tjuinij to bold . i.-.irty at tin* residence 01 1 1-. I'.i -:. K.-iij.. on Wednesday iv : You can ix-ad and come aLuc aud -.vili 1 . iu time to spend au able eveiiiii'j witli us. IVoceeds to b applied to the churcli shed debt. Miss Jennie Nichols is ijoue to Or- illi* to see her grandmother who is seriously sick, and not exptcifd to re- coTer. Mr. Jamct Russell U so far le- covervd from his injuries as to 1* able to leave the bd The recent come down iu the price of cattle has caused cattle jobers to "go easy JlcDuff." Tii.' oat aud potato ciojs are very promising in this vicinity. Vu- missed The Advance last week. Mr. Editor, wfth it* pict- abuti-Unt and reliable budget of news. Mr. .-U.L-.1 n^ t>> tlie in- ha pur- tney continue t. pursue their haync operations which will be easily accumulated, tense drought iluriu^ th Mcsm. K. and A Ntulaon hie secured the services of Mr. Hect. r ' ' Noil fur the yrw. Henry the <ra\ e! Mr UicharU Caniuhell, where he to take up hia abotle next sprm^. ftlr U. is an accurate neighbor and will be iftvmtU niuMt^l in this vicinity. Mi.s Katie Quuti;. Ute of Toronto, hat IHVII spending a few .Uy d*Miuakiiij{ m the village. M.s Maud Pa. t.n, who ha* bwuii siding in Brampti u, is at present her i Au-ir* here. Mr. Samuel Thouipaou iod'cud a ver wound oa his face whilt J'lwn rhe hitjh 'f^- behind his h Properties for Sale re- Mr Jhu Saundera hasi secured * at thresher for the coming aea*>u. Mr. Robun Wilt..:-, en-ct-t a frune 1 ham <<n tk l>Oih ]T""rty of Mr. STRAW ri'TTEBS. Se'fKFLKRS. ILliSU 1 DRILLS, John t'orbett and Alice Me^uay were two successful candidates at the recent entrance high school examina- tiou held rccenllv iu Duudalk. Thev 1 1 IRTE V ESI i LoU 16} and KM trU rm,- Arteuioaia. MO asna, frain<i barn and au. i-n th* prmiss*. wall :rui.i and . v..rJ Will b ol.l chai>. L>' IT". 1S. W.T * S K . 50 acr-. Nw frm .io-lliiMi tbervuu. an I c Will b oM cheap nil nn tiui.-. Lot ITii. in.1 N E . T AS. R.. atvmt 9O arrv*. W clrd. b*luc good Uaniwuotl biuli. l'u. of pavmvnt easy arrrt. Also a nuiutwr o( villai,-* Iota with hou tliereon in Klnliutea. Yillatr Pro|Nrrtir g*vral vr> ,l<wiral>i vilii^i- provvrtu-* oj.l of. one of which, known tu Hmwulee property, ia particularly valuabli. i-.<nU'4 about it KFM. A cumfor- UtbU rni'lf n>- it rctd tWrroo. UatKln* '* f*n i Ji :c! with - . . . .:. PLOWS were pupils of No. '1, Proton. s-^ Mrlntyrr Knccked Out! Ff">n our o<cn Currttpvmlriit. The haying is now pretty well through. The crop was much bittir than was exptcted, and has beeu .. . r ' gathered iu excellent condition. Is but a figurative expression to indicate tlie condition of n ic ciol .s iu this vicinity U>k ,il the merchant who buys on credit in this progressive a^c ot and farmers are jubilant over the business. 1 lie credit buyer compared with the cash buyer prospect fa bountiful harvest. is like a lamp rag compared .vith a stunly oak. The man Mr.iac Hatu.Uo.i .la " v, i LI i L barn on Saturday. The buildi who pays cash is able to knock out the poor tcllow who has 4 , K(;o ,- ot on a .t 0110 w:lll ,, . . to have credit. Going thro' the World Silioy did the stone work a:: I JatiK- .k. Malcolm and S.ui ly Mclutyre i left na for 1> r i : ..i;e. \\\- unilerstiuid they !ur .nloTuieut theie b'.iildini; biul;!'? .r. reiiiuiu-i alive Especially that portion of it which immediately sur;ou^ l/les'.ctton, y,)ii will liuj no move intrep.d explorers .-.Kcr low prices on tnerchaadise than The Cash St :o. They are' bound that their store shall be headquarters tor all the price hunter, in the county, and to still keop up that reputa- tion wo have received and opened out this week some low- Pona'.d Mel'iiail, who 1 aunts for a i. as ,i so ta^rmd to Mr. of his Mel- :.,ick- honso abool Woe, which I'arnuehin. ot Toronto. Th stone and brick work of Mr. Jolin I.-, u's Iioiue U :i"' cour t 'lftetl, and thrj ^ :ir; 'i-nter* art) busily eugatfed at tlie i woud work. Mr. John Can.m and Miss M.t i I on visitod their lister near Allistoa hut i I , Mr John Lym. jr., who f,ir th>- year has l>**n !:!. nn/ in Turonto Jan.- tii>r. (uii<i us a tivin,; ruit on the I'.'.li tilt. x l-Win.Cly;.'.i md win.of Fleahf '. iv. I'UP.-haso.l lifty th. usiiid lirieks ! -chard A S:u-i-.iii. I think the 1 u isti. me correspondent h.u riTclling rather far for itvuu . . when ha came into town fur them. .. ; vu think, Jhn ' / i -i * A n niH'i T ot boy* ai>oiii at a state. I sp. >t n the < J a sci TII '-.i! KT ,\ At Thr: i to be 1- fun at it till the '! i oo ]-ul in .1:1 a > aim accouipan cious little duk - >.v luiiiiner 1:1 seru-d in !i.- I r i .-. then. } a bet. the hsva-ilig OMMtl. and twi'u,i'i- < be sevn and hr:-. : > town. S.:niny :i:il ! .' .'.'.I i..iniuicr . > XI- !! V I' - l.ut T'ur y .UMU this so. '" -n i:itrusiv iimlidy - WILL SHOW F('U SPECTIOJi VOL'". IN A has I e w price-! p>'t-.tlizcrs which we will be ;;Lul to show you, boui;' tor spot cash, which no merchant dare sell lower. wfll add tn-.icL I oe of| For er lilt> Mind Your Own Business. Miis Sarah McThatl is still iuiprov- 1 culth. Mr. Sainikl Seott. jr.. iceuvid a se- ;t in his tye n few \\ from a i'iect> of strikinsf i vi him while wjikin^ *.: the st,>ne woik 1 he advtee may ,-:/.; impertinent, but it M mm* advice rf hk kntlMr'sMw booM ia lluvril i anyway. The mosj successtul business men have always 11:*,- -r> uly indauud, and I done so. It is tho mischievous meddler in other folk's IHIM- 'twas ft*. - l be. im ue>s wl;o makes a mess of it. By minding our own business we have beeu able to attend to it with pleasure and profit.} \Ve lu\o mastered all its secrets followed up all its avenues, and reached the fountain of sucees.,, and we are minding m.r own business when we advise you to i;ive us a call. \Yc Mr \\ - < - ? .ii > wliilv Beautiful Assortment \n i.t>tUIL JEHLLKV L : Ci: - I Wi-..i -, abolu* M> UK. - 1;: r ciNii i.xt LI ,'W TAl. lUlKAKAi - . -I \ *' will be .1 home all day, wait.n, aud | O ngg to * y,u, and ggjf KSt^JTSi to have tlie opportunity ot aaowing you what you never saw provcei.t oa them as v,t. it.but we are s;!:td to say he ar'i;-,- , - alll>''ht a"aln. -k t^r Mm. >* : - Mr. Miller, si., is very ill :\t ut and is thought to be gradua'ly * Many of our people have been at- i i mt \l :i.i CI00KS. IN Nk'KKI. $1.3") AN1> \\' TO J> before nor since. Don't forget McDonald & Evans, and the low priced Goods always on hand Vi oil YIIIN.- I). ill>. MCDONALD & EVANS. THE SrOKIi ON THE HILL, near h iiu- <tr own Farmers are busy haying. They have left oil haying late, to let it grow a little. Those who don't grumble at the light crop say "my hay is a little late this year." An almost serious accident hap- W hn ite waa a CXiU.l. *b .-ri! f . T (. Wtea sk* tMNMktn* Him. st> olung t.- e*or<v Whsa sk baa ChlUnu, UM m- o UMUI eaa4uri > reaer* o ave pucd last week to Mr. Jas. ^ood of, We, ...j fro,,, hi, Th<j Owen Sound Advortisw under th headnit; "Things are nrl dm fouiij," "An honest MiJ trntliiu! (olitioun." A the .\KortiM-r is one of th biiitrrst |x>liticianii in thu H, ,-tjoa of Oviuntry it will be int*rotmif t > hi* reader* to have his charvtr thua !aii' Fins * Repairing rersonally alt iu- !' u' aud lousiness Mi. : own liu*. too. W. A. BROV X. AI; i i ALL:,